Radar: Kim Kardashian’s had nose work, she’s a ‘plastic surgery enthusiast’


Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian out and about yesterday in NYC. I kind of like the white suit, although I think it was a mistake to pair it with those black boots and a black high-necked whatever. This suit needs light-colored heels and maybe a simple white blouse or even a camisole. But that’s Kim for you – she has absolutely no idea how to style herself.

Anyway, for all of us with functioning eyes, it’s no secret that Kim has had a lot of work done over the years. We’ve written many, many stories about the plastic surgery rumors and the lies Kim and her family tell about how much work she’s had. After she gave birth to North West, some of us even thought Kim had gotten some postpartum tweaking too. Some nose work, definitely. Botox, always. So, Radar has a new story about all of the alleged work Kim’s had:

Planning on Keeping Up With The Kardashians? Better get a plastic surgeon on speed dial. Though Kim Kardashian has denied having any extensive work done in the past, fans can’t ignore her obvious transformation from Persian princess to plastic reality television queen. Now, experts tell RadarOnline.com exclusively that it’s clear she’s had some work done!

“Is Kim a plastic surgery addict? Probably not. But maybe a ‘plastic surgery enthusiast,’” Dr. Anthony Youn tells RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview. “It appears to me Kim’s had quite a bit of work done — some she’s admitted to, and some we can speculate about.”

Indeed, she copped to having Botox done as far back as 2010 and Dr. Youn — who has not treated Kardashian — says that the results are obvious.

“I believe she’s undergone Botox injections to smooth the wrinkles of her forehead and her frown lines,” Dr. Youn said. “Although I doubt she’s had a surgical brow lift, she looks like she’s had a Botox brow lift, where Botox is injected in a pattern to raise and arch the brows.”

In addition, Dr. Youn declared, “I do believe she may have gone under the knife for a nose job, thinning out and straightening her nose, making it look more glamorous.”

Further down, he said, “Her lips appear to have been plumped with fillers, although she doesn’t sport the ‘trout pout’ of some other reality stars.”

In addition, licensed aesthetician and beauty expert Alicia Hunter told Radar that Kardashian has gone to great lengths to keep her lashes looking lush.

“Kim has luscious traffic-stopping lashes whether she’s grocery shopping or walking the red carpet,” Hunter, the author of The Accidental Diet: From Fugly to Fab, explained. “That said, they’re extensions! Kim favors individual silk and lash extensions done in a most dramatic length and thickness.”

And as if that weren’t enough, Hunter said: “She piles a strip and an additional half-strip on her outer corners for special occasions — even if that occasion is just a night in with the family!”

Providing the foundation for all of that work is her picture-perfect skin, but that doesn’t come cheap either: Kardashian has admitted to getting $1,500 “vampire facials” to keep herself looking eternally young!

Last spring, she posted a pic of herself undergoing the bloody procedure, which involves drawing blood from a patient’s arm with a needle, separating the plasma, and then combining that with Restylane or Juvederm to be injected into the face.

[From Radar]

I have always said that one of the reasons why Kim’s face looks so weird in close-ups is because she’s had laser-hair removal on all of her baby-hairs on her hairline. That effect gives her a very “alien cat-face” look. That and all the plastic surgery and Botox, of course. CB made a side-by-side comparison of Kim’s 2006 Face and her Current Face too:



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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100 Responses to “Radar: Kim Kardashian’s had nose work, she’s a ‘plastic surgery enthusiast’”

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  1. Wiffie says:

    And this just in- water, as well as rain, is wet.

    • Miffy says:

      Stop. The. Press.

      Brand new information left, right and centre in here.

    • Steph says:

      Somebody should insist that this woman wears clothing that actually fits her instead of being eleventy billion sizes too small. Nobody needs to see that camel toe.

      • FLORC says:

        Maybe you should stop looking?

      • moo says:

        I TOTALLY agree with you Steph!!! If she’s such a plastic surgery fan, please get something done to reduce to HUGH ass!!! THAT is worse than a not really that big or bad nose.

    • Vanderhootchie says:

      Yeah, she’s “had nose work.” LOL! And Keith Richards partied a little, too. Her whole body, not just her face, has been worked on. Some parts many times. I’d say at least three nose jobs, at least.

  2. MonicaQ says:

    She looked so much better before. I mean, she was probably just as empty headed, but she looked less alien. It’s like she told her nose to go home.

    • blinditemreader says:

      She was really lovely looking before. It’s a total shame.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Haha! Go home, nose! “Before” her face at least was capable of movement. Now she looks like an unmoving wax figure of herself. If I really tried hard, I might be able to think it’s too bad she threw away a perfectly good face – but the new one perfectly reflects her values.

  3. Dani says:

    What? KK had plastic surgery?! How can that be! She’s a beautiful goddess! All real from her hair to her ass to her toes!


    In other news, it’s raining in NYC today and we’re getting to 50 degrees this weekend! Hurray for things we didn’t actually see coming!

    • idk says:

      Doesn’t it seem like PMK had this story put out there for pr? I mean this is not really new info. They are recycling old stuff. They need ratings badly so they can negotiate a bigger payout for their next contract (if E renews).

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      If she didn’t mangle her face or wear horrible clothes we’d have nothing to talk about. She knows what she’s doing. She’s a camel-cat hybrid now.

      • Nina W says:

        Yes but the novelty has worn off and she’s so over-exposed, there’s no point to watching the show when the tabloids report it all months in advance. She’s desperate to stay relevant but the clock is definitely ticking loudly on her sell-by date.

  4. blue marie says:

    She was so much prettier before she decided to become plastic fantastic..

    • V4Real says:

      Agreed. Now this Radar story I believe because we can see the proof with our own eyes.

      BTW Kanye just went on another rant about the media not liking him and Kim because they are an interracial couple. They started this entire new kind of love thing. But my apologies, I didn’t know Kanye held the monopoly over interracial dating.

      • idk says:

        He didn’t say this when he was dating Amber Rose. Kanye loves to play “victim”. There are many reasons not to like Kim and Kanye, their race is NOT one of them (or shouldn’t be anyways).

      • blue marie says:

        Those 2 are so exhausting.

      • MonicaQ says:

        Oh ffs, my husband and I get more flak a WEEK than he’s gotten the entire time he’s dated Kim. Come live in the South, bro. I dare you.

      • TG says:

        Strange coming from Kanye since I am convinced he is trying to make Kim look like a black woman trying to look white. All I can say is I thought that the dark pic of Kim on the right was her friend Aliah (can’t remember her name but she is the pretty black woman married to a basketball player that appears on their show) I did a double-take when I realized it was Kim. How is that the same person and the freak in the white ensemble? Kim used to be so pretty. Now she looks like those real housewife freaks whose face has been carved with a knife.

    • Tracy says:

      Yes she really was much prettier before. What a dumb dumb.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      I agree she looked better before. However the comparison picture above is a bad one of her original face and an alright one with her new face.

    • Nina W says:

      She used to be beautiful and now she looks like a circus side show.

  5. SonjaMarmeladova says:


    • janie says:

      All kidding aside… She was a stunning beauty, why do this? Is she so insecure she felt she needed to improve? What did she start out to fix and can’t seem to stop? I wonder if PMK was the one who wanted her to tweak some things? She didn’t need tweaking.

      • WHAT? says:

        Stunning beauty? She’s NEVER been anything other than a fat-assed troll you can find in most bars. She looks great sitting down, but, WHEW, when she gets up and you see that extra 20 lb lump back there, and the ultra-wide hips, no way.

        You need to get your eyes examined.

      • msw says:

        God forbid a woman have substantial hips or a big (fake) ass, amirite?

      • Nina W says:

        I agree she was a stunning beauty, despite what body-shaming trolls who need glasses themselves might think, but her face is forever altered and not for the better.

  6. ZigZagZoey says:

    Her nose looks fine….It’s the space between her nose and lips that looks incredibly freaky….

    • idk says:

      I think she shortened her nose, therefore having more space between her nose and upper lip…just a thought.

    • InVain says:

      Yeah – good point ZigZag…I hadn’t noticed that before either, but it is freakishly long or large or however you choose to describe it. It’s really so sad because she looked so great prior to all of this unnatural amount of work…and I do think she is obsessed with/addicted to plastic surgery. She’s never going to stop….

      • ZigZagZoey says:

        Well, we’ll have a real good laugh when she gets to look like cat lady Jocelyn Wildenstein. Shouldn’t take too long!
        I kinda wonder if she tries to hide it from Kanye….You would think he would not want her to do anything because of his mom.

    • ashley says:

      she ruined her proportionate face, thats why that surgery didnt make her “prettier” as what she wanted

      • nofkksgiven says:

        yeah the latest post-Nori nose job is the one that made her look worse instead of better, her nose is too short for her face – she should have stopped with the surgeries in 2008 – she looked great then

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    The opportunities for me to say something nice about Kim are so rare, I thought I would seize the moment. She looks nice in that outfit.

  8. HH says:

    Did she also bleach her skin? Or stop tanning? I’ve noticed in all of her previous pictures (probably 2008 and older) she looks A LOT darker.

    • Nina W says:

      She wears a ton of thick make-up at all times but she also has no doubt peeled all the upper layers of skin off her face.

  9. mar says:

    why does she always have a blank stare going on?

    • V4Real says:

      You just answered your own question. Because she is blank; the engine is running but there’s no one behind the wheel.

    • judyjudy says:

      I don’t think she can move her face anymore.
      How long has it been since we have seen her smile? 1 year? 3 years?

  10. idk says:

    Those pics side by side look like two cousins, one of which is half Armenian, the other looks 100% Caucasian. Hard to believe it’s the same person.

    • Oh La La says:

      Armenians are Caucasian. You don’t have to have blond hair and blue eyes to be caucasian.

      • idk says:

        I know that. I was just pointing out the dramatic difference in pictures. The only thing the two pics have in common is the black hair and brown eyes.

      • Zadie says:

        Urgh, I know you were just pointing out the difference, but your wording was offensive.

      • idk says:

        @ Zadie _ how was my wording offensive? I didn’t say anything racist. I know the history of Armenians, etc. When I said “Caucasian” I meant “White” for lack of better term. In one pic, she doesn’t look as if she has any Armenian heritage in her (physical features)…in the other pic she definitely looks Armenian. What’s wrong in saying that? It’s not offensive to say someone looks “white” or someone looks “Armenian” unless you see being called either as an insult, which I DON’T.

  11. Bianca says:

    She is not Persian!! She is Armenian. I can’t believe how these “news outlets” get so much of their facts wrong on a regular basis.

    • Ag says:

      That was my first thought too – if you have no clue as to geography, people, do consult the Internet.

    • islandwalker says:

      That was driving me nuts. Don’t people fact check anything anymore?

    • Meme says:

      Please…let them think she is Persian because she and her family are an embarrassment to us Armenians.

    • Nina W says:

      She’s half-Armenian and it seems the only thing Armenian about her is her father’s last name, she doesn’t have anything to do with her father’s family.

  12. booboolarue says:

    “Enthusiast”? How about “addict”?

  13. Palermo says:

    She can’t even close her mouth now, looks like a gasping trout

  14. Amanda says:

    She had too much lopped off the end of her nose in the most recent nose job. Like someone else said, her upper lip area is now too long. Her cheeks have obviously been injected with fillers and that contributes to the alien cat face. Her lips photograph much better than they look on TV. Her lips, particularly when they move, look incredibly inflated and fake on her tv show. She literally has the plastic surgery face now, that so many middle aged ladies have in Hollywood– the Brandi Glanville look of huge cheeks, tiny nose, and inner tube sized lips.

  15. The Original G says:

    I wish my high school guidance counsellor told me that there was a living to be made dressing up and walking from the front door to the car.

  16. Ag says:

    I have to wonder what she looks like with no makeup on. Perhaps better than with all that crap on her face?

  17. shitler says:

    Even Ray Charles can see all the work she’s had done

  18. BAILIE says:

    OH, Kim, Kim.

    Yes, I believe she had a lot of plastic surgery, too much in my opinion.
    I have nothing against plastic surgery until it starts looking as freaky as Nicole Kidman, she just like Kim stepped over that red line a long time ago.
    I would never ever do BOTOX, poison is not for me.
    I’m 27 right now and I hope to look good without plastic surgery, but I would consider lasers.
    I don’t smoke, take drugs, drink alcohol or tan and I only eat vegan organic food, use only certified organic face, body and hair products, so I can avoid messing with my face and body later in life.
    My grandmother, my mom and her two sisters are great examples to me how a healthy lifestyle without chemicals can help to not look like an alien or like an old woman.

    • Kiddo says:

      It’s not just about age with a lot of these people. It’s about a standard of attractiveness that approaches comic book or blow-up doll sexuality, to the point of caricaturization.

      If I didn’t find her so incredibly annoying, I might have sympathy, but she takes up way too much air and is a terrible role model for girls who are fans.

      I find her infinitely more attractive with her original face and nose.

  19. Macey says:

    I think she also had something done to her chin and jaw line. I never noticed until the DM had pics side by side and up close but the general shape of her jaw/chin is definitely different. I never picked up on that until I saw that article but its also obvious with these pics too. The overall shape of her face is completely different, not just the obvious cheek, nose and lip work.

    Im surprised she actually pays money for her outrageous lashes. they are not attractive at all, looks like a kid playing with mascara or she’s putting spider legs around her eyes.

  20. JudyK says:

    And the entire world population did not already know this?

  21. hateonit. says:

    she hasn’t smiled since she got with Kanye. she’s trying to match his “I’m a serious artist so you must take me seriously” face. it’s not working. I personally always thought she was prettiest when she smiled even though, right now, idk if she CAN smile with all the work she had done.

    • Karolina says:

      I think with all the surgery her face is so tight, she is no longer capable of smiling. Seriously, her smile looks now SO weird.

  22. Oh La La says:

    She’s a natural beauty. I don’t understand how she can think that this looks pretty. I think the harsh over-done makeup accentuates her cat-woman look. She shouldn’t have shortened her nose because that long gap between her nose and upper lip is just not cute. She looks so plastic now. It’s such a shame.

  23. cro-girl says:

    Call me crazy but in the side by side photos I don’t see much difference. She has definitely done something about those baby hairs, and her nose has been tweaked and she doesn’t tan any more. There’s a bit of botox there doing strange things with her expressions but she looks the same to me… it’s really obvious on most celebs. She’s definitely not even on the list for worst offenders.

    • ParisPucker says:

      erm, really?!? Whatever, Kim.

    • idk says:

      Doesn’t her chin look smaller as well?

    • deehunny says:

      i tend to agree. she isn’t the worst offender. she still manages to look pretty even though plastic. brandi glanville no longer looks pretty, just plastic (age difference be damned). whatever kim does with her skin she always looks glowing. but it is pretty obvious she’s had some serious work done

  24. ROME says:

    GOOD FOR HER!!!!!

    I wish that I would have a ton of money to fix my ugly parts to gain some confidence in my looks department. I would laser away my acne damaged skin, wrinkles, fix my nose and chin, remove extra skin from my eyelids, because it’s starting to droop. Double my thin lips and get a boob lift.
    Doesn’t matter how educated I’m with double phd degrees, very good family life and a great career, I ‘m still not happy with my looks at 45 and it only will get worse as I age.
    Everybody looks better around me and some are older than me. It’s hard to be an unattractive woman.

    • idk says:

      But Kim was a natural beauty. The point is, she didn’t NEED to change her face at all. Her natural nose was way better.

      As a side note, sorry you feel so horribly about yourself. That’s sad.

      • ROME says:

        @idk – Thank you, you are very kind. The long hours I had to spend studying and working and raising a family started to show on my face since I turned 43. I always put myself last and I certainly didn’t have any beauty regiment. I basically let myself go when I was younger, because I was too busy taking care of everybody and everything else. And now I’m paying the price.
        I think Kim looks fake, because she over did the plastic surgery, but I wish I had her money to fix myself.

    • Sarah says:

      Have you tried prescription retinol?

    • hownowbrowncow says:

      I think it’s great she wants to better herself, but she shouldn’t say she is like this naturally. That is giving young girls an unhealthy view of what “natural” looks like. She should be more up front about what she has had done.

  25. happy girl says:

    Gotta say, she looks beautiful. Hope she stops and doesn’t cross-over into crazy face territory. I beg to differ, re: the styling…..it’s minimal and chic. A camisole or shirt with buttons/hardware or pattern would reduce the look to budget/mall territory. The Kardashians need to be reminded that patterns are not their friend 🙂 This is arguably the best she’s ever looked!

  26. ParisPucker says:

    It’s sad. Mass reaching media is allowing ‘beauty’ to be redefined, and the impact isn’t felt more than in Asia: http://jezebel.com/5976202/i-cant-stop-looking-at-these-south-korean-women-whove-had-plastic-surgery
    That article will make you pause. Will we even know what a ‘natural beauty’ is in this century? It’s becoming a cultural norm to alter your appearance, and although I do get its appeal on some level, it’s sad that we’ve *globally* embraced this alternative. Sure, I wish I had a cuter nose, but my mama gave it to me, and I love her. When I see my face, I see traces of her and my grandmother, whom I see as beautiful! I have my own thing going on, of course, but I love that I see them in me – I am part of their legacies. Plastic surgery is celebrating a myopic concept of beauty, and frankly, it’s just sad. Unless you have a cleft lip or something, it should be taxed heavily or something. We’ve never stopped to think about the *cultural* damage this now common practice is doing. What will be our definition of beauty in 20 years, when anyone will have the ability to copy it, with the right amount of $$ and access to talented surgeons?? Nobody talks about it, but it’s something worth chewing on as a topic.

    • Nina W says:

      As long as girls are taught to look in the mirror and judge their worth based on their appearance this is what we will get. We all talk about being “anti-bully” and then we let media bully us into hating ourselves. Reject the message of self-obsession and superficiality, wrinkles are a badge of honor earned for a life lived, they are nothing to be ashamed of. And there is nothing attractive about what Kim is doing to herself or her desperate insecurity.

  27. Muffin says:

    There’s an Instagram page dedicated to Kim and all of her plastic surgery. There’s side to side comparisons and it’s crazy how big the difference is. She’s not fooling anyone. Go to LOLGIRLPLS you’ll see…

  28. Jamilelinas says:

    Eww she was not pretty before her surgeries, and she is still not pretty after them. Natural beauty? That could be said about Catherine Zeta Jones or Aishwarya Rai or Natalie Portman but not Kim K. Sorry but whoever thinks she was a natural beauty has low standerds for what beauty is. Look at her, she looks gross, dirty and hairy before her surgeries. God this woman is unattractive to me. I don’t see whats so striking about her.

    • Oh La La says:

      She never looked “gross, dirty, and hairy”. That’s offensive and unsubstantiated. You might not be a fan of the way that she dresses or does her makeup, but to make those other claims just sounds ignorant to me.

  29. Alina says:

    the white outfit looks good…but the back boots are too heavy for that outfit

  30. samantha says:

    Very sorry, but I didn’t find her attractive before or after her plastic surgeries.

    Her look is too fake for my taste.

    Fake looking hair, fake tan, way too much make-up plastered on with a snow showel, clothes that don’t fit her heavy body type, unattractive footwear.

    I don’t understand her appeal.

    She is short, chubby and has one of the most annoying voices I’ve ever heard in my life so far. (including Sofia Vergara)

    • Jamielinas says:

      I also wrote that I don’t think she is attractive, before and after surgeries. I don’t get the fuss over this woman and her ‘looks’. Her before pic she looks like a clown. She also looks dirty and like she has never showered in her life too. Her after pics just make her look like a plastic fake bimbo, but atleast she looks clean in them lol. She is just not very pretty to me. There are so many women in Hollywood that have more striking faces then her. She look like a fat little kitchen scullion or something.
      I dunno why but she looks like she would stink or something. Same with her whole family and Kanye.

  31. msw says:

    Its like Bristol Palin’s jaw surgery! Sure thing, ladies. We believe your denials. I don’t get what is so bad about admitting the painfully obvious.

    • Ming says:

      She has definitely done something to her jawline..in certain side profile shots you can see the Botox/filler injection spots when she makes certain faces. (When she moves her face, on rare occassions)

  32. MichelleR says:

    I’m not a fan of hers. I don’t agree with her life AT ALL. With that said….I think the plastic surgery made her look fantastic. I think she was pretty before the surgery and fabulous looking afterwards. You can say a lot about the girl (and I do)….but to say that this didn’t work for her is an absolute lie. She is extremely beautiful outside….and something else entirely inside.

  33. trispinII says:

    Here’s the thing: any of us; me, whoever who have a clue- a singular post of “That will do, pig” as response for any Kardashian post. Tell me, PLEASE tell me we can be done with this. Shut this shi* show down!

  34. Marybel says:

    HA! The horrible, irreversible results are karma enough.

  35. Steph S. says:

    I see a resemblance to Khloe in the pre-surgery photo. In the post-surgery one, she just looks like a blow up doll.

  36. Michelle says:

    She now resembles Octomom.

  37. Vilodemeanus says:

    You know she’s only a couple of procedures away from Michael Jackson territory, right?