Brandi Glanville advises her 12-yr-old son to ask his date about her virginity


Brandi Glanville stepped in controversy over the weekend. I think it’s important to point out that Brandi conflates two separate issues and she made an utter hash of it, so I do think that the controversy/backlash was well-deserved. It started out innocently enough, as these things do. Brandi and Eddie Cibrian’s 12-year-old son Mason was about to go on his first date. And instead of simply mentioning that on Twitter, Brandi tweeted: “My eldest has a date tomorrow and I have jitters for him. So I gave him good boyfriend homework.” She tweeted the questionnaire – the worst questionnaire ever, possibly – for her 12-year-old son to ask his date.

#6 is what gave people pause. For good reason. There are so many things wrong with a mother telling her 12-year-old son to ask his first date whether or not she’s a virgin. There are so many things wrong with the mother then tweeting it out for mass consumption. When people tweeted “WTF?” at Brandi, she had a meltdown, tweeting “If you think 12 is too young at this point in our age to ask if someone’s a virgin, you’re sadly mistaken. Get with the f–king times… Clearly I’m not saying my kids are having sex but clearly I’m not ignorant to the conversation….Have open conversations with your kids & then you will know what’s going on—that is how I know what I know—don’t f–king for yourselves.”

This is what I’m saying about conflating two different conversations. Sexual education is important. It’s important for parents and kids to be able to feel free to discuss sex, relationships and all of that. But a mother telling her 12-year-old son to ask his date if she’s a virgin seems like the absolutely wrong kind of focus/question (and it has no context on Brandi’s list!), so much so that I’m really offended. The issue of virginity seems like such an outdated subject in a modern conversation between parents and kids about sex. How about a conversation about CONSENT and the importance of consent in all sexual relationships? How about a conversation about respecting your partner? By all means, talk to your kids about all of this and more, and yes, 12-year-olds should be learning about sex too. But to put it out there in the public sphere that your idea of educating your son about sex is telling him to ask his date about her virginity, well… it seems like Brandi was just trolling for attention.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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160 Responses to “Brandi Glanville advises her 12-yr-old son to ask his date about her virginity”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    She should date Justin Beiner’s father. What an idiot. I’m all for frank discussions about sex with your kids, but first, that’s a rude question, especially for a first date, and why does she always have to humiliate her son in public? Anyway, isn’t 12 a little young to date? Fade away, Brandi, nobody cares.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      I was a super Brandi defender for the longest time. Because Leann put her through hell and I could sympathize. And also because I’m a mom and the idea of your kiddos being ripped away from you to spend time with someone who’s favorite thing to do is torture you hurt me on a visceral level. That said. I’m just done. She’s destroyed any good will she had left in my heart. What an ignorant woman.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Me, too. Same story.

      • snarky mcsnark says:

        Same here! I was rooting for her for a long time but she self sabotages all her chances at anything good. I still think Leann is a giant piece of sh*t though, that will never change!

      • lucy2 says:

        She seemed normal in the beginning but once she got the taste of fame with the whole scandal, she went off the deep end. The trashy, gross deep end.

      • MoxyLady007 says:

        My oldest is almost 3 and I have been teaching him about consent since he was born. I give him a good tickle. He laughs and laughs and then says no. I immediately stop and I say “I respect your no”. We talk about how sometimes you say yes and change your mind and say no. And that’s ok. You can always change your mind. And we talk about how until you hear yes the answer is no. He gets it. He regularly tells people he doesn’t want to hug or kiss goodbye to respect his no.

      • Lady D says:

        I tried Brandi.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        @Moxylady007–I agree 100% She has trashed her way along to the point where I can no longer feel an ounce of sympathy for her.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        I just wanted to say that’s really admirable MoxyLady and its encouraged myself to focus on that topic more with young kids.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        MoxyLady, that is so great. What a nice way to have him grow up understanding boundaries.

      • MerlinsWife says:

        That is such a brilliant way to teach consent! I need to remember that for if/when I have kids 🙂

      • Sarah says:

        I was the same way. Sympathized with her for a long time because Leann was horrid to her but I really don’t know what she is thinking sometimes.
        It’s an inappropriate question for him to ask and it’s absolutely gross for her to share something that should be a private chat between mother & son on Twitter. Her love for attention exceeds her concern for her children and their privacy.

    • Birdix says:

      It’s such a transparent ploy: “Look, I can still be outrageous! And even at my kids’ expense! Pay attention to meeeeee”

      • aims says:

        I have a 12 year old son, and no he isn’t dating. However, because I am a mother to a son I feel like it’s an added responsibility to teach him the importance of consent. We talk about sex realistically and frankly. We talk about the importance of birth control but we also talk about how sex is a big deal and when you do it you need to make sure you’re emotionally ready as well. Meaning all parties. I’m realistic, I know my kids probably won’t be waiting until marriage, whenever they do become active ( not for a long while I hope) they know the importance of sexual responsibility, they know about consent.

      • Kitten says:

        @Aims-I don’t think there’s anything wrong with teaching your kids about sex when their in their ‘tweens but it should be done PRIVATELY in a comfortable environment where kids don’t have to feel embarrassed or ashamed, NOT on social media.

      • swack says:

        @aims, glad you have a realistic outlook on your children and sex. I taught high school for 30 years and the number of parents who are clueless is amazing. Keep up the conversation and openess so that your children know they can come to you without being judged.

      • aims says:

        Absolutely kitten. It’s 10000% inappropriate to discuss such a private conversation about your child over social media. These two boys have zero privacy between their mother and step mom.

      • Kitten says:


        Ugh I made a Brandi grammatical error after criticizing her for doing the same! I suck.

        @Aims and Swack-my parents had my brother and I watching Nova specials about birth from a VERY young age, like 7 or 8. We were mostly grossed out about it but it really helped to instill the idea that sex isn’t just about feeling good, it’s also how babies are made.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        @aims – what you’re doing is totally appropriate and right. I just don’t think a 12 year old boy needs to be advised by his mother to ask a 12 year old girl such an intrusive, personal question, especially on the first date. It’s none of his business.

      • aims says:

        I agree Good, it’s inappropriate question to ask. I’m sure the girls parents aren’t thrilled about this and the fact Brandi also put their daughter on blast.

        I just to clarify something. I believe that if you’re going to be sexually active, it’s your job to make sure that your protected. That’s what I have instilled in my boys. Don’t assume or expect your partner to provide that. Being sexually responsible means, too me, that you have to be the one in control over protection. It’s unfair and wrong for the girl to take sole responsibility of birth control.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        Is there ever a context where it is ok for a boy or man to ask a woman if she is a virgin or not?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Agree, Zwella, there’s something judgmental in the word. Are you pure, or sullied? Are you good or bad? It just hits a nerve. Plus myob.

      • John Wayne Lives says:

        She’s so trash. As my mother used to say, what else can you expect from a pig but a grunt.

    • Kitten says:

      Right? I’m so grossed out by the lack of boundaries between these so-called parents and their children. Then again, this is the woman who has made ever personal detail about her life public without any regard to her kids’ feelings.

      She’s just not a very bright woman as evidenced by the glaring spelling and grammatical errors in her list.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, that was just embarrassing.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “Does she have pets and there names”


      • lucy2 says:

        LOL the “there” instead of “their” bothered me too.

        I feel so bad for the kids. There is NOOO reason to make this sort of thing public, but sadly it’s probably low on the list of embarrassing spectacles their parents have done.

      • Wren says:

        In all fairness, one can be bright and use improper grammar. Buuuuuut…… I feel that she’s really showing her lack of intelligence in the fact that she posted this thinking it was so cute and hilarious and then was completely butthurt when everyone disagreed with her.

        Yes, teach your kids about sex. This is a good thing. No, do NOT tell your son to inquire about his date’s virginity status on a first date, no matter how old he is. It’s rude and frankly, on a first date, none of his business.

      • Kitten says:

        Wren says:
        “In all fairness, one can be bright and use improper grammar.”

        Thanks, Wren. You made me feel better! lol

      • hogtowngooner says:

        YUP. The “there” made me cringe but I was raised by an English major 😉

        And yeah, telling your son to ask if his date is a virgin is tacky AF. Teach them about safe and consensual sex, not to slut-shame.

      • littlestar says:

        And shouldn’t it be “hobbies”, not “hobbys”?…..

    • OverFirstAve. says:

      Can’t stand this woman, just can’t . She’s just way too trashy.

      • antipodean says:

        If I, as my twelve year old self, had been going on a date with this boy and he asked about the state of my virginity, I would have probably punched him on the nose in embarrassment. Brandi’s spelling is as good as her parenting skills.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        I wish I’d have punched! I’d have cried and called my mom.

  2. Lilacflowers says:

    And what if the answer comes back “no” because the child was molested, Brandi? What right do you or your son have to know that ? NONE. And what if she was sexually active by choice? Are you going to throw stones at her?

    • Esteph says:

      Ugh…..I really cannot help but feel that she really was at some point thinking “this is going to be so funny, showing my followers how I think as a mom”, and then when she started to get backlash over that question she not only was on the defensive, but she feels she is right to be telling her son such a thing.

    • Christin says:

      Great points. She is not the brightest bulb, but what gets me is how she is offended when people point out other opinions.

      She would probably tell you to f-off if you said or tweeted this logical response to her.

    • Shambles says:

      Right? The thing that bothers me the most about this is that it perpetuates that dangerous and nasty idea that young girls are only worth their virginity. Gross, just so gross.

      • Wren says:

        Exactly! Why does that matter?? On a first date you’re getting to know each other to see if you actually enjoy spending time together. Your date’s sexual history is none of your business at that point.

        I can see how a conversation about STD’s and such would be smart to have before you have sex, and maaaaaybe that’s what Brandi was going for there. Just maybe, and that’s giving her a lot of leeway. But straight up asking if a girl is a virgin only reinforces the idea that she SHOULD BE when in reality it doesn’t make her any more or less of a person one way or the other.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Exactly. As if men and boys need added encouragement to view women and girls as a possession that maintains or loses value based on touch. As a mother, she has some responsibility in helping him to not think that way. I wonder if the date’s virginity would have even been brought up if Brandi’s son was a daughter dating a boy, or dating someone of the same sex. Either way, the question would still be totally inappropriate, but I kind of doubt that it would have even been there if that were the case.

  3. MexicanMonkey says:

    Just had my morning coffee and this is making me feel sick. It’s not even his age that’s a problem, if he was 16 or 18 it’s still incredibly insensitive for him to ask that question on a first date!

  4. Chelly says:

    1st date at 12?? I mean, i was 13 & idk if thats a “huge” difference but 12 still seems so young…maybe it isnt. But yeah, thats totally inappropriate. Between her, Eddie and Leann those boys will always be in constant state of confussion

    • kcarp says:

      Exactly. It is too young! I think kids that age sneak off and have their first kisses and stuff but no way should they be going on dates.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        I had my first ‘boyfriend/date’ shortly before I turned 13, but it was totally innocent. Relationships were just status symbols and a way for everyone to be like, “I get to hang out with this cute, semi-popular person of the opposite sex, and bring them to dances, hold hands, or maybe even kiss.” And kissing was seen as this big, exciting, mature thing to do.

  5. Been there says:

    9. “Hobbies”
    12. Does she have pets and “their” names

    Maybe the date homework should’ve just been homework.

    • Burgher says:

      That was the most offensive part to me as well!!!!

      We can’t expect much from someone barely literate!!

    • swack says:

      Missed #9, hobbys but the THERE instead of THEIR jumped out at me immediately.

    • sherry says:

      Thank you! That was almost as offensive as the virgin question.

    • Macey says:

      I just can’t with her any more. How can anyone her age or any age for that matter not grasp basic grammar and spelling. Im the last person to be the spelling or grammar police but it’s so hard to take anything she says seriously when she makes the same mistakes with the same words over and over. People correct her all the time but she chooses to ignore it. I really think she’s one of those people that thinks it’s cute to look stupid. I just hope for the boys sake they let someone else proof their homework.

      As far as the questions, enough said on here about those. I get that there are some kids sexually active at that age but it certainly isn’t the norm.

  6. The Eternal Side-Eye says:


    No, no I didn’t read this right I – WHAT?

    No I’m sorry, I’m not signing off on believing that 12 yr olds gravitate to having sex casually and that it’s somehow responsible as a parent make them ask questions of their MIDDLE SCHOOL date as a potential bed partner WTF. This isn’t about safe sex lady and tbf if that’s how she’s approaching his (imo too young) dating this poor kid is gonna end up with a weird reputation.

    If my daughter came home and told me a 12 yr old boy I allowed her to go on a date with asked if she was a virgin I’d frankly be calling the kid’s mom immediately and putting the brakes on all dates with him.

    • Bettyrose says:

      All of this. And the word virginity needs to be stricken from our language. It’s irrelevant whether someone’s a virgin. There are a variety of reasons someone even as young as 12 may not feel that word applies to them, but not being a “virgin” does not mean that someone is interested in sexual activity. And why the hell can’t two 12 year olds have an innocent first date? A movie? Some ice cream? Does this really need to be publicized on Twitter?

  7. whipmyhair says:

    Can we talk about her grammar for a second? Painful.

    Not as painful as probing into the ‘sex lives’ of children, but still.

  8. Ana A. says:

    This is all kinds of wrong and I feel sick just reading it. I also feel very sorry for her boy.
    First an adult shouldn’t be concerned if a twelve-year-old girl is a virgin or not, unless it is their own child.
    Second, we should really be over this virginity-thing in general. No matter the age. It shouldn’t be an issue at all.
    This is basically sex-shaming a twelve-year-old. You should have open discussions with your kids about sex. But it should be about STDs and consent, not about virginity.

  9. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Looking at that list 7 & 11 are ridiculous too.

    I get that it’s supposed to help him get to know this young lady but really? Is it going to somehow make a difference if she answers Christian, Mormon or Atheist?

    Also, at that age I remember refusing to tell guys what scared me because they usually turned right back around and pranked you with it.

    This pretend date should just be about two kids seeing a movie or going bowling, not setting up in person eHarmony accounts. Slow your crazy Brandi.

    • Kiki says:

      I am not defending this woman but why are questions 7 & 11 “ridiculous”? She’s not asking what religion the date is but if she is religious. For some people it is important to know. And the other one “what scares you?”, could be used to let the boy know how to protect her.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        I think if he were older I’d view it more that way but the frame and intent of the list reads like boxes he has to check to somehow qualify the girl.

        Asking if she’s a virgin, religious, and what she’s afraid of all in the same list doesn’t really sound like something normal a boy at 12 has to know to be a ‘good’ boyfriend. It sounds like something his crazy mom has to know so it can be reported to her.

        This date should be about two kids having fun without any real intent for it to be serious or ultra-meaningful and it seems like it’s being twisted instead to some kind of prep for something she shouldn’t be goading him into.

      • SloaneY says:

        You know what scares me? My 12 year old self getting asked if I’m a virgin on a first date!

      • Kitten says:

        “This date should be about two kids having fun without any real intent for it to be serious or ultra-meaningful and it seems like it’s being twisted instead to some kind of prep for something she shouldn’t be goading him into.”

        Exactly! And the rest of your comment perfectly articulated what I couldn’t put my finger on. IMO, the religion thing would be a bit bizarre for a 12-year-old to be thinking/asking about. Hell, a 12 year old boy is probably just excited that a girl his age likes him, I HIGHLY doubt he’s thinking about religion and other qualities that adults look for in a partner.

      • Wren says:

        I don’t remember a whole lot about being 12 but I do remember that none of these things, except maybe pets, were very important when my friends and I discussed boys. I think I went on my first date at 13 and cared more about if we could have an enjoyable conversation about ANY topic and if he was cute. That was kinda it.

      • Lady D says:

        “It sounds like something his crazy mom has to know so it can be reported to her.” …which she will then use as silage on her show.

  10. MoxyLady007 says:

    its too early and this is such an awful thing on so many levels. What kind of message is this sending to her son? That’s he’s entitled to ask super personal questions to a woman he wants to date? That he can judge her based on her sexual experience and find her to be less than he “deserves”. That’s it. I hate her.

    • Shambles says:

      Completely agree. I’m just way too grossed out that she’s already teaching her son that he’s entitled to ask offensively personal questions to women he barely knows. I know way too many grown-ass men just like that. Make. It. Stop.

  11. Louise says:


  12. Luca76 says:

    Not shocked because she’s already proven how much of a sleazy creepy person she is over and over.

    • Sullivan says:

      Indeed. Repugnant.

    • Zzzingara says:

      I absolutely agree, Luca76. She used to (maybe still does?) have a little column in one of our trash nags, and the things wrote about…ugh. I’d expect and forgive something similar from a 16-year-old show off and/or attention seeker, but a 40+ woman with children.. Nothing is private or off-limits for her, not even anything to do with her boys. When it’s all said and done, it’s all about her. As was stated upthread, she probably thought posting this would be so edgy and even funny, proving to the world what a cool mum she is. Instead, she cops backlash, and her reaction is to tell people o eff off or whatever. She needs to quit the booze and whatever else she indulges in, get a job or pursue some education and focus on her sons, instead of trying to always appear as the ultimate sexy, party girl and queen of social media. She’s just trashy in so many ways.

  13. Norman Bates's Mother says:

    She’s an idiot. Cibrian definitely has a type.

  14. Square Bologna says:

    FFS. Put down the bottle, Brandi.

  15. swack says:

    That whole list is just weird. Can’t they just have a conversation without it being planned out by someone? Did her son ask for advice on what to talk about? So to me the whole list is a weird thing. It’s a date, doesn’t mean they are boyfriend/girlfriend – which has a totally different connotation now than when I was dating. One date does not a boyfriend/girlfriend make. Also, 12 is a bit young for all of this. They should be going out in groups, not single dating at 12. Why are we all so anxious for our young to grow up. BTW Brandi, it’s THEIR names not THERE names.

  16. K says:

    There is nothing about this that isn’t wrong. And yes sadly there are some 12 year olds who are sexually active horrifying but the conversation shouldn’t be hey so you done it yet? Or on a date between two CHILDREN. The conversation about sex at 12 should be about responsibility, consequences, safety and yes consent. What it really is and how while it’s great so is having a childhood and waiting and enjoying that is better. Don’t trade all their possibilities for an adult activity. But the virginity status of a 12 year old is not something that should be asked or mocked.

    Lord I really think she is just a terrible mother. I mean there is being realistic about the world and then there is encouraging your child to participate in the adult behavior he isn’t ready for.

    • Joaneu says:

      K, my almost 10-year-old son was just telling me the other day that, during recess, a classmate was telling about his first time having sex. This other kid is only 10-years-old, not yet in middle school. My son was pretty shocked to hear the details and was rather grossed out (an age appropriate reaction, imo). I’ve always been honest with my kids in regards to sex but I never knew they would be confronted with it so early on.

      • K says:

        Sadly I know, i have a friend who is a kindergarten teacher and the things that go on in her school are heartbreaking. I’m not naive to think it isn’t happening, I don’t think it should. But I don’t think the conversation that parents should be encouraging on dates at 12 is are you a virgin. It sends a very confusing message about how to view women and sex honestly. But she clearly doesn’t value herself so why would she teach her son to value women beyond their sexual status and use.

      • SloaneY says:

        10?!?!? Wth?

      • swack says:

        This does not surprise me at all. My daughter worked in a NICU for a long time and the number of 12 and 13 year olds that were having babies was amazing. I have a friend who teaches in the city and she has a 6th grader that was becoming a parent. Just sad.

  17. littlemissnaughty says:

    Does she know that the girl’s parents are going to see this? Is she trying to get slapped? Because if my daughter was going out with that boy, I so would. Let’s hope nobody ever finds out who the girl is, this has to be humiliating at that age.

  18. Jayna says:

    You tell your 12-year-old son to ask a little girl if she’s a virgin and then she defends it? She’s such trash.

  19. Bonnie says:

    Vile, attention seeking-fame-whore. Gross.

  20. mia girl says:

    Aside from all the great points already made by other posters, can I also add a giant WTF to this women shitt*ng all over the privacy her son and the girl he was going on the date with?!?!?! She is a narcissistic, attention-starved assh*ole on an epic scale.

    Can you imagine how mortified and embarrassed her son must be?
    She is his mom and has every right to advise him, however misguided it is. But she had no right to put his business out to the world. That is his right, not hers.

    This woman is sick. Really sick.

    • Kitten says:

      I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: she better get a TV gig stat because she’s gonna need a sh*t ton of money to pay for the years of therapy these kids will require.

      Such a damn mess this lady is.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Therapy Kitten? CLEARLY you don’t know about her upcoming book “Therapy. Schmerapy. Chug! Chug! Chug!” in which she explains all the finer points of forgetting all discretion about your kids so long as the faves and retweets are rolling in.

        That kid might as well start saving money in his piggy bank to help pay for any therapy, because I don’t see any money coming in for her and I suspect she’s a few dollars away from being broke again.

      • Kitten says:

        LOL! Very true, Side-Eye. With her generous Plastic Surgery Budget taking up the brunt of her salary, she likely will have little-to-nothing left.

  21. tschic says:

    I have to ask:
    what does dating mean when a 12-year old “dates”?

    In Germany 12-year olds meet friends or only one special friend and go to the cinema and things like that. Do school things together. Is that already dating?
    Normally they don´t kiss. They just hold hands.
    Some people have sex, unfortunately. But most of them don`t want sex at that age.
    And to ask someone you know if she`s a virgin is absolutely rude.
    If he would be 15 or 25 or 45 – it would be rude except they would talk about things like that and both would ask. You cannot ask a girl if she is a virgin!!
    It`s absolutly none of his business and I would be so angry.

    • Jayna says:

      Exactly. That’s what it is, just going to the movies or a group of kids even going together for pizza with mom or dad dropping off and picking up.

      • Deanne says:

        Group dates for movies and pizza, laser tag etc., are the norm with middle school kids where I live. So are couple dates with the parents present. For one thing, going on a date doesn’t make someone your boyfriend, so a “boyfriend checklist” is over the top to say the least It’s already overstating the relationship. Asking a 12 year old girl if she’s a virgin, will likely make it the last date too. So completely innapropriate in every way. I’m all for having honest, age appropriate discussions about sex, but this is an unacceptable thing to tell your son to ask a girl. Putting it out for public consumption and then not understanding the backlash is also really bizarre.

    • swack says:

      I don’t know. When my granddaughter was is 4th grade a friend of hers was already kissing boys (and not just pecks on the lips) on the playground (of course out of sight). My granddaughter was bugged about kissing another boy and ended up reporting this young lady and her boy friend to the school.

  22. vauvert says:

    Absolutely cannot stand this woman and her latest idiocy is a perfect example why.
    First, I don’t care what age your date is, asking her or him about their virginity or lack thereof is inappropriate. Obviously even more so when we talk about children, but at any age. Anyone asked me that on a first date, I would get up and leave.
    Second, sharing such a private moment of your child’s life is wrong. Not only that, but the people around her son likely know who the date is, so now that other poor child becomes food for fodder on social media.
    Third – yes there is a huge difference about talking to your children openly about sex and actually going on a rant on Twitter assuming that all 12 year olds are sexually active or about to. That is such a stupid statement, completely unwarranted. I know list of pre- teens and young teens and while a few of them have noticed the presence of the opposite (or same) sex as a romantic interest, most are oblivious to it. Just like this awful woman to make everything about sex. Ugh.

  23. THOT says:

    Not surprising at all. Brandi is an a-hole.
    I never liked any of them in the budget unholy triangle. The hasbeen singer, the washed up actor and his neverbeen ex wife. All very unlikable.

  24. kri says:

    Wow. I hope she’s got room on her mantle for yet another Mother of the Year award. Poor Mason. Good luck, kid.

  25. Linn says:

    Even if you take out the disgusting question about virginity the questionaire is weird. What’s wrong with just hanging out and talking without making it look like a job interview?

    I don’t think stuff like my favorite flower or what I’m scared of have ever come up at the beginning of a potential relationship.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Right? I figure at 12 they’d already normally be talking about pets hobbies (because honestly what else is there at 12).

      The stuff about favorite flowers and if she’s a virgin reads like Brandi’s laying this kid up for some kind of 14 yr old shot gun wedding.

  26. Josefa says:

    I remember when I was little there was nothing I hated more than listening to my mom talk about me with her friends. It was so embarrassing. Having a mom that narrates my whole life on twitter sounds like a total nightmare.

  27. Brandi is not a good mother. Kids have a certain expectation of privacy & Brandi has blown that on more than one occasion. She’s now endorsing wine which is rather ironic since she’s a drunk IMO. When these boys start googling her name, they will get an eye full! Remember the pic with her tampon hanging out? She’s an attention whore, and unfortunately her kids are paying the price.

  28. Merritt says:

    She is an awful person.

  29. Crumpet says:

    She really is an appalling mother.

  30. Rainbow says:

    It’s hard to believe that there are 12 year old girls who are not virgins. At 12 you are still a baby. If her son and his date were 15 year old,they would be still young to have sex but at least they would be teenagers,not kids.
    What a moron she is.

    On another note she looks less cat-faced but these implants are hideous.

    • gogirl says:

      I hate that some parents are just like “they’re gonna do it anyway! No. they are not. Twelve year olds can be supervised and kept away from one-on-one activities. My sisters and I were not allowed to date. We could go to a guy’s house when his family was over, he could come to our house when our family was over, or we could hang out in groups at public places. We could go to parties where there were parents. My parents were barely home and they still made sure of this. Not a single one of us had sex before were were adults.

      • Elisa the I. says:

        Are you serious? It’s so easy to find ways. I was at a super-strict Catholic boarding school (with nuns and everything) from the age of 14 onwards. I would for example tell the staff at that boarding school that I would go to my mum’s place for the weekend. And I told my mum that I would stay at the boarding school. I did this regularly and was never caught.
        If I was at my mom’s place I would simply climb out of the window and no-one every noticed. I had my first dates at the age of 13 and believe me, I was NOT one of the wild kids. 🙂
        I remember a story from a school-mate who had sex in a corn field (!) on the way home from school at the age of 14.
        So no offense, but if you think that kids can be supervised 24/7, you will be surprised how creative they can be in finding ways.

    • Marisa says:

      Reading all these comments…I’m actually kind of curious about all of your ages.
      I feel like a lot of you are missing out an opportunity to talk with your children if there is this much disregard for how much sexual activity is going on at these ages. When I was in middle school, (gosh in like 2003?) kids were getting to third base. Losing your virginity was still taboo, but it did happen. I had a friend who left school because she got pregnant. She was in 8th grade. Mostly mid upper class school, too.

      Did no one watch the movie Thirteen?

      • EN says:

        But where and when are they getting up to it?
        They get to school , they get to a class, there are only 5 min between the classes. Then they get loaded on a bus and off they go back home.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        When I was in 7th and 8th grades (mid 2000’s) most people as far as I knew (at the middle school I went to) weren’t having sex. There were probably like 2 or 3 boys or 1 or 2 girls who were, but yeah, it was kind of a taboo. (More so for a girl than a boy though.) One of the boys was super embarrassed to admit it.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I’m 59 and I didn’t figure out until college why my high school boyfriend kept pushing the back of my head towards his lap when we were kissing. I thought it was just annoying. Poor guy. Lol, things have changed.

      • Elisa the I. says:

        @Marisa: ITA. My niece is now 10 years old and she is the only girl in her class that is not having a boyfriend. She says that 4 boys are in love with her (that exactly the words she is using), but she doesn’t like any of them. She says the “couples” are writing love letters to each other, holding hands and already kissing. My sister just rolls her eyes and tries to openly talk with my niece about everything.

  31. stacey says:

    use to love brandi but damn girl, no wonder eddie dumped you. grow up

  32. EN says:

    Yep, another silly bimbo to give all women a bad name,

  33. Christin says:

    If this date actually happens and he proceeds with even half of that list, it will likely be his last date with the girl anyway. That is way too much to ask on what should be a hanging out an hour or two ‘date’.

    Maybe the girl needs to have a list for him. Questions could include how does he deal with morons for parents and bonus mom?

  34. Coco says:

    This is appalling!!! The fact that she thinks that is an acceptable question, let alone on a first date at any age, is so sad. What is wrong with her?

  35. Madly says:

    I don’t agree that virginity is out dated. Different families teach their kids different values. Still sex should be frankly discussed even if you are teaching abstinence.

  36. Amy Tennant says:

    It’s just not a first date question to me, period, much less at 12. (12? Not judging, maybe it was a school dance or something. I’d be ok with calling that a “date” for 12, but also, not my business)

    I think the sexual history question might come up if/when you’re about to become intimate. Not that “virgin” matters, but you might want to know. If you’re about to get naked together it shouldn’t be too much more personal to talk about it. Either for possible STD reasons or you might want to know each other’s feelings and experience. You don’t need details.

    Or maybe you don’t need to have the STD conversation because you should use protection in any case. I was thinking knowing if it’s someone’s first time would mean you’d want to be extra sure and careful that it’s okay and they’re ok, but now that I think about it that’s how you need to be in any case. You need to make sure you have consent (for every step) and to understand what your partner wants and needs whether it is the first time or 5000th. I still think if you are at the point where you’re going to be intimate, you need to be able to talk to each other about whatever you need to talk about.
    But not on a first date (unless there’;s going to be sex on a first date), and not at 12. I know at 12 if a guy asked me that, I’d have been so upset and freaked out I probably would have had to call my mom to come get me. I’d have thought that meant that he wanted to, and there’s no way I would have been ready. I personally wasn’t ready at least until I was out of my teens and probably a lot longer, although it’s different for everyone.

    • gogirl says:

      You should ALWAYS disclose STDs. HPV can be spread even with condom use. If you have any STD, it is completely unethical to not fully disclose that before any sexual encounter.

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      Virginity is not a question period! At any age! If you have religious beliefs and you want to know if your potential spouse is a virgin, then ok MAYBE then, but even at that, JUST NO! Doesn’t and Shouldn’t Matter!! STD’s are a totally different ballgame and should always be disclosed. But Virginity is not anyone’s effing business.

  37. lile says:

    And the first time he asks that question of a girl, I hope she knocks him on his ass. Then I hope she tells her mom, who will then knock Brandi on her ignorant and repulsive ass. This woman is the definition of the word moron. Hopefully her kids realize she is a few sandwiches short of a picnic and ignore her stupidity. I definitely feel sorry for these boys whose parents are ALL attention starved. I seriously think CPS needs to take an interest in Brandi’s parenting skills.

  38. I Choose Me says:

    You guys have said it all. She is officially a dumb-ass.

  39. funcakes says:

    Kids are smarter than people think. I believe the boy has enough sense not to ask such stupid questions. I’m sure he knows what to discuss.
    I also think Brandi just said all this to stay in the news because she burned her bridge with the Andy Cohen franchise.

  40. Christin says:

    Around age 12 is when children think their parents are total idiots and will rarely follow their advice.

    So there is hope…

  41. tacos and tv says:

    I hope my 12 year old daughter is a virgi . Huh? I can see if she wrote, “has she had her first kiss?” But a virgin?! Good grief. she is 12!!!!

  42. neutral says:

    So now if the son asks the girl that question the answer should be “tell your mother to mind her own sodding business.”

    Apologies for the language.

    • CatJ says:

      Don’t worry about your language…. I still can’t figure out hers, as in the last line of her tweet ….”don’t f__king for yourselves….????
      just proving her ignorance, and further embarrassing her boys….sheeesh, Brandi, shutup!

  43. Susie 1of 3 says:

    This is the woman who hooked up with Gerard Butler and bragged about. He didn’t even know her name. When he was told she was saying they’d been together for a quickie, he had no idea who she was but yes they’d had sex. The virgin question isn’t on the list because of her high moral standards. Most likely she thought it was funny, got called out on it for being inappropriate, and gave a drunken hissy fit response. I’m betting the little girl’s parents will be there on this “date”, if it’s still on, unless they’re on the famewhore train also. That question for a 12 year old is beyond creepy.

  44. gogirl says:

    Why is a twelve year old going on a date? Twelve IS way to young to be getting sexual, and letting them “date” won’t help. Also – hobbys? There? This woman needs to do her own homework.

  45. AntiSocialButterfly says:

    This reads like a list she wants *her own* dates to ask of her. I can hear it now:

    “Doncha wanna know something about me? Ask me a question! Ask me what scares me! Ask me about my favorite flower! My favorite singer! Ask me about the riskiest place I’ve gotten busy!! Let’s play 21 questions for adults! Let’s do shots!!!”

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I saw an episode of Steve Harvey where he was attempting to set her up with two guys in her age range and asked her to ask them any questions to get to know them better and possibly choose one and those are pretty much the questions she asked but with more stupidity and sex.

    • Stephanie says:

      This was very funny and spot on!

      Also, WTF is happening to her face in that bottom photo? It would have been so much better had she just aged naturally, because…YIKES.

  46. Patricia says:

    That question is disgusting, just like this piece of trash woman. She is sexualizing her young child.

    And I’m sure I’m in the minority but I don’t think any 12 year old should be going on any kind of date or having any kind of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

    • EN says:

      I also think 12 is too young. I think 14 is OK to start dating but is still too young to have sex.
      I think for me my kids will be always too young to have sex. I bet this is how majority of parents feel.

      • neutral says:

        “I also think 12 is too young. I think 14 is OK to start dating but is still too young to have sex.”

        It is also illegal, does this woman know that?

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I admit everyone’s different and I’m sure others parents handled it responsibly but I also have to go to the category of ‘no way’ for 12 yr old dates. I think dating in high school is a better idea but Geez the drama it causes…so many tears by lockers.

  47. AmyB says:

    As others have pointed out, I sympathized with her when the whole LeAnn/Eddie affair and marriage happened, I really did. But this…..UGH! Yes have honest conversations with your children about sex and responsibility especially in today’s crazy world of social media. I have a 14 year old daughter so I know first hand the importance of these conversations. But to put that on social media, to embarrass your poor child that way and to have Brandi/LeAnn and Eddie as the parental figures in this scenario, those boys have zero chance emerging out of this healthy. Good Lord 🙁

  48. Lily says:

    This woman is just disgusting. What’s up with her nose? It has a huge ball on the end of it.

  49. My two cents says:

    Maybe if the 12 year old is asking for the girl’s hand in marriage those would be appropriate questions. I think the term date means to go steady today vs just a one time get together to the movies? Still at 12 that is ridiculously embarrassing! I think the excessive fillers is squeezing some of these peoples brains! Between the three adults in these boys lives they don’t have an IQ in double digits combined. Now with her list and Eddie’s ability to teach them how to be a player these boys are in for a ride!

  50. JenniferJustice says:

    This woman will do anything for attention. Yes, 12 years old is too young and he shouldn’t be asking any girl or woman on a first date with him about her sexual history or even simply if she’s a virgin or not, because it’s none of his business at that point.

    Brandi has always been a skank and I have no problem saying that – vehemently.

    She’s also so frickin’ dumb – it’s “their” names not “there” names. I said a long time ago when people were sticking up for her fame-whoring, that she should be going to school and doing something with her money that will benefit her and her family in the long run. I didn’t realize just how bad she needs an education.

  51. someone says:

    Better to teach your kids that just because you’ve had sex once and are no longer a virgin doesn’t mean you have to keep having sex. A boy can say to a girl “I know you (or I) have had sex before but we can have a relationship without taking it to that level”. Just because you’ve done it once doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it in every subsequent relationship. Mistakes happen. It’s not a line that once crossed there is no going back….

  52. TOPgirl says:

    Why did she bother posting this online? Mothers these days with too much time on their hands and not enough drama in their lives…..have to post things about their kids to create drama. This is a private matter that shouldn’t have leaked out into the world.

  53. Mollie says:

    Meh, so she shouldn’t have posted it and serves backlash but there is nothing wrong with open communication with one’s own children.
    Nothing. And she’s right about the age kids are starting in some circles, anybody who denies thst has their eyes closed and will have an ugly surprise at some point. They are starting young. I’d rather that I am the one to teach and guide rather than some other kid. I’ve also learned not to judge the parenting of others because I’ve seen some great kids come from moms that I snotty judged.

  54. greenmonster says:

    A conversation between Brandi and her son.
    Mason: Mom, why should I ask her about her virginity?
    Brandi: Because if she isn’t a virgin she had Sex, she might have slept around. You don’t want a girl that has slept around, do you?
    Mason: Two more questions. 1. Do you know what a hypocrite is? 2. Do you know how to spell it?

  55. EN says:

    I don’t even understand the point of that question.
    What happens if the girl ( whatever age) first of all answers, yes – what happens? no – what happens?
    How does it make any difference?

  56. Jlh says:

    She’s a total idiot. How completely irrelevant. What a moron.

  57. daisyfly says:

    The only valuable virgin in my household comes in a glass.

    Brandi is a horrible mother WITHOUT this list. With it, she’s a disgustingly inappropriate one as well.

  58. Anti Bieber says:

    Thick as two short planks and crass as a crass thing … it can’t be easy being Ms Glanville.

  59. umila says:

    I think this is kind of in the realm of disgusting. I cannot make the decision for all parents, but there’s nothing shameful *in my opinion* about discussing sex. However, it is personal and I don’t believe any 12 year old boy has business asking a young girl that question. It isn’t his business. Is she expecting him to have sex after this one date? I think it is smart to discuss with one’s potential sexual partner the prospects of getting tested or feelings about birth control, but at 12? Yeah, kids have sex young these days but am I living in lala land to think it is just an innocent meeting up of kids? I know if a boy had asked me that at the age of 12 I would have hauled ass. Is she allowed to ask him the same question? Something about this makes me feel it is another way to slut shame the woman.

  60. Respect says:

    Unfortunately, as a middle school teacher for 15+ Years, the concerne is real. We like to think that ours don’t and won’t, but many do and are and aren’t talking to mom and dads about it. The question was too much but if it opens the eyes of some parents, the purpose is served. As a teacher I cannot go ramdomly to a parent because I overhear something if I cannot prove anything…believe me that I want to, though.

  61. Carole says:

    You do not just go up to a woman even on a first date and ask her if she is a virgin! Let alone a child. Brandi clearly wants her son to come home with his face slapped by a girl. She is teaching her son to disrespect women. Brandi is sick and evil. Wtf is wrong with her? She is a monster. I was always on her side due to Leann and Leann’s single white femaling, stalking and taunting of her. But I cannot imagine even Leann advocating a boy go around asking girls if they are virgins. Wtf? Brandi is as I said, sick and evil and so wrong on so many levels. Her sons will grow up seeing women as being nothing but a thing for sex. I can see her sons turning out like their father because Brandi is encouraging them to see them as just for sex. Any girl would slap any boy who straight out asked that on a first date. Because that is what that question deserves. The creep who asked it being slapped from here into next month.

    But what really gets me – apart from Brandi encouraging her son to ask rude, personal and disrespectful questions, is her immature need to be right all the time. She is an abusive narcissistic. Any other mother would have said something along the lines of ‘you know, I never thought of it that way. I don’t have a daughter so I didn’t realize how wrong it is to encourage a boy to be so disrespectful and personal and rude. I never meant for it to come across like that. I get what you guys are saying, and I hear you now’ instead of ‘get with the fuking times’ ‘fuk off’ etc etc. She can NEVER apologize or admit she is wrong – EVER! She is full on aggressive 100% of the time and can never see reason, meet anyone half-way, just *listen* to a person and say, ‘I never thought of it that way’. It is her 1-160 temper and immature lack of ability to reason, that rubs the salt in.

    I now, (gulp, I never thought I’d say this) think Eddie and Leann should get full sole custody. Yes, I am serious.

  62. nicole says:

    Trolling for attention? Ummm…is water wet? BTW, she’s a moron but could learn how to spell so she don’t look like an uneducated moron.

  63. Snowpea says:

    I used to love Brandi but her son is still a CHILD for the love of god.

    Maybe LA is a little fast compared to suburban Australian culture but I would be shocked if 12 year olds were having sex around our neighbourhood.

  64. DONNA MARTIN says:

    I think she thinks she’s more progressive than she really is. She hasn’t done any self evaluation on what she truly believes are her values vs what society/parents have been telling her should be. I think her thinking was are you sexually active (progressive, it’s good to have these conversations but prob not on a first date) but felt uncomfortable saying it and asked if they were a virgin instead (old values) hopefully she figures it out.

  65. kelli says:

    i have a seven year old boy and two year old girl. i can’t ever imagine wanting to ask him that. yeah, maybe you, as a parent, want to make sure your child isn’t dating someone who is already advanced when your child is totally innocent, but i would just depend on hoping, not actually finding out. i just can’t do that.

  66. analee says:

    I strongly agree w almost all of these comments: This woman is absolutely vile. She will share ANYTHING, the personal lives of ANYONE, including her own family’s, her own *children*, in order to further her own, selfish cause: her narcissistic, desperate desire for attention. It’s pathological and twisted and offensive, to ask a woman of *any* age about their level of sexual experience, and to ask this of a CHILD? Shameful. But this woman is utterly shameless, and doesn’t care who she embarrasses, insults, invades or hurts, so long as she remains in the media’s eye. Too bad for her, she’s already barely only on its peripheral vision. Lady: give it up.

  67. Caz says:

    Once the floodgates to over-sharing on social media have been opened they can’t be closed. Not everyone is sensible & rational about what they post 🙂