Ryan Reynolds judges smug parents, admits he makes mistakes as a dad


Remember this photo? Blake Lively posted it for Father’s Day with a cute message about Ryan Reynolds celebrating his first ever Father’s Day. The problem was that Ryan has baby James in the carrier the wrong way and judgy moms judged the crap out of him for carrying James in an unsafe way. Well, Ryan has been making the promotional rounds in NYC this week (for Selfless) and he was asked about the photo and baby carriers, amongst other subjects. Here are some assorted quotes:

Ryan on the baby carrier photo: “The baby is not properly secured in the vessel that I’m wearing there. And, you know, I’m a first time dad. And that is not the first mistake I’ve made. And I can guarantee it won’t be the last… I had never used that particular carrier before so every other time it’s been perfect.”

Who James looks like: “Baby looks like me. I’m not saying that like any kind of gloating. I’ve heard, like, there is a sort of genetic predisposition like an evolutionary tactic to make sure the father stays/ I’m staying, I don’t need that.”

He’s eager to get back to Blake & James, who are in Bangkok: “I’m incredibly grateful and lucky to have the job that I have, to be totally frank and serious. I don’t take it for granted for a second. We have long hours, but we also get breaks, unlike most people who get one week off a year — I might have three months off. I really cherish that, especially having a daughter. Those three months used to drive me insane, when I was a young buck, single and carefree. Now I just want to be with my daughter. When I wrapped Deadpool five weeks ago, within an hour — I’m not joking, I still had chunks of glue from the scar makeup on my face — I was boarding a plane to Bangkok so I could get to my wife and baby right away. I’ll do anything to be with them.”

He judges smug parents: “Everybody thinks their son or daughter is God’s gift to air. And in their home, they are. When I’m in my private moments, I look at my daughter and go, ‘You are the most amazing creature I’ve ever seen in my life.’ But that’s sort of annoying when you do that publicly, so I usually go the other way, and write silly jokes about how my daughter’s terrible with her art. I had a friend who said, ‘My kid is two, and already quoting Chekov,’ and I was like, ‘Your kid’s a genius, and probably an a—.’ I mean that is just a recipe for getting beaten up at school.”

When told that he’s obviously not opposed to gay marriage: “No. I’m not a monster! I think it’s fantastic. It’s been legal in Canada for ten years now. To me [the opposition] just seems crazy. I find it amusing how polarising it can be here. Ted Cruz is saying it’s judicial tyranny. To me it seems very humane. Like a given. We shouldn’t be in a state of awe and celebration for it, we should be taking it for granted, like regular marriage.”

[From E! News & Us Weekly]

I’ll admit it, Ryan is growing on me. I’m surprised by how much he’s grown on me since he’s been with Blake specifically. Like, Ryan used to bug the hell out of me when he was with Scarlett Johansson. I thought he was terribly unfunny and often came across as short and rude. Maybe he just grew up, maybe Blake changed him, maybe fatherhood changed him, but he really just seems nicer these days. Anyway, I think judgy moms should give him a break about the baby carrier! And those judgy moms should know that Ryan is judging you right back for bragging about your kid.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Instagram.

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30 Responses to “Ryan Reynolds judges smug parents, admits he makes mistakes as a dad”

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  1. Happy21 says:

    While I don’t think he ever was worthy of the title “Sexiest Man Alive” I do like him. And I agree that since he’s been with Blake my opinion of him has shifted towards the better. I like his comments about being a first time Dad and making mistakes. Good for him. People do make mistakes as parents, no body is born the perfect parent.

  2. Tiffany says:

    Or he was told that his career is in the toilet and he needs to change is attitude or there will be nothing left.

    Oh well, at least he is listening to his people.

  3. Elfie says:

    We’ve all made mistakes as parents, especially in the beginning. Any parent judging him and his wife over that relatively minor mistake is a total hypocrite because I guarantee they’ve done something wrong. More than once.

  4. FingerBinger says:

    No he’s still unfunny.

  5. renee28 says:

    This guy is teflon. It’s just one failed project after another and yet he still gets work.

    • Bee says:

      Yeah but not really the best work.

    • V4Real says:

      It’s the Adam Sanders syndrome. Most of Adam’s projects have been box office bombs and yet he continues to make more movies.

      I like Ryan,mainly it’s just based on his looks. I think he’s hot. But his movies don’t fair that well.

      By the way I have a dislike for smug judgmental parents as well.

    • Beth says:

      I know (mostly from reading these comments) that there are lots of people that don’t like him, but I’ve always had a soft spot for RR. He reminds me of Chris Pratt, in a way. I think he keeps getting work because he is a charismatic guy who has proven himself in certain movies: The Proposal, Waiting…, Blade Trinity, Definitely Maybe. He also gets cast in just all around not good movies: R.I.P.D, Green Lantern. I didn’t see the green Lantern, but I doubt he was the reason it bombed. I’m hoping that he keeps getting work.

  6. Lindy79 says:

    I felt bad for him when he got jumped on for that photo.

    I agree on the smug parents. All of my friends have kids and I have a niece who I adore. They are all normal people and act it and I love sharing moments and seeing their joy…..However, Mr Lindy’s brother and his GF however (who were already pinging my pretentious ass radar) have a little boy and jesus christ on a pushbike they act like him taking a sh*t is newsworthy and the first time any child has ever done this. He is a genius who is streets ahead of every other kid (he isn’t), and they force him to do developmental stuff crazy early so they can brag about it.


    • merski says:

      Haha, good to know there are more of us. My brother called me up one day to brag about how his daughter is developing so much ahead of her age group because she “already can roll onto her side” and I was like “well, sh*t, that just totally blew my mind, we will be expecting a call from the president any minute now”. And I love my niece! But parents need to chill. I’ll be giving birth any day now and I am not really planning to call my family and friends every time my child farts into his diaper.

      • Beth says:

        That’s hilarious. I feel like people, especially parents, don’t realize how they sound most of the time.

    • MrsB says:

      Speaking of pretentious parents, I read this a little bit ago. It was hilarious and rage inducing all at the same time.


      • Miller621 says:

        Haha most were close to rage inducing. Even if you have those thoughts keep them to yourself! The one about the difficult toddler struck home. I have a friend who’s daughter is a month older than mine and she’s constantly complaining and griping on social media about what a handful she is and the things she constantly gets into, if she had an ounce of common sense she would baby proof and not leave stuff where her toddler can reach it. She dumped a cupped of tea on herself? She took your kids and hid them? Why are leaving things she shouldn’t have where she can reach it? She’s climbing the stairs snd falling down them? She’s emptying all the kitchen cabinets? Um baby proof a little bit not just for your sanity but her safety!

    • lindy79 says:

      A lot of those kind of things i think are made up but having had abs my friends have had first hand experience with mums like that id well believe that is 100% true.

      Merski hope it all goes well for you and bubs x

  7. aims says:

    He’s right about the bragging part. I can’t stand hearing about people gushing over their baby. Yes children are a blessing. Yes I’m sure your child is smart and poops out 24k gold. I don’t want to hear about it!!

    This is coming from a person who has three kids. I know my kids and family isn’t perfect. You know why I know that? Because we’re human.

    • Mirandaaah says:

      I don’t have kids but my best friend has a 2 year old that she doesn’t shut up about. Yes she’s smart, I believe you, you don’t have to give me details 24/7!

    • I don’t have kids either, but any time I’m in the presence of someone who insists on talking about how amazing their kids are, I like to retaliate with stories about my pets. To my mind, it’s equivocal. AND it gets them to STFU eventually.

  8. Katie says:

    I like him a lot more now that he’s with blake. He seems much more able to relax and be himself. He’s funny and chRming and Scarlett seemed to suck that right out of him. Anyway, judgy moms make us all crazy and they aren’t perfect either. Good for him for not pretending to be perfect,p. Maybe now the rest of us can stop too

  9. smcollins says:

    Always loved him, always will. And his comments about parenting mistakes and smug, judgy parents made me love him even more! 😉

  10. Jayna says:

    He’s a sweety. Still one of my favorite rom coms with some heart to it is Definitely, Maybe. And I loved him and Sandra Bullock in The Proposal.

    And I thought The Captive was horrible, but he was the best thing in it. He gave all he could to his part and was believable.

    • Lee says:

      I loved The Proposal too! Wish he did another movie with Sandra!

    • Miller621 says:

      Those are two of my favorites as well! His movies have not done great lately, the trailer looks weird I don’t have any desire to see it.

      I loved his responses! Well said, true and he didn’t try and lie or back peddle to save himself. The sanctimommy crowd makes me crazy, and in my experiences it’s always the ones judging the loudest that need to be judged the most. It’s human nature to judge others, but I don’t do so out loud even when people are choosing to do downright stupid things and we know of it cause they are constantly posting on social media.

  11. Fd says:

    These comments made me like him more also. Hard for a celebrity to talk about their kids without being annoying. Also I can totally relate to running back to be with them. I work a lot and travel a lot, and I still feel that way about my 2 kids (2 and 4 years old), when I am done I can’t wait to get back home to them.

  12. MD says:

    You thought he was terribly unfunny? He IS terribly unfunny. “Smug” parents? HE is a smug parent. Hypocrisy? Sorry, but it’s offensive what he said about his ex-friend’s kid. (I don’t know if it’s an ex-friend or the friend is dead.)
    My daughter, my daughter, my daughter… He said he is a private person. But he doesn’t shut his mouth! Oh, sorry… It’s not my daughter, it’s THE BABY. Because his baby doesn’t have a name, right? Oh, wait…

    • Tippet says:

      I’m not sure what’s so offensive about referring to your baby as “the baby.” I hear that all the time. What are you so angry about?

      • MD says:

        What? I didn’t say it’s offensive, I think it’s strange.
        He said his friend’s kid is an A..HOLE and THIS is offensive.

    • Sophie says:

      God Forbid him to talk about his daughter!

  13. Amy Tennant says:

    What he says about gay marriage is good. Rights should be rights. You don’t get to vote on whether somebody has rights or not.

  14. TessD says:

    He sounds a bit like… as if he’s trying to be this cute dad, who loves his wife and his job. Trying too hard. But he’s cute and whatever. I liked him in “The Proposal!”

  15. Bread and Circuses says:

    I always have thought he was good-looking, but that last picture, with the glasses and super-short hair? He’s adorkable! (And I like dorks, so this makes me like him even more.)