Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield look low-key & loved-up in NYC: cute or cloying?


Is it just me or is everything slow as molasses these days, at least gossip-wise? Maybe it’s the World Cup sucking all of the energy and boy drama out of celebrity gossip. Anyway, I doubt this is going to be the biggest post of the day or anything, but it’s super-slow and I liked these photos. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone were spotted walking around NYC, which I believe is their home-base. I know Emma owns some property there, and I’m pretty sure Andrew lives with her. Andrew has a beard these days, and it looks really nice on him, right? Clean-shaven, he has a very young face (which is probably why people like him as Peter Parker/Spider-Man). But with a beard, he looks more grown up. Emma looks cute too. What do you think she’s drinking? It looks like iced tea or some kind of tea-blend to me.

There were some tabloid rumors going around about Andrew proposing to Emma, but I don’t know. I’m guessing they’ve probably talked about marriage and I’m also guessing that Andrew might want to marry her, like, yesterday. But Emma’s only 25. She might think she’s too young (and I would agree with her). He’s 30. Maybe he thinks she’ll be more interested in marriage in a few years. Oh, and there are also stories – which I believe more than the engagement rumors – about Emma and Andrew looking at some LA real estate together. Apparently, they might have found an eight-bedroom love nest.

Also, Emma has a part in the ensemble black comedy/dramedy Birdman, starring Michael Keaton, Naomi Watts, Edward Norton and more. The teaser trailer was released last week and it is profoundly strange.

Emma also has a part in Woody Allen’s new movie, Magic in the Moonlight, with Colin Firth. Um… they’re love interests? He’s literally more than twice her age. Here’s that trailer:


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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47 Responses to “Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield look low-key & loved-up in NYC: cute or cloying?”

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  1. mkyarwood says:

    Of course he’s more than twice her age. Woody knows how to write that bit from heart. I forsee he will often write in the past as he gets older too, giving him more license to offer these kinds of relationships onscreen.

    • L says:

      This. Woody’s recent movies have all been following this trend. Young starlet-older guy. It is his thing clearly.

      • GlimmerBunny says:

        Eh, I wouldn’t say ALL of his recent movies? In “Midnight in Paris” and “Vicky Christina Barcelona” the main characters/love interests (Owen Wilson/Marion Cotillars/Rachel McAdams and Scarlett Johanssen/Rebecca Hall/Penelope Cruz/Javier Bardem) were pretty all close in age?

        Stone/Firth still looks like a wierd pairing to me though, he looks like her dad.

      • Shantal says:

        I wouldn’t say that 45 year old Javier Bardem is really close in age to 29 year old Scarlett Johansson.

    • Liv says:

      I love Colin Firth. He’ll always be Mr. Darcy for me! 😉

      That said he seems rather like her father than her boyfriend. Stupid concept.

    • Pinky Rose says:

      Uhmm, that is not true. I mean two of his last and most successfuls films since Annie Hall, have featured couples that were in the same age bracket. In MIP, Owen Wilson’s romantic interests were Marion Cotillard and Rachel McAdams. And in BJ, while it is true that Alec Baldwin is older than Blanchett, the gap is not that big (though she is her young trophy wife, but that is a mostly plot devise) and then she begins an affair with Peter Sargaast who is the same age as her. Much of his films are like this, and when he uses the older guy/younger woman is mostly to mock it in a way (see: mighty aphrodite) and it usually ends up badly.

  2. Hannah says:

    I like them. They seem very nice. Decent, hard-working, down-to-earth, well-adjusted, low-profile. And rather boring. I’m glad they haven’t turned into horrible showbiz types with all sorts of drama but I can’t muster up much interest in/excitement about them.

    • Luca26 says:

      +1 (except for the Woody Allen movie which is really disappointing).

      • Wilma says:

        I love Emma Stone, but her working with Woody Allen does not reflect well on her. And Colin Firth too! Why Colin?

      • whatsmyname? says:

        I agree. She is working with Woody again this summer 🙁

      • T.C. says:

        Emma signed up for a second Woody Allen movie a few months ago. She wants that Oscar. Morals before awards. That’s disappointing.

        I wish her luck on her relationship but she and Andrew got together super shady while he was still with his girlfriend.

  3. Caitlin Bruce says:

    These two are far to cute. They don’t talk about there realtionship publicly but you can tell there totally into each other.

  4. danielle says:

    Love her outfit.

  5. Sixer says:

    Would you like some gossip from my village to keep you going, Kaiser? The owner of the commercial buildings is blocking someone who wants to open a fish and chip shop. Blasphemy for the oldies who don’t think the Indian restaurant is for anyone but the youngies. The holiday cover postman keeps forgetting where you hide mail for people who aren’t in and everyone’s up in arms at having to phone the Post Office for redeliveries. Person A is rumoured to be about to leave her husband for Person B. Person C let her dog do a poo right outside the convenience store and then denied it. Where’s CCTV when you need it?! STILL no fibre-sodding broadband.

    There you go. We walk that tightrope of life in Sixerville. We’re living on the edge, I tell you.

    • Badirene says:

      I am shocked and outraged that they are blocking the chip shop! There can never be enough chippers in my opinion.
      In badireneville news I have a day off and have painted the small downstairs toilet. It is now a lovely “buttermilk” shade. More updates to follow.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Wow, Sixer, I knew your life was on the edge, but I really had no idea. That beats my mailman walking right across my pachysandra (just stepping right on it, without even trying to avoid it!) by a mile. Oh yeah, and I saw one of the 14 year old twins of a neighbor smoking. Don’t know which one. We just call them the Gruesome Twosome. Pretty dull in gnattyville.

    • Sixer says:

      Ha! In further news, Mr Sixer is ordering Sky Multi-room because he just can’t live without a thousand TV channels in every room in the house. The cat has developed a terror of the washing machine because the washing machine needs its feet adjusting and is making a fearful noise on the spin cycle. Um… I’m sure there are more groundbreaking events. I too will report back.

      Badirene – that’s so worthy! My house is a pit of paint peel.

      GNAT – are you going to rat on the smoker?!

      • blue marie says:

        I feel like I’m reading an episode of Soap. I loved that show.

      • Sixer says:

        It’s probably more like British show Vicar of Dibley – if you know it?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Nah, I see noth-ink, I hear noth-ink. Live and let live.

        Adore the Vicar of Dibley.

      • Kate2 says:

        Vicar of Dibley was my first foray into British TV, I LOVE it. I loved the lead on that show, she was awesome. I haven’t seen it in ages, I might have to watch it on Netflix…

      • Sighs says:

        Love. Vicar of Dibley and adore Dawn French. And jealous of sixer and her exciting gossip. My neighbors are pretty boring. The interesting ones moved out. One was living with her ex while bringing home the new boyfriend, except the ex apparently didn’t know he had been downgraded to ex at that point. Awkward!

    • Kiddo says:

      Hey, some communities do DNA analysis on dog poop.

      Cue the wooden-acting, red-headed guy from CSI Miami, slowly uttering, “What we have he—re”, as he removes his shades and peers into the poo, “Is sidewalk homicide”.

      🎸…YEAHHHHHH, we don’t get fooled again..🎸

    • Sixer says:

      Oh, Kiddo! You’ve reminded me of the best Sixerville gossip EVER! Crime statistics for the last year: a few driving offences and chopping-down-trees-with-preservation-orders offences and that was basically it. No violent offences at all. No real serious offences. Except for… spate of garden shed burglaries with power tools stolen. Culprit discovered – Mrs X’s teenage son who had found gambling websites and kept losing money, so he pinched the gear and was caught flogging it on eBay. We gossiped about that one for weeks behind poor Mrs X’s back.

      I think doggie-do DNA analysis would be just SUPER. That would keep us all going for MONTHS.

    • Liberty says:

      Sixer: this Sixerville update just completely made my day.

  6. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I’m so sad right now. And disappointed. I really like Emma and I adore Colin Firth. I simply don’t understand how any person with an ounce of conscience or integrity could bear to be in the same room with Woody Allen. I don’t want to argue about it, I just feel stupid for thinking Colin was different.

    • Esti says:

      I’m so disappointed that Colon Firth is in that movie. Just ugh. Even beyond the fact that it’s Woody Allen, you’d think the age difference would bother him.

      • Emma13 says:

        +1 To GoodNames and Esti. Just last week there was a post about the significant age difference between the love interests came up. I find it incredibly disturbing and creepy. I too love Colin Firth and enjoy Emma Stone, but “ugh” is all I can come up with as well right now.

        GoodNames: Yeah, let’s not even get started on who the director is.

  7. eliza says:

    I like Emma. I find her refreshing in HWood. I also thing she is rather pretty. Loved her and The Gos in Crazy, Stupid Love. I know, I am the only person who really liked that movie.

    • Nick says:

      I didn’t like the movie but her and Ryan’s storyline was the best thing about the film…I wish it would had been its own movie itself.

  8. Jodabell says:

    Love the hat.

  9. TheOriginalKitten says:

    I’m enjoying the fact that Garfield’s face is mostly covered by a hat and beard. That way I don’t have to see too much of it.

  10. Kate2 says:

    I like them, I think they’re cute and they look genuinely happy. They’re not famewhoring themselves. I love her hat…and he definitely looks better with the beard.

    The first thing I ever saw him in was Never Let Me Go with Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley. That movie gutted me.

    I try not to rip up actors too much for working with WA. He’s disgusting but he still holds prestige in the business and a WA movie on your resume does mean something. And lets face it, in that business you can’t be turning down roles from an influential (like it or not) director. Lets not forget our boy TH worked with him too…

  11. jonB says:

    I like Emma but not so much Andrew

  12. Jericho says:

    Ugh, that dress looks sooo comfy! Does anyone have an ID for it?

  13. Dani says:

    Hamish Linklater! Am I the only one who likes him?

  14. Jh says:

    BIRDMAN looks epic! I love that trailer so much!!!

    • Pinky Rose says:

      The cinematography is amazing (as usual for Lubiezki). And I’m living for the Keaton and Norton (whom I hope becomes relevant again) fight there.

  15. Lucy says:

    Stonefield forever!!!! (what do you mean I’m a shipper???)

  16. shannon says:

    I like both of them – always have, but something about these two together does not sit well with me. I see them lasting maybe another year or two and then – dunzo. Bring on the hate, but she really needs to gain some weight.

  17. Shay15 says:

    Wait wait wait… Andrew is THIRTY??????? I thought like a 23!! He doesn’t look like a *man* to me, but maybe it’s just me. Heh.

  18. Colu says:

    I want to be her and bang him.

  19. Sofia says:

    Are weddings such a big deal in USA? it caught my attention that whenever I read an article about a couple, there’s someone speculating on that.

  20. Intro Outro says:

    The only thing I know about Garfield is that he makes for a more watchable Spiderman – Maguire was just soooo utterly charisma-less and unsympathetic imo.

  21. Kelly says:

    It just seems like since she’s been with him, her career has gone downhill. He seems creepy to me. Not really a fan of either, wish she would get back to doing awesome movies.

    • Roger says:

      I know people here detest Woody Allen, but let’s be honest, working with Allen in Hollywood is symbol of respect for acting. Next working with Iñarritu in a ensemble cast with big names and finally having a opportunity to work in a big dreamy project with Fox Searchlight… Actually considering these aspects, the current Emma Stone has a better “potential” career.