Kanye West & Kim Kardashian are honeymooning in Ireland without North


The good news: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are currently in Ireland for their honeymoon, which means that we will hopefully get somewhat a reprieve from all things Kardashian. The bad news: baby North West is still little IgNori to her parents. According to People Mag, Nori was not invited to the honeymoon. Which isn’t that remarkable in general – most people don’t bring their kids (if they have kids) on their honeymoon. But it is sort of a pattern for Kim and Kanye.

There will be no changing diapers on this honeymoon. No more than 24 hours after their wedding, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are reported to have landed via private jet in Cork, Ireland, Sunday afternoon and are staying at the five-star Castlemartyr Resort in East Cork, says the Irish Independent.

What has been verified to PEOPLE is that baby daughter North is not with the couple, a source says. After the wedding, she was seen with her grandmother, Kris Jenner, on a flight leaving Venice.

According to the resort’s website, Castlemartyr “was first built in 1210 by The Knights Templar, who were one of the most famous of the Christian military orders under the leadership of Richard Earl de Clare, more commonly known as Strongbow.”

Richard Boyle, First Earl of Cork, built his sprawling mansion on the site in the 1800s. Before its current incarnation as a first-class retreat, it was a friary for Carmelite priests. A source tells PEOPLE about the newlyweds: “They planned to stay in Europe for a week or two post-wedding, until Kanye has to perform at the X Games.” This coming weekend, they will attend his stylist’s wedding in Europe.

Secluded on 220 acres of bucolic landscape, Castlemartyr boasts a championship-level golf course, spa and dining in the Knight’s Bar. Available activities include archery, fly fishing lessons and carriage tours of the property. The nightly rate for the Grand Suite is roughly $820. Calls to Castlemartyr were not returned.

An Irish honeymoon could have sentimental value for the couple: In June 2012, Kardashian surprised West in Dublin on his birthday while he was on his Watch the Throne tour.

[From People]

I’m a little bit surprised that they’ve gone to Ireland. It just seems like… I don’t know, they would be more likely to do Capri or Venice or Barcelona or some Greek island. That being said, an Irish honeymoon sounds lovely. Here’s my question: when do you think Kim is going to get pregnant again? From what I gather, Kanye wants another baby pronto. But Kim hated being pregnant, and she worked so hard to get the weight off. I kind of wonder if she’s going to make him wait.

As for little Nori and spending this time with Lucifer’s Homegirl… poor Nori. I really hoped that Kris wouldn’t have that much influence on Nori in the long term, but I think it’s far more likely that KIM isn’t going to have that much influence on Nori.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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139 Responses to “Kanye West & Kim Kardashian are honeymooning in Ireland without North”

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  1. Dani2 says:

    I’m not sure if I’d take my eight month old on a honeymoon either. I’d probably go somewhere where I wouldn’t have to be too far away from her and stay for a night or two. But that’s just me.

    • Erinn says:

      I’m with you.
      We’re kind of broke so we’re just going a few hours away for a couple nights after the wedding this summer- and I don’t want to leave the dog haha. A honeymoon is really more for a couple than a whole family.

      • Dani2 says:

        Congrats on your upcoming wedding 🙂 and haha yes, it’s for the married couple in my mind, not the whole family.
        And I don’t have kids yet but I can’t see myself going as far from my baby as Kim and Kanye are from North right now. But that’s just me, I’m a worry-wart and I’d want to be close by just in case of anything.

    • Most people wouldn’t take their baby on honeymoon, but then most people wouldn’t take an entourage of personal assistants and bodyguards either. If you’re traveling with a group of helpers then why not bring the baby and a few nannies too? I would feel safer doing that than leaving her with Kris, who God knows, might sell her to Ryan Seacrest while they’re gone.

      • kibbles says:

        Exactly. Let’s not compare these celebrity couples to normal folks. Millionaires can afford to bring their children on honeymoons, getaways, vacations, etc. because they can hire an army of nannies and bodyguards to watch the child in another suite down the hall. The couple can enjoy their time and still get to stop in once each day to check on the baby for a few minutes.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        I agree with both of you. Plus, I’d just want to see my baby. Even if it’s for a half hour a day. There’s no making up for that desire and because of their money, they don’t have to miss her and want to run home to hold her again.

        Plus, igNori (it pains me to say that) is a beautiful child. Did they put eye shadow on her?

      • lucy2 says:

        That’s a REALLY good point. If it were just the 2 of them wanting to be alone (ha) I could see it, but if there’s an entourage, it should include the kid.

        They don’t seem to bring her anywhere or do much with her to begin with, so this isn’t the least bit surprising though.

      • Dani2 says:

        @The Dress Down Very good point, I mean, I just said what I would do but yeah, obviously, Kim and Kanye are in a very different position, they could’ve taken her if that’s what they had wanted.

      • Really says:

        Exactly what you ladies said- if they have the means for nannies, why not have the baby go on the honeymoon? I certainly wouldn’t want to be without my baby for over a week. This child doesn’t have a chance.

    • Audrey says:

      I wouldn’t wanna honeymoon with a baby either.

      But I also would never want to be away from my daughter for more than a few hours.

      This is why we got married before having a kid though, so we could enjoy our freedom as a couple first.

      In their very expensive shoes, I’d have a relative or nanny come along to watch her so we could have fun as a couple without being too far from our little lady

    • Dani says:

      Maybe I’m biased but it’s not like this is their first time on vacation together. They’ve been to France/Italy and other place for spur of the moment shopping and wedding planning and couldn’t be bothered to take her with them, so if anything they SHOULD have taken her on their honeymoon and made it a little fam vacay. But, it’s KK and she’s selfish and couldn’t be bothered taking care of her own child.

      • Dani2 says:

        @Dani Hi Dani! 🙂 *waves* haha I love that I feel like I’m replying to myself when I talk to you on here 🙂
        But yes I agree, they come across as very selfish to me, and they just validate the argument that not everyone is cut out to be a parent. There’s nothing wrong with not having kids, there is something wrong with having one and then carrying on with life as though you never had one.

      • Dani says:

        Hiiiii! I know same here hahah I read through the comments I’m like I don’t remember saying that but I still think it’s right…and then I realize it’s not me.

        She has the potential to be a good mother, everyone sort of does, but she just chooses not to be. You’d think since Kanye was so effected by his mom’s death he’d step it up as a dad.

      • Dani2 says:

        @Dani Yeah, I hear you about everyone having the potential to be a good parent but at the same time, with parenting, I feel like you need to be sure that you’re ready, I’ve seen too many situations where a person liked the idea of being a parent or just figured they’d do it because it’s what society expects of them and it’s so unfair that a child should have to suffer that.
        And yeah, his performance of “Hey Mama” at the 2008 Grammy Awards still makes me cry to this day. At that time, I really thought that when ever he became a parent, that he would do strive to do more than just give them all that money could buy but I guess not.

      • Dani says:

        I think your partner can bring out the worst in you but also KK is probably very adamant about wanting to be his number one priority. Maybe because we live in the real world, but the way actual parents raise their kids and the way celebrities raise their kids is so different. I also think that if his mom were alive, there’s no chance in hell he’d be marrying Kim, let alone having a child with her.

      • HH says:

        That’s exactly what I thought. Normally, I’d understand just wanting some time as a couple, but it seems like they have a lot of time to themselves.

  2. Lindy79 says:

    Like you said not largely unusual for a couple to take a quick break and have family look after the child on a honeymoon but….apparently they have brought a massive entourage with them so no real reason they couldn’t have brought her.
    He’s back here in July (I think) for a gig in Marley Park.

    Get out of my country!!!

    • blue marie says:

      It’s not unusual but isn’t how they do most things, without North?
      Anyway, I think you should keep them,

    • If they come to Dublin I’m going to follow them around with a sign that says #Where’sIgnori and spoil all their selfies.

    • Miffy says:

      Oh FFS, this sh*t show had to single us out why? Please don’t let this become an aspirational trend of their fans.

      Those hack jobs on Exposé must be spontaneously ejaculating every which way right now. Cue six weeks worth of makeup specials on contouring, fake lashes and hd brows.

      • Lindy79 says:

        LOL @ the Exposé thing. I loathe that show and everyone on it.

        (My father had one of them in his taxi, the fare was €9.45 he said call it €9 (because he’s ace like that) and she gave him a tenner and sat waiting for her €1)

    • kri says:

      I would do love to visit Ireland & Scotland. It is weird for these two hogs to choose Ireland-I thought they would go to Sandals or Vegas.

      • Mauibound says:

        Those of us from Vegas have had their company long enough, tag, you’re it!

    • Sonya says:

      That’s what I was thinking, why not bring a nanny or six with all your hair and makeup people? When my wife and I went and got married we took our kids and my sister was kind enough to come along as well. She had a room down the hall and all day long we did family things (my sister included) and then at dinner she and the kids would go do something while my wife and I went and did adult things. It was a really awesome way to do it and we and the kids have all these great family honeymoon memories!

      • Chrissy says:

        But Sonja didn’t you know that hair and make-up people
        are more important than North and her minders. Glad you had a memorable honeymoon with all your honeys!

  3. LadyMTL says:

    While I don’t see it as strange that North wasn’t brought along, I still feel sorry for that little girl. Yes, she’s rich and privileged and will probably not have to work a day in her life but still, it seems like she’s treated more as an accessory than a daughter…at least on Kim’s end.

    Poor kid.

    • She’ll be working every day of her life to live up to that family’s presentation standards. Just ask Rob. It’s not work as we poors know it, but I feel sorry for her too.

      • kibbles says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if Nori grows up to have some major problems with her appearance and identity. If she grows up to be on the chubby side or have any imperfections, she will be pressured to get plastic surgery to rectify the problem at a very early age. Since she won’t have to work for any of the money used to make her look pretty, she is in danger of becoming as shallow and shamelessly money hungry as her mom and grandmother.

    • Ag says:

      you know what, though, i bet that her nannies love her and take way better care of her than those two selfish douchebags would.

    • word says:

      I think Nori will have to work. Kim and Kanye are not as rich as people think. They also blow through money. At some point, the money will stop coming in. Nori will be Kim’s meal ticket one day, just watch.

  4. ray says:

    well they spent a day with their child who was probably passed from nanny to stranger. what more do you expect.

    • ray says:

      also comparing the pics of ignori and kim to busy and cricket (?) and gwen and her baby, kim looks like she has no clue what to do with her.

      • paola says:

        She carries that baby exactly like she carried that poor Mercy cat around. Like a trophy or a doll. But Nori seems so uncomfortable in Kim’s arms and her frown beats even Jaden Smith’s stupid brow.

      • Miffy says:

        Generally I’m not one for over reading a parents relationship with their child based on a few silly photos but in this case it’s kinda weird.

        Whether she knows how to hold her daughter or not that’s a very small child twisting herself away from and pushing away her mom to lean into a group of paparazzi. That’s weird. I don’t know who’s walking on front of Kim that nori would clearly prefer to be with but you’d think she’d be stuck to her mom of all people when confronted with strangers snapping photos.

      • prissa says:

        @Miffy – THIS! I’m glad someone finally mentioned the odd body language on display here. Nori has her arm against Kims chest pushing herself away from Kim. So bizarre. In the pics of Nori and Kris (after the wedding, I think they were going to the airport) Nori does the same thing but at one point she did put her arm around Kris’s back but I’ve never seen her do that with Kim. Some say maybe Nori just wants to see and perhaps Kim should hold her facing outward (like Kate did George in Australia), but I don’t think that is the case. It really just seems like North wants to get away from Kim. So SAD.

  5. hunaww says:

    Nori is so cute.Look at those cheeks.But her eyebrows looks like they have been JadenSmith’d.

  6. DanaG says:

    Most people don’t have nannies and a team of staff to look after their baby they could have taken her but once again chose not too. Mind you IgNori is probably more attached to the nanny by now and so used to not seeing her parents it wouldn’t bother her. It’s sad though!

    • qwerty says:

      Yeah, I think she’s pushing her mother away in these pics. Same as Heidi Klum’s daughter always looks miserable when her mother is holding her, and Lainey had a blind about how HK never spends time with her children except for when the paps are around (it was called “Not a doting mother, not a kind employer”).

      Or maybe Kim’s holding her in an uncomfortable way to show her face to the paps cause she’s being paid extra for a clear shot. Either way, doesn’t look good.

      As for the question – “when do you think Kim is going to get pregnant again? ”
      – When the ratings fall.

      • Dommy Dearest says:

        I’m sure she’ll be pregnant again within the year. Or divorce. It’s all downhill from here for Kim as far as publicity goes.

      • Erin says:

        Just one question…why is she never dressed in anything cute?? That horrible dark thing she is wearing, looks like a refugee from a 3rd world country.

  7. Talie says:

    She could use a surrogate, but then she’d be sacrificing all that publicity.

  8. SpookySpooks says:

    “How Shocking!” said no one.

    I would love a honeymoon in Ireland. Actually, I would just really like to visit Ireland. And Iceland. And Argentina. And Cuba…. If only I had the money.
    The saddest part is, I bet they won’t even leave their apartment, they’ll be in Ireland, but they won’t see anything.

    • Lollipop says:

      Me too, Spooky,me too. She’s been in France a lot, and I think she only saw her hotel room and the inside of boutiques. Sad.

  9. BendyWindy says:

    This is a non-story story. I wouldn’t bring my child on my honeymoon, whether I had a nanny or not. Yes, they spend a lot of time without her, but in this instance it’s perfectly legitimate.

    • Rice says:

      That’s what I thought as well. Not a fan of Kimye but I don’t see the big deal about not have North with them on the honeymoon.

    • epiphany says:

      Under normal circumstances I would agree with you, but these two idiots aren’t on their honeymoon alone. They brought a small army of assistants, PR people, plus a crew from E!. How much more effort would it take to book an extra suite for their daughter and her nannies? At least they could pop in a few times a day and cuddle her. It’s not because they wanted to be alone, because they’re not. They just didn’t want to be bothered with an accessory who cries and needs her diapers changed. We really did christen this baby with the right name, Ignori.

      • BendyWindy says:

        I’m just going to keep it real. I wouldn’t want to be bothered with a crying, pooping baby on my honeymoon either. I love my children, but this is one occasion where they wouldn’t be invited. Like I said, I criticize these idiots all the time, but not for this.

  10. aenflex says:

    Never mean any offense towards this lovely blog. It’s been a favorite of mine for years. But the only thing I’m gonna write when the post is about these freaks is…. Disgusting.

  11. BeckyR says:

    I am sure Ireland is THRILLED!

    • Mary says:

      It hasn’t stopped raining since Sunday 🙂 cork is great (my home town) but v surprised they came here. Great if your into the outdoors, history , fishing or sailing, but not too many pradas or guccis down the Main Street

  12. paola says:

    I wonder how she can strot around in heels all day and night. Maybe designer shoes have better support than regular shoes? I own a few designer shoes myself but they’re not custom made and my feet start aching after a couple of hours so I really am impressed with her skill.
    This might be her only true talent.

    • swack says:

      Women who constantly wear heels that high have feet that are so used to them that it is hard for them to wear flats anytime. I taught and had a principal that wore at least 3 – 4 inch heels everyday and she could outrun almost any student in them.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Well I always got palmed on the head as a child for walking around on my tippy-toes. I remember being told I had a high instep at a shoe store where I couldn’t fit my foot comfortably into a flat pair of boots. As an adult, I’ve only recently started wearing flats, and I admit that you do have to learn how to walk in them because the movement isn’t natural to everyone. I kind of pride myself on having rarely if ever met a pair of shoes that I couldn’t break in. I can’t think of a single pair of high heels that I own that I find uncomfortable, and I’m not talking high end merch here.

  13. NewWester says:

    I hope I live long enough to read the tell all book Nori writes about growing up in that family. “Mommie Dearest” will be like Dr. Seuss compared to that book!!

  14. Sullivan says:

    Cute, cute baby. Good luck little Nori.

  15. Macey says:

    I cant help but notice how every single pic Ive seen with Nori and either Kim or Kanye, she never once has her arm around them. Her amrs are always in front or looking around .
    Its pretty much instinct for a child to grab onto or put their arm around whoever is holding them (assuming its someone they’re familiar with)and I have yet to see one pic where Nori does this. Im not even a kid person and have a stronger bond with my friend’s kids than they do with hers. Even tho Ive never wanted kids of my own I do enjoy those bonding moments when they put their arms around me or even better fall asleep on my shoulder. that shows me they trust me and feel safe with me. I have never seen anything remotely resembling comfort to Nori when she is with either one of them. so sad and they’re both so self centered I doubt they would appreciate it if they did. Kim would only worry about wrinkling or messing up her clothes.

    all that said, I hope all the talk and stories about this joke of a circus/arrangement wedding is over.

  16. eliza says:

    I am so shocked they decided to leave North and do their honeymoon. *eye roll*

    Haven’t these two pretty much done that since she was born?

    Just what Kimye needs, another baby to place in the care of nannies.

  17. Loopy says:

    I am one to also give Kim hard time in terms of never appearing to spend time with her daughter. However lets not act like Kanye is David Beckham or Chris Hemsworth, i have never seen him hold her except for Vogue or even push her buggy.

    • Hello says:

      Well said, I agree. Kanye seems like even more of a cold parent that sees himself as too cool to even hold his own child.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Oh man… Now you have me going to tumblr to see Daddy Thor. @_@

  18. VeeEm says:

    You guys are missing out on what we humorous Irish are imagining them getting up to while they are here http://twitter.com/LennyLovet/statuses/470944183512223745 and http://tinyurl.com/o5bcw3b

    • paola says:

      ahah!! that guy in the first pic looks like P Diddy though!

    • Blannie says:

      Good ones! Glad you’re having some fun with it. Sorry we’re sending our American trash your way.

  19. KatNotNice says:

    Ireland is a stunning country, thank you very much, you would be surprised by the stunning landscapes and other magical places around.

  20. Dhavynia says:

    Does she even know how to hold her own child?
    This is so sad

  21. Ncboudicca says:

    I’m having a hard time picturing those two fly-fishing or engaging in any type of outdoorsy activities, nor can I picture them just relaxing and taking in the beautiful countryside. How’s the shopping in Cork? Is that close to the Waterford Crystal factory?

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Cork is absolutely lovely but it is the LAST place I would have expected them to go. No Gucci shopping, very down to earth people – and RAIN. They are not country folk. I really doubt they are enjoying themselves.

      • Green Girl says:

        I adore Ireland and would drop everything to travel there if I could. But yes, I agree that this location seems kind of random for them. But maybe that’s the point?

      • me says:

        Maybe they threw a dart at a map and it landed on Ireland? Actually, Bruce and Kris had their honeymoon in Ireland as well…so there’s that connection.

      • SallyJay says:

        My husband and I had our wedding there! Castlemartyr is absolutely beautiful but it is rural. Very quiet and relaxing, lovely walks and a gorgeous spa but I really can’t imagine Kimye there. My hubs is furious that they’re there and says they’re “tainting” “our” hotel!!

  22. Jac says:

    My daughter is the same age as North and if there were photographers and fanatics in our faces, taking photos and shouting, she would be clinging to me for dear life. North almost always appears as though she’s looking for comfort outside of Kim, always searching for a nanny, perhaps.

    • RobN says:

      Or maybe she’s inquisitive and likes to look around.

    • shelley says:

      I don’t know. I don’t have any kids, but I would imagine the paparazzi are yelling at them, so maybe that’s why she’s looking out away from Kim.

  23. They didn’t stay in Castlemartyr, which is, dare I say it, a little bit too “affordable” for their tastes. I couldn’t see them spending their honeymoon rubbing shoulders with the hoi polloi, so reports that they took over a private castle (Castle Oliver in Limerick) make more sense to me. Apparently this has been confirmed this morning since they have now departed for another location.

  24. Blueb says:

    I really wish people would stop calling her IgNori, it’s not North’ s fault her parents are so self-centered…

  25. Tiffany27 says:

    Poor Ireland.

  26. Sherry says:

    I’m thinking they’re doing some baby-making on this honeymoon. Afterall, what is she going to do to keep that publicity coming after this wedding? Another pregnancy should keep her in the headlines!

  27. Laura says:

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the two of them leaving an infant behind for a honeymoon, but I do hate to see that poor, innocent child constantly in the clutches of the psychotic Kris Jenner. I have no doubt that Kris sees this baby as another chance to start over, to cultivate another cash crop out of a child. Disgusting. I’m not a huge fan of Kanye’s personality, but I hope so badly that with him in the picture there’s hope for this child, that Kris won’t be able to completely transform her into another Kardashian robot. If Kim truly loves this child and has an ounce of self awareness to see what her mother has done to her, she would keep Nori as close to her as possible whenever she could, the better to keep her away from that scheming, money grubbing woman.

    • Red32 says:

      Judging by Kanye’s wedding speech/rant, he is fully chugging the Kardashian Kool-Aid.

      • me says:

        I think the Kardashians are the ONLY people who can tame Kanye. He may even be afraid of them. This sucks because I really thought he’d be the one to tame them and they’d be afraid of him. There’s just too many Kardashians. They can’t be beat lol. I think Rob will be the one to bring down the empire. He will spill secrets…deep dark secrets. I mean he really has nothing to lose as his family does not respect him at all.

  28. tila says:

    North is so so cute. Sorry, but cuter than blue ivy. That’s right, I said it.

    • Sabrine says:

      I agree. I think Nori will be fine with Grandma. Baby on a honeymoon? Um….no. A week is no big deal.

  29. GIRLFACE says:

    God. Everything she wears looks like it is begging for mercy about to be sucked into some dark vacuum.

  30. Sayrah says:

    She looks precious in that photo. And I’m with you, isn’t that honeymoon a little too, I don’t know, historical for them? I’m hoping for an SNL skit on touring castles.

  31. Dawn says:

    And why is this news? They are without North on most occassions why would this be any different? That child does not know her mother or father all that well and it shows in every picture. I certainly hope this child is getting love from some one and dressed in pretty little girl clothes when nutz and nuttier are on one of their little trips. Poor kid.

    • swack says:

      Question is: Does she have any colorful clothes? We haven’t seen her in any but she may well have some.

  32. Nicolette says:

    How would Kim be able to have any influence over her daughter? She would have to actually be with her to accomplish that. Not for the honeymoon I agree, just the rest of the time.

  33. andypandy says:

    I see a child desperately panning the crowd looking for her nanny

  34. snowflake says:

    kim did not work hard to lose all that weight, she hid out for awhile while she was recovering from her lipo/mommy makeover. i do not believe she works out. she would have actual muscle tone to her body if she lost the weight by working out

  35. Cute kid, but I wouldn’t take a baby on my honeymoon either.

  36. Helvetica says:

    This is shocking…to no one.

    They spend less time without the baby then they actually do with her.

    KKs face and body look like a blow up doll. She is going to look so weird when she is 40.

  37. judyjudy says:

    Last night I made the mistake of searching online for pictures of Kim’s wedding. All that came up were pictures of her first wedding and I was totally struck by how happy and relaxed she looked in her wedding and honeymoon pictures with K-Hump. I know that whole thing was a sham but she looked downright giddy and her honeymoon pictures looked relaxed and love-up. It made me realize (more than before) how MISERABLE she looks in this relationship and throughout this wedding. Everything about everything seems miserable. Even that baby wrapped in grey never smiles (at least not for the cameras, anyway). Thinking of Kim and Kanye dressed in black sitting in Ireland making serious “art face” all the time seems downright miserable. (Not a dis on Ireland, the Mr and I had one of our most memorable and romantic vacations there).

    I don’t judge them for not bringing the baby on they honeymoon. But really, did we think they would? It’s lucky the kid won’t have to suffer through that misery.

  38. shelley says:

    I think it’s fine they didn’t take North on their honeymoon. I’m surprised, too, that they went to Ireland. Doesn’t seem like a Kardashian-type vacation destination. That gray dress that North is wearing looks itchy as hell. I’m itching just looking at it.

    • Zooyork says:

      I was thinking that too about North’s dress… It doesn’t seem like a comfortable fabric for a baby. I wouldn’t even wear that material myself it looks so itchy and scratchy. That’s mean to put that on a baby.

  39. feebee says:

    And she was complaining about the showers in Paris? She can’t have been too worried because Ireland in early summer would not be the place to go. I’m surprised they didn’t hit the likes of Monaco or St Tropez.

  40. word says:

    Kris Jenner and Bruce also had their honeymoon in Ireland. Also, if you’ve ever watched their show, it appears as if Kris doesn’t have time for her family as she’s always busy trying to make business deals. I doubt she’s the one watching Nori. The nanny is (as usual). I don’t understand why they would have another kid when they barely spend time with the one they already have. I don’t see Kim getting pregnant again…ever. She will claim infertility problems and will use a surrogate in about a year’s time…or when she finds out Beyonce is pregnant again.

  41. renata says:

    I think the main reason they chose Ireland as they honeymoon is that they won’t be chased by paparazzi and other media eejits over here. Irish don’t give a feck about celebrities ya’ll 😉

    • me says:

      Since when does Kim hide from the paps? They could have kept the wedding and honeymoon location top secret if they really wanted to…but they chose to make it all public. Kim and Kanye are only going on a four day honeymoon and will be in Prague in a few days for Kanye’s friend’s wedding. The paps will be in Prague because Kim WANTS to be seen. They don’t let this info out by mistake you know.

    • Jayna says:

      You’ve forgotten about the ones Kim and Kris have on speed dial.

  42. daisyfly says:

    So they don’t want to be around their child. It’s a day that ends with the letter Y so no one should be surprised.

  43. decorative item says:

    She looks nice in the dress in the top pick, and North looks cute in that black sleeveless dress. I’m confused. *Looks over shoulder in fear*

  44. Jayna says:

    Little Nori is so cute, and she always has that little worried look with her little eyebrows, the way she moves them. You just know Kris and Kim are going to be yanking her to their plastic surgeon for botox by the age of ten so she doesn’t create lines on her forehead or in between her eyes.

    Ireland is amazing for a honeymoon, but I don’t see Kim picking that. Probably Kanye’s idea.

    • Gypsy says:

      Choosing Ireland – I am sure it was him, in fact European marriage, the famous designers, the castles in France and Italy, all Kanye, he’s a Europhile.

  45. me says:

    Nori and Jayden Smith could be brother and sister. They are both cute but both have the exact same frown.

  46. Vampi says:

    Not really related but I heard that one of the main reasons Michael Jackson LOVED living in Ireland after that trial.. was because he could just be normal there. People were respectful and left him and his children alone to enjoy the beauty!
    That’s why Kimye’s honeymoon makes NO sense to me. They LIVE ( well, Kim’s ass of lies does) for the PAP STROLL! Ugh!

  47. idk says:

    Well her last honeymoon was in Italy with K. Humphries. So she gets married for her third wedding in Italy. Ok so I guess her next wedding will be in Ireland?

  48. Gypsy says:

    I agree with them, leave the baby with family, instead of a hired army of nannies, we have seen too many “baby-cam” of nannies abusing babies while couples are out to dinner/at work/at play.
    Kris and other family members will be home to keep an eye on the nannies and to monitor the “baby-cam” 24 hours-a- day. – Why trust strangers with the most valuable thing in your life when family is there?

    • TG says:

      There should be a nanny can in PMK as well, except the harm she causes is more subtle and insidious and the damage is already done by the time of discovery.

  49. Penelope says:

    That child never looks engaged or comfortable with her mother.

  50. idk says:

    Why did they need to bring their assistants along on their honeymoon? I understand the need for bodyguards, but what are the assistants there for?

    • Gypsy says:

      Maybe they see this marriage as more a corporate merger, so now the honeymoon is really a moneymoon, where they plan their new merged strategy to build their empire. 🙂

      That’s perhaps why they got married in Europe, where it was tradition where different houses of power married their children into each other so they can spread their power and influence. – And that’s my feeble attempt at mind reading. 🙂

  51. Gypsy says:

    Am I the only one who noticed that North’s hair color is the same as Khloe in old photos of her as a baby? All the other girls, even the Jenner girls have jet black hair, except for Khloe and now North.

    • JudyK says:

      I’m glad you mentioned that, because North had very dark (and very beautiful) hair until recently. Very strange. I hope they aren’t doing something stupid to make it lighter.

      • Gypsy says:

        IDK, I think they are more inclined to want all jet black hair, and that’s why Khloe dyes her hair black to fit in.
        I might be wrong but I would guess they expected a more Mediterranean looking North with jet black hair, but instead North looks like Kim wearing bronzer and hair like baby khloe.

      • Janet says:

        Okay, this may sound weird, but it’s fact:

        I’m light-skinned black and was born with dark hair. When I was a few months old it turned BLONDE. There are pictures of me to prove it. After I was a little over a year old my hair turned dark again and has stayed dark ever since.

        Fast-forward 25 years later when my son was born. He had jet-black hair when he was born and it turned blonde when he was around four or five months old. It stayed like that until he was around a year and a half and then turned dark.

        It seems to be a family trait. One of my cousins was blonde until she was five or six. She still has light-brown hair at age 50.

  52. JudyK says:

    I’ve criticized this couple for everything imaginable, but I’m not going to criticize them for taking a honeymoon without their baby.

  53. Mary says:

    What in the world would these 2 find in Ireland? No spiritual connection, no family, no history. 2 Passports that should not have been issued.

    • L says:

      I couldn’t agree more. Kim certainly wouldn’t have a photo op at the local or on a hike since she wouldn’t be in her fancy duds. Or maybe she would be. That would be hilarious. I’m not sure why they are there. I will say the beauty of the place is amazing, but these two seem to prefer fabricated beauty rather than natural beauty. They are also both too self-absorbed and stupid to understand the wit of the Irish. Can you see them sitting down to tea and brown bread? I’ll stop now…

  54. Gypsy says:

    A little off the exact topic:
    I have a feeling that this marriage will last as long a Kanye West wants the marriage to last, and the reason why is; Kim has found the person she can admire and look up to and enhance her brand.
    Kanye has already helped her launch her Herrods brand, he has opened the door to designers and the famous of Europe. He doesn’t need a payday from her (unlike Kris).
    She has now inherited connection with some of the most famous and finiky people on the planet.

    Kanye, got the family he longed for, the stability that would make his mother proud. – Also, he got a new toy, a mannequin to try out all his nascent designer styles.
    Longevity of marriage probably depends on how much weight Kim gains to the point where she loses her muse status. 🙂

  55. Patty Cake says:

    It’s sad to me that no one ever sees Nori with her dad either. To me it’s sad that Kanye and Kim are her parents. You know, it may seem strange enough to us now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Nori grows up to be the exact opposite of her parents and grandparents. I mean, she could totally grow up and be a humbled, respectful American citizen, who could totally shun her parents disgusting behavior. She seems intuitive enough to me. I think folks sometimes forget that when a young person is strong- willed enough, they can tend to be their own person regardless of the misguided behaviors of their parents. At least I hope that’s what it is. On another note, I see people have a tendency to bad mouth the Smith kids but in reality I feel sorry for them. They’re bare the burden of raising themselves, through no fault of their own, they have to teach themselves right and wrong. Imo, I believe Jada is on drugs. I also believe Will and Jada are knee deep in Scientology that their minds are warped by it. I see their kids as victims. They also pushed their poor kid into the lime light. I would have a permanent crazy look on my face too if my parents forced me into the family business because their stars were fading fast. Smdh.

  56. boo says:

    I find it so interesting that when Kim carries Nori, Nori has her little arm across Kim’s chest, like pushing her away, and her gaze is on someone in the distance? nanny perhaps? I’ve seen plenty of baby pics on this site and others and it seems to me (including my own, when she was tiny) that kids hold onto their mothers when they feel insecure, this is what my baby did, she grabbed me and put her head on my chest or on my should and grabbed on to everything, including my hair, yet this baby does the opposite with Kim, I find it really troubling that this baby does not seem to be bonded to her, maybe it’s just this one pic. But Kim just looks like a robot, she betrays no emotion when she is holding on to her, no smiles for baby or kisses, nothing just a frozen face. Sad for Nori.

  57. Nudgie says:

    Baby DOESN’T Got Back.

  58. Snowpea says:

    These two idiots make me so glad for my anonymous, peasant life living in comparative penury in my small flat with my kids and old pooch. So we haven’t got a penny and money is tight? We play Scrabble together, whip up nachos in the tiny kitchen, go for evening walks and squash up on the couch to watch Attenborough docos.

    What do these two do? They have a beautiful child, all the money in the world, nannies and chauffeurs and bodyguards, yummy food and booze, fly first class everywhere and whatever their heart desires…and with faces as long as a bloody wet week.

    Nobody will ever convince me these two are in anything but a showmance. It’s a business deal pure and simple. ‘Ye makes Kim slightly legit and Kim…well she makes him look ummmm, hetero. It is well known that he prefers the gentlemen but very sad he is unable to live his life with integrity.

    Nothing on gods earth would make me swap lives with these two. Money does not make you happy.

  59. Janet says:

    I can’t stand the woman but I have to admit, that is one adorable little baby.