Hipster Jesus wept: Jared Leto & Billy Ray Cyrus buddy up at iHeart Radio Awards


Here are some photos from last night’s iHeartRadio Music Awards in LA. I don’t want to oversell this meeting of the minds, but a skirt-wearing Jared Leto posed on the red carpet with Billy Ray “The Mullet” Cyrus. Only Billy Ray didn’t have a mullet last night… he had a blowout!!! Seriously, it’s a Hair War between Jared and Billy Ray. Who had the better hair? And how do Hipster Jesus and Country Jesus know each other?!

As for Jared’s skirted look, here’s the breakdown: the blazer was Ferragamo (and that seriously might be a lady’s blazer?), the shirt is Etro and the skirt-pants (it’s all one thing?) are Skingraft. Then he added Vans and Ray Bans. What’s the style verdict? Try hard or hipster-cool?



Joe Manganiello was there too… I can’t help it, this guy looks like a predator to me. Gross.


And finally, here’s Adam Lambert, sporting a sort of retro Don Johnson look. What’s with the blond hair? I’m not into it.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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52 Responses to “Hipster Jesus wept: Jared Leto & Billy Ray Cyrus buddy up at iHeart Radio Awards”

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  1. Hiddles forever says:

    I really can’t choose between them… LOL

    • paola says:

      ahah!! Me neither! JAred Leto looks like he’s wearing an apron. He’s probably there for the catering!

      • Hiddles forever says:

        Hahaha nope, you can’t serve at a catering with that hair.. forbidden 😀

        I like they are posing for the pics like they’re ‘that’ cool… ROFLMAO…

  2. AG-UK says:

    I don’t care what people say Jared does it for me saying that old Billy Ray looks like his dad (:

    • BratB says:

      yeah, he’s cute but I can’t fornicate with someone that look’s like Jesus.

    • Bianca says:

      Jared looked gorgeous last night. And the performance of city of angels was great, but he looks so sad in all the red carpet pics. Apparently his brother who was meant to perform with him is sick (cough: rehab) so it seemed to be taking its toll on him

  3. Juanita says:

    Nice hair (sarcasm)

  4. CariBean says:

    My god, BRC is gross! You want to talk about a predator?? Adam Lambert is giving me young George Michael vibes with that hair color. Jared Leto is just weird but otherwise harmless!

    Joe Manganiello is hottt!

    • Dubois says:

      Agree with everything except man-jello. He seems so dim. And BRC’s grossness cannot be overstated.

    • kri says:

      Oh, my eyes! And that side-by-side is awful and hilarious. Somehere Uncle Terry is jacking and crying at the same time. If I was Leto, I’d take one look at that pic and hie myself to the salon.

    • snowflake says:


  5. Jen says:

    Joe is objectively attractive, but he walks around wearing giant silver necklaces and a huge ass skull ring. He probably has a closet full of Affliction t-shirts. *shudder*

  6. paola says:

    Oh my… Joe Manganiello looks exaclt like Eddie Cibrian. *shivers down my spine*

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Douche parade.

    • Christin says:

      Indeed. Once, long ago, I thought BRC was a wee bit good looking (sans mullet). Yes, I wear blue-tinted contacts (reference to today’s Ronan links).

  8. Lizzie says:

    I would love to own Jareds jacket. Like…what a nice fit!

  9. Does Billy Ray honestly think he looks sexeh like that? I think he does. Gross. He looks bloated. I’m not sure if it’s weight gain or alcohol, but he looks horrible, and his hair/style isn’t helping.

    And am I the only one who doesn’t find Adam Lambert attractive or talented? I don’t think he can sing at all. And he’d look better without all that make up on. As far as I’m concerned, the only dude who could get away with makeup and still be sexy as hell was Freddie Mercury.

    • whipmyhair says:

      I’m sure he also thinks he has a career outside being Miley’s dad.

    • Intro Outro says:

      @Virgilia Coriolanus:

      No, you’re not the only one lol. I do not find him attractive either, and although i think he *can* sing and he has a good range, i absolutely do not like WHAT he sings.

    • Christin says:

      That blowout looks a few days old. Why did he keep posing with that big chunk of hair falling in his face? Maybe he’s trying to hide wrinkles?

  10. Suze says:

    Best post title EVER.

    I don’t care about either of them – just had to get that out.

  11. Krista says:

    How do they know each other?? Most likely through Uncle Pervy/Terry. Barf.

  12. Liz says:


  13. Kiddo says:

    Billy Ray looks like he was lifted from an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History.

  14. Jessica says:

    Can we stop with the shoes with no socks trend, please.

  15. Mandy says:

    Oh my, SO MUCH second hand embarrassment…

  16. BeckyR says:

    They both look like bums. At least one of them brushed his hair.

  17. Tania says:

    Hipster Jesus Wept? Lol, my day is made. I can’t even deal with this. So gross.

  18. Serena says:

    I can’t with these guys. They all look creepy /gross to me.

  19. FingerBinger says:

    Everything Jared Leto does is calculated. I bet it took him hours to put that hipster outfit together and I bet it cost a small fortune. Also, here are too many award shows. Enough already.

  20. shannon says:

    douche parade is right. Jared Leto obviously doesn’t care about his Oscar. I mean, props to him for not playing the game, but he’ll never get picked up for another role like that hanging out with these losers. That Joe guy….NEVER saw the appeal. He skeeves me to the max.

  21. Wisher says:

    I damn near busted a gut reading all of the comments here. I haven’t posted in a while and miss the laughs here, BRC is beyond gross to me. Yuck! Joe is cute but there is something off about him, IDK, JMO. Jared Leto is freaking hot but from what I’ve heard he is a freak.

  22. ashley says:

    Jared leto is perfection,his performance last night was awesome! Adam looks really,really good!

  23. Fatty Magoo says:

    If anyone looks like predator it’s Adam Lambert. I have never been a fan, don’t see the appeal. He is just damn creepy. BRC is just disgusting. I can’t help but love Joe lol big and beefy is my type haha. And Leto has worn that pant/skirt for years. I think he got the idea from when he went on a trip to Japan or some Asian country.

  24. GreenTurtle says:

    Sigh. Really?

  25. Steff says:

    I think Jared has a nice shirt and jacket, but I don’t like the skirt at all. It can be a skirt, a pastel foulard or something else but he often adds something feminine to his look…

  26. Longhorn says:

    Will the real Lord please step forward?