Caitlyn Jenner’s ‘I Am Cait’ premieres: what did you think?


Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show I Am Cait premiered last night on E!. First, a few superficial notes. One, it was pretty clear that some of the same people doing Keeping Up with the Kardashians were responsible for I Am Cait – similar editing styles, familiar lighting, etc. The whole thing does have a whiff of “the latest Kardashian spin-off show: Caitlyn’s Journey.” Second note: Caitlyn’s hair is distractingly awesome. At one point, Kylie came over and put extensions in Caitlyn’s hair but she didn’t need it – her hair is pretty amazing, and Caitlyn spends a lot of time on it, you can tell. Here are some big moments from the premiere episode.

Caitlyn’s mom & sisters come for a visit. This was the first time in years the whole elder Jenner clan had been together in years. Cait was really nervous for her mom Esther to meet Cait for sure. Esther seems like she had been thinking about what she wanted to say and the questions she wanted to ask. She seemed overwhelmingly tolerant, although she consistently referred to Cait as “he” throughout the visit and Esther did ask the visiting gender transition counselor some rather pointed questions about the Bible.

Kylie saw Caitlyn for the first time. It happened accidentally, when Caitlyn was looking lovely for her mom, and Cait answered her phone and it was Kylie. Kylie was loopy from a visit to the dentist but Kylie declared over FaceTime, “You look pretty!” Later in the show, Kylie came over to Cait’s Malibu home and met Cait face-to-face. Kylie took it in stride. In fact, she seemed rather blasé about it.

Cait seeks validation frequently. I saw this in several different ways. One, to be a woman is to be defined by society and Cait is very focused on what people are saying about her and how she’s being defined. So, welcome to womanhood. Two, I think her need for validation from her family is mostly about wanting to check in with them throughout, wanting them to be okay with her transition, wanting them to love her as she is. At one point, she lists the children and step-children who haven’t visited her yet and worries, “Maybe them not being around is, you know, kind of their way of saying ‘I don’t really agree with this or what.’”

Kim and Kanye visit. They visited while Caitlyn’s sisters and mom were there and I felt like the sisters and Esther wanted to talk to Kim about her pregnancy but Caitlyn made the visit all about her. I know I’m going to get crap for saying this, but I have a lot of awed respect for Kanye and how he in particular has accepted and understood Caitlyn’s transition. I honestly didn’t know Kanye would be so progressive, so tolerant. And beyond that, I think Kanye understands (more than anyone else in the Kardashian-Jenner clan) how powerful Caitlyn’s public transition has been and what it means for trans-acceptance around the country. Kanye “gets” it in the larger scale, possibly because he didn’t have the long history with Caitlyn when she was Bruce.

Caitlyn is not dating Ronda Kamihara. Ronda was/is close friends with Kris Jenner but Ronda is just Cait’s stylist and friend.

Caitlyn is still growing into her role as a trans advocate. Throughout the episode, there are moments where Caitlyn is reading about suicide rates and murder rates of trans people. By the end of the first episode, she goes to meet with the parents of a 14-year-old trans kid named Tyler who had committed suicide just a few weeks beforehand. The parents were incredible – they had been completely supportive and educated about trans issues. It was very emotional and Cait ended up going to a makeshift memorial service – releasing balloons – that same day.

You guys know that I’m actually a fan of Caitlyn. I think how she’s conducted herself and how she’s transitioned publicly will end up helping more than hurting society at large. Caitlyn isn’t proclaiming to be an expert on trans issues and this reality show seems to be about Cait educating herself as much as it’s about her transition. My one complaint – and this might just be the editing or the “scripted” drama of a reality show – is that Cait comes across as very self-centered and self-involved around her children especially. It’s part and parcel of Cait’s need for validation, which I understand on some level, but on another level I want Cait to put aside her journey for a moment and just BE A PARENT. I really don’t understand how Caitlyn and Kris can even allow Kylie out of the house – that child is a mess and she’s in desperate need of parental guidance, but Kylie is too busy tending to Caitlyn’s needs rather than vice versa.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Pacific Coast News, Twitter.

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146 Responses to “Caitlyn Jenner’s ‘I Am Cait’ premieres: what did you think?”

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  1. lisa2 says:

    I was drooling over some pictures then watched Poldark.. forgot all about I am Cait.. I’m sure it will air again.

    • hadlyB says:

      Its very easily to be distracted when Poldark is on. That man… swoon.

    • Laura says:

      We definitely need some Poldark coverage up in here! Aidan Turner FTW *drools*

      • ol cranky says:

        missed Poldark last night and will have to watch on demand. . . it fills me with an urge to binge on Being Human (the 1st 3 seasons only, of course)

    • ds says:

      thanks soooooo much for the Poldark tip. it’s amazing! just what I needed. thanks

  2. Jane says:

    I found the show to be very contrived. I’d say more, but I believe less is best here.

    • Helen says:

      I’m with you on this one, Jane. They even found a way to squeeze in an ad for Kylie’s hair extensions. As for the first-time meetings between Caitlyn and the other family members, they all felt staged and unnatural to me. I’m sorry, but this is another Kardashian product. It comes with a nobler purpose, for sure, as compared to the others (which have none, save to make the Kardashians richer), but it’s still fakery to the max.

      • The other paige says:

        Yes @ Jane & Helen.
        I guess we are seeing some sort of acceptance, through the packaged Kardashian’s lens. A trans person can have just as shitty a show as anyone else.

    • stinky says:

      Jane… lol!
      ive been hearing about this shite for so long i honestly thought the show was already in rotations – i am serious.

    • Caz says:

      If Cait really wants to be taken seriously she should not have any links to the kardashians. They destroy any credibility & public goodwill instantly. It’s not about them. They’ve all been ordered to publicly show support. I have more respect for Laverne Cox and others who don’t have Jenner’s wealth and profile.

      • A~ says:

        No links to “The Kardashians?” You mean those people who are her family?

      • Magalie says:

        I agree. While I applaud Caitlyn for her honesty in the spotlight….it’s hard with Kim, the other one with the injected butt, etc. in the same show. They are famewhores that have zero credibility with the American public. I don’t find anything the Kardashians are “apart of” genuine. Sorry…while glad to see a positive light on the trans community…but she could have done this series without the K-trashians (Kris, Kim, Khole, Kourtney) who are just nauseating.

  3. Jayna says:

    I want to see the show, but I haven’t. I will catch it sometime when it re-airs.

  4. MB says:

    There has never been a time when they have been a great parent – always too consumed with themselves and their own lives to give more than a moments notice of anything going on around them. I’m surprised that you are shocked by this.

    • claire says:

      Seriously. That’s not editing or a script. Bad parenting is the only ‘reality’ in this family.

    • Liberty says:

      agreed. Apart from this transition (which, yes, good for her and living life as she wishes), all I get is “narcissist central” from all of these people. He was a narcissist, in my opinion — look up NPD — and raised his family that way, made decisions that way, and as Caitlyn, will probably continue to operate this way. I see no reason for surprise.

      I also feel no amazement that Kanye accepts her easily — Kanye works in show business with forays into fashion, where self-expression beyond gender norms is hardly unusual.

      • Selena Castle says:

        I think too that Kanye probably has his own “demons” that he would like to accept and make public but lacks the fortitude to do so. So he absolutely understands and accepts Caitlyn

  5. Cran says:

    Bruce has transitioned into Caitlyn. While it is wonderful that Caitlyn is living a more authentic life none of that changes her lack of parenting issues. Her thinking hasn’t changed. I understand wishing she had been a better parent but I in no way believe she will. She was a poor parent throughout three marriages and numerous children. She will not become a good parent now.

    It is too late to decide to parent Kylie. She has financial independence, owns her home and has been living how she chooses for a few years.

    • Lynnie says:

      Kylie strikes me as the type of person who responds to drastic measures, whether it’s from her or her parents. All those things you mentioned Kylie has, they can very easily be taken away (freeze her accounts, padlock the new house, *gasp* take away her phone). I think if one of her parents did even one of those things and just had a LONG talk with her we might see a change.

      • swack says:

        Well, they have 2 weeks to do that in and I don’t think that will happen. If her name is on the house there is nothing they can do about that either. Phone – she probably has more than 1 and could always go buy a burner phone. It’s too late to start parenting her now. Taking away one thing and just now talking to her is not going to change her.

      • Char says:

        Kylie turns 18 in a few weeks, it is too late for that. & even if they did try “drastic measures”, she could just wait them out until her birthday, or she could take drastic measures herself & take them to court, get emancipated, whatever. They’ve lost all control & clearly don’t care.

      • Cran says:

        These things cannot be easily taken from her. They are paid for with her own money. The house purchase may have needed a co-signature because she was a minor but it happened.

        I agree she will change her way of doing something if given an incentive to do so but it is not going to happen because her parents took away her phone or attempted to freeze her accounts. A long talk with Kylie will do no good because Kylie does not accept them in a parental role simply because neither Caitlyn nor Kris place themselves in that position. Why would Kylie listen to them?

      • Lynnie says:

        You Swack, and Char raise good points. I guess it’s just the optimist in me and the fact we’re the same age. It’s kinda frightening to see her change that much tbh

      • Cran says:

        @Lynnie I will be 52 in a week and I have nieces who are a year older and younger than Kylie. They are amazing young women. My brother and SIL spend time with them, talk with them and allow them space on their use of social media platforms. They also parent them and speak to them about the use of these platforms. Both girls have some friends with questionable behaviors and/or family issues (who doesn’t?) but part of their parental philosophy is that part of parenting means stepping back and allowing your child to make mistakes because that is how you grow and learn. They are always ready to catch them if they fall but cuts and bruises are to be expected.

        Lynnie you sound like a kind and thinking person. I am glad I did not have to deal with social media when I was your age. Kudos to you and your family.

      • Lynnie says:

        Thanks for the kind words Cran! Good vibes to you, your family and friends as well!

    • QQ says:

      I’m with that, I mean the show is beautifully manicured nd all and she acknowledges her privilege and it seem like the issue of trans advocacy will be forefront and it can be a teachable moment in lots of ways but this doesn’t change that Caitlyn has been a lousy parent for a while

      On an aside that we could have a #SmilingYe WITH speaking lines in Cait’s show and not his own wife is Delicious to me in unimaginable ways

    • Tate says:

      I agree, Cran.

    • Amanda G says:

      I find it so sad that they let Kylie get so much plastic surgery at such a young age. She’s probably not even done developing yet. Any other family, who weren’t so vain, wouldn’t have allowed that.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      For me, there was a chilling moment toward the end of Kylie’s visit, when Kylie (who looked to be in kind of a dazed emotional state like someone in shock) hugged Caitlin as she was leaving and said, “I love you,” and Caitlin said in her flat, loud voice, “Okay.” Then, after a quick pause she added in a sort of hasty afterthought way, “I love you too.”

      “OKAY.” At the moment when Kylie said she loved her now-female parent after seeing her for the first time in her life. In that moment, it hit me that you can take cold father Bruce out of the parenting picture and transition him to female, but being female does not make her a mother, or even a different, warmer, more nurturing parent. Bruce may be Cait now, but she’s still the narcissistic former father who neglected her children emotionally all their lives.

      • jwoolman says:

        Just looking at the still pics, Kylie looked more dazed and frozen than anything else to me, too. I think she’s having a lot of trouble with this, even though objectively she assumes she shouldn’t so she tries to fake it. Maybe they just need enough off-camera time together. If she has any connection with her dad’s older kids, maybe she needs to talk with them about it. She seems pushed to be “supportive” on camera. She needs to know that it’s okay to want her old dad back and to be having trouble adjusting to the change. At her age, we all have to adjust to the reality that our parents are regular people with their own flaws, but this is a much bigger adjustment.

    • kc says:

      Agreed – parenting is nonexistent in that household. Let’s not forget that one of the parents marketed her daughter’s sex tape. Also I was bothered that Caitlin was mad at her children who did not want to be filmed. The children from her first marriage have never sought the spotlight but she took it personally when they continued to ask for privacy.

    • Maria A. says:

      Precisely. Whether Bruce or Caitlin, we’re still seeing a narcissist.

  6. eagle says:

    I think the S interview was powerful enough. The reality show cheapens her message. Most of all, I wish she would focus on raising her younger kids properly. The youngest one gives me a serious case of the sads.

  7. Kit says:

    I’m starting to wonder about Kanye…every time someone volunteers a fan encounter with him all they talk about is how lovely and nice he is.

    Idk, seems like there might be a cool dude in there somewhere.

    • Twinkle says:

      I’ve always been a fan of his … I sincerely believe all the ‘outbursts’ are part of his act / gig. Underneath there’s a sensitive soul / a good man, and a huge talent.

      • Tate says:

        He should drop his act then and show the good man side. All I know of him is the a-hole side.

      • AcidRock says:

        @Tate – agree 100%. Even if it is part of his act to be ornery or whatever, some things he has done go so far over the line of acceptable (berating a man in a wheelchair for not standing up at his show? Really??).

        And as much as I dislike this whole Trash Krew, I’ll never forget the outright disrespect he showed Kim during her first pregnancy. Remember the 2 of them walking up to some building, paps screaming and taking photos, and Kanye got to the door first but simply stopped. He stood there with his hands in his pockets in front of the door, not moving. Kim caught up a few seconds later, then had to reach around him (who couldn’t be bothered to move) to open the door, then he stepped in front of her and entered the building first, leaving her out there with all the madness. Then again when they were walking toward their car and he got there first. He opened the door, and clearly she thought he did that so she could enter and she stepped forward, but again he simply climbed into the vehicle, leaving her standing on the curb alone and slightly confused as the paps circled closer. Just left her there to run around the car, heavily pregnant, to the other side and climb into the car by herself. Everything about him is so off-putting and if it turns out it really is part of an act, it’s mind-boggling that that’s how he chooses to willingly portray himself, especially as regards his own wife and mother of his children.

      • jwoolman says:

        AcidRock- he does seem to have trouble with women in his life. He clearly loved Amber Rose but was still a control freak with her and has said horrible things about her. His public behavior with Kim is bizarre, as you’ve detailed. I do think it’s not all an act but rather he has some mental illness/brain damage going on. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t also a nice guy inside struggling to get out. People are complicated. Maybe some scenarios let the nice guy get some fresh air sometimes.

    • Beverly says:

      I think Kanye is a very genuine and honest-to-a-fault person with a lot of emotional and mental health issues – it’s paradoxical because he married into one of the least genuine families around (though I think that is changing somewhat now with Caitlyn). He has temper and impulse control issues but he’s not at all violent, and in the last couple years he has really reduced his public outbursts – I don’t think he’s yelled at a photographer since a little after North was born. I’ve always heard that he is gracious and rather anxious in person. It’s hard to change his public image at this point, so when he speaks it’s often going to be described as a rant, even when it’s not (E.G. I went to his Kansas City show which was reported nationwide to be a fiasco where he gave long angry rants. Not true! It was a great show, and in the middle he spoke extemporaneously in a calm voice about creativity, ambition, and his mother. He rambled a bit but it was in no way a rant). I also think he has resting bitch face and because of his complexion people take his naturally serious expression to be angry.

      • Livealot says:

        Children will always change people. Assholes become nicer because they don’t want negative reactions directed to their children.

      • swack says:

        @livealot, not all assholes become nicer. They just hide it well.

    • Sassy says:

      Way back when, I watched the now defunct Kris Jenner TV show. Kanye was a guest. He is surprisingly well spoken, very articulate – much more than Kim or anyone else in the family. His Mom was a college professor, after all. If you are looking for “deep thoughts” he is the only one who may have one or two!

  8. littlemissnaughty says:

    It’s not surprising at all that Caitlyn isn’t a better parent that Bruce was. At that age, people are who they are no matter the gender. I wonder how difficult it is to actually be a parent if your own identity is such a massive issue. You know who you are (possibly) but can’t be that person. How are you going to be a good parent? It’s not an excuse because apparently, her transition didn’t help with that at all. I feel so bad for Kylie, she has had nothing but horrible role models in her life.

    Yeezy really has surprised me though. I expected something more gossip-worthy from him but thank god that didn’t happen. Makes me like him a little more and suddenly I feel better about the fact that he is raising a person. 😉

    • jwoolman says:

      Yes, I think he has a chance of being a decent parent. Nori definitely seems more comfortable with him, but that might change if he persists in making her run the gauntlet of flashbulbs with him as he did in one airport video – she was terrified. Throw a blanket over the kid at least, Kanye. But he broke his promise that he would give her a normal childhood, and has been pimping her out to the cameras along with her vapid mother. I keep hoping regardless that he will whisk her away to live in Paris with him and let her go to real French schools and get a real education. If he lets the Kardashian Krew raise her, in particular Kim and Kris, she will end up uneducated and shallow.

  9. K says:

    Have to give props to Kayne he was very understanding and excepting. I felt like Caitlyn is extremely narrassistic, I mean if you are in a room with kim and Kayne and you can make them look understanding and empathetic there is a problem. I was also offended with how he spoke with those parents and kids, made it way to much about herself, that mom lost her child those kids lost their friends stop trying to pull focus.

    But I found his mom very touching and honest, this has to be so hard for them.

    • Twinkle says:

      Hmmm … I liked Bruce (when he was laid-back, played with his helicopters and played a major role in the TV series; not so much when he developed a huge chip on his shoulder and sulked a lot … around the time he moved out of the family home) … but Caitlyn seems really egotistical and too much like, ‘look at me; it’s all about ME!’

      • jwoolman says:

        I think I’ll cut Cait some slack on the “look at me!” stuff for a while. She had to keep such aspects of herself hidden for so long, I can see why she’s enjoying the new freedom to dress how she wants and be herself in public. Hopefully she’ll calm down eventually as she gets used to it.

  10. vauvert says:

    Still waiting for the moment when Caitlyn is anything BUT self absorbed. I do not have any intention of watching the show, which I regard as a spin-off of the Kardashians, and you even noticed the lighting and camera work – they are all working with the same crew and on the same issue -ME, ME, ME.
    Not sure why Kanye deserves special recognition for being accepting, after all it is just what any sane, normal person would do. Bruce becoming Caitlyn is in no way an issue. Bruce, and now Caitlyn, being a no good parent and a complete narcissist is. I have yet to see or hear any proof that she is any better than the K women: makeup, cosmetic surgery, money rolling in, cameras rolling on, does everybody love me, what is the media saying about me, can I get a mag cover, can I get endorsements, and on and on and on.
    I will be happy for whatever positive impact this has on creating miser awareness and acceptance for the LGBT community, but that will be just a happy side effect of this media circus.
    How can you take Cait seriously when she is only NOW educating herself about the trans community?? For someone who has dealt with these issues internally all of her life, you would think she would have been pretty much up to date on everything. But you know what? It is no surprise to me that she is finally reading up on the actual issues non-privileged trans people face – when the cameras are on. Oh look at me, I am preparing to become an activist, because it never crossed my mind before to pick up a newspaper and hear about teens being bullied and committing suicide, about people being denied jobs, and access to bathroom facilities etc. now that I have spent tens of thousands on cosmetic surgeries, and a new designer wardrobe, and I am on the cover of magazines again, and I have paps following my every move, I finally learned that others do not have it so easy. Quel shock!

    • Kitten says:

      This post is just dripping with cynicism in the most delicious way 😉
      …but yeah I agree. I’ll probably force myself to watch at least the first episode simply because I’ve been so vocal around here in my criticisms of Caitlyn. Out of fairness, I’d like to be able to say that I actually watched the damn show. I have pretty low expectations though.

    • meme says:

      @vauvert & kitten,

      Everything both of you said…my sentiments exactly. Caitlyn is way over obsessed with looks, makeup, clothing, hairstyles, etc. She’s turned into a Kartrashian.

    • Stephanie says:

      Drop the mic, you’ve said it ALL.

    • Dawn says:

      I totally agree and will not watch the show. There is no need when DM publishes pictures and articles a month or so before the event. I am not impressed with anyone in the KarTrash-Jenner family, not even KanYe. I think at best he is bi and to deny that would ruin what he has already built up in the fashion world. Everything about this is contrived and scripted.

    • InvaderTak says:

      Hanks for saving me the typing. Agree completely. And I don’t even feel bad about the cynicism. I’m fact, I don’t think it is cynicism. It’s just calling it like it is. It’s been one publicity stunt after another.

    • V4Real says:

      @vauvert All hail to the Queen of the Internet today. You pretty much summed up what I was thinking but you did it in the most delicious tell the truth, shame the devil sort of way.

      Caitlyn is pouring it on for the cameras. If this has been who you are why are you just learning about it. This is pretty much on the same page as to why she has never been an advocate for gay rights or transgendered people before. When I made that comment I got hit with the well because she was closeted, you don’t understand Transgender people or there are transgender people who don’t advocate for their rights. To that I said you don’t have to be gay or transgender to advocate for their rights. Just like you don’t have to be Black to fight against racism. Of course there are transgendered people who don’t advocate for their rights just like there are Black people who never fought for civil rights and racism. But Caitlyn is a public figure and those people are not. And as we can see she’s somewhat advocating for it now, so why not before? As for me not understanding transgender people I think my comments (though full of typos) on the previous post about Caitlyn revealed that I understood more about it than the posters that were accusing me of not understanding.

      On a different note I don’t get all the bravo, three cheers, hip hip hurray for Kanye. Is that because he seemed very understanding and accepting of Caitlyn? Why wouldn’t he? His issues are not with her. His issues are thinking he’s the greatest entertainer in the game, his distaste of the paps and his wife is an iconic figure. If he had an issue with her do you think he’s going to show that while the cameras are rolling? I also think he’s not going to speak ill of his wife’s step parent. Also by being a part of that clan I think Kanye is getting used to the cameras in his face and starting to like it. That’s kinda how Bruce (speaking in past tense) started out. Not a big fan of the cameras at first, more into his toys, let his voice be known when the girls or Kris did something he didn’t approve of, tried to give his two younger girls some structure but then just gave up. Now he is fully one of them loving the attention and new found fame more than they are.

      • me says:

        Yeah I’m pretty sure Kim and Kanye spoke ahead of time of how they would “react” to seeing Caitlyn for the first time. What did people expect? Does Kanye want backlash and to ruin his career? He may be genuine or he may be fake…on he knows the truth. Funny how Caitlyn said NONE of them came to visit her but as soon as the E cameras are rolling they show up !

    • Beverly says:

      I can take Cait seriously because she was the first high-profile person to come out and embrace her transgender identity in a world where trans women aren’t even allowed to use the bathroom safely. I can take Cait seriously because she had no way of knowing whether the response to her transition would be overwhelmingly hateful or positive, and she’s taken the hatred with bravery rather than deflection. I can take Cait seriously because femininity is a beautiful thing in all its forms and it’s not a sin to embrace it. I can take Cait seriously because she has dealt with dysphoria and self-hatred her entire life, and now that she is finally embracing her true self she is being honest and forthcoming about her lack of knowledge on the issue. I can take Cait seriously because she is sharing what she has learned while acknowledging her privilege and admitting that she is no expert. I can take Cait seriously because at literally every turn in her new persona – the Sawyer interview, the ESPYs, and now this show – she has taken pains to call attention to the myriad issues facing trans youth.

      I can take Cait seriously because she’s doing a brave thing honestly, after decades of struggling. She’s taking the hit, and telling people to give her everything they’ve got – while telling them that it’s not okay to go after young trans people. She has not been a perfect person – she seems to be a terrible parent – but I have the deepest respect for her identity as a woman.

      • Aren says:

        I was going to agree with Vauvert, but Beverly just mentioned some important issues that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
        I can’t add anything else, both posts have a lot of truth and valid points.

      • justagirl says:

        I agree with Beverly’s points. I understand the cynicism about the K-family, but this is different.

        When someone spends their life trying to not be one of the 40% of transgender people who attempt suicide – we need to respect the impact that would have had on their overall mental health & outlook on life. Who are we to judge what they did & didn’t do?

        Why is it possible for the serious issues facing trans people to be dismissed with a wave, whereas if we were talking about ‘only’ depression, we wouldn’t be as dismissive?

    • Saks says:

      This is exactly what I’ve been thinking about Caitlyn since all this started. For me she has been proving she is just another Kardashian

  11. Shelley says:

    Kanye is understanding of Caitlyn because he himself is bisexual and is living a closeted gay life. He would easily relate to not being open about who one truly is and appreciating the courage it takes to come out.

    • noway says:

      Generally speaking the “closeted” people are the least open minded. How many deeply conservative public people who blast every gay or sexually explicit person they see and then end up in an illicit sexual relationship or scene do you need to see before you believe that.

      • Ange says:

        Right, which is why criticism of Caitlyn for not flying the banner for trans acceptance when she was closeted is just such a MEAN nitpick. She didn’t go rabidly the other way like some do after all, she just maintained a neutral, benign public stance while no doubt going through her own private hell.

  12. BeckyR says:

    I did not watch and don’t intend to…plus Sunday nights I focus on PBS..Last Tango in Halifax, Poldark and The Crimson Fields….real entertainment. I consider reality TV, especially THIS to be just crap. If Jenner had handled this life event with some sort of dignity, I might be interested. As it is, I consider it a just another Kardashian freak show.

    • Kiki says:

      Finally we have something in common. I was busy watching all of the pbs series, which by the way cbs and pbs have some fantastic shows and they should keep it up with these programming, my brain cells are back intact. I am so done with reality shows except reality competition shows those are great. Amazing race is the best and project Runway. KarJens just go away.

  13. The Original G says:

    I think the strength of this show may be that Caitlyn has thrown her pebble right into the middle of the public/tabloid pond. It’s personal story, that may connect personally with younger people, in a format and on a channel that is accessible. It’s not a Frontline documentary, it’s a personal confessional that may help to make trans people more relatable as human beings. Why shouldn’t Cait obsess about her mother’s reaction? Isn’t that the sort of issue that’s at the heart of this personal journey?

    Caitlyn has really turned the story around here. A year ago, he was being followed by paps and ridiculed cruelly for is boobs and manicures. Have we forgotten that already?

    It remains to see where the ripples go, but I’m slightly optimistic.

    • Jayna says:

      I haven’t seen the show, but I agree. It’s been a while now. But when first filming, it was all brand new, Bruce now Caitlyn. I imagine she agonizes now that fully out how are they reacting and feeling. The fear of rejection must be real. Family can say it all they want before the transition, but are they still there after. We have a transgender woman on one of our city commissions. They ran a piece on her in the paper. She came out in her late 30s. The abandonment was very real. Friends, children, family. Many acted like they could accept it but faded away rather quickly. The children won’t accept it. Friends distanced themselves after a while.

      Internally, Cait is dealing with all those fears once completely out and showing herself to them fully living as a transgender woman, and I imagine the show was capturing those feelings in the beginning..

    • Aren says:

      It’s sad how many mothers reject their trans kids. I’ve seen it first hand, they say they are accepting but in reality they keep using their old names, the wrong pronouns on purpose (not just out of habit but more like: “well, he was born a male, I’m doing nothing wrong by not wanting to call him by a new female name”), etc. No wonder so many commit suicide.

      • Vampi says:

        It is so very sad. When my son came out at 13 as transgender, he chose a name where only the last letter was different from his orginal name, which turned it from a girl’s into a boy’s name, and we have always called him by the shortened name of the first two letters of it anyway, so the nickname is the same. It took a while to get used to saying “he”, just because we weren’t used to it, but we are now…He’s 22 now and getting married in August and I’m one proud mom. 🙂

      • The Original G says:

        Oh Vampi. What a nice story. I hope we hear many ore of those in the future!

  14. christine says:

    I don’t watch KUWTK or any of their shows but I watched Cait and….I agree. The focus is all on external and superficial glossing over of actual deep issues, with the exception of Cait`s mom. I thought it was really awkward when Cait visited the teenagers grieving family, asking them “how are you?” Their child just committed suicide, how do you think? After this show, If I wasn’t a woman, I’d think being a woman meant obsessing over clothes and hair 24/7. That is not what helps society with transphobia or sex discrimination.

    • Kitten says:

      Right. And to be fair, I haven’t seen the show yet so I’m just taking your word for it, but the argument that keeps coming up is “well, the clothes and the makeup and everything else is such an important part of transitioning”.
      While I completely understand this, I still think that it doesn’t do transgendered people justice in the sense that it feeds into this false notion that Caitlyn is still a man dressing up as a woman. A different kind of a person–someone of depth–would be capable of showing us the complex layers that form a woman’s identity. I’m very curious as to how a man transitioning into a woman experiences that.
      I don’t know…maybe that’s asking too much….I get that this is just one transgendered person’s journey but in Caitlyn’s case, she seems to be more into hair and shoes and less into personal growth and advocating for LGBT people.

      I guess that’s just her thing but honestly, I find it as uninteresting as I find the Kardashians to be.

    • The Original G says:

      We must have watched a different program. I saw Caitlyn worry about her appearance before she was going to meet her Mom for the first time as Cait. The rest of the program was his mother and sisters reacting to his transition and Cait’s reacting to the death of a transgender teenager.

    • me says:

      Every single time they have showed Kim and Cailtyn together the conversation is always about Kim pressuring Caitlyn to “look her best”. Kim keeps going through Caitlyn’s closet and telling her what to wear and demanding she get rid of her clothes. I have yet to see Kim have a conversation with Caitlyn about how Caitlyn is coping and feeling. It’s just all about “Caitlyn you have to look good…don’t let us down…you have to look good at all times”. WHAT ???!!!

      • InvaderTak says:

        I reallllly hate to even come close to defending Kim K, but it also has to be taken into account that she is an incredibly superficial person who might be struggling with the situation herself. Maybe her fussing was her trying to show CJ that she cares in what is possibly the only way she knows how.

        Edit: that was harsh and fairly backhanded, but yeah. Let it never be said that I never said anything nice about Kim K.

    • JWQ says:

      The “clothes and make up” thing is what really bothers me. It’ s like THAT is what being a woman means. I am asking out of curiosity as I don’ t now any trangender person, but is this just Caitlyn, or lots of men who transition to women see it that way? That being a woman means yapping about these things, always look like you’ re going out for dinner in an expensive restaurant and not much else? Because most of us are frankly sick and tired of being considered nothing ut fashion victims and only able to discuss about hair and lipstick, so going this route is not exactly great for both transgender people and women.

      • Neonscream says:

        That’s Caitlyn. Transgender men and women are like everyone else. They’re individuals. Some are a bit shallow and obsessed with the superficial, some aren’t.

  15. Amy M. says:

    I’m going to cut Bruce’s mom Esther some slack about the whole pronoun thing. The woman is 89 years old! For nearly how many decades has she had it ingrained in her that she has a son? She picked out Bruce’s name when he was born and all of a sudden she must use female pronouns for the son she raised who is now her daughter. That kind of thing doesn’t just sink in overnight. She seems supportive but at the same time it will take time for her to grieve the loss of her son. I realize pronouns are important but it can be hard for family members to adjust which was the case for Esther. But she seems like an awesome person who stands by Caitlyn.

    • Jayna says:

      Absolutely. Anyone who criticizes a mother for still calling Caitlyn him or Bruce sometimes is being silly, after a lifetime of calling her something else. Even Kristen Beck’s father the whole time would say he in the documentary and it didn’t faze her in the least. It was her dad who knew her as Chris for 40-something years. The fact he was there and accepting and trying to adjust was enough for Kristen, who knew it takes time with family members. You can’t switch overnight with such things. And there is a grieving period. Even Cher had a struggle with it.

    • noway says:

      This has got to be beyond weird for her. 89 years old and according to even Caitlyn she knew nothing about this for 65 years. Culture, social and just plain shock has to be her reaction. I think she is making an amazing effort to understand good for her.

  16. word says:

    Caitlyn likes to spit truth bombs about the Kardashians lol. In one part she complained to her assistant that the Kardashians/Jenners have not come by to see her. She said they all post tweets about how they support and love her but not one of them had come out to Malibu to see her. Just shows how fake that family is ! The want us to believe one thing but in reality it’s the complete opposite. Other than that, the show seems ok. I don’t see it being a big hit though. It just seemed like a whole lot of hair and make-up and clothes with some bits of seriousness thrown in. We’ll see how the next few episodes go.

    • claire says:

      I just think it’s funny that she’s upset that people she’s ignored for so long haven’t dropped everything they’re doing to show her attention. Is anyone in this family not a complete a-hole narcissist?

  17. alexia says:

    I don’t like her, and I have a good reason:
    There was a time, when I thought that it is great that she can start her transitioning. But then she said something like: she thought that she always had a female brain and now finally, her body and her brain match. Problem is that for decades feminists have fought to get rid of the notion that there is a male brain and a female brain. And now she comes, and claims that! Of course everybody (especially non-feminists) love her, because finally, somebody says what they thought all the time! Namely that there is something like a female and a male brain. It is so frustrating!
    I mean, left-hand writers and right-hand writers also have a different brains but nobody would claim that because of this difference they have specific characterictics (apart from writing).

  18. angela says:

    So another superficial Kardashian show….awesome

    • Twinkle says:

      Wait ’til ‘DASH Dolls’ comes along … it’s in production at the moment … I give it two series tops.

      Caitlyn’s show is only 12/13 episodes long – she’d better save the pennies she gets from this as she’ll become yesterday’s news pretty quickly. Which is why I can’t understand why she rented that expensive car.

      Say what you like about Kris, but she is one shrewd business manager who brings in the $$$$$; Caitlyn is on her own in that regard now.

      • FingerBinger says:

        Bruce wasn’t good with money ,neither is Caitlyn.

      • The Original G says:

        Apparently, Caitlyn is worth about 100 million on her own. I think she’ll be alright.

      • FingerBinger says:

        Caitlyn is worth that much because of Kris Jenner. Bruce was almost broke when they met. Unless Caitlyn is managing that money properly she can lose it just like that.

      • The Original G says:

        ….says Kris Jenner. Is there an actual source for that besides her? She monetized her Olympic Champion status way ahead of the curve on celb endorsements.

  19. MAC says:

    I did not read the story about the show and will not watch it.

  20. Beverly says:

    The reaction here to Caitlyn has been overwhelmingly negative and I don’t buy that it has nothing to do with transphobia. I don’t object to people disliking Caitlyn for the car crash, or for being an absentee parent, or for being a part of the Kardashian family. But what I’m seeing here is people talking a lot of trash about Caitlyn for how she chooses to dress herself and present herself as a woman, and how she’s TRYING to educate herself and the public about the issues facing non-rich transgender people. This is a woman who has faced decades and decades of dysphoria, self-hatred, and having to hide her true self. A lot of people are playing catch-up on transgender issues, and Caitlyn is not positioning herself as an expert by any means. When did it become so wrong to say “I’m learning”? We’re ALL learning when it comes to trans issues. And about her focus on hair, clothes, and plastic surgery – she’s wanted to be a woman for so long, and now she is – isn’t she allowed to embrace her femininity? I love it when I have the chance to buy new clothes or show off a new haircut, and no one calls me shallow or “narcissistic” for it, because I was born with a vagina. To people saying that she’s reduced being a woman to hair, dresses, and makeup – is it her that’s doing it? Or is it you reducing her new joyous expression of femininity to a deceitful, “narcissistic” costume?

    People who are mad about how Caitlyn is presenting herself as a woman: I am sure you will reply to this post nastily, but after you do that, I sincerely ask that you to re-examine yourself and your own attitudes. Are you really accepting of trans people? Or do you need to work through your own bias and your own transmisogyny?

    • Kitten says:

      Not transphobia, Kardashiphobia.

    • Tracy says:

      @Beverly, I dislike Cait. I have watched all (all) of KUWTK. I had family members, who were obsessed with the show and got trapped into watching. Then I became obsessed. I am a bit ashamed, but that level of insanity is entertaining. Bruce was my favorite, because I thought he was a truly decent guy, trying to guide an immature family. I felt bad, because Kris seemed to be losing all respect for Bruce, and treated him like crap. I finally realized Bruce is no better than anyone in family. I opened my eyes to the neglect of his older children. The neglect of his two youngest daughters, even though he lived with them. The man had no idea what the two girls were doing, he just seemed to give up any real interest in being an “active” parent to them. Bruce was just a ghost occupying the space in Kendal and Kylie’s lives. Funny how Kris’s disdain for him happen around the same time Bruce “disappeared”. The same man that neglected and ran away for his older children, ran away from his youngest two. He lived in the same home as them and still neglected them. He is not better person or parent than Kris.
      He deserves to live the life he wants, but he needs to care as much for his children as he does for himself. I wish he had and would put as much effort in being a parent and he does in being a woman.

    • Giddy says:

      Beverly, all I can say to you is that I can respect Caitlyn’s journey while not respecting her personally. If I didn’t like or respect her as Bruce, why should I like or respect her now? I think she is a shallow self-involved woman who has been a terrible parent. Becoming Caitlyn does not wipe out Bruce’s actions, and she seems very shallow and self-involved, just as Bruce was. All straight people are not admirable, empathetic, generous individuals, and neither are all trans people. Part of equality is being judged on how you treat others, just as everyone else is judged.

      • Kitten says:

        This exactly. I feel like there’s this pressure from her fans to give her a free pass on her transgressions or to applaud everything she does simply because she’s transgendered. Anything less than that is somehow symptomatic of transphobia or privilege. But the reason why many of us bring up her lack of advocacy for LGBT rights is because that is something that would likely change our opinion of her. That would be seen as admirable. But it seems like Caitlyn and Kris are one and the same: rich white ladies who’s primary focus is making and spending money. Don’t care for Kris and I don’t care for Caitlyn.

      • InvaderTak says:

        This. To Giddy and Kitten.

    • Aren says:

      I agree with you again. I think we should all try to see Cait with the same empathic eyes than we did with Bruce.
      She might not be a great person, but she’s not worse than Bruce either.

    • Cran says:

      Caitlyn is making me look at my definition of female. I have defined my femaleness in terms of my genitalia. Trying to look at what being female means to a man transitioning to female brings to light some confusion for me. How do we learn to be male or female? If.we are truly blank slates when we are born then it follows that our concepts of masculinity and femininity are nothing more than societal constructs. Our bodies are constructed differently and as a result do different things. But it occurs to me that our definitions of what society considers male or female are separate from that physicality.

      I think Caitlyn was Bruce for over 60 years. While it appears now that he has transitioned to be about the costume: the hair, makeup and shoes and clothes I think we all need to acknowledge the effect the media has on our thinking because the LANGUAGE it uses is different from before her transition. Now the media speaks about her skinny pants, hairstyle and makeup, what dresses and shoes she wears. That bothers me more than Caitlyn reveling in how she looks. I expect that because this is a freedom for her.

    • Ange says:

      I agree Beverly, especially because everyone here seems to be an expert now on what it SHOULD mean to be a woman and transgender without realising all women have their own journey and Caitlyn as a transgender woman is just starting hers. Suddenly now there’s a way to do it ‘wrong’ which is an incredibly heartless message considering usually the posters here are champions of self expression for women.

  21. Stacey says:

    i had a change of heart about Caitlyn Jenner. She is inspiring and not just for transgender people.

    My mother has been in an abusive marriage to my monster of a father for over 35 years. After his most recent abusive episode, we all said to each other. “Mom, look at Bruce Jenner. He is finally living his life for himself. ” We talked that my mom could leave our father and start her life over and finally be free of these figurative chains that have held her back her whole life.

    Bruce talked about how he’s 60 and he is running out of time and cant fathom not living life for himself now.

    He did inspire us and my mother to finally make the leap and live a better life for YOURSELF.

    • Jayna says:

      I liked you post, Stacey. Point of clarification. Bruce was 65, not 60, when he transitioned to Caitlyn. She will be 66 in about three months.

      • Stacey says:

        thanks for the correction.

        There are some real life lessons in Bruce’s journey to becoming Caitlyn.

        I love his message. It’s never too late to be true to yourself and its never too late to turn your life around and become happy. bruce needed to become Caitlyn to live his truest fullest life and my mother needed to walk out of her marriage to finally live her life for herself (not her husband, not her kids).

        I dont think Caitlyn is selfish at all-
        Caitlyn waited a life time to finally transition and put a lot of people ahead of himself. Its 2015 and as he says, we need more tolerance more acceptance for humanity. I told my mother, its 2015 and theres no reason for you to be so unhappy with your life.

        Bruce was brave to transition to Caitlyn and thats what it takes to uproot you entire existence and start over in your 60’s. Kudos to Caitlyn. It soubds so cheesy but we all said to my mom, LOOK at him and how happy he is for being true to himself.

  22. briargal says:

    Had a good laugh at the comment about Kylie—she was “loopy over at visit to the dentist”. Okay–that’s the story they want people to believe. I don’t. Her parents sure failed at their jobs of raising her. But then the whole family are stinking, trashy, money/fame hungry slobs.

    • me says:

      What doesn’t make sense is why Kylie chose that moment to call Caitlyn. Oh I’m loopy at the dentist let me call Caitlyn for no reason. The producers had that whole thing planned. Kylie was featured heavily this first episode…I suspect she is about to get her own reality show.

      • Christin says:

        I just read Khloe’s interview comments defending Kylie and her relationship with an older guy. She’s not a typical teen, everybody! And Khloe was probably (insert expletive) someone in their 20s when she was 16. Yet she can’t remember specifics, but says it probably wasn’t even a relationship.

        Enablers and narcissists all around.

      • me says:

        Yes, I read that too. How gross of Khloe to say that. She said Kylie is a “special case”…so her dating a 25 year old is ok. Also, why did Khloe need to tell us she was sleeping around with guys at the age of 16 without dating them. Did we need to know that? She needs a lot of pr because she landed her own talk show. We will be hearing a lot more crap from Khloe in the next little while.

  23. Hawkeye says:

    I have to say I’m completely baffled by the people who are angry at or annoyed with Caitlyn Jenner for not, it sounds like, meeting their expectations. She did not get a personality transplant; if you found Bruce Jenner annoying, you will probably find Caitlyn Jenner annoying. That’s okay.

    What isn’t okay is this ugly onslaught of people demanding that she do more to represent “the transgender community.” There are millions of transgender people out there. They don’t all live on an island together in isolation, facing exactly all the same problems. Google can help you find bloggers, actors, authors and activists who are transgender. If you don’t know of anyone publicly advocating for transgender issues, then your circle isn’t big enough. Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t represent them all, she is one person who happens to be like them. Seriously, if you aren’t happy with her lack of “leadership” or “advocacy,” that’s on you. She doesn’t owe anyone; her fame and her public persona is hers alone to decide what to do with, and I’m frankly disgusted by the number of people who don’t think she’s doing enough. She doesn’t suddenly have to be a pillar of moral rectitude because you find it best to compartmentalize her in a role that you’re most comfortable with her in.

    This also speaks to the importance of cisgender allies. The next person who thinks Caitlyn Jenner hasn’t done enough to step it up in the advocacy department can just as easily ask themselves what they’ve done lately for this monolithic “transgender community.” The answer is probably nothing. Some of these comments are really wearing this gay guy down; I can barely hear over the roaring cisgender privilege.

    • Aren says:


      • The Original G says:

        +++++me too. Some people here seem to think Caitlyn should “earn” by some means, something most of us never even have to consider: identifying with their own gender. FWIW, it can wear a middle aged white woman down too.

      • The Original G says:

        Oh, and I had to look up cisgender and I learned something. Thanks.

    • Jayna says:


    • jwoolman says:

      I find it baffling that some people actually expected Bruce to be a standard bearer for transgender issues before he transitioned. They can’t think of a single reason why not?!? Really?!? He was still trying to figure himself out.

      In any case, we never know the good people may do privately in casual conversation. I don’t run around making public pronouncements about LGBT issues, either, but sometimes I can say something in a conversation that might plant a tiny seed. That’s true for many other issues, also. Bruce was a motivational speaker and a famous Olympic athlete before transitioning, for all we know he might have been able to plant a few seeds himself if he was brave enough. But certainly now after transitioning, she is making use of the opportunities she has to get the conversation rolling. That’s more than enough. It’s ok to just live your life privately, too. She has no obligation to go on speaking tours or organize marches. She’s only been public about it for a very short time anyway and has a lot more on her plate at the moment.

    • InvaderTak says:

      Your second paragraph can also be applied to Laverne Cox.

    • Ange says:

      PREACH. Don’t forget Caitlyn isn’t allowed to be interested in clothes or shoes or feminine trappings either because reasons. It’s so ugly to read.

  24. Michelle says:

    I enjoyed the show. I’m hopeful it’ll genuinely make change. I believe that the only reason so much of our society can now speak about transgender issues is because someone as famous as Bruce Jenner came out and admitted that he was a transgender person. I’m not cynical about this. I realize that there will be skeptics and critics, though.

    Like others, I was really impressed with how accepting and supportive Kanye was. I love a lot of his music, but I’m definitely not a Kanye apologist for some of his shoddy behavior. I thought this was really awesome, though. Young people tend to engage in a lot of prejudice behavior sometimes because they judge things that are different, and if Kanye can openly express tolerance for transgenderism, maybe that’ll trickle down to some young people who’ll be inspired not to pick on a trans kid in their schools. I might be reaching, but I’m just trying to note the positives here.

    Some things that actually didn’t sit well with me were: When Caitlyn got congratulatory phone calls for her Vanity Fair cover, she received one from Kim where Kim went on to stress “you cannot disappoint.” This is probably the 5th time I’ve read or heard or seen somewhere that Kim’s advice to Caitlyn has been that she represents all of them and she better look her best. Maybe this is part of the reason Caitlyn places such an emphasis on looks. I’d love to see Caitlyn be more inspired by her sisters who struck me as nice, NORMAL women who aren’t living in a mirror 24/7. No one on this planet should be basing their opinion of how women should be or look on the Kardashian mindset.

    Another thing that I found weird was how disconnected Caitlyn seemed from Kylie. I’ve read on many different public forums that Kylie has said she struggled with school and alluded to having a learning disability, but something about that girl is just so off to me. As Kaiser noted up above about Kylie’s reaction to seeing her dad as Caitlyn for the firs time being “bland,” it seems to me that Kylie is bland about everything and it always strikes me as SO strange! And what was up with her remark, “kind of like me!” when her grandmother said she was married at 17?!

    About the people in Caitlyn’s life who haven’t even bothered to show up to see her yet, I don’t personally understand that and I can’t relate to it. If you love a family member, you shut up and you show up. For better or worse, that’s the school of thought I’m from. We see the reality show the Kardashians are on. We know that 95% of their day is spent sitting around eating salad and pretending to be busy, important business women. They’re not that busy. If you claim to truly support Caitlyn, make the time to be there. Even five minutes would mean a lot I’m sure. They live in such a superficial, self-absorbed bubble.

    • Tracy says:

      @Michelle these shows are guided. If everyone one showed up and was excepting that would be the end of the show. There has to be drama and conflict, and if it is not real it is created.
      I would have more respect for Cait, if she show any real concern for Kylie. Cait is just as superficial and self absorbed as the rest of the family. Why should the family support a man/woman, who is not supporting his child?

      • platypus says:

        Yeah, I’m sure they were all told to wait for the go-ahead from the directors. It wouldn’t surprise me if Caitlyn didn’t know about all the events they stage, though. Being in control of all of that was Kris’ job, and Cait seemed more comfortable just going with the flow, so I wonder if that’s how it will play out now as well.

  25. Colette says:

    My favorite part of the show was Caitlyn conversation with the Prescott family whose son , Kyler killed himself at age 14.He wasn’t bullied by kids but by adults because he was transgendered.I will watch future episodes to see Caitlyn interacting with Trans women and sharing their stories and becoming more informed about the community.

  26. Jessibes says:

    Not a fan of reality shows, or the Kardashian/ Jenner family, so will give it a miss.

  27. me says:

    The only thing Kim tweeted after the show aired was “Caitlyn’s teal extensions are on fire”. That’s it…that is all.

  28. NeoCleo says:

    Cait’s hair has got to be a wig. Her hair when she was still walking around as Bruce Jenner was terrible: thin, dull and dry looking. I would like to know who made the wig because it does look fantastic and she looks great in it.

    • Kori says:

      I thought the same–the hair when she was Bruce was very dry. Maybe it’s the hormones she’s taking?

  29. platypus says:

    I thought the episode was fine, but it could have been so much better if they had gotten away from E!, or at least got a camera crew with some actual documentaries on their resume. Not to mention editors, who would have seen the sense in ditching the “dramatic” sound effects.

  30. Jonesy says:

    I couldn’t even concentrate on what “Cait” was saying during her show, due to the “misty filter” camera lens used on her face every time they did a close-up. It was distracting and annoying. This is nothing but fake, Kartrashian BS…served up Jenner style.

  31. Sophie says:

    I can’t help but look at the whole trans community as a joke. Bruce Jenner abandoned his children, lied to his multiple wives, secretly wore his teenage daughter’s clothes to fulfill his autogynephalic fantasies, and was responsible for the death of a woman. But OMG Caitlyn is so pretty and brave!!!!! Laverne Cox publicly supported Cynthia “China” Blast ( a transgendered man incarcerated for the rape, torture, and murder of a 10 year old black girl) to be moved to a female prison and get a sex change. Janet Mock has described child prostitution as an empowering experience. And Chaz Bono has repeatedly said homophobic things against lesbians and women in general. Mentally ill people should not be glorified in this way.

    • Katija says:

      Countless other people have killed people in auto wrecks due to pure accident and no fault, which is what Caitlyn’s case was proven to be. She was neither drunk nor driving reckless. Tragic accidents happen. As for your other words, yikes.

      • Genny says:

        It’s fitting that you only mentioned 3 trans people in your post; that must be the only trans people you “know”.
        But thank you for painting the whole community with a “mentally ill, criminal” brush. Bigotry must suit you well.
        When did so many a-holes find this blog?

    • Colette says:

      Three trans women do not represent the entire trans community.I think Trump, Limbaugh and O’Reilly are idiots yet I don’ t think the white straight male community are a” joke”

  32. Katija says:

    I actually had a breakthrough moment with my mom while watching this – my parents are immigrants and super old fashioned. I was at my mom’s house and we watched it. When Caitlyn put the plus extensions in, my mother goes, “oh, she should take those out, a woman her age can’t have blue hair, that’s for teenage girls.”

    “Woman.” “HER.” BREAK. THROUGH. That was HUGE for her to say.

  33. Amanda G says:

    I can’t believe I’m going to say something nice about Kanye, but I like that he’s on board with what Caitlyn is doing. That in itself is huge.

  34. Guesto says:

    I can’t stand her. She has nothing useful or productive to offer to anyone, let alone those who are struggling for acceptance,

    I’m really heartfelt sick that someone so unworthy of admiration is getting the platform that belongs to all those people out there who are living the real transgender struggle.

  35. Keriann says:

    Her face and red hair in this photo remind me of Angie Everhart.

  36. Fue McCormick says:

    I haven’t seen the first episode of Caitlin but I recorded it and will watch it this weekend.
    Looking at the photos: she really has “reality show” styling with her hair and makeup.

  37. LaurieH says:

    Personally, I find the entire thing contrived and selfish. Point of fact: Bruce Jenner has not been a good parent to any of his children. He has admitted as much and while showing some regret for it, has done nothing to change it in any real way. Becoming a woman is irrelevant. Blaming bad parenting on gender identity issues is BS. Parenting is about nurturing and one has (or doesn’t have) the “nurturing gene” whether they were male or female. If Caitlyn was a bad parent while a man, she will still be a bad parent while a woman. Nothing will change in that department. In fact, it will get worse because now it’s “all about Caitlyn”.

  38. Suzanne says:

    I’m posting my opinion before reading any of the other posts first. I watched the show last night…and I have to say…he’s such a nice gu…I mean woman….it’s hard not to root for him to be happy and fulfilled. Watching the makeup and feminine stuff with a man voice…is a little distracting…but he seems like such a gentle soul…good natured and KIND…I hope he is finally at peace with his existence. I’ve always liked him but I must say this…forgive me….he’s a much more attractive man, than woman. Maybe that’s not fair…as in his younger years…he was VERY attractive. Now…with all the fillers and the droopy eyelid…puffed up lips….I just think he ruined his looks.

  39. amanda says:

    Caitlyn was remarking that Kylie hadn’t yet come to see him and then waddya know… the tv cameras show up to film Caitlyn for her new show and Kylie has a change of heart and shows up. Then, there is an opportunity for a product placement for Kylie’s hair extensions. Imagine that.

    Kanye and Kim show up for like 5 minutes and we get an opportunity for a product placement for Kanye’s sneakers!

  40. Jayna says:

    I just watched the episode. I don’t know how anyone could have a problem with it. I thought it was very well done and moving and funny and sad with the young boy who killed himself and informative. And I thought it was interesting and it’s the norm really, when you read about adults coming out, the support is voiced by people but then don’t want to be really be around you and look at you as a different gender. It’s uncomfortable. He called out the Fake Kardashians who tweet all this stuff but really didn’t want to go out to see her until the she’s filming and show up to look good about it. Although, I think it’s a big plus Kanye’s acceptance of Kaitlyn. Kylie handled it fine for the first meeting, and is probably just trying to shut it out. Like Caitlyn said, it will just take time. You can’t force it.

    Her mother was so sweet and I cried, honestly. That was her Brucie, and I know how hard it is for her. But she showed a lot of grace. Coming out and being happy about living this life causes turmoil for a while, when you read about others stories. I loved seeing her sisters.

    I thought it was good the show gave the little boy’s mother a voice and a chance to talk about Kyler and honor him.

    Caitlyn is learning as she’s going, and I thought it was a very balanced show and feel it really will help. Plus, I just am interested in seeing Caitlyn’s journey, all of a sudden allowed to live as a woman and the ups and downs of that. Plus, I thought many points were made about the transgender community in the first episode, with a big emphasis on transgender children, and that was a great public service announcement at the end.

  41. Dorky says:

    When I scroll past the thumbnail of this story, I keep thinking it’s Julia Roberts. LOL

  42. #IAMJEN says:

    Am I the only one that sees the remarkable resemblance? Cait/Julia Roberts??!!