Alice Eve on feminism: ‘It can be dangerous when it becomes anti-male’


Here are some photos of Alice Eve at a promotional event in London earlier this week. She looks very English country lady here, right? Except for the red lipstick. Anyway, I haven’t really paid much attention to her since earlier this year, when she came out and made some really offensive and transphobic comments about then-Bruce Jenner. It was right after Jenner had done the big Diane Sawyer interview (and before Jenner came out as Caitlyn) and Alice decided to make a “feminist” critique about Jenner “playing at being a woman” and how Jenner will never understand what it’s like to be a “real woman” because something something wage inequality. The point that I made – and I will still make any day of the week – is that these issues are not either/or. You can be a passionate advocate for wage equality AND support transgender rights AND support Black Lives Matter, and on and on. Anyway, Alice Eve has said more words about wage equality and feminism.

While Oscar-winner Whoopi Goldberg insists the term ‘actress’ is limiting for women, Star Trek heroine Alice Eve disagrees.

‘It’s not sexist to use the term ‘actress’ for a woman,’ Alice tells me. ‘I’m a woman and I’m an actress and I’m proud of both.’

Eve, 33, supports Dame Helen Mirren and Emma Thompson’s fight for equality in the movie world, but she is concerned that men don’t end up suffering from the feminist crusade.

‘I’m passionate about gender equality in the film industry,’ says Eve, who was talking at the Embassy Gardens by Eco World-Ballymore art launch. ‘I think when anyone is asked if they’re a feminist, it’s natural that any woman is in defence of her sex. It can be dangerous when it becomes anti-male. I am not massively in support of attacking men, because I think we’ve moved so much into a place where we objectify them as well. For me, the struggle is really the pay gap — that’s a reality that women in every profession are subjected to and that’s not OK.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Let’s call this The New Meryl Streep Feminism, where your feminism is so tenuous that you can barely self-identify as a feminist, lest anyone think you hate men. This new brand of feminism is all about publicly declaring that you are not “anti-male” or in favor of “attacking men,” because it’s 2015 and apparently we need to still say those things out loud. And apparently the feminist misandry has gotten so bad that poor, disenfranchised men are being objectified the same way as women! Won’t anyone think about the poor men?


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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125 Responses to “Alice Eve on feminism: ‘It can be dangerous when it becomes anti-male’”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    *undresses, getting back into pjs. Gets back into bed. Puts ice pack on forehead. Pulls comforter over entire body, head and all*

    • Jaded says:

      Adds brandy to coffee and goes to play on I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER….

    • Shambles says:

      My cat and I are playing bunkbeds. My bed has little cubbies underneath it, and he likes to hide in the one directly underneath my side of the bed. It’s fun, you can join. There are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies involved. Forget about the bad, bad lady, GNAT. It’s gonna be alright.

      • dr mantis toboggan says:

        Tell me more about these pumpkin choc chip cookies. Slowly … I want to forget my troubles

      • antipodean says:

        Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies sound like just the ticket for this particular occasion. Alice’s outfit is giving me Nanny McPhee vibes. Sharon Maughan will be hanging her head in shame, a woman who has had a long and productive career as a, you know, actress. Where did she go wrong?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        But bad bad lady is *sob*…pumpkin chocolate chip? Really? *sniff* I might be able to choke one down. Or three. Thank you.

    • Betti says:

      I’m going down to Sainsbury’s to get some wine.

      PS – she’s jumping on the bandwagon for attention. She has always been an attention wh*re.

    • Jegede says:

      @GNAT- LOL.

      @Betti – I don’t think its attention seeking.
      Alice Eve has always felt this way.
      She couches it in other terms to try to avoid a backlash.

    • j.eyre says:

      *Puts running shoes back on. Runs across the US and back while screaming. Takes off running shoes. Climbs in bed with GNAT. Whimpers*

    • Alex says:

      This sums it up. Can we just NOT?

  2. snusnu says:

    I sometimes wonder if I live on the same planet with these people.

    • Cindy says:

      same. I’m already having a tough morning and don’t have the energy to even get mad. And really why bother? She just doesn’t get it and nothing anyone can say will make a difference. So best wishes (insert name because I don’t even remember it) and good luck to you lady.

  3. Marigold says:

    Well, apart from knowing she’s ignorant, now we know she doesn’t learn from past mistakes either.

  4. Alexandra says:

    Well, when feminism becomes anti-male, it’s not feminism anymore. It’s misandry. Feminism is about equal rights and opportunities for men and women, on a social, political and economic scale. It’s so effin’ simple. I can’t understand why so many people (celebrities) get it totally wrong and it pisses me off to no end.

    • meow mix says:

      Yes it is very simple. This just confirms to me that people who play make believe for a living are really, really dumb.

    • Arock says:

      What is so hard to understand about feminism? What is so difficult about the concept to embrace? What is so polarizing about identifying as feminist for women? And to push it off when asked about your opinion as “we must think of the poor men”….
      I read things like this and small seizures start happening, like my eyes are trying to recoil back it to my brain.

      • Liv says:

        I think that many mistake feminism with a hate for men because people have a certain era or women in mind, who tried agressively to make equal rights happen. That’s why many women don’t want to be identified as a feminist because they think people think bad about them then. Which is ridiculous. It’s a shame that it’s actually 2015 and people have no idea what feminism is about. Long way to go.

    • lurker says:

      “when feminism becomes anti-male, it’s not feminism anymore. It’s misandry.”

      LOL. Are you for real? There is no such thing as misandry, just like there’s no such thing as reverse racism. Gawd. People.

      And if you’re agreeing with Alexandra’s “misandry” comment, meow mix, then you might want to be careful about calling other people dumb.

      • Alexandra says:

        @lurker Well, if you want to put a name to the whole ‘hating men’ deal, that’s how you call it and definitely NOT feminism. Why would you say that misandry doesn’t exist? The point is, most women say they are not feminists because they ‘don’t hate men’, but if they would hate men, that would be the word they are looking for, which has nothing to do with feminism. Sorry, didn’t understand your comment at all and I don’t know what has reverse racism to do here.

      • Artemis says:

        Urr, some branches of feminism do try to ‘erase’ men but it’s still feminism, just very radical. Lesbian feminism was a real thing not too long ago and some theorists claimed that lesbianism was always at the core of feminism which is why the stigma is still attached to it. It was considered a choice, the person is the political tool. And also they rejected every form of masculinity, even in women (biology was and is still a thing with men, transgender people currently still being denied access to the feminist movement). Most stereotypes about modern feminism can be traced back in its history.

        If hating women rarely (if ever) gets called misogyny in mainstream media and language (see all those school shooting done by men, never called misogyny even when it clearly is), I do not agree with women hating men called misandry. There are so many names to put women in their place but so little for men anyway, they hardly have it that hard and they flourish economically. They don’t suffer even if misandry would be a thing so bye bye with this theory.

      • Illyra says:

        “There is no such thing as misandry, just like there’s no such thing as reverse racism.”

        You honestly think there are no people who hate men just for being men, and hate all things “male”? Really? You’ve never heard any extremist, radical feminists go on and on about how all men have “testosterone poisoning” and how “all men are rapists”?

        There most certainly IS such a thing as misandry, but I agree that there is no such thing as “reverse” racism… racism is racism, regardless of the ethnicity of the target. If you judge someone based solely on the colour of their skin (even if it’s a white person), you’re being racist.

        I know you’ll disagree with me, but anyway.

    • Me Three says:

      Alexandra you said it perfectly! Thank you. So so so tired of women afraid to say they’re feminists because they don’t want to offend men, or in the case of celebrities, the men who run Hollywood. The right wing in the US has won on this issue. They demonized feminists and feminism for years and now young women (yes I’m talking about you Millennials!) somehow think they should dis the term and what it actually means. I am too young to have been part of the initial movement but it really upsets me to see feminism, which was created to support women, not denigrate men; to raise women up and to even the playing field, being laughed at essentially by women. And, when someone like Meryl Streep, who knows better, joins the bandwagon of the !diots who are simply playing into the hands of the right wing in this country, shame on her. As far as Alice…who? And, when she is paid half of what an equally unknown actor is paid in her next role, good luck to this non feminist!

    • vilebody says:

      I actually find a lot of feminists say comments with which I take issue. For example, look at the end of this post: “[now] poor, disenfranchised men are being objectified the same way as women! Won’t anyone think about the poor men?” It isn’t particularly anti-men but it is making light of objectification, albeit male. If women ask men to avoid female objectification, we can’t mock the reverse in return.

    • claire says:

      There’s plenty of so-called feminists who have hijacked the movement and proudly shout #killallmen wherever they can. It’s not like this is made up that this is an issue. I don’t want those idiots representing feminism but unfortunately they tend to be people with a lot of time on their hands with loud voices.

  5. InvaderTak says:

    Yeah, she never does learn does she?

  6. aims says:

    I’m a proud feminist. I have taught my two boys to treat women as equals since they’ve came out of the womb. They have witnessed mutual respect in our home. I don’t hate men, I’m trying to raise GOOD men.

    • Shambles says:

      You sound like an amazing mom, and feminist.

    • Kiki says:

      I would like to ask a question. Why do peopel assume that the word “feminist ” is synonymous to anti-male or man bashing. I am a strong, femninist and I stand for equal rights for women in all professions, especially in the world of entertainment. But… I don’t slam men, I bash stupid, insensitive men who thinks women are nothing more that a fun stink they can play with whenever they want, or to procreate. I love. Men, especially men who are sensitive to the best regards for young girls or wome in general, when women will teach and show respect for others as well for themselves. I wish people could see that.

      • Saks says:

        Because it is convenient for some people to keep spreading that concept about feminism. If women don’t know what feminism is, it is easier to manipulate them.

        The fake concept of “hate men” is taken around the second and third wave of feminism, when some scholars and researchers came with studies about how some women resent men for the centuries of oppression. And even some liberation feminists do border that hate line, it is incorrect to think that male-resentment is a founding concept in feminism.

      • INeedANap says:

        Two reasons:

        1) The whole “feminists hate men” was part of a massive cultural backlash against feminism by people who were scared of the status quo being changed. This is why Rush Limbaugh uses the term “feminazi,” as if comparing feminism to genocide was a rational viewpoint.

        2) Men are raised in a world that caters to them almost completely. When they hear “I think women should have equal rights”, they think this will somehow take rights away from them, and so they feel attacked. It’s basically narcissism.

      • Me Three says:

        The reason people believe that feminism is a dirty word is due to the campaign by the right wing, led by Phyllis Schaffley to demonize “feminism.” They have succeeded. Women, even in so-called liberal arenas–hip hop, films, etc., are afraid to say they’re feminists.

        Today’s ideal woman is supposed to satisfy the needs of men. Period. We see it in our media. We see it in literature. We see it in fashion. Are male actors expected to remove their clothing and pose either nude or in sexy lingerie on the cover of GQ or Glamour? Look at the music industry. Look at fashion. In spite of the fact women represent more than 50% of the population in the US, we have less than 20% representation in federal or state government. Look at the largest corporations in this country. Few are led by women. Look at the tech industry. Women gamers are either pushed out by the industry or even physically attacked. Look at the percentage of rapes in universities today–1 in 3 women will be sexually abused in college in 2015! And, most of the time, the men involved actually don’t know that they’ve done anything wrong because they’ve grown up in a society that tells them no doesn’t mean no.

        I’m sorry but I don’t have a whole lot of hope at this point that things will get better until young women finally say ENOUGH!

    • antipodean says:

      Your comment is absolutely brilliant. This is where the answer lies, at its root. Teach our boys, and raise good men. All this misogony and gender divides would be gone in a generation. Sorted.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      You, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, have given me hope for the future.

  7. Amelia says:

    Can someone explain the kick-back against the use of ‘actress’ to me?
    This is without snark, I’m just curious about the dislike of the word, particularly by The Guardian who (as far as I know) have used the term ‘actor’ for men, women and trans performers for as long as I have read it.
    I might be missing something huge here, but I think I’m looking at it from a language perspective regarding masculine and feminine suffixes, and I don’t quite understand the aversion.

    • Saphana says:

      not having english as a native tongue im also confused. i also dont get why its goddess, waitress but not doctress for example.

    • Josefa says:

      Same here. I’m a native Spanish speaker so I don’t see how applying different words regarding gender is offensive. It’s just the way language works.

    • skyblue101 says:

      Before the English Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660 women were not allowed on stage and all the female parts were taken by men who were called ‘actresses’. (It’s mad to think that the first Juliet; Viola, Rosalind in Shakespeare’s plays were performed by young boys but they were!) It was only after the Restoration that women were finally allowed on stage to act the female roles. Historically if you refer to someone as an ‘actress’ you are basically calling them a man ‘acting’ as a women. Then again why genderise a profession in which men and women take equal part? (ok theoretically we know that financially they are not equal), we don’t call women ‘writer-esses’, poet-esses, doctor-esses, so why call women ‘actresses’? That seems to be the theory behind it anyway.
      On a side note they made a film about Mrs Hughes, reputedly the first women to act professionally on the English stage over ten years ago.

    • Artemis says:

      Somebody once said (can’t remember if it was a famous person or not) that if the category best actress’ didn’t exist, the Oscar for best actor would always go to a man.

  8. Jaded says:

    It’s called ‘not biting the hand that feeds her’ which effectively negates what feminism stands for and circumvents any honest and relevant opinion on the matter.

  9. BooBooLaRue says:

    3 words: “Star Trek heroine”

  10. Lilacflowers says:

    Why are women allowing the Rush Limbaughs of this world define “feminism” or dictate how women should behave? Isn’t it enough that they block access to health care for women’s ailments like ovarian cysts and endometriosis?

  11. QQ says:


    2) Girl Please SIT DOWN

    3) YOU KNOW WHAT’S ANTI SOMEONE? Current effing society, Rape Culture, Congress trying to act like they Own Uteruses, Sony hack letting us know how much less we get paid, Incels in 4Chan, any reddit board any time a girl lets it be known she has interest in something not “femenine” and really Any reddit board with neckbeards. Ugh

    4) have a PLETHORA of seats

    • INeedANap says:

      And something I always say:

      Even if you think feminists hate men, we don’t actually go out and kill men for it. But you have George Sodini and Elliot Rodger and Marc Lepine — all of them men who killed women out of hatred for them (and yes, Rodger killed men, but he hated other men for having the sex he didn’t). And every a$$hat in ISIS and the Taliban who shoot up women and girls for daring to exist.

      So eff off with your apologist bull$h!t Alice Eve. We spend so much time convincing men we don’t hate them, it’s about time men convinced women they don’t hate us.

  12. Josefa says:

    Oh, well. I’ll just enjoy my popcorn with this one.

    Though it has to be said she didn’t neglect the label, nor did she equate it with men-hating. Ah, these headlines you bloggers use.

    • ummm says:

      the headline is a direct quote.
      like, a literal copy-for-copy quote.
      her own words.
      not used out of context.
      ????. ??? . ??

      • Josefa says:

        I expected something much more ignorant and stupid when reading that headline so I do think the context made it sound much more different.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      …ah, these direct quotes you bloggers use?

  13. kay says:

    Yep, feminism has gotten so dangerous that men are becoming victims to honor killings, mutilation of their genitals, they get paid less then women, they are prevented from getting education and can’t rise in the highest positions as CEO’s.

    Women are raping them, they get sexually harrassed by feminists and the government is made up to more than 70% of women who make decisions about male reproductive organs.


  14. ycnan says:

    Maybe there is just a large portion actors who are just not educated and quite frankly not very intelligent. I have no other explanation…

  15. Sam says:

    Putting her comments aside, can we at least refrain from the No True Scotsman fallacy? I see so much of “if it’s anti-male, it’s not real feminism!” BS. It is, it’s just not your flavor.

    There are really nasty strains of feminism out there. There are the misandrists, the TERFs, etc. Yes, they exist. And you don’t get to pretend that they’re not “real.” That’s like me as a Christian trying to say that people like Mike Huckabee are not real Christians, so they don’t matter. But they do. It’s my responsibility to take that stuff on and try to show why it’s incorrect. Same thing here. If I were a feminist, I’d think, “Why do so many women not want to identify with me? What’s up?” I wouldn’t try to create an excuse for why they’re all wrong and the movement has no fault. Feminism is in trouble because it lacks introspection and the ability to look inward and say, “We have a problem.” You can’t just discount an image problem, and it seems like mainstream feminism has a major one. And I don’t know the solution.

    • kay says:

      Oh, you Sam sound like a MTF who hates on feminists who refuse to tolerate autogynephiles who trample on the rights of women and girls.

    • justme says:

      Bravo! I work in Academia and yes I meet plenty of self-identified feminists who do hate men. They consider themselves true feminists too and probably consider those of who do not hate them to be phony (or at best victims of “false consciousness”). I meet nice polite and decent young men who have respect for women who would never in a million years take a class from one of these women because they know that as men they are targets. And the young women who take these classes recoil from the term “feminist”. Like Sam I have no idea what he solution is.

      • Saks says:

        I’ve met women like that too at the University. And heard some weird things like, “I wont say I’m somebody’s girlfriend because I’m not of his property”…

      • Kitten says:

        “I meet nice polite and decent young men who have respect for women who would never in a million years take a class from one of these women because they know that as men they are targets.”

        Really? So these evil man-hating feminists are allowed to teach at a university and they’re allowed to “target” male students because of their gender?

      • justme says:

        @Kitten – yep they most certainly are. If you don’t think there are evil man-hating feminists on American campuses you are not well acquainted with that particular world.

      • Tara says:

        I too don’t understand the adamant denial of people on CB that there are different strands/definitions of “feminist.” I had a friend, single mother of 2 girls and a boy,” who couldn’t take her 9yo boy to certain feminist gatherings because all males were considered rapists.

        I like this site’s definition of feminism much better. However to claim that it’s the ONLY definition of feminism denies the complex history of the term.

    • ummm says:

      But, it’s not a fallacy.

      Mike Huckabee isn’t a Christian. He’s a hyper-conservative politician who uses a super-strict, non-Biblical version of Christianity. Rachel Dolezal isn’t Black, she was just masquerading as a black woman. And those “nasty strains” of feminism AREN’T feminism.

      Here, this should help: Feminism is defined as the belief that men and women should have equal opportunities and rights. So if it’s anti-male in any way, it’s not feminism. Simple as that.

      • Sam says:

        No Huckabee IS a Christian. He calls himself one and there’s no reason to doubt his conviction. The Duggars are Christians. I believe them to be very wrongheaded in their readings of Scripture, but that doesn’t make them NOT Christians. It just makes them wrong. Same thing. TERF feminists ARE femnists. Misandrist feminists are too. You don’t get to exclude them simply because they say things you don’t like. The only option is to argue with them and try to expose why they are factually incorrect. But when you simply exclude them, yeah, it’s classic NTS. And it basically allows you to plug your ears and go, “Haha, I can’t hear you, so you don’t count”

      • Artemis says:


        I’m sure there are radical feminists who would come for you if you would dismiss their theory of feminism. Not saying I agree with them but there are many branches of feminism although I personally subscribe to the equality theory.

        Within feminism it’s not just about equality either, there are areas like technology and film that deal with many feminist issues although you could link it back to equality. For example, I did my dissertation on female masculinity in film heroines (Sarah Connor T2) and it’s more of a discussion about what femininity and masculinity means and how women can express themselves in a society that applies a rigid gender binary. It’s so much deeper than just equality but it gets reduced to that to be palatable and understandable to the masses but I feel like the conversation is too dumbed-down and narrow at times.

        Not all feminists are perfect you know, many also believe a woman can only be a feminist when you’re born as a woman (biology). That’s why so many people (even non-feminists) want to exclude men and transgender people from the conversation. There are those who apply rigid parameters and I personally welcome all views but retain my own liberal views. Many people experience feminism in a different way.

        Lastly, many feminist have critiqued their own or other feminist theorist’s works so it is possible to not agree about people’s feminist theories. Why shut the conversation down when it’s been part of the debate for decades (especially in academia)? That’s how we learn and move on, by reevaluating and critiquing past theories and adjusting them to modern times.

    • Me Three says:

      Feminism is in trouble because the right wing (Huckabee’s contingent most especially) have succeeded in turning it into a dirty word. Feminism as a movement did not promote hatred of men. The fact that you’re using this as an argument, pointing out that there are women in academia who are “”men haters” is proof that the right’s campaign against feminism–basically equal rights for women–has succeeded.

      • Sam says:

        No, feminism is in trouble because it has failed to keep up with female diversity. Women of color are routinely excluded and marginalized. Women of faith constantly talk about feeling excluded. Trans women are constantly excluded and marginalized. And that didn’t take any right wing to do that – you did it all by yourself.

      • justme says:

        And feminism has not been very vocal about the one culture which really does have a “rape culture” – Islam. For some reason criticizing Islam is considered “racist”.

      • Tara says:

        @justme: I honestly think you consume too much corporate media. You seem way too sure of your myopic view.

      • justme says:

        @Tara –oh dear have I committed a thought crime – being sure of my opinion? What “corporate media” do you think have led me astray? CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian – well none of them would agree with my “myopic view”. Fox News? Never watch it — I read quite widely (it is part of my job) and I come up with my own opinions. As for being sure of them – compared to the other posters on this site – seems like everyone is quite sure of their own views.

  16. Merritt says:

    I am so tired of people bashing feminism with “what about the men” crap. No one is bashing men. Calling out b.s. is not an attack on everyone so people need to stop derailing the conversation.

  17. EN says:

    Alice Eve is a smarter British version of Goop. She is harmless and I think she means well.

  18. Tiffany says:

    She is from a well to do family and will more than like never have to struggle for anything in life. She has several things to her advantage, so she does not have to give a damn about anything that does not effect her. Not all that surprising.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      So, only those pf you who are from poor families or raised in abysmal conditions “know life”, eh? And only you are allowed to be into gender equality or is it only about feminism where such like me are not allowed? Well, then, don’t be surprised when those like me act accordingly – carry on, it’s not our fight, obviously. You keep creating barriers and preach about equality. You can’t achieve equality even among your own gender with such attutude.

  19. perplexed says:

    Her answer doesn’t sound as bad as Meryl Streep’s. At least she didn’t start off with the “I love men” bit. Meryl Streep’s answer sounded kind of weird with her proclaiming her love for men, whereas this lady’s answer, while not the best, just simply said “it becomes dangerous when….” Maybe the “when” part of the answer makes her sound less harsh than Meryl.

  20. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Yeah, it really bugs me when men suffer so much adversity due to man hating feminists too……say what? I mean the opposite. Silly posh bird, silly brain, spouting nonsense not having learned her lesson the first time. Tagging feminism as anything to do with “man-hating” is just the most backwards stupidity and so so telling that we have not come a long way, baby.

  21. Fluff says:

    Well, she’s always been known as a total idiot. Her career is mostly based on nepotism (plus her dad is one of the most hated people in the UK acting industry), so I doubt she’s ever really experienced much of the real world.

    • antipodean says:

      Is Trevor really hated? I did not know that, pray tell… I loved him in Shoestring, but that was a long time ago. He was also good in Waking the Dead, if a bit snooty, but I always thought that was supposed to be his character. I did get the feeling that Sue Johnston didn’t have much time for him, just an impression.

      • Boston Green Eyes says:

        I’ve heard the same regarding Trevor. Can’t remember where I heard it, tho.

      • Fluff says:

        One of the assistant directors on Waking the Dead tweeted about hoping he got monoxide poisoning once. Unfortunately a lot of fans follow her because she’s David Tennant’s best friend so it got some attention.

      • Boston Green Eyes says:

        @Fluff, AND Lord Otter’s former gal pal.

      • Cate says:

        @Boston Green Eyes *Whispers* Lord Otter’s taste in ladies is flawless though…



        *lets herself out*

      • Betti says:

        He has a rep for being extremely difficult to work with and treats the rest of the cast and crew like sh!t. A friend of a friend worked with him (Waking the Dead) and he apparently threw a massive tantrum on set one day because he didn’t get some particular M&S sandwiches- made the poor crew member cry and sulked in his trailer holding up production; he also used to openly slag off his fellow actors to their faces in front of everyone on set. I’ve heard similar stories from others that i know in the industry who’ve had the misfortune of working with him. There is good reasons why his career never went anywhere even thou he is a good actor. Have also heard stories about her and using the ‘casting couch’ to get roles.

      • antipodean says:

        Thanks for that Betti. Very disappointing to hear that he has such feet of clay. I still think he is a good actor though. I guess maybe the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree.

  22. wolfie says:

    Antifeminism is the political defense of misogyny and contempt for women as a class..

  23. buzz says:


  24. grabbyhands says:

    Well, I guess when you know you’re going to be a C list actress for the rest of your career, you have to get attention SOMEHOW.

  25. mary kate says:


  26. Sarah01 says:

    I agree with her, feminism is not anti-men. Women and men are equal. Women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. Insulting her for not having the same opinion as you is just as crass as people not realising equality for all genders. there should be equality for everyone to voice their opinions, as long it’s not harmful or insulting.
    This fight for equality will only be successful if men stand shoulder to shoulder with women and we fight for it together.

  27. Lisa says:

    Tell me more about how men are in danger. Haha.

  28. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Some of these poor poor women are so worried about even insinuating they could be anti-man in any way that I’m surprised they don’t walk around with a sandwich board offering blow jobs to any man who feels distressed.

    • Pondering thoughts: Let's not change anything because somebody might get upset by the changes :-S says:

      I think some men would consider that a decent offer as for compensation for all those painful effects of feminism which the male gender had to endure.
      Poor darlings them, so fragile.

      *sarcasm* of course

  29. Boston Green Eyes says:

    Just so everybody on here knows – I am an Old Timey feminist and I don’t care who gets butt-hurt about it!

  30. Pondering thoughts: Let's not change anything because somebody might get upset by the changes :-S says:

    I described this particular brand of Alice-Eve-M.-S.-feminism as idio_tic and my comment got deleted?

  31. TMac says:

    Dear Dumb Actresses,
    FYI feminism has never meant hating men. You got that propaganda from the likes FatBoy Rush and Hannity. But just because they say it over and over again doesn’t make it true. Ugh..

  32. Jayna says:

    The new term, fembutIlovemenist

  33. Cate says:

    And this one’s Cambridge ‘educated’………

  34. belle de jour says:

    My comment about her comment: Summer’s Eve.

    • Kitten says:

      …another reason why we need feminism.
      Meanwhile, balls-douche has yet to be invented.

      • belle de jour says:

        Hmmm… balls-douche… I sort of thought that was what Axe was for? But now you’ve sent me on a frightening mental journey thinking up potential marketing names. Bad Kitty, bad!

        When women voice comments like the sawdust shower of splintered wisdom she coughed up, I marvel that they can’t feel the hand of male fear moving their mouths – from the hole in the back of their hollow wooden heads – like some perverse ventriloquist’s dummy run amok.

  35. tracking says:

    This remark is not entirely surprising from a woman whose career depends on her looks and appeal to men.

  36. Kalypso says:

    For the love of god: feminism is NOT anti-male! I think I feel a brain hemorrhage in the making…

  37. Otaku fairy says:

    It’s annoying how the number one reason these famous women give for their criticism or rejection of feminism is not wanting to sound anti male, when that’s not what feminism is and when the majority of us don’t hate the male sex. I wish their criticisms had more to do with the more common problematic things within the movement, like transphobia and respectability politics.

    • Alicia says:

      The majority definitely don’t hate the male sex, but enough do that it’s an issue that needs to be addressed.

  38. Zazie says:

    She is as stupid as she looks. Poor thing.

  39. Dawn says:

    I don’t know who this woman is but feminism as I see it has nothing to do with being anti-maie. It has to do with equality in pay for services rendered in the workforce. And equal opportunity to rise in the ranks. There is no reason a male needs to make twenty percent more than a woman for doing the same job. None.

  40. Wolf says:

    Women using the term “actor” rather than “actress” lend credence to the notion that they are inferior and need a male term to refer to themselves with. If you have to white wash your own gender in order to compete with males, you’ve missed the boat entirely.

  41. Jonathan says:

    Feminism is unabashedly and unashamedly about restoring women to the same level of freedom that men already enjoy. It’s not about equality of the sexes- it’s about equality for women and making women equal to men socially & finacially. Men already enjoy what feminism is seeking to give to women. Individual men experience discrimination and are occasionally disadvantaged by pro feminist policies. That’s a byproduct of the response to sexism caused by mass scale misogyny, though, not something innate in feminism. So blame Patriarchy, not feminism!

    But there’s no institutionalised, systematic discrimination against men like there is against women. Misandry exists but not on the same vast, pervasive scale as misogyny. They’re not really comparable phenomenon.

    • helena says:

      Jonathan, after all these years of reading celebitchy, you’re the first one to get it right. Feminism is not about equality of the sexes but indeed about equality for women. It has always been and always will be about women’s rights and society, including men, will greatly benefit from it. Love from Scandinavia!

    • Tara says:

      @jonathon: interesting comments and perspective. Thanks!

    • anna says:

      jonathan….You hit the nail on the head.

  42. coolkidsneverhavethetime says:

    Stupidity can also be dangerous.

  43. anna says:

    Grrr. Im must go to my happy place now …ice cream, puppies, rainbows

  44. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    Alice Eve is concerned about men suffering. Hmmm…. In the words of Sasha from The Walking Dead, “THAT’S WHAT YOU WORRY ABOUT????!!” Effing Alice Eve, pfft