Jim-Bob Duggar: Fathers can protect their families by removing ‘sensual’ materials


Few things make me skin crawl as much as the Duggar parents giving “advice.” Last month, Michelle posted an essay about the advice she gives to her daughters when they get married, and the advice involved “being sexually available to your husbands at all times” and “stroking their delicate egos always.” Michelle’s advice came across as particularly pointed, like it was aimed at her daughter-in-law, poor Anna Duggar, who is still married to Josh Duggar. Like, Michelle thinks Josh would have never had a p0rn addiction or assaulted/had rough sex with other women if only Anna had simply been more available to him sexually. It was stomach-turning, to say the least.

And now for more pointed criticism, this time aimed at Josh. Family patriarch Jim-Bob Duggar wrote a post on the family’s website/blog where he repeated the story about how Michelle went on the pill after Josh was born and she still got pregnant and then had a miscarriage. He’s basically shilling for the whole “have as many babies as possible, never use contraception” method of family-planning, because of course he is. Then he added some “advice” at the end:

A great way to start being the spiritual leader and coach of your home is to ask Jesus to forgive you for the things you have done wrong (1 John 1:9) and ask Him to take over the steering wheel of your life. (Ask your wife and children for forgiveness also.) God has promised He will freely give the ability to make wise decisions to anyone who asks and seeks Him (James 1:5). Purpose to read the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the day of the month with your family daily.

Also, commit to pray with your wife everyday. Start protecting your family by removing books, magazines, television, or internet that have worldly or sensual content. Replace them with good things like wholesome music, biographies of great Christians, good old-fashioned family fun and games. Love God with your whole heart and look for opportunities to serve others as a family and tell others about our Saviour.

[From The Duggars’ website]

At some point, do you think it would ever occur to Jim-Bob and Michelle that raising their children devoid of “sensual” books, magazines, TV and internet creates a void in which a sexual predator in their own family can find his hunting ground? It wasn’t access to the internet that destroyed Josh Duggar – it was his f—ked up family and the way they enabled his profound issues for years.


Photos courtesy of the Duggars’ Facebook.

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119 Responses to “Jim-Bob Duggar: Fathers can protect their families by removing ‘sensual’ materials”

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  1. Yeses says:

    When this man talks, I hear this voice in my head go “Shut up, shut up, shut up, just shut the @#$% up…..” Ugh, I can’t even!!!

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      Huh. That usually happens to me about three days into a week long visit from my mother.
      But I definitely know the feeling. 😉

      • Yeses says:

        I just spent two weeks with my mom, two very long weeks…I get what you are saying 😉

      • MoochieMom says:

        I couldn’t explain the feeling and now I get it. It is the bang your head on a wall because of mom feeling. +100000

      • Carol says:

        LOL!!! That’s exactly how I feel right before running into the closet and trying to get to my happy place.

      • joan says:

        This father of a sex offender telling people how to be “moral” is kinda like the Palin family telling people to be “celibate” while getting pregnant repeatedly [mom and daughter].

    • doofus says:

      and I NEVER AGAIN need to read the words “Jim Bob Duggar” and “sensual” in the same sentence.


    • I Choose Me says:

      Reading that made my jaw clench so hard it now hurts. Just the idea of living under the thumb of this controlling, creepy, misogynistic asshat makes me feel ill. I have a deep mistrust of the overly religious based on past childhood experience and Jim Bob just sets off so many red flags for me.

      • melodycalder says:

        I will never forget the afternoon after church one day as a kid when my patents burned everything in our house that was secular. Especially records of that tramp amy grant. All in the name of protecting the integrity of our family. It didn’t work.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        I CHOOSE ME – I could not agree with you more! This guy is the LAST PERSON ON EARTH (besides Dick Cheney) who should be allowed to influence people. He’s worse than merely stupid and misogynistic. He’s grandiose, delusional and unrepentant. She’s the same but wrapped up in a bow. They make me believe that Satan really does exist – in them.

      • Miss Melissa says:

        THIS. He creeps me out on a massive scale. I’m not buying what he is selling.

        He oppresses women because HE is the perv.

    • Pandy says:

      Yeah, how’s that advice working out Billy Bob??

    • JohnWayneLives says:

      Maybe he should stop talking now.

  2. Kitten says:

    These folks really know how to party!

  3. Franny says:

    I’m going to take parenting advice from Jim-Bob as much as I’m going to take hair advice from Michelle. Hellllllllll no.

    • Evelyn says:

      Or parenting advice from Michelle

    • Yeses says:

      Or hair advice from Jim Bob….or any kind of advice from these two parents of the year.

    • iheartgossip says:

      Your are so spot on with this; as if this man has anything to say that will ADD to society – in a good way. Nope.

    • FLORC says:

      I don’t like that comparison. Styling isn’t great, but her daughters all have well maintained, strong, healthy hair. Unless good hair isn’t your thing…
      I still get your point. He’s not the person who should act like any of his advice works out well.

    • delorb says:

      I wouldn’t take parenting advice from any of them. Her kids aren’t being raised by HER or HIM! She, while being perpetually pregnant, has said on more than one occasion that each child has a buddy in the next. Meaning, one child has to care for its sibling. That implies to me that once they’re walking, they get palmed off on an older sibling. I don’t think its a good thing asking one child to raise another child.

      Not saying that that lead to the Josh Bob’s criminal acts. I’m saying that that means neither should be parents of the year.

  4. Snazzy says:

    well that obviously failed miserably … such an a-hole. that family makes me SO ANGRY

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Me, too. Protect his family. What a hypocritical, ignorant, repulsive excuse for a human being. I wish Jesus would take the wheel of his car. And run him over with it.

  5. Jaded says:

    Fathers can protect their families by removing sons that molest their sisters, secretly belong to Ashley Madison and pay pr0n stars for violent sex.

    • Wren says:

      Or by teaching healthy attitudes towards sex and women so perhaps it doesn’t happen in the first place.

      We’ll never know how Josh would have turned out if he’d been raised differently, but who knows who he would have been if he’d been taught healthy sexual expression and been allowed to date peers as an adolescent.

      • senna says:

        Yes to this. Raising these children in a culture where sexual experiences outside marriage are a source of shame created the environment in which Josh’s abuse of his sisters, and other girls, was enabled and kept secret.

      • wolfie says:


  6. Size Does Matter says:

    Removing sensual materials, like daughters.

  7. Deb says:

    “Start protecting your family by removing books, magazines, television, or internet that have worldly or sensual content”

    Says the man whose family has profited from selling books, being in magazines and on TV, and having their own website.

    • lucy2 says:

      Shh. He doesn’t like it when you point out hypocrisy. Hush now, go have 10 kids and make him a sandwich.

    • swack says:

      Back peddling as fast as he can, isn’t he. Doesn’t he know he shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds him? Also makes you wonder what else he/they are covering up.

    • Crocuta says:

      But their books, magazines and TV show don’t have a worldly or sensual content! They have a highly spiritual, deeply Christian, family-oriented and Jesus-loving content.


    • Wren says:

      No no no! You’re missing the point! HIS books and TV shows are the GOOD kind, the kind you should provide for your family. Duh!

  8. Lilacflowers says:

    I protect my family by keeping my home free of Squirrel, GopherBJ, and their evil spawn.

  9. Word says:

    I went back and read the very first posts on celebitchy about this family. Every thing the commenters said came eerily true.

  10. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    People like him don’t give a crap about protecting their children, just having as much control and power as possible.

    When his daughters weren’t being molested that wasn’t much concern to him but making sure there was no porn in HIS house? Oh absolutely.

    Him, his wife, and the whole family make me sick.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Please. He is probably the king of p0rn in secret. I bet in his closet, there contains a hug safe and the huge safe contains an epic stash of every raunchy thing under the sun.

      • NewWester says:

        Let’s hope it and other skeletons come tumbling out of his closet. This man is hiding something

  11. lucy2 says:

    I’m absolutely flabbergasted that this a-hole thinks anyone wants to hear anything from him ever again.

    • Christin says:

      They have a hard time getting the hint, don’t they? I see photos of the fame hungry daughter almost daily.

  12. Shambles says:

    Jim Bob wrote this after listening to “Jesus Take the Wheel” on repeat as he ate his breakfast– which consisted of a big, fat bowl of all that is pure and happy and good in the world

  13. Dawn says:

    Yes because that worked so well for your eldest son. God, anyone who would take advise from this fake of a man deserves whatever misery comes their way.

  14. Syko says:

    Yes, be sure to remove all sensual materials – such as your son’s younger sisters.

    Why do these people still have a platform? They have failed spectacularly at parenting, and at being human beings in general, and yet their every word is repeated and broadcast and printed for the world to hear. I just want them to go away. Forever.

  15. Nancy says:

    They make everything in life that should come naturally and easy, so forced. It always amazed me how the boys lowered their eyes in front of girls so not to be tempted and the girls acted like it was tortious to wait till marriage for sex. Those are some highly sexed people for having those two idiots preach to them on a regular. Dysfunction at its finest.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      That’s right! Maybe Josh was tempted bc his sisters were the only females he was allowed to make eye contact with..which gave him a feeling of “connection.” …ewwww

  16. littlemissnaughty says:

    Dude, how about you remove yourself?

  17. Crocuta says:

    Why is he talking? His family – namely Josh – is a living proof that “keep kids away from all these sensual thingies” doesn’t work.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      As if “sensual” is what kids with questions are seeking. All kids want to know is what, how, where, and why, but of course this reknob thinks any talk of sex must involve sensuality.

      • Crocuta says:

        Well, I have no idea what Jim Bob here counts under “sensual”, but I’m pretty sure Josh’s behaviour is partly the result of this exact oppression so if there’s any area of raising children where Jimbo should be quit as a mouse, it’s the sexual/sensual part. He failed here more than anywhere else.

  18. Turkey says:

    He’s so gross.

  19. Pedro45 says:

    These people. Always doubling down on the stupid.

  20. grabbyhands says:

    This bitch.

    Fathers can protect their families by removing sensual material, but not by actually removing a member of the family who is sexually molesting other members of the family because he is a male and because the accompanying press would destroy your cult money pile. I’m honestly not sure which one was the bigger motivating factor in them not doing anything about their pedo son.

  21. Konspiracytheory says:

    Says the man who dry humped his wife on a mini golf course in front of his teenaged daughter and her boyfriend (and cameras…always cameras…):


    • Kitten says:

      Now see that’s ok though because it’s a MAN dry-humping his property, I mean wife. Now if it was a WOMAN who was dry-humping her man then that would be wrong because the womenz must not show any signs of sexuality.

      • Konspiracytheory says:

        Blargh. I’m like a moth to the flame with these people – I know I should just stop following their craziness but I just can’t turn away…

    • Trashaddict says:

      I notice she looks absolutely thrilled.

  22. Heather says:

    C’mon. Now he’s just trolling us.

    • FLORC says:

      I sure hope so!

      Stupid doesn’t cover it. I don’t know a single word that does. He’s a type that has me hoping for an afterlife that has us answer for how we lived.

  23. My Two Cents says:

    I think this ‘Father’ should be seeking advice instead of giving it. Just remember, if Josh’s past hadn’t been exposed, this family and TLC would still be acting on their reality show and making bank. He better be asking for forgiveness is my advice to JimBob.

  24. Square Bologna says:

    Fathers can also protect their families by removing their pedophilic teenagers from the home instead of sending them to a few months of Bible camp and then welcoming them back to continue molesting their little sisters.

    STFU Jim Bob.

  25. anne_000 says:

    The Duggars keep doubling down on bad parenting.

    I would be very much surprised if they ever admit to being the root of all the wrong coming from that whole family.

  26. JenniferJustice says:

    Ironic because I learned about human anatomy and sex from a set of medical books we had in our house when I was in grade school. They were educational books with anatomical pictures of a man and a woman and explained sex. All my questions were answered and the books were devoid of bias or motive. They were science books and tha’s all I needed to learn and understand. All my siblings read those books too and it would appear that is a better method of learning, having questions answered and curiosity satisfied rather than molesting siblings or growing up with no idea how anything is built, works, etc.

    I can’t beleive in this day and age there are still people who think ignorance could possibly be an answer for anything. Information and healthy conversation are the answer.

    • Annitte says:

      Same here, I wonder if we had the same books. Direct, matter of fact, if I had a question I asked my parents and they answered it directly and factually. When I was about 12 my mother sat down and explained things like the wisdom of being careful when you select a partner. Why it is wise to delay sex until you are certain. The options available to prevent STDs and pregnancy. The importance of a person’s future, the importance of getting a good education and being able to support a child before you produce a child.

      Result I didn’t have sex until I was 24 and engaged ( No I don’t see any virtue for saving the first kiss or sex till after the wedding) I dated a lot, learned what sort of man I wanted to marry and what sort I didn’t want to marry. Result still happily and joyously married 40 years later. My brother the same still married 38 years later.

      Our parents also loved each other passionately but not in front of us. The Duggar parents behave immaturely in front of their children if their show is to be believed and the “Purity” nonsense is just that, nonsense.

  27. WinnieCoopersMom says:

    I seriously would love if someone started a big and deep investigation on JB. That dude has got to be so sick and twisted with so many skeletons in his closet..you just know Josh doesn’t fall far from the tree. Now that they are running low on money, maybe he wont be able to keep paying off whomever to keep his secrets quite. I want a full report of everything he has done so this disgusting cult leader and his clan will have to go away once and for all. Can we atleast get some blind items on him? It is the giving season, someone please give us something!

  28. Lisa says:

    Jesus, take the wheel, and any other writing implements in their possession.

  29. Moon says:

    I am in no way trying to be a Josh Duggar apologist. But I do wonder if he would’ve had his issues if he’d been allowed to grow up like most boys and exercised a normal sexual curiosity instead of being repressed.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      That, plus being raised to have a healthy view of women. I wonder if those two things would have changed the way he turned out.

  30. AmyB says:

    Repression is a very dangerous thing. I am not excusing Josh Duggar in any way either, but I definitely hold some serious accountability at the feet of his deranged parents. Sorry, but no one develops these types of problems in a vacuum and from a stable, loving environment. It’s basic Psych 101. However, at some point, Josh could have gotten help and his parents tried to sweep the whole thing under the carpet which only allowed him to become worse. This is a family that no one should listen to. PERIOD.

  31. vavavoom says:

    I just couldn’t help laughing at the last photo, with her iPad tight in-hand, and the huge can of aussie aerosol hairspray behind them!!

  32. Trillion says:

    And these “pray to Jesus” or “ask for Jesus’ guidance” comments. Like, you’re praying to the air, dude. You’re magically getting the advice and responses you want- because it’s coming from your head.

  33. justagirl says:

    Does Michelle have similar enlightened excuses about his “needs” for why her child-molester son attacked his own sisters, and babysitter, when he was a teenager?

    Oh wait, they kind of felt the little girls were to blame, just by being girls, and that’s why they were locked in at night along with other “new rules”. It’s actually fascinating that she doesn’t use that same ‘blame the victim’ rationale to blame the women he assaulted…and instead blames the wife, who is herself a victim in another way.

    If TLC really wanted to do something positive, they would do a full series with experts, therapy, and the whole MESS that victims of child molestation, and incest, go through as they attempt to resolve issues that they aren’t even aware they are carrying, heal, and move forward healthily.

  34. Who ARE these people? says:

    I hate it when people mix up sensual and sexual but doubt he knows much about either.

  35. Jewbitch says:

    Yeah…how’d that work out for ya, DumbBob?

  36. Honeybubble says:

    These people have no place giving anybody advice. Their narcissism and delusions of godliness blind them to how they created a toxic, guilt inducing, sex obsessed, socially isolated environment for their children which resulted in one immature boy we know of acting out in an abusive manner toward his sisters and later cheating constantly on his wife with hookers while proclaiming sex as sinful. At least he didn’t double the sin with condom use though, eh???

    It should be illegal to deprive your children of a proper education, socially and educationally isolate them from the real world and neglect their needs while forcing them into unwanted parenthood of younger siblings that you insist on producing. A healthy child is nurtured with love, attention, education, an open environment where they feel free to talk about anything and sane, competent parents who guide them through life.

  37. Andi says:

    So Jim Bob, how’d that advice work out for you and yours? Not well! (to say the least) How about teaching ALL of your children to respect women – regardless of ethnicity, religion or occupation. How about getting your wife to tell women that they aren’t always going to be “joyfully available” for their husbands and that is normal, so don’t automatically oblige. Men DO NOT need or “deserve” sex on demand. I’m sorry Duggar and other Fundy females – Jim Bob and the other men who follow the pedophile, Bill Gothard have brainwashed all of you to believe that sex is your obligation and Anna is an example of what happens.

  38. buzz says:

    God he gives me the creeps.

  39. Doc says:

    Satin sheets? Vanilla pudding? Cherries in syrup? Chocolate?

    • JustCrimmles says:

      Vanilla pudding?! HARLOT! JEZEBEL! AND DON’T YOU DARE MENTION CHOCOLATE AGAIN! Especially if it contains nuts. The very idea!

  40. Marianne says:

    Fathers can also help protect their families by getting their sons better professional help when they molest their sisters……oh wait.

  41. Ealt says:

    Why is this post on this site? Be done with these people. I only clicked on it to write this. They have their millions and mansions and now they need to just fade from memory, except any future pilot makers that might think this kind of show was ever a good idea in the first place, let alone ever again.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Well, Ealt, I don’t know about you, but I’m having a catharsis of Jim Bob rants. It’s just all spewing out. Phew!

  42. Wentworth Miller says:

    “Start protecting your family by removing books, magazines, television, or internet that have worldly or sensual content. Replace them with good things…” remove all of those things but let a child molester reside in your home where he had free reign over family and friends? These people infuriate me. And by the way, who the fcuk do they think they are giving “advice” about a parents role when they’ve failed their daughters, so miserably.

  43. Danskins says:

    Just hoping something outrageous about Dim Bulb Jim comes out soon…he’s gotta be hiding something!