Tom Hardy looks especially small in London: would you hit it or feed it?


Ever since I read a description of what Tom Hardy really looks like in a Wall Street Journal profile last week, I can’t stop thinking about how small he is in real life. Apparently, he’s barely 5’10” and when he’s not consciously bulking up for a role, his weight is probably around 160 lbs. But he carries himself like a bigger dude. Until you look closer. Which is what I’m doing now – these are photos of Tom in London yesterday. All of a sudden, he looks so small! He’s thinned out a lot in the past year. He’s also still doing the clean shaven thing, which isn’t bad. I still prefer the ginger beard though. Here’s how Tom describes himself:

“I’m not huge at all,” says the London-born Mr. Hardy. “I’ve had lots of lads tell me ‘I thought you were bigger.'” He’s 5-foot-9. His normal weight is about 158 pounds, and even for shirtless, muscle-bound roles in “Warrior” and “Bronson” he only beefed up into the 180s. “There’s ways of creating an image—camera angles, intention, voice. You put the weight on in places where the camera’s going to pick it up. You stand in a way that the camera’s going to pick up. I would move as if my limbs were much heavier, move a bit like a boat on the water.”

[From the WSJ]

In that WSJ piece, he talks about preparing to play Elton John, which I guess will be the next thing he films? Maybe? The only problem, perhaps, is that Tom says: “I can’t hold a tune to save my life.” The Elton John bio-pic will either be brilliant or a total hot mess.

A few days ago, it was announced that Tom had signed on to play Ronnie and Reggie Kray, twin gangsters from London’s East End who were arrested in May 1968. I’m not incredibly familiar with the story of the Kray twins, but sure – if there’s one actor to play twin gangsters in the 1960s, it might as well be Tom Hardy.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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78 Responses to “Tom Hardy looks especially small in London: would you hit it or feed it?”

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  1. Lilacflowers says:

    Wouldn’t hit it. He belongs to Sixer.

  2. lower-case deb says:

    he kinda looked like Antonio Banderas in some of them.

  3. mimif says:

    Hm. I might give the hair a washing.

    • blue marie says:

      You know what I would do, just because I’m a butthole, I’d walk up and smack him in the handprint. As for hittin’ it, no, he’s still OKitts.

      • mimif says:

        I know, the pic with his left hand up across from the hand print confused me for a second…because I’m slow.

      • His hair looks….not ok.

        That being said, I would still hit it like nobody’s business.

        I love how he always looks so congenial-always waving, smiling…he just seems like a genuinely grateful dude.
        So what if he’s 5’10”? I’m 5’4″ so he’s still tall enough for me.

      • blue marie says:

        ha ha mimi, you guys remember the hydra-color shirts from back in the day? I used to love doing the hand print thing to people. (I already admitted to being a butthole)

        his hair does look a bit dirty.

  4. Amelia says:

    Can I do both?
    I have strawberries and chocolate in my fridge.

    • kri says:

      @Amelia Damn it, you stole my answer! I like thick Tom (heh heh) but I will take him any way I can get him. Oh, yesssss.

  5. Birdie says:

    He just isn’t my cup of tea. He looks a bit like he smells and his teeth are a nightmare. He is good friends with BC though, which is a plus!

  6. Ellie66 says:

    Rawllll!! The lips! 😉

  7. Longhorn says:

    That’s one funny t-shirt

  8. QQ says:

    Feed it, hit it repeatedly, then hit it again, then feed it again

    • BangersandMash says:

      Feed it double cheese burger, with a sprinkle of viagra in the coffee. Then wait for the magic to happen!!

  9. Loopy says:

    Would you hit it or feed it? LOL that question can be taken way out of context.

  10. snowflake says:

    he looks fine to me. a lot of stars are smaller than average, that’s why it’s crazy to me when people compare their bodies to a star. hollywood likes em on the smaller side.

  11. j.eyre says:

    He is getting closer to my Hitable Range in these shots but I must step aside for my allegiance to Miss M.

    • Marty says:

      Oh, I see how it is.

    • j.eyre says:

      You didn’t let me finish: and Marty – allegiance to Miss M and Marty.

      … plus I prefer tall guys (but never doubt I would lower my standards. Ha! Get it – lower = shorter *wipes tear* oh man…

      • Marty says:

        Mmmhmm. Well I guess since I do adore you so much, I can let this small infraction go.

        Have you seen the set pictures of TommyAnnE? He looks like Edgar Allen Poe(or Loki in period clothing), doing anything for ya?

      • j.eyre says:

        Is Penny Dreadful doing anything for me? Is Penny Dreadful DOING ANYTHING FOR ME?!? Penny does a whole mess of things to me on a regular basis – putting him in all black Victorian garb (with a perfectly tied silk cravat) has sent me into a Hiddles heat that has made me positively feral. I have just plain run out of lies to Mr. Rochester as to why Penny is littering my screen these days – thank gawd Mr. R is blind.

        … I am going to need a minute. And I adore you too, darling.

      • Marty says:

        *giggles* I heard the movie is quite dark and kinky too…..I think you might need another minute.

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Marty, I ~cringed~ when you asked Miss Eyre if Tommy in Victorian garb is doing anything for her. She has gone barking mad over him & may have to be institutionalized.

      • j.eyre says:

        EsCon, darling –

        The need for my institutionalization has never really been a question, has it – regardless of the impetus? Barking mad or not, you all would be lost without me – even if you refuse to admit it. Blue Marie will back me up on this… largely due to the fact that I have tethered her to my ankle.

        However, I agree. The Victorian outfit is having far too great an effect on me. Marty, darling? Please a dear and remove it at once, will you? There, my Errant Nun, are you happy now?

      • Isadora says:

        Did anyone say Hiddles? I’m ready…

      • 'P'enny says:

        There are new pictures on Torrilla site on Tumblr where Victoriana-Hiddles is now wearing a cream waistcoat and his white shirt is showing. And one with white gloves. They are filming a ballroom scene – dancing hiddles 😀 “big smiles”

        It’s time CB started a Hiddles thread, I want one for tomorrow – Friday afternoon drools/

    • Miss M says:

      Thanks, j.eyre! It is always good to have the best people on my side. Marty, I will let you have a bit of Hardy. 🙂

      • j.eyre says:

        For you – anything. And it has nothing to do with throwing distractions in your way as the other Tommy H prances about Toronto which is far too close to you for my tastes.

      • Marty says:

        @Miss M- Thank you!!! 🙂

        @Miss J- Absolutely not! Do not send me to do your DIRTY work(Ha!). You know these teeth only take the cloths off certain blokes
        and pathetic tall Aussie lads.

        Besides, I love your histarics. I find them adorable.

  12. BangersandMash says:

    Hmmm, he is small. If you remember “Rocknrolla”, he was a bit petit!! Hit it?? Nah, I wouldn’t hit it, I like them taller than me and naturally stocky.

    • MarilynGray says:

      I completely forgot he was in RocknRolla! But then he was surrounded by some pretty big guys. Any average sized guy would look smaller next to most of that cast

  13. Lark says:

    Hit it forever and ever. Tom can be super handsome when he cleans up or gets grizzly or goes the rough and run down route….but for me it’s the charisma and talent that makes him a forever dong.

  14. Tig says:

    He’s right- he does film “bigger”, if that’s the word for it. I sure hope he doesn’t lip synch EJ songs- that would be a disaster!

    I am desperate for word of Child 44- that is one of my favorite series ever! It’s been finished-at least the filming part-for about a year. Will it ever see the light of day, or sit gathering dust like Serena? Wah!!

    • Lark says:

      I loved Child 44! I saw a film journalist mention on twitter that it is probably going to be at TIFF/Venice as they are going to try and go the awards route with it (that’s probably why the held it for a year instead of releasing it this spring/summer)….I want Gary to finally win a freaking Oscar

      • Tig says:

        Great news! Will be on the lookout for it- if you have yet to read the next two books- secret speech and Agent 6- you are in for a treat!

  15. Sarah says:

    I met him before he was famous when he was just a jobbing theatre actor. He is a bit of a puppy very eager to be liked and indeed very short. Didn’t fancy him then and don’t really now. He was a nice guy though.

    • Soporificat says:

      So, he’s not 5’10” then? Cuz I don’t think anyone would call that “very short.” How tall do you reckon he really is? I’m guessing almost all actors lie about their height, but I’ve always wondered how much they try to get away with adding.

  16. Jen says:

    That’s not London, he’s in NY for Locke premier. C’mon

  17. Jen says:

    lol he looks like a hobbit next to the door man. How sad.

    But I’m pretty sure that’s the Bowery Hotel in NYC, not in London.

  18. Erm says:

    I’m glad I’m a shorty, because 5’9″ seems tall to me.

    • Shiksa Goddess says:

      Same. My 5’5″1/2 bf towers over me.

    • Wren33 says:

      My husband is barely 5’8”, so 5’10” is not tiny for me. I generally like them scrawny, but I prefer Tom Hardy with the beard and a little bulkier.

  19. KatNotNice says:

    Met him on a flight to Dublin and he was the nicest chap ever… he looks SO different without the facial hair!

  20. Kyle says:

    Remembering him from his scenes in Band of Brothers, yeah it’s not a surprise that he’s not a big guy. He looked pretty scrawny (far thinner than now) and on the short side then.

  21. betsy says:

    Those teeth are disgusting

  22. Sarah says:

    thats an inch shorter than the average height for european males. how is that small? if he was 5’11 would he be considered tall?
    i hope we dont go down the route and attack men for their bodyshapes.

  23. break says:

    HIT IT!

  24. Stephanie says:

    I think he’s gorgeous. He looked WAY bigger when playing Bane. He’s one of my Forever Dongs.

  25. RW says:

    I saw him at a party last night, and he’s indeed quite small in person. Still sexy as hell though.

  26. Maria says:

    He has the prettiest lips and seems like such a sweetheart but after seeing nude in Bronson, nope.

    I’m no size queen but I need something a bit more substantial.

    • Lori says:

      yeah…………that was disappointing eh

    • maybeiamcrazy says:

      I get what you are saying but i had a boyfriend who was below average and the sex was so good. I think because of THAT, he always satisfied me first and foremost and i was more than happy. Much better than another boyfriend that didn’t even try because his d-ck was big.

      That’s why i would hit it. He seems like he woeld make up for it. Even if he didn’t, i’d be OK with the experience. He looks so hot.

  27. Lori says:

    A lot of them (male actors) are about 5’9″ and 160 lbs. Hardy, Josh Brolin, Sean Penn. And because audiences( American anyway) expect men to tower over women……….you end up with women who are about 5’4′ and a 100lbs to play opposite them. Its too bad, many of us are the same size as our man. I dated a man for 6 years who was 5’8 and 140 lbs, same as me. Any it wasn’t odd at all.

  28. GlimmerBunny says:

    HELL YES. He’s my forever favorite famous crush. And I don’t think he looks particularly skinny here, he looks about the same size as he was in “Inception” to me?

  29. kimber says:

    Ew…no I would never….and I do mean never…

  30. Patricia says:

    Just adorable. Much better then when he was a bulked up mess.

  31. bluhare says:

    So he’s going to play both Krays? That could be interesting!

  32. vee says:

    there’s a film from the 80s starring Martin and Gary Kemp (the brothers from Spandau Ballet) called The Krays. They were an interesting pair to say the least.

  33. Dimebox says:

    Ha! Tommy-girl wishes he was 5’9 or 5’10!

  34. Intro Outro says:

    Aww ladies, why latch onto details? Height, weight, teeth.. Sounds like you’re buying a horse XDDD Personally, i’ve always thought that it’s the ensemble that matters 😉 And i’d definitely hit *this* ensemble lol.

  35. Camille (The Original) says:

    Adorable. And I never knew he was so short, that kind of dulls the hotness a little for me.

  36. Shijel says:

    I like him like this. He looks more streamlined; I was never into beefy guys. I also remember the time when he was in the very, very beginning of his career and he was downright thin and very beautiful-looking&elegant. Beefcakes just lack that.
    I also don’t mind his height, as tall guys are good to look at, but being a 5’2ft female, hugging or even talking to anything taller than 5’11 is very uncomfortable. Had a tall 6’4 boyfriend, never again unless love happens.

    So yeah. He looks lovely. Wouldn’t hit it because of my low libido, but ogle? I’d ogle.