Anthony Anderson: Stacey Dash is ‘just an Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch’


Anthony Anderson, the star of Blackish, hosted the Image Awards on Friday. As I said in Sunday’s post, he had a lot to say about diversity and #OscarsSoWhite and all of that. He also had some stuff to say about Stacey Dash. A few weeks ago, Stacey – a Fox News contributor and Professional Black Conservative ™ – decided to chime in on the exact same issues, and her thoughts were just as stupid as you would expect. She took aim at BET, the BET Awards and the Image Awards specifically, saying they were bringing back “segregation,” so obviously, that’s why the Academy only nominated white actors two years in a row. Or something, I’ll be honest, I couldn’t really follow her logic. So, this is what Anthony Anderson said on stage at the Image Awards:

Anderson joked that Stacey Dash was the first awards presenter of the evening, saying “Everybody give a round of applause for Stacey Dash! What the hell is she doing here?” He continued, asking, “Doesn’t she know that the Fox network is using her? She’s just an Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch. That’s all she is. Baby, don’t let them use you!”

Anderson asked her to “Come back to the black people,” saying that she has recently only been in C-list movies. “I promise I will see them!”

[From THR]

“Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch” is a phrase making me feel both hungry and nauseated. Anyway, even though Anthony was NOT WRONG, he was just “joking,” which he did throughout the night as MC. But Stacey took offense, and tweeted this:

I don’t get it? Was he acting like a little girl when he said (correctly) that Fox News is using her? And what does her weight have to do with it? Trying to figure out Stacey Dash’s thought process always gives me a headache.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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68 Responses to “Anthony Anderson: Stacey Dash is ‘just an Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch’”

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  1. Eliz says:

    Header title warrants a legit LOL from me. See her IG comments for more giggles…

    • Me says:

      Give me a break. Not app blacks are stupid and lazy. If you want your cell phones, your social props, whatever you think you are entitled to, then bitch about it. Otherwise. Get into the dirt and do what you have to earn respect for the hard work.

  2. Melody says:

    Is she always so shiny because she’s wet, then? Cuz I just can’t figure it otherwise. Blot and powder, Butterscotch!

  3. Kitten says:

    I think he’s amazing for calling her out like that. Her supposed clap-back is lacking. I think she just wanted the chance to tell the world how much she weighs.

  4. Luciana says:

    105 lbs wet? Mmmm….I don’t know who these people are (not Amercian myself) but I guess this lady has a big mouth.

    • MC2 says:

      She has a huge mouth and spews racist, sexist, classist crap in the name of “good ol’ American values & conservative politics”. Fox news loves her because she believes this stuff & is a minority so they use her all they can even though she’s an idiot (wait- most of those Fox news people are idiots so it’s a very low bar). Her value of herself is wrapped up in being pretty, thin, wealthy and one time she co-starred in a famous movie.

  5. SusanneToo says:

    Very accurate description, I’d say.

  6. aims says:

    Some of these conservative commentators come across as the angriest people on the planet. No sense of humor and after sometimes years of inflammatory and down right hateful language, they have the balls to be offended when someone says something.

    If you’re going to be rude or lie or hateful, know that you will be confronted for it. If you can’t handle the heat, then maybe you should reconsider your career.

  7. savu says:


  8. Snowflake says:

    Um. We don’t care how much you weigh, stacey, idk why you’re mentioning it. His comment is funny and spot on, now fox can say they’re not racist, they have a black person on their show.

  9. Marty says:

    Damn. That was savage, but accurate.

  10. Sugar says:

    What he said was extremely rude. He may not agree with her politics, the politics she has the same rights to express as he does his own beliefs, but to assail her color and call her an Uncle Tom is offensive.

    • Farhi says:

      If it was done to the other side we’d have people screaming now.
      But since it is done to their public enemy #1 of the day people are going to excuse it.
      The golden rule, people, treat others as you’d like to be treated.

    • embertine says:

      Except that her race absolutely is pertinent to the fact that she currently has a career as Fox’s paid “black friend”. She is the definition of an Uncle Tom and I don’t see why other black people in entertainment who are hurt by her comments shouldn’t call her out over it.

      Farhi, as you seem to be making a habit of wading into any comment thread about race and telling black people how they should shut up about racism already, do please explain to us what “the other side” means in this context.

      • Asiyah says:

        For real. Farhi stays telling other people how they should be quiet about racism, but he keeps harping on. smh

    • Pinky says:

      Give me a break. I didn’t realize a black person had said it when I read the headline and thought, “Well, he isn’t wrong.” If he’d likened it to something unappealing, like mud or poo, then there’d be an issue.

      So, white people, feel free to liken people’s color to assorted sweets (though tread lightly with “licorice”). You still can’t have the n-word, which clearly pains you, but you can have this.


    • Farhi says:

      “please explain to us what “the other side” means in this context. ”

      I’ll humor you just once and no I don’t seek out race related threads. I commented here only because I saw the headline and couldn’t believe how rude it was.

      The other side would be – a black person of liberal political views.

      • embertine says:

        A black person of liberal views would be unlikely to get called an Uncle Tom by a person of conservative views so there really isn’t a useful comparison from “the other side”.

      • Dena says:

        Embertine, I’m going to wade in here. This comment probably won’t get published; however, I’m going to disagree with you and it’s only on a technicality. The other side doesn’t use the phrase Uncle Tom. They prefer to use the phrase like ‘living on democratic plantations’ or wording thereabouts. Now, I’m going to swim back to shore.


      • embertine says:

        Dena, I’ve heard members of the GOP use that phrase to imply that voting democrat is signing up for slavery in the form of welfare checks. Is that what you meant? I have seen quite a lot of pushback against that idea, I suppose it is an equivalent in a way.

      • Dena says:

        @Embertine. Yes!

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      At some point some of you will have to come to terms with the fact black people know themselves and their history better than you.

      I’m glad you’re offended on behalf of Stacey Dash the poor black conservative, however we’re offended on behalf of someone who used black publicity, black money, black support to help keep afloat her weak and failing career.

      Now maybe it’s not nice but in a business where every dollar counts and we don’t get enough attention the money wasted on Stacey Dash could have helped another woman with her career that would have actually appreciated and contributed back to the system.

      So I suppose @ Farhi, we’re treating Stacey Dash EXACTLY how she deserves to be treated. She used a system to further herself and then turned around and said the same system should be destroyed. Funny, how she cashed all the checks from said system when Fox money and black people bashing wasn’t there to be profitable to her.

      • censored says:

        Thank you its amazing how people like @Farhi and others love to “tone police ” and diminish others peoples lived experiences (and how is butterscotch an insult? )

        BTW I dont even necessarily agree with Anthonys comment cuz I feel the best remedy for Dash is just to ignore her but thats just me , I dont go around telling other people how they should feel about her betrayal (which it is if you know how she has used the same institutions she now decries to get to where she is )

      • QQ says:

        Eternal and Embertine, Stay Baes with me!

    • Llc says:

      She has a right to her opinion, as does he. She has said a lot of racist, misogynistic, classist things. On top of that she is obviously ignorant and uneducated. She has no right to believe that people won’t take offense, call her out, and/or answer in kind.

      • noway says:

        +1000 Here’s the other thing too. She goes on Fox and says all these horrible things and expects you to take her seriously and be persuaded by her comments. Anderson is telling a joke, may not be to everyone’s taste but still done for humor. Sure it has a portion that is true, but he is trying to get you to laugh. Betting he doesn’t care if you believe him or not, while Stacy as you can tell by her comeback really cares. In this case the intentions of the comments do really matter.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      It’s not a jab at her skin color, it’s about how she allows herself to be used as the fox news crowd’s “See, we’re not bigots, because look at this beautiful acceptable non-white, non-male person who agrees with us” puppet.

  11. embertine says:

    Extra points for using “little girl” as an insult. Guess Stacey Dash’s list of internalised prejudices also includes misogyny.

  12. littlemissnaughty says:

    It’s only 140 characters, how can some people fit so many typos in 140 characters? Having said that, announcing to the world how much you weigh (and I’m side-eyeing that number) is not the strongest political statement. She’s like The Donald. “You’re ugly.” “You act like a girl.” “I don’t know you.”

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      Remember, she thought that Cosby couldn’t be a sexual predator because he had never assaulted her. O… kay. Apart from everything wrong with that, she doesn’t seem to realise that for the most part, she’s not exactly in his um, wheelhouse.

  13. Nebby says:

    I notice some small girls who are rude, big mouths or who are just horrible people (ex Doctor destroying uber drivers car) like to point out that they’re small like it absolves them of the things they do. You can have your opinion, be rude, mean, whatever but don’t act like your size means others can’t and won’t reply. She’s an adult who voiced her opinion, other adult can/will voice theirs.

    • Elsie Otter says:

      Ooh that Miami doctor totally had Little Dog Syndrome. Girls like her are little and cute, so people let them get away everything. Their bad behavior is never checked because, how much harm could a little girl do? That video of her childish tantrum made me so angry!

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        That video was amazing and her excuses were so weak! Bad enough to say she’d been drinking but to then say it was because her boyfriend broke up with her?

        Well gee honey, I can’t imagine why a fella would break up with a violent screamer like you.

        I’m guessing medicine will not work out for her now that she’s been splashed across all the TV and Internet.

    • swak says:

      I liken it to the 97 lb weakling idea. I thought (and could be wrong) that by mentioning her weight she was touting on how a tiny woman could bring a big hunking man to his knees -not in literal sense. Don’t know if I’m explaining this right. Something to the tune of David vs Goliath – smaller person conquering (?) the bigger person.

  14. minx says:

    Perfect description of her.

    • mp says:

      I don’t like it when we have to resort to crapping on ppl’s appearance to discredit their ideas…she’s not smart, and #whoisstacydash speaks for itself.

      I wish there had been a #whoisdonaldtrump campaign instead of ppl responding to his crap too.

      That’s the worst thing about trolls is that we get too excited about wanting to educate them, and therein lies their power.

      • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

        He’s not crapping on her looks, but her looks are central to the whole criticism. It’s the fact that she is black that make her views all the more distasteful

  15. MET says:

    I don’t think it’s an apt description. Ann is a downright liar and her views scary to say the least. Stacey has voiced very unpopular opinions which are based on her experiences and views – very different than the “facts” that Ann spews.

    • Breakfast Margaritas says:

      Seems a distinction without a difference. Stacey Dash is factless, bombastic hype just as Ann Coulter is.

    • FingerBinger says:

      It’s an apt comparison. Ann is a troll so is Stacey.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Sad to say she’s the ethnic version of the same mentality. There was a time when women weren’t very present on Fox and so the few they would bring on the show were used to sort of trumpet conservative beliefs: “Birth Control Bad! Maternity Pay Boo!”

      It wasn’t until the the network made a shift that women were brought on more and then…a lot of conservative attractive Barbie’s were also hired. Now that women are more prominent th guest stars now seem to be POC conservatives or the one pet liberal they keep around for O’Reilley to savage.

      Like FB said Stacey is brought on to troll as a black conservative.

  16. Breakfast Margaritas says:

    Stacey was a beloved sex symbol among so called urban entertainment outlets. She was worshipped for her long lasting beauty. Due to her political expressions she has become a pariah. Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice might be able to resurrect themselves from the perception of traitors but I don’t think Stacey Dash will be able to. Is it fair for her to fall from sex symbol status for expressing her political views? I don’t know but if she actually had a modicum of intelligence and actual policy stances it might be easier. As it is now she just delivers shockingly stupid blurbs and trades quips on social media. I hope FOX is paying her millions for this because as soon as democrats are out of office, she’s outlived her usefulness.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Colin Powell and Condelezza Rice were seen as traitors? That’s funny I thought they were doing their jobs.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Tbph with you her career has slowly been flatlining ever since Clueless. If not for the black magazines, media, and support she now claims should not exist I don’t think she would have ever reached sex status symbol.

      But even long before these beliefs there wasn’t much demand for her, she was always having ‘favors’ granted. Like I forgot she was the woman in Kanye West’s “All Falls Down” video.

      • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

        All true. We also can’t pretend that her features, (her hair, eyes, magically lightening skin) didn’t help. Colorism in with black dudes is a whole other series of conversations, though.

    • censored says:

      Colin Powell & Condeleeza Rice are traitors ?????
      Please STOP this you are only helping to perpetuate stereotypes, black people do not Hate other black people merely because they are Republican. We are not a monolith , people are entitled to hold different views and can express those views without being a hypocrite or throwing entire communities under the bus (which is what Dash and her ilk dont get )

      There is NO comparison whatsoever between Dash, Powell and Rice , as the latter two were educated and could articulate their position in an intelligent manner even if one didnt necessarily agree with them.

  17. JenB says:

    Stacey is a misguided Fox puppet. Ann Coulter is a horrible human being. Coulter is up there with the guy who raised the price of aids medicine 7000%. Awful to the core.

  18. Darkladi says:

    Dear Spacey,

    I agree that you have a right to your own political views, even though I believe with all of my heart that Pox News (see what I did there?) is parading you around like a trained dog.
    I just wish you weren’t a 105lb soaking wet bag of stupid.

  19. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Honestly, I just want a refund from her.

    She has every right to dislike black business and etc. but she doesn’t have a right to be paid by those same companies when literally no one else wanted her and then claim how they should be dismantled.

    If anyone doesn’t get why folks are mad at her it’s because a lot of black people reached out to help and support her when her career didn’t show a lot of promise. Now suddenly because she sits on Fox News couch and gets paid by them she thinks she’s above all those who helped her. That kind of betrayal stings and it does bring up anger.

    So no Stacey, I don’t feel bad that people who came up the same time as you and who managed to be successful without becoming a puppet are calling you out. All wet 105 lbs of you needs to cut a check to reimburse for what was wasted on you and then we’ll all be happy.

    • Abbess Tansy says:

      I want my refund too. She deserves whatever pushback from BET et al. when they gave her a leg up in her career. The ingratitutude astounds me.

  20. Saks says:

    He is right but from what I read in this site (because I don’t follow her) Stacey seems inoffensive compared to Coulter. Coulter makes news every now and then in Mexican media for her racist and xenophobic remarks: how Latinos are rapists, murderers, ending with the white population, drug dealers, taking jobs away from US people, how being poor and mean is part of our nature…. And all sorts of horrible things, which I won’t keep naming.

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      She’s definitely worse than Stacey. She has horrible things to say about everyone. She hasn’t exactly been complimentary of Muslims, Blacks or people with Down’s Syndrome (in one gross example) either.

  21. It'sJustBlanche says:

    Sorry. Distracted by the fact that she claims to weight 105

  22. Holmes says:

    Not sure what her weight had to do with it, but since she brought it up…unless she’s a good bit shorter than she claims, she’s shaving at least 10 lbs off that “105” claim. I guess her employers at Faux News trained her well–just make it up as you go along.

  23. Naddie says:

    And she’s not even in her early 20s anymore… Not being ageist, just pointing the time she had to mature and think.

  24. TOPgirl says:

    Stacey is only speaking the truth. Some people don’t like truth. Ignorance and bashing others is their motto.

  25. Monica says:

    so she has a different opinion on things that a majority of a population are conditioned to believe. Doesn’t make her right and doesn’t make her wrong.

  26. Bread and Circuses says:

    Ah, I believe I can clarify this. Stacey Dash’s thought process: “Poor me. No one is as crucified as poor little completely-blameless me.”

  27. Shaunna says:

    Never heard of her until this article and I don’t watch Fox News. When I read this article I was thinking, why can’t a black woman work for a conservative news station? We don’t all need to have the same political opinions. Our ethnicity does not determine our political affiliation.