Lindsay Lohan got wasted last night in London with her sister Ali, of course


Yes, Lindsay Lohan has totally changed, you guys. She’s so different now that she’s living in London and not LA. All she did in LA was go out at night and party. All she does in London is… attend random events and get fall-down wasted. And she brought her little sister Aliana along for the ride! Last night, Lindsay and Ali went to the LOVE x Balmain Xmas Party at The Ivy Market Grill. Lindsay was also at the Chiltern Firehouse at some point in the evening, in a different outfit.

Ali is 20 years old now. Michael K at Dlisted always calls her The Curious Case of Ali Lohan, which is funny and somewhat true. I think Ali looks somewhat normal in these photos though – she isn’t messing with her face like she was a few years ago. She looks even younger to me in these photos, actually. Like, I had to look up her age because Ali looks about 16 years old.

As for Lindsay… cracked-out mess. She never changes. There is no “New Lindsay.” Just the same Cracken in a different city.

PS… Apparently, Ali was in London to record something with Duran Duran. What the hell? Step away from Simon Le Bon!!!!




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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75 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan got wasted last night in London with her sister Ali, of course”

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  1. littlestar says:

    She’s doing her “signature” kissy face, so yep, she’s loaded/out of it.

  2. Brin says:

    Now if we could just ship Dina and Michael over, we will be Blohan- free! Sorry, London.

  3. Loopy says:

    She looks really normal and healthy, Ali that is and in UK the age limit to drink is so low.

    • Oh. says:

      Its actually the average age of limits around the wold, the US’s is oddly high.

    • AG-UK says:

      it’s 18 in the UK I think but this is telling my age years ago in the US it use to be 18 then it was changed to 21.. if I am not mistaken

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        You’re right. I think it’s ridiculous that you can be shipped off to die for your country but you can’t have a beer. I’m all for strict drunk driving laws, but having our legal drinking age at 21 wastes valuable police time and resources, in my opinion.

      • Bridget says:

        Thank Nancy “Just Say No” Reagan!

    • fritanga says:

      That’ll change soon (Ali looking normal and healthy). A few more weeks with her puffy wasted barfly sister should do it.

  4. bns says:

    She’ll be Tara Reid in 10 years.

    • FingerBinger says:

      It’s not fair to Tara to compare her to Lohan. Tara can get hired. Tara actually shows up and knows her lines when she does a movie. Sharknado wouldn’t be the same movie without her.

    • Hotpockets says:

      That’s an insult to Tara Reid, seriously.

      • Loopy says:

        But Tara has been a mess for a long time,I mean at what point do you try to get yourself together as a grown up?

    • funcakes says:

      Excuuuuuuuuse. Me. The ethereal beauty known as Tara Reid is the star of Sharknado one and two. They are not even in the same category.😎

    • qwerty says:


      “But Tara has been a mess for a long time,I mean at what point do you try to get yourself together as a grown up?”

      They’re not just being kids or whatever they/people try to pass it off as. They’re addicts.

  5. Falkor says:

    She looks like a toad and I’m sure if someone out there hated themselves enough to lick Lohan’s back she would have psychoactive effects.

    • Jem says:

      If blind gossip is true, some dude in London recently dropped $250,000 for a weekend of sex with her, and she left with the cash after 1 day. So …

      • Lurker says:

        I don’t understand how there’s any guy anywhere that would touch that for free, much less pay $250,000 for it. What is wrong with these guys? Is the idea of banging a washed-up “movie star” that awesome? Does not compute.

      • RedWeatherTiger says:

        Lurker, if the ongoing rumors are true, Lindsay specializes in “rough trade,” so for the right price, these guys can do literally anything they want with/to her.

      • Lurker says:

        RWT, good God.

  6. suzanne says:

    It just wouldn’t be the holidays without some drunked-up pics of Lohan…She is like fruitcake: no one wants it, but somehow you’re going to end up with it.

  7. QQ says:

    They look like fresh daisies caked in dirt (bronzer)

    ooff Those sinking silver Lame Tits tho…

  8. Sarah says:

    Get a bra

  9. Sumodo1 says:

    Yeah, yesterday’s header about a brand-new Lilo was soooo 24-hrs ago!

  10. maeliz says:

    Is that not as bad as she was in the United States? Maybe she’ll start cleaning herself up as a new years resolution, right? She said London was so much better for her. Let’s see how much better, Lindsay

  11. scout says:

    What a waste of a talented human being!! Wake up girl.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      People always say this about Lindsey, but I don’t know that the talent was ever really there. She did The Parent Trap (which was an enjoyable Disney flick, but by no means a masterpiece) and then Mean Girls (which was such a strong movie based on the writing), but beyond that? She’s never impressed me as a marvelous actress.

      • Ennie says:

        she kind of had charisma back in the day. I enjoyed her little comedy movies and I think she had a shot at a longer career, even if it was not very talented.
        She was pretty, but peaked like at 18-19 after that, everything went downhill…
        The excesses and the plastic surgery have messed her looks and whatever character she had left from a sh*tty family background.

  12. Melanie says:

    As much as I want to blame theLohans for invading Duran2, my first true love, I have to point the finger at Nick & Simon. What. The. F***. You want to attract a younger audience, and THIS is who you pick?!? They are seriously out of touch.

  13. nk868 says:

    1 – just remember kendall jenner is what the lohan’s thought ali was going to be. #neverforget

    2 – lilo’s shiny outfit gives me life. that is some tacky ass sh*t version of a horribly tacky forever 21 outfit i would have tried to pull off beginning of college mid2000s (note to former self: dressing like a grown up/carrie bradshaw: you’re doing it wrong)

    • Meaghan says:

      Are you me? This this this. The belt too on the dress! Its crazy!

      Pimp mama K is much better at this type of thing than messy-mom Lohan, I Think its because she stays sober and says crack is whack.

  14. Ginger says:

    Step away from John Taylor too Biatch! LOL!

  15. Hope says:

    “I’m not as think as you drunk I am” should be the caption for the first picture.

  16. lucy2 says:

    Wasted, dragging her poor sister around, kissy face, in need of a bra…same old Lohan.

  17. Rhiley says:

    Whenever I see pictures of Lindsay Lohan I always have to remind myself that this chick is still in her 20s. She looks like she is at least 45, and if she were 45 she’d be a rough 45.

  18. serena says:

    She could use a bra.

  19. Texased says:

    Wow! Clean and fresh-as-a-daisy! She’s got some real “knee knockers” there (as in knockers down to her knees)!

  20. lemonbow says:

    Her hair looks great… that’s all I’ve got.

  21. RN says:

    Double chin back, check. Tummy bloat, check. Eyes half closed, check. Kissy face, check. Braless, check. Yep, Lohan’s hitting the bottle hard again. Of course, she never stopped but it looks like she’s amped it up again. I’m sure it’s purely investigational, though, in preparation for her next big role. @@

    • FUTMZ says:

      Now, now…. let’s not be vicious. The “eyes-half-closed” thing happens to anyone who just gacked a gram of British heroin after several grams of cocaine.

  22. CK says:

    I’m in a positive mood today,so I’ll just avoid talking about the Cracken. I like Ali’s look. She seems to be aging into a slightly androgenous model sort of way a la Swinton. Her (googled) modeling images look stunning. I wonder if she is going to try and branch out since cracken is dead to hollywood/the court of public opinion now.

  23. smee says:

    Isn’t there a way to time your getting high-as-hell for AFTER walking the red carpet (or in the front door)?

  24. Bess says:

    Ali was living with the Cracken in LA unsupervised when she was 15 years old. I'[m sure she saw things that no 15 year old should see.

    I actually pity Ali. I don’t think the girl even graduated from high school. She’s tried singing, acting and modeling and has failed at all of them. She’s wanted to be famous like her sister, but did not have Lindsay’s talent or charisma as a child performer. This girl doesn’t have any skills to fall back on for a real career.

  25. MyHiddles says:

    She needs to stay away from her family too if she’s really trying to be sober. Obviously they trigger her old habits as well.

  26. Bread and Circuses says:

    Ali looks kind of over it, or maybe she’s a bit sleepy-drunk too. I like that dress on her.

  27. moo says:

    Ali looks sober. And the one taking care of Lindsay. Hopefully Lindsay’s problem with substance abuse is keeping Ali away from the stuff.

  28. Whitney says:

    People of London, I am SO sorry.

  29. Jeanette says:

    Are the boobs new? And holy ashtrays..she looks like she took ALL of the drugs!

  30. Jeanette says:

    And PS..How much you wanna bet she tries a British accent out in an interview soon! Just cuz ya know..shes sooo London now.

  31. kimbers says:

    Oh just let her do her thing…she has seen some dark shit…

  32. Doris says:

    I actually like her outfit. I’d wear it if I had her figure. But Good Lord, whether she’s drunk or not, Lilo needs to layoff the stupid Marilyn Monroe wannabe kissy face look.

  33. skippy says:

    Yep; it’s old Hot Mess Lindsay Lohan.
    What a surprise. Not.

  34. Decorative Item says:

    One of these days she’s going to throw an air kiss and a tooth will come flying out.

  35. Jewbitch says:

    Oh my…her boobs. Horrible looking.

  36. Jayna says:

    After her cheek implants and botox and filler and her duck lips, she ruined her face anyway at such a young age. Even if she straightened up, her face makes her look like she’s in her 40s. No fresh-faced parts for her.

    And drunk. How surprising.

  37. Tinytown says:

    Coke bloat x 1,000

  38. Debutante says:

    When is she going to get the fat sucked out of her chin instead of getting filler injected into her lips ???

  39. Marybel says:

    Those teeth are veneers, remember when she had meth teeth and the media noticed. Instantly she had bright, shiny chiclets.

  40. Lex says:

    Haha I dunno… she could very well be drunk BUT if you took pictures of me in quick succession with a bright flash, some pics I’d be half blinking. It’s just inevitable. I could be totally sober and look like a crack head if caught mid blink.