Ian McKellen is going to “marry” Patrick Stewart (he’ll officiate the wedding!)

Ian McKellen is going to marry Patrick Stewart!! No, this isn’t slash fiction. This is really happening! Sort of. When Sir Ian McKellen appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show over the weekend, Ian explained that Patrick Stewart is engaged (more on that in a second), and Patrick has asked Ian to officiate the wedding. Apparently, Ian was certified to officiate weddings a while ago, and he’s only done it once, at a civil ceremony for two dudes. Seriously, though, why doesn’t Ian officiate ALL the weddings? He would be amazing at it.

Fanfic writers, your dreams are coming true: Magneto is marrying Professor X. Okay, not exactly. But the actors who play the iconic X-Men characters do have some wedding plans lined up: Sir Ian McKellen will officiate at the upcoming wedding of Sir Patrick Stewart and his fiancée, 35-year-old jazz singer Sunny Ozell.

When the topic of X-Men: Days of Future Past came up during McKellen’s appearance on U.K. program The Jonathan Ross Show this weekend, the English actor announced, “I’m going to marry Patrick,” provoking some fits of laughter from the audience before he clarified, “How else do you put that? I’m going to officiate at his wedding.”

McKellen didn’t make it all that clear how he’s been certified to officiate at weddings, but he did say that he has presided over a wedding in the U.K. once before “with two guys having a civil partnership. I was crying my eyes out,” he said.

When Ross asked McKellen about his choice of attire for that ceremony, McKellen recalled wearing a white gown — “something I bought in India that was rather fetching. You mustn’t upstage the bride.”

Ross quipped in response, “How can you not upstage [the bride] if you’re floating in like some sort of cherub?”

Well, Sir Ian, we don’t have any advice about what to wear to your buddy Patrick’s wedding, but we will say this: Just be prepared to be bombarded with requests to officiate the weddings of Tolkien fans everywhere in your Gandalf the White garb.

[From EW]

So should we discuss the fact that Patrick Stewart, 72 years old, is going to marry a 35 year old? He is MORE than twice her age. I mean, Patrick Stewart is a really cool guy (for real!), but would you really marry someone more than twice your age?

Here the video of the interview – just go ahead and skip to the 3:30 mark, everything before that is kind of stupid. There’s bonus Matt Smith in here, and Ian does flirt with him. Ian talks about Patrick around the 11 minute mark.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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67 Responses to “Ian McKellen is going to “marry” Patrick Stewart (he’ll officiate the wedding!)”

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  1. T.Fanty says:

    I can’t comment on this. I’m too busy being consumed with envy of Patrick Stewart’s wedding.

  2. Hannah says:

    Patrick Stewart self-identifies as a feminist. I’m not gonna criticize who he chooses as a mate.

    Plus, he’s hot. And looks so much better with the grey (facial) hair.

    • Me Three says:

      So if Jane Fonda was marrying a 35 year old guy would you also say great? I am sorry but this woman reminds me of Hilaria Thomas, just a little older. I guess the new world order is: 40 year old men hook up with 18 year olds (Seth and Leo), 50+year old men with 20 somethings up to 31but that’s only when the 27 year olds are all taken (Alec, Bruce, George) and the 60+ crew are stuck with the 35~40 set. Poor old guys!

      Yeah, Mr. Stewart is a “feminist!”

      • MaiGirl says:

        I am not going to even pretend that I am not disappointed that PS went the trophy route. I thought he was above this, but not so much. Hollywood seems to have very little use for women late-30’s or older.

  3. Charlotte says:

    I’d marry Patrick Stewart. Bonus Ian McKellen!

  4. GoodCapon says:

    Aww this is cute. But my bias for Patrick Stewart overshadows my “but he’s marrying someone half his age!!!” sentiment.

    • lee says:

      yeah, I have to admit that this being Patrick Stewart and all kind of makes me ‘get’ the marrying someone twice your age thing. That being said, there is still something incredibly sad about the idea since she will almost certainly outlive him by a few decades. I guess 10 or 15 years of love and happiness is worth anything though. Congrats to them. And my god, I don’t think I could adore anyone more than I adore Ian McKellen.

  5. lem says:

    yea for some reason the fact that Stewart is marrying someone less than half his age doesn’t bother me in the least. he’s friggin’ patrick stewart.

    • j.eyre says:

      Gotta agree with you here. Get married TO Patrick Stewart BY Ian McKellan? Oi!

      • Meredith says:

        Bingo! He’s still friggin PS! Almost 80 and still well worth it. He must still work out hard OR he sold his soul to … you know who.

  6. mkyarwood says:

    I’d marry Patrick Stewart and I’m only 32.

  7. LadyMTL says:

    Oh man, I am jealous. I’ve never been married but now I wanna run out and get engaged so I can ask Ian McKellen to officiate!

  8. Shay says:

    Also his fiancee is beautiful!

  9. GiGi says:

    I wouldn’t mary *anyone* twice my age… but I’d definitely get with Patrick Stewart. He has that smoldering, inner sexy… love him!

  10. Nanz says:

    I think Patrick Stewart is the only much older man I would marry. Ian is such a flirt and so charming! Also, can we (America) adopt the talk show hosts from across the pond? They are far better than what we have here. So funny.

  11. Mia 4S says:

    Once everyone is over 30 years old I just can’t bring myself to care about age gaps. They’re all adults. The friendship between these two men is adorable! They could make a fortune if they film Ian’s officiating , I bet he is wonderful.

    Patrick speaks out on issues of domestic violence and women’s rights after seeing his mother abused by his father. He very much has my respect.

  12. Bored suburbanhousewife says:

    I love Stewart, he’s got an amazing voice, and was super hot as Sejanus in I Claudius back in the day. But HE MUST LOSE THE RIDICULOUS STASH! He looks just like G Gordon Liddy!

  13. Mindy says:

    As a long time fan of Sir Patrick, I just want to say that Sunny Ozell (his fiancé) seems to have done wonders for him. He’s happy. He certainly is now acting young for his age. I attribute that to her and you’d never know that he’s a man of 72 now (if you read or see any interviews from before Sunny came into his life, he seemed more his age). I say CONGRATS to the both of them. After the miserable experience he had with his second wife (after that, Patrick had exclaimed ‘never again’ to marriage), Sunny is a breath of fresh air.

    When I found out yesterday that Sir Ian was going to officiate at their wedding, I let out a huge “AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW” – just shows how close Ian and Patrick are. They are great friends and I can’t wait to see them on Broadway together this fall.

    • Nanz says:

      I haven’t heard the gossip about his second wife. *types in google search*

      • Wom says:

        The only gossip I know is he had an affair with a 23 year old, Lisa Dillon while married to Neuss. And his first marriage also supposedly ended because he slept with another woman. Good luck, Sunny, you’re going to need it.

  14. Ann says:

    Love him but no, not a great idea marrying someone that much older. She probably has a young piece on the side (I hope she does).

  15. fabgrrl says:

    I love Patrick Stewart more than anyone has loved another human being. Ever. But…I really find it icky the way he keeps moving on to younger and younger women.

    That being said, I hope they go Magneto and Professor Xavier!

  16. LAK says:

    Patrick Stewart is 72?????!!!!!

    He seems ageless, but I thought he was 60something. Ditto Ben Kingsley.

    I seriously need to revise my inner conception of what age looks like. Everyone looks and acts so much younger than their true age. It’s glorious.

  17. LisaMarie says:

    If I were her I would totally marry Captain Picard – HOT!!

  18. nuzzybear says:

    I have to admit – Stewart could marry *both* the Fanning girls and I would understand…

  19. RHONYC says:

    ahhhh, Magneto & Professor X are true blue pals at last! 😀

  20. spinner says:

    Captain Picard can take me any time he likes. *sigh*

  21. TQB says:

    My first reaction to her age was “DAMNIT, you mean I had a shot???” I’m 38.

    it’s PATRICK STEWART. Age is irrelevant.

  22. dave says:

    His face has looked the same for the last 40 years so really, what is age anyway?

  23. Jenna says:

    Hell yes I’d marry someone twice my age; then again I’m only 22 and there are quite some handsome men in the 35-40 range. Like Karl Urban…he’s my latest one. Mmm…

    And am I the only one that thought of him officiating weddings in full Gandalf attire?

  24. MollyB says:

    I’d marry his old ass. Damn.

  25. eep223 says:

    I’m clearly the only one who didn’t know that Patrick Stewart wasn’t gay then?

  26. I Choose Me says:

    Aw yeah. Wish I could score an invite to that wedding.

    As for Patrick marrying someone half his age. If everyone involved is an adult it gets no side-eye from me.

    • Me Three says:

      I agree they’re both adults and it’s none of my business. I just wonder about the double standard of most of the people commenting on this thread. I can’t tell you how many stories of older stars and celebs who hook up with much younger men who are ridiculed. I don’t know that you’ve ever commented on any of them,but many of the people commenting today have laughed at women doing the same thing. Guess it just irritates me that because he’s”freaking Patrick Stewart” it’s great but Madonna et al are ridiculed on a regular basis.

      Sorry but I know a woman who married a guy twice her age. It doesn’t work unless the woman is willing to become a caregiver to the guy and doesn’t like or care much about sex. He’s 72 and looks wonderful for his age but he could be her grand daddy for God’s sake!

      • Ann says:

        +1. Women frequently embrace standards that are detrimental to them. It’s internalized sexism and misogyny.

        Plus, she’ll dump him when he’s in diapers.

  27. Jess says:

    Well, I am 25 and I’d marry him.

  28. Gwen says:

    I first read it as the other way around and was SO STOKED but yeah – it is cool.

  29. Zigggy says:

    Imagine that voice leading you through your vows- I’m jealous!

  30. RobN says:

    The age doesn’t bother me at all, but I wouldn’t marry a guy who constantly fools around on his wives, and cool or not, Stewart is that guy.

    • Me Three says:

      The next one will undoubtedly be in her 20’s.

    • WOM says:

      I’m beginning to suspect that Patrick Stewart has more in common with Kirk than Picard. At least when it comes to first contact with ladies.

  31. Agnes says:

    I LOVE Stewart (I love Startrek). Normally I would find such an age discrepancy gross, but I somehow can’t find it in me when it comes to Jean Juc…

  32. bluhare says:

    Jean Luc Picard. Le sigh.

  33. Emma13 says:

    You all can fight over Gandalf and Captain Picard while I keep the Doctor all to myself.

  34. Chrissie Malcolm says:

    I’m sure she hasn’t even noticed his bank balance. Cynical? Moi?

  35. AnnieC says:

    Maybe he’s just thinking ahead & is marrying someone half his age who can take care of him in his infirmity! A free carer!

  36. lucy2 says:

    That is a big age difference, and I can’t really understand that choice, but good luck to them. I will point out that his son is in his 40s, older than the new wife by a decade, so…yeah that’s a little weird.
    But he’s a cool guy, and it’s great that Ian will officiate!

  37. Ginger says:

    I love Patrick Stewart! I’m eight years older than his fiancee but still…Yes, I would consider him for sure…that voice alone! He’s hot, he’s intelligent, he’s talented. What’s not to love?

  38. Nance says:

    Dammit Kaiser, I was squeeing at the news of Magneto and X together, my one true ship…

  39. Melissa says:

    Umm, no. On the age gap, that is. I’m 41 and could not marry a 72 yr old. Honestly, I’m not even sure I could marry anybody 50+.

    Did mention my husband is younger than me?

  40. Heather says:

    My husband and I have a 20 year age difference. (he’s older) We met when I was 16 and he 36. Married when I turned 21. We’ve been married 33 years now, have 2 adult, married children and 2 grandchildren. It can work.

  41. Vl says:

    I would marry Sir Patrick Stewart in a heartbeat, and my fiance would understand >>