Walking Dead premiere ‘cops on a parade’: excellent or over the top? (spoilers)

Spoilers for the season six premiere of The Walking Dead, which aired last night, follow
There were plenty of heart racing moments and clever dialogue on the season premiere of The Walking Dead last night. It was the most ambitious episode of the show to date, with a massive zombie hoard escaping from a quarry just slightly earlier than our heroes were expecting. Rick’s plans were laid and followed, and there were inevitable, horrible setbacks and some triumphs. We saw the weakness of the Alexandria residents, who were virtually helpless dealing with zombies, and we also saw the horrible truth of why they were largely undisturbed by the undead: around 20,000 zombies were gathered in a deep pit, drawn there by the noise and trapped by tractor trailers which were about to give way. When the group had to execute Rick’s orders without a dry run they seemed to be pulling it off until a loud horn started drawing the undead toward Alexandria.

For a quick recap I’m going to quote Refinery 29 as they do a nice job summing up the episode without getting caught in the details:

Rick tells Deanna that everyone needs to be armed inside the walls and trained to kill. He proposes a plan to lead [the zombie hoard] away from Alexandria by herding them with noises. He’s all, “I don’t take chances anymore,” in that Grimesy voice of his. Except, trying to lead thousands of walkers feels like a major chance to me — and to the other characters. “I know this sounds insane,” Rick says to the terrified group, “but this is an insane world. We have to come for them, or they come for us. It’s that simple.”

Fair enough. And, it may be the only thing that’s simple anymore. Morgan, who’s reunited with Rick after they amicably went their separate ways in season 1, questions the double standard by which Rick conducts the community. Rick and Deanna demand that Pete be buried outside the community’s walls; they don’t honor killers, here. And then Morgan’s all, “I’m a killer, Rick. I am and you are, too.” It’s a fair point. But every hour in this new world is a judgement call — and Rick’s the one calling the shots.

You know who’s really not into Rick being in charge? Carter. Oh, man. He hates Rick in charge! He tries to convince a few members of the community to kill Rick and let things go back to the way they were. (As if!) But, Rick finds out and, though he grants him mercy, Carter is ultimately bitten — and executed.

As you could have probably guessed, Rick’s plan worked until the final few minutes of the episode. A horn sound starts coming from Alexandria, and the herd starts to change direction directly towards the community. We’re left with Rick and Michonne scrambling back toward Alexandria, having realized their plan has failed. But, what was that horn sound? And will this be the end of their haven? Given the fate of literally every other “safe” spot they’ve found, probably.

[From Refinery 29]

As Refinery 29 mentions, Morgan serves as a kind of moral foil to Rick, who struggles with retaining his humanity while he works to protect the community. Morgan is so wise he also saw through Carol’s preppy neighbor act, asking her if she was a cop since she is always observing everyone. As I’ve said before, I think Lennie James is a superb actor and I hope he sticks around for the entire season.

Favorite moments: Morgan asking Michonne if she’d stolen a peanut butter protein bar from him during their first encounter. She denied it, but producers Greg Nicotero and Scott Gimple revealed on Talking Dead that Michonne had indeed stolen the bar. Why did she lie?! Also, Eugene complimenting new character Heath (Corey Hawkins, Straight Outta Compton) on his hair game. Heath just looked nonplussed, as if he was struggling to get a read on Eugene’s bizarre personality. When Tara woke from her coma, she said to Eugene “Thank God nothing happened to your hair.” (Incidentally Tara told Eugene last season to cut his hair, but he claimed it was his “source of power.”) When you see Nicotero it becomes somewhat clear why hair is a theme on WD.

Lingering questions: Who is honking the horn leading the zombies straight to Alexandria? Is it a distress signal? Are the wolves trying to decimate the community? Is someone from the inside honking it in an attempt to sabotage Rick and the group? (Richard Rys at Vulture wonders whether teenager Ron, whose father Rick executed, may be to blame.)

Over at E! they’re questioning why we didn’t see Carl this episode, but we did see Carl holding hands with that girl he likes on the roof. (Carl loves roofs.)

As for who is honking the horn, I’m behind the theory that it’s a signal from someone in Alexandria – someone stupid enough to think this is a great idea. What about that douchebag Father Gabriel?

You can watch this episode of The Walking Dead for free without a login on AMC.




photos courtesy of AMC

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46 Responses to “Walking Dead premiere ‘cops on a parade’: excellent or over the top? (spoilers)”

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  1. Isa says:

    I loved the humor in this episode. I laughed when Gabriel offered to help and Rick shot him down.

    • bellenola says:

      Fantastic episode.

    • delphi says:

      Agreed. I cackled in a most unladylike fashion.

      That picture of Carol is my new desktop at work. Perfection.

    • Liv says:

      Me too. I had to laugh out loud when Carol was all like “Oh that’s terrifying!” Eugene is the best. The look on the face of the new guy when he told him that he loved his hair – incredible.

    • Delta Juliet says:

      I laughed out loud at that too

      “I’ll hel-”
      “NO. Anyone else?”

  2. Sayrah says:

    Intense. I don’t know why I expected that plan to work but I was really upset when that horn started blowing.

    There was a preview later with Enid in a car but I doubt she would have intentionally blown the horn.

    • Rachel says:

      I think it was Porch D!cks kid. Rick killed his dad, and at the beginning of the episode there was a shot of him observing Carl and Enid on the roof. I think he is a stupid kid who thought if he made Rick’s plan fail, the town would turn again Rick and force him and his group to hit the bricks. But he didn’t think past ruining Rick’s plan, so he didn’t realize the danger he put the entire town in. And Enid’s in the truck cab because she knew what would happen and went running for the source of the sound to stop it. But she gets trapped there with the zombie horde. That’s my theory.

      • Mayamae says:

        I don’t think it’s Ron, but someone joked Ron said, “This is the horn my father left me”. I think it’s the Wolves. They have pictures of the area that they found on Aaron.

  3. Jackson says:

    I thought it was neither excellent nor over the top. I actually thought it was….kind of boring. All the build up to Morgan meeting up with Rick and then they do no even show it? What a waste. They should have showed the immediate aftermath at the town meeting. Reminiscent of the huge Terminus build up only to have it play out so quickly.
    I love Morgan and also hope he sticks around. I loved the peanut butter protein bar question, lol. I really wish she had given the same answer to Morgan as she had when Rick questioned her about it: “The mat said welcome.”

  4. QQ says:

    Episode was far too long and Overprecious, for the NOTHING that was happening then I saw Nicotero had shot it and it recalled to me that Remedial art school ep he shot for Tyreese death, and it all made sense as far as the lenght the black and white etc

    Of Note: Carl ( COORRRLL) had no speaking lines, they finally wised up to not feeding us too much of that brat

    Morgan is gonna bite it as it happens to every “Moral center” that and Glenn ( just cause he is compassionate enough)

    The wolves is who sounded the horn, but on that note, didn’t rick have a talk to both Morgan and Darryl about these folks?? so how was that not managed beforehand?

    Michonne wasn’t so much Lying as much as giving Morgan the ” BIIITTCCHH PLEASE HAVE A SEAT, do You NOT see me busy killing??”

    This is the last season I’m giving this show and cursory at that cause i’ll do my nails as it happens

    • Cindy says:

      They better not kill off Morgan. I’m not kidding, they really better not. :(. And I agree, Michonne was humoring him, kind of in a fond, exasperated way, like an irrational younger child. Morgan is still a little touched in the head I think, but I a good way.

      • QQ says:

        The will Cindy, realistically speaking and this show not being particularly Ballsy the regulars won’t go before a newbie and the one that stands up to Rick and doesn’t cotton to his assholery always bites it, via Zombie or Rick

        Also on another very funny note Heath it’s from the books so he HAS TO look a certain way, well black twitter was dragging that mess of a wig ALL EPISODE Like straight up calling it a hairpiece from the Tyler Perry Movies Collection Hahahah

      • Isa says:

        Oh man, I liked Heath’s hair.

    • Rachel says:

      Agree about Morgan. Anyone who tries to retain their compassion/ humanity -whatever you want to call it- bites the dust. Dale, Hershel, Bob.

  5. Nancy says:

    Come see Come saw….the black and white was interesting…but the real quandary is the horn….geesh I don’t want to wait a whole week….come on.

  6. Cindy says:

    God I missed you Walking Dead.
    I love Morgan and I love that he saw through Carol’s nicey-nice act. I am also growing fond of the Congress woman (?) name escapes me. It seems she’s catching on to the fact that the rules have changed and survival requires some degree of brutality/ruthlessness.

    Maggie bugs me. She is the only character so far I just feel tired of- I can even deal with Carl, but Maggie, I dunno, she grates….

  7. Madpoe says:

    I enjoyed the hell out of this season opener! It grabbed me and didn’t let me go.
    “Do you know who you’re messing with?!” major giggles and goosebumps!
    I’ve always loved Rick from the beginning, but I swear to if they miss with Glenn and Darryl we should riot!
    My first thought about the horn was Ron – cos why would the producers lose the opportunity to have The Wolves make an impact and someone would’ve confessed to one of the Wolves that Rick and the gang were herding the horde so why lure Rick and ’em plus thousands of walkers back to Alexandria? That or its Gabriel or who knows maybe Deanna is like just end all of this sugar honey ice tea already – she just lost her son and hubby what’s worth living?
    I love Morgan too but he’s eye ballin’ Rick down scares me a bit. As we know if you come on TWD don’t start being the voice of moral and reason! You get killed! lol.

  8. Tiffany27 says:

    It did not need to be 90 mins and the black and white scenes looked like a cheap instagram filter and was a distraction.
    And Rick needs to have SEVERAL seats! Why are you talking to this CHILD like you didn’t just shoot and kill his father?

  9. Beth says:

    Morgan and Rick saw each other in season 3 – episode “Clear” – when Michonne, Rick & Carl went back to Rick’s hometown to find weapons. That’s when Michonne stole Morgan’s peanut butter protein bar. So, they’ve seen each other since season 1.

    • M.A.F. says:

      Yep. That’s when Morgan was a little crazy because his son had died and then Rick was trying to get him back. Then Rick leaves him the note and Morgan packs up and starts tracking the group.

      • Mayamae says:

        I don’t remember a note. Morgan found the map that Abraham left Rick, with “Rick Grimes” written on it.

  10. Lindy79 says:

    Carol’s cover will be blown by next week methinks if the preview is anything to go by, she’s stuck with all the useless Alexandrian’s trying to defend whatever attack they’re under

    Are they going to do another “they get separated” again…please no

    • Jackson says:

      At this point, there is no reason for her docile act to continue. It was great at first, but there is just nothing to fear as far as the residents of Alexandria go. They didn’t turn out to be like the Terminus freaks so not much point in keeping the gimmick going any longer, other than buildup to the reveal.

      • Lindy79 says:

        It kind of made sense up to the finale as they were in Alexandria a short time and were still very unsure of them (I think both groups are still unsure of each other), but I’d have been hoping that as time has gone on since the finale last year, that she’d have been subtly returning to herself in public without just randomly strutting down mainstreet one day toting a mini gun.

        Plus I just want to see her out of those sodding cardigans and blouses!

      • Cindy says:

        Hmmmmm….I dunno, I think she still needs to watch these guys. Of all the characters on the show (in Rick’s group, that is), IMO she is the most ruthless. I love her character, and I think she is compassionate, but she is not to be messed with. And she clearly does not yet trust this new group.

  11. epiphany says:

    While it wasn’t one of their best episodes story-wise, the sheer scope of the zombies on parade was excellent, especially after having that snooze-fest of a spinoff foisted on us all summer.
    Carol is cracking me up, with the domestic goddess vibe she’s giving everyone – I almost expected her to serve cookies at the “how do we get rid of the zombies’ meeting. And I really, really don’t want Rick to end up with Jessie. They have zero chemistry, and he deserves someone stellar after what Lori put him through.

    • Jackson says:

      Ugh. Jessie. I sometimes feel alone in my dislike of her character. She needs to get zombiefied and then be gone lol.

      • Tiffany27 says:

        You are not alone. No one likes Jessie and her and Rick have TERRIBLE chemistry. It’s like watching a brick wall try to romance a dish rag.

    • Cindy says:

      Yes, Jessie sucks. Boooorrring. But they will end up together is my guess. 🙁

      • Isa says:

        I don’t like her either. If I were her there’s no way I would think about a romance with the history there. Her kids have been through too much.

  12. FingerBinger says:

    Is Morgan supposed to be Rick’s conscience? He’s annoying.

    • Lindy79 says:

      I get Rick is meant to be a bit unhinged seeming but I don’t get why they were giving him side-eye for putting Carter out of his misery, half his face was gone and he was screaming with a herd of walkers nearby. No brainer.
      Same as when he wanted to go back and kill the Terminus crowd and Glenn who had seen what they had planned was like “nah leave them to it” (fair enough Maggie, Abe and the others hadn’t actually seen the killing room) resulting in Bob getting snatched, ok he was a goner anyway but they didnt know that and Gareth et all could have killed them all. Rick’s an ahole at times but no one ever seems to acknowledge when he’s gotten it right.

    • Liv says:

      Seriously, he constantly gave Rick the look. And then he and Michonne gave him a look. Like they were his conscience. So ridiculous. I want to know what Morgan would have done in that situation!

  13. Torticat says:

    Can we talk about the excessive use of facial bandaids?!?

  14. HeatherAnn says:

    Ha! Ha! That’s awesome.

  15. SamiHami says:

    I thought it was great! I love how on the edge Rick is. After watching some of the TWD marathon over the past few days it’s really interesting how his character has grown and changed.

    I think it’s that moron Gabriel blowing the horn. That is so fitting-remember the biblical Gabriel, messenger of God, who blows his horn? I just think it has to be him.

  16. JoJo says:

    I hope this show never ends. I think the only way that could change is if Rick or Darryl get killed off. I know Rick has come unhinged a bit, but who wouldn’t. I can see why he is the way he is. I have a bad feeling something’s going to happen to Glen or Maggie soon … Glen has become one of my favorites too.

  17. Kate says:

    I’m ready for the zombie eating tiger to come into play

  18. walking dead fanatic says:

    Robert Kirkman has already stated that there will eventually come a day where Rick Grimes will die. The graphic novel is still going on though and I believe we will have Rick for a very long time. My fear is Glenn dying this year because he is already dead in the graphic novel. I will definitely lose it if Glenn dies this season.