Derek Jeter & Hannah Davis go dutch on romantic Italian dates: no big deal?

Derek Jeter

Last year, Derek Jeter retired from baseball, but he still has enough money to purchase several Johnny Depp-style islands. Complex magazine posted an impressive breakdown of Jeter’s earnings throughout his Yankees tenure. This amount doesn’t include any endorsements or other side deals. The guy is loaded.

Jeter has been dating Hannah Davis (this year’s SI: Swim cover model) for at least a year. They’re evidently past the wining-and-dining phase of the relationship. According to the New York Daily News, Derek and Hannah are in the midst of a super romantic Italian vacation. They’re making out on the streets, sightseeing, shopping, and going for dinner. A witness saw them at a pizza parlor, where they split the check. When the bill arrived, they asked the waiter to divide it in two. Does this seem strange?

Derek Jeter and his supermodel girlfriend Hannah Davis decided to enjoy their Italian vacation by going Dutch.

Jeter — who made hundreds of millions playing for the Yankees — and Davis — who pulls in about $5 million a year modeling — made out and ate pizza near the Spanish Steps in Rome. Then they asked to split the bill, each paying with their AmEx Black Cards (available to those who charge more than $250,000 per year!).

The jet-setters also stopped for ice cream — as one must do in Italy — and shopped at Chanel and Cartier.

[From New York Daily News]

I don’t have anything against going dutch, especially after the warm-up phase of a relationship is complete. Hannah isn’t hurting for money, so I guess she doesn’t mind halving bills. Perhaps she prefers it this way, and she’s simply pleased to have never experienced the infamous Derek Jeter swag bag.

This story still seems “off” somehow. It feels a little rude to ask a waiter to go to the trouble of splitting a check without asking in advance. Why not simply take turns paying for dinners? Less trouble for everyone, and the expenses should even out in the end.

Derek Jeter

 Hannah Davis

Photos courtesy of WENN

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71 Responses to “Derek Jeter & Hannah Davis go dutch on romantic Italian dates: no big deal?”

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  1. blue marie says:

    Meh, as long as they’re good with it I don’t see a problem

    • Kiddo says:

      It’s probably her decision. Either way, whatever floats your boat.

      • Tristan says:

        I agree 100%. If I was dating a guy like that, I would go out of my way to make sure I am able to pay my way. What a gorgeous looking couple!

      • BangersandMash says:

        Tristan, WHAT????????

        If I were dating a guy like that, after how he dogged out Cameron Diaz and basically patted her on the head after dumping her like, “Aaah, she’s a good sport”

        Best believe, all I’m coming with on dates is my hand lotion, lip gloss and my box of smokes. And he’ll KNOW it!!

        Same goes with Leo Di Caprio, he will pay for EVERYTHING!!!

        He just strikes me as the kind of guy who is so used to not sharing, whose so used to going through life by himself that he’ll give you a stink eye if you dare challenge even ordering water and think it’s going to be on his dime.
        But ofcourse you have to share your ‘princess’ whenever he wants!!
        OH HELLLLL NO!!!!!
        Even if it is her choice, HELLL NO!!!!
        Maybe I feel strongly about it cause I’m no where near making millions, and if a regular guy with his reputation tried to go dutch on me, there would be problems.


      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @Bangers…….I think Cameron dated A-Rod, not Jeter.

      • Jegede says:

        @Bangers and Mash – LOL. Tell it!

      • BangersandMash says:


        Sorry, got my guys all mixed up!!

        Sorry Jeter!!!

      • mary simon says:

        Separate checks, separate beds.

      • Kels says:

        From what i have read(albeit from the interweb) she better be saving up for Valtrex…she’s going to need it dating Jeter!!

    • G says:

      Preach it BangersandMash! If I were her I wouldn’t be paying for anything on a date…EVER! LOL!!

  2. Loulou says:

    Was going to comment on article and then I scrolled past the last picture — what is that!? What kind of outfit is that!?

  3. Hautie says:

    Do you get air miles with the black AmEx?

  4. Mila says:

    i agree with taking turns. splitting makes only sense to me if you there is no guarantee of a second date.
    its hard to see it from the outside anyway, even if they didnt split it could mean someone pays all the other bills or if she lived at his place she would always pay for the eating out.

  5. Anon33 says:

    Is she the chick in the commercials with the horse?!?

    • Tessa says:


    • iheartjacksparrow says:

      Gosh, I hate those “Hannah and Her Horse” commercials for DirecTV. I’ve been a DirecTV subscriber for 20 years, but those commercials certainly wouldn’t entice me to sign up.

  6. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    I only clicked to find out what “go dutch” means and now I don’t really understand what the big deal is because it’s just a standard thing people do here. He is super loaded and could afford to pay for her, but maybe because she knows that the tabloids usually dig around and publish such details, she doesn’t want to appear as a gold-digger just because he paid for something she can afford as easily.

    • Cleo says:

      Or maybe she just doesn’t like having her boyfriend pay for everything, no matter how rich he is. But yes I don’t understand why it’s supposed to be weird that they’re splitting their bills either.

    • Ange says:

      It does seem inefficient though, why not just take turns paying the whole bill?

      • H says:

        Because every bill is different, you don’t always spend the same amount. Splitting the check is the norm, and it’s not sexist.

  7. Franny Days says:

    Hmm I usually don’t split but I always take turns paying with my boyfriend. It feels too weird for a guy to always be buying my meals or paying for dates when we go out. He says I am the first girlfriend of his to do that which I find surprising!

  8. swack says:

    What, they can’t figure out how much they both owe when they split a bill? There are many times I go out with a group and we split the bill up ourselves. If they don’t want to do it, then pay every other time.

  9. Allie says:

    I don’t see how it’s rude to have the waiter split the check, even if it’s last minute. It’s their job. If you feel a little guilty, give them a bigger tip but I don’t see what’s wrong with splitting a check.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Friends and I do it all the time. You just put both cards down. I’ve never encountered a server who had a problem with it.

    • iGotNothin says:

      Especially since, in my experience, if I’m just out with my boyfriend the waiter doesn’t ask how we want the check. He/she usually just brings it and puts it near the male.

    • pem says:

      Agreed. It’s the norm here, especially after chip and pin was introduced. Criticising it just seems like the writer is going out of her way to be offended by something/anything.

    • GiGi says:

      Yeah – I don’t see the big deal, either – usually when we’re out with a large group, we just split it evenly and everyone throws their cards in. No big deal. I doubt they got legalistic about how the bill was split.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I don’t get it either, it’s actually so common here that people split the check that in most places that aren’t super upscale, they ask if you want to split it. That’s Germany though, in other countries we usually just take turns because I can never be bothered to find out all the intricacies of restaurant etiquette. I’m on vacation. I’m lazy. 😉

    • lila fowler says:

      When I eat at restaurants with co-workers or friends, I ask to get the check split. If some waiter has a problem with that or acts like it’s so much trouble, I don’t care. Do your job or get another one.

  10. sigghh says:

    I love it. If i ate it I’m paying for it.

  11. InvaderTak says:

    Her hair needs help. That’s all I got.

  12. INeedANap says:

    Get those credit card points and bennies, girl.

  13. Rhiley says:

    I’m with Bedhead… It is irksome that they would go to the trouble to split the bill in such a way that is troublesome for the poor waiter when it would be so much easier to take turns paying for the meals. But maybe Jeter is a little insecure about having a woman pay for the whole bill. I know a lot of my guy friends don’t like their significant others to pay,even if they are sharing a bank account with their wives. If this is true, I would guess that Hannah Davis wants to pay for part of the trip out of her own funds.

    • Esmom says:

      I also thought taking turns would make more sense — I even do it with a friend who I regularly get coffee with, it just seems easier somehow. But you bring up a great point, maybe Jeter can’t handle her paying the whole check.

    • maybeiamcrazy says:

      How is it irksome? It is waiter’s job, it is not like they yelled at him or anything like that. Splitting the check isn’t hard.

      • Kitten says:

        These comments are really bizarre. My BF and I always often put two cards down. I’ve never gotten the impression that it was some complicated or challenging task for a waiter to split to the bill.

    • GiGi says:

      You need better male friends. My husband and I share one larger bank account and then also have separate accounts. I ALWAYS handle the payment when we’re eating out (out of our joint account, I mean, I’m the one to physically pay). Who cares, right?

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      How is that troublesome for the waiter? The mobile credit card machine they bring with them to the table (I assume that fancy Italian restaurants have these, since even sketchy diners in my part of the woods do) does all the work for them. They just have to click the right button to divide the check in half and pay with two credit cards. I used to work as a waitress and it was not a problem at all – took a few seconds. Most people always split checks where I live and I’m always surprised to read that some people have a problem with that and find it irksome.

      • Viro says:

        It’s pretty arrogant to assume all restaurants have access to that machine…

      • Mila says:

        Viro, the restaurants they attend most likely have them.

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        What? How is that arrogant? Like – you think I tried to show that I’m somehow smarter or superior just because I wrote that basically all restaurants in this part of Europe have credit card machines? I based it on personal experience – it’s just a standard equipment in this part of Europe, even my “worse” part – a small town in Poland. You can check Allison’s comment below – she wrote about it as well (I saw it after I wrote mine). I actually saw them in diners and restaurants in Italy, but I can’t afford the more expensive places, that’s why I can only make assumptions that they are even more likely to have them than the places I usually attend. Would it be arrogant if I wrote that I assume that this restaurant also had a cash register?

    • Rhiley says:

      I didn’t say it was complicated or challenging… just irksome. So you bring out one bill, the couple asks you to split it two, you split it in two and take them to the couple, collect the cards, run them, take them back for the couples to sign, and collect again. Irksome. Or you have one person pay the bill for one meal and the other person pay the another meal. My partner and I have separate bank accounts, but we have been together almost 20 years. Anyway, when we travel, this is how we do because it is quicker for us and easier.

      • KB says:

        No you don’t bring out the split bill, you just take the cards back to the register and separate the order by clicking two buttons or hit “split check” and then take them back their cards and receipts to sign. I’m not a server anymore but it was that simple 15 years ago, I can’t imagine it has gotten more difficult than that. No server would be annoyed or inconvenienced by that, it happened all the time with work colleagues out to lunch, groups of friends, etc.

      • Rhiley says:

        Wow, people are more worked up about this stupid split bill thing than they are about Ryan Reynolds suffocating and potentially paralyzing his baby. I kid! I kid!

  14. Allison says:

    American here now living in London. The paying culture at restaurants is totally different in UK and Europe than in the States. They have credit card machines they bring right to the table and the norm is to split the check, even three or four ways. It’s so easy and no one blinks an eye. This is much different than the U.S., but again, completely normal here.

    • Kitten says:

      I don’t know what the offended people are talking about because in the US, splitting the bill is very, VERY common. I’ve been doing that for the 18 years I’ve lived in Boston and I’ve never ever gotten the impression that it’s rude. It’s very standard.

      Maybe it differs from city to city/region to region?

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, no, people split the bills all over in the US, at least in every city that I’ve been to. When I mentioned that my friend and I take turns paying for coffee, it’s not because we think it’s easier on the server…it’s just easier on us. Since we usually go for a walk first, only one of us has to bring money then.

      • G says:

        I’m in the US and I’ve never dated a man who didn’t insist on picking up the tab. I have ninja’d my way to paying against a dates will (I feel it fair to take turns paying) but never have I had to split a bill. That’s just tacky on a date. The suggestion speaks volumes for me as to what kind of man I’m dating. Not too mention I was a server and I try to always make it easier on them. If friends I’m just having coffee or lunch with maybe if they insisted but even then I’d probably just pick up the check. If on a date he suggested splitting the bill I’d just pick it up and move his name to the ‘friend only’ list. I’m offended for you Kitten. IMO You’re awesome and deserve to be treated on a date. 😉

  15. Anon33 says:

    Try telling people that you make thirty percent more than your husband and pay thirty percent more of the bills and expenses. Pearls will be clutched, believe me…I actually had a rude restaurant owner make a comment to me about gold digging on VALENTINES DAY…needless to say I looked him right in the eye and flatly stated that I was paying for dinner…

    also, as someone who goes to restaurants probably 3-4 times a week, asking a server to split a check is no big deal. My friends and I do it everywhere-no one has an issue with it.

  16. Skins says:

    He is the next Leo

    • wow says:

      Lol @ “the next Leo”

      Jeter invented Leo. 😄

      Leo probably has a shrine to Jeter’s dating rituals in his livingvroom.

      I don’t blame these guys for dating a lot of women. That is what peope do, date until they decide to get married. I prefer them dating a lot as oppose to marrying and having affairs all of the time, but that’s a whole other topic.

  17. savu says:

    My first thought was oh they probably want the points on those rich-people credit cards!

  18. Tiffany says:

    Where I live there are restaurants that have on their menus that not splitting checks is allowed or there is a significant minimum that has to be met if that is the case. I think it has something to do with the company that you use changing per swipe and sometimes the minimum people pay is not worth it.

    Now with Jeter. His personal life is not ideal for some but he is not on multiple marriages or divorces, no assault rumors in regards to his partners. If he is straight forward about his intentions, then there it is.

    Now if you are with someone and you know that they make significantly less and cannot afford your taste and you still want them to foot the bill, then that is not cool.

    I always go with, the person who invites covers the check. If they offer sure but do not expect them to.

  19. Tacos and TV says:

    My bf and I have been together for 3 years and I think I have paid for a “date date” maybe 6 times. I’ll contribute to groceries or little stuff but I just never do. I take him out to valentines day every year, Also, when we travel by car, typically I’ll pay for gas and he buys all of the food and drinks. But, yeah, I feel bad reading that we are way passed the stage of him to still taking me out a bunch… I think I’ll contribute a little more. Ooops. I just never think about it which I guess is a little inconsiderate. This article made me think about that,

  20. nina says:

    it’s just different in Europe. in Germany we also split the bill, even if we’re 5 people or more. it’s not considered rude, and yes, they always have a credit card machine that they bring to the table, no biggie. same thing in italy

  21. cosmo says:

    This is weird, especially for super rich people. Something is off. Plus, its about as un-romantic as you can get. That’s what buddies do, that’s not what you do for a girl you want to sleep with that evening.

  22. Penelope says:

    With all his money (and hers!) splitting the check for a freaking pizza or whatever is just lame. Jesus, someone spring for it. SMH.

  23. wow says:

    They are GORGEOUS together!

    I’m with the previous posters… if going dutch works for them then who are we to care. Paying dutch for the pizza dinner with each using their black amex card. Now THAT seemed a bit odd an “extra” to me. But whatevs, it’s not my moolah.

    Shallow note: I want them to have babies together.

  24. G says:

    Lame. I can see taking turns paying (with his resistance) but asking for a bill to be split is beyond petty for somebody with money like Jeter. It’s unbecoming of a gentleman. Sorry I must be old school.

    • TheotherViv says:

      Totally agree. Plus if he makes 20 times as much as she does and they are seriously dating, then him not paying for dinner seems downright weird and cheap to me.

      • G says:

        Yeah I can’t see any date situation where Derek Jeter couldn’t pick up the tab. That just makes this new coupling suspect to me. Maybe it’s not real.

    • maria says:

      Me too. Totally agree!

  25. maggie says:

    She’s so pretty! He looks like Putin with a tan.

  26. Hausfrau says:

    “Splitting” a check in Europe is completely different than at home in the U.S. It’s far more common for each individual to pay for themselves and, as others have said, doing so with a debit card is absolutely normal. Having lived in Italy, I would normally shade the idea that a pizza place would take credit cards (usually only the EU debit card), but it sounds like they ate at one of the over-priced tourist places near the Spanish Steps that would definitely cater to Americans. Nothin to see here, folks….