Did Robert Pattinson have a romantic dinner date in LA with a ‘mystery’ blonde?


Here are some photos of Robert Pattinson leaving The Little Door restaurant at 1 am on Friday night/Saturday morning in LA. Who is the “mystery blonde”? Well, the Twihards were Twihard Proofing the whole thing, and as it turns out, the girl is named Imogen Ker. She’s friends with Dakota Fanning. Dakota Fanning is tight with Kristen Stewart. Six degrees of TWIHARD APOCALPYSE.

Hollywood Life (Twihard Central) says that Imogen and Sparkles were on a date and it was “just the two of them and they sat outside in the patio for a long time…They had dinner and drinks. They looked like they were having a good time.” Imogen looks sort of like a blonde Kristen, doesn’t she? She also looks a bit like Dakota too. I do think Sparkles has a type – he likes a girl who looks a little grungy, a lit bit rock n’ roll. He doesn’t go for girly-girls. And Imogen looks like his type.

Meanwhile, Robert just pulled out of Mission: Blacklist, the military-thriller-action film he signed on to last year. It was the true story of the hunt for Saddam Hussein, and Sparkles dropped out because he’s been working on back-to-back films and he didn’t think he’d have time to do the appropriate amount of research. Or at least that’s the official story.

And finally, Rob covers the French magazine Première. It’s their Cannes Film Festival special edition, which makes sense because Rob will be premiering two films at Cannes. Kristen Stewart is scheduled to appear at Cannes too. Will Rob and Kristen have a Twihard Reconciliation? Or will Rob debut his new blonde girlfriend?



Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Premiere.

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25 Responses to “Did Robert Pattinson have a romantic dinner date in LA with a ‘mystery’ blonde?”

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  1. Abbott says:

    Let Shovel Face find love!!

    • akivasha says:

      ROFL…ah Shovel Face LOL, I cannot look at him anymore and NOT think that name LOL Thank you Screen Junkies!

    • Giselle says:

      LOL! Thanks for saying it so I don’t have to, I can save a $1 from going in the mean jar.

  2. Lark says:

    IMO, Rob really needs to grow his hair out and put on a little weight, because the skinny with short hair thing doesn’t do him any favors. 1 am leaving the Little Door certainly sounds like a date imo, although any details from HL are more than likely made up considering they blatantly BS so much stuff.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I find him so uninteresting.

    • mimif says:

      Who? Oh, I meant yes, I agree with you. Wait, who?
      *I would like to know what 5 year old finger painted his face for the mag tho.

      • blue marie says:

        they told him to paint a self-portrait, he didn’t realize they meant on paper.

      • Anname says:

        The guy who wrote the article has tweeted that the photoshoot was the craziest one they have ever done, and that Rob was “fearless”. It will be very interesting to see what it looks like when it is released on Wednesday. Love it or hate it, it probably will not be boring, or “uninteresting”, as Goodnames is suggesting.

  4. What? says:

    They left restaurant with other friends- Dakota Fanning’s boyfriend Jamie was one of the people also there. Why is Pattinson not allowed to be near a female without people pairing them up?
    KStew and Dakota Fanning are friends/friendly but, in reality, outside of professional obligations, they don’t hang out often. They are just part of a larger group of hipster friends.

    It felt like Pattinson pulling out of Mission Blacklist was inevitable once the film lost its Director. Pattinson seems like he’s trying to work with certain talented Directors, etc., rather than only being focused on good scripts.

  5. GMarchetti says:

    He should have shaved for a date, I think.

  6. Yo says:

    Well looks like they need a chaperone because Dakota’s boyfriend was there too.

  7. Kt says:

    He looks like he’s trying his best “blue steel” on that magazine cover!

  8. faun says:

    All of his girlfriends look like their hair smells bad.

  9. GMarchetti says:

    Thought the same thing, homie goes on a date – knowing she’ll get photographed – and wears an ugly and probably old outfit, with holes in it. And I bet she wasn’t using any deodorant, too, to hook him up for good.

  10. jess says:

    I dont think it was a date. He had a male friend with him.

    • Anname says:

      It is funny how the friend is deliberately cut out of the pap pictures. Same old same old….

  11. Tig says:

    I agree that he needs more hair- but it appears that’s not going to happen for quite awhile. I think the next movie up( Lost City of Z) will be short hair city. Boo.

    Re his love life – also agree that it’s nuts he can’t go w/in 20 ft of a female w/o the speculation beginning. If he is dating her, great.

  12. Dubois says:

    Meh, she looks like a friend type. I think he’s majorly stealth with his dates/hook ups, because the paps/tabloids/twihards would go crazy and I don’t think he’s into that.

  13. Original Tessa says:

    She has a massive round jaw like Kristen.

  14. Cali says:

    Kind if looks one of his sisters…

  15. Nicolette says:

    Hmmmm. Holes or stains on her shirt, and stains on her jeans. Classy. I think Sparkles can do a bit better than this.

  16. Dani says:

    Her pants are also stained. Gross.

  17. Dani says:

    Kristen was also a hot mess most of the time but at least her clothes didn’t have OBVIOUS STAINS. How is a 20something walking around in dirty clothes???

  18. Luisa says:

    I’m fan of Robert, but I think he looks too thin in these pictures.

  19. Kosmos says:

    She DOES kind of look like a blonde Kristin, cigarette and all. Overall, she looks kind of bland messy and unkempt, kind of like Kristin, so this must be Rob’s type. Poor guy, it can’t be fun having to hide constantly, not be able to date anyone without the paps being close by clicking away…..but I’m sure he loves his $$$ from being a celeb., sort of…..they complain, rightfully so, but I don’t see them pulling out and saying they’re quitting the acting business, do you?