Idris Elba responds to the ‘I’m Sorry I’m Not Idris Elba’ viral poem, is not sorry


Last week, an internet poet going by the Twitter handle “@Nova_Isig” wrote a poem about Idris Elba. Sort of. He wrote a poem called “I’m Sorry I’m Not Idris Elba” to his girlfriend about how he’s sorry he’s not Idris Elba, but she needed to recognize all of the great stuff he does for her. Here it is:

idris meme

It was tongue-in-cheek and very funny, and it quickly went viral – go here to see Jezebel’s post on it. Other dudes quickly chimed in with their own “I’m sorry I’m not Idris Elba, but that was ME who did —— for you” tweets. It was charming. You can read some great ones here.

So, what did Idris Elba do when he found out about it? He got on Twitter and posted this photo (below) with the message “What can I say man…”

idris isnt sorry

That says: “I’m not sorry that I’m Idris Elba.” YES. I love this.

And seriously, this is why I kind of wish Benedict Cumberbatch was on Twitter. This is what he would be like on Twitter – he would be funny and silly and wry. I think Benedict would be the hipster version of this meme too. There are boyfriends all around the world who are probably tired of their girlfriends’ Cumbercrushes.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Twitter.

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42 Responses to “Idris Elba responds to the ‘I’m Sorry I’m Not Idris Elba’ viral poem, is not sorry”

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  1. Sixer says:

    “Idris Elba doesn’t let you spend an entire evening rewatching series one of Luther. I do.”

    I did this last week. Truly. Bloke phase, y’see.

    Mr Sixer seems sanguine about it, though. He is quite blokeish himself, even if he is a picky ironer. The man irons tea towels. That’s not blokeish at all, is it? I bet Idris doesn’t iron tea towels. What’s a Sixer to do when her man is ironing tea towels, if not watch series one of Luther?

    Ooh! Get the third person.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Mr Sixer irons tea towels? Is that normally or because you’ve been flooded? (I suggest he put down the iron and contemplate designs on a new ark) (and Americans don’t even have tea towels…)

      One mustn’t need an excuse to watch Luther though. One adores the very wicked Ruth Wilson, that’s enough reason for the Lady of this house.

    • Sixer says:

      That’s normal. He irons tea towels, socks, handkerchiefs, towels, face flannels. He would iron the cat if we ever washed it. (Or if it ever washed itself). He even has an ironing mantra: “collar, yoke, sleeves, back, fronts”. That’s for a shirt. Ironing looms large in Mr Sixer’s life. He has a slattern for a wifelet, you see.

      • LadySlippers says:

        A ‘slattern for a wifelet’ you say? Oh my. My. I’m not sure what that means.

        *digs into a dictionary for the definition of slattern. Even autocorrect doesn’t recognise*

        ETA: Slattern’s a fun word.

        And the former LordSlippers was an ironing fiend, a side affect, alas of the military. Me? Not so much…

      • Sixer says:

        Military leftover here, too. We have t-shirts in lovely 9 inch square piles.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Ahhhh the lifelong affliction that is the military…

        Me? I think a few wrinkles gives everything, but my skin, extra character. So a slattern indeed.


    • Dani says:

      My husband irons his cotton undershirts (think white hanes vneck), his dress socks, and sometimes his boxers. It’s not manly at all but he feels ‘manly’ when he’s wearing perfect clothing.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Former or current military man? My ex was very, very peculiar with how he wanted to iron things. It quickly became obvious that I shouldn’t iron and he should. 🙂

        Regardless, I really do think some men like their world to be organised. Some women do as well.

      • Dani says:

        Nope, no military at all. Just a regular almost 27 year old guy. I’ll give him the praise though he owns his own business so he likes to be really put together at all times. Better for me though, he irons everything! My stuff included (because he doesn’t like the way I iron).

  2. Katie says:

    How did this become about Benedict Cumbersnatch?

    • Lilacflowers says:

      That puzzled me too.

    • Launicaangelina says:

      Ugh… I feel the same. I have ZERO interest in him. Now Idris, let’s keep our focus on what’s important. 😉

    • jinni says:

      I’m trying to see the connection and I’m not getting it.

    • LadySlippers says:

      That’s just Kaiser dreaming. And going into Cumberwithdrawal…

      (Perhaps Kaiser needs to write about the last Cabin Pressure recording. BC is in funky, bright socks)

    • Sixer says:

      It’s a homework assignment.

      “It’s possible for celebrities to use social media in a positive way. Discuss using compare and contrast for example celebrities. Include multiple media formats. Images of Idris Elba will gain extra credit.*”

      *credits kindly donated by Sixer, who has ’em to spare such is her recent mathematical ability (not).

      • LadySlippers says:

        Wait. What? A reference to BC is our homework assignment?

        I’m confused Sixer.

        *frowns. Perhaps this delicate orchid’s brain isn’t functioning this early in the AM*

      • Sixer says:

        No, Kaiser’s piece, which seemed entirely purposeful and clear in its mention of Benny the Bitch to me, was the homework. I thought the Old Homework Excuse might count as extenuating circumstances to the Benny’s Name Must Never Be Taken In Vain thread patrol. Overtime is expensive in this post-financial crash world. I was hoping to decrease the paperwork.

        All my jokes are meant in the best possible taste, of course.

    • Luca26 says:

      Seriously can we keep the Cumberbatch contained? Some of us have zero interest.

      I do love Idris though.

    • MCraw says:

      No other man should be mentioned in an Idris post! NO ONE! He too fahn for that.

      This story had me cracking up the other day too.

  3. Lilacflowers says:

    I’m glad Idris Elba is Idris Elba. Somebody has to be Idris Elba. We need Idris Elba in this world.

  4. Charlotte says:

    My man watched Idris be Idris on a talk show with me, and now he’s okay with Idris being my One True Thing; he gets it.

  5. Lilacflowers says:

    Idris as Heimdall in Thor 2: World of Loki comes out tomorrow on DVD and Blu-Ray.

  6. Leigh_S says:

    Love this. Both my husband and I nearly fell over laughing at his response.

  7. starrywonder says:

    This is awesome.

  8. AG says:

    I love this. 🙂

  9. Scarlet says:

    I feel we are being force fed Cumberbatch. He isn’t really all that attractive in my opinion.

    I’m here for Idris always

  10. Nikkie says:

    What a great meme. Idris response is great too.

  11. Amy Tennant says:

    Nothing wrong with Cumberbatch’s inclusion. I get the reference and relevance. The same way out of respect for my first husband, I try not to talk about David Tennant too often… But I liked the original poem and LOVE Idris’s response. Love Idris too.

  12. Green Eggs & Ham says:

    I suspect that he is very funny. Love love Luther.

  13. HK9 says:

    OK, I’m at work yet I’m still coming back to this post to look at the man’s picture. I’m not sorry he’s Idris either and for faithful boyfriends all over the world(including mine), too bad for you. 🙂

  14. booboolarue says:

    OMG was feeling that I couldn’t make it through Monday, and now its MOAN-day. Love me some Idris!!!!

  15. Vivian says:

    Hehe, my boyfriend hates my obsession with Charlie Hunnam… him and Idris arguing in Pacific Rim… *drool*

  16. QQ says:

    The Butthurtness of dudes over not being Idris Elba is EPIC

  17. Naomi says:

    I’m also sorry you’re not Idris Elba. Really, really sorry. I am however, really freaking happy with that twitter pic. That’s where I’ll be while you’re busy being sorry you’re not Idris Elba.

  18. NeNe says:

    He’s such a sexy MOFO!!!!! 😉