Sarah Palin says she’s ‘happy’ about Bristol Palin’s second unwed pregnancy


For some reason, Sarah Palin decided to give an interview to CBS Sunday Morning this weekend. The CBS reporter had to travel to Wasilla, Alaska to conduct the interview. What’s weird is that… Palin doesn’t seem to be promoting anything. She doesn’t have a book out, she’s doesn’t have a reality show anymore (does she?), and she’s not running for anything. She hasn’t even been active or all that vocal during the Republican primary. If anything, this interview seems like an attempt to reboot her public image. Here’s the full interview:

Palin goes on the record about a lot of different subjects, like whether she thought Katie Couric’s question about what newspapers she reads was “fair.” Palin surprisingly says that she does think the question was fair, and she just wishes her answer was better. She also admits that yes, she sort of felt like a loser after the McCain-Palin ticket lost in 2008. But some of the most interesting statements were made during the section where Palin was asked about her daughter Bristol. Bristol is currently knocked up again, her second unplanned, unmarried pregnancy. Which wouldn’t be that big of a deal, except Palin and her GOP cohorts have spent decades demonizing single mothers, unwed mothers and any woman who has sex for any reason other than reproduction. When asked if this is how Sarah Palin saw Bristol’s life pan out, this is what Sarah said:

“Heck, no! Because being a single mom is — oh, my goodness. My heart goes out to the single parents. But my enormous admiration for what they’re able to accomplish doing double duty. And I watch Bristol do double duty all the time with her little boy, Tripp…. I can’t wait for about 45 more days and I’m going to have a little baby granddaughter. And I’m happy about it.”

When asked about Bristol’s pregnancy going against everything Sarah stood for, Palin said: “Well, the cool thing about putting your faith in God is he certainly is a God of second chances and third and fourth and fifth chances. I screw up all the time.”

[From Raw Story]

So when a Palin screws up, God gives them second, third and fourth chances. When anyone else screws up, they’re a welfare queens, mooches, lazy and looking for government handouts. Got it.

So… we’re about 45 days away from Bristol giving birth. Which means she got pregnant at the end of March? And then Bristol and Dakota didn’t call off the wedding until mid-May. So, she definitely knew she was pregnant when the wedding was called off. You know what I think? I think once Bristol gives birth, all hell is going to break loose. Suddenly there will be paternity tests, accusations thrown back and forth and a good old fashioned Wasilla throwdown.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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69 Responses to “Sarah Palin says she’s ‘happy’ about Bristol Palin’s second unwed pregnancy”

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  1. mia girl says:

    Good lord… the sweater-thing she’s wearing in the interview. It’s bad enough in the still shot but it’s downright awful in movement. Where does one even purchase something so sartorially horrible?!

    • jugstorecowboy says:

      I don’t know…it almost looks good next to that sparkly sack dress paired with a brown furry purse and black boot heels. Superficial I may be, but that ensemble is hideous.

      • Zzzingara says:

        Phew! As one who lives in black jeans, skate shoes or dress-up leggings, I’m the first to admit knowing very little about sartorial elegance, but I thought the sparkly sack dress and its accessories looked bloody tragic, too.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Not superficial at all. Spot on, IMO.

      • Kitten says:

        She’s always been such a trashy dresser. When she was on McCain’s ticket they had a team of people dressing her, which was the only reason why she looked remotely passable.

      • pinetree13 says:

        I like that dress but I do not understand why on earth she paired it with those chunky black bracelets (is that what they are?) those boots don’t go at all!

    • Wentworth Miller says:

      @Mia Girl: thanks for my word of the day.

  2. aims says:

    Typical do as I say, not as I do. Look, there’s nothing wrong with have children before marriage and there’s nothing wrong with having different men for your children. But, don’t you dare judge other women who do the same.

    • tealily says:

      It’s not even that though! She *IS* judging her! Her own mother is saying that she screwed up. It’s like some kind of self-righteous self-loathing and I don’t get it at all.

  3. Allie says:

    Honest question- should you really be considered a single mother, if your child’s father is in the picture and has half custody? Like yes, you’re single, but you’re not entirely alone. Shouldn’t that title go to those who do not have the father in their lives, because he’s a dead beat, died, etc?

    • here's Wilson says:

      That’s how I always looked at it. Maybe because I could care less about marriage, but to me a female is hardly a single parent when there is a two parent household.

    • swack says:

      No you shouldn’t be considered a single mom in that situation. If that is a single mom then the man is a single father. And what about those not married, live with the father of their children. Are they also single moms? JMO.

    • Carol says:

      No. If you are not married, each parent has to deal with the day to day raising a kid alone. Making meals for your kids, taking them to daycare, cleaning the home,making sure they are doing their homework, taking care if them when they get sick, paying the bills, working to provide for your kid regardless if you have spousal support – its all done alone.

    • Wentworth Miller says:

      @Allie: I’ve never understood people saying that they’re single parents when the dad is in the picture and play a significant roll in the child’s life.

      As far as Sara Palin, what else is she gonna say regarding Bristols pregnancy? Would anyone really expect this woman to come out and say that she’s disappointed in her daughters decisions? Apologize for bashing women who have made those same decisions? Yeah. That won’t happen.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Good point. I have never thought about this, but I agree with you. I think a lot of these women – the “single working mom” – just like to wear it like a badge of honor, even when their child’s father is very much in the picture and offering financial support. I don’t get what’s so super honorable about being 50% of the parental guidance and a financial supporter, the mom should try to be some combination of those things regardless of married/divorced. .

      • yellow says:

        I don’t know. I remember using the term a lot when my Mom was in that situation with my much younger sibling by a different Dad (who was still in the picture though things weren’t often easy), and she once made it clear in a very polite way that she wasn’t thrilled with my using that term about her. It was a label she did not want. To many it’s a negative label, and I hadn’t thought about it until she pointed it out to me in that way.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        yellow – great point. I can see both sides of the coin: the women who want that term tagged onto them are the ones who want pity from others or to be praised for how “strong” they are, despite “the cards they were dealt.” While the other group (like your mom perhaps), dont want that term associated with them bc they dont want anyone feeling sorry for them. That’s basically what I meant 🙂

    • Cheryl says:

      Single half-time parents?

    • jwoolman says:

      I think people tend to identify themselves as a single mom or a single dad when they are the only ones in the home during their time with the kids. So there can be two parents actively raising the kids, but if they don’t live together then they will each consider themselves single parents. It does make sense, since they are on their own for the day to day stuff even if they have to jointly agree on major stuff.

      People who are married but the spouse is hardly ever there or is away for a prolonged time will also refer to themselves as being essentially single parents.

    • Shannon says:

      My cousin was a single mother until her son was 2, then her son’s father was a single father until son was age 10, then they finally started co-parenting to some degree and shared custody but they have completely different parenting styles, opinions on education, goal for their kid’s future, etc. The child lives a totally different life depending on which parent he is with at any given time. And I would still call each of them single parents because of that.

    • snowflake says:

      I agree, I don’t see how you are a single parent if the baby’s dad is around. In my experience, women who use that term are frequently looking for sympathy or support.

    • kate says:

      Yeah, it always used to be a term reserved for parents (usually mothers) who were doing it entirely alone. Single didn’t refer to relationship status, but to being the singular parent. In the last 15 years or so people have started using it to mean they are no longer with their children’s other parent.

    • LouLou says:

      I think this is kind of generational. When I was growing up, when people divorced, they were called single parents even if both parents were actively involved. The main difference was that in those days the mother almost always got full custody. Less people had children with people outside of marriage (not a judgment, just a fact). Funny though, people did kind of feel sorry for divorced people with kids being single parents because it is generally harder to do everything alone when the kids are with you. But I don’t think people saw it as a “poor me” thing. So, it always throws me for a loop when people question whether the term is accurate when there are two parents involved in raising the kids. I refer to all my divorced friends with kids as single parents. LOL. We all do, but apparently only if you are a certain age, maybe over 35?

  4. polonoscopy says:

    I think she’s edging for a daytime talk show or something.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      I dont think there is a market for a GOP female-lead day time talk show, especially one as washed up as Sarah Palin. Even the Republicans I know don’t like her anymore.

    • SusanneToo says:

      She threw out the frightening information that she’d be open to running again. I think she’d love to be asked.

  5. Annie says:

    These parents are always quick to be judgy when it happens to someone else’s child. But when it happens to them they feel “lucky” and “blessed.” I don’t buy for a minute that any parent is ok with their young daughter being pregnant out of wedlock for a second time. Being a single mother of one more child. Especially not conservative parents. This is why parents need to stop shaming kids about having sex and teach them about contraceptives. Having babies should be planned, not be left to luck. Especially for young, single mothers. One should be enough, especially when you blog about having a hard time with assimilating this pregnancy. It’s tough out there for single moms.

  6. lassie says:

    Did anybody get a chance to see Bristol’s show, “Life’s a Tripp”? I accidentally stumbled across it one day and saw where she and her sister just moved into a new place and were trying to get her son excited about it by telling him, as they were moving in, about how great it would be and that it had a pool. The kid, being a normal young kid, wanted to stop moving things and go down to the pool immediately. Both Bristol and the sister (Willow? Wallow? Whateverhernameis) wouldn’t stop and take the kid to the pool, so the kid has a tantrum and full out calls his mother and aunt the f-bomb on a cable network show. What did Bristol do? She laughed at the kid. Effective parenting there, Bristol.

    Now her kids will out number her and hopefully join forces to destroy her.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Check out the Wife Swap episode with Bristol and Melissa Rivers. Tripp’s a few years older and completely out of control with no discipline from Bristol or Willow, who continued to live with them. It was also remarkable in how Bristol and Melissa were so different in how they approached life. Melissa Rivers was willing to try just about everything and did manage to get Tripp under control. But Bristol refused to do anything at all, leaving Joan Rivers to make excuses for her and Melissa used her connections to get unemployed Willow a job as a hair stylist, which Willow refused to even consider accepting.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:


      • holly hobby says:

        I would think Melissa is the better parent. Her kid acts normal. The Tripper will be terrorizing Wasilla in no time.

      • Christin says:

        I watched only a few minutes of that episode because he was behaving so badly with his oblivious mother and aunt standing by. I did not know about the job offer being turned down.

      • mayamae says:

        I remember that episode. They bribed Tripp with popsicles to do everything. He had not set bedtime, and no bedtime ritual – not even pajamas. Willow bickered with him like she was four or five, too, and Tripp only listened when Grandpa Todd showed up.

        Melissa was definitely the better parent, but her son was almost too obedient. His life was very structured, but overly (in my opinion), and he spent a lot of time alone. The set of their TV show was literally in Melissa’s home, and there didn’t seem to be much down time.

  7. booboocita says:

    Not to be catty (of course I’m being catty), but the woman is starting to show her age, at least in the face. The body is still bangin’, but the face is getting wrinkled. I expect a flurry of fillings and Botox soon.

    I’d say a career reboot is probably exactly what’s going on. I doubt she could get another book contract or reality show at this point. The press and her public have moved on to other interests and targets. If she and Bristol are going to continue to successfully grift, they need to drum up interest. The “good Christian family” angle is out, so “quasi-repentant, struggling-and-failing-but-good-folks-all-the-same, just-wanting-a-second-chance Christian family” is up next. You didn’t think they’d get JOBS, did you?

    • SusanneToo says:

      I think she’s already been ‘toxed and filled. I suspect a boob job too. When she was prancing around during the 2012 election her tee shirts looked a lot fuller.

    • mayamae says:

      She has a tanning booth in her home (apparently to treat/prevent SAD) so she has sun damage. She’s also too thin. When she first became well known, she still had a little baby weight and it really looked good on her.

  8. FingerBinger says:

    fwiw I don’t think that was an unplanned pregnancy.

  9. Arock says:

    Sarah palin makes me want to day drink. I can’t believe she’s still given a platform.
    Has the father of Bristols #2 been revealed? Has the ex fiancé confirmed he’s not the father? Not that any of that really matters outside of the context that it’s the Palins and it is so hilarious they can’t manage to not fly in the face of their own sanctimonious bullshit.

  10. Triple Cardinal says:

    She has an agenda: She’s promoting her latest book, “Sweet Freedom.”

    There’s no getting away from this clown.

    • Maria A. says:

      Yep, cut n paste Bible verses with her name slapped on it. What are the odds that Nancy French was the ghost writer on this one too?

  11. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    She’s as happy as a hypocrite can be when their private shame is exposed before she can fly her daughter off somewhere to get it taken care of.

    I don’t think unplanned pregnancies are a shame, I do however believe Sarah does and probably cursed for several minutes when she found out.

  12. Jaded says:

    So the Wasilla Hillbilly is trying to put a positive, God-sanctioned spin on her daughter’s *second* out-of-wedlock pregnancy and mystery sperm donor. What that woman will stoop to say in order to turn sh*t into snowflakes never ceases to amaze me.

  13. Betsy says:

    I think this woman is a moron, but you support family, even when they do garden variety stupid things like fail to figure out birth control a second or third time.

    Of course Bristol won’t accept welfare. Right, Sarah?

  14. the_blonde_one says:

    of course she’s not unhappy- look at how it keeps them in the public eye/media.

  15. daisyfly says:

    Y’all are totally missing the message here.

    This is Barstool’s FIFTH chance. It’s her second announced pregnancy but her FIFTH chance? Oooh, someone’s throwing shade!!!

    • Wentworth Miller says:

      Yeah. I wonder what that was all about. I’m also wondering if Sara Palins youngest is really Bristols, as was speculated.

  16. Wren33 says:

    I mean, I don’t think I would like Sarah Palin more if she called her daughter a whore and refused to talk to her. I am happy she is a supportive mother. But of course, nothing drives me crazier than that aspect of conservative Christianity – accusing liberals of corrupting children by admitting that sex happens and that people are human, but when one of them has sex and gets pregnant, all of a sudden it is “God forgives everything and you can’t have an abortion because it is all part of God’s plan.” I don’t understand how God would think it is a mistake to have sex but the life resulting from it is not a mistake. I don’t really get the guy.

    • Betsy says:

      To be fair, you don’t get their childish interpretation of “the guy.”

    • jwoolman says:

      I think Sarah has been a neglectful mother but not an abusive one. Once when Sarah had some kind of reality show, Kate Gosselin and her troupe of kids went on a camping trip with the Palins. Sarah was genuinely shocked at Kate’s abusive behavior toward her non-favorite kids. The Palin kids never had to deal with such things from either of their parents. So that’s my nice thing said for the day….

      • mayamae says:

        I agree she was pretty neglectful. According to Levi (I know), Trigg was dumped on pregnant Bristol to raise, and Todd took Piper everywhere because she was his favorite. Track was off tampering with school buses, then joining the military to avoid jail, and Bristol was off getting taken advantage of (according to her). I kind of believed what Levi said because he always portrayed Bristol sympathetically. He portrayed Sarah as domineering, yet absent, and Todd as passive, and involved in his own endeavors.

    • pinetree13 says:

      Yep it literally makes no sense. “Premarital sex is bad! It’s a sin! Don’t do it” Baby from premarital sex “God meant for that baby to happen and be born”

      They don’t…they don’t see the contradiction?

  17. mp says:

    Effing GOP. It’s ok for kids who have rich parents to make mistakes – then it’s just a blessing. It’s not ok for people who come from families without means to make mistakes EVER. That’s just irresponsible.

  18. Holmes says:

    Of course she’s happy about it. Gives her a reason to keep running her mouth. Not that she would ever shut up anyway, of course, but she ostensibly has a “reason” now. I am eagerly awaiting the next Thrilla in Wasilla.

  19. yep says:

    Im glad shes accepting of this surprise baby stranger. But….
    Since they, including hypocritical Bristol, were always shaming , just crapping on girls for walking off that path of pure, I would be happy if the Palins went all the way with their message…like…Bristol is a whore. She had premarital sex. She got pregnant. We are shunning her as she made her bed , now she has to lie in it…like the parents did, daughters disgraced, who listened to this garbage from them.
    What gets me, what angers me too, is I feel horrible for girls who lost their virginity in horrible ways..molestation, rape, and sometimes live with that secret. And then get these a-holes touting hypocritical fecal matter, “you are not worthy if you dont save it for your marriage night” …good lord. The awful pain to have to listen to that.

  20. Nancy says:

    It still makes cringe this women could have been VP. OMG. How frightening. So many of these fanatical right wingers preach their rhetoric but close their eyes when it’s their own. Her sweet Christian God fearing daughter got caught with her pants down twice, twice….no birth control and sex before marriage, yet Palin somehow makes it God’s plan. Don’t do what I do, do what I say. Obviously her unmarried daughter likes sex, so maybe mama Sarah could hint that if you don’t use contraception, there is going to be a lot of little Bristol the Pistols in the future.

  21. Eliza Rose says:

    Here’s my conspiracy theory: Bristol and the guy she was engaged to decided to wait to have sex until they were married (because she’s a good girl who practices abstinence), and then whoops, she wound up pregnant. She confessed it to him just before the wedding, he knew she had cheated on him and called it off, and then the Palin’s paid him off not to go tell the world what happened.

    • yep says:

      That is the most plausible explanation yet. Explains too, the quiet absence of “in the shadows” no longer a fiance.
      Can you imagine, the waves of fear, that a Palin crew had gotten if they read your statement? AND IT WAS TRUE!!??

    • pinetree13 says:

      YEP! THis is EXACTLY what I think happened. He found out she cheated when she had to tell him she was pregnant.

  22. Krusty says:

    She does have a book out. Something about faith. The Bible. You know…a vehicle for displaying her expertise. Just in time for Christmas.

  23. buzz says:

    I feel like the ex-fiance would have made a statement that he will support his child (and expect to see it). He has not made any statement like that as far as I know.

  24. Fluff says:


  25. frank drebin says:

    she loves the publicity. the rightwing kardashians