Did Kristen Stewart meet up with Rupert Sanders just after Sparkles left town?

You know how Robert Pattinson left LA on Sunday? We covered those photos yesterday – after spending some time with his girlfriend Kristen Stewart in LA, Sparkles is back on the road, probably working on another film. Kristen, meanwhile, doesn’t have a lot going on career-wise. So she was sitting around, bored and stoned, and she might have called her ex-lover Rupert Sanders right after Rob left town. I’m not even joking.

GO HERE or HERE to see the sketchy X17 photos – they show Kristen with some girlfriends outside of Malo Taqueria (a Mexican restaurant), and a black Acura pulls up right in front of Kristen. The driver looks JUST LIKE Rupert, and Rupert owns a black Acura. Kristen gets into the car. And hopefully they got a hotel room or something, instead of doing it in the back of the Acura or whatever.

There are some questions as to when these photos were taken, but I guess X17 is claiming that they were taken late Sunday night. So if this is Rupert in the photos, that means Kristen said goodbye to Rob and then just a few hours later, she was in Rupert’s arms and she was letting him Mini-Cooper her in the Acura. Girl… WTF? If she gets caught cheating on Rob AGAIN, that really will be SO DAMAGING. It will damage her career, it will damage her image and for the love of God, I hope it will be enough to make Rob finally dump her for good.

Fun fact: Robert Pattinson hosted Kristen’s most recent birthday party at this same restaurant. YIKES.

UPDATE: OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I love all of the TWIHARD PROOF-ing going on in the comments. As it turns out, the Twihards are doing their due diligence on these photos, and Gossip Cop has “debunked” the story (although I don’t think GC’s debunking makes much sense, but whatever). I must remember to go to the Twihard Laboratory to bring you the most untainted DNA evidence of this story. It might not be Rupert Sanders in the photos. But really… this is just FUNNY.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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213 Responses to “Did Kristen Stewart meet up with Rupert Sanders just after Sparkles left town?”

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  1. Sara says:

    I can’t wait for the Twihards to pull out their paragraphs-long essays and diagrams showing how this is all fake and ROBSTEN IS UNBROKEN!!!!!!!!!!

    • popcorn11 says:

      I’m no twihard seeing as i am neither a 14 year old girl nor a bored housewife but i think this just shit stirring. As much pap attention as she gets, not even kristen is this dumb.

      • Lauren says:

        Girl who can’t control herself in a car gets a “ride” from a man who looks just like her lover Rupert! Alone, just those two going for a ride.

      • Apples says:

        So funny.
        I love all of this analysis by Twihards- this story just keeps giving. I love all the posts from this sh-t storm, and will view this update as the Universe’s gift to me for my Birthday.

      • Hakura says:

        @Apples – Happy Birthday!! Today is mine too =) & William Shakespere’s xD

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Lauren, she wasn’t going for a “ride” or “alone” with this guy…he was the valet. See the link someone posted below.

        For as much as people talk smack about the Twi-hards, at least they aren’t as gullible as some of the anti-twi-hards on here. The twi-bashers have officially met the same level of crazy as the twi-hards. I am on neither team, but I find it funny as an observer to watch one side call the other crazy. Pot meet kettle.

      • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

        @Tiffany 🙂
        I agree with you because each side thinks they’re like a temple of infallible logic, like detailed analysis, putting together timelines of either Rob’s or Kristen’s movements, like how do you have time to sit down and honestly think so hard about this stuff. This story could easily have been a non-issue, just Kristen hanging out with her hipster buds like they’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks. But both sides are going crazy – I prefer directioners to Robstens/Nonstens at this point. That’s how crazy the majority of them are.

      • mercy says:

        +1 I’ve never seen Twilight and I’m not a KStew fan, but if it’s not Sanders, where’s the story? At least the Twihards seem to have some facts to offer in this case. Better than same old stirring of the pot.

    • Pandora says:

      Um… all the analysis by twihards? Seems to be the Anti-stews who are obsessed based on this thread! Let’s face it you’re as bad as each other ; )

      • Apples says:

        Sorry, no. (And I didn’t say anything anti-Stew).

        I would characterize the Celebitchy population as not really caring either way. We are the ones laughing and eating popcorn on the sidelines.

      • Just Me says:

        +1 Apples!

      • c'est la vie says:

        +2 We’re just waiting for Robsten to make their next move into oblivion.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Lol, I just said the same thing Pandora! Stew/Pats threads get people on both sides foaming at the mouth. It is a little disturbing.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        The anti-Stews are very vocal on the web. It is personal for them.

      • Miss Bennett says:

        Both side of this fandom are batsh*t insane. Those of us not invested are just here for the entertainment.

    • Jan says:

      It was her driver. same guy and car Rob was in several days ago. Wow, this girl sure can bring in the comments, over 140 right now so she still holds the public’s interest.

      • Annie says:

        Too bad she can’t hold the interest of executives and producers. If only all the chatter was around her career.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        Good god I know. Getting more interest than Reece’s drunk driving arrest.

    • Another Ann says:

      Somebody already did a side by side car comparison (that didn’t take long!). The car at the valet stand apparently belongs to one of her girlfriends, and there are pictures of her driving that same car the night they were papped out for Kristen’s birthday recently. Plus, you can see the girl paying the valet in one of the photos.

      It’s amazing to me how people keep manufacturing news about her. Even when she isn’t working, essentially doing nothing, people still feel compelled to keep her in the news. Even people who supposedly hate her. Can’t remember ever seeing anything quite like it.

  2. Tania says:

    Looks like him! What a moron.

    • Lucy says:

      She’s so dumb, why can they just not meet at a hotel or something, always out in the open, I think the thrill of maybe being caught is something they both enjoy. Idiots

    • Laura says:

      Ok, I’m really afraid of seeming like a Twihard by saying this- but looking at the photos on the Daily Mail Rupert’s car seems to be made in UK as his steering wheel is on the right (where his registration and inspection stickers are as well) The guy in the picture is clearly in an AMERICAN made car as the drivers seat is in the left.

      I feel like such a conspiracy theorist!

      • iheartjacksparrow says:

        I know nothing about Rupert, but if he maintains a house in the U.S. and the U.K., wouldn’t it be logical that he would have a car at each of said houses? I doubt that he would be shipping his one and only car (and as a director I’m sure he has more than one car anyway) back and forth across the ocean.

      • SublimeTangerine says:

        If you look at the third pic down on the Daily Mail link, it clearly shows his steering wheel on the left side of the car, not the right.

      • Liv says:

        I don’t think it’s him, he doesn’t look like Sanders. But maybe this is finally the end to their relationship – I mean Patterson’s out of town and boom, rumors about Sanders and Stewart. I’d freak out if I were him.

    • Another Ann says:

      Looks like him? LOL, its a fuzzy picture of a white guy with dark brown hair. Could be half the guys I know, tbh.

      All kidding aside, it doesn’t look like him to me. He’s too clean shaven and the nose/face shape don’t look right to me.

      • Zzz's says:

        Claims it’s a fuzzy picture; cites minute details that would be otherwise impossible to surmise based on the aforementioned premise. lol.

  3. JenD says:

    The picture of KS and RS is odd – like they coordinated their outfits for it.

  4. Eve says:

    It’s true love!!!

    Now, seriously, it looks like a valet bringing her car (he leaves, she takes the wheel).

    • Miamiboy says:

      A valet that looks exactly like rupert? what bad luck kristen has. No seriously eve i think the twihards have brainwashed you today..

      • Eve says:

        Please, I love a dirty gossip and I can’t stand Stewart, so I’d love that to be true, but the guy doesn’t seem to be Rupert.

        Plus, why does he leave the car? It’s her on the driver’s seat (she’s not riding shotgun while the man takes the wheel).

      • marie says:

        yeah, I’m with Eve. I don’t think she’s that dumb.

      • andrea says:

        Kristen’s in the passenger seat. We can’t see the driver, so it could be that guy, could be someone else. But the pictures don’t rule it out that she left with him.

      • Lauren says:

        She is that dumb as those July pics showed. It excites her to be reckless.

      • marie says:

        well damn, I stand corrected. Although, the dude kind of looks like he could be Marc Anthony (sorry, my eyes are messing with me today) but either way, boo..

      • Hakura says:

        Heh, maybe after she got busted last time (after probably who knows how long they were ‘involved’), she needed a ‘stand-in’ she could pretend was him. (Hiring him would’ve been uncharacteristically smart on her part, automatic reason for them to be around eachother all the time.)

        But that’s just my fairytale possibility xD

      • pepper says:

        I wonder if looking at this valet brought back fond memories of Rupert and the minicoopering session(s) they both had.

    • Lauren says:

      She got in the passenger seat next to Rupert lookalike.

    • lady mary. says:

      maybe Rupert works as Valet there these days:P

      • Hakura says:

        LOL. I could believe it. His directing/showbiz career probably hasn’t been in the best of shape since that mess with KStew.

  5. Lola says:

    This is such a farce. Robert is the biggest cuckhold in the world.

  6. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    I know this is going to be flooded with comments today but I honestly don’t think that’s Rupert – I’m not a fan of Kristen’s the guy looks like Rupert but I don’t think it’s him.

    • Lauren says:

      Another lover that looks similar then!

      • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

        @Lauren I don’t know if she’s involved with that person or not, last July proved that Kristen cheating is not at all an impossibility and her team messed up by not clarifying who he actually is. Gossip Cop said that her team laughed when asked if that was Rupert but that’s not an answer. I personally don’t think that’s Rupert though.

      • andrea says:

        @Pastyousayyouneverknew I found that response from her team odd too. I don’t think this is Rupert, but I now think it’s probably another male she could be cheating with, because her team didn’t even try to clear it up. They said NOTHING about who the guy actually is. If it was innocent, why not say “it’s the valet”, “it’s her gay bff”, etc.? And now if they say anything, it’ll look shady because they waited too long. Badly played by her team.

      • Lauren says:

        Kristen laughs at breaking up a marriage, too. I think we got a look at Kristen going home with Rupert or a guy she got that reminds her of her lover & looks like him and she got rides from him.

    • bns says:

      Shhh. Let us believe!

    • Ellen says:

      Yeah, it doesn’t look like the same nose to me (Rupert has more of a ski slope) and the guy in the car has no facial hair, maybe?

      It reads security/chauffeur to me but who knows with these two (R & K). I don’t think it’s Rupert but it could be someone else.

  7. Lauren says:

    Kristen would be so brazen. And Ruth and the girls covered for her before. She needs to admit she doesn’t love Robert and get her freak on with Rupert. She never looked happier than in the 50 pics with her lover.

    • Annie says:

      I always said that. She and Rob always look so bored and miserable together. Like they must fight a lot. And show no affection at all. All the other celebrities reach a point where they don’t care and at least hold hands in public. Never them. But with Rupert she did look more than smitten.

      But I don’t think this is Rupert. Omg imagine if now that he’s divorced she dumps Rob and goes after him. Rob would really hate himself.

    • Agnetha says:

      I know I am going to get jumped on, but I totally agree that she never looked happier than in the pics with Rupert. Maybe she should end whatever thing is going on with Rob and try with Rupert now his marriage is over. I don’t see any chemistry between her and Rob, even in the movies I felt her and Taylor had more chemistry.

  8. newbie says:

    They’re saying over at the Daily Mail that it was the valet? What kind of car does she have?

  9. Rose says:

    i love the middle photo there of Kstew ‘staring lovingly at Rupert’, I love it in a media studies way; it’s fascinating because Charleze was actually sitting in between them and Kstew is actually looking at her. It’s one of those ‘photo says 1000 words’ pix but actually you can get it to mean what you want depending on the context, if you see the other photos in the series you’ll see it’s a group dinner.

    • Rose says:

      Just realised this makes me seem like a Robsten loony, i’m honestly not! I’d love it if she’s back with Rupert, what a gossip goldmine that would be!

      • MisJes says:

        I know where you’re coming from Rose, and I completely agree. It is very easy to manipulate a photograph. I don’t think you’re a Robsten loony for recognizing that!

  10. Miamiboy says:

    Rpatz wont leave her. They have a dysfunctional co dependent relationship.

    • mom2two says:

      This is so true. I don’t think it matters to him what she does or doesn’t do when he’s not around.
      If it mattered, he would have moved on by now.

  11. Mayday says:

    I dunno man, looks like him, same car as him.

    If this is real, she is a moron. This could ruin her.

  12. bns says:

    I need another scandal. Reese Witherspoon’s arrest wasn’t exciting enough.

  13. all_in_all_good says:

    so we are still pushing the story that Rob and Kiki are really dating??????

    • smurfles says:

      I’m still firmly in the PR camp, but that opinion is in the minority because some feel like Rob *has* to be in love to take this kind of abuse to his image and career.

      I disagree. I feel like they were always a PR couple to promote the movie. I don’t think the plan was ever for them to break up one or two months after the final movie obligations.

      IMO a breakup would have to be done after a decent interval to make people accept them as real.

      I think the affair was planned too BUT I do think Sanders was a pawn. HE may not have known about it, but was used as the co-cheater because he appeared to show so much interest in her.

      That’s what I think. These two have never seemed like a real couple to me. I think they’re friends and now their friends and parents are friends and so on.

      Could it be true love? Sure. But this is Hollywood and anything’s possible.

      • Annie says:

        PR couples don’t usually last for years. No studio has the power to control your life forever. This isn’t MGM and Judy Garland. You think a small studio like Summit has that power?

        I think it’s a mix of both. They are a couple whose image was boosted for being together while starring in a big franchise and they have loved the results. Could not have made the fans happier, and the media loved to speculate. So they stay together because it has been of great benefit to be a young power couple, but they also must love each other. They fight to stay together no matter what because the job offers have not been amazing for either of them and the publicity they get together is always huge. Rob is doing boring indies that nobody is going to see while Kristen has not filmed anything in almost two years. Their movies bomb at the box office all the time, all of them. How long ’til the novelty of them wears completely off? Executives already know they can’t open a movie by themselves. They have found other people along the way, like Jennifer Lawrence.

        Mark my words, they will make another movie together. And soon. They’re more interesting together. Break up and it’s a matter of time before people, including their fans, stop caring about them.

      • pepper says:

        I tend to think they were a real couple up until the minicoopering happened. They split in August 2012. Had to ~reconcile in a hurry for the sake of that stupid movie. This reunion is fake. Now I think he is just friends with her. Nothing romantic between them. After a decent amount of time has passed I wouldn’t be surprised to see them split but it will be an amicable one.

  14. Nicolette says:

    Why would her career be damaged if it is him, do people really care that much? With all the articles we read here and elsewhere it doesn’t seem like fidelity is a strong trend in Hollywood, so why should her career be in jeopardy? I honestly don’t understand it. She’s not the first actress to sleep with a director nor will she be the last.

    • Lauren says:

      Except she put out a public apology begging to have Robert back!

    • marianne says:

      Because she cheated on someone popular. And because people already disliked her.

      It might actually help her if she had a real relationship with Sanders though. At least then she’d appear to have a reason for helping bust up a family and humiliating her boyfriend. As is, it just looks like she did it for the hell of it and there were no real feelings involved.

    • Ms.Smurf says:

      There are many factors as to why people/the public are biting down hard on her. First and foremost, we don’t have Angelina Jolie (even while young and stupid) running around saying how real and edgy she is, and how everyone else in Hollywood is fake and boring- not real like her.

      So when said, ahem *star* (of TWILIGHT, not exactly Oscar material there) says crap like that, then gets caught doing the most unreal thing- screwing your director in broad daylight, in the middle of pap infested LA, not only are you unreal, you’re a hypocrite.

      IF she hadn’t said all that crap about being real, if she hadn’t treated her boyfriend like dirt in public (whether or not he likes it, it turns the public off), if she hadn’t post scandal gave a half assed “apology” (that she didn’t need to give, but wasn’t even a real apology to Rob), and just didn’t generally go around like she hated her job, then maybe she would’ve gotten a break from us.

      It’s really just that she is plain unlikeable unless you are a pothead hipster (or whatever she thinks she is)…I didn’t like her before the scandal for the way that she never took any blame for anything going wrong in her life, to her crappy “acting”. Seriously, I will never get back the hours of my life spent watching SWATH…she was that bad.

    • Annie says:

      Because the whole thing was very skeevy! She helped break up a marriage, she was caught in broad daylight (and there are WORSE pictures than the ones published, where you probably can see more skanky stuff because of the paparazzi’s account of what happened, so I think her people broke a deal with Us Weekly to not release the worse photos), she also cheated on her famous, popular boyfriend and as the world was rooting for him, he idiotically took her back. He was also rushed to take her back so their big movie wasn’t ruined.

      If she goes back to Rupert after Rob forgave her, imagine the shitstorm. She would look TWICE the hypocrite and liar that she really is because it would mean she was only waiting for Rupert and using Rob to save her image at the time.

      Rob would have a meltdown. And she would be the biggest heartless b*tch ever.

    • Migdalia says:

      Only because when she first cheated on Rob it looked like 90% of their fan base (which is huge obviously) is Team Rob. So much so that she was receiving threats of violence. So to producers and directors that only appears that Kristen would not be able to open a movie properly due to boycotting.

  15. Deb says:

    Haha oh sparkles you dumb doormat. Welcome to the rest of your life.

  16. Mirella says:

    It really does look like RS.

  17. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    Oh that is fantaaaaaastic! I’m a TEAM RUPSTEN now! RUPSTEN is still UNBROKEN!

    • Iggles says:

      Me too! I would LOVE for this story to be true.. Kristen just can’t quit him, lol!

      And it’s just hilarious if after all she did to get Rob to honor their contract, SHE is the one who can’t be discreet and keep up pretenses..

      Note to Kristen: Look at what Julia Roberts, Laura Dern, Tori Spelling and countless other starlets who got involved with married men did to repair their image as homewreckers.. In Hollywood getting married and having a baby is PR makeover! It even worked Sienna Miller after her brazen affair with very married Balthazer Getty!

  18. lady mary. says:

    bah! this is such a NO BRAINER ! if this is true , the only logicall explanation i have is R upert is a popular underground male escort and K stew and her brigade of girls hire him occasionally for a bit of fun:P , but frankly ii dont think thats him

  19. MonicaQ says:

    That girl is straight up Dickmotized.

    • Agnetha says:

      Is that why she always looks so miserable when Rob is around, she can’t wait for him to leave so she can start hooking up with Rupert again? JK, but it would explain a lot.

  20. gogoGorilla says:

    I don’t think it’s him.

    More importantly, is hobo-chic the In thing in young Hollywood? I really hate the outfits on every one of those girls she is standing there with. Blech.

  21. Rose says:

    Lol pattison looks like such an idiot. He is either gay and doesnt care what stewart does with her privates or he is the biggest doormat in hollywood.

  22. Madhubala says:

    Looks exactly like him. And what about the car, Kristen and Rupert have his and hers cars now too? What a silly brat she is.

  23. M says:

    This is obviously false but nothing ever changes in the fandom. All this hubris about nothing.

  24. serena says:

    Dear god she must really be dumb.

  25. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    I really wish it was Rupert, but I don’t think it was really him. I’m not a KStew fan but I think Kristen would not meet Rupert so openly with all her friends around.

  26. Rosey says:

    Ok some people are saying its a guy who looks like rupert not rupert, but why does the lookalike have the exact same car as rupert. A bit much of a coincidence?

    • Gossip Garl says:

      Nobody else noticing this, is very disturbing…HE HAS THE SAME CAR AS RUPERT< COINCIDENCE, I THINK NOT!Its NOT her car, why would she have a car JUST LIKE RUPERT?its true,we just are to SHOCKED to really believe it.

  27. andrea says:

    lol, I doubt it’s him, but I love this story just because it amuses me how no matter what, her rep as a cheater is going to follow her around forever. Rob would be wise to get out now, because this will be his life…being painted as a gullible cuckold everytime KStew is within 10 feet of another man.

    • LL says:

      lol, I doubt it’s him, but I love this story just because it amuses me how no matter what, her rep as a cheater is going to follow her around forever.

      me too. Very amusing

    • pretty says:

      yes! i so want this story to be true but it’s likely.. not.

      But i just love that this story is getting a lot of attentions and kristen’s crazy fands are blaming Rob’s fans for being crazy on GossipCop site and i just love the fact that this story caused a stir hahahahaha this homewrecker would be a forever homewrecker with her beiber looking homewrecking boyfriend

  28. Emily says:

    It has been revealed to be a valet driver in the car.

    • Lauren says:

      All by her lonesome in that car with a guy who looks and can remind her of her wild car lovin’ days? Shouldn’t the valet let her take her own car home? She’s all alone and going along.

      • Emily says:

        Err… he gets out, she takes the wheel…
        What pictures were you looking at? Or were they in your mind?

    • Lola says:

      By whom? Robsteners?

  29. magpie says:

    I would love to see a Rupstew part 2, but that doesn’t look like him imo. Rupert has a very pointy nose, that guy doesn’t.

    • Lola says:

      It looks exactly like him. The same forhead and facial shape

    • MissA says:

      @magpie First I thought that the guy did look like him but then I zoomed in and yes the difference in facial features can be seen like you said.

    • Another Ann says:

      Not only that, but the dude in the car is very clean shaven. Sanders has always had facial hair.

  30. Miss Kiki says:

    I can’t even begin to tell you how much I want this to be true HOWEVER I don’t think it is and that makes me sad.

  31. Daisy Mae says:

    It is not Rupert. Still the Rupsten love story may not yet be over! I think the dust may settle in a year or two. Anyways…. The papz would have hung around longer if they thought anyway in hell Kristen was with a guy, any guy, who isn’t Rpatz.
    some of you are naive to think that her PR would actually issue a statement over a papz picture denying it is Rupert. Stars are advised not to comment on such things i.e. “Dignifying them with a response.

    • marianne says:

      Her rep DID give comments to Gossip Cop though. And didn’t bother to clear up who the guy is. Just said it wasn’t Rupert. They gave the story more legs by not clearing things up. And I’m sure they’ll try now that it’s taken off, but people will be skeptical because of that first awkward denial.

  32. Eleonor says:

    I don’t think it’s him, but all of this is hilarious!

  33. Maria says:

    i dont know if its true or false but no matter what, an article like this was guaranteed to happen. everything kristen does will be under close suspicion of her possibly cheating again. i dont feel for her though she brought in on herself.

    • tamsynt says:

      Agree with everything you said, and for these very reasons, I don’t know what studio “genius” thinks it’s a good idea to make the SWATH sequel. That movie will ensure that this scandal gets talked about the whole time it’s being made and released.

  34. nina says:

    unless rupert has suddenly morphed into looking more like marc anthony than himself of all people, I don’t think it’s him.

  35. Dana says:

    What if the situation is completely different than most of us thought (me included) and Rob agrees with her meeting Rupert because they have an open relationship?

    • Lily says:

      Then maybe they should stop with the weekly photo ops & selling the “epic love” to shippers.

    • Daisy Mae says:

      We have no idea on the details of their relationship or agreement or monogamy or lack of it or whatever. Really surprised at the amount of arrogance on this site with posters acting like they understand the intimate details of these two actors’ private lives.
      for example–how do we know that Rob didn’t have an indiscretion of his own that he had to fess up to last summer. might explain the “forgiveness” mystery.

      • marianne says:

        We don’t have to know what happens in their real life. We just have to know the story they’ve been selling us through the media, and it’s been non-stop “they’re so in love, stronger than ever, Rob wants to marry her, he planned her birthday party, they’re buying another dog, she’ll be visiting him when he films, she hates Rupert, she’ll never speak to him again, Robsten is Unbroken!” so if they’re not an exclusive couple, they’ve been running a scam and her cheating would still be a worthy gossip story.

      • Another Ann says:

        Uh, Marianne, they’re not selling those stories – the tabloids are. Haven’t you caught on by now that the tabs make up complete b.s. to generate hits? This non-story is a perfect example of that.

      • MissA says:

        I can’t blame Rob or Kristen for all ‘Robsten’ stories out there. Maybe some of them are put out by them but you can’t deny that gossip rags make up their own shizz about Robsten to make money

    • Maria says:

      people in rearl open relationships are discreet.
      also the guy and Liberty Ross werent in an open relationship, something like that is also off limits.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        OK but if they were truly having sex–they would have gone to a hotel or already had a place worked out, which is why I think it was a make out session only. Still think that RPatz has done his own fooling around with guys or girls or both and he can’t really point any fingers.

      • marianne says:

        So pics of Kristen making out with Sanders aren’t enough proof of her having an affair with him, but ZERO evidence of Pattinson ever doing anything is plenty of proof that he’s been having sex with other people. Logical.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        Marianne–Rob COULD have had an indiscretion or fling that was NOT photographed. Kristen and Rupert had a make out session papped but tell me what that means? A full blown affair, a fling, a tryst? One does not know from those photographs.

      • MissA says:

        IF they had an open relationship they would have been caught a looooooong time ago cause Kristen is sloppy & creepy Twihards are the biggest stalkers out there

      • Daisy Mae says:

        OK well then maybe Rob is more careful. You think they live their whole life out in front of the papz?

    • Annie says:

      What tipped me off that this was not PR or an open relationship was how much weight they both lost afterwards and how sad they looked. Kristen was incredibly skinny like we had never seen her before, even her face looked different. Rob too. And he looked very sad, like he could break down at any moment.

      Look for the pictures of her On the Road premiere in Canada and his premiere in NYC and compare with before pictures and recent pictures. This took a toll on them. I don’t think we’ve ever seen such an obvious damage of two celebrities after a scandal because they usually hide, but these two had movies to promote.

      For a little bit I felt bad for both. But then I realized they are THAT couple in an unhealthy relationship, in which one party treats the other one like crap, the other party takes it gladly, and are convinced that they belong together even if they have issues and fight a lot and do a lot of damage tomeach other.

      Couples like that, from what I’ve seen in real life, are usually composed by two very obnoxious and insufferable individuals. Awesome people don’t get tangled in this co-dependant mess, and while regular people have problems in their relationships too, this level of hot mess is unhealthy and not ok.

      • shelly says:

        Of course they losing weight can’t have anything to do with the fact that the whole gossip world was focused on them, that they were in the the maelstrom of this huge mess in front of the world, the possible feeling of trepidation in facing the public soon to promote their movies and of course finding a decent way to dodge impertinent questions. Its all about their broken hearts.

        Rob’s body language showed that he was pretty bored with the whole thing right after The Daily Show. That wasn’t a heartbroken guy who was very comfortable the rest of the promotional circuit. He even threw a couple of shades at her 😀

        Awwww! I want that time back….

      • MissA says:

        IA with you,Annie. That was the biggest proof of the legitimacy of their relationship. I don’t know why people think its PR or open relationship. Kristen looked skinny & unhealthy,even Rob lost some weight. The Cosmopolis promo tour was really awkward and he was trying way too hard to be cheery like nothing happened. When someone is trying hard to be happy,its easy to see that or maybe I just have a high emotional intelligence XD.
        I know some of his fans think that they both lost weight due to the intense media coverage LOL. That’s really far stretched imo. Rob didn’t have any reason to loose weight cause he was getting all the sympathy which he could have used to help his image. Women have soft spot for loyal & heartbroken guys. That being said both them of got back to their normal weight once the reconciliation rumors started surfacing even though both of them were still getting shizz from media that time for different reasons. That says a lot.

  36. Lily says:

    “So she was sitting around, bored and stoned, and she might have called her ex-lover Rupert Sanders right after Rob left town.”

    Nah, why would she wait til Rob leaves? It’s not like he was out of town the previous time.

  37. nina says:

    oh and ps–twihard nancy drew skills are always awe inspiring, but notice how many people on this thread who want it to be true nancy drew’d the shit out of the pictures too to prove that it is true too. that’s the funny thing there’s robstenRFOREVER types, but there are also KRISTENISALESBIANSLUT AND ROBISAPUSSYFORFORGIVINGHER types too. Both sides are awesome when they meet on the battlefield called gossip sites!

    • pretty says:

      but Kristen’s fan girls are a whole ‘nother level.

      I will never forget how they tried to push that Kirsten’s head was pasted on Rupert’s wife on that minicooper scene by using freaking Google Map & Google street view and draw linds and circles here and there hahahaha

      jesus christ.

      • Gossip Garl says:

        You remembering this, makes me gonna pray for you, Amen 😉

        (you already began with the J.Christ:)

      • Eve says:

        @ Pretty:

        Videos like this one?


        And this one:


        Love how they ignore the laws of physics, perspective, angles and everything that is logical in order to prove those pictures are fake and that there’s never been an affair.

      • nina says:

        robfans and kristenfans and robstenfans and nonstenfans and whateverelseyouthrowtogerfans all have their psycho factions that act about the same in terms of maliciousness and crazytrain. they’re all very adept with mad red arrowing and photoshop skills, angry letter and petition campaigns, and general stalking.

    • Annie says:

      I don’t like Kristen anymore. I do think she’s a horrible person now. I do think Rob is kind of a doormat and will not leave her ever, and I do think that breaking up is not an option for them as long as their careers are still up in the air because being together makes them slightly more interesting. Especially after this drama.

      That being said, I don’t think this is true.
      That is NOT Rupert in the car, and Kristen will be on her best behavior, with Rob and in public, because this affair hurt her image and career A LOT. She has Rob, yes, but this only gave more ammunition to the people who don’t like her, which is a big portion of the general public. This also cost her like 5 movie roles. Despite her strong fanbase, this situation hurt her career and image. Congrats on keeping Rob but she did lose a lot.

      And yes, she’s been dumb before. But she was horny-dumb. She can’t afford to be self-destructive right now. People will not tolerate this.

      She will not cheat again in the near future.

  38. smee says:

    Gossip Cop’s “rebuttal” is pretty week. The DM has a photo of her IN the vehicle. Pretty damning. She might be toast this time.

  39. hindulovegod says:

    This is an easy story to confirm. If I were her team, I’d be running down all nearby security cams. If a gossip site gets to them first, they can cross check the Acura’s license plate.

  40. Eden says:

    I usually in total agreement ith you on these two… But I have to say, you’ve seemed to lose sight of one important observation. The embarrassment and disappointment and spineless is still all hers to bare until she proves to be otherwise. Her twilight fans want it all to disappear, and it won’t until she writes a new mature, atoned script for us and him to see. She hasn’t yet. But I have fair she will.

    Regarding Robert… This is where you’re a bit misguided in your observation. Rethink it please. With no real obligation to be connected to Kristen other than she’s putting out and he’s in a total win win, he doesn’t come off as spineless but more as against the norm. Social comformity requires he do the thing society expected and easy to do – dump her. I expected it. You expected it. Hey, he can get tail anywhere. He could’ve focused on his career, jetset and travel and screw around like all the other Hollywood playboy dweebs pretending like theyre Rob Pattinson at 27 instead of 47. But, I think his actions show he’s proven to be a “No guts, no glory” “it takes big balls to stand beside her” kind of guy. It would be easy to ditch her and run. Too easy. But it takes a seriously strong MAN to stay, make her fix her ways and stand with his head held high. I’m sure he is running the show with her more than before and took off the rose colored glasses…. And she’s pretty much kissing his ass but I think they’re genuinely in like-love… For now. It’s not the end of world, the boy is only mid 20s, he could definitely check this off later as a thing of the past but rethink about how you’re phrasing him as a spineless guy bc it takes a pretty big pair to take the heat and walk the path he’s on. More guts than I thought he had originally. He seemed less secure before. He’s very smart and wouldn’t do this if he had no benefit. Spineless would mean getting out of the kitchen, he’s staying with all the accusations, her crazy fans wanting him to defend her when she won’t even do so. His crazy fans wanting him to dump her and if not dumping him and the media watching there every move. That takes balls and you know it. Cheers.

    • Annie says:

      @eden you sound so in love with rob lol. but for the record He is not in an open relationship. If he is he is a big hypocrite because he has spoken about how he cant stand cheating and that he wants a relationshhip like his parents they have been married for like 30 years. Like others have said he is either gay or one of those guys who let themselves be walked over by their girlfriends.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        If he is a hypocrite so what? people are just trying to figure out about life and love in their 20s. Nothing ILLEGAL happened unlike Witherspoon.

    • claire says:

      Totally agree with you. Whatever the state of their relationship, Rob is the opposite of spineless for staying with her. People don’t see him clearly at all.

      • c'est la vie says:

        Sorry, he’s a doormat who gave up his man card. Nothing’s giing to fix this one.

    • Annie says:

      Annie number two here. I really do think Rob fans worship the shit out of this guy to the maximum degree and it’s unhealthy. You guys really spin everything he does as a sign of brilliance and generosity of spirit. Wow. If you continue to do this it will ruin real men for you because you see him as the perfect guy. He’s just an actor. Stop idolizing him so much. He’s just a guy. And guys make dumb moves like taking cheating girlfriends back just like girls who take cheating boyfriends back: insecurity, low self-esteem, co-dependence and yeah, even love. No science here. And if you add the factor of what a career boost it was to be her boyfriend, even more reasons to suck it up.

      I think Rob is too naive. Which is endearing how romantic and nice he can be. But this was not a good idea. He will regret taking her back one day. But it’s his life and his own lesson to learn.

      • Another Ann says:

        The fact is, noone really has a clue about their relationship. Just because he took her back doesn’t make him a doormat. How do we know that he didn’t screw up before, and she forgave him? Without knowing all the details and history of their relationship, there’s no way to know the real deal. And we shouldn’t know those details, either, contrary to what some of their creepy stalker fans think.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        I keep trying to say this. HAVE NO idea what Pattinson has done on his own time that NO ONE ever saw. He may not be such a monogamous choir boy.

    • marcy says:

      lol, you Robsessed may like to think he’s “brave” or “has a huge heart” for being with her. The rest of us just think he’s an idiot and has been getting played for years now. Kristen has never appeared to give a f*ck about him.

      • claire says:

        So basically, if I disagree with your opinion on people who return to relationships with those that have cheated on them, I am a naive Rob fan. That isn’t particularly rational either… but whatever.

    • Loop says:

      Lol delusional as usual.
      It takes guts to move on from the familiar, the comfortable, to leave behind what you’re used to, it takes guts to take the risk of meeting someone new and start all over knowing someone at an intimate level with the fear that this new person might as well fuck you over.
      No one goes around saying that women who take back cheaters are brave and gutsy, they’re all looked down with pity. But now because it’s a man, a famous rich man, a white british man, we should all call him the bravest of them all. BS.

      • Annie says:

        Exactly loop.

        And Claire, it’s not that you disagree with me about how relationships work that make you be completely wrong here. It’s how you justify Rob’s decision to stay, as if it had been the most noble, most brave, most amazing display of character and a heart of gold. While I really admire and respect the fact that he did not go full Timberlake on her, his decision to stay with her is not noble or brave. It’s comfortable and co-dependent, not to mention convenient for both careers.

        But Rob fans refuse to see him as a narcisist who likes attention who would do things to save face, image and career, eventhough he IS a movie star…

      • Claire says:

        @Annie we’ll have to agree to disagree, I’m afraid. I’d like to think I’m a rational human being and as such, I’m prepared to believe that people do what they do for a whole myriad of reasons. Things aren’t always so black and white. I will just say, that for someone who clearly dislikes Rob, you spend an awful lot of time, insisting you know all there is to know about his life, career and choices. Perhaps you should go follow all those much more talented young actors and actresses you keep telling us about. Im sure Rob will be just fine with that 🙂

      • shelly says:

        To Claire – Thanks for saying this. Its hilarious that Annie thinks she knows it all where Rob is concerned and always makes MULTITUDE of posts denigrating him. I am sure she feels very proud of her posts too. She is so bitter about him because he dared to do the opposite of what people wanted.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        No, these women are not looked down with pity. The straying man back to his woman–like Josh and Fergie–is just accepted as the NORM.

      • Loop says:

        A norm that labels women as weak.

  41. Allen Smithee says:

    In one of the photos, you can see a girl in a black and grey checked shirt standing next to the valet stand. In the photo of the man in the car, you can see that same person standing outside the car next to the driver’s side door.

    Seems to me it was probably her car, she got in the driver’s seat while Stewart got in the passenger seat, and there’s just no photo of the valet getting out and her getting in.

  42. pretty says:

    she and rupert screwed around in her minicooper car.

    and this.


  43. Eve says:

    Because when they (Stewart and Sanders) were caught “making out”, they’re in her car (a Mini Cooper).

  44. Annie says:

    Its the same car as rupert has. Its pretty weird if the guy who looks just like rupert also drives the same car as him

  45. Georgina says:

    It’s a pretty big coincidence that she’d be getting into a car that looks like Rupert’s with a man that looks like Rupert, but I guess anything could happen. The Great Mini Coopering of 2012 proved that Kristen is dumb as a box of hair where her hookups are concerned, and the Gossip Cop denial didn’t sound much like a denial. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.

  46. lama says:

    she isn’t that stup… oh, nevermind

  47. mel says:

    Wow. I just cannot believe she would be that stupid in such a public place..I just can’t.

  48. MissA says:

    I know I’m going to get a lot of a lot shit for this but I don’t care I’m still gonna says whats on my mind – Some people (Team Save Rob) WANT this is to be true so badly that they started to tweet a lot of gossip tabloids/webloids about how Rupert was “spotted” by them and the desperate ones just picked this up & ran along with it. But there’s a little problem with their “spotting”

    IF the guy in the picture was actually Rupert,these pics would have arrived on a big gossip site/tabloid with the whole narrative rather then landing up on a Kristen Stewart fan site first like they did. A fan site wouldn’t get them before a tabloid/gossip blog. Also Kristen will never take a risk like that in public again cause her career is still suffering from what happened last time.

    I’m all for disliking Kristen,but this is just plain stupidity imo. Some Rob fans “spotted” Rupert & even though most of them had their doubts about it they still tweeted desperate gossip blogs & mags so they could have a good laugh which is bit malicious imo since Kristen may get sit for something she didn’t do. Hey! you gotta be fair in life,ya know?

    • Annie says:

      I dont care for either of them. But that looks like Rupert and its his type car. So obviously people are going to think certain things. Its one hell of a coincidence if its just a guy that looks like him with the same car.

    • Daisy Mae says:

      It is malicious for Rob’s obsessed fans to tip off the tabs with a lie.

    • marcy says:

      And yet the tabloids and the general public are all too willing to believe it as well. Doesn’t THAT tell you something?

      It’s hilarious to me that Kristen stans are SO offended by Rob fans hating her. Why wouldn’t they? She cheated on him, humiliated him, and remains the biggest liability to his image and career. I’m sure they hate on her non-stop, yet every fanfic or bitchy comment doesn’t become a story picked up by the Daily Mail, The Mirror, Gossip Cop, etc. Fans aren’t responsible for her terrible rep and how much people hate her. She’s done that all by herself.

      • October says:

        Well, it tells me that people have an agenda. Rob’s fans for obvious reasons. But keep in mind that Hollywood Life (who ran with the story first) also tried to spread rumors that Kristen had a new love interest while Rob was away filming. In reality it was a gay friend. So of course they would use a story like this.
        It maybe her reality, but Jesus she did nothing close to incriminating in these pics. imo.
        Omg, the horror she went out for dinner and drinks with her friends and they valet parked their car!!! The image of the valet is a profile pic, so who knows what the guy really looks like. And the car does not look like Rupert’s.
        Just Rob’s fans wishing it was Rubert and gossip sites getting “facts” from twitter. I’m with the OP, it’s rather sad. It’s hilarious to me that fans would waste their time sending info. to gossip sites then act surprised that they used the story and act like it’s the truth. And it makes me wonder how many other gossip sites use twitter as their form of reality.

      • Daisy Mae says:

        Then ROB should the HELL leave her. Isn’t that on him? to save his own rep.? Robsessed fans are over the top with the hate–I don’t care what Kristen Stewart did. She didn’t drive drunk and get arrested for DUI.
        And why actually HATE someone you don’t know personally?

  49. Rabia says:

    It’s the valet.

    The pap who got the shot would’ve been all over it if it was anyone other than the valet.

    Still, I wish it was Sanders. Would’ve been awesome. Although, I guess it doesn’t even matter if it’s him or not at this point. All these gossip sites picking up the story is enough.

  50. paranormalgirl says:

    I have yet to see a picture of her clearly in the car with the guy. It looks like they are all at a valet stand, she gets in the passenger side and then what? In some of the pics, it looks like one of her friends is preparing to get in the driver’s seat. I don’t know, I think this is much ado about nothing and no, I am FAR from any kind of a Twihard.

    • Daisy Mae says:

      One does not have to be a Twihard, to see the obvious bogus-ness of this story. Turns out it is Rob-sessed fans who “tipped” off this story to the tabs–they “noticed” that the valet “is Rupert”

      • andy says:


        Those nutters are now calling the tipster a terrorist. They really need to look up that word in the dictionary.


      • lindyuk says:

        It doesn’t really matter which side of the car she got in, who was in the drivers’ seat, what day it was…THIS is Kristen’s AND Rob’s reality now…..every time she’s papped near/with another male who resembles old Rupie boy questions are going to be asked…and SHE brought it all on herself…

  51. Annie says:

    I don’t think this is him. For many reasons, this would be the most impossible thing right now. Kristen is just regaining control of Rob again. No way she would do this, at least not so soon.

    That being said, how much did Rob’s heart jump out of his ass when he read the headline? Lmao. You know they keep tabs on sites and tabloids, especially the ones that screwed them. I think that even after taking her back it must not be easy. The resentment, the lack of trust, the doubt. He really doesn’t see her, that’s for sure. Reading things like this doesn’t help.

    • MissA says:

      Kristen must have bombarded him with texts the moment it got picked up by first gossip blog. Then some Robsten fans screencapped Rob fans who sent in this “tip” & forwarded it to Ruth ( Kristen’s PR) so maybe Kristen has used those too as her evidence

  52. i'm french don't kill me says:

    is he not the valet?

    apparently he’s the valet

  53. Tommy says:

    AGAIN?? I feel bad for the turnip.

  54. Source says:

    I love how people talk about the Rob fans, who put down Kristen, but what about the Kristen fans who get so mad, they actually tell the other person they hope they die a horrible death?

    It’s always about “I don’t understand why people have such hate for this poor, misunderstood girl who made a mistake.” But really, at this point I think it’s her “fans” who are perpetuating it. Kristen’s continued attitude of indifference only makes it worse.

    The “Rob-sessed” person who supposedly tipped off the tabs, did no such thing. They hate this one person who is a “nonnie” (cough, no, really) and blamed it on her. Then they compared her to the guys in Boston. Then called for her to die.

    Tweet after tweet after tweet about wishing death on someone they had no proof did anything.

    But talk about running to the tabloids! They raced to defend their Queen! They flooded Gossip Cop, the official site for all things Kristen, to demand they debunk this.

    If they were so secure in the Robsten love, why do they lose their sh*t so spectacularly when there’s a story. Why don’t they just laugh? Say how stupid people are for believing it’s anything but the greatest love story of all time, and leave it at that?

    And how is it that people, after seeing broad-daylight pictures of Kristen with Rupert, could say it was a harmless kiss, but with no proof whatsoever Rob cheated, have him philandering all over town?

    It boggles the mind.

    • Annie says:

      Yeah, as much as Rob fans annoy me with their ridiulous worship of the guy and how stalkerish they are, as far as I’ve seen they are not angry or agressive like Kristen fans are, and they are just honest which the Kstains can’t take. Kristen fans are definitely THE WORST. They are on some ragey defensive belieber territory, especially since she was caught cheating. They blame liberty Ross for everything (those who have accepted it), they tweet really nasty things to Rob fans who are known to not like kristen, they circle jerk on Twitter to the most boring “coupley” pictures and rejoice as if those pictures showed more than a couple that is always very tense. They are just incredibly dumb and deluded too, like with the whole “proof” that the affair pics were photoshopped, or how Liberty staged the whole thing for fame. A lot of Rob fans just stay quiet, but the loudest and most annoying bunch who want them to stay together forever is not even the Twihard bunch, it’s not the Robsten bunch, it’s the KRISTEN bunch. Those are the true nutjobs and people have not realized it!

      If those fans don’t calm down they are going to hurt her image even more, just like the crazy beliebers helped Justin be more annoying.

      • Source says:

        Annie, you hit the nail on the head.

        The same people who called Liberty a famewhore for merely showing her face in broad daylight after Kristen dragged her into something she had no part in, crush anyone who dares to suggest the same about Kristen for doing the same thing.

        The same people who talk about “slut shaming” did the exact same to Liberty on Halloween (and threw in the famewhore thing for good measure)

        The same people who cry “bully” when someone makes a comment about Kristen, waste no time in “bullying” the person to STFU and wish death on her.

        The same people who rolled their eyes and stomped their feet when a blurry farwaway pic of Robsten came out that it was PROOF they were together, refuse to accept irrefutable proof in 50 pictures and either insist it’s photoshopped, that he somehow forced himself on her, or that it was some innocent kiss.

        You’re right. It’s not the TwiHards. The Kristen fans don’t understand they’re not doing her any favors with their behavior.

    • Daisy Mae says:

      There is a load of tweets from Rob’s fans to Hollywood Life saying “Hey isn’t that RS in the car.” Kristen or Robsten fans may be crazy, but the Robsessed ones are a whole different breed. They care about slicing and dicing up KStew much more than they care about Rob or his career.

  55. Loop says:

    Just google minicoopering, and it will come up lol

  56. Loop says:

    Lol she’ll do it again, just wait.

  57. Elly says:

    the guy in the car looks a little bit like Neal from “Once upon a time”…

  58. Elceibeno says:

    Kristen: It is unnatural to repress your passions and carnal desires. Go for it! Sleep with him and get your fill of animal sex attraction that clearly both of you feel for each other. Liberty divorced him anyway so he’s a free man so you might as well have some real fun.

  59. lady mary. says:

    i always thought the lyrics in Britney spears songs were so dumb but now if this gossip were ever true “Ooops i did it again, i playe d with your heart ……. ,” should be blasted of from the roof tops

  60. The Original G says:

    …..they’re “together.” But he’s out of town and they are apart most of the time.

    I see.

  61. cynicalsmirk says:

    Actually, the rest of us are as bored as hell of this and really don’t care. Yawn.

  62. Tiffany :) says:

    I am not a twi-hard, I think Kristen is moderately talented…but I don’t think that is Rupert. She is waiting at the valet stand and someone pulled up in a car. Doesn’t look like evidence of anything to me.

    I think people getting overly excited one way or the other (either bashing Kstew or defending her) is pretty dang silly. I would say the bashers are looking a little more cray cray than the defenders recently.

  63. Miss Thang says:

    That guy does look like him, but I’m not sure that’s his car. In the photo of him getting into his own car the front bumber looks smooth. This car has a some kind of strange thing going on with the bumper. See how it has those ridges? I don’t think that’s his car.
    How disappointing, I do enjoy relishing in her horrible mistakes.

  64. PatsGirl says:

    Everyone is forgetting the real question here..WHEN WILL SHE RETIRE THOSE FUG CHUCKS?!?!?

    I can’t even imagine the smell that must emanate from those things.

  65. Dana says:

    So if that’s a valet in Kristen’s car, does that mean Rob and Kristen bought themselves the same car Rupert owns?
    Isn’ t that odd, too?

    • Another Ann says:

      Why does everyone keep saying it’s the same car as Rupert’s? Are people blind? Both cars are black, yeah, but so are half the cars in LA. Some site had pictures of “his” car as well as the car Stewart got in, and the front bumpers were clearly different.

      Does anyone really know what car he drives? This one picture that was supposed to be “proof” showed him getting in the passenger side. Probably not even his car!

      Such a lot of to-do about nothing.

      • Dana says:

        Well, Kaiser writes that the car in the picture is an Acura and that Rupert owns an Acura. Doesn’t mention she’s not sure and I don’t know anything about cars and can’t prove her wrong.
        So either what she wrote is not true or Rubert and Kristen both own black Acuras.

  66. kingkayski says:

    That’s why i like this girl so much,even unemployed and just lazying about she garner so much attention ,so controversial,love her.Hate those boring actresses, don’t care how talented they are,especialy they can’t dress for sh*t,no time for them.But Kristen,i like the way she makes peoples blood boil and interesting,i’m sick that way.This girl will be around for a long time,Rob fans will see to that.

  67. lisa says:

    she has a knack for always looking unshowered

  68. Loop says:

    Lol at the Stans here

  69. xxx says:

    I have no idea if this is him or not but one thing really annoys me and that is the constant use of that photo of them in a restaurant in Berlin like they’re having some romantic dinner. They were at dinner with a number of cast and crew and Charlize Theron was sitting in between them. Kristen is not looking at Rupert, she’s looking at Charlize, who is talking. If you look at the full series of photos OR the video footage, you can clearly see Charlize talking and gesticulating with both of them listening to her. Sheesh.

    AND I say all of this as a person who thought all of the Twilight films were absolute crap. I think Kristen is a better actress than some seem to think but I don’t think she’s amazing and I think she was miscast in SWATH. I think she’s better in indie flicks. So I’m not a fan or a hater, just someone who hates it when the press deliberately shows misleading photos. As for these new ones? I dunno, could be real, could be completely fake. If they’re real they are pretty brazen!

  70. aquarius64 says:

    I saw the HollywoodLife story that denied it was Rupert; that it was the valet. Still don’t understand why the emphasis that it was the girlfriend’s car. What’s interesting is that the denial came within 24 hrs. of the story breaking. This tells me one thing: Kristen’s image is still damaged by the Mini-Cooper Makeout with the Married Man. Rob’s forgiveness has not helped her; neither has the birthday party stories with the expensive BIC pen, not the hand holding at Coachella and other PDA events that have been chronicled. They were wiped out the moment the Rupert look-alike appeared. Kristen is now on notice: any male she is seen with who is not Rob or her family member is a possible sidepiece. Even Taylor Lautner was suspect for a minute during their hang time last month. The paps are on the hunt, thinking she will slip again and they will catch her giving a new meaning to “jump starting” a car. When the running Internet joke about you is that your loss of film projects is due to actors’ catching heat from their wives for possibly working with you, THAT’s an image problem. Kristen and her team better come up with a new strategy; for the “Robsten is Unbroken” tour is not working outside the fanbase.