Jennifer Love Hewitt is ‘clingy and insecure’


Lainey Gossip has the best write-up about the cover story of this week’s issue of US Weekly. Jennifer Love Hewitt is on it, and the headline is “Why She Called Off Her Wedding” and it’s full of really juicy gossip. Apparently the hatchets are out for Jennifer Love Hewitt over at US, and they’ve got details from unnamed “sources” that sound like the entire crew of Hewitt’s Ghost Whisperer television show. Hewitt gets called out for being clingy and insecure, and for having a lot weight issues.

For too long now, US Weekly has been slapping D List celebrities on its cover with reports written from inside Lauren Conrad’s ass. It’s one thing to feature a nobody. It’s another to sugarcoat the story about the nobody with The Hills scripted nonsense.

Which is what makes this week’s Us Weekly so amazing.

A D List star on the cover but inside the pages, they tear Love a new a-hole!

So Jennifer Love Hewitt is no longer engaged. Why?

According to the magazine, she was the one who broke it off. Because she’s so f-cked up. Apparently JLH would call Ross McCall several times during the day when he couldn’t accompany her on the set of Ghost Whisperer and demand that he tell her he missed her. And couldn’t wait to be with her. “I want to hear you say you love”. On the rare occasion when he’d beg her to stop smothering him, she’d freak out and wail – something about trust issues lingering from her parents’ divorce.

Then there’s the whole weight issue. You’ll recall she was photographed on the beach looking like a normal sized person last year but was ridiculed in the tabloids. At the time, she claimed she was proud of her body, but then went on to lose 20 pounds anyway. Supposedly the costume department on her show is on high alert all the time for when her clothes don’t fit. She keeps insisting she’s a 2 when in reality she’s closer to a 6. And when she tries on a 2 that is too tight, she demands that another 2 or a 4 be found in its place.

In other words, Janice Min is calling Jennifer Love Hewitt insecure, clingy, and… not thin.

It’s war.

And there’s more. New issue of Us Weekly is on newsstands now. And John Mayer did not write “Wonderland” about her body.

[From Lainey Gossip]

The whole thing with Hewitt’s weight is unnecessarily nasty. So the girl diets and crashes, diets and crashes. Lots of women do, and so what if the costume department has a fit? Let them. But Hewitt might have brought some of the body-criticism on herself by pushing such an unnecessary lie that she’s “a size two”. I don’t really care what size she is or was, but I found it funny that she wanted to convince everyone that she was a dress size she obviously wasn’t.

The whole “insecure and clingy” part is what I found really interesting. I always suspected something like that of her. I based my suspicions mainly on how bored and contemptuous Ross McCall always looked on the red carpet – he was the very definition of “phoning it in” with that relationship, so it makes sense that he was exhausted dealing with Hewitt’s self-perpetuating drama.

Here’s a not very happy looking Jennifer Love Hewitt shopping in Hollywood on Sunday. Images thanks to WENN.

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30 Responses to “Jennifer Love Hewitt is ‘clingy and insecure’”

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  1. Arvedia says:

    Not thin? She´s not starved, that would be nearer the mark.

  2. whatevs says:

    Can’t wait to read it. Too bad my boyfriend used to have a thing for her. Now I’ll have to read it in secret so he doesn’t get his grubby little hands all over the glossy pages.

    Funny thing, I love how people are all over JA all the time, saying she got dumped and shit. THIS Jennifer has been around the block more than once, and I’m betting she wasn’t always the one to do the dumping. But nothing is ever said about what a hoe she may be, what an insecure cow she is, blah blah blah.

    Please, no one get their panties in a bunch over this, I’m merely stating an observation here, not dying to talk about you know who.

  3. kate says:

    she doesn’t look fat to me. kind of boring, maybe, but cute.

  4. Dorothy says:

    I hope this is not from the crew of her show, they have a job because of her. If the costume dept has to lie about her size to her – LIE! I mean come on. This is so stupid. I bet most of the costumers on her show wish they had her body!

  5. Sauronsarmy says:

    I don’t get it, shes not even “fat”? I guess by H-wood standards maybe but I think she looks great.

  6. Linn says:

    Eh, the story does nothing for me, but Lainey says she’s D list? Isn’t she the star of her own show on CBS? I think that’s a bit higher than D list. It’s not like she’s some MTV reality star.

  7. Rough and tumble says:

    Not at all surprising – it is amazing how many goodlooking women in SOCAL lack self-esteem or confidence.

    As for her body – she is now 30 and no longer in her early 20’s, so she should not try to be. She looks fine.

    As for being ‘clingy’ – she can cling to me any night she wants to! 🙂

  8. Annie says:

    People are crazy.

  9. Rhianna says:

    She’s not fat by any standard. Unless you think frankeboobs, and anorexia are attractive. I think she looks gorgeous, and as for the size 2, um, why do I care what tag is inside her clothes?

    As for the clingy, just how bad was her parents’ divorce to leave her so emotionally damaged? Mine are divorced too, but that’s more than a little past needy and clingy.

  10. JaneSays says:

    I, too, wondered why she ran out and lost 20lbs and then ended up on US’s cover talking about her weight loss “secrets”! Whatevs, Love. The insecure part of her non-personality was revealed right then and there.

  11. ll says:

    “Lainey has the best is a phrase” that should only be followed by “blank website.” Her writing style is wretched. She doesn’t add anything to the story than anyone else has besides her (most likely made up) stuff about the people on set. Does she pay you guys for the tongue bath and hits?

  12. DD says:

    In Jen’s defense, a lot of my friends that look her size can fit into a size 2 and she looks about their size. It might be tight as hell, but some store sizes are really large.

  13. DD says:

    oh and everyone in hollywood is insecure about their weight. That`s why most of them look like bobbleheads.
    I don`t blame them, the way people throw around the F word so easily.

  14. Annie says:

    But who cares about the label on your jeans?

    That doesn’t make you who you are.

    And it seems two-faced to me, with all these people going “Oh I’m proud” But then they turn around and diet like mad and/or end up binge-eating.

    As for the clingy shit, yea, that sounds extreme. My parents are divorced and good for them! Sometimes two people don’t work out. And it’s best to end it before you both are beyond repair.

  15. UpChuck says:

    I don’t care what size she is. She looks beautiful and genuinely seems like a very compassionate person. That’s a perfect 10 in my book.

  16. Me2 says:

    Hollywood Thin Tip #72:

    To look skinnier in pap photos, always try to have a much fatter friend walking beside you.

  17. Aspen says:

    I don’t understand the “confusion” over why she “suddenly” went out and lost 20 pounds.

    She went to the beach…thinkin’ she looked fine…and the next day pictures that were filtered to show every dimple and wrinkle were plastered all over the tabloids with horrible headlines about how FAT she was.

    ANY woman faced with that would be insecure…EVEN IF she was not normally inclined to obsess over weight, and EVEN IF she really does believe everything she says in public about accepting the body you have and changing ideals of beauty.

    ANY woman humiliated in that way would be very hurt and start questioning if she needed to lose weight or diet.

    Get. off. her. back.

  18. Ned says:

    Actually shorter girls weat smaller sizes.

    It’s a matter of built- not fat.

    I have seen it and women who are shorter have to be really heavy to be a size 6-8.

    I think she can easily be a size 2.

  19. drm says:

    @Aspen – THANK YOU! Bang on. How would any one feel if they went to the beach to have fun and found their afternoon splattered ALL OVER every tabloid going with really mean nasty headlines about how ‘gross’ ‘fat’ ‘sloppy’ ‘unattractive’ and generally worthless and not really worth living they are?? It would make anyone run for the diet pills and exlax.

    I think this is really quite nasty and unfounded of US and JLH should have her lawyer give them a good going over…

  20. 88modesty88 says:

    I don’t think she’s fat, but there was a blind item a while ago (at CDAN, methinks) about the star of a show who didn’t want to face the fact that she was no longer a size 2, so her assistants had to run around cutting labels off her clothes — or something to that effect.

    I don’t even know what a size 2 is — where I live sizes don’t work like that!

  21. mojoman says:

    man, I am short like she is and if she claims she is fat, i must be a pigmy Hippo!

  22. Clare says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever read or watched anything over the years with Jennifer Love Hewitt where she has not come across as anything but a genuinely nice person. She’s not a famewhore.
    I agree with Aspen and drm about the size issue.
    LaineyGossip fits right beside Perez H. in its pettiness– if Lainey for whatever reason doesn’t like someone she aims her nasty at them and doesn’t let up, and if she has a crush on someone she goes orgastic on them with her silly goopy love stories heralding their greatness.

  23. saffron says:

    Sounds like the whole story was founded on the account of one person who doesn’t like her — and is probably jealous of her.

    JLH does seem very sweet and genuine, I agree.

    And, Ned, I’m 5’2″ and a size 6-8 and I am NOT heavy. Not skinny, no. But curvy and fit. Thank you very much. And…. I live in L.A. and get tons of male attention. So there!

  24. Jenni says:

    Jennifer is beautiful and has a gorgeous smile. She needs to find some self-confidence that’s all.

  25. vdantev says:

    Wouldn’t mind having her cling to me every morning.

  26. jsan says:

    My husband used to have a thing for her too. My guilty pleasure is Ghost Whisperer (mainly for her gorgeous co-star, but she was pretty too) well a couple of months ago my husband caught me watching it. After a few minutes, he said that that’s the end of his crush. He thought she looked sick and emaciated. I have to agree, it is a shame to see that healthy glow of hers fade.

  27. brista says:

    Lainey Gossip doesn’t show up in Firefox. So I’m inclined to ignore whatever was posted on it. 🙂

  28. carta says:

    @ brista: I think Firefox is sparing us both her drivel and bias.

  29. DBT072 says:

    Man- I would be at her beckin’ call anytime, all the time. Always said I would be and still mean it! Though, now I am married, so it may be a bit tougher than I thought! HaHa…

    Someone send her my email addy!

  30. james says:

    Quite frankly I this this article is unfair to JLH. Imagine on a daily basis the number of girls that would love to bang Ross McCall…ALOT I’m sure…he is rich, famous, and good looking…now imagine being the girlfriend of a guy like that. I’m sure 95% of the population would be a little insecure in a situation like that.