Kim Kardashian: ‘Literally teenagers on meth get pregnant in two seconds’


Kim Kardashian gave a new interview to her home network, E!. You can see the video here – Kim talked to Ken Baker, who is an actual entertainment journalist (for real) and there was actually some new information. She talked about North, about sex with Kanye, about what her doctors are really telling her about having a second baby. Some assorted quotes:

Trying to get pregnant again: “I’ve done everything so perfect to try and get pregnant. There’s a list of things you shouldn’t be doing and I was perfect for eight to 10 months and now I don’t understand.”

Now she’s trying to change it up: “I’m going to do everything that I want to do and that includes going platinum. Hopefully I will get pregnant doing all the wrong things. I’m totally changing my tactics.”

She’s having sex too often: “The doctors said he thinks I’m having sex too much. He said one time is more powerful…so we’ve tried everything.”

Fertility woes: “Literally teenagers on meth get pregnant in two seconds. It’s crazy. When you don’t want to be pregnant, it happens… I’m over it. I’m over trying, overthinking it, hence why I dyed my hair blond.”

North loves their new house: “Oh, it’s like she’s taken over already. We have her playroom and she loves her room…She loves having her own space.”

Working on their family space: “Still a lot of work to do…when it’s done it will be amazing. We have to re-do my close, the bathroom, the kitchen. So we’re doing, like, section by section, but living there. It is so freeing, living in my own space. I’ve lived in a one-bedroom room at my mom’s house that was so crazy-colorful that I was getting a headache every time I would go in the room. Imagine me, Kanye and my daughter, and we had a tiny closet for the three of us, and it just feels so good just to have my own space and my own bed.”

[From E! News]

A lot of people think Kim is lying her ass implants off about her fertility issues. I could sort of see that – like, she thinks it will be a good “storyline” on the reality show, and she really, really wants an excuse to just get a surrogate to carry a baby after her (Kim’s) disastrous first pregnancy. Maybe I’m too good-natured (HA!), but I kind of think she might actually have some fertility struggles though.

On set shooting a commercial for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Glam- @jenatkinhair @makeupbymario

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Instagram.

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182 Responses to “Kim Kardashian: ‘Literally teenagers on meth get pregnant in two seconds’”

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  1. Renee says:

    I like the line about the toddler loving having her own space.

    • MP says:

      That is the saddest thing I have read in a long time. Either Kim is telling herself that because she doesn’t want to spend time with her child or the child actually prefers to be alone (or at least without her parents) because she doesn’t know them and doesn’t feel safe with them.

      • Tristan says:

        The saddest thing of all is that this useless idiot is still getting any airplay whatsoever! Talk about extending your 15 minutes way beyond the allocated time.

      • jwoolman says:

        I agree that Kim is pathologically detached from her child, but there’s a third option : Nori could be the sort of kid who has no trouble entertaining herself. I was like that – not shy, no problem with adults or other children, but I could take it or leave it as far as human contact was concerned and would happily occupy myself with activities away from others. Nori might be too young for that, though. Realistically, she’s always with a nanny so she isn’t really alone in her “space”.

      • Annie says:

        jwoolman, I was exactly like that as a kid – far from shy, but just really absorbed in my own thing more often than not. I’m still quite the hyperfocuser. But given what we know about Kim’s personality and the way she speaks about Nori almost as if she’s an accessory it wouldn’t surprise me is she is pathologically detached.

    • Dani says:

      Sadly, she isn’t totally lying. We recently moved out of a one bedroom apartment into a much larger full home. My daughter is 2 months younger than North and has her own room and she LOVES it. If i tell her go play in your room she runs to her room, she likes to take people to her room and show them her toys. Kids do enjoy their own space because they like to move about.

      i can’t believe I just defended Kim Kardashian.

      • Miran says:

        My stepson was the same way when we moved into our new house. He was 2.5 and had never had his own room. He’s 3 now and he loves showing people his room with all his toys and always wants to play in there, either by himself or with whoever he can drag in there, lol.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yeah, it’s probably common, but my first thought was with that family, I’d want my own space too!

      • Renee says:


        That’s what is funny about it. I know that kids like having their own space but the fact that it could be read either way makes it funny, particularly the implication that North is relieved to have her own space away from her parents and/or the rest of her family.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      If North does have “her own space”, here’s hoping it is green, pink, blue, red, yellow, purple, indigo, lavender, orange, yellow and a whole rainbow in between.

    • ashley says:

      i’m pretty sure she just meant that nori likes being in their own home. context, peeps

    • pikny says:

      so sick of that beard .go away peeporn platypus lipped trashdashians

    • wiffie says:

      Eh, we just moved our toddlers toys and fun stuff into her bedroom and moved out all the baby stuff, and for a week she didn’t ever want to leave the room. She would spend hours in there. She loves having a room that’s all hers. I get the sentiment.

  2. Allie says:


    Girl, please stop talking.

    • Mindy says:

      ‘Literally’ – to paraphrase Inigo Montoya:

      “I think that word means what she thinks it means.”

    • StripedSea says:

      For real. This woman has NOTHING of substance to talk about. Her hair, her sex life, and her living space. My goodness, why do we give such vapidness a broad platform…

      • ava7 says:

        I wonder the same thing every. single. day. Yet “we” (collectively) do, because we continue to read and comment on it. I think the Kardashians and all the reality shows are a commentary on how sick we’ve become as a civilization.

    • fritanga says:

      I think Kardashian is “subtly” trying to throw shade at her little sister. And, ew.

      I love the scenarios people are putting up here – more “poor damaged Kim.” AS IF. Her “toddler wants her space” is Kartrashian-speak for “I never see this kid, I’m not interested in her in the least, the nannies take care of her, OH TIME FOR ANOTHER HALF-NAKED SELFIE.”

    • alicegrey12 says:

      Kim get real blonde hair will not get you pregnant.

  3. HH says:

    If we’re gonna talk about Kim, can we include pics of old Kim too? I really enjoyed looking at the old Kim Kardashian. Now, I feel like I’m looking at FrankenKardashian.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Really? Looking at old pics of her just depresses me.

      • HH says:

        Between her awful plastic surgery and terrible fashion, these new photos over stimulate my mind in the worst, most confusing way. I’d just rather pretend. Haha.

    • Livealot says:

      Lol. Yes as well as North. Always pics of North. Though that instagram photo is a good pic of her.

    • Amy says:

      The pics today look so odd! Like she’s had more work on her eyes and it’s super uneven. Poor girl.

  4. BengalCat2000 says:

    I hate people who misuse the word “literally”. I realize that this is LLITERALLY one of the least offensive things about her , but it still makes me stabby.

    • Cecada says:

      Kanye’s hyperbole tendencies are rubbing off on her

      • prettylights says:

        I can’t even use that word anymore. It’s thrown around all the time and rarely actually describes anything literal. It makes me stabby too! I can’t wait for ‘literally’ and ‘epic’ to just go away from normal use again. No douche, that night you and your friends went to the bar is not literally EPIC, bro.

    • BengalCat2000 says:

      @ pretty, I used the word “epic,” the other day in a Kanye post, lol! At least I haven’t started saying “fleek” yet!

    • TessD says:

      Dictionary: informal – “used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.”
      What’s the problem?

      • CharlotteCharlotte says:

        The problem is that definition of ‘literally’ had to alter to suit the abusers. The fact that ‘literally’ now can mean something other than ‘literal’ is ‘ironic’.

    • Victoria1 says:

      I hear “literally” all day at work and I may stab someone literally. Also, her hair, whether real or not is growing on me. So maybe the world is ending because I gave her a compliment.

  5. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Yes, from everything I’ve read, dying your hair blonde will get you pregnant. Ugh. I have sympathy, tons of it, for anyone going through fertility struggles. But she’s just blowing this way out of proportion. My doctors always told me that it often takes a year to get pregnant if you’re both healthy with no issues. I understand the impatience, but there’s no need for her to be panicked at this point. I think she just wants what she wants right now. I hate to think what will happen if she runs into a serious infertility problem.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Right? It’s amazing how within the context of a conversation about the seriousness of fertility issues, she STILL manages to talk about something as inane as her platinum blonde hair–multiple times.

      • Sassy says:

        The woman does not have anything philosophical or political to talk about. Her depth of mental capacity precludes anything but very shallow topics.

    • Nur says:

      Yes, it happens and it doesnt mean there are fertility issues. After my miscarriage, which
      I conceived very easily, It took 8 months for me to get pregnant again despite having the recommended amount of sex on the exact right timing. I was going crazy though, so that I can understand.

    • Red32 says:

      The reason I’ve been suspicious of her “fertility issues” from the beginning is the time frame. They had North pretty quickly – she wasn’t even divorced from Kris H yet. And now North isn’t even 2 years old yet. Also, I find it odd that she was saying doctors told her she would never get pregnant but never mentioned a diagnosis. There is unexplained fertility, but no doctor is going to tell you you’ll never get pregnant unless they found an actual problem or you’ve been trying like 10 years with no luck.

      • Marigold says:

        Yeah, the timeline doesn’t add up. If it’s unexplained, at her age, 8-10 months isn’t long enough for them to make that diagnosis. A year is standard before they’ll label you before you’re 35. So, for someone who shares WAY too much, why hasn’t she shared this infertile diagnosis?

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        I think it is as stated above, it is setting a stage for getting a surrogate.

    • MediaMaven says:

      “Yes, from everything I’ve read, dying your hair blonde will get you pregnant. ” – yes, it LITERALLY says it on the side of hair color boxes.

    • AtlLady says:

      Why hasn’t her doctor said anything to her about squishing her insides up with her waist trainer? That can’t be good for any of her internal workings. Is there any room for an egg and a sperm to make their journeys to each other?

    • jujoki says:

      just said this in another post: kimye won’t last. I just hope kim and the klan will use the no baby situation as the reason why she’ll dump kanye. Like, “we were so stressed about it that we had arguments and so but I’ll still love him as he is the father of my daughter” cuz I can TOTALLY see a headline like that as an “exclusive” interview.

  6. TheOnlyDee says:

    She LITERALLY lets the dumbest things fall out of her mouth when interviewed. How anyone can see her as anything but a vapid idiot is beyond me.

  7. Nick says:

    She is such an a**hole. She is still trying to convince everyone that her and Kanye are having all this sex. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

    • Nicolette says:

      “The lady doth protest too much methinks”. Yes she does. But first off she’s no lady and secondly probably wouldn’t have a clue as to what that line means.

  8. nicegirl says:

    She needs a dictionary. Literally.

  9. Easypeasy123 says:

    Her face is very camel like in these pictures

  10. Mylene - Montreal says:

    What ?? Do u see the picture of this house ? It’s absolutely perfect ! It’s beautiful ….. My god like they need to crap everything they touch …..

    • Audrey says:

      My toddler would get lost in that house. I’d have to put a gps on her lol

      • jwoolman says:

        May I suggest a Loc8tor tag? Junior Cat has one on her collar and it makes life so much easier…. For me at least.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      What a kid friendly house! All white furniture, slippery marble floors – I wonder if North has ever touched grass?

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      House is ridiculous with all the white, but f*ck me because I WANT that closet.

      • Ally8 says:

        Love the comment on the man closet (ha) photo:

        “And her better half will be able to store all the leather sweatpants he desires in his own more masculine, adjacent walk-in custom closet.”

    • lisa2 says:

      That house is Stunning. I love both closets. I also like the color scheme in most of the rooms.

      Really a beautiful home.

    • bondbabe says:

      I’m sure the library will get a lot of use….

      • Honeybee Blues says:

        You stole my words!

      • Ally8 says:

        There will be lots of posing for selfies with books.

        People sell books by the yard (I kid you not) to fill rich people’s “libraries”.

        Now this is a rich person book collection I believe to be authentic:

      • lisa2 says:


        not sure that article about his books say that someone saw him buy a “stack” of books and they know why. Not sure how authentic it is.. but I love a library full of books. There is something magical about it. Far more than how it fills a big space.

      • Chrissy says:

        That’s where the’ll store the thousands of issues of their Vogue mag that they hoarded to make it seem like a mega-seller. Oh, and many, many copies of her upcoming Selfies book. Can’t see many other books in that house….

    • Jonesy says:

      I’m still trying to wrap my head around “Kim’s self-titled Glu Mobile game has amassed 2.8 billion minutes from players and earns an impressive $700,000 daily.” HUH!?

      • Amy says:

        Don’t ever believe the Kardashjism hype, I’m not looking to take the girl down a few pegs but I’ve noticed if you keep informed you quickly realize how much she lies.

        Her game was really popular when it first came out but has been steadily dropping, it missed its expected annual gross and has slipped down the App Store Chart. That’s information I read about a month ago from an unbiased tech site. She pulled the same lies with her Vogue magazine sales.

      • jwoolman says:

        $700,000 per day in in-app purchases is not unreasonable for a popular game (which this one was before the Kim edition came out). A couple of years ago, the match-3 puzzle game Candy Crush Saga by King reported about $600,000 per day and that game is everywhere with much much cheaper in-app purchases, and the developers said that the money was mainly coming from a small percentage (most people who finished the game at that time never paid a dime). The Glu game seems to be harder to do much with if you don’t pay, so my guess is that they have a higher in-app purchase rate.

        These free-to-play games need as many players as possible to rake in the loot, so they’re set up to nag you to connect to Facebook etc. and bother your friends to send extra lives and tickets to new levels so they follow the link and play themselves. Even if many only cough up 99¢ once in a while to get past something, if the number of players is high then the money still rolls in. And then there are people with money to burn who shell out hundreds of dollars. It’s the modern version of all those quarters spent on pinball machines. So the developers keep adding new stuff to keep players active. Candy Crush had only about 300 levels when I started playing it. Now it’s close to 900 levels. Plus they have a sequel Candy Crush Soda that I’ve even seen advertised on TV. That means it’s really pulling in the profits.

        I’m not attracted to games like Glu makes, but they keep adding levels (up to 37 now) and just added Kendall and Kylie as characters. So they’re still making enough on it. Their in-app purchases are pricey. The top one is $4.99. I saw a $1.99 one way down on the list. #2 on the list is $4.99, then $19.99. So they don’t need as many players to rake in the cash. I’m too cheap to even pay $0.99, but younger and richer game players don’t have the patience to wait for lives and energy etc. to regenerate so they pay. It’s just an entertainment expense, like buying a movie ticket or going out to eat. By the way, cartoon Kim looks really nice, much better than realspace Kim.

    • Dr.Funkenstein says:

      Late 20th Century American Drug Lord, I think. Wonder if there’s a tiger out back?

    • lucy2 says:

      “The 37-year-old rapper and the former sex tape star” Bwahaha. That and the leather sweatpants dig were great.
      It’s a very pretty house. Hope they don’t destroy it. Whatever happened to the thing they were renovating into crap a while ago?
      And why were they all living in 1 room at her mother’s for all this time? Go rent another house!!!

    • kadyo says:

      That house is gorgeous, but why on earth would a family of three (or any family!) need a house that large. It’s pretty but the size of it is obnoxious.

    • Jax says:

      gorgeous house. I have always loved all white, so elegant. But suitable for a growing family? Not so great. Unless you have a staff, which they do. But, it’s not a house that invites you to be comfortable. Can you imagine cutting your toenails on that couch while you watch a movie? Then again, the K’s would probably have no problem with that……..

    • ava7 says:

      Funny, I wonder what they’ll do with the library? Will it just sit there empty? Or will they fill it with fake books?

  11. Joy says:

    I don’t buy this at all. I think she’s lying all day long, as per usual.

    • MoeBear says:

      Yup. Exactly. First of all, like anyone believes it was her idea to dye the hair that horrid shade of blond. And, two, that she, Kanye and Ignorme shared ONE tiny closet. Excuse me while I die of laughter. When are they even together in California? I can’t even feel any sympathy for her – but she is a BROKEN shell of a person. I think she actually believes what she says. Hideous.

      • Jax says:

        I don’t think that’s her hair. Wig. Her hair has never been that thick. Nor does this hair act like real hair. Wig. and not even a good one.

    • Sarah says:

      Yes, Joy. It’s the same old, same old from her.

  12. Courtney says:

    Young women are able to get pregnant more quickly and easily than older women. Duh.

    • Anne tommy says:

      It would be a shame to waste the child bearing hips so amply displayed in the photos. And what is this shite about it being so good to get space ? Go and effing rent somewhere until you had what you wanted, you can afford it.

      • snowflake says:

        Ikr? her mom’s nice enough to put her up in her house, and she talks smack. ungrateful wench.

  13. swack says:

    Here’s another thing to think about Kim. Could it be a problem with Kanye? He wears all these tight pants. Many times when someone is having trouble getting pregnant, the male involved is also looked at for problems. Many times the man is told NOT to wear tighty whities and switch to boxers. So could wearing all the tight pants he is wearing be hindering his little swimmers. This is one reason I think she is lying or exaggerating because she has not talked about Kanye’s part in all this.

    • Green Eyes says:

      Doesn’t help she wears those corsets either. They do mess a/ your body. I wore a Milwaukee back brace 7 yrs til I was 20 due to scoliosis. At 22 having issues I found out I was sterile. (Only member of my family ever- some have 12 kids, some 5, most 0). Then came the surgeries.. The plastic & metal brace had fused all of my reproductive organs together & they were all child size. So those tight corsets cannot be good long term.. Yes my brace was what the Drs deemed the culprit. Numerous long surgeries to separate not just reproductive organs, but other even more vital organs. I can’t believe those things are a fad. Women fought to get out of them centuries ago.. Now they are a fad?? Ugh!

      • swack says:

        So sorry to hear that for you.

      • Amy says:

        Wow I am so sorry. I have mild scoliosis and I was always afraid I’d have to wear a back brace. I still worry though that I’ll find out I’m sterile for different reasons. I wish you all the best.

  14. TheGPoint says:

    HAHAHAHA!… “Having too much sex”… PLEASE!!!
    How can this joke of a person believe that we are buying what they’re selling?
    They are barely EVER in the same country, and when they do, it’s usually for photo-ops, parties, events, anything that might involve flashilights, publicity, money and free goods. I don’t see them spending days buried down in a hotel to have some intimate time.. I am pretty sure they barely tolerate each other’s presence.
    I am ready to bet that the times that this fake-ass couple has had sex with each other can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and it was merely for the purpose of fertilisation.

    • Chrissy says:

      Doesn’t Kanye live in his own home in LA? Didn’t Kim refuse to move there because of security concerns? She’s lied soooo much, I can’t believe anything she says. I think she loves living with PMK because everything is done for her there and we all know Kris likes her prize pig close by. This is all crapola….

    • MoeBear says:

      Me thinks she doth speak about it too much. But what they don’t realize is they are not fooling anyone. I heard (I do NOT watch that horrid TV show) that on the opening KUWTKDK or whatever it is Kim talked constantly about how much sex she and Kanye were having – in every scene she mentions “they just did it.” Funny enough he never appears on the episode. And the “new house” being “so freeing”? Girl, please, like you were SO “constrained” at your mom’s house for all those years your husband refused to live with you.

      • Tifygodess24 says:

        @moebear sadly they are fooling someone – their fans. There are people out there that will believe every single thing they say. It blows my mind. Common sense should prevail but with their fans it doesn’t. They refuse to see it.

    • chaine says:

      IKR? “once is more powerful”–what doctor said this, Dr. Robin Scorpio from General Hospital???

      • CoolWhipLite says:

        @chaine – Robin wouldn’t be so foolish. Maybe Kim gets fertility “advice” from her plastic surgeon and injection tech, since she spends so much time at that office.

        And they were having too much sex? Riiiight. Please. I’m thinking Kanye’s more interested in goin’ half on a baby with his boyfriend Riccardo.

      • jwoolman says:

        More likely someone from Childrens Hospital (named after some guy named Childrens) on Adult Swim. Maybe the one with the clown makeup. Sounds like one of their scripts.

  15. Audrey says:

    She’s dumb but I do think she is having issues, which she’s using for publicity of course.

    I have a few friends who are suffering from fertility issues and they privately sound a bit similar. They say they’re over doing it or just want to stop trying and see if it happens. They also do get very frustrated about how easily irresponsible teens get pregnant while they tried to do things right and wait and now they can’t have a baby.

    So I believe her, it all sounds so familiar. I just also think it’s weird to use for publicity

    • Nick says:

      I really really do not. I think she is 1) trying to show how crazy sexy her and Kanye are which is such a lie. They are not together enough 2) Plot for the upcoming season 3) Surrogacy.

    • snowflake says:

      of course it sounds real. her pr team scripted it for her. it was obvious she hated pregnancy the last time and couldn’t stand getting bigger. remember her wearing spanx while pregnant? imagine how bad that was for her, her whole life revolves around her looks! she’s not gonna do that s*it again! also, remember how much sympathy khloe go for not being able to get pregnant? so does kim. she’s a good liar. don’t be fooled

      • Amy says:

        I tend to believe what someone up thread said, that Kim and Kanye aren’t together enough to actually be having this sex let alone frustrated with fertility issues. I’m sure the few times they’re doing it aren’t immediately producing a kid which Kanye probably wants and Kim is ambivalent to. The woman undergoes surgery like its changing underwear so the pain and embarrassment she felt while pregnant won’t hold her back.

        I also believe a perfectly healthy unaltered Kim would be pregnant by now, but her body doesn’t know WTF is going on. Everyday it’s being injected with something new, it’s being crushed by a corset, misaligned and sqooshed in heels and smothered in too tight clothing. Her poor body has just given up.

  16. Susan says:

    Doing everything right? Surgery enhancements and reductions,, chemical injections, corsets, ridiculous travel (can’t these mega rich fly private) may not be ideal to get pregnant. Now we have to hear about Kim and Khloe’s fertility issues? This family is becoming a bigger joke by the day.

  17. jwoolman says:

    ???? She showed us a pic of Nori’s room at her Demon Mother’s house a long time ago. It was huge. The closet for the kid was huge. They had a big pile of huge adult-size stuffed animals in one spot. My house isn’t that big. Now she’s trying to tell us that all three of them were actually stuffed into a small room with tiny closet space?!? Oh, Kim. The truth shall set you free. Stop the lying already.

    • bondbabe says:

      Her “tiny” closet is probably the size of my house.

    • jwoolman says:

      I also remember Kim claiming a few months ago how she would listen at the door to Nori’s room while Kanye was putting her to bed. Much earlier than that, Kim said she had a night nurse for Baby Nori because Kimmie needed 8-10 hours of sleep and to be available anytime for Baby Kanye. Nori clearly had a separate room from the very beginning, she wasn’t crammed in with her parents while they were busy having sex 500 times a day.

      So where, pray tell, do the nannies and nurses fit into this one-room thing?!? Do they hang from the ceiling?

      I know, I’m cursed with a good memory and logic.

      • Chrissy says:

        Exactly, jwoolman. They have a serious problem keeping their lies straight and hopefully more and more people are catching on…

      • lucy2 says:

        Being prone to lying and not being too bright are a bad combination. Especially when you do everything publicly and it’s all recorded.

      • Coronada says:


  18. bns says:

    Just came in here to say that I love her hair. At first I hated it, but it looks amazing now <3

  19. RockytopNC says:

    If her mouth is moving SHE’s LYING ! ….

  20. Lilacflowers says:

    Has she tried not taking birth control pills? By the way, whatever happened to intimacy?

    • FingerBinger says:

      Intimacy? This Kim Kardashian we’re talking about. She lives every aspect of her life in front of the cameras.

    • word says:

      Without the “fertility” storyline, what would her role on KUWTK be this season? There is nothing else.

  21. KellyBee says:

    If Kim so serious about getting pregnant then she would stop the Botox, the fullers, the waist trimming, dieting, hair bleaching and so on. I mean actions speak louder then words and Kim’s actions say she doesn’t want to get pregnant.

  22. Dawn says:

    Nope, I am not buying a word that comes out of that mouth. She doesn’t want to get pregnant and she knows it is in her contract so she has to hire a surrogate to do it for her. And yes she will fool some of the people but more and more people are catching on to this woman and she is losing popularity by the minute. She just needs to fade into middle age now.

  23. tschic says:

    Normally if you try to hard to get pregnant then it won`t happen till you get this fixation out of your head. You have to chill and let your body and soul do the rest without pressure…
    but I think she is a control freak and it doesn`t work this way.

    When you got preagnant easyly and immediatly at the first time then you assume it will work this way the second time, too. And it can be really frustrating when it is not working….

  24. Juniper says:

    oh come on. She is not having issues. There are only two options here. Either she is an impatient cow that can’t wait the normal average amount of time it takes for someone to get pregnant. Or she’s lined up the surrogate ages ago and it’s all for ‘plot’. Personally I think it’s the later, because I remember hearing about her gyno visits at least 7 months ago now where they talked about her ‘problems’. Yeah – because if you’re not pregnant in two months that’s what you do – immediately go to a fertility guy. And what kind of doctor that isn’t on the take would participate in talking to her about it like it’s an actual problem?

    • word says:

      She’ s used to having things so easy. So she’s probably baffled by the fact that she couldn’t get pregnant right when she wanted (the same time as Kate Middleton lol). I think she is going to use a surrogate and blame it on fertility issues. Her daughter is not even 2 years old yet. Which means Kim and Kanye have not been trying very long to get pregnant again. They barely see each other anyways. Her story is not making sense.

  25. Lucy says:

    *Baymax voice* I fail to see how going platinum blonde will make her get pregnant.

  26. Murphy says:

    Yeah I don’t believe she’s having a problem but what she says does sorta ring true to people who are really trying–how come idiots like Jenelle Evans can get pregnant every 10 minutes but they can’t?

    • Amberica says:

      I know. I literally (used correctly) said that about the meth heads in the first post about this. I hate that we’re apparently now in the same head space. But I’m sympathetic.

  27. Jen43 says:

    Ugh. Is she really expecting me to feel sorry for her because she has infertility issues? No can do. I know I am being judgmental, but I truly feel that sweet Nori is just an accessory to her. I am not saying she doesn’t love her, I just question her motive for wanting to have another child. Perhaps it’s Kanye’s idea.

  28. The other paige says:

    Kim k just said ‘HENCE’.
    ‘Hence, why I dyed my hair blonde’
    (‘Hence, why I bought a blonde wiglet’)

  29. lisa2 says:

    I still have a hard time believing she actually dyed her hair. It still looks like wig to me. The part and the way the hairline is.

    • doublewidetwinz says:

      It’s a wig. She must think we are blind. I’m an avid lace wig wearer and can spot one a mile away.

  30. maeliz says:

    Does she really believe people can get pregnant right away if they want or are trying perfectly? Sorry, Kim. Not even the people with everything they want and millions of dollars can always get pregnant when they want

  31. Crumpet says:

    Maybe if she wouldn’t cinch her belt so tightly her uterus could breathe.

  32. Dr.Funkenstein says:

    Only in America can a person so stupid become so wealthy for so little reason.

  33. Thaisajs says:

    I guess I’m in the minority here but I do think she’s having fertility issues and I’m not convinced she wants to go the surrogate route. If she wanted to do that, just do it. Who cares? Plenty of rich women who have fertility problems do it. I think she genuinely is trying to get pregnant but she’s already 35 or whatever and the odds of that happening every month are low.

    Maybe I’m just identifying with her (which could be the first time ever) because I also struggled with fertility issues. After a while it’s so easy to get depressed. I went more on the eating healthier/losing weight route towards coping with my depression about it, but if bleaching her hair takes her mind off her problems, sure, why not?

    • snowflake says:

      i think she has to wait it out awhile. If she goes to a surrogate too quickly, people are going to say she didn’t try long enough, she just didn’t want to get pregnant again (which is the truth, imo) to make the fertility problems seem real, she has to pretend to try for awhile.i think she saw how much sympathy khloe got for her problems, and decided she wanted to ride that train. but again, if she moves too quickly, it will seem faked.

    • Nick says:

      So she can have a storyline for the upcoming season. They do this shit all the time.

    • kanyekardashian says:

      Please. The only infertility issue she’s having is that God is tired of this Kardashian shit and decided North’s life is the only one that should be ruined by this family.

  34. Judyk says:

    Literally, if teenagers ON METH can get pregnant in two seconds, she who has not a single brain cell should also be able to accomplish said task.

    Where the hell did she get this information anyway? She is straight-up stupid. Shut up Kim and go take another Selfie.

  35. Dr.Funkenstein says:

    Nah, not buying the fertility struggles. Don’t believe for one minute she’s trying to get pregnant, and agree with others that the “lady doth protest too much,” particularly since it’s so conveniently portraying their “marriage” as an intimate relationship crackling with sexual tension. This despite the fact that neither of them spend more than twenty minutes together at a time, and then surrounded by their entourages and paparazzi. I can’t see how motherhood fits at all into this obviously narcissistic woman’s life, so I don’t buy it. Maybe Kanye really does want another child, but I don’t believe she does for one minute.

  36. word says:

    1. If living with her mom for 2 years was so bad, why didn’t they just rent a place?

    2. She’s only been trying to get pregnant for 8-10 months. What fertility doc would even see her so early on? Normally you have to been trying for at least 2 years before seeing a doc.

    3. Did her fertility doc also tell her to fly all around the world from time zone to time zone? Did the doc also tell her to wear that waist trainer and put toxic dye in her hair?

    4. She’s full of it. Her and Kanye don’t even spend enough time together to have sex as much as she says they do.

    • yomamamama says:


    • kanyekardashian says:

      Even on their fake honeymoon, they didn’t spend any time together. They went out to a movie – who does that two days after they get married? – and then the next day they went to another country to attend a friend’s wedding. Most newlyweds are in the hotel room boffing for two weeks straight.

      • Chrissy says:

        And don’t forget that he said they spent their whole honeymoon photo-
        shopping one picture to release to the public. Woooo, how romantic!!

  37. Miran says:

    Nah, I don’t believe she has fertility issues in the slightest, she was told as much on camera. I agree that she’s setting the groundwork for ‘we’re trying IVF’ > ‘IVF failed. We’re getting a surrogate.’ or possibly even ‘we’re happy with Nori.’ so Kanye can go on his way doing what he wants and they get to appear ever the happy couple. She hated everything about being pregnant (can’t fault her there, I hate it too).

  38. skins says:

    Literally, like, can somebody find me a surrogate please?

  39. original kay says:

    hey, it’s that Serbian singer/model Jelena Karleusa. She’s pretty : )

  40. KellyBee says:

    If Kim so serious about getting pregnant then she would stop the Botox, the fullers, the waist trimming, dieting, hair bleaching and so on. I mean actions speak louder then words and Kim’s actions say she doesn’t want to get pregnant. .

  41. glitzz says:

    she actually told the diagnosis and the reason why its difficult for her to grt pregnant during the show. it was becouse she had problems with her hormons. like hormonal disbalanse or whatever

    • jwoolman says:

      I’m sure she does have “trouble” with her hormones. It’s called birth control pills. They affect the hormone levels to keep you from ovulating. Kimmie is most likely not pregnant because she’s not ovulating, since she is most likely still on some form of birth control. The lady does not want to be preggers again. She might be foolish enough to want another baby for Kanye (“another 18 years of child support”) as long as the nannies take care of it, but everything she does tells us she does not want another alien invader taking over that carefully crafted body for nine months. Her experience with Nori has shown her that babies are not dolls, eventually develop minds of their own, and cannot be trusted to cooperate with her pap posing. So what good are they?

  42. Nicolette says:

    For heaven’s sake would this woman please just STFU already. Who does she think she’s kidding with her bogus fertility issues? She was the most miserable looking pregnant woman I’ve seen and doesn’t exactly come across as a hands on, involved mother. Having another child will just mean hiring another nanny who will stand at the ready to hand the new baby over for a photo op and then quickly take her/him away when the cameras stop flashing. What a disgrace and insult this idiot is to all the women out there who are genuinely going through fertility issues and the heartbreak and frustration that accompany it. I watched a very close friend of mine go through years of procedures, tests and medications to be able to have her son. Why doesn’t this twit just do what other celebs do and hire a surrogate, wear a prosthetic baby bump and then appear on a magazine cover two weeks after “giving birth” to show everyone how quickly she lost her phantom weight? Everything about this family is phony so why should this be any different. It’s for ratings and story lines for their show, nothing more.

  43. Reece says:

    Maybe she’d be able to get pregnant again if she stopped constricting her organs.

  44. Sara says:

    I dunno, I tend to believe her. I got pregnant so easily the first time but it was just chance. Now my doctors are like ‘IF you get pregnant a second time’, it’s not always easy, especially when you are in your 30s.

  45. Tracy says:

    No doubt in my mind that Kim is setting the publicity stage to use a surrogate to carry her next child. She had an awful pregnancy, looked like a beached whale and found the whole thing completely traumatic. She’ll try to convince everyone that she just can’t get or keep a pregnancy, hire that surrogate and gt her second kid. Then, she’ll divorce the smelly Kanye and have her 14 nannies and 2 kids and decide what she wants to do next.

    • kanyekardashian says:

      You’re wrong about the divorce thing – way wrong. These two are meant to be together – they are tailor made for each other. Kim is the most insecure woman in the world and needs a man’s approval for everything she does or wears – that’s her world. Kanye feeds off insecure women whose lives revolve around needing approval for their looks and body. They fake-worship each other. And he’s made it abundantly clear with how he speaks about her in purely sexual terms and tweets naked pictures of her, that she is not his wife, she is his property. If you think he would EVER let her go, you’re eating brain tumors for breakfast. He’s completely controlling, not to mention totally scary, so she’s stuck with him for life. Or, unless she becomes completely paralyzed from the nose down and can no longer sexually satisfy Kanye – that’s the only reason he would ever divorce her.

    • Chrissy says:

      I wonder if she would be desperate enough or sick enough to fake a miscarriage in order to get sympathy? Nothing would surprise me with this woman.

  46. Sam says:

    I would love to know the actual dimensions of the “tiny closet” she, Kanye, and North were sharing. I bet it’s larger than any single room in my home.

    OAN: As someone who actually does have issues with infertility I just have to say this: If it’s true then I feel terrible for her because I know that pain. If it isn’t true then shame on her for pretending to have a problem that so many ACTUALLY DO have, in order to get attention.

    • kanyekardashian says:

      Why feel terrible for her? This woman doesn’t even care about the child she has, she has no interest in being a parent at all. She had a child for publicity and money, which is no different than someone on welfare having baby after baby to get more free money (and yes, people do that). If Kim actually loved her child, she would not be pimping her out to every magazine in town, she would not even allow photos of her child to be put online or even to announce the child’s name publicly, and she certainly wouldn’t be doing the horrible things she and Kanye do on a daily basis that will come back and humiliate North one day. It’s very sad that they’ve already ruined this child’s life by exposing her to cameras and fame before she could even walk.

  47. Spin says:

    Literally. Kim K is an idiot.

  48. Amy says:

    Maybe her body is trying to do what E won’t, stop the growth and spreading of more Kardashians.

    • Amy says:

      LOL! 😂
      (Another Amy on the board! I didn’t know 2 people could have the same username, but I guess it can be done here!)

  49. kiyoshigirl says:

    If this is a setup for her to hire a surrogate to carry her next child, I fully support it. Her statement that she’s going to do whatever she wants means she has a list of cosmetic surgery procedures scheduled in the coming months. No physician would support her being pregnant and subjecting a fetus to all the anesthesia and chemicals she’ll be pumping into her body, let alone all the fat she have sucked out and transferred to her ass.

  50. kanyekardashian says:

    Honestly, I don’t know how she gets through a day without just banging her head into a door fourteen times in a row because she can’t figure out where the doorknob is. The level of stupidity on this woman is so overwhelming.

  51. Jayna says:

    I don’t believe her for even a nanosecond.

  52. celtlady says:

    I looked at the photos of their new house, and while it is lovely it looks more like a museum than a house that is supposed to be home to a toddler. That poor baby. Imagine how much it will hurt when she falls off of her designer leather heeled biker boots onto the cold, hard marble floors. When my daughter was little, all that I cared about was that the house was safe for my little girl. I hope that the part of the house where North spends her time is cozy and colorful, but somehow I doubt that it is. Sadly.

    • jwoolman says:

      Nori will probably live in the playhouse with the nannies. Out of sight, out of mind. Hopefully. 🙂

      They do have so many bedrooms that Kim and Kanye don’t even have to see each other. That’s a plus. Although I don’t understand how people can live comfortably in such a huge house. Great for entertaining, not so much for living. Of course all that walking would be good for their health. Do they have smaller quarters tucked away somewhere for real life? Maybe they’ll rearrange the bedrooms for that? Where do the nannies and servants live? Are they all commuters these days? There must be a nanny around all the time, Kim and Kanye don’t do diapers or deal with baby messes in general.

  53. Veritas says:

    If she really wanted to get pregnate she would take some time off, rest at home, not go on pap walks everyday. Not use bleaching chemicals on ur skin everyday, not get work done anywhere on her body. And if she was really trying she wouldn’t wear such tight hooker clothes. Most of the women I know who are trying to get pregnant live in maxi dresses and really comfortable clothes. Nothing that cut off circulation. I will never believe anything a kardashian says.

  54. Ming says:

    I don’t believe a word kim says.

    How convenient that she has this new interview saying doctors told her to have sex less so it’s more potent the DAY AFTER everyone online is commenting how all fertility docs would tell a person to have sex just once versus 500 times.

    She reads our comments, sees that the most talked about thing is the 500 times (yeah, sure) and everyone calling BS… Cue the ‘interview’ with E! Their known PR spin machine.

    ‘I did everything right for 8 months’ .. What are these ‘right’ things?

  55. G says:

    Literally Kim, you’re an idiot.

  56. RockytopNC says:

    DM story of the day ….with nicely photoshopped closeup of her face …getting her roots retouched and complaining about having to do it every 48 hours…….REALLY ! Really ! every 48 hours she is bleaching her whole head of hair ….? If she does that fir more than a week she will be bald as a cue ball….you only retouch the roots if you want to keep your hair dummy ! …….and the photos were so photoshopped she had thinned her lower jaw till her chin was a mere point and her eyes exactly like a Alien with fake lashes…and if thats all the hair that left on her head you can guarantee she is wearing wigs every day…very thin looking even covered with suds….Wigs like the one she is wearing in that first Photo …its longer in length the the other one I have counted at least 3 in that same parted down the middle look….and two with the side part…

  57. Inconceivable! says:

    Kim seeks and demands perfection in her home, her material possessions, and she tries to do do with her body too. I see her flustered that her trip towards a second pregnancy has not been a perfect journey too.
    I’d hate to imagine the trauma a Kimye child would go through if they were not born “perfect” in their eyes. My child has high-functioning autism and I KNOW Kimye would not be able to handle the daily stressors of a life-long issue like that. There are never any guarantees that kids arrive in the world & live their entire lives insulated from devastating injuries, disabilities, or illnesses. NO AMOUNT of Kardashian money can buy it away. THAT would send Kimye over the top. I truly hope they realize how blessed they are and consider carefully before adding a second accessory….just for the sake of another “accessory”.

  58. Maxine says:

    As someone who has had 2 miscarriages and then needed IVF to get pregnant a third time:
    1) “just relax” is NOT HOW YOU GET PREGNANT. It does not work that way. If you aren’t ovulating properly, or your egg quality is crap, or your hormones go funky and prevent implantation –LITERALLY no amount of relaxation will make it work. Stress can cause menstrual irregularities, but it doesn’t actively prevent conception.
    2) you absolutely can see a fertility doc before you have been trying for 2 years. Heck, you can see one before you even start trying — no reason not to check hormone levels, miscarriage risk, etc.
    3) I know they are fame seekers, but stop with the concern trolling about her hair (ZERO risk if done properly), tight clothes (if his semen analysis came back fine, he is fine), traveling, and so on. If it was so easy to prevent pregnancy by being busy, active, or wearing corsets, we would have died out in the Victorian Era and none of our moms who worked would have been able to get pregnant.

  59. boredblond says:

    I think every time she–or any other vapid celebrity–says “literally” they should be required by law to pay me $100. By the most conservative estimates, I should be a millionaire by the end of the year.

  60. notprfect says:

    As much as I hate to admit it, I DO watch the show (bows head in shame). Not because I’m a “fan”, it’s just kind of like I have this sick fascination with seeing how they portray themselves, and I like to try to “read between the lines” to try to see what they’re really saying. And, anyway I think that the fertility issues aren’t real.

    In all of the most recent seasons, Kim is SOOOO boring, prudish, and phony. Always looking around at everyone, silently judging them, barely smiling(because she’d get wrinkles! Gasp!). She was always acting like the rest of her family were so vulgar and immature and she was such a sophisticated lady (eyeroll).

    NOW, this new season, she’s constantly talking about having sex and trying to be all silly with her sisters. It’s completely out of character for her. Even her sisters are looking at her like “what are you doing, this isn’t like you” when she tries to get goofy. I also think they’re uncomfortable with all of Kim’s sex lies, but they HAVE to bring it up(since their “reality” show is one big long script) so they try to change the subject as soon as she has finished grossing everyone out with her stories.

    Now I’m going to go sit in a corner for being a Kardashian show watcher. 🙁