FKA Twigs: The fame & racism that comes from dating Sparkles is ‘awful’


I love this ^^ photo. It looks like Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ prom portrait rather than Twigs and Sparkles posing at the Met Gala. The way Sparkles is lightly (almost awkwardly) touching her waist? Such a prom photo move. Anyway, as you probably remember, Twigs caused a commotion at the Met Gala because her Christopher Kane dress had a drawing of a dong on it. I don’t know… I think that’s kind of funny? A lot of people hated it though. Twigs talked about the dress and much more in a New York Times interview this weekend. Apparently, Twigs is tired of the drama that comes with being with Sparkles, but she loves him so much, she’s willing to overlook the Twihard Dramz. Some highlights from the NYT piece:

On her ‘Congregata’ performances/concerts: “It’s my life, it’s my world. In many ways, I’m still an underground artist, but why can’t I have big special shows like Drake, Beyoncé and Kanye?”

She loves the study of dance: “A lot of music artists don’t respect the roots of dancing. I never want to associate myself with something that I don’t understand. I would never want to be guilty of cultural appropriation.”

The fame that comes with dating Sparkles: “It’s really hard — I can’t begin to explain how awful it is. It makes you want to just stop everything sometimes. It makes you want to smash your face into the mirror.”

The racist crap she gets online: “It’s relentless. There’s no amount of songs I can sing or dances I can dance that will prove to them I’m not a monkey.”

She’s happy though: “I didn’t see my life going this way at all. But it’s worth it. I’m so happy.”

Her Met Gala dress: “Everyone was just like, ‘Oh, look, there’s a penis!’ I didn’t think about it. I’m so naïve. I’m like, ‘I’m wearing art!’ ”

[From The NY Times]

My mind wandered when I read that “A lot of music artists don’t respect the roots of dancing” quote. There certainly are a lot of mainstream pop stars – mostly women – that are guilty of cultural appropriation. So many, in fact, that it’s difficult for me to pinpoint if Twigs was throwing shade at a particular artist. Madonna? For sure – this particular quote came up during a discussion about the history of “Vogue” dancing. Katy Perry? She’s guilty of cultural appropriation all the time, although Katy is friends with Sparkles and Katy has been seen at Twigs’ shows before. Beyonce? I always think of Beyonce as an outright thief of other artists’ work – it’s not about appropriation, it’s about Beyonce taking credit for something she’s really “homage-ing.”

As for the rest of it… it makes me sad that Twigs is still getting racist BS online. It sucked when she was getting it when they first started dating, but it’s really awful and unhinged Twihards are STILL pissed that Sparkles and Twigs are in love.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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119 Responses to “FKA Twigs: The fame & racism that comes from dating Sparkles is ‘awful’”

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  1. Abbott says:

    That crazy Robsten fan site calls her IT and I want to throw those ladies’ modems into magma.

    I still don’t see this penis on the dress?!?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Ok, in the bottom picture, see the thigh slit? At the very top is a drawing of a penis. It looks like it’s part of the fish, like a little fish arm or something, but no, it’s a penis. You’re welcome.

      It’s so sad about the racism. I hate people sometimes.

      • Tracy says:

        (Psst! The pink graphic isn’t a fish, it’s a headless man. What looks like a fish eye is actually the man’s right nipple….his leg goes all the way to the floor., etc.)

      • Abbott says:

        *tilts head and squints*

        Oh. OH.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Lol, oh Tracy, I am laughing so hard right now. I guess I’m not a great interpreter of art dresses. A headless man? Not a fish? Maybe I’ll get a job as a docent at MOMA. Thank you for clearing that up for me, though.

      • blue marie says:

        OH I see it now, not sure if I should thank you or yell at you for pointing out something that can’t be unseen.

      • Anname says:

        For anyone interested, here is some info about Christopher Kane and how he designed the dress:

        “…the lace dresses comprised of sinuous nude figures that writhe and wrap around the model, were perhaps the most alluring. The highly stylized figures outlined in black were actually drawn by Kane and his team during life drawing classes held at the studio. Stylistically, they are redolent of Henri Matisse’s nude dancers from his renowned painting, The Dance of 1910, but Kane’s treatment—each figure pieced together, I see a nod to mid-1930s Surrealism à la Elsa Schiaparelli.”

      • Shambles says:

        GNAT= penis dress expert.

      • jugstorecowboy says:

        I thought it was a fish, too. I was wondering why it had a penis.

      • Bridget says:

        GNAT= penis expert

        There Shambles, I fixed it for you!

    • NewWester says:

      In the second photo on her left side near her hip. I think that’s it?

    • mia girl says:

      Those “fans” are as*holes.
      And I can’t really follow their logic you know?
      If R+K are in a secret marriage
      And R+K=Baby they want to raise in private
      and R+FKA = business investment and relationship cover for R+K
      logic would tell a real fan of this R+K private life thing to actually support FKA Twigs, not attack her with racist, dehumanizing insults because she is the one person helping R+K live out their epic love in their secret bubble.

      PS I clearly see the penis. So is this kinda like a blue dress/white dress thing?

      • Aurora says:

        I see the penis very clearly too. Its right above the hip where the slit runs. And I think its kinda cool. This is exactly like that BLUE and GOLD dress debacle. Haa!


    • snowflake says:

      i don’t either! or now that i read GNAT’s post, i see it! thx

    • loud noises says:

      i saw some stuff on that fan site and it gave me the sads and also the mads. i can’t believe there are deluded people like that out there. it makes me wonder if the writer actually has some sort of mental disability / mental health issue and needs actual help, or if she’s just fucking nuts.

      but i loved the dress. the a costume ball, so wearing a totally wacked out costume dress was great. so much more intersting than many other ppl who went (reese!).

  2. Luca76 says:

    Seriously those Twihards are nuts. Crazier than any other fan or anti-celeb group on the Internet. They have an imaginary world they’ve created in which Robert and Kristen are living out Twilight complete with babies and FKA is standing in the way of their delusions.
    It’s awful that they make racist remarks and these aren’t kids these are mostly older women who are totally mental. If I were FKA I’d have so much security around me.
    Oh and RP better be the best boyfriend on the planet because she’s putting up with way too much crap from his fans.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      The Twihards are totally batty. They’ve built up this elaborate fantasy world in which Rob and Kristen never spending any time together actually means they are madly in love and hiding a baby. They’ll even tell you Kristen is pregnant “again.” Rob accompanied Twigs on her European tour? Yeah, those are only photo ops for the media, and Rob is really taking sneaky flights back to Kristen and their love child on the sly. I don’t want to interact with the crazy, but I do wish someone would ask them why they insist on shitting all over Twigs if she is only a ruse Rob and Kristen designed to fool the media (Twihard theory). The comments are sickening and heartbreaking. No one deserves to be belittled because of their race. Period. And to do it all because of who that person is dating? These fools are the lowest of the low.

    • kai says:

      Does anyone have a link to some of that Twihard stuff? Not the racist cr*p, just the fantasy. I know I shouldn’t, but now I’m curious.

      • Goats on the Roof says:

        I think the most famous are Sluts Running with Nails and HKNShaven. Be warned, you will want to put your head through a window after a few seconds.

      • kai says:

        Thanks! It’s … wow. They’re very, um, serious. Last question: What does “IT” stand for? Do I want to know? I know they’re talking about Twigs.

      • Goats on the Roof says:

        That’s just what they refer to Twigs as. It used to be “The Investment” because Twihard theory was that Rob and Kristen were investing financially in her music. It was a nutty way for them to rationalize Robert being on tour with Twigs.

      • kai says:

        Huh. Ok. Man, that second site especially…. that’s one MISERABLE person.

      • claire says:

        Why am I not shocked these are Tumblr sites? Someone just dismantle that company already.

      • K says:

        Those links are just… wow. Wow.

        They just come across as so lonely and unhappy, and they completely bought into a fictional story, and somehow conflated what was going on with the actors with it so they were one and the same. They need to pour all this love they haven’t any real life home for somewhere fantasy-oriented. One openly says it was how she coped when her mom died – Twilight, and obsessing over Kristen and Rob. And she can’t walk away now, I guess. She doesn’t have any real life place to invest all that emotion.

        It’s just really sad. My heart kind of goes out to them. Doesn’t in any way excuse or justify the racism, obviously. But man, they seem lonely people with unhappy lives, to get so knotted up over this stuff. It’s just sad they can’t get behind Rob and Kristen being happy with other people as a way to invest all that emotion, instead of inventing a continuing, Twilight-knockoff fantasy for them both.

    • darkdove says:

      what is happening to them and the crazy fan not wanting them together and attacking her is the result of the selling of his relationship with Kristen as perfect to the public from their PR to sell their movie and both actors more bankable, some people are to crazy to move on and accept his relationship with kristen is over, we have seen this treatment in other couples where the second wife or girlfriend gets the worst treatment.

      • doofus says:

        “we have seen this treatment in other couples where the second wife or girlfriend gets the worst treatment.”

        or, in some cases, the EX gets the worst treatment because “how dare he/she be married to so-and-so before so-and-so!”

        it’s ridic, on all levels. unless you are personally friends with one of the three involved, IT DOESN’T AFFECT YOU and you should let it go.

        I can’t even bring myself to visit any of those sites because, frankly, just the summary of what these wackos think is disturbing enough.

  3. Darkladi says:

    Penis is on the side you can’t see in the photo.

    I wonder if these racist pieces of sh*t consider themselves his fans. Do they really think he appreciates them terrorizing his fiancé?

    • insomniac says:

      I get the impression that they’re Kristen fans first and foremost. They loved Robert as long as he was keeping a low profile and they could convince themselves that he was this devoted husband and daddy. Now that he’s being so public with his new relationship, the ugly is really coming out.

      • Aurora says:

        I dont think they are Kristen fans either, I see a lot of hate/denial over her relationship with Alicia. I think these are unhinged movie fans who cant tell the difference between shitty acting and actual real life chemistry. So in their minds every angst laden kiss between Edward and Bella was really between Kristen and Robert. In short they are idiots. Racist, homophobic idiots.

      • Goats on the Roof says:

        Aurora, you are spot on. If you enjoy having the urge to bang your head into a wall, take a trip to a Robsten fan site or two. They post pics of actual Bella/Edward scenes as “proof” of Robert and Kristen’s undying, passionate love affair. They are unable to separate the two.

      • K says:

        Yeah, I don’t think they completely understand that the actors were, you know – acting. Logically they know it, but at a subconscious level, not so much.

        I never really bought the “it’s all for PR” argument. I still don’t. But I do understand the business argument made one hell of a lot better having checked out those links – that relationship, whatever the truth of it, sold the movie to those fans symbiotically with the story in a way I just couldn’t comprehend before.

        People are crazy.

  4. Lucy2 says:

    There are some awful and sad people out there. Best thing she can do is live her life and be happy, and don’t pay attention to them. I don’t think anything good ever comes of a celebrity reading social media about themselves.

  5. Div says:

    Love Twigs style but still hate that Christopher Kane dress. She needs to stick to McQueen because she always slays when wearing them. I feel sorry for her in regards to the trolls. I also think she’s unintentionally stirring up the psycho trolls up by repeatedly acknowledging them. What she needs to do is ignore them (don’t feed the trolls is a saying for a reason) and hire a Social Media Manager. Most celebrities have them…they not only promote projects but curtail online abuse. She’s not the first celebrity to have to deal with this sort of thing, although I’m sure Twigs has it far worse than most, so I don’t understand why nobody on her team has told her to hire a Social Media Manager.

    • TX says:

      Yes to all. Do not feed the trolls, twigs!

    • Luca76 says:

      I guess the problem is she kind exploded by association not organically and she doesn’t seem to want a team or an entourage.

      • Div says:

        I completely understand that as she started out as an underground artist, but she has to be realistic and hire a social media manager. In fact, I side-eye her team or manager for not handling that for her months ago because it would spare her a lot of grief from the psycho trolls.

      • Anname says:

        I don’t know if I completely agree with that. She got the Mercury nomination and tons of industry attention before she was with Rob, and she seemed poised for a break out year regardless. Rob’s fame has definitely raised her profile, but as she said in an interview, it has brought her profile into areas that it doesn’t really belong. Her music/vision is very niche, and she knows it’s not for a wide audience (ie, pop star). I think she is still trying to figure out how to fit it all together – the fashion girl thing, the attention for stuff other than her music.

      • loud noises says:

        @anname i totally agree wtih you. i saw her gig in london and there were so many people there who i felt were there because of her relationship with RP. they had no idea about her music or anything and a lot of them left half way through. they went b/c they thought they’d see RP – one set of girls beside us actually said one of the dancers was RP!!! i mean he kinnnnda had RP’s features but you could definitely tell it was NOT rob! i’m not sure how she’s going to try to reconcile her actual music aspirations and this pop culture demon that’s being shoved on her just by association of who she’s banging.

      • FloatingLovely says:

        I agree, I was listening to twigs in the UK prior to her relationship with RP becoming public. Her tour was already sold out in August 2014 and she had need to find larger venues because her profile amongst the critics was high and she was on lots of people’s’ radar.

        However once her boyfriend was revealed, lots of mainstream music fans who were fans of Rob wanted to see her perform too. That’s to be expected, but her main following was already established.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      The problem is that the Twihards don’t go away. Whether she acknowledges them or not, they’ll be there with their insults and vile comparisons. I’m glad she’s speaking up about it. No one should take racial attacks lying down.

      • Div says:

        I think it’s good that she called them out for being crazy racist trolls. However, to keep acknowledging them on a regular basis spurs them on in their crazy twisted minds. That’s how trolls work, unfortunately, because many of them truly are mentally imbalanced. There was a good Salon piece on the psychology of trolls not that long ago…Selena Gomez got a lot of insanity from Bieber’s crazy fan girls but it eventually died down because she mostly ignores them. Also, as I said above…a social media manager would be a good step.

      • Aurora says:

        I agree Div. Theres probably a mental imbalance issue going on with most of these people. Do you have a link to that Salon article? Would like to delve a little deeper into these dark twisted minds.

      • Goats on the Roof says:

        I can see your point, but I think Bieber/Gomez trolls were a different breed altogether. Those trolls were likely extremely young. That doesn’t excuse their behavior in the least, but give them a few months and they’ll have moved on to something new. Twihard trolls are, by and large, middle-aged women who got invested in the Twilight books first, then the films, and finally the off-screen relationship between Robert and Kristen. They’ve been at this a long time and have made it clear they aren’t going anywhere. The fact that they are still this rabid two or three years post Robsten breakup proves that. Twigs can comment or not, but she’s going to get hate either way.

      • lensblury says:

        @Goats I agree. It seems she will be attacked, no matter if she responds or not. So I think it’s good that she talks about it. The way I see it, her speaking up may be a way for her to regain some control. I also think it’s comforting to see that she’s not the only one in being vocal about it. I don’t know a lot about Selena Gomez, but I think she’s great for being so open about how unnerving online bullying is. I know the whole “famous people choose to be in the limelight, cry me a river” thing, but if what you do is your passion, and somehow you become famous, that shouldn’t mean you’re fair game and that tons of daily insults are suddenly ok. imo online bullying may only become more accepted and less shocking if the people attacked don’t speak up, so I’m happy whenever somebody addresses this problem.

      • Quincy7 says:

        Thank you QQ for that article. That is why it is so refreshing to come here – I don’t have to worry about people being cruel, racist, or misogynist. Reading comments sections of other sites makes me lose faith in humanity. I do kind of wish that the article had delved more into why some people never become trolls online. There are plenty of famous people that I really dislike, but I would never use race or gender to attack them! And that seems to be the case for the commentators on this site too.

  6. Damn says:

    She sounds like Stewart.

  7. JLo says:

    I don’t understand why famous people read about themselves online. I would think you can live in happy denial of most of the haters if you turn off the Google alert on your name? I have to wonder how long they will last, the negative attention obviously really bothers her. It won’t go away until another franchise reaches the same level of popularity as “Twilight.”

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      I don’t think Twigs is going on fan sites to see what’s being said. The Twihards have been flooding her Twitter and Insta with the most vile comments you could imagine. Unless she completely hands control of her social media off to a manager, I don’t know that she could avoid it. As to the “negative attention,” she seems confident enough to handle it if it were only people saying she dresses bad or isn’t pretty, but that’s not what this is. She’s being attacked daily because of her race. She has people calling her things that don’t bear repeating. I couldn’t imagine it.

      • JLo says:

        Ugh, I forgot about Twitter. If it were me and I wanted to be happy, I’d just kill my accounts or hand them off since they are primarily for marketing and brand presence when you are in Twigs position. It really sucks that in this day and age people are making disgusting, racist comments for all the world to read.

  8. InvaderTak says:

    Can someone who knows about dance explain what she’s talking about? I don’t know anything about dance and I don’t listen to pop music much less watch the videos. I get the twerking controversy, but that’s about it.

  9. Original T.C. says:

    At some point Sparkles has to speak up and denounce his hateful fans instead of being a coward. When dating Kstew he never spoke up when his fans would call her trashy or a gay (in a negative way). Back then it was assumed it’s because they were hiding their relationship. Now he is dating Twigs openly, claiming his love for her openly so what’s his excuse now for not calling out these fans. Because trust part of these fans ARE solely his and not just Kstew fans. But he’s too busy getting even richer off them buying his perfume and keeping his name alive to speak out against them. If I were Twigs I’d worry more about that.

    • JENNA says:

      Firstly, it’s not his fault or Bieber’s fault or any other guy’s fault if their gf gets crap online. Secondly, you do realize that the robsten crazies hate her because she’s not Kstew? They are actually fans of Stewart.

      • Original T.C. says:

        I never said it was his fault. I said that my never actually coming to bat for his women (first Kstew the Twigs), he seems to be choosing his brand (nice guy who women love for who women think is like Edward and thus but whatever he is selling) over his women. He hasn’t even TRIED to defend her. Whereas he is not shy about defending himself against negative film critics and fanboy bloggers. He has no issue addressing negative comments aimed at HIM.

        Hate Kanye all you want (and I do) but I have respect for him always defending Kim against his fans and bloggers. Same with Ben Affleck. Many other male celebrities are not shy about defending their women. Some hide their women because they get a bigger female fan base if they look single and desirable. Some let the mean girl comments about their wives/GF go because it’s to their benefit.

      • Artemis says:

        There’s nothing he can do or say. Same for Stewart. They can both come out and defend their relationship and the stans will NOT believe them. It’s all part of the elaborate plan of hiding their relationship.

        Secondly, actions speak louder than words. He stood by Stewart in a time when people who weren’t fans of Pattinson were rooting for him (to stay away from ‘trampire’ Stewart). He reconciled with her when he had massive public support during their break-up. That’s a lot of backbone right there. Most celebs do what’s best for their image/PR/career but he choose love. And he got shit on for it.

        Now with Twigs he’s practically attached to her hip, that alone riles up the stans. It’s obvious they’re in love and happy, there’s no need to feed the trolls.

        When Brangelina got together they didn’t address their relationship either, their focus was not on the media or their fans or detractors but on their own family and happiness.

        Pattinson already appears on the RC with her, something he never did with Stewart besides movie promotion. I believe he will say something one day, on his own terms, not on the batshit crazy stans’ terms. At it should be. There’s no need to give them the attention they so desperately crave. If he speaks in response to THEIR rants, he legitimizes their hatred. Then it becomes real and they’re already scary enough, imagine what will happen when they think they can get through to him?!

        As for twigs, I think it’s hard for her to understand fame and the sudden responsibilities and duties that can come with it, she seems smart so I think she’ll learn how to navigate through it. I feel for her though because she used to be a loner and now she’s got a bit of fame and people flood her twitter with racist comments, the nastiness comes to her, she doesn’t even court it.

      • Anname says:

        Artemis, I totally agree with you, nicely said.

    • snowflake says:

      i think it’s better to not acknowledge them. By acknowledging them, you are giving them power and satisfaction. better to ignore, imo, and not give the racists the pleasure of seeing a reaction out of you. he’s showing he doesn’t care by being there with her. good for him!

      • loud noises says:

        or maybe do what benedict cumberbatch half attempts to do which is not address them directly, but indirectly: when he talks about how “real” fans will accept whatever is going on in his private life (sophie/baby) etc.. i’m skeptical about how productive that actually is, and maybe it might be better he actually would just ignore the crazies, as opposed to addressing them, even indirectly… but his message is at least there and hard to manipulate to fit their weird agendas.

      • lensblury says:

        I’m torn on this. While I understand that it may be best for the attacked to consciously refuse reacting and thereby also refusing to feed the trolls, I can’t imagine having the strength and composure to humbly sit back and to not mention it if a sh*tload of people chose me as their target for offensive tweets and racist comments on a daily basis. This really, really sucks. Awful.

    • Dante says:

      I have to say, his indifference makes me wonder if this is another PR showmance. I hope so for her sake. She may not be my cup of tea but everyone deserves to have someone who will back them up. If someone was dragging my man, you can bet I would speak up. If this is the real deal, she needs to run for the hills. Life is hard enough, the last thing you need is a support system that is MIA. Hell, I have acquaintances that are more supportive than this.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Exactly and a white male speaking out against racism gets much much more attention in our society than a racial minority who is seen as just a “complainer”. Mad respect for James Bond coming out to defend Rachael Weisz against anti-semitism from fans and bloggers.

      • OhDear says:

        I really wonder why he doesn’t say anything about it – and that’s even if the relationship is all PR.

      • suziekew says:

        I’m kind of wondering how he might do this..”speaking out”? He does not have any social media (twitter, insta, etc) He doesn’t have any interviews coming up until he promotes his next movie in September. So unless he has his manager (Rob does not have a publicist) make a statement to gossip bloggers, there isn’t really any way to accomplish this. And for those who know Rob, you know he has never made any comments about derogatory things said about himself even when he was humiliated beyond belief by Kristen’s action. He has always chosen to stay quiet and ignore the good or bad press unless specifically asked by an interviewer and then he usually deflects from the question.

      • Carmen says:

        He probably feels ignoring these demented people is the best way of dealing with them.

      • A says:

        Wait, what did Daniel Craig say about anti semitism against his wife? And what exactly was said about her?

      • Original T.C. says:

        To @A:
        Here you go Daniel Craig addresses internet hate from his fans against his wife Rachel Weisz for being Jewish:

        “Look at the s*** that’s been written already. The racist s***. It’s out there and you know what? F*** ‘em. Not the nice people. The nice people don’t write on the internet. But if that’s the audience that I have to pander to, if that’s what I have to do to make people feel happier about me, then no, f*** ‘em. Because my happiness, I’m sorry, is more important to me.”

    • FloatingLovely says:

      Let’s be clear – the majority if the racial abuse is coming from a small faction who see Kristen Stewart as an angel and believe Rob should be with her, regardless of her dating Alicia now.

      The majority of Robert Pattinson fans are delighted to see him with a talented and beautiful woman who makes him happy. Even Rob fans who aren’t keen in twigs are delighted Rob is is a strong and happy relationship. Many Rob fans joined an online campaign in September 2014 calling for respect and giving an anti-racism message, but still it continues.

      It’s the Kristen fans who are rabid in their abuse. It’s shameful and disgusting.

  10. Anname says:

    Twigs hasn’t been famous long enough to realize that complaining about fame is never a good idea, LOL.

    The ugliness of the stuff on her social media is very disturbing though. She is right, it is relentless. I think she would still like to use her social media to connect with her fans (like the small underground artist she still identifies as), but I don’t know if that’s possible for her anymore. Scorned Kristen fans, delusional Robsten fans, and racist Rob fans – I hope they all move on soon.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Is there a way she can focus on just posting updates for her fans but get an assistant to delete or block postings from any Twilight, Robsten or Sparkles fans?

      • Anname says:

        I think she does have someone from Young Turks helping her manage her accounts. She mentioned something like that back in Dec maybe? And she said she deleted the apps off her phone and definitely posts less than she used to.

  11. kri says:

    She makes him interesting. He seems very happy. I like her. That’s all I got.I hope the crazies leave them alone.

  12. insomniac says:

    Did everyone see the article in Bustle about the Rob/Kristen/secret baby conspiracy?

    The ladies at the crazy Robsten fansites were NOT amused. Not one bit.

  13. Kiki says:

    The “fans” toss around a lot of homophobia too, on top of their racism. I get that Rob and Kristen are private people but they need to make some kind of comment in defense of their SO’s…the fact that there is nothing concrete from them is cited a lot by these hate blogs.

    I feel bad for Twigs.

  14. PunkyMomma says:

    The racist comments thrown at Twigs are inexcusable. And it won’t end soon, even if Rob decides to make some statement of support. The crazies will think they own his life as long as he is their living, breathing Edward Cullen. IMO, they are going to have these loonies to deal with until some other young hottie is cast as The Sparkly Vampire in a franchise reboot.

    • Original T.C. says:

      They worship him and blame the women. Sure some of them might still continue if he spoke out against their racism or attack of the women he loves but it’s also true that he will become more undesirable to them if he stood up to them. He won’t be the nice guy anymore. The fantasy white Knight, the prize. He is still invested in keeping his desirability and fan base up so he can use it to fund arty projects and get advertising project. Women find it way too easy to never put pressure on HIM instead of the WOMEN he dates. It’s very telling IMO. Especially his older female fans.

      • Anname says:

        The way the Robsten fans talk about Rob is SO insulting. A great majority of them think that he exists solely to stand next to Kristen and look handsome. They think he is just a lost little boy who can’t manage his life without Kristen’s guidance and support. Many think Kristen is just waiting patiently for Rob to come to his senses and return to his rightful place by her side (and they obviously ignore the presence of her “gal pal” altogether).

        On the other hand, there is group of Robsten fans who think that Rob is with twigs as this great diversion – Rob will create negative attention to take the heat off Kristen, so Kristen can totally shine. It’s so very Edward of him – Rob sacrificing his own reputation/career goals for Kristen’s sake.

  15. grabbyhands says:

    God, fandoms can be the absolute worst. For people who say they are fans, they spend an awful lot of time showing their asses by being racist, sexist and homophobic when their fantasy ship doesn’t pan out they way they want.

    This is why I had ti leave any kind of Sherlock fandom behind-the hysteria surrounding Johnlock shippers and the horrible way the fandom reacted to Elementary (and the way Moffatt egged them on) was to embarrassing to be associated with.

  16. INeedANap says:

    Seeing that quote from her about racism is just so…sad and disappointing. Honey, their racism is on them to change, not you. Keep singing and dancing for those of us who are fans, you can’t change their minds unless they want to change.

    But that dress is fug.

    • EN says:

      I love the dress. Would wear one myself.

      • Lola says:

        I would too! I really liked the dress, would have used different shoes.

        Had no idea of the hate, but if she is being called “it” by his fans, you have to wander who raised these people.

  17. Neelyo says:

    I don’t think her comment about cultural appropriation was directed at anyone specific. Didn’t seem like ‘shade’ to me, especially in context.

  18. Crumpet says:

    I wish she would close her mouth and tweeze her eyebrows.

    • anon321 says:

      She looks stupid. She also sounds like Sophie “I see theater, I see art…” Hunter when talking about that silly dress.

    • AcidRock says:

      Yes, let’s supplement a genuine concern and misery over racism with a silly comment about how she dares to not conform to your standards of beauty…

      • Booopybettes says:

        +1000 Thank u acidrock.

        Also, and I hope these closet racists don’t think the constant tired comments about her ‘looks,’ (why can’t she close her lips? Because they’re full and pronounced) pass for anything other than the undercover racially charged critique that it is. We see you.

      • anon321 says:

        No silliness, she needs to close her mouth.

    • ORLY says:

      Twigs does tweeze her brows, in fact they’re quite well maintained. Not everyone wants to have brows like a Nike swoosh.

  19. Tig says:

    I don’t doubt for a second that even reading that mess is soul draining. However, they both seem to be made of sterner stuff( how Rob has survived what he has intact is amazing- he’s been called some pretty vile stuff as well), and both are doing their respective things and seem pretty happy.

    I hope her shows this week in NYC are well received.

  20. Amy says:

    Ugh, there are some men who might die single if not for a strong woman and Rob is one of them. This Twilight crap is a suffocating vice that needs to eventually die or be shut down in a really public ugly way.

    I’m sick of assholes and racists tormenting a woman because she dares to not be impressed by the obsessive vampire lemming of some losers behind a keyboard.

    • ORLY says:

      Twilight will never die when you have these women who continue to live their fantasy in fanfiction. The books may be outdated and movies may be getting stale but they have fresh fanfics in whatever variation of RobEdward and BellaKristen they desire. Madness.

      • FloatingLovely says:

        I see the Twi fandom in different compartments – and I’ve been there from the beginning.

        Fanfiction – believe me the majority still reading do NOT see the actors as Edward and Bella.

        Rob fans – generally respectful but there are a few who will overstep but generally not racist even if they’re not keen on twigs. They also tend to be accepting to all genders and sexual preferences. Often not keen on KS but are indifferent to her life.

        Kirsten fans – they see her as a pure, misunderstood spirit. The affair with her director was a media set up and she isn’t in a relationship with her girlfriend Alicia (which is why the fantasy of K&R is convenient) but they often don’t like Rob or his success since Twilight.

        RobSten fans – this is the strangest faction. They hate the idea of Rob or Kristen having moved on. They NEED Edward and Bella to be real. They bombard twigs and her friends with hateful racism and homophobic abuse (it’s horrific and non-stop) and they are in denial about Kristen’s relationship with Alicia and often say the most disgusting things about her, and LGBT people. These are the fantastists who say that Kristen is pregnant with her second child.

        Please do not label Rob fans with this shizz – if there was a way to galvanise social media to shut down the hateful commenters and the racist and homophobic abuse, we’d have done it.

  21. Jayna says:

    The Twihards are a nasty bunch as far as relentless in their attacks if they don’t like you with Sparkles or you hurt Sparkles.

  22. EN says:

    Well, I see a lot of parallels with Cumebrbatch drama of 2 months ago. The things being said about her are all the same – she is a golddigger, a slut, she is in it for fame, she is not pretty enough, she doesn’t smile right . The only difference is that they are also piling up racism on top of it. And there are many more people criticizing her and it is more vicious because of the army of the twihards, but other than that it is very very similar.

    • Wren33 says:

      I agree. I’m sure there are legitimate reasons not to like her, but the speed and relentlessness with which people were eager to pile on and critique everything she wore and said and did was insane.

    • oneshot says:

      yes, the parallels are uncanny.

  23. Michelle says:

    I was a big Twilight fan, but I knew the whole romance between Stewart and Pattinson wasn’t going to last. I don’t know much about FKA Twigs music to form an opinion on it, but I can say one thing. CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!!! SMILE!!! Do something because you look like a deer caught in headlisght with that expression on your face!!! I’m done now.

  24. wow says:

    Those Twitheads will have to just pop their zits and get over it. I can’t believe they still exist.

  25. belle de jour says:

    I suspect a socio-economic-geographic demographics study of self-described Twihard fans vs. alternative art & music fans would point to explanations and conclusions for some of this mess.

  26. annaloo. says:

    This reminds me of the horrible treatment Yoko Ono received from the public BC of her relationship with John Lennon. People can be awful, just awful.

  27. Veronica says:

    Considering how vicious the Twihards are, I have no doubt she hates the fame he brings with him. Who would want that vitriol I’m their life otherwise?

    She sounds like a young woman with a good head on her shoulders. A few more years of growth and maturity, and she’ll have refined into quite a force to be reckoned with if she isn’t already.

  28. Corrie says:

    This whole thing makes the franchise of Twilight look so bat shit crazy. I never was into the franchise but i thought the movies were never as bad as they were reported. We’ve seen worse but the fans attached have to be the worst franchise fans to exist. Twihard logic: Kristen got hate and so now her fans feel obligated to return in jest to twigs who has nothing to do with Twilight. Someone name Rose, author of Pattinson Intoxication – Gross stuff there. How these women justify their bullying or contribution in vengeance is sad. She wrote – well Kristen got it worse so Twigs is not going through anything Kristen hasn’t suffered. REALLY, that’s their answer? This is the logic these racist, belligerent vengeful people are participating in. Only people who stoop to comparing hate has never experienced it themselves.Rose dedicated years to Rob love lol but he breaks up with Kristen and now he and his fans are trash. That HKN site, same insanity. I can’t get through it because its unintelligible. Its like psycho babel. The dress, I actually didn’t notice the penis but i did know it was based on Matisse lovers.

    • EN says:

      I actually liked the books, they are well written and I thought the first twilight movie was vey well shot. I am no expert, but even I noticed the angles and the atmosphere. The other movies I didn’t care for, they were all down hill from there, just cash cows for the studio.

  29. Tessa says:

    He should marry her and Dicaprio should get with Rihanna so the racist can eat their hearts out.

  30. Maisy says:

    The racist garbage is absolutely revolting. Those people should be ashamed of themselves.

    That said, she’s a liar. She was a nobody a year ago and now people know her name. She put on a show when the papz take her picture with him, but she clings to his fame to get her name out there like crazy. I call serious bullshit on her.

    • FloatingLovely says:

      I’m sorry Maisie, but as I actually have followed her for over eighteen months I can assure you that you’re wrong. She’s been on do many high level music critics ‘one-to-watch’ lists for nearly two years. Her your was sold out prior to her relationship status.

      I understand it’s easy to see headlines, publicity, rumours and see the correlation, but the tickets for a tour are sold well in advance, so her boyfriend didn’t give her the kudos and success your attaching to their relationship. She was already there. Public awareness after the event is quite another thing.

  31. Wheeze says:

    Loved the dress. She looks amazing but I will never love her dreadful eyebrows. She had a really tough childhood and seems like a grounded person in interviews. Her music is weird to me.

  32. Leah says:

    I have seen her instagram and the racism and sheer hateful comments on her page is particularly bad. What i don’t understand is why instagram dont ban racist users?

  33. rml says:

    There’s another site called the royal fanzine. She is convinced that Andrea Casiraghi is not married and his children aren’t real. That the paps photoshop them to sell to the media. Even after Tatiana and Sasha were seen at Monaco’s national day she still won’t accept Andrea’s marriage and children.

  34. Dawn says:

    FKA Twigs is the coolest. I love her style, her awesome hilarious dress, and her music. People are idiots

  35. FloatingLovely says:

    I saw the Matisse connection as soon as I saw the dress. Love it! It was highly appropriate for the event attended.

    She’s adorable, intelligent and talented. I hope the torrent of abuse stops -and that perpetrators are prosecuted. Racial and homophobic abuse is illegal and online offenders should be treated with the same restrictions in society as f2f offenders. It’s wicked.

    Saying that, as a dedicated, long- term Rob fab, I personally am delighted to see them both in a relationship that makes them both so obviously happy and hope that they’re able to protect themselves from anyone who wants to spoil their joy.