LeAnn Rimes celebrates Father’s Day & Eddie’s 40th b-day on Twitter, of course

It was all about LeAnn Rimes this weekend, as it is every weekend. Even more so this weekend because she got to help Eddie Cibrian celebrate his birthday and Father’s Day and of course it was all about HER. I’m including the photos LeAnn posted on Twitter this weekend – two of the pics involve Eddie’s sons. I know I’m a broken record on this, but it still makes me uncomfortable when LeAnn the Bonus Mom tweets photos of her step-sons. If Eddie was doing it, fine. He’s their father. But LeAnn always goes overboard and it’s just uncomfortable. Here are some selected tweets from LeAnn’s Twitter:

Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads and bonus dads!!!!! Love to you all

Happy 40th birthday to my incredible husband and the best father his boys could ever ask for. We all love you baby @EddieCibrian

Even though our plans changed, we are having the best day! It’s all about THE MAN today! ❤

Love this pic and these boys are the light of my husband’s life. He lives and loves to be a dad. #luckyboysluckydad

I love this man….. He’s the big 40, he’s amazing, he’s my everything and more

[Via LeAnn’s Twitter]

So, Eddie is 40 years old now? Wouldn’t it be awesome if suddenly LeAnn decided he was too old and she traded him in for a younger model? Because really, what does Eddie bring to the table? Not much. And LeAnn is desperately trying to “keep” him and keep track of his wandering dong, and who needs that stress? Better to just throw him over and get someone younger. But of course that won’t happen. LeAnn is a bitter-ender – if this relationship ends, it will be because Eddie has had enough.

Photos courtesy of LeAnn’s Twitter.

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169 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes celebrates Father’s Day & Eddie’s 40th b-day on Twitter, of course”

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  1. KatieD says:

    My first reaction was also discomfort with the pictures of the boys being posted, particularly the one with all 4 of them…it’s like she really believes this is “her” family and “her” boys. And it’s sick that she posts these pics after Brandi has made her wishes clear. Too bad Eddie doesn’t grow a backbone and tell her no…but that’s about as likely as him learning to act. I saw part of that Hallmark movie last night and it was just awful…lol.

    I can smell her desperation through these pics…they are SOOOO in love, you guys!

    • Jalopy says:


      What was that hallmark film about? I’ve just seen she was promoting it on twitter like it was some HBO-level masterpiece.

      On a slightly different tip why wasnt Eddie able to break into leading man roles when he was younger? I know he is no Daniel Day Lewis but then neither was say, Keanu. And he is an utter d*ck but then hollywood is filled with them. Ofcourse once he got with Leann all hope died, but why hadnt it happened for him before that? Hes hot, he can say his lines and stand on the mark, what more do you need from say a male romantic lead??

      • NerdMomma says:

        I’ll answer that one. He, in the last few years, had a short-lived show called Playboy Club or something like that. He CAN say his lines and hit his marks, but that’s all he’s doing. He lacks the “magic” that draws in a viewer and makes him relatable or watchable. He was utterly boring in that role, I didn’t care about his character in the least, and apparently lots felt the same way as it was cancelled pretty quickly. He was never leading-man material.

      • RocketMerry says:

        Interesting question; my guess is he does not have the drive for success.
        A lot of people talk about how much they’d like to be great at their job, and maybe they even believe it, but the truth is that when the actual moment comes when you actually have to WORK for it, they bail.
        And to succeed you need at least one of these: talent, know-how, ambition. You can succeed without all three, but you can’t if you lack them all.

        Eddie is just fine with being a paid boy-toy.

      • Cam S says:

        @ RocketMerry: Wow! This was ON POINT! (And also probably true of myself when I was very young, if truth be told). This is probably one of the most accurate descriptions Of Eddie I have read yet.

      • KatieD says:

        The Hallmark movie “Notes From Dad” is about Eddie’s character, a music teacher and deadbeat dad who leads the school band to a cheesy, cliche victory, then has a cheesy, cliche revelation that he needs to reconnect with his son. Very budget, and I must agree with the previous posters that Eddie really lacks any charisma or spark…he delivers his lines but it seems like all he thinks he needs to do is stand there looking pretty. This is why he has never been a serious actor.

  2. Samtha says:

    Huh. So they won’t let Brandi have the boys on RHoBH, but LeAnn can post them all over Twitter?

    • atrain says:

      It’s disturbing, right? And Brandi doesn’t even post photos like this on her twitter. I would be fuming mad if someone constantly posted photos of my kids online.

      • Hakura says:

        I can’t help but think about all the pedophiles wandering the internet that could SO easily add these pics to their ‘fun folder’. God, can you even imagine? & all these pics she’s ever posted are OUT THERE now, no takebacks.

        (Not even going into the crazies who could become obsessed & do something worse).

        It infuriates me, really.

  3. H. Scott says:

    Isn’t it all about THE MAN everyday for her? She is truly pathetic.

  4. dorothy says:

    Wasn’t Eddie the one that had a fit when his ex wanted to put the boys on the RHOBH show? So, it’s ok for LeAnn to plaster them all over twitter? Odd reasoning.

  5. Shitler says:

    Those kids are so cute! Fuck Leann & Eddie

    • emmie_a says:

      They are super cute kids. And the younger one is a total Eddie mini-me.

    • bettyrose says:

      Really cute and future heartbreakers, so I hope all this dramz isn’t teaching them to disrespect women. I mean, what are they learning? That women are catty, backstabbing, and desperate, and that all men have to do is sit back and let them fight over you and earn your keep?

  6. Cam S says:

    I thought she was supposed to be on a 20 day tour? Couldn’t leave the wandering dong for 20 days?
    Her albums will ALL FLOP because unless her paid for husband is with her, she will never be able to tour to support it. Touring is how artists make their money, they don’t get jack from album sales.

    Did she actually wish her OWN Father a Happy Father’s day?

    • The Original Tiffany says:

      Especially when the album in question has only sold 11,000 copies. She probably still owes the record company money on this deal.
      They deduct production and promotion costs from the earnings of said album. That’s why artists have to tour, tour, tour.

      • Green Eyes says:

        Amen Tiff! She will be owing money from this album

      • atrain says:

        And how many of those 11,000 copies did she buy herself? I can probably guess what everyone of her nearest and dearest are getting for the next 10 major holidays.

    • Iyanla says:

      Doubt it! Eddie isn’t her father last time I checked. She has a weird complex with Eddie. Beyond obsessed.

      Whenever I see pics with her and the boys, I just think, interloper. Nobody wants her there but loser Eddie.

      She looks pretty in the family pic but we all know she doesnt look like that picture. Her puffy plastic surgery face and botox make her look like a monster.

    • briargal says:

      Don’t forget her lies! 20 day tour was quite similar to her 30 rehab! In her mind it’s only numbers!

  7. Appel says:

    “he’s my everything”
    Brandi used these words in the conversation with Sheana …

    • Jayna says:

      LOL Too funny. You’re so right. I didn’t catch that. Poor LeAnn can’t even come up with an original line to tweet about her adoration of her husband. That’s really not a common thing to say in the exact same way and too coincidental.

      I think LeAnn follows everything Brandi says or does or wears and it stays in her subconscious. Half the time — or a third of the time she doesn’t even know she’s doing it (like copying the black boots and black, loose, jersey-type dress on X-Factor a year after Brandi wore it.) and the other half or two-thirds is deliberate to taunt her. I believe Brandi’s outfit was stored away in her mind, and when she wore it, she really thought she came up with that ensemble LOL.

      But either way her obssession with Brandi is irrefutable. She is too delusional to be horrifed and embarrassed.

      On another note, they do look happy in this photo, not fake. Of course, it’s his birthday and Father’s Day, and LeAnn is probably spoiling him to the max all day and presentwse, and a few beers give him the hazy glow.

      • claire says:

        First thing I thought when I saw the top photo was: wow, the Brandi transformation is almost complete. And hey! she even has on a pair of Brandi’s earrings to really make it authentic.

        The girl’s obsession with Brandi is just nuts.

      • a says:

        I think that the “obsession” with Brandi is refutable. I have seen a couple of questionable things but it is nowhere at the level that some have made it out to be.

        I see comments all the time that LeAnn is wearing the EXACT SAME shoes, dress or something like that and then look at the picture and the dress and shoes are not the EXACT SAME item. And on top of that most of the items are things that are trendy and my conclusion is that both Brandi and LeAnn are trend whores.

      • claire says:

        So everything that she duplicates of Brandi’s is a different color. Big deal. What about the identical tweets she will send out an hour after Brandi, or the complete transformation of her looks? Or going to Brandi’s doctors? I mean, the list goes on and on. Sure, some people get over eager and pick some questionable things that could be chalked up to coincidence. But there are more than enough examples that can’t possibly be coincidence.

      • Jalopy says:

        Well, whatevers going on between those two (Brandi Leann) its about to kickoff again. Brandi just tweeted that Leann needs to shut up about her in interviews. Maybe responding to yet another interview that Perez has,posted.

        I hate myself for following this stoopid drama, just so you know. Cant wait for tomorrows coverage of the epic twitter breakdown that Leann is about to have.

        Now excuse me as I resume my vigil on her account.

      • Jalopy says:

        Double post

      • silver says:

        Eddie does look happy b/c of all the presents Leann no doubt got him. she gave him 7 CARDS that weekend, can you imagine how many actual gifts her obsessed, smothering *ss got him?

        & yeah, as JRock hilariously pointed out before, buying cakes & cards, them tweeting pics of them, take up most of her free time lol

      • a says:

        LOL @ jalopy. 😀

      • apsutter says:

        I thought the same thing!! All her jewelry is something Brandi would wear. Same with the shirt and the kini. When I first saw the kissing pic for a second I thought it was Brandi!

      • jesa says:

        She has a long history of obsession, she did Piper Perabo like that too, the girl that stole her fiancee from her and looks very similar to Brandi, she never got over it, she even copied her cd cover ‘exactly’ on a photo of Piper. http://storify.com/LeannsBioMom/leann-rimes-becomes-piper-perabo-on-cover-spitfire

  8. SolitaryAngel says:

    That little guy is the mirror image of his dad; the older boy looks like his mom–both are adorable. 🙂

    That kiss looks painfully awkward. I am uncomfortable with how much she exposes those boys but since their father won’t do anything to stop her…

    Oh, and all the declarations of her LovE? When this finally ends badly (and we know it will), I wonder will all these thousands of tweets come back to haunt her (as it would a *normal* person)? Because seriously, she has overshared to the point that there will be nowhere for her to turn without having all this right in her face. I fear you’re right, Kaiser–she IS a “bitter-ender” and the breakdown will be EPIC. I am stock-piling popcorn right now.

  9. Deanne says:

    Eddie only looks happy with her when he also looks wasted and he sure looks wasted in the photos. Sweaty and drunk. Her determination to present “her family” to the world makes me really uncomfortable. It’s like she makes every life event into an opportunity to exploit the kids and show the world her ill gotten gains of a “family”. She said she would be away for three weeks. I guess she couldn’t chance letting Eddie have that much time alone with his boys. He might figure out that they are better off without her.

    • KatieD says:

      What irks me is how she always refers to the family that she “built” with Eddie. Umm, built? Not quite. More like bought.

      • sauvage says:

        Besides, she “built” this family with Eddie after they both had destroyed ANOTHER family.

      • Green Eyes says:

        1000. x yes to this!! Bought not built she had no kids. She’s plain nuts!

  10. brin says:

    She makes my skin crawl. Her creepy vine pics, her sickening tweets, her fake photo ops. Everything about her is staged. She can’t live life because it’s all for show. Pathetic.

    • Itsa Reallyme says:

      Speaking of her Vine Videos, my son was showing me some of the top Vines the other day and they were just normal videos of people doing funny stuff. I said something to him about how I had thought Vine Videos were weird videos where you just piece together odd snippets of things and he didn’t know what I was talking about. I showed him Leann’s and he said, “That lady is crazy and weird. There’s something wrong with her.” Out of the mouths of babes. lol

  11. Christin says:

    Saw him interviewed last week for his movie. He spoke very fondly of his kids and how he prefers to work near them. When the subject of wife and possible reality show came up, the answers sounded more rehearsed (just my own observation).

  12. K-rock says:

    Another barftacular tweet fest from the one and only MeAnn.

  13. lem says:

    i def don’t understand these pics. i thought she was away in the UK on tour for like 20 days. did they fly to her?

  14. antisocial says:

    The youngest son looks like a cloned copy of his Dad, the oldest looks a little more like Brandi. Squinty McDesperate is awful and a living example of an evolutionary regression. I’d encourage girl to scale back the crazy but it’s honestly the only thing keeping her relevant. When I am disheartened by my own desperate, stage-5-clinger friends, Falkor is an entertaining reminder that it could always be worse.
    On a serious note though, I do truly feel for those kids, not even money and privilege can combat crazy.
    Excellent note Cam S on the absence of well wishing to her own father, what a pathetic, shallow, narcissistic life she leads.

    • Relli says:

      “When I am disheartened by my own desperate, stage-5-clinger friends, Falkor is an entertaining reminder that it could always be worse.”

      OMG yes, yes, a million times yes!

    • Relli says:

      “When I am disheartened by my own desperate, stage-5-clinger friends, Falkor is an entertaining reminder that it could always be worse.”

      OMG yes, yes, a million times yes!

    • Lady D says:

      I have a cat I refer to as a stage 4 clinger. Couldn’t imagine that in a friend. Would get seriously exhausting.

  15. K-rock says:

    Do you think when she warms up her voice she goes “Me Me Me Me Me” for like 2 hours straight?

    • Girlygirl says:

      Yes….and there is proof. She has been warming up with the me, me, me all over the morning talk shows for the last two weeks.

  16. Jayna says:

    The little one is an exact clone of Eddie, amazing. The older one has mostly Brandi’s features, but with overall resemblance to Eddie by his dark hair, etc., and he looks more Cuban than Eddie. The oldest one is going to be a heartbreaker with those looks. The younger one is such a sweetie, always smiling.

  17. Sullivan says:

    As an uninvested observer, I’d say that is a really cute family photo. I’ll bet Brandy has cute family photos with her sons as well. No big deal.

  18. Rita says:

    Her album slid off the charts faster than a cat trying to cling to a chalk board…..the sound of which is uncannily similar.

    If she’s ever going to make music again that has a chance at radio play, she has to dump that “clown” she calls a song writer. Everything he’s produced for her in the last 5 years has been a waste of time and money.

    • Girlygirl says:

      Spot on!

    • Deanne says:

      She basically threw Barrell under the bus in an interview, even though he’s been her loyal foot soldier and supporter of her delusion for so long. She said she had tons to write about and would do so once she “finds the right partner”. As sad as I’ll be to not get to watch him dance in her low rent videos, it’s obvious that moving on is her only hope and that’s a faint hope at best.

      • Jayna says:

        I would think she means the right partner as in label. She not signed to a label, which she needs to produce an album financially. She won’t get one with the sales of her last two albums.

    • apsutter says:

      Her problem is that she thinks her popularity and career successes were of her own making. Dean had a tremendous hand in boosting her career. She had a bad reputation before she was married but Dean completely humanized her. He was this cute and overall nice guy who did a great job of tempering her crazy narcissism and turning her into a doting wife. Plus he was involved in the business end and helped her write and produce her music. She lost her perfect partner when she tossed him aside.

  19. Aussie girl says:

    There is no way I put post pictures of my partners children on any social media. They are not my children regardless of the relationship I have with their father, so I have no right. Doesnt mean i dont love and adore them, its just i wouldnt do it. My partner does however that’s because their HIS kids. What gives Leanne the right to do this! I’m not a mother yet (due next feb) but this makes makes my blood boil.

    • Deanne says:

      Well you’re obviously suffering from an affliction that LeAnn could never understand. The combo of class, respect of boundaries and selfless affection for you partner’s kids. She’s got that balance of extreme narcissism and a total lack of self awareness going for her, so she could never relate to someone who actually behaves respectfully. Good luck with your new baby.

    • erika says:

      no kids here but i wouldn’t post pics of my kids (as i don’t nephew/neices) because of PREDATORS out there! god….you never know if some pedophile has chosen your kids as his dream dish, downloaded their pics and God knows what…

      or worse, w/ all the ‘get so and so’s address/email/number’ websites (spokeo rings a bell) how damn easy it is to find the address/home info of a total stranger. stalkers, pedophiles, robbers beware…

      p.s. on that note, an idiot woman i know once facebooked (non private page) about how excited she was to be going on vacation and how they had to get up early sun morning to catch their 8am flight…..

      her house was robbed sunday morning right after they left….DURGHHHH!

      • qtpi says:

        Same with the people that have to “check in” and brag about where they are. And usually it is far from home. I never post vacation photos or mention I am away from the house until I am back at the house.

    • silver says:

      wow Aussigirl you must have just found out you’re pregnant! congrats 🙂

  20. NerdMomma says:

    Haha, great post. Message to LeAnn Rimes: if you dump Eddie and take up with a younger piece, I will TOTALLY support that by buying your crappy album. Somehow that would just perfectly ice this crazy cake.

    • TLC0113 says:

      +100000000 I love this post!

    • a says:

      I am not hoping for a LeAnn-Eddie break up but I can see some hot young thang wooing LeAnn away from Eddie in a few years.

    • Christin says:

      Hubby would be free to openly roam (likely with a nice settlement) and new toyboy would assume the role of a devoted companion not at all interested in money or celebrity status.

  21. Shannon says:

    Gorgeous kids….that’s all I got. Leann is exhausting.

  22. Mimi says:

    Brandi beats Leann in every department, which must be somewhat comforting. She has to know she is better off w out Eddie, being that he’s only half a man. Her kids will 1 day be old enough to see the situation for what it is and they will form their own opinion of Leann….it wont be favorable because there is nothing to like about leann

  23. Jane says:

    The fact is Leann is using this opportunity to cover up the fact that her album tanked. While she is probably furious on the inside, “How can the world not LOVE me? My voice is precious and after 20 years in the business I deserve everything! Everything I tell you! I should have sold millions!” she is making it appear that her life is pure bliss on the outside. She wants us to envy her so much that we ache on the inside for what she has. In reality we wouldn’t want to be in her position. A rather sizable portion of us have more self- respect, class, values and something she will never have HUMILITY! She bought her family. She will never know what a true family is.

  24. a says:

    Adorable, I think the four of them look very cute.

    I think there is a big difference between tweeting pictures or getting photographed walking through an airport and having children be part of a reality TV show, especially the Real Housewives shows. The first season that Brandi was on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Brandi took her sons to a barbecue and one of her sons urinated on the grass and a big deal was made about it. Just that one incident shows that Eddie was 100% right to not sign off on his kids being on the show even in the background.

    It is now an even playing field both LeAnn (obviously with Eddie’s OK) and Brandi tweet about the kids and get their pictures taken with the kids by the paparazzi.

    • a says:

      Adding on to my comment:
      I understand fans and celebrity followers being uncomfortable seeing kids hanging out with a celebrity mother or father’s new partner, I feel that way when I see Heidi Klum’s boyfriend with Seal’s kids, but I think in the end these people are just living their lives.

      Without a doubt if Brandi snagged herself a man she would be tweeting pictures of herself with the kids and her partner, and if he is a tweeting celebrity then he too would be tweeting and getting pictures taken by the paparazzi of himself with the boys.

      • qtpi says:

        You miss the point entirely a. Brandi is THEIR MOTHER and can post pics if she wants to. LeAnn is the stepmother (sorry… BONUS Mom!) and should refrain from posting if the mother specifically asks her not to post. Eddie does not post pics. It’s pretty clear she has him by the nuts and does whatever she pleases without his permission.

      • Cam S says:

        I think what the posters are trying to say is that they are BRANDI’S CHILDREN to tweet, post pictures about. Leann didn’t give birth to them, will have no rights to them if she gets divorced etc. So, your argument is invalid

      • a says:

        I am not sure how to work the reply thing but this is in reply to qtpi.


        I am not missing the point. Brandi is their mother and Eddie is their father and Eddie clearly does not have a problem with his wife’s actions.

        I believe that there are boundaries when it come to step-parenting, LeAnn has “her place” or boundaries when it involves a major issue like religion but not over posting some doggone pictures on Twitter especially if her husband does not mind and the bio mom does the same thing.

      • qtpi says:

        a – Curious – does Heidi Klum’s new bf post pics of her kids all over social media? What would everyone say about it if the tables were turned? I would be skeeved out beyond BELIEF if Brandi got a new piece and he tooks pics and posted them.

        Crazy LR is getting a pass because she is a woman. And she didn’t build this family. She screwed a guy that thought she would be an easy quiet lay because she was married at the time too. He had no intention of this sh*t storm blowing up the way it did.

      • karmasabiatch! says:

        @ a-

        Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that you enjoy SWF’ing a certain Hollywood Housewife, taking vomit-inducing selfies involving bikinis and inappropriate cakes and tweeting pictures of staged PDA with your bought-and-paid for husband?

        Just wondering. QQ

    • claire says:

      Leann is exploiting those boys for her image. Plain and simple, against what both their parents have stated they want for the kids. There’s a difference between the parents tweeting a pic or two here and there. In this instance, you’ve got the stepmom tweeting tons of pics, giving out private info about the kids and for $12.99 you can join her fan club where she realllllly exposes them. She used their photos, additional ones than you see on Twitter, as paid content on her site.

      What it really illustrates is that Eddie is a loser. He wants one set of rules for Brandi and another set for his ex-wife.

      • a says:

        IF Eddie is a loser, as Judge Judy would say, Brandi picked him and had kids with him. So if he is letting LeAnn run roughshod over him, it is what it is and Brandi is stuck with Eddie and whomever his wife is and their ways until the youngest turns eighteen.

    • betty says:

      Those are Brandi kids and it is HER right to take pictures etc. Brandi is the reason Eddie gets to celebrate Father Day and call himself a”father”. Leann didn’t honor him with that privilege. Heidi Klum is the mother that’s why her kids are photographed her boyfriend isn’t flaunting them. Leann can only claim but never have Brandi kids.She just makes herself appear more and more desperate. We know why Eddie doesn’t step in because as long as he is getting his 80% he will allow Leann to do as she pleases.

    • SouthernGal says:

      Not understanding your point here a. First, BRANDI is THEIR MOM which means she gave birth to them and if she wants their pics posted on a billboard in the middle of Time Square she can do so. But LEANN is THEIR STEPMOM which means she will NEVER have any legal right to them. NONE!

      Go on Brandi’s TL and you will see she hardly ever post pics of her kids. But LeAnn, pics everywhere. Her paid fan website, vine, Twitter, paid pap shots all over the internet. Please tell me you don’t think that is normal. She exposes those kids to pediophiles and people that have harassed Brandi. Who does that?

      Eddie is a nothing ass, broke ass, alcoholic, paid gigolo who allows his desperate, unfortunate looking, famewhore, skank ass wife expose his children just for the sake of keeping his allowance.

      As a Mother, I wish another trick would post pics of my kids all over the internet. Not happening. I have friends that are stepmoms and the one thing I can commend them for is respecting the Mother. Brandi is a much better woman than I could ever be because LeAnn would have been beat to a damn pulp by now with her constant antics, harrassing and exploiting of kids. Enough already!

      • briargal says:

        TOTALLY AGREE with your post! You always hit the nail on the head. And I’m with you–Enough already, Margaret!

      • a says:

        You are right LeAnn probably has no legal rights when it comes to Mason and Jake but that is irrelevant because nothing that she has done is against the law or a custody order, OR if the law or custody order has been violated then Brandi needs to take Eddie to court because unless LeAnn has done something criminal to the kids, then Eddie is the one that Brandi is supposed to take action against.

        As far as beating someone down it looks like Brandi may have done something like that when she and Eddie were splitting up and I bet that was one of the reasons Eddie ended up getting 1/2 custody of their sons.

      • Jezi says:

        A what are you talking about? In California it’s typical for parents to get 50/50 custody. Brandi didn’t beat anyone down. What a ridiculous thing to say. A respectful stepmom shouldn’t have to be legally forced not to post pics just the mom stating that it hurts her and asks for it not to be done should be enough. Given that the nature of the relationship started from an affair should be even more of a reason to do things in a different way. But Leann is a psychotic, arrogant ass and therefore there will always be discord. Well until they divorce that is.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        Good heavens, “a”, what are you thinking? There is NO comparison between Brandi and Leann. Whether or not you hate Brandi- and you clearly do- she is the mother of those children and has the right to make decisions about them. Eddie does as well, though with the nonsense he pulls, he doesn’t deserve it. Leann is their STEPMOTHER, who has been posting pictures and videos of these kids since she was Eddie’s girlfriend. It’s people like you who make her feel entitled to do as she pleases. Leann does not stop posting pictures and film of kids that are NOT hers. The MOTHER of these children has requested that she stop and she REFUSES. Forget whose side you’re on, it’s common sense: the PARENTS make decisions for these kids. Neither Eddie nor Brandi endlessly post pictures of their own sons- it’s the creepy stepmother. Brandi respected Eddie’s wish that the boys not appear on Brandi’s show, but Leann has them appear on her specials, calls the paps to their games, calls the paps on holidays, tweets the boys’ pictures, posts videos on Vine, talks about them in interviews…. barring the complete lack of respect and boundaries, she may as well draw a huge neon arrow as to where the boys are and their daily activities. And, again, she is NOT THE MOTHER.

  25. OK says:

    The photo with them kissing looks like he’s going, “ew, ew, ew let’s get is over with!”…lol

  26. JustMe123 says:

    I think BG could do some legally to stop her from posting the pictures of the boys, her profile is public, it’s not likes she’s just sharing them with her “friends”. She knows it bothers BG so that is why she does it, why can’t her life be private, she complains that people constantly judge her and she has no privacy but yet she plays her whole life out on Twitter. I also don’t understand why Eddie allows it, does he not realize those pictures can now be copied all over the internet, just like this blog did? LeAnn is an attention whore, she needs validation and constant praise about how great she is, that is why she lives on Twitter for her few fans to blow smoke up her ass, “I need a hug”, I’ve had such a bad day, did you check your DM”, “you never tweet me”….on and on, that whole group and LeAnn are needy!

    • a says:

      This is the main reason I stopped sympathizing with Brandi over her issues with Eddie and LeAnn. If Brandi has a big problem with what is going on then she either needs to suck it up or take Eddie to court and instead she goes on Twitter and tabloid tirades.

      I agree with you that LeAnn is an attention whore but I think that Brandi is ten times the attention whore that LeAnn is.

      • TheTruthHurts says:

        I think fans of Brandi are bothered by the twitter pictures of the kids more than Brandi is now. I don’t remember Brandi saying much about the photos. She did a couple times like on Halloween and in an interview, but she doesn’t rant on about it. It obviously doesn’t bother her that much. I think she is more concerned over the safety of her kids and does not want LeAnn to refer to the boys as her own.

      • lindy loo says:

        Maybe she hasn’t taken him back to court because of money. In spite of what she get on the housewife series and her book, she must be aware it won’t last long. And I wonder if Ediot is sending child support? I haven’t heard of him working much; maybe Meann is paying it?

  27. antisocial says:

    OMG everybody click over to Radar for their article on celebrities married before 20, as Im not savvy enough to provide you a link. MEann is included in a pic with her first hubby Dean Sherm-something and, here’s the shocker, she looks pretty!!!!!! Youthful and sane and normal (and yes, I hate myself a little for thinking so). I always assumed she started out unfortunate looking and grew into ‘monstrosity’ but there was a moment there in between when she was genuinely cute!!

    • Erinn says:

      What an incredible difference!

    • Jayna says:

      I have always posted photos or videos of LeAnn cute from her late teens all the way until marrying Eddie and her obssession with trying to be something she wasn’t and destroying her looks first through starvation and now fillers and botox where her eyes and eyebrows don’t move and something with her mouth we’ve all discussed on here.

      LeAnn at around five and a half years of marriage with Dean below. She should have stayed with him or at least married someone else. She was cute and seemed comfortable with herself in her mid-twenties. Though by then she did put the bigger veneers on, which she shouldn’t have, but they didn’t ruin her looks and they’re better than what she’s done this third go-around mouthwise. Her smile is odd now.

      The funny thing is in trying to compete with Brandi lookswise with Eddie she ruined everything that was cute and natural about her. She just looks hard now and different now.

      2006 with Dean – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVTYHncipR4

      • apsutter says:

        I actually didn’t mind her bigger veneers. Yea they were big but her original teeth(and not to be mean, just honest) were incredibly ugly.

    • apsutter says:

      Yea she was a pretty cute country girl before Eddie. She only really had her awkward phase for a year or so when she first came on the scene. Once she lost her babyfat she was cute. I’ve shown this before but I think she looks so pretty in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIUMPG6Punw

  28. qtpi says:

    Uh. LeAnn is sooooooo dense. Doesn’t understand why the public has turned on her and her album sales tank.

    Brandi has asked her more then once to not share photos of the boys on twitter and she continues to do so. Without knowing anything else about her that tells us all we need to know.

    And no. Eddie isn’t going to tell his sugar momma that she can’t do anything. I think she is a nasty piece of work that has to have her way in everything and he just takes it.

  29. judyjudy says:

    The term ‘wandering dong’ always cracks me up. I picture a sad little weiner walking aimlessly through the streets, hitching a ride, waiting at the bus stop….

  30. d b says:

    It’s so creepy how competitive Leanne is with Brandi, trying to out-mom her every chance she gets. ITA with you Kaiser

  31. Girlygirl says:

    Here she is again posting pics of the kids. I suppose that if Eddie is okay with this then there is nothing to complain about.

    I don’t agree with the paparazzi pics at the ball games, totally dangerous.

    I am team Brandi…but I wonder what LeAnn has on her. Why won’t Brandi go to court and straighten this paparazzi stuff out? Everybody has mentioned that Brandi needs to go to court and fix the custody agreement. She has every right to put the lockdown on LeAnn when it comes to the kids. Why is she not doing this?

    • sonia says:

      My opinion…it costs a LOT to take someone to court, and the way Meanne knows her way in and out and around a court room I don’t know if it would be worth it. She’s not doing it for “work” which Brandi would be doing if the kids were on the show. She’s probably already looked into it, but seriously somehow the parent who does wrong by the kids gets away with it and the parent who does everything right gets kicked in the teeth. No offense to Mrs. Ed and her veneers…because she’s not a parent, and she definitely isn’t in the right, she’s the one who should be getting kicked!

      • lisa says:

        ita sonia

        brandy has to pick and choose her battles. she still has to dead with eddie for many more years. the relationship is already not the best, she doesnt even have the house phone # which imo is ridiculous considering the age of the children.

  32. Dani says:

    Leann of course he is happy and it’s all about him- YOU cater to him with lavish gifts and expensive vacations. What fool would give that up.??? He has it made-stays with you to live a “blissful marriage” until you have aged and are old and he will find another younger you. Tell us when Eddie boy has PAID and took YOU on a vacation and bought YOU expensive gifts.???….just saying.

  33. Miss USA says:

    EC would look tens times hotter next to Miss Connecticut than next to a horse.

  34. UsedToBeLulu says:

    Good lord, check out the clutching MeAnn hand in the kissing photo. Ha!

  35. briargal says:

    I am soooo diappointed that this site has not said anything about the cover of LR’s flushable CD and a pic of Piper Perabo being IDENTICAL!! Andrew must have really broken LR’s heart–if she has one. Just shows how vicious this twit can be if you cross her. No wonder EC is scared of her and stays with her. Of course the money is good too, huh Eddie? Wish the media would wake up to see all the SWFing this broad does! And all the lying too! On Wendy Williams she denied the frosting on the chest thing happened. I truly believe that if it was a lie, it would never have been able to be in Brandi’s book. And we all know that everything LR says is a lie!

    • SouthernGal says:

      There was NOTHING in that book untrue. LeAnn knows it and those of us that don’t fall for her dumb bullsh*t know it as well. IF it was in the book…it could be proven. So not only did Brandi hear her say it..someone else did as well. She is litigious and would have sued Brandi and the publishing company if it wasn’t true.

      You could tell she was lying on Wendy. Never made eye contact and was moving her hands around like the cracked out wh*re she is.

      • briargal says:

        You are right! But what I don’t get is why all these media outlets don’t get it or maybe they just ignore it. It’s so obvious that LR is lying and she never gets called out on it! With a few exceptions (one being CB) they all seem to kiss her ass! (Which while she was on her lax’s could have been very messy!)

      • Dana M says:

        Have “Eyes for Lies” give us her opinion. Doubt she would even bother with a LR inquiry, but it would be great to get her professional opinion.


      • Zooyork says:

        I love eyesforlies! That would be amazing if she would profile MeAnn!

    • Rita says:

      I saw the picture of Piper Perabo on twitter. I was dumb founded. You really should post a link so the author of these threads can see it. Obviously, LeAnn has that cheating photo buried deep in her psyche.

      Please get it to CB or Kaiser. It really is something to see.

    • nc_magnolia says:


      Actually, I just emailed CB this link over the weekend: http://storify.com/LeannsBioMom/leann-rimes-becomes-piper-perabo-on-cover-spitfire

      Ita w/ you, I believe if the press at large saw wewe’s swfing of someone in addition to Brandi, people would finally understand what a psychologically fragmented menace she is to Brandi and her boys. That is the real issue here as far as I’m concerned.


  36. betty says:

    Eddie is a loser. But when he was married to Brandi he supported her and gave her all the luxuries they could and could not afford. Leann on the other hand has to pay for his being with her. He does nothing for her. Try as Leann might she can never outdo Brandi as a mother or wife. If Brandi is a attention whore it payed off for her and Leann is getting the backlash.

    • Zooyork says:

      Great point. I never thought of it that way. I had only considered it pathetic that Eddie tried to live beyond his means before meeting LR, but when you think about it from the angle you brought up- it does show a generosity / wanting to bestow things upon Brandi that LR never experiences from Ed.
      One more thing for LR to feel inadequate about, lol

  37. TheTruthHurts says:

    She is unrecognizable in the photo where she is kissing Eddie. It doesn’t even look like her.

    Someone needs to take that family picture and photoshop Brandi’s face in place of LeAnn’s and send it to LeAnn on twitter. LeAnn Stepford wife cloned Brandi’s life and it’s Brandi that should be in that family picture, not LeAnn.

    • briargal says:

      And EC has his eyes closed! Probably the only way he can stand to kiss her! Behind his eye lids he is seeing $$$$$$!

  38. Selena says:

    This chick wins the “Most desperate second wife” award….Jeez she’s lucky i’m not Brandi. Everytime Eddie is wheeled out for a photo-op he looks more than a little tipsy. She favours the younger child as the older child looks too much like mom. She’ll be in a straight-jacket when he leaves her crazy ass…

    • briargal says:

      She belongs in one now but her Bio-Mom needs the money as does her ho of a husband! But then if she was committed, who would control the money?? Maybe EC???!!!

    • Zooyork says:

      Lol Selena @ “wheeled out” and ITA with everything in your post.

  39. brin says:

    CDAN blind item #6 sounds like Leann (unlikeable singer chasing after and hooking up with married singer during her first marriage). Popular guess for singer she hooked up with is Jon Bon Jovi. Hope this is revealed by Enty.

  40. dorothy says:

    The loon hasn’t figured out that the reason her album tanked is because of her constant need for attention, the self-validation that Eddie loves her and her fantasy that her “family” is perfect. Her Twitter account has done her in. It has exposed her for the nut job she is.

  41. felixe says:

    LR just played here in Sweden, on Saturday I think. It was at High Chaparral, a country theme park in the middle of nowhere. The had a country music festival over the weekend and LR was one of the acts. You can see some photos of her very big mouth on their facebook-page https://www.facebook.com/highchaparralsweden?fref=ts

    That gig and the one in Copenhagen were her only concerts in Scandinavia. Both were small venues and I really wonder how it could have been worth the long trip just for that small audience.

    I tried to find an article or album review – nothing. Just a press release from May that she was singing at the High Chaparral Country Music Festival in June, 100 dollars incl the entrance fee to the theme park. No journalist have interviewed here during her one-stop trip to Sweden.

    • brin says:

      All her venues here are small…casinos and music festivals.

    • Christin says:

      I have also wondered about the somewhat infrequent, zig-zag appearances in North America. When you look at a list of tour dates for major artists, their tours generally follow a geographical pattern over the course of days and weeks. Her appearances seem to be East Coast, then California, then Canada, then maybe back to the East again. I guess they just pop in dates and locations as someone books her(?).

      For a record release, I would have anticipated a more structured, stronger number of appearances determined well in advance. I realize she’s not exactly considered a current A-lister and doesn’t play huge venues, but these lengthy trips don’t seem cost effective.

      • lisa says:

        youre right, i dont think these kinds of dates are very efficient

        i think she is afraid to commit to anything where she would be away from home like a real tour. he cant go because he shares custody and she knows how she got him is how she will lose him.

      • felixe says:

        She said in the Perez Hilton interview that she can’t tour now the way she used to, for longer periods of time, because her family situation is different now. She makes it sound as if it’s her choice to do this zigzag

  42. Itsa Reallyme says:

    If the day was all about THE MAN, why was she on twitter?

    We celebrated father’s day with my husband , our father’s and our children. I never turned the computer on all day. We were too busy SPENDING TIME TOGETHER.
    If you have to get on the computer to say you’re spending time together then you’re not.

  43. LAK says:

    With the older kid, i only see Brandi whereas the younger one, i see Eddie.

    Since LeAnn has stated over and over that she loves the fact the boys are Eddie’s mini me, let’s hope she never sees Brandi’s face staring out at her from the older kid. We know how vindictive she can be.

    • Myriam says:

      Brandi has already stated that Mason, the oldest, has said that Leann likes Jakey more than him, so… It’s sad. Kids may be immature, but they’re smart. For him to have that impression shows that she’s obviously treating Jakey like the favorite. And if you notice recent pap pics, she’s usually standing near or with Jakey, not Mason. She’s beyond disgusting, and EC is a horrible parent for letting his child feel that way and not doing a thing about it.

  44. Jennifer12 says:

    I think the management team has started pointing out how much people dislike when Leann tries to co-opt the boys, so she is pretending to listen by referring to them as “my husband’s boys” but all she did is stop saying “my kids” because she is talking how the boys are the light of Eddie’s life (cough), how lucky they all are, etc. She’s trying to listen a little, but get around it. I cannot get over how this woman has posted photos and video of these kids who aren’t even hers since before she married Eddie, and that doesn’t even include papping these kids out. She is unspeakably, endlessly creepy. When she was interviewed by Wendy Williams, she joked how if she and Eddie had a kid, the kid would not be able to see out of its eyes. She really does read every single thing about herself.

    • nc_magnolia says:

      “She is unspeakably, endlessly creepy.”

      100% agreed.

      For the life of me, I cannot understand how Brandi hasn’t completely snapped over the photo-abuse MeAnn continually subjects these kids to. She’s a far better woman than I am, I would have been cuffed for manslaughter charges at minimum, by now. UGH.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        I would’ve snapped a long time ago. As much as I like Brandi- and I really do- I don’t understand why she hasn’t taken legal action to prevent Leann from papping her kids and posting their photos and videos. Sometimes I think Leann wants them to be gone, even subconsciously, so that she and Eddie can start a family and he will impregnate Leann. Right now, I think his attitude is, “I’ve got kids. Kids I can stick it to Brandi with.” I am married to my kids’ father and we don’t endlessly post photos, etc, because of pedophiles and the like, and we’re nobodies. Plus, the boys are coming to the end of their little phases, especially Mason.

    • Ming says:

      ‘leann really does read every thing about herself.’

      THIS! ^^^

      i’ve noticed in her recent rounds of interviews when answering questions, she never gives the straight up answer..but instead she circles around it, and then seems to answer a whole different topic that wasn’t even mentioned in the question to begin with.
      leann wasn’t answering the questions, she’s using the interviews to backhandedly address the things gossip blog commenters have been talking about for awhile. –her and eddie’s baby having no eyes/not being able to see

  45. Cirque28 says:

    Inappropriate. As always.

    Can you imagine if Brandi had a boyfriend who was always saying, “Look at MY beautiful family!” and tweeted pics on Mother’s Day with himself, Brandi and the boys praising the way Brandi nurtures HIS bonus boys? It would be clear that Eddie was being deliberately pushed out of the picture and no one would think it was OK.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      Beautifully stated, as usual. However, didn’t Brandi’s friend Darrin refer to his son and Brandi’s sons as his boys, and a bunch of Leann fans went nuts, demanding he take that back?

      • Cirque28 says:

        Thanks dear. Did Brandi’s friend do that? Personally, I’m pretty leery of assigning ownership to anyone’s kids, however… doing it once or twice is not a big deal. If LeAnn had done it once or twice, no one would care. Instead she’s systematically tried to replace Brandi in every possible way, in every aspect of life.

        For Father’s Day, LR could have tweeted a simple photo of Eddie + the boys. (If she MUST use those poor children as part of her public image, that is.) Take the happy family photos of all 4 of them, sure, but there is absolutely no reason to share those with the world when you know it pains their real mother.

      • claire says:

        Yeah, but it was clear the context and that he is a pseudo-uncle to the kids. It’s not really similar at all, or as obsessive, exploitive, etc.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        I’m sorry, I don’t think I wrote that correctly. Darrin was meaning it in an expansive way, like all the boys together. My point, which apparently I made poorly 🙂 was that Leann’s psycho fans went at him for even daring to SAY “my boys”. Leann clearly feels ownership over those boys and it’s truly sick. It’s worse that Eddie doesn’t stop her. Leann thinks there are three parents, and that’s why she tries to draw the distinction between BIO mom and BONUS mom, but she is an idiot and wrong. She is a stepparent who came into those boys’ lives in the worst possible way and refuses to be courteous, kind, or appropriate. That her stans felt the need to go after Darrin, one of Brandi’s best friends who is like an uncle to them, says volumes about what Leann puts out there.

      • claire says:

        Oh, I totally read that the wrong way. Yes, I totally agree with you!

  46. ZenB!tch says:

    Is he really only 40? Seems like he’s been D-List FOREVER.

    • Cam S says:

      I know it’s been said 1000 times over and it is not nice, but my gawd her eyes. She looks like someone just drew a slit where her eyes would be

  47. Iyanla says:

    Leann will never get it why people hate her so much. Brandi has every right to hate Leann’s guts for the rest of time. It kills me how Leann thinks Brandi should love and appreciate Leann for breaking up her family. Leann should sue her therapist for malpractice because whatever advice her therapist gives aint workin.

    I would love to know the dollar amount Eddie has spent on Leann, with HIS own money. Leann has probably spent millions on him. I doubt he has cracked $5,000 on her over the course of their relationship!

    • PhillyGurl says:

      Excuse me but don’t forget the frames and card he bought at The Dollar Tree. So your wrong he spent $25.00.

  48. Shelley says:

    That 2006 video posted above is very sad. Dean Sheremet is a fine looking man!! My gosh, handsome and a lot more character and honesty in his face in just that short video. If you Google photos of the two of them together during their marriage, there’s an openness and relaxation between the two of them – they truly seem to be enjoying one another, light and happy. I know many early marriages that work out fine and stay strong. I don’t think LeAnne’s age, nor anything about Dean, was what ‘went wrong’ in that marriage. Very sad to see the difference is her face, posture, manner, etc, in both the candid and formal photos of her with Dean – stark contrast to what seems a high-wire act with Eddie. I hope Dean is thriving and very happy now, but that must have been Hell times a thousand for him to go through.

  49. Mae says:

    And the bad KARMA will continue!

  50. Leslie says:

    Well, she’s playing at the Portland, Oregon Zoo amphitheater which has 5,000 seating capacity (a lot of which is “bring your own chair”) concert in the park type of venu. Some old acts like Huey Lewis and the Doobie Bros are there this summer.

    If she were a big name act, she would be playing at these places:
    Rose Garden, seating capacity 19,980
    Memorial Coliseum, seating capacity 12,666

    • apsutter says:

      Fun comparison for ya. The bf and I are going to see a comedy tour in August and it’s in an amphitheater too. But it’s sold out so 23,000 people will be in attendance just for comedy while Meann probably won’t even be able to sell 5000 tickets lol

  51. Ming says:

    the day was so glorious she had to prove it to the world with photos and tweets.
    wait, isn’t that every day for leann?

    • brin says:

      LMAO!!! That is hilarious!!! Andrew looks like a hostage victim and Leann is her usual stage 5 clinger…some things never change.

    • Jane says:

      Der Lord, he looks totally repulsed by her n that pix, not to mentions she was into that over-glorified clinginess she seems to have towards her men. He face says, “Please God, get me the f*** away from this mess!”

    • apsutter says:

      That was at the tail end of their relationship so I’m sure he was so sick of her. Makes me actually understand why he’d cheat on her clingy ass.

  52. Celeste says:

    This totally reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day. Day in and day out Leaan does/says the same old tired s**t, and day in and day out we discuss the same s**t. How frigging boring. She is OLD news. She could never do a bona fide city to city tour, because the tickets would NOT sell.
    She truely is a D lister like her husband now.

  53. Celeste says:

    This totally reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day. Day in and day out Leaan does and says the same old tired crap, and day in and day out we discuss the same crap. How frigging boring. She is old news. She could never do a bona fide city to city tour, because the tickets would NOT sell.
    She truely is a D lister like her husband now.

    • brin says:

      I see what you did!

    • PhillyGurl says:


    • Jane says:

      Since she had such a limited education, the woman doesn’t the ability to expand on any conversation other than herself, her marriage and her affair. Therefore, she is rather stilted. Imagine trying to have a conversation about world events, politics, current event etc. with her She could champion Miss Utah in verbal skills. Not to mention all the crazy hand movements, “you knows” and nervous laughter.