Miley Cyrus says she’s a role model, not an idol

Disney star Miley Cyrus says she has no problems being called a role model, but she’s definitely not an idol and never wants to be. The 16 year-old with a 20 year-old underwear model boyfriend says that she doesn’t want people to strive to be like her, but it’s ok if they look up to her or something. She also knows that she makes mistakes and says that’s part of what makes her human.

“If you look at me as a role model I agree with it, but if you look at me as an idol, I don’t. An idol for me is someone you want to replicate, you want to be them and I don’t wish that on anyone to lose what they have personally,” Cyrus said on Monday while promoting the upcoming Hannah Montana movie. “What I think people like about me is that I don’t try to change, I haven’t let what I do for a living become my life and completely affect me. What I do in my personal life isn’t necessarily meant to be reported but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be.”

So despite a string of photo scandals including racy snaps, an “inappropriate” shoot for Vanity Fair magazine and supposedly racist candids of Cyrus making “slanty eyes,” the starlet (who has a wildly witty sense of humor and doesn’t take herself too seriously) has no regrets.

“I’m going to make mistakes and I wouldn’t trade that for anything because I always say the minute you stop making mistakes is the minute you stop learning,” she explained. “I never want to disappoint people and my decisions sometimes not only disappoint other people, but disappoint myself as well. If I don’t then, all of a sudden I am not real and then you really can’t look up to me.”


It sounds like Miley doesn’t really get what a role model is, because by definition a role model is modeling behavior that people emulate. An idol is someone or something that is adored, not necessarily for good reason, which sounds more like Miley. Even though she’s confusing her semantics, Miley’s point is that she doesn’t want kids trying to behave like her and to follow their own paths.

Do you think she’s sleeping with her boyfriend and kind of regrets it in a way? She’s all “look up to me, but don’t behave like me.” Maybe I shouldn’t jump to conclusions or put words in her mouth, but Gaston is often photographed out with her family and there are plenty of reports that he stays over their house constantly. Something is likely to be going on there, the boy is 20 or 21 for goodness sake. There are enough provocative photos of Miley available online to suggest that she’s not as morally-minded as her purity ring seems to claim. Maybe she’s just chaste friends with Justin, though, and wants her fans to stay away from older underwear models.

Miley Cyrus is shown out to dinner at Koi with Justin Gaston last night. Credit: Fame Pictures

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12 Responses to “Miley Cyrus says she’s a role model, not an idol”

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  1. neelyo says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the writer says she has a ‘wildly witty sense of humor’. Boy, she must keep that under wraps because you never see it in public.

  2. Lem says:


  3. gia says:

    I almost feel sorry for her, The poor thing is living out all her coming of age and sense years under the scrutiny of the public eye. Haven’t we all been there in our teenage years, just full of ourselves or seriously confused and misguided? From personal experience I can say, Thank God there was no cameras around when I was her age.

  4. heh-heh says:

    “Miley Cyrus says she’s a role model,
    not a genius”

    Fixed that for ya

  5. j. ferber says:

    In the boy toy department, I think she can do better.

  6. Barry says:

    Miley is a reasonably-talented, beautiful 16 year old KID, whose head is on straighter than most 16 year olds. The operative words being TALENTED nd KID. She’s going to make mistakes, but probably a whole lot less than I made when I was her age. GET OFF HER BACK AND LET THE KID LIVE!

  7. Annie says:

    Yes Gia, but we’re not delusional enough to see ourselves as role models.

    And anyway, she’s often described herself as “an old soul” anyway, that she’s just so much more mature than her age.


    So what is it? Is she a kid who makes mistakes? Or is she an “old soul” role model who should KNOW better and remember that since she IS a role model, young girls LOOK UP TO HER.

    I call bullshit. It’s all a little too convenient. Probably just made that statement to make it seem like she’s trying to be responsible and mature now that she’s flubbed things up.

  8. the original kate says:

    hahaha….oh wait, is she serious?!

  9. daisyfly says:

    She’s a role model, alright. Just not for the tween-teen market. More like the disenchanted Jenna Jameson crowd.

  10. Meg says:

    Wow. Just…wow.

    I’ve despised this talentless attention-addicted child for so long and I can’t wait for her to go down like very other bubble gum pop princess before her. Every time a new Miley scandal pops up i get to hoping that finally FINALLY people will come to their senses but every time my hopes are dashed. I’m thinking about getting a little voodoo doll to expediate the process.

  11. whimsical says:

    Give the kid a break. I’m a teenager too. Sure she’s made some mistakes, but then again, don’t we all? People need to calm down a bit and stay out of other people’s business. Celebrities are more than just media icons who are to be gossiped about and treated like animals on display at a zoo; they are human beings, with feelings, with insecurities, and quite frankly, with very little privacy. While most teenagers are worrying about what their FRIENDS think of them, she has to constantly worry about what the WORLD thinks of her. That can be brutal. That may be why people like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears became so screwed up: they couldn’t handle the pressure of the entertainment business, and it led to serious life issues. I’m hoping Miley can live a relaxed, enjoyable adolescence, and not end up like these celebrities.

  12. whimsical says:

    I wonder what it’s like to have the paparazzi follow you everywhere, to be stared down by the public eye constantly, to be hated and made fun of by people you don’t even know. Hmmm. Just offering up a little perspective…