Charlize Theron doesn’t have ticking biological clock; does want kids


A few months ago, there were some rumors about the state of Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend’s relationship. After the initial flurry of gossip, nothing really happened, and it looks like those break-up reports were either false, or the couple weathered whatever minor storm they had. They’ve been together for more than eight years, and Charlize has said several times that they feel like they’re already married, and have no need to make it official. She’s also been vocal of her support for gay marriage, saying that she wouldn’t even consider getting married unless homosexuals could too.

Now Charlize is talking babies. She gave an interview to Marie Claire (quotes via Showbiz Spy), and she’s saying that although she doesn’t feel a biological clock ticking, she and Stuart both want kids. Since she’s been with Stuart, Charlize says “I don’t feel like I’m in survival mode anymore. I feel like it’s OK, I can breathe, so I’m very grateful to him.” So when can we expect the babies?

Charlize Theron wants to be a mom.

The Battle in Seattle star – who is currently dating Irish actor Stuart Townsend – says she is keen to have a baby, but is no rush to get pregnant.

She tells Marie Claire magazine, “I’ve always known that I wanted to be a mom. I love children. I’ve always loved children. But I’m not like, ‘Oh my god, I really must have kids right now.’ I’ve never felt this pressing urge that some biological clock is ticking. We both want to be parents one day, but I’ve no idea when that will be.”

“Since I’ve been with Stuart, my vulnerability has become something I’m more comfortable with. I think there’s a part of me that is very much a survivor. I don’t know if it was in my genes, I don’t know what it is. But I guess being young and starting out in a sense of, ‘I’m not going to be a wallflower, and I’m not going to be messed with.’ That was the only way I knew how to survive at that time.”

“But all that has changed since I’ve been with Stuart. I don’t feel like I’m in survival mode any more. I feel like it’s OK, I can breathe, so I’m very grateful to him.”

[From Showbiz Spy]

I totally get where Charlize is coming from, especially when she’s talking about her own vulnerability. I’m the same way with a lot of men. I have that self-destructive “fight or flight” thing that comes up, and I totally mess up relationships because I find it so difficult to be vulnerable. It’s cool that Chalize has found someone who takes her as-is. Stuart’s always seemed like a decent guy, one of those modern men who isn’t intimidated by his girlfriend’s star power, fame, or money. He just seems to love her, and that brings a little tear to my cold, self-destructive heart.


Here are Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend at the LA Premiere of Hancock on 6/30/08. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .

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11 Responses to “Charlize Theron doesn’t have ticking biological clock; does want kids”

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  1. Wow says:

    Charlize rocks on so many different levels.

  2. Wonder Woman says:

    lol if they only made more men like that. lmao I kid, I kid. but they seem like a very pleasent couple, good for them. However, Id love to see her pregs

  3. Jag says:

    Interesting. Unless I’m wrong, Charlize had said once that she didn’t want to become pregnant because she didn’t want to be “fat.” Perhaps they’re considering adoption then?

  4. Mairead says:

    @ Jag – probably. I think she’s great now, but she did used to say the most self-absorbed and/or daftest things in interviews when she was younger. But hey-ho, it got her column inches, and that’s what matters 😉

    I think Stuart is great too – but for the love of jimminy man, close a formal jacket when you’re standing up on the red carpet! It even make those sleeves look too long.
    And Charlize love, we know that you have legs – there’s no need to distend one of them just to make us aware of them in that dress. You’re not Liz Hurley you know!

  5. Sauronsarmy says:


  6. Mairead says:

    Say what now Sauron?

  7. Sauronsarmy says:

    Mairead: YOU’VE NEVER SEEN ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT?!??!?!? COME ON! Get thee to Hulu now! All three seasons are there.

  8. caro says:

    she’s very beautiful woman and an awesome actress!

  9. Orangejulius says:

    That was my first thought…that’s just a wee bit too much leg showing there. Not being able to be vulnerable was what messed up my last relationship too…afraid of being hurt, so I got hurt. Damn!

  10. lisa says:


  11. Eileen Yover says:

    If I looked like her I’d hold off on the kid front too! I have two, they are on spring break as we speak and have mercy they drain the years off you! Love my children but I feel like I’ve aged 15 years in 5 years. If your job is to look good than hold off! lol And she is so freaking gorgeous! She’s on my “If I were to go gay one night who would it be with” list. Fo Sho!