Sienna Miller got hammered at the Oscar parties, ate all of the cucumber garnish


I’ve read most of the tabloids this week, and the Oscars gossip has been pretty dull. Miranda Kerr bitched about the porto-potty situation and Chelsea Handler cut in front of a line. Taylor Swift cuddled up to Jamie King at the VF party and Khloe Kardashian was in a terrible mood at the Elton John party. Jennifer Lawrence was carrying a Slim Jim and a protein bar in her clutch because of course she was. And that’s about it. Except that on Monday, when I was covering the party photos, I mentioned that the Sienna Miller photos were making me laugh because Sienna had that old-school look in her eye – part boredom, part liquor, part famewhore. It just seemed like she regretted partying with her boyfriend Tom Sturridge and she wished she could be a single girl, mixing it up with all the men. Star Magazine says she was pretty hammered all weekend too:

Sienna Miller did not take it slow on Oscars weekend. First, Star spotted a drunken Sienna devouring a stack of cucumber slices (they were supposed to be the garnish!) at the bar of the Weinstein party. The next night, Sienna clumsily cozied up to boyfriend Tom Sturridge at the Vanity Fair Oscars bash.

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Bless her. Sienna always saves the party from being boring. You can always count on Sienna to, at the very least, get sh-tfaced and eat all of the cucumber garnish. Slow-clap.

Here are some photos of Sienna yesterday in Brentwood, going to the Country Mart on Thursday. You know who else goes there? Jennifer Garner. I’ve often thought that Sienna was trying to do the whole Organic Mother thing when she had baby Marlowe, but I don’t believe it stuck. The Old Sienna keeps coming back to get drunk at Oscar parties and gobble all the cucumbers. It’s who you are, Sienna! Embrace it!



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN.

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55 Responses to “Sienna Miller got hammered at the Oscar parties, ate all of the cucumber garnish”

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  1. yennefer says:

    I don’t blame her. I’d probably done the same. Does this make me a classless famewhore?

    • Marnie says:

      I’m with you, Yennefer. I would’ve eaten the cucumbers too. And if this makes us classless famewhores, then so be it. I would’ve eaten all the food in sight.

      • Laine says:

        I can be a real hog when food is laid out like that; well, actually it’s a given. But instead of the cucumber garnish, I would have been into the more fattening options.

    • Isadora says:

      Cucumbers are great!! Also great when you’re thirsty and I always get thirsty when I’m drunk (which is quite unfortunate if there are only alcoholic beverages around).

    • Milla says:

      Agreed, It was her night off, she was at the party. At least she always seems normal, human. Unlike most of actreeses or pretty much anyone in show business.

    • homegrrrrl says:

      My first thought at the headline; whoa, no wonder I’m a social pariah,” I’m always a eaten’ what’s supposed ta be the Daycor”. ” To add, I typically suffer entrée envy; when I see another dish, I kind of wish I could try someone else’s (wishing I was single at a party) At the end of the night, it’s a win for me, because even if I was drunk, famewhorey, bored, whatever- at least I left the cat alone at home for the night!

  2. Melissa says:

    Whatever, I like her she never seems contrived

  3. Kelly says:

    So that’s how they stay thin – alcohol and raw cucumbers! Hurrah!

    • Ally8 says:

      They filmed a woman at Paris Fashion Week just recently who described her vodka as her dinner. #skinnysadsack

  4. Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

    I like her, without shame.
    I love you, you crazy, drunken ho. Never change.

    • bobbisue says:

      Me too. Love love love Sienna. Always have. Met her after “After Miss julie” and she was funny, cheeky and delightful.

  5. PunkyMomma says:

    I’m more intrigued by her iPhone kitty-cat case.

  6. Chrissy says:

    Yikes! Her dress is heading south in the last picture!

  7. danielle says:

    In the photos of her in the red dress she does look pretty drunk. Poor woman, even drunk she devours cucumbers instead of a plate of fried food!

  8. grabbyhands says:

    This headline made me crack up for a good five minutes. Hilarious, 🙂

    The dress is pretty, but I don’t get the gold bands.

  9. Cecilia says:

    Hide your husbands…Sienna is back!! I love her.

  10. Huh says:

    Stay Klassy Sienna

  11. FingerBinger says:

    What happened to her? Sienna used to be the “IT” girl once upon a time. She’s a good actress too.

  12. Tig says:

    Seriously- did that dress eventually fall off? I hope her stance doesn’t indicate she’s over Tom S!

  13. Lark says:

    Alright, I like Sienna and I believe people can change…but girl still seems like she has the party monster in her and like she’s over Tom. I usually RME at the “body language” people, but I saw some of the photos with Tom and they were the most awkward things ever—it looked like TSwift and one of her beards. Combine that with the “faux lesbian” kissing thing she was doing with some women that ran in the Daily Fail not that long ago (they ran pics, it was on IG) and how she snapped at some reporter who called Tom her fiancee and said he was her boyfriend…..hmmm…

  14. Ra says:

    Who makes her bag? *swoon*

  15. P.J. says:

    “and she wished she could be a single girl, mixing it up with all the men.” Well, if you believe even a single one the blind items about her on any of the countless sites or any gossip from the British press at all, her being with Tom hasn’t slowed her down in that department one bit!

    Let’s just say the January Jones is reportedly VERY strong in this one. And really, if she historically has had no problem with being an open part of the destruction of other people’s marriages/relationships, is it really a surprise that she wouldn’t treat her own much differently?

    Side note: I don’t care how healthy you are in your day to day (sober) life, but who on earth craves CUCUMBERS when they’re hammered?! I have no problem with her actual consumption of them because garnishes are meant to be eaten but, really, cucumbers?? I’m assuming that there must have been much more food there that would have been significantly more beer-goggle worthy 😄 (Kind of reminds me of the story about Depp & Heard being stoned and going to town on the granola bins at Whole Foods. All I took away from that tale-aside from the ick factor-is that they don’t know how to do munchies properly if THAT’s the first thing they reached for in an entire grocery store! Ha ha.)

    • Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

      I was once hammered and ate a cucumber slice. I was then struck with the certainty that it was the coolest and most refreshing thing in the world and proceeded to polish off an entire cucumber in less than 5 minutes.
      I woke up surprisingly hydrated and really proud of myself.

    • Baskingshark says:

      I’ve been on here and said this before, but however much money Daddy Miller has, little Sienna is a… well, let’s just say she is something that rhymes with Heap Crashy Door and leave it at that.

  16. shellybean says:

    When I get hammered, I devour a pizza, a burger, or some tacos. Who gets drunk and then thinks to themselves that cucumbers sound good?! I suppose that’s why she’s skinnier than I am.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      I know, right?!? I’m kind of disappointed. These ladies are so indoctrinated to eat thin that even drunkenness doesn’t undo it. If the story were that she got drunk and fell face first into a tower of doughnuts, then I would be impressed.

    • pru says:

      Ah, yes, me too. Like the White Castle sliders from my college days!

      • Size Does Matter says:

        We had this place called Pizza Shuttle. They would bring you a large pizza at 2 a.m. for $5. The good old days.

  17. Sarah says:

    Cucumber garnish!!! The horror!!!!

  18. eliza says:

    How boring, cumcumber garnish. I would have headed to the sweets table myself.

  19. Samantha25 says:

    I clicked on this story because it seemed really bizarre to make a big deal about a C-lister getting drunk and eating cucumbers. If the worst thing she did was eat garnish, that really doesn’t scream out of control party girl.

  20. Snarky says:

    I often eat cucumbers after drinking. Not sure I’d do it til I got home from the party though…

    Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!
    (From 13 uses for a cucumber)

  21. Santolina says:

    Note to partiers: There will be drunken cucumber bandits. Note to hosts: Serve more cucumbers.

  22. Lotta says:

    Don’t blame her. I am a married mother of three but I still party like a pro when I get the oppurtunity.

  23. Aria says:

    where is the food?

  24. Lunchcoma says:

    I’m normally the first to look askance at Sienna, but this seems pretty harmless. If the worst drunken behavior of the night was healthy eating, these were very tame Oscars indeed.

  25. Tessy says:

    Isn’t a slim jim something you use to pick locks? Why is Jennifer Lawrence packing one in her purse, does she lose her keys all the time too?

    • Dame Snarkweek says:

      A Slim Jim is a beef jerky snack – a red necky, gas station, salt loaded dried beef snack.
      They are amazing, lol.

  26. LAK says:

    My only take away from this story is that she’s wearing an awesome McQueen. I wish she’s styled it differently ir lose the belt and all those gold bangles.

  27. Zigggy says:

    Stars… they’re just like us!! (ok, me anyways ;))

  28. skeksis says:

    Never change, Sienna! Seriously, you are the best.