Dakota Johnson & the other Chanel ladies at the Met Gala: fab or fug?


This post is for all of the Met Gala ladies who wore Chanel. And it was a mess. Karl Lagerfeld didn’t bother to come to the Met Gala this year – he scheduled a notable conflict (his Resort show in Seoul, South Korea) for the same day as the Met Gala just so he wouldn’t have to come. But in his absence, several big-name celebrities decided to wear Chanel, to mostly mixed results.

Dakota Johnson completely ignored the Chinese theme and just went with a sparkly mini-dress. I actually thought she looked a lot like Kristen Stewart in these photos, only Dakota’s hair will ALWAYS be the pits, whereas Kristen’s hair is often pretty great. I thought Dakota might have gotten a shaggy, unkempt bob just for the Met Gala, but this haircut happened at least a week ago. As for the dress… I’m not into it. I like the fact that she edited the look way down, but it seems too undone for me.



Diane Kruger wore a Chanel ensemble from the Spring 2011 line. I would have liked this better sans pants, with just a few more inches on the tube-dress part. That would have been amazing.



Rachel Weisz in a completely boring strapless Chanel. It has nothing to do with China AND it’s completely un-noteworthy. Plus, Rachel didn’t bring Daniel Craig! If you’re going to wear a boring dress, at least bring your hot, pouty husband.


Anna Wintour wore this custom-made Chanel. The Chinese influence is the poppy. It’s a bolder look from Wintour. I kind of love it.


I think Lily Collins kept with the theme in an interesting way, and while I can see objectively why this is a strong showing for her, I’m just not that into the whole look.


Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.

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59 Responses to “Dakota Johnson & the other Chanel ladies at the Met Gala: fab or fug?”

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  1. Kath says:

    I hate Dakota’s eyeliner.

    • Kip says:

      Yeah, when I first saw it I was like, did she ignore the theme? Is that what I think it is? But then again I am half-Chinese half-white so maybe I am hyper-focused on white/asian eye make-up messages.

      • Kath says:

        Yeah, it crossed my mind, but then I thought surely not… Hopefully we’re just reading too much into it. No one could be that thick!

      • JenniferJustice says:

        thick-headed or thick-eyelinered? Sorry, couldn’t resist.

      • imqrious2 says:

        I think her take on the “theme” is the doll-purse. OMG… I just don’t have the words. Check it out. That said, I *hate* the eyeliner.

      • Maggi says:

        I think Dakota looks great in the dress. Her style has always been a bit more undone and it works for her. I like the construction of the bodice and she has the skin and body to pull it off.

        I am full Chinese and I have no problem with her eyeliner. I know Lainey is making a big deal out of it but to me it’s a ‘meh’ issue. So many of my monolid friends rock this type of eyeliner on a daily basis and the thick cat eye has been trending for the past few years (it’s on it’s way out now). I’ve seen countless video tutorials on how to do a cat eye so I am not going to think of this as some kind of racist thing. It’s a postmodern, kitsch world and even I, on occasion, have worn chopticks in my hair. This does not make me feel like a traitor to my race.

        People are acting like she taped her eyes or something. Now THAT would have been offensive and akin to blackface…..I can’t enjoy Breakfast at Tiffany’s at all because of Mickey Rooney so it’s not like I am not sensitive to racism.

    • Mia4S says:

      I wish I just hated it. I’m side-eyeing the hell out of it given the theme. Yuck.

      • kittykat says:

        +1 on the eye comment. How could you be so stupid. And why does she always looks misplaced. Like she’s in someone elses clothes.

    • Brin says:


    • QQ says:

      UGH Me Too!! And her hair… maximum PTA Mom hair

    • Sofia says:

      A LOT of celebrities wore flicky eyeliner I noticed. Seems like a weird interpretation of the theme.

    • Lostara says:

      First thing I thought as well. In my opinion, winged eyeliner only works with a heavy make-up (think Dita von Teese or Lady Gaga) but not with a quite natural look as Dakotas here. It reminds me of a little girl playing with mom’s make-up box….. 😉

    • lisa says:

      she can wear all the bathroom tiles she wants, she still looks like oatmeal to me. and the eyeliner looks wrong on her.

  2. Joanne_S says:

    I *wish* Dakota had ignored the theme… Look at her purse (or whatever that’s supposed to be). Ugh.

    • imqrious2 says:

      Oopps! Sorry… I didn’t see your post before I posted above. I said the same thing! So sorry 🙂

      • Joanne_S says:

        Haha, no problem! That purse thing is so hideous that the more slamming it gets, the better! 😀

  3. Jag says:

    What do people think about Dakota’s purse? I think the dress would’ve worked had her hair and makeup been better.

    • LDUB says:


    • Giddy says:

      This! That purse plus the eyeliner makes me think that she is just not very bright.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        OMG the purse!!!!! Dakota looks like she’s at the wrong address for a different party. The mini is tacky, the eyeliner is tacky, but the purse is unforgivable. Imagine speaking to one one the gorgeous Chinese women there while you are dangling that thing from your wrist.

  4. InvaderTak says:

    The Chanel people didn’t realize this was a ball?

  5. Amelia says:

    Poppies? For real?
    I love poppies, but apparently there are very few historians attending the Met Gala. Not a great move.
    Having said that, I do really like Lily’s skirt.

    • LAK says:

      My thoughts exactly regarding the poppies.

      And Anna deserves extra admonition on this point because her father and family are news journalists. She didn’t grow up in an uneducated household.

      • Amelia says:

        I keep forgetting her brother is the political editor of the Guardian. I’ll see the ‘Wintour’ at the top of the article and remember!

    • Wren says:

      At first I was like WTF is with all the poppies. What springs to mind when I think of a Chinese flower is the peony. Then I remembered the whole opium thing, and uh……………

  6. JENNA says:

    I prefer Dakota with short hair. I like the dress but she didn’t make any effort. She did her eyes and thought it would be enough. Rachel’s dress is the most boring.

    • katP says:

      +1 This hair suits her face, I think she looked lovely even if she didn’t really go with the theme

  7. Tifygodess24 says:

    That winged liner looks horrible. It’s all I see compared to the way they did the rest of the makeup. I have thoughts on it that I will keep to myself. But to be honest I sided eyed it at first.

    • Kip says:

      Me too, but also sort of keeping to self…

    • Mia4S says:

      Yeah I have…thoughts…too. Just looked at Lainey’s site and she has…thoughts…on the eyes too.

      Let’s just call Dakota a massive fail and move on.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Same on the eyes and glad you said something. The purse makes it not an accident. Many women tried this, um, effect but were more subtle. No pass for Dakota just because she’s otherwise blah.

  8. jen2 says:

    Wintour’s daughter had a great dress. A fab crane on her train. These dresses are basic and basically forgettable.

    • Tig says:

      I so agree with you re the dress with the crane-it deserves its own post! I thought the background color-maroon? burgundy?- was such an unexpected choice.

  9. Jayna says:


  10. PoppyAdair says:

    Please, for the love of God, someone get Dakota a comb and some styling products! Her hair could look so much better if she tried a little.

    And that eyeliner…I just can’t.

  11. Dhavynia says:

    Why bother with a theme if they wear ugly not-even-bold designs?

  12. grabbyhands says:

    Apparently she was on her way to the club and ended up at the Met instead.

    The less said about the other dresses the better, which is too bad since Diane and Rachel are both gorgeous and have dressed well in the past.

    I see Lily Collins is still doing that Audrey Hepburn thing.

  13. Size Does Matter says:

    It is amazing how certain shiny fabrics can make very slim people look early second trimester.

  14. Kiddo says:

    Diane Kruger’s outfit would have been better without the sash, but I still kind of like it. Lily Collins’ look has potential, but I feel like the tailoring is off, with too much blouse-iness on top with so much volume on the bottom, or it could be her posture in the shoulders, but I really like the idea.

    I don’t like Dakota’s Pixel Dress and I really dislike the make-up on her.

    I hate those puff sleeves on Anna Wintour’s dress, but I usually don’t care for them in general. Although it would have lacked the attention grabbing aspect, without those sleeves, that dress would have been absolutely gorgeous, age appropriate classy but with pizazz. I feel like those poofy sleeves belong on little girls.

    • Bridget says:

      Lily Collins needs to stop trying to make herself look like Audrey Hepburn. Find your own mojo, girl.

  15. Greek chic says:

    Dakota has great legs.
    Diane looks amazing although her shoes look uncomfortable.

  16. kara says:

    They all look awful. Why does Lily Collins always insist on channeling Audrey Hepburn in some way? We get it, girl. You’ve got thick eyebrows.

  17. danielle says:

    I really liked what diane Kruger wore.

  18. bettyrose says:

    It’s like Dakota’s pixelated.

  19. tracking says:

    She doesn’t have the charisma to pull off short at this event.

  20. Lilacflowers says:

    Dakota looks like she is morphing into one of the Tilly sisters.

  21. Judyk says:

    Like Dakota and even like her hair (I’m in the minority, I know), but hate her dress…too short and skimpy for this type of event. It would look fine for a night out clubbing but not for this.

  22. Jane says:

    I’m not feeling any of their outfits.

  23. OTHER RENEE says:

    Why are there 2 giant orange Chia pets growing on Anna’s shoulders? She looks ridiculous.

  24. shannon says:

    I’m in the minority, but I love the dress and the hair on Dakota – if she would have worn it anywhere other than the met gala. The eyes are just all wrong. I know a lot of people call this “mom” hair, but I can’t help myself – I absolutely love it and wish I could pull it off myself. I think her skin/body looks great in the dress.

  25. Lola says:

    Only liked Lily’s look.
    I am sorry, I know if you have nothing positive to say, don’t say anything at all… but Dakota, if she has a stylist, the stylist is working against her…. maybe the stylist doesn’t like her. The makeup was messy, the dress was like … I don’t even have words! The only thing that I would keep is the purse, with a whole different everything… and that is just because I thought the purse looked fun and I like to mix and match.

  26. Pumpkin Pie says:

    I am so disappointed with the fact that there so many looks that don’t respect the theme. And I was so excited when I read that this year there will be a Chinese theme.
    I didn’t recognize Dakota. I like her haircut.

  27. grace says:

    Wintour looks very festive. I feel like all she needs is for someone to throw her some maracas while she shimmies across the red carpet singing “chick-a chick-a boom chic”

  28. Bess says:

    Either Rachel Weisz is sacrificing virgins or she’s found the fountain of youth. She’s 45 but her skin doesn’t like a day over 30.