Jon Stewart gives Daniel Craig ‘sweaty palms’

Daniel Craig’s media blitz for his Holocaust film Defiance has been nothing short of wonderful. The normally reticent (re: boring) British actor has eaten chips half-naked on a beach, alluded to having a tattooed wang, and now he’s gone on my favorite show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and admitted to not only being a huge fan of Jon, but that Jon Stewart gives him “sweaty palms”. Awesome.

Daniel Craig is showing more personality for this film junket than he has in all of his previous junkets put together. Daniel was so obviously nervous, he kept his chair several feet away from Jon’s desk, and kept rubbing his “sweaty palms” on his pants. When Jon Stewart didn’t seem to buy that James Bond was nervous about meeting some guy a cable show, Daniel admitted that he watches The Daily Show in Britain when it’s broadcast on CNN International, and that he watches it when he’s in America. Jon, ever the skillful interviewer, got Daniel talking about weapons training, and even told Craig a story about The Daily Show’s “correspondents” going out to shoot targets. Great interview from two of the cutest guys in the world!

Daniel Craig is shown on 1/12/09 at a screening of Defiance. Credit: WENN

defiance premier 130109

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13 Responses to “Jon Stewart gives Daniel Craig ‘sweaty palms’”

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  1. happymom says:

    Love Jon Stewart, love Daniel Craig-but that was a painfully dull interview. He was nervous to the point of being practically mute.

  2. NotBlonde says:

    I thought he was super cute. Honestly he didn’t seem very nervous, just quiet. He isn’t a very loud or bombastic person as is evidenced by the fact that he rarely does this kind of thing.

    Unfortunately to Americans that translates to “boring” and “dull”.

  3. geronimo says:

    He’s not in the least boring. Unless being a bit taciturn and not spilling every last detail of your life to complete strangers is boring? In which case, hope he stays ‘boring’. Mystery adds to his hotness!

    Americans (some) seem to want way too much from their celebrities.

  4. Kaiser says:

    G, that *is* what I meant by boring. I’ve seen several interviews with him, and I get that he’s trying to not be so accessible to people, but the guy usually comes across as dull. This TDS interview was the exception.

  5. geronimo says:

    Kaiser – thing is, he’s just not naturally gregarious and open. But he’s been fine on a lot of UK interviews I’ve seen. He’s quite a serious actor and genuinely doesn’t seem up for the media hoopla that Bond has forced on him. Maybe just me but I like him fine as he is. (was looking at naked pics of him yesterday on another link and he looks like he’s carved out of marble…. )

  6. vicsmith says:

    Oh, yes. All of us in America think you’re dull and boring if you’re quiet by nature. Everyone single one of us.

    He’s adorable and so is John Stewart.

  7. tiffany says:

    hes an old man FOX. yum.

  8. NotBlonde says:

    *rolling my eyes at vicsmith* you know what people mean when they generalize.

  9. Trillion says:

    Generalizing is a time-saving device. Let’s all just accept that and get on with the gossip, y’all!

  10. luckystar says:

    I thought he did really well! Very cute, kind and endearing. Lovely man.

  11. julia says:

    He was adorable! So, of course, was Jon….

  12. KateNonymous says:

    I thought he was very wry and funny–not boring at all.

  13. Christina X says:

    I don’t generally like older men, but…John Stewart’s way more attractive/handsome than Daniel Craig in my opinion.