Star: Tom Cruise will get married for a 4th time to his poor 22-year-old assistant

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise takes the cover of this week’s issue of Star, and the story has nothing to do with Scientology. How strange! And just in time for the Mission: Impossible 5 promotion tour to begin. This article (via Jezebel) says Tom is getting married for the fourth time. The lucky lady in question is Emily Thomas, who is Tom’s 22-year-old assistant. We heard a hilarious story once before about how Tom was supposedly flirting and crushing hard on poor Emily.

Now Star says Emily has been “quietly seeing the superstar since late 2014,” and Tom is reportedly “smitten.” I think Tom is always smitten. He falls in love all the time, but he doesn’t fall in love with the ladies. He falls in love with the attention he receives. It’s all about Tom. Emily is said to look a lot like Katie Holmes, which is what makes this story suspect to me. Tom doesn’t have a type. All three of his ex-wives looked and acted completely different from one another. I don’t think he’d want to date someone who even slightly resembles one of his exes. Here’s a photo of Emily from the set of Mena.

Tom Cruise

Tom was also supposedly “smitten” with Nicole-Kidman lookalike Rebecca Ferguson on the set of M:I 5, and that turned out to be untrue. Or at least, she wasn’t smitten in return. Star persists and says Tom wants to pop the question to Emily. I don’t think Tom would quietly date anyone as the report states. He has to love-bomb or do nothing at all. But I could be wrong. He may have changed his game after achieving the Ross Gellar special.

Oh, Tom’s been doing a little pre-promotion on Twitter. He isn’t actually tweeting this stuff himself. In this featurette, Tom says he was “scared sh*tless” to do the airplane stunt.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Photos courtesy of Star, Fame/Flynet & WENN

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96 Responses to “Star: Tom Cruise will get married for a 4th time to his poor 22-year-old assistant”

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  1. Kiddo says:

    I thought the trailer for his new movie was a car commercial. Meh.

    • mia girl says:

      There is a car commercial for BMW that looks like a trailer but is about the car in the movie. But yes, both are basically car commercials featuring two male faces I recoil from – Cruise and Renner.

      • Kiddo says:

        See, no need to watch the film, zoom zoom, spin around, pool scene, chase, yadda yadda, and fin.

  2. Lilacflowers says:

    Fourth time’s a charm!

  3. msw says:

    Is she going to build another house for him? TC is the only celeb where I would genuinely wonder if his spouse is actually a slave.

    • CharlotteCharlotte says:

      Yep. If true, it makes sense he would “fall for” his assistant – she’s already used to doing whatever he says and giving him whatever he wants. A Big Being like Tom needs people who know how Big a Being he is.
      The man makes me sick.

      • boredblond says:

        But you’d think she’d also know what she’s getting into..I’m waiting for that next couch-jumping moment 😉

      • MyCatLoves TV says:

        She should know what she’s getting into but, damn, she’s a kid. I spent my entire working life as an assistant for various executives. Sometimes they were asshats but there were several that would sweet talk you until you would dig a ditch on the hot asphalt in front of the building for him. And I was in a corporate world not big Hollywood so I bet this poor young woman is way out of her league to fight the machine that is Tom Cruise.

      • laura in LA says:

        Someone needs to do an intervention here to save poor Emily…

        (Katie, throw that girl a couple burner phones and Bourne her outta MI:5!)

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        I bet he’s already done a thorough background search on the poor girl, making sure there are no lawyers, cops, counsellors, doctors etc. in her family…

      • anon says:

        All of TC’s people (his assistants, he has multiple) are scientologists already. No need to do background checks.

      • qwerty says:

        Exactly. There is NOW WAY they’d hire a non-scientologist for him. None.

    • Liberty says:


    • pikny says:

      he likes a certain unwashed look.eew.he goes for a type .welcome to his cult chica

  4. NewWester says:

    Tom better hope Mission Impossible 5 is a hit at the box office. He has not had a box office smash in ages.

    • doofus says:

      it looks pretty bad, if the trailers are any indication.

      just let that franchise die, already. (though, it’s really all he seems to have…that and various other “big strong action man saves the world” movies.)

    • V4Real says:

      I’m thinking it will be. You’re right, he hasn’t had a huge hit since the last MIP. I’m guessing that’s why this one has been in the works for the last few years. MIP is his bread and butter and the general public seems to like the Franchise.

      It’s the same with Depp. His bread and butter are the pirate movies hence why he is doing another one. He has had some flops as well but again the general public likes the Pirate franchise.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Tom has done ok. Edge of tomorrow wasn’t a hit but it did very well.

      • Mia4S says:

        Edge of Tomorrow was a role for a much younger man.(I saw it, didn’t pay for it). Emily Blunt was great but Cruise is clinging to roles for thirtysomethings. It’s distracting.

      • doofus says:

        ha! I read that as “THIRSTYsomethings”…also applies! 🙂

    • funcakes says:

      I think that Tom had his moment and now it’s done. Same for Johnny Depp. There’s a generation of new stars for a different generation.
      I think the COS is more worried about Tom’s money making power.

      • itzblissy says:

        i actually reallly liked edge of tomorrow and thought TC was enjoyable in it. It was one of the few movies i saw with TC that i didn’t go “oh its that crazy nut again”, in recent memory anyways.

  5. Jen43 says:

    Tom is definitely not gay, so this must be true. *eye roll*

    I won’t be paying to see any more TC movies. Going Clear convinced me of that.

    • Shannon1972 says:

      Going Clear absolutely ruined him for me. I can’t watch anything with him anymore without thinking of it. RIP Maverick

      *my teenage self is sobbing dramatically while shredding my Risky Business and Top Gun posters*

  6. Fori says:

    She looks freakishly like Katie, I wonder if they picked a lookalike and gave her some surgery to perfect the twin look? A non famous, non celebrity, non rich version won’t have the means to escape him. He learnt that lesson with his last wife and is changing type in terms of power and fame.

    • Nicolette says:

      She does, very much so. He just is so damn creepy I don’t understand why anyone would want to be wife #4. Someone needs to show this girl photos and video of the zombie that Katie Holmes was with him and then those that show her coming back to life afterward.

      • Janie says:

        I think he just likes being married, a lot of people do? He’s been divorced quite awhile, why not? It is what it is! I like he and Katie both and wish them well.

  7. Mia4S says:

    ….. How old is his oldest daughter?

    He HAS to know what a joke he would look like if he contracts wit…sorry…marries a woman thirty years younger. He has to know that. Right?

    Suddenly I need a shower.

    • NewWester says:

      Tom’s daughter Isabella is 22 years old.

      • Mia4S says:

        Yeah that’s what I thought. And yuck. On so many levels yuck.

        No Tom Cruise movies (ever) for me as long as he funds Xenu.

      • Joan says:

        I thought about Isabella, too. Creepers, Jeepers!!

        Although Tom may not remember that Isabella is still his daughter. She supposedly cut-off ties with Scientology quite some time ago. The last I saw of her with Tom and family was when she was basically acting like an au-pair to Suri. Now that she’s out of the cult, she’s possibly out of his life, especially if she’s back in-touch with Nicole.
        Sordid business …

      • Livvers says:

        @Joan the latest on Isabella is actually that she’s come back into the Scientology fold more committed than ever, I think doing purif or maybe back on course. Tony Ortega mentioned it tangentially a few weeks ago (he doesn’t like to comment on gossip, but he was slapping down those Tom-leaving-$cio stories).

      • Joan says:

        @Livvers –
        Oh wow, that is scary. Rumours were that she was heading out of Scientology due to her boyfriend’s influence, because he wanted to leave.
        I would just run so far away from that crap. I guess since Connor is pretty chummy with Tom and Isabella is chummy with Connor, perhaps he could be that reckoning force to draw her back in.

    • MediaMaven says:

      This is just a time-filling wife – his “real” next wife hasn’t been born yet.

  8. Loopy says:

    Does everyone around him have to be a scientologist, like chefs, drivers, security, nannies, assistants?

    • Fori says:

      Yes, other celebrities excepted though because he wants to convert them.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Yep, anyone else would be considered a “suppressive person”.

    • V4Real says:

      Well he and Jamie Foxx were friends at one point ( before Jamie started banging Katie) and we know Foxx is not a scientologist.

      But this made me think of something. John Travolta and Cruise are two of the biggest celebrity scientologist around but I never heard anything about them being friends. Could it really be that John despises the cult but they have too much on him for him to leave. Also John is still friends with Oprah so they can have friends who are not in that cult.

      • Christin says:

        Purely speculative here, but I have read it is possible that it’s a power jealousy thing. TC is supposedly considered the second in command, whereas JT has spent the last 40 years being a big time name for the cause. Maybe JT is fine with that, though. Who knows.

      • Neah23 says:

        Jamie Foxx NEVER had a relationship with Katie.

        @ Loopy

        Yes chefs, drivers, security, nannies, assistants have to be scientologist they work as free labor. Now they are allowed to have friendships with none scientologist members to a point. My just like they can date and marry none scientologist members in hopes that they can convert them into members.

      • V4Real says:

        @Neah Funny that you took my comment so literal by screaming NEVER. So tell me how do you know. Are you friends of theirs.

        Also it was kind of suspect of Katie Holmes being at Robert Downey Jr ‘s 50th birthday bash. Katie and Downey s relationship stopped with the movie The Singing Detective they did back in 2003 or 4. They are not friends. But guess who is a close friend of Robert and was at his party.. Yep Jamie Foxx who invited Katie as his plus one. They just arrived seperately.

  9. jen2 says:

    First, it is Star, so 99.9% sure it is not true. But it is relatively positive publicity in the run up to the film. I read on one movie news site that it was tracking soft, so he needs as much positive press as possible and virile Tom with a young wife fits his ego and the non stop stunts shown in the movie previews. Doesn’t look like anything more than one stunt after the next with a bit of talking in between to show ‘Manly” Tom at his best.

    • Jellybean says:

      The film was only finished a couple of days ago and up to that point there had been relatively little marketing, most people had no idea it was coming out. They seem to be going for saturation marketing for one week running up to release and I think the box office will be fine; Ghost Protocol started quite small and ended up a big hit once word of mouth kicked in . Early reactions seem very positive, particularly for the strong female lead, so maybe Cruise learned a lesson from that Scifi film he did with Emily Blunt, whose strong character seemed to really play well against him. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

  10. Belle Epoch says:

    Gossip Cop is NOT buying it.

    What does this girl actually do? Keep his schedule? Hand him water bottles? She has to be part of the cult, right?

  11. MrsBPitt says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all, if Tommy marries this girl. She is young enough to be impressionable, and young enough to have kids…I just never understood why Tom doesn’t just marry a Scientologist, like Travolta did. Travolta’s wife puts up with all kinds of crap. It would be so much easier, than trying to convert someone!

    • Kiddo says:

      They want to recruit stars. I think that was part of some CoS manifesto, somewhere.

  12. NGBoston says:

    Another beard? Ugh. Tom. Why does he even bother at his age—-does he think it makes his livelihood at the Box Office any more significant or relevant at this point in his career?

    I’m not sure anyone really cares. ???? It’s a fake marriage if it does happen and just someone to make Tom appear not to be single any longer.

  13. swack says:

    Some people should just never be married. He is one of them.

  14. Blackbetty says:

    Tom pretending he still has sex appeal. Why doesnt he just marry David Miscaviage?

    • MediaMaven says:

      they couldn’t agree upon who would be “on top”.

    • funcakes says:

      I saw him being interviewed yesterday and I must say this man needs meds. It was like he was trying to contain a meltdown. He was also trying to convince everyone he had a seen of humor.
      I wonder if he’ll ever sit down and have an honest conversation.

      • Christin says:

        Tom or DM? Tom does seem as if he’s trying to hold back some type of explosion at times. Or he’s about to have a maniacal laughing fit.

        Exhibit A of both — the black turtleneck video.

      • Ankhel says:

        He’s been pretending to be a he-man all his life. In reality, he’s a short, badly educated, illiterate man with a sexual secret everybody suspects, but which sadly terrifies him. CS flattered him and love-bombed him into joining and revealing his secrets. He’s desperate for attention.

        Oh, and he’ll never marry a non-celebrity if he has a choice. The wifes are there to raise his profile, not for love.

  15. Granger says:

    I find it really strange that a man as famous and seasoned as Tom Cruise would have a 22-year-old assistant. I kind of assumed a job like that would require someone a little more experienced (and therefore a little older). What exactly does a celebrity assistant do????

    • Kiddo says:

      EVERYTHING at all hours, and on call. You have to be young, energetic and pliable, to deal with it. That doesn’t surprise me.

      • Naddie says:

        I was going to say the same. Their ego requires a person like that. For her sake, I hope it’s not true.

    • Jellybean says:

      As far as I understand it is a job for young people. Press Agents and Talent Agents are the ones who need experience and do the major tasks. Assistants are simply there to get the actor from A to B, fetch and carry, watch their stuff when they are filming etc. It is a fairly lowly job, but a good way to get a foot in the door, network and understand the filming process. If they are bright they will do it for a year or so and then move up, either as agents or into film production jobs.

    • Granger says:

      Ah, thank you. That explains it.

  16. Murphy says:

    22? Yikes.

  17. Green Is Good says:

    Is this GIRL David Miss Cavige approved?

  18. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    He always looks so happy. I better give that Scientology a go.

    • Mia4S says:

      Happy? No, manic. The word you are looking for is manic.

    • Zombie Shortcake says:

      Lol IKR- Do they even still get inquiries after everything that’s been made public?

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        There was a story in DM (last week?) about a young Chinese guy who’d not long arrived in Sydney. He was coming out of a supermarket when a CO$ member buttonholed him. She either gave or sold him a booklet, but his English wasn’t very good, so he likely didn’t understand too much. Nothing else happened for 11 YEARS, when he received a friendly, hand-written note, asking if he’d read the booklet and would he like to join CO$. Apparently, the notes kept coming and he then contacted the newspaper. I’m not sure what happened after that, but it’s odd, hey? They might be scheming with more underhanded and less-obvious ways of inveigling people to become members. They must have taken a big hit with all the worldwide bad publicity.

  19. Nicolette says:

    Run Emily! Save yourself from this nut job.

  20. bettyrose says:

    There was a time when being outed as gay ruined careers. There was also a time when people rode in horse drawn carriages. Embrace the present Tommy.’

  21. Pale fire says:

    Waaaaaaiiiiiiit. Those aren’t. Photos of. Katie Holmes. I did like 5 double takes. Cue creepy music.

  22. Jayna says:

    She’s average looking and an average body. Tom doesn’t have a type, so I don’t see him intentionally seeking out a Katie lookalike. He does usually fall for his co-stars or actresses, which makes this unique.

    Tom does not look his age in the least. Too bad about his immersion in this cult, because he’s a great-looking guy.

  23. Madpoe says:

    Is it mating season for Cruise, sooo sooon?

  24. kri says:

    Good lord. I thought that WAS Katie Holmes. Tbh, Tom scares me. You can see the crazy eyes. If I ever saw him, I would only look at him through a mirror, never directly in the eyes. I wonder if, as he gets older, he will go totally ranty and weird, as Mel Gibson did.

  25. Senaber says:

    I see she was educated at the Kate Middleton school of jeggings.

  26. Carmen says:

    Gossipcop debunked this rumor two days ago.

  27. E.M. MAXX says:

    Skinny jeans , unless on my 15 yo thin as a rail daughter , look hideous
    Sorry that rear view on this chick is horrendous

  28. Nimbolicious says:

    Crazyeyes McGrin would never “quietly” date anyone. Why would he? No relationship is valid for him unless it involves sofa-jumping or pap shots of ecstatic motorbike rides together. However, I do think a very young woman fits right into his PR strategy. Gotta stay virile and relevant somehow……

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      “Crazyeyes McGrin”??? whoops of laughter!

    • Lucy2 says:

      That’s what I was thinking too, if this were true he be making a big deal out of it, especially if he’s doing publicity for the movie.

      She does look at creepily like Katie, and I’m sure is a Scientology servant, but I doubt they’re getting married.

  29. Zombie Shortcake says:

    I am surprised he hasn’t had a high profile relationship since the divorce.

    • doofus says:

      prob can’t find anyone to sign a contract with him. everyone knows how Katie had to essentially escape with burner phones and a secret apartment.

      plus, add to that the Going Clear expose and you’d be hard pressed to find a woman to sign on…except a VERY YOUNG woman already in the cult.

  30. buzz says:

    Apparently he will not be happy until he gets a few more kids into the Scientology “program.” Thank God Katie had the strength to get Suri out of there. That is an amazing and brave thing she did. She’s a good mom.

  31. Jessibes says:

    He has become so blahhhh. Same with Johnny Depp.

  32. Jayna says:

    Holy cow, I saw some new photos of that assistant. She does resemble Katie in some of the photos, and is built like her also.

    • Christin says:

      I saw a side by side thumbnail of both, and it is a striking resemblance. I agree that it doesn’t show in all the pictures, though.

      Hope she’s allowed to access the Internet, because she needs to do some studying up, STAT. She wasn’t even born when he married Nicole, and was barely a teen when he wed Katie.

  33. Sara says:

    Gosh I really hope she is already a scientologist. It is such a huge portion of their life I don’t understand why you would think it would work out if the other person isn’t one too.

  34. Dibba says:

    He’s my age. Sad to see how pathetic he’s become. At one point he considered the priesthood but he chose another path wherein HE could be worshipped. Lost soul

  35. Emily C. says:

    It’s Star. This is nonsense. Tom Cruise might want people to think this, but please. Any of his “dating” is going to be strictly controlled by Scientology, as with Nazanin Boniadi.

    Btw I don’t think he’s gay. He was truly smitten with Nicole Kidman. I’m not going to guess what his sexuality would be without Scientology, but when you get as involved as he is with a cult like that, your sexuality gets totally warped and strange. Not something normal like simply being gay or bi or asexual or straight or whatever. No, he’s Scientosexual.

    • Ankhel says:

      He considered becoming a priest, but went for acting instead? Not gay, you say?

      • Emily C. says:

        Uh, what does being a priest have to do with someone’s sexuality? You are obviously trying to imply that priests are gay, which is an absolutely ludicrous thing to imply.

  36. CF98 says:

    To respond to V4Real’s post, RDJ has known Katie since 1999/2000 when they did Wonder Boys together so its not that hard to believe that they may have kept in touch I mean I saw a pic of her with Michael Keaton at the GG’s and First Daughter was 11 years ago.

    I think they’re just friends nothing more but are willing to let people think otherwise. She gets press and he gets the gay rumors quieted for a while.

  37. lisa2 says:

    Why would anyone believe Star..

    I don’t see Tom getting married again. I think he will focus on work until he is not able to work. It seems to be the ONE thing that brings him great happiness..

  38. Miran says:

    I can’t stand him, so I’m neither here nor there on this, but that plane stunt. F NO.

  39. redd says:

    Why is he attracted to GIRLS with weird legs and bad posture?