Was Kelly Rutherford supposed to get the People cover instead of the Duggars?

Kelly Rutherford arrives to a Manhattan court in New York without her children
As you know, Kelly Rutherford is running scared but she’s still making truly asinine, self-destructive choices in her custody battle. Many outlets are covering this story as Kelly presents it: like she’s a loving mother whose kids got taken from her by an evil court system and were sent to live in a terrible foreign country. Kelly has made so many false moves over the years that she’s brought this on herself. Still there are outlets willing to cover Kelly’s side as if this was a miscarriage of justice. Among those are ABC, MSNBC and People Magazine.

A People and Daily Beast writer, Dana Kennedy, was on MSNBC this weekend, where she touted Kelly’s side and made a bunch of veiled accusations against Kelly’s ex husband. During that interview, Kennedy claimed that Kelly’s story would get the cover of People this weekend (or she agreed that it deserved the cover, it’s hard to tell), but the new cover came out and it went to The Duggars. Kelly only got a sidebar. Did People do their homework and realize that their readers are not on Kelly’s side? They’re not on the Duggars’ side either. Here’s what Kennedy said on MSNBC. She repeated Kelly’s claim that “there’s no hard evidence… that Daniel Giersch cannot enter the US” and otherwise parroted Kelly’s talking points. Here’s what she said about Giersch’s business though, and this was disturbing:

Dana Kennedy: We’re shamed online for being fed information from Kelly Rutherford’s camp but we can’t get anything from Daniel Giersch… I’ve actually read over 100 court documents. The more I look into this case and the more I look into this guy.. the more I go into a rabbit hole… inconsistencies, shell companies. Nothing is what it seems with this guy.

Well I happen to say that the fact that we don’t know much about him plays in his favor… the fact is that Daniel Giersch is a mysterious German businessman. He is notorious in Germany… he destroyed people’s lives by suing them over trademark litigation. A lot of small businessman have told me that they were sued for 25,000 euros here and 10,000 euros there…

When I look into the court documents on how he entered the US, which was on a work visa which is only for what Homeland security calls ‘people of extreme talent’ nothing adds up because he is kind of an Internet businessman, not that I’ve been able to find out exactly what he does for a living… it’s difficult to go on the record and say anything… because everything is so unclear.

Right now, he’s winning the media campaign. It’s like the reverse of Gone Girl. He’s kind of like the Amy Dunne in this saga. Barring anything else this should be a fantastic cover story in People.

[From MSNBC video via Mediate]

This is blatant nationalism: “mysterious German businessman.” Giersch did sue Google for the rights to the g-mail.de domain name in Germany and he won, because he had G-mail (Giersch Mail) first. He runs a tech company that puts out apps and by most accounts he’s a self-made man and an entrepreneur. Some of you pointed me to this interview he did with Kelly in LA for German TV station Spiegel TV. I understand German and I watched this with a German speaker. My friend (ok my estranged husband, who is exceedingly reasonable about custody and visitation, giving me a unique perspective on this story) said that Giersch came across like a douche. To me he sounded full of himself but fine. He’s rich and he lived in LA at the time.

Even if Giersch is a trademark and patent troll, which has been claimed before by Kennedy, this does not make him a bad father. I hate copyright trolls and concede that he may be a ruthless businessperson, but that doesn’t mean the kids aren’t better off with him. Kelly is grasping at straws and trying to smear him. I wish the media would actually look deeper into this story instead of just taking the easy “actress loses kids to shady ex” angle. That’s simply not true. Multiple judges in several jurisdictions have ruled on this case and found in Giersch’s favor. I’m glad this didn’t take the cover of People, although the Duggars are pretty despicable.

Kelly also told People why she decided to keep her kids with her in the US past their scheduled visit and against court order. She said when she had to send them back her son said “Mommy, I’m afraid” and her daughter started crying. THAT was the “really alarming” thing that she claims to have been told which prompted her to keep them. Kids cry and get scared with transitions all the time, and yet she called it “alarming” enough to kidnap them. What’s alarming to me is that there are reporters and news outlets still defending her.

You can see Kennedy’s interview on Mediate. She sounds just like Kelly and her lawyer.

18th Annual Super Saturday NY

18th Annual Super Saturday NY

Kelly Rutherford arrives to a Manhattan court in New York without her children

photo credit: Pacific Coast News and Fame Flynet

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85 Responses to “Was Kelly Rutherford supposed to get the People cover instead of the Duggars?”

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  1. meme says:

    stop giving this psycho a platform. all she does is lie and lie and lie. she’s nuts and doesn’t deserve to even see her kids unsupervised at this point.

    • Meaghan says:

      This. She is totally CRAZY, I want to stop hearing about her. The reason her ex is getting good publicity and winning is because he ISNT speaking to the media and he is following the LAW. She is disgusting.

    • DEB says:

      They call it the moral high-road, and that’s exactly what he is doing.

    • lila fowler says:

      People must think that we don’t know the whole story. She IS psycho and she doesn’t get to be the victim here just because she’s female.

    • Michelle says:

      Celebitchy is about the only media site that actually tells the whole story. I hope they continue to call Kelly out on her lies. It is the only site I can stand to read regarding this woman.

  2. Peanutbuttr says:

    Mediate is owned by Dan Abrams, no

    • Kristen says:

      Exactly why I will not follow that link. I’m starting to feel the reason he is so supportive of her is purely for personal gain. This is the only rational explanation I can come up with… he’s gotten one click from me, I won’t go on that site and give him any again.

    • lucy2 says:

      Ah, thanks for letting us know. I won’t click on it. I agree he’s after the attention and clicks.

  3. Lurker says:

    So Kennedy’s interview is on Mediaite, which is Dan Abrams’ website. Oh Dan, what’s the hold Kelly-bot has on you?

    • Starrywonder says:

      I want to know too.

      And seriously that’s why she kept them? She’s a horrible person. She acted like he was abusing them or something.

  4. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    So basically till this day after all the psycho behavior and ridiculous media hoopla we can’t find bum diddly that’s bad about this guy but we have mountains and mountains of evidence showing Kelly would go after Mr. Rogers with accusations of harboring undocumented immigrants if she were in a custody fight with him.

    Some folks just live to make others miserable.

    • Michelle says:

      Didn’t she hire a private detective to dig up dirt on Daniel and found NOTHING?? Then she stiffed him in her bankruptcy.

  5. MelissaManifesto says:

    I hope, somewhere, anywhere, in this messed up legal system, some other mother or father is receiving as much attention as Kelly.

  6. Mia4S says:

    “Mysterious German businessman”; Oh no! Not German! Not Ger…oh wait they’re our friends now.

    I don’t know about the personal facts but the nationalistic push of the ‘Murrica, apple pie, U.S. Citizens suffering on the French Riveria (Seriously?)…is really distasteful.

    • kai says:

      I googled Monaco, because I really know nothing about the place and just seeing the pictures that show up on google…. OMG These poor children!! The horror!! (<- sarcasm, of course) pffft. Her narrative really is ridiculous.

      • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

        If only I had the money to live there… I’d move there in a split second…

      • notasugarhere says:

        I’d be a little freaked out about all the video surveillance, but I might get over it to live somewhere that nice. Would you pick it over the southern coast of Portugal, or is that a silly question? If I remember, you’ve shared that you’re Portuguese. I’ve wanted to visit the Algarve region for awhile because it looks so beautiful. My guess is that would be a lot less expensive than Monaco.

      • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

        Oh, well, if I could choose… it’s a tough question, since I’ve lived in the South of Portugal for the past few years, by the ocean. In Monaco I’d have the beach with the Mediterranean warm water along with the skiing. My cousin lives near Nice and Cannes… it’s just awful visiting her on holidays :D… In Portugal, the water is slightly colder (it’s the Atlantic Ocean with a mediterranean climate) …
        Winter in Monaco, Summer in Portugal? It would be nice..

        About the video surveillance… Not worried about it… It would actually be quite safe to live there..

      • notasugarhere says:

        Thank you for the info. If someone handed me a life in either place, I’d have difficulty turning it down! Monaco is said to be very safe, which has strong appeal.

  7. BlueNailsBetty says:

    “Mysterious German businessman”? Why not just invoke Godwin’s Law and be done with it? Really, just show your true colors and quit trying to be sly. Oh wait, Kelly and her ilk are too chickensh!t to be honest about this sitch.

    And how stupid is the American news/media that they would help Kelly spread her brand of lies? After what happened to Brian Williams you would think the news biggies would make damn sure they had their facts straight.

    • Lady D says:

      The Daily Mail is reporting she said that her daughter started crying ‘mommy, I’m afraid’ the night before they left and said she didn’t want to go back. She said her son was panicky at the thought. She sent the ex an email saying she needed to think about this for awhile. I hope she loses custody for good.

      • meow says:

        People has this story too. She has had how many days to make up this story about her kids being afraid to go back to their Dad?

  8. Jas says:

    She’s a nutjob and shame on her supporters for having to lower themselves to promoting xenophobia, baseless sinister insinuations and lies to smear this man because they have nothing on him. He seems like a very good father, he has been more than reasonable in the face of orchestrated abuse and attempts at parental alienation of him.

    Kelly doesn’t deserve any parental rights at this stage. She is an emotionally abusive, personality disordered narcissist and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near them. She has no ability not to harm them because she cannot think of anything that is not about her. Her supporters have no credibility, so called journalists and editors should be fired for blatant propaganda, disgusting smears against a loving father who has committed no offence except to want to be a father against Kelly’s wishes and attempts to interfere with family justice.

  9. J says:

    I read this over at People primarily to see the comments. Their readers think Kelly is crazy and lying. I don’t understand how these outlets continue to tarnish their reputations allowing her to continue lying without being challenged with all the available facts about this case.

    • danielle says:

      I agree, people is really tarnishing their rep lately. Being friendly to the famous is one thing, but defending this, the duggars, and the kardashian kid’s relationship with tyga when she was underage – indefensible.

    • lucy2 says:

      I read an article there on the subject last week and the comments were the same. The readers aren’t buying it, but People keeps churning out pro-Kelly stories. Glad to see the readers keep hammering them on it though.

    • DEB says:

      I for one will NEVER buy People again if they put this waste on their cover. It was bad enough they featured Tom Cruise and his “lonely life”. Ugh. I wonder if Anna Wintour has any idea how much she lost in Vogue sales after putting “Kimye” on their cover. Don’t buy that anymore either. Ugh.

    • Wonderbunny says:

      Perhaps they’re doing what Daily Mail does very successfully: report stories in ways that will get people riled up and talking, and always take the side of your countrymen over foreigners. Daily Mail does some pro level trolling and no matter how much people get upset, they always go back for more. Magazines like that aren’t supposed to be taken seriously. They just have to appeal to people’s emotions. Any emotions.

      • kai says:

        I have a Daily Mail problem. I try to stop, but I always go back. I hate myself for it. Seriously, the DM is evil.

  10. Liv says:

    I just watched the video. He was 23 when he married her? Holy cow. Even if he comes across as arrogant he was 25 years old when he did the video – still time to grow up I think. Also he seems like a nerd.

    • Betti says:

      Kelly must have thought she’d found herself a Mark Zukerberg – Silicon valley wonder kid who was going to make billions.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      According to other media outlets, he was born in 1974 and they got married in 2006, so he was 32. She was 38. I just watched the video for the first time too and at first it really sounded like they said he was just 25 at that moment, but I think they meant he bought his first house in LA, when he was 25, not that he bought this particular house with Kelly at 25. He didn’t sound like a douche to me. He sounded exactly as I imagined a nerdy guy, who came up with an idea for his successful company when he was just 18, and then whose other ideas all brought him million-dollar contracts, would sound like. Very confident, very straight-to-the-point, but still nice. And Kelly sounded so normal, nice and in-love that I almost forgot what a whack-a-doodle she is.

      They explained what he does for a living clearly and in detail in this video too. It would be handy for that Kennedy woman, Dan Abrams, Kelly’s scary lawyer and all the people who call him shady for not knowing what he does, to hire a German translator, who would explain it to them ( I’m sure Kelly already knows it but she won’t admit it). But these would be facts and they all seem to be allergic to both facts and the foreigners. It’s much easier to use the phrase ” mysterious German” as a veiled insult than actually research his background.

      • SisterMorphine says:

        Driven is how I would describe him. Willing to work for his success and proud of his accomplishments. And he really likes to talk doesn’t he? Must kill him to keep quiet now, haha.

      • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

        In one of the videos he actually explains he used to deliver the mail on his bicycle around his hometown which is where he started the mail delivery company… At age 23 he was competing with Deutsche Post (German post offices already). then at 25 he moved to Monaco… He even explains how to carry the mail satchel (do we call it satchel the bag postmen carry to deliver letters?) He explains that it was in his room and then later in the shed in the garden that he would select the letters for distribution…
        minute 3.40 onwards.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8LTUPAUOW8&list=PL8CFD5BE65CA11904&index=2

        Apparently he is a fan of yoga, probably it’s what’s keeping him focused and patient in relation to all the confusion… here’s a link.. he’s a nerd … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-DWPLRNBz8

      • (Original, not CDAN) says:

        @Norman Bates’ Mother

        I watched the video, as well. Daniel doesn’t come across at all as a douche, just confident and joyous (which I guess gets on some people’s nerves, IDK). At that point in time, he was absolutely crazy in love with his wife and so happy with life in general. Focused and articulate guy, not just interested in his business ventures but making solid environmental choices for his home.

        He seems quite normal and nice, especially given how successful he became at such a young age.

      • (Original, not CDAN) says:

        @Norman Bates’ Mother

        Sorry, forgot to add that I completely agree with your take.

        I’ve done some Googling — mostly looking at German sites — and haven’t come across anything that supports Dana Kennedy’s claims (except for comments coming from Kelly and her legal team, which have proven to be untrustworthy).

        My guess is that Dana Kennedy is in Kelly’s pocket or sulking because Daniel won’t give her the time of day.

      • Liv says:

        Thanks for the clarification. And yes, he seems very joyous and driven! 😉

  11. jwoolman says:

    Assuming she’s reporting truthfully (quite an assumption, to be sure) — I bet the kid was indeed afraid. Kelly has probably been telling them that she might never see them again if they left New York or at least that she was worried that this would happen. That’s what she’s been telling the media. The kids didn’t act at all afraid when they went off with their paternal grandmother. But Kelly didn’t get a chance to prime them for the repeat performance because she hadn’t expected to go to court (explaining the casual clothes and dirty sneakers) and then when dragged there, thought she could avoid bringing the kids. She was under careful observation by the court when she said goodbye to the kids, so she couldn’t pull the “I’m so afraid I’ll never see you again” routine to get them crying.

    She’s still trying to spin this into a Lifetime movie, “A Foreigner Abducted My Children”.

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s what I thought too – if the kids were scared, it’s because she made them. They’ve been going back and forth for a couple of years now and had no reason to be scared, unless she was filling their heads with garbage. Their grandmother probably reassured them everything was OK and that’s why they were fine with her. Poor kids. Kelly is such a nutball, and shows no signs of stopping and being a decent parent.

    • notasugarhere says:

      “My children ask me all the time if I am still fighting for them …. I always tell them the day will never come when I say no.”

      Agreed, she is the one making them afraid. The kids seem happy living in Monaco with their father. They’re probably thinking, “What fight?”

      What lies does she feed them every day?

    • LAR says:

      Well, the son has anxiety issues, so the transition could have been triggering that, particularly if she was ramping the kids up.

      • notasugarhere says:

        His anxiety issues, from court documents, are when he is away from his father for extended periods. His father was his main caregiver for the first few years. If he was anxious, it was because it was becoming clear to him that he wasn’t going to get to go home to his father.

      • meh says:

        Yeah, a very long plane ride could itself be scary to a child with anxiety, and the younger sister could be picking up on her brother’s fear. No reason to suspect abuse. She is grasping at straws.

      • jwoolman says:

        The kids actually did pretty well in the transition at the court house. Many children have trouble with transitions between divorced parents’ households – it’s typically very brief. Kids have trouble with change and they legitimately will miss the parent they’ve just been with. Crying can certainly be involved with young children and if more than one child is involved, one child starts and the other joins in… Kelly has a history of anxiety-inducing behavior at transitions and during Skype calls. The 2013 Decision was very clear about how the transitions were to be handled as a result – she is not supposed to get hysterical or cry or anything like that. But that doesn’t stop her from scaring the kids beforehand. The woman really needs supervised visits. Not only is she an abduction risk now, but she also has no sense about how she talks to the kids. This is a problem with some other divorced parents as well, but she keeps dragging the court into it so she might be surprised at what she gets.

  12. minx says:

    Rutherford or the Duggars?
    What a choice.
    People has no credibility anymore.

  13. Angelica says:

    Good. Not good that the Duggars got it but good that one dismissed the other. Maybe next week Kelly can shove they Duggars away. Let them keep pushing each other out of magazine covers and see if they disappear. You know what would be nice? Kelly Clarkson on they cover with a puppy. Idk, maybe refresh our memories of what someone who doesn’t offend they masses looks like lol.

  14. morc says:

    I love the comments at people.com
    There is this guy who always used the same template.

    His comments go
    degenerate german
    sick,shamefulbought corrupt German court
    thanks for the exchange

    Quite fascinating really.

    • Adele Dazeem says:

      I’ve read that guy! He’s a trolling nutjob. I don’t he’s forgiven Germany its past actions.

  15. LAK says:

    What is it with Kelly and her team of lying liars?

    Lots of people have the O visa. Just because it’s described as a visa for ‘aliens with extraordinary talent’ doesn’t mean Daniel or anyone else who has it shady.

    • paddyjr says:

      Exactly. There is usually an assessment with questions such as: “do you have a college degree?”, do you own your business?”, or “do you have X amount of money to support yourself while in the US?” A point is assigned for each question and, if you get a certain number of points, you qualify for the visa. Doesn’t mean he’s one in a million and no one else in the world could do his job.

      Kelly’s side is just trying create drama and cast doubt on Daniel. They never stop to think that, given the 6 or so years this has been going on and the number of therapists and lawyers involved, if there was something alarming it would have already come up.

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      It really is not that difficult to get an O-1 alien of extraordinary ability visa for someone who has already built a successful business, like Daniel did…in his early 20s. It does not require the person to be an Academy Award or Nobel Prize winner or even have millions in the bank. Nothing shady about this at all, IMHO.

  16. Wren says:

    I don’t know, I’m gonna need some more all-white clothing appearances to really convince me! C’mon people, if a blond white lady dressed in white isn’t the epitome of innocence and truth, what is?!?!?! Just look at her! Ignore everything she’s said and done about this, look at the pictures!

    (This is what I imagine going through the minds of those defending her).

  17. Insomniac says:

    Nothing in the court decisions makes me think Giersch is anything other than a good father, so I don’t care if he’s a ruthless businessman who’s full of himself. It’s not like we don’t have any of those in America.

    • That’s what I don’t get. He MAY be a douche (which I am just not seeing, because a REAL douche would not be as nice to Kelly after allll the shit she pulled)….but does that mean he shouldn’t be able to see his kids? No.

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      Here’s what I don’t understand…

      She wasn’t that successful an actress when they met and got married. “Melrose Place” had been over for a while, and “Gossip Girl” cannot have been all that lucrative for her. She clearly enjoyed all the benefits that his money offered her when they were married and did not seem to care back then how he made his millions.

      But the minute SHE filed for divorce, suddenly how he earns a living is problematic? NOW she’s worried about him being shady and litigious? Her hypocrisy boggles the mind!

      • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

        She probably thought divorce would get her a nice paycheck for life… She never realised she’d get out of the wedding without a cent, since there was no prenup?
        What boggles me is how does one get pregnant after 3 months dating and then gets married without knowing what the other person does for a living… The pregnant part, one could say *cough* accident *cough*, but the marrying part?
        I’m 40, I’ve had boyfriends, I know where they worked, what they did, even met their bosses / family… So, now she worries about it? I think she wanted a good cut from the divorce that would give her a fancy, nice life in NY / Hamptons/ LA alongside with 2 beautiful kids to parade and show how happy she is, and wonderful, and magnificent and,,, etc

    • Adele Dazeem says:

      Exactly. The guy may have been a bit of a fame-hungry douche when he was younger. For all I know he may be guilty of a bit of tax evasion and not declaring his interests (it certainly sounds as if he prefers his business dealings not to be ‘transparent’), however, that makes not one iota of difference. This is a custody arrangement, not a business arrangement. It has not impacted his ability to be a good and loving father who provides his children with a secure environment in which to grow up.

      This “Daniel is a shady businessman and therefore can’t have his children” argument from Kelly’s camp can just as easily be thrown back in her face. Imagine if Daniel’s camp came out saying “Kelly is a hopeless actress! Only two significant roles in the last fifteen years! She’s shady! She doesn’t deserve her children!”. It’s so ridiculous.

  18. dagdag says:

    Giersch is not notorious in Germany.

    Except for gossip pages (Kelly Rutherford) and a very few internet news (ref gmail, google, German Post System, private banking fonds,etc), he is just not known.

    Up to approx. 2009, he gave one handful of interviews on tv.

    • morc says:

      Agree, they all try to soup him up as some kind of Pablo Escobaresque “businessman” when nobody knows him.

  19. NewWester says:

    All this over the top media coverage may very well bite Kelly in the a** come that hearing in September. She is either not listening to her lawyer or is getting really bad advice

  20. Peanutbuttr says:

    Does anyone know who Kelly’s representation is, agent/publicist? I wonder if she shares the same representation as someone more famous, which is how she’s getting this coverage. Because let’s face it, Kelly is a “never was”. She appeared on Melrose Place in the last two or three seasons, long after most people stopped watching, and she was a secondary character on Gossip Girl. Hardly a person that would get clicks or sell mags.

    • YT says:

      I wondered about that too. A publicist with one or two real stars as clients would have the power to push Kelly’s agenda. Otherwise, People Magazine and the other news and tabloid outlets are just idiotic and will publish anything to get readership/viewership.

  21. anne_000 says:

    So Dana Kennedy doesn’t believe in the trademark protection, same as those ‘businessmen’ she allegedly interviewed?
    “Dana Kennedy: We’re shamed online for being fed information from Kelly Rutherford’s camp but we can’t get anything from Daniel Giersch…”

    So that means just run with pro-Kelly info then? That must be what’s accepted as ‘modern journalism’ nowadays.
    “Right now, he’s winning the media campaign.”

    Imagine that. Good for him. Maybe Kelly and her media friends should figure out why that is and then copy what he’s doing.
    Kelly never believes she does anything wrong as a mother. She’ll never admit It’s her fault if she’s causing anxiety in those kids.

    But when the kids saw their paternal grandmother, they were laughing, smiling, and happy. I guess they were brought back to the reality that their lives in Monaco were filled with normal, loving people, instead of the crazy, fearful fantasy their mother lives in.

    • LAK says:

      The idjit doesn’t realise the contradiction in her two statements.

      She’s acknowledging the fact that despite getting zip from Dan, and the blanket coverage of Pro-Kelly stories, he is still winning.

      A fool would tell her that she needs to review her strategy or better still, copy his!!

  22. jessica says:

    Her whole argument is that the kids would be better in America cause USA USA. Whether or not America is a better place than Germany or Monaco (debatable), the courts determine who would be a better parent. And Kelly’s crazy is way to pronounced. She’s never going to get sole custody no matter how many court filings she can afford.

    Just wait until we start hearing about how she’s going broke trying to save her children. Seriously STFU Kelly.

  23. bree77 says:

    Didn’t she leave her first husband right after he had a stroke because she was tired of taking care of him? I thought I remember that from years ago. I’ve never liked her since then.

    • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

      She did, and here it is on geocities. The 3 last paragrahs say volumes of her and how she wants to be seen all over the media:
      On Jan. 22, millions of viewers tuned into NBC’s “InStyle Celebrity Weddings” to watch lovebirds KELLY RUTHERFORD and CARLOS TARAJANO recite their marriage vows. But the couple’s fairytale romance turned into a horror story when Carlos was struck down by near-fatal illness. While a devoted Kelly stood by his side as he recuperated, on Jan. 11, she filed for divorce. And ET has the exclusive story!
      It was love at first sight when Carlos, a banker, spotted the former “Melrose Place” starlet across a crowded restaurant over a year ago. As Carlos told ET, “One of my first questions was, ‘Will you marry me?'”
      That same evening, the smitten groom-to-be designed a wedding ring that he slipped on Kelly’s finger a few months later. The couple tied the knot eight months later, in June 2001.
      But alas, this Hollywood story did not have a happy ending: Three months after the wedding, Carlos collapsed while taking a shower and was rushed to the hospital. “Thank God she was taking her makeup off while I was talking to her,” he recalls. “I nearly died in the shower.”
      Carlos, who was diagnosed with a heart condition, contends that Kelly never left his side during his stay in the hospital. But he claims that her dedication seemed to wane once he returned home. At first, Carlos depended on Kelly completely—even just to tie his shoes or brush his teeth! As he recovered, however, Carlos said that his new wife became more distant. Eventually, Kelly packed up and left.
      Carlos says that his repeated attempts to reconcile proved unsucessful. Then, he discovered that “InStyle Celebrity Weddings” was ready to air footage of the couple’s big day and a wedding-related interview. Surprised, Carlos called the magazine but was told that Kelly had reassured them that all was well with the marriage. So the magazine went ahead and aired the segment.
      Despite being embarrassed by the “InStyle” telecast, Carlos asserts that he is “not mad—I am disappointed.”
      Carlos maintains to this day that Kelly loved him at the time they wed. “I’m in love with the old Kelly, not the Kelly that did this to me,” he told ET. “If it had been the other way around, I would never have left her side; I promised in front of God to stay with her until death do us part.”

  24. anne_000 says:

    Fox News has a posted a new and short clip of an interview done with Kelly & Murphy (8/19/15).

    Kelly states:

    – Monaco did not demand the kids return. It was all on Daniel and his ‘demands.’
    – The kids were hysterical and afraid.
    – They way they were forced to return was was ‘so sudden.’
    – She was terrified about not knowing what would happen to them if they went back, because they were ‘voicing concerns.’
    – She just spoke to the kids on Skype and they’re saying that Daniel told them that they can’t see her unless it’s supervised from now on.
    – That he’s saying things to them constantly like they can’t see their mother unless she turns over their US passports.
    – The kids are crying and telling her to turn over their passports.

    – When the Fox News Babe summarizes the situation as HER (Kelly’s) two children, not being at HOME HERE with her, but living in Monaco, because their father can’t come into this country, Kelly responds with:

    ‘Right and we don’t even know why. A judge from California, Judge Theresa Beudet sent them there on an order that was basically unenforceable in a foreign country.’

    – Then the Fox News Babe and Kelly make it sound like the reason the kids were sent back the other week was because of Daniel’s demand… as if their return hadn’t been pre-scheduled by a court order even BEFORE the summer visitation began.

    – Kelly says that Daniel knew exactly why she was doing what she was doing….as if that should have prompted Daniel not to ask for the kids back.

    – The FNB says he can’t come to the US because he’s wanted for tax evasion.

    It’s interesting that not even Kelly is pinning down one reason why Daniel’s visa got revoked.

    The accusations have been so many and varied. I guess she’s OK with allowing that to go on, so long as it makes Daniel look bad.

    Regarding passports, I read that she turned them over to the grandmother during the recent hearing.

    So I’m thinking she’s mixing up the timeline with that passport story actually having taken place after Daniel refused to let her visit without turning them over after her TMZ statement. This was back in March or May, right?

    She’s making it sound like the passport story just happened. Geebus.

    • notasugarhere says:

      anne_000, thank you for that summary! I’ve very glad we don’t have to go over there and give FauxNews the clicks to get the info.

      Many people who watch FNews will believe every word she just said. She’s nowhere near done yet. Two more weeks of this until she leaves, on-camera and dressed all in white, for the custody hearing September 3rd.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ notasugarhere

        You’re welcome. 🙂

        I understand about not wanting to go there. They give me the hives.

        At this point, I think she’s not about winning or losing or her kids anymore. I think it’s about self-promotion and that’s it.

    • Adele Dazeem says:

      I just love how there is no research or questions to Kelly about why Daniel might want the U.S. passports handed over? Why won’t someone ask her hard questions like: (1) “Kelly, it’s understood that Daniel’s stance on the U.S. passports being handed over is directly related to your earlier declaration that you wanted someone to kidnap your children and bring them back to you to the U.S. and they would be American heroes if they did. Could you comment on the fact that Daniel’s actions could be seen as precautionary as he fears for the safety of his children?” (2) “Could Daniel be requesting this supervision of her interaction with the children because you technically broke the law in refusing to send the children back at the designated time and you did technically kidnap them””?

      Geezus…. it’s not hard! Ask her the bloody questions!!!

      • anne_000 says:

        Also, iirc, Daniel’s lawyer said it had been court ordered previously that those passports were to be in the hands of a neutral third party and that Daniel hadn’t asked for it to be enforced but had just left it alone. He seems to leave a lot left alone for the sake of not ruffling Kate’s feather more than she does herself.

        Last year, she went to court to try to keep the kids. (So it’s beginning to be an annual thing for the summer visits.) She forewarned the courts at that time that they’re forcing her to consider taking matters into her own hands – i.e., keep the kids against court orders.

    • (Original, not CDAN) Violet says:


      Thanks for the summary — like notasugarhere, I’d prefer not to encourage FauxNews (perfect name for them, ha!).

      I hope this time the judge comes down hard on her. Frankly, she deserves jail time for her recent stunts but I’d settled for her visits being 100% in Monaco, always supervised and with passports held by a third party.

      Every time the kids visit her in the US, she fills their heads with fears, takes them on one pap stroll after the other, and creates drama at the end of the visit.

      I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I think Kelly should be forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, because she seems completely unhinged. She seems to have no idea how she’s undermining her children’s well being. Encouraging strangers to kidnap them for her is the last straw.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ (Original, not CDAN) Violet


        I agree that Kelly should be punished by the court, but I think that if she were jailed, she would hold that over her kids’ heads all their lives.

        I like your plan of having the kids 100% of the time in Monaco and that if Kelly visits, it has to be supervised with the passports always out of her hands.

  25. holly hobby says:

    Nefarious businessman my butt. He’s a computer nerd. There are a lot of them just like him in California. No guess as to what they do for a living.

    Take a seat and shut up lady.

  26. Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

    ABC website after the latest article on KR

    “An attorney for Giersch told ABC News in a statement on Friday that “Daniel Giersch continues to protect the children from any negativity and therefore will continue to not engage in any of these unfortunate and false media fabrications which only serve one person but clearly not the children.”

    Short, direct and intelligent… I have to hand it to him, he’s one smart guy… 😀 I like him just for that..

    • Alice says:

      I sincerely hope that after the custody hearing Sept. 3, his lawyers quietly file defamation, libel and slander charges against Kelly, her lawyer and the news outlets that have been parroting her lies.

  27. holly hobby says:

    I really think Kelly and her minions bought L. Ron Hubbard’s book on how to harrass people who do not agree with them because she’s doing it in spades. I hope they take those kids away from this nutjob.

  28. SavageGrace says:

    IF true – BIG if – I honestly wouldn’t put it passed her to be constantly filling her kids’ heads full of crap during their visits and purposely sending them into the “mommy, I’m afraid” panic. This is, after all, a woman who tried to manipulate her son into screaming for the police when he met his father at the airport.

    That said, it’s kinda funny how this “alarming” behavior – their panic, hysteria, upset (or whatever she’s calling it now) – was a long forgotten memory and they both were actually very happy & apparently excited to see their father when they were sent off with their grandmother.

  29. Helen says:

    One of the most worrying things about all this is that as she’s obviously crazy, people are automatically coming down on his side. This always happens in a situation where one half of a couple is obviously ‘bad’.

    But he might not be a good guy either. And that would get lost in the wash of everyone seeing her as being so openly dreadful.

    When I was growing up, my father was violent and obviously “bad”. So everyone sided with my mother. But she was really worse, she did things which messed us all up more than he did, but he was pulling all the focus.

    Those poor kids.

    • anne_000 says:

      @ Helen

      I don’t think anybody is saying they’re both perfect people.

      I think Kelly’s behavior has been harmful for their family’s relationship though.

      People have read the custody documents. The judge listed the reasons why Daniel was given physical custody.

      So it’s not just based on what she says in the media. It’s based on more in-depth knowledge.

      Google: Harris Ginsberg Rutherford Statement of Decision PDF

    • SavageGrace says:

      Nobody thinks Daniel is a Saint but if you read the Statement of Decision and read up on the case, you’ll get a clear understanding of why so many people are taking (and/or are beginning to take) his side, including the courts.