Pedro Pascal: GoT’s Prince Oberyn ‘was the best character I have ever played’


I haven’t wanted to talk about Pedro Pascal and his Game of Thrones character Prince Oberyn. Because… SPOILER… Prince Oberyn came like a lightning bolt this season and left just as quickly, and now I’m in mourning. But now that a few days have passed, we can talk about it, right? Right. So, the header image is from Pascal’s Instagram. That man beside him is The Mountain, real name Hafthor Julius Bjornsson. Apparently, they’re buds in real life and Pascal refers to him as “the gentle giant.” Sigh. That photo makes me want to cry!!! Anyway, everybody is talking about Pedro and Prince Oberyn and last Sunday’s GoT episode, so let’s do some highlights.

Here’s a video Pedro did with Vanity Fair where they got him to describe what he would like to see for Prince Oberyn’s funeral. Note: this is his real, flat American accent. Don’t get me wrong, I would still hit it (hard), but I do think he’s sexier with his Oberyn accent. With that accent, he’s The Sex.

Pedro has been doing lots of press in the wake of Prince Oberyn’s death. You can read a Q&A he did with Entertainment Weekly here – he really, really loved being on GoT and he loves it when people come up to him and ask him questions about the show. He says, “I’m walking home and riding the train like I have for 20 years in New York City, and every now and then a stranger will give me a smile and thumbs up, or ask me to remove my headphones to ask if I’m Oberyn Martell the prince of Dorne. Everybody has been really sweet about it.” He talks a lot about befriending Lena Headey (who seems to be BFFs with everybody on GoT) and says that the Prince Oberyn role was “the best character I have ever played in the greatest cast I have ever been a part of, and working with HBO… was an opportunity of a lifetime.” Aw.

Pascal also spoke to Vulture and talked a lot about the training he had to undergo to film that fight sequence (SOB!) and how he loved his costumes and what Oberyn really thought about Tyrion’s trial. Oh, and George RR Martin invited Pedro to Santa Fe where they screened some advanced episodes of GoT in Spanish. They drank Red Viper Sangrias too.

And the day after Prince Oberyn’s head exploded, Pedro was walking around NYC with Sarah Paulson. Seriously, are they dating? Or are they just BFFs? I really can’t tell. I don’t even know how a woman can be BFFs with Pedro. How could you be around him and NOT bang that senseless?



Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.

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94 Responses to “Pedro Pascal: GoT’s Prince Oberyn ‘was the best character I have ever played’”

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  1. Dani2 says:

    I’m going to miss seeing Prince Oberyn on GoT so much and good Lord, his death.
    I watched it with the bf and we didn’t move or speak for like five minutes, I’m still not over it.
    And I’m actually more attracted to him with his American accent, he’s so hot *dreamy sigh*

    • booboobird says:

      I’m still not over that whole fight scene. I’m angry at Oberyn. And I’ll be very very very upset if the mountain survives since it’s hard to tell if he expired also or just resting (haven’t read the books and not planning).
      Pedro reminds me of Diego Luna (loved him in y tu mama tambien)

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Literal same reaction. I looked around the room like a lost puppy. I still don’t know what to do. I loved his character! I was cheering as he was taking him down then… that. I need to return to my episodes of Hannibal now, only Mads can cure this feeling.

    • Camille (The Original) says:

      +1000 to everything you said Dani2. I’m going to miss his character 🙁

    • Kimmy says:

      Although I knew what was going to happen to him, I really enjoyed Oberyn the TV character much more than I thought I would. He was a badass in the books, but he was a badass, breath of fresh air this season. Can’t wait for more Dornish action!!

    • Katey says:

      …and Sarah Paulson is a lesbian. That’s how you can be just friends with him.

  2. Kali says:

    More. More Pedro on celebitchy please. I literally don’t care if it’s just “he walked outside today. That’s all I got”.

    • AryaMartell says:

      More Pedro everywhere, please.

    • LadyMTL says:

      I’ll second that! MOAR PEDRO!

      And he really does seem like such a cool guy, I laughed so hard at some of his Tweets after that episode aired. It’s too bad Oberyn is deader than dead because GoT won’t be the same without him. I mean, I knew it was coming and still! Heartbreak.

    • Dani2 says:

      Yes! I want daily Pedro pap walks 😀

      • Kali says:

        If we have to be subjected to constant photos of the various Kardashian @ss3s of doom, the least we can get is more Pedro. I hear he’s in New York for rehearsals in Shakespeare in the Park? And by I hear, I mean I follow him on instagram. And twitter.

      • magpie says:

        This is such a smart thing to do. Prove (again) that you can act, before taking on money roles. He can become a movie star imo.

        And after looking at his Instagram I am in love. He seems really funny.

    • Becks says:

      Yes, more Pedro please!

    • Lindy says:

      I’ll add my voice to the chorus. MORE!!! I love him. He was brilliant in GOT and is indeed insanely hot. And articulate and humble. MORE!!!

    • starrywonder says:


    • Kiddo says:

      I don’t watch the show since I don’t have HBO, but based on these photos alone, I think I’ll concur.

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      YES to more Pedro!!! He was so hot as Oberyn and I’ll miss him so much on the show, but some posts here could maybe meke me feel a little bit less sad 🙂

    • lunchcoma says:

      I would be just fine with that…though I’m hoping he also gets a career boost from this and we have lots of other reasons to read about him.

  3. Sayrah says:


    • Davy says:

      As Lainey says, the way he’s wearing those pants and that shirt. Damn. This is my fave man outfit – a guy that can make well fitted jeans and a t shirt look hella sexy. I must admit though, I was WAY thrown off when I watched a little interview and heard his actual American accent, but it makes his O portrayal even more impressive.

      I am beyond impressed at what he did with Oberyn. To come in at season four and steal every damn scene you’re in, and make every fan unanimously LOVE you is quite a feat. GOT fans seem so divided on most characters, but I haven’t read one comment anywhere by anyone who wasn’t blown away by Pedro’s Oberyn and devastated by his death. His death impacted me more than the Red Wedding even.

      It is interesting to me that his death meant sentencing everyone’s fave Tyrion to death as well, but nobody is talking about that! People are so upset to see Pedro’s Oberyn leave that it seems nobody is even concerned about the fate of Tyrion, the long time fave. I think that speaks to what Pedro has done with this character, I hope he gets award recognition.

      • M.A.F. says:

        If you haven’t read the books, just wait my dear. Just wait.

        And yes, I think everyone has been universal about how he portrayed Oberyn.

      • Anon says:

        From what I have seen, most people just assume Tyrion will get out of it somehow, because they can’t imagine his character NOT being on the show. So we shall see…

        But agree 100% about Pedro and his portrayal of Oberyn. It was perfection. I knew the fate of his character prior to this season beginning, but I was still screaming at my TV when it happened. A brutal, brutal end.

  4. Amelia says:

    *Blows nose in a thoroughly unsexy way*
    I’m still not over Monday night. WHY George, WHY??
    That was worse than the Red Wedding for me. I was aware it was coming because of the books, but actually seeing it play out on screen where my imagination can’t gloss over it was . . . vicious. And heartbreaking. Oberyn so badly wanted vengeance for his sister and . . . Ugh. F*ck the Lannisters.
    And Ellaria’s screams will haunt me. 0_o

    • Dani2 says:

      Pass me the box of tissues when you’re done, I went from horrified to angry to heartbroken and I’ve been on that cycle since I watched it 🙁

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Here’s how senile I am – I FORGOT he was going to die. It’s been a long time since I read the books and so I was all yay! He won! Wait, the Mountain is movin….iiiiiiiiiiiiinooooooooooooo! I’m still mourning, over his death and the death of my memory. Wah.

    • mia girl says:

      I agree! I have been more affected by Oberyn’s death than the Red Wedding and Ned Stark’s death combined.

      And now, I want MY vengeance against those two Lannisturds, Tywin and Cersie.

    • Mingy says:

      I hear ya, Amelia, I’m still not over Robb Stark!

    • tifzlan says:

      I agree that it was worse than the Red Wedding. I’ve really become invested in Oberyn as a character, especially after that soul crushing scene between Oberyn and Tyrion 2 weeks ago. It was so gruesome and gory, i still can’t get it out of my mind. I hated how the Mountain killed him while admitting to what he did to Elia. I despised Cersei’s smirk at the end. I’m just…. i’m grieving. I can’t deal with anything right now!!!!

      • starrywonder says:

        I think that is why everyone loved him. That speech in the dungeon. I will be your champion. Sigh.

    • idsmith says:

      I totally agree, worse for me than the Red Wedding. I am not reading the books until after the series so I had no idea. I was so anxious during that scene, I honestly thought he had won and jumped up off the couch in joy. Then crushing defeat. I’m still not over it. That character was awesome and I was hoping he’d be on the show long term. I’m still grieving and will be for awhile. Also I’m shocked at how much a television show can affect me emotionally!

      • dromedary says:

        I closed my eyes for most of the head squish, and I’ve been replaying in my mind what I did see of it ever since.

        I caught the last 20 mins of the same episode again the next night, and after Oberyn speared the Mountain and had him on his back, I told my husband, “Yay, Oberyn won!” and quickly changed the channel. That was a much less traumatizing way of watching it, I highly recommend it. 😉

      • Amelia says:

        I highly recommend your edit, dromedary 🙂
        I watched it through my fingers and had to look away but even then . . .
        For the suavest man in Westeros to be reduced to — gah, no, I just can’t.
        I think we might have to form a support group of some sort.
        Props to all the writers, actors and SFX crew on GoT who created such a powerful piece of television that has left me nightmared out for the past couple of days.
        As a book reader, may I just say this to the traumatised – sit tight.
        You will be rewarded . . .

      • dromedary says:

        Amelia: yep! Can’t wait for the chain reaction of events!!!!

      • Amelia says:

        *Rubs hands together in evil glee*

    • Babalon says:

      Wait till you meet his daughters, the Sand Snakes. Every bit as badass.

      • M.A.F. says:

        Yeah they are. I’m not that much into Feast for Crows and already I love them.

  5. AryaMartell says:

    The Red Viper…*swoon* he was also rumored to be dating Lena Heady too. I am beginning to think he gets around as much as Prince Oberyn did. Not that it is any of my business.

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      Haha, how funny would it be if Oberyn Martell and Cersei Lannister dated in real life? They hate each other soo much on the show 😀 But I do think they had some chemistry in the scenes that they shared…

  6. Chinoiserie says:

    I am so afraid of spoilers I am not going to read this article since I have not seen any episodes of season 4 of Game of Thrones yet. I just wanted to say that I hope “was” instead of “is” is not a spoiler. He is a new character yes and it will be a while before I see season 4 so maybe I will forget this but I am just so frustrated by the amount of spoilers I have learned so far. Maybe I should begin to pirate but I try to stay a law-abiding person and wait for the Blu-ray.

    • idsmith says:

      don’t click on GOT stories. It will ruin everything for you….

      • Mrs. Darcy says:

        yeah but as is the case here you didn’t even have to click on it, the spoiler’s in the title.

      • mimif says:

        Yeah I came here to write the same thing. It would have been nice if the post was titled “Pedro talks about how much he loves being a part if GOT” SPOILERS, et al.

  7. eliza says:

    I really love (d) his character. He was awesome.

  8. Kori says:

    Seriously-he’s so hot. And I loved his character too and he did a great job portraying him. Sigh.

    • kri says:

      I keep promising to watch GoT, but I never have the time to binge watch. This man is making me want to call off work!! He is super sexy,, and he’s freaking DEAD?! Damn it, now I know why my sister was inconsolable. And in some ways he reminds me of Jeremy Renner. Put him in movies, someone.

  9. Becks says:

    He was amazing as the Red Viper and will be greatly missed! I’m still not over his character’s demise.
    Pedro is just so damn sexy.
    Damn you George R.R . Martin, you keep killing everyone off.

  10. mia girl says:

    I actually find his regular accent and mannerisms quite hot. Swoon.

    Pascal sounds equally hot speaking Spanish. Ah Dios.

    • T.C. says:

      This man is sexy in every accent. His accent on Game of Thrones is so natural thought it was his normal one. Good actor. Is he really Spanish from Spain?

    • mia girl says:

      T.C. – Pascal was born in Santiago, Chile but grew up mostly in the U.S.

  11. magpie says:

    First pic with shirt off. Thank you.

    • SpookySpooks says:

      I know I should be all excited because of the shirtless men, but I’m just happy that my country is in a picture on Celebitchy 😀

  12. Talie says:

    I find it shocking that the dude who plays The Mountain is 25!! I thought he was in his late 30s… WOW.

    • jammypants says:

      I’m kind of surprised that way but for Pedro Pascal. I thought he was mid 40s, but he’s 39.

  13. cro-girl says:

    He’s so sexy and I dont know why because he’s kind of skinny and seems like a goof and that moustache is just not growing properly or something. But I’d hop on and love every minute of it.

    Aside from that… he was spectacular at bringing Oberyn to life. I’ve read the books and he did the character better than my head ever imagined. I wonder what GRRM thinks of him!

  14. Nick says:

    After clicking on this story, I immediately went to youtube to play all his GOT clips. I didnt think anyone could top Tyrion Lannister but I think Prince Oberyn did. What an amazing character and Pedro played him to perfection. So so cool.

    • ScrewStewrat99 says:

      Definitely one of my favorites so far! He really did an amazing job and I absolutely love Tyrion, so I’m really hoping he doesn’t die (since all of my favorites do). I really like Arya(sp?) and I can’t wait to see her grow. I hope she becomes the bad ass I want her to be lol

  15. Jen34 says:

    He needs to be on True Blood. He is so sexy.

  16. GeeMoney says:

    The only thing I’m sad about is that his Spanish accent is not real. Every time he talked on the show, it made me drool a little. *drooling as we speak*

    He did a great job on GoT… can’t wait to see what project he does next.

  17. littlestar says:

    Oberyn was one of the most interesting characters on GoT in quite a long time, imo. His death was utterly senseless. Like honestly – why bring on such an interesting character, only to have him die without really avenging Tyrion – it makes NO sense! Like what is going to happen now – will someone avenge HIS death??? I’m beginning to understand the complaints of fans of the books now – no wonder Martin can’t finish the books if he’s silly kills off great characters!

    • lunchcoma says:

      I still miss Oberyn, but his introduction and death do serve a purpose in the narrative. He’s the first character introduced from his family, but we’ll be meeting more of them. I don’t love any of them quite as much as Oberyn, but many of them are really interesting.

      • mia girl says:

        Wait, so there’s hope?!! More Martels to come?
        Please, oh please tell me Prince Oberyn has a twin.

      • jammypants says:

        He has a brother, but alas, not a twin.

      • mia girl says:

        Jammypants – thanks for squishing the head of my newfound hope.

        *Runs away crying*

        EDIT – incredulous to believe Oberyn aka Pascal is never to be seen again, I am demanding HBO immediately order a GOTs spin off… “Prince Oberyn – The Red Viper from Dorne” about his life before his fate in King’s Landing.
        Get on it Benioff and Weiss.
        Give us back Oberyn.

        *Runs away crying, again*

      • GeeMoney says:

        People that we love die suddenly and unexpectedly all of the time. It’s unfair, yeah… but that’s life. It blows, but we move on. Eventually.

        Besides… it’s just a TV show. And don’t worry – Oberyn has some family that may come to avenge him. Hopefully (haven’t read that far yet).

    • jammypants says:

      I pin that on Martin. Sometimes his writing infuriates me.

    • Isabelle says:

      Not useless. Remember the mountain confessed that he raped and murdered his sister. In front of everyone, which implicates Tywin in front of everyone. Part of the reason why Oberyn wanted him to say it out loud was too out Tywin. Think it will matter down the road. His death was the worst in GOT IMO. Oberyrn was very likable and GRR Martin tends to kill off the ones the fans do like. Martin is a laughing basterd, haha.

  18. Kiddo says:

    That big dude to the right looks like the non-green hulk version of Leo DiCaprio. Anyone else see that?

  19. iskra says:

    I have met Pedro personally on GOT set last summer and he is such a sweetheart, really incredible man.
    And sexy as hell.

  20. magpie says:

    Now that his schedule is freed up, please HWood, make this guy a movie star.

  21. Carnivalbaby says:

    Bang it senseless! Love it! Get in line bitches…get in line…

  22. megsie says:

    Long time book fan here and I gotta say he made a PERFECT Oberyn. All the charm, swagger, romance, mystery and … yes, I’ll say it, the sensitivity of the beloved Red Viper in spades. Wonderful (and rare!) to see a character come to life in a way even better than you had imagined. I was gutted when I read his book death, gutted again watching it on the screen. But all will be well. Now Dorne is super pissed … and Dany has a safe harbor for her ships.

    • AryaMartell says:

      Oh I hope we get some scenes with the Sand Snakes. I’ve argued that Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring needs to showcase some very pissed off Sand Snakes more than just them being thrown into prison.

      • Seán says:


        The show will indeed include the Sand Snakes. A casting call leaked looking for the following:

        Doran Martell: A man in his 50s of Latino descent wanted to play Oberyn’s wheelchair-bound brother.
        Trystane Martell: Aged up to 18. The betrothed of Myrcella Baratheon and son of Doran.
        Areo Hotah: Doran’s bodyguard. Black actor to fill the role.
        Obara Sand: The eldest and athletic Sand Snake. She has a fight with a major character who she doesn’t encounter in the books.
        Nymeria Sand: Mixed race actress to fill role. She is emotional and strong.
        Tyene Sand: Uses wits and seduction powers. Less of a physical fighter than her sisters but uses poison as weapon of choice.
        High Sparrow: The head of a religious movement.
        Septa Unella: Involved in this religious movement. Looking for a character actress.
        Maggy the Frog: A character involved with prophecies. She will appear in one episode.
        Lollys Stokeworth: Bronn’s dimwitted new wife.
        Yezzan: A sleazy Meereenese slave owner.
        The Waif: A mysterious new character that a major character meets in Braavos. Looking for an East Asian actress to play her.

        So yeah, that’s what’s leaked so far and I’ve tried to keep it as non-spoilery as possible. Many fans are worried that Arianne, Quentyn, the Greyjoy uncles and the Griffs will be cut but I’m sure we’ll get more casting news soon regarding these characters. At least I hope…

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      Have you read the fifth book? If not let’s just say that Dany meets another Martell and their meeting results in Dorne most definitely NOT being an ally to her. Especially since another candidate for the Iron Throne more worthy of their support also appears in the fifth book…

  23. jammypants says:


  24. Samigirl says:

    His fight scene with the mountain was, in my opinion, the best scene of the entire series thus far. It was exactly how it went in the books, and I’m incredibly impressed. I’ve watched it 5 times now and I still get chills.

  25. M.A.F. says:

    HE’S AMERICAN?! My god, the accent he had on the show….good Lord. Walking sex on a stick. While I was reading the books, I didn’t think much of his character but man. What he did with Oberyn on the show was absolutely incredible. Going to miss him so much.

    And let that be a lesson folks, don’t give grand speeches until you finish the job.

    • Susan says:

      He was born in Chile but his family left when he was only 9 months old. I think they jumped around a couple of places before they landed in Orange County of all places when Pedro was 11. So he has a nice SoCal accent but is fluent in Spanish from his parents. 🙂

  26. Doublesteff says:

    It may sound stupid but I burst into tears at the end of this article. How did we get SOOOOO invested in Oberyn in such a short time?! It was an incredible episode in an incredible season. Just love this guy!

  27. A.Key says:

    I don’t get the fawning over his character. Oberyn was a vain annoying arrogant prick. Pedro seems lovely though.

  28. Nina says:

    It’s totally the accent that hooked me in the wake of my husband Robb Stark’s death last season. And the facial hair.

  29. Kimberly says:

    He was just pure sexiness on screen with that accent.
    I’m gonna miss him in the series 🙁

  30. Maria of MD says:

    (Shakes fist at Martin) Damn you for not keeping Oberyn in for more than one book.

  31. Tina says:

    Well, Sarah Paulson is gay, so…probably not dating him?

  32. kitty-bye says:

    The scene irritated me, I was screaming secure his hands! grrr. I don’t believe O. would have been so ignorant as to leave the M. able to move a finger, and I did close my eyes before the bad bits 🙂

  33. Sway says:

    “I don’t even know how a woman can be BFFs with Pedro. ”

    Sarah is gay, so there is your answer 🙂

  34. fairmaidofangoulme says:

    Pedro is *perfect*, absolutely *perfect*. No words. I hope to see him in a lead role soon and I mean soon.
    Would rather watch an Oberyn spinoff with Oberyn eating cheese than 900,000 Dunk and Egg prequels. HBO, MAKE IT HAPPEN.