Eva Amurri fired a nanny for sending a sexy text to her husband, Kyle Martino


Last year, Ben Affleck became the worst thing that ever happened to nannies. Either that or “nannies” became the worst thing that ever happened to Jennifer Garner. A little from Column A, a little from Column B. But the Affleck-Ouzounian scandal spurred a near-national gossip conversation about the state of nannying, whether mothers should trust the nannies they employ, and whether any woman should ever hire a “hot nanny.” And now Eva Amurri – daughter of Susan Sarandon – has her own terrible “I hired a hot nanny” situation. Eva has been having severe nanny problems. She recently fired a nanny after a year and half because… something about severe trust issues. So Eva hired a new nanny, who had been working for the family for a matter of weeks. And Nanny #2 just got fired, because Nanny #2 was trying to bang Eva’s husband.

Beware of nannies. If you live in Hollywood, at least. Eva Amurri Martino had to fire yet another nanny, this time because the childcare professional apparently wanted to “f–k [her husband’s] brains out.” The 30-year-old daughter of Susan Sarandon detailed the absolutely bizarre experience on her blog, Happily Eva After, on Monday.

As she explains it, just weeks after having to fire her daughter Marlowe’s nanny of a year and a half for being “untruthful … in a major way,” she found herself betrayed by another woman in whose care she’d placed her daughter. The reason: a text message — a very provocative text message. Just last week, while Eva was away on business, her husband, soccer commentator Kyle Martino, received a text from the woman that read: “OMG. Girl, did I mention to you how hot and sex my Boss is. I would love to f–k his brains out ha haah. Too bad he seems not to like thick Latin women with lots to hold on to LOL.”

Kyle, 35, was sure that the text must have been an embarrassing mistake, one that the nanny meant to send her friend. But when she showed up for work, she acted as if nothing was happening. Even creepier, when he had gotten home earlier that day, he noticed the nanny spying on him from his and Eva’s bedroom, Eva wrote. Realizing something was seriously amiss, Kyle recorded a confrontation he had with the nanny later that day in which he asked her why she was in his bedroom — Eva postulates that she wanted to smell his underwear — and about the text.

“I’m sorry I was just messing around with a friend I didn’t mean any harm,” the woman apparently said after she was fired for being unable to provide anything resembling a believable excuse. Though the incident left Eva scrambling yet again to find a nanny, she considered it a good experience as it reinforced how strong her and Kyle’s bond is to one another.

[From Page Six]

You can read Eva’s blog post about the situation here. It sounds like her husband – cutie Kyle Martino – did the right thing and I have to wonder how many men would have behaved this way. Like, what would Ben Affleck done if he got that text from his kids’ nanny? I think we already know. It must have been like shooting fish in a barrel to seduce someone like Affleck.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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177 Responses to “Eva Amurri fired a nanny for sending a sexy text to her husband, Kyle Martino”

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  1. kri says:

    Darling…it’s not the nannies that are the problem. Look at the douche face you are with.

    • Mean Hannah says:

      I came to say the same thing, minus the doucheface*. The fact that she had to even write about it is cringe-inducing. This is just to pat herself on the back: my husband is hot and desireable and he only wants to f*ck me! If she has to share that with the world, the marriage is lacking something and it ain’t trustworthy nannies.

      *I agree he has a smarmy, douche face, but he might just be born with it so…

      • Snowflake says:

        Wow, that’s mean! Maybe she is just happy she has a good man. And she has a blog, why wouldn’t she write about something crazy like that. She has a great hubby, that’s for sure.

      • qwerty says:

        He told his wife about the pathetic text and confronted the nanny with a recorder, how the hell is he a douche?

        And YES, if a woman you hire is sitting in your house, with your child, and plotting how to f**k your husband, the nanny IS the problem!

    • McLori says:

      Maybe the blog post is just part of an up coming legal situation if the nanny tries to sue for wrongful dismissal or tries to sell her text to a tabloid. Perhaps they think they are getting out ahead of it.

      • grumpy bird says:

        Ha I missed your comment and just said the exact same thing downthread.

      • Carol says:

        That’s a good point. Didn’t think about that. If that’s not why though, then its a kind of creepy post on Ava’s part. I mean I get why she fired the nanny, but why post about it?

      • Stacey says:

        That’s exactly what I was thinking. She is getting her side of the story out there before the nanny can file a wrongful termination suit or claim she and Kyle had an affair. Also, it’s relatively easy to prove if someone sent a text message – it wouldn’t surprise me if Kyle saved the text message the nanny sent him so they could use it as proof.

    • Plewas says:

      I think he’s cute.

    • tealily says:

      Douche face seems a bit harsh! He didn’t do anything!

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      Bingo! I came to say take a look at the lowest common denominator here. Sheesh.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      No, it IS the nanny’s problem, because she acted in a completely unprofessional way. She was soliciting, not the other way around.

    • LisaH says:

      But…but…he refused her advances? So why are we twisting this against him? Weird.

    • GoLightly says:

      Why is he being labeled a douche face? Is there some other gossip about him I don’t know? Try to catch an episode of 36 Hours, his travel show with Kristen Kish. He seems like a very nice guy.

    • Eyedunno says:

      The are both douche bags raise your own children instead of having a strange do it then complain about it. It’s not like they can’t afford to stay home and be parents.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Wow, didn’t know they had Internet back there in the 1950’s.

      • Eyedunno says:

        Notice the “they” not “she” in my comment. Again they are douches to complain about not being able to trust a stranger because they have to worry about infidelity no mention of having to worry about not being able to trust that person as far as caring for the kid.

      • jessie says:

        Didn’t you all know that the only good parent is the one who completely sacrifices themselves for their children, loses their identity, and has literally no time off to make sure they are happy too? Because happy parents definitely don’t make happy children.

      • ISO says:

        I’m not in the 1950s, but why have children if you give them to someone else to raise? Before my son was born, I had my nanny all picked out. When she showed up I told her I wouldn’t fire her, but I just wanted a mother’s helper. She was pissed because that meant she couldn’t sit around watching television texting her friends all day getting paid. I’m sorry, but I have -seen- the quality of the typical nanny parenting and even the most sick wealthy families get duped. I had a child because I wanted him to grow and feel nurtured. I didn’t have a baby for a push present! One can have a life and sill be a parent. IT’s just those 1st three years that require more hands on- but seriously, why bring a life into the world then ditch them for your “own identity” etc.

      • Bridget says:

        Judge not, lest ye be judged

      • Farhi says:

        “but seriously, why bring a life into the world then ditch them for your “own identity” ”

        What happens after the kids grows up , though? I couldn’t go back to work if I left my work for even 2 years. The technology would be gone too far. I would have to start over at the bottom of the ladder.

        And no, it is not just first 3 years when you need help.
        They start school at 5 y.o. But then if they do anything extra like sports, arts, extra science even with 2 kids it quickly starts to add up.
        I work 7AM-4PM, my husband travels full time. I come home and I drive my kids to activities from 5PM to 8PM.
        And even so my kids can’t do everything that they would want to do because we can’t fit it in my schedule.
        Families who have 3-4 kids have to have a nanny just to drive kids around.

      • Veronica says:

        Uh, I dunno what reality you live in, but the reality is that the wealthy have always had help raising their children. An extra person makes life easier for everyone. And, really, the modern family is pretty isolated – traditionally, families were multi-generational, so grandparents and older siblings were around to help out.

        Beyond that, I’d be really careful with the implications of what you’re saying. Most people who work full time with children require day care, which means 40+ hours of your week is spent away from them while you pay somebody to care for them. Being able to have a stay at home parent and live well is a luxury in America and impossible for a single parent. Do you think everyone in that category is a douchebag, too?

      • cd3 says:

        Wow. I cannot get over the judgement here. We have two kids and we both CHOOSE to work. I love my career. I love my kids too. And I’m a good parent. Having a career and using child care are not mutually exclusive with being a good parent. It’s ridiculous to make a generalization otherwise.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:


        Having childcare isn’t ditching your child. It’s providing them with a productive safe environment, which is one of the most responsible things you can do.

        It seems like you tie up a lot of your personal value in ensuring you are your child’s only caregiver but many other people are comfortable with the idea of a village raising a child. Their own value is more…relaxed.

      • Magnoliarose says:

        My parents aren’t douches and we all had nannies who we adored and loved but never felt neglected or unloved by our parents. My mother had a very successful career and so did my father so they needed help in order to raise us without any of us missing out on childhood activities or worrying that we weren’t properly cared for. I’m extremely proud of my mother and loved watching her excel at both motherhood and her career. I remember the first time she received an award from her employers and I was small at the time but thought “Wow”. My mother came from a line of strong independent women who had businesses or careers so it wasn’t a stretch but it was and is still impressive to me. So when I hear that argument I shake my head. I chose to stay home because it felt right for my situation for many reasons but none of them had anything to do with my parents working. My sympathies are with women or men who are forced to work when they want more than anything to be at home but can’t.
        By the way there are plenty of stay at home parents who do nothing but watch TV and ignore the children so just hanging around doesn’t make a super parent either.

      • Crumpet says:

        ISO, let me get this straight. You hired a nanny, but decided to call her a ‘mother’s helper’ and that gives you the platform from which to judge other women who hire nannies?


    • Jay (the Canadian one) says:

      Did you read the article? The nanny sent the text by mistake. It was about him but meant for a friend of the nanny. It weirded him out and he told his wife. How is this the “doucheface’s” fault and not the nanny?

      Articles are using “sext” in their headlines and people, jumping straight to comment without even reading, must be assuming it was active flirting.

      How do you suggest the guy was supposed to react that is different than what he did?

      • Farhi says:

        “The nanny sent the text by mistake.”

        So she claimed only when she was confronted with it, though.

      • Wren says:

        By “mistake”. I’ve been on the receiving end of more than one message that “totally wasn’t meant for me”. Yeah, uh huh. When I’ve sent the wrong person something by accident usually there is some sort of apology and follow up.

        I think the nanny was trying to test the waters, along the same vein of “want to date? no? lol that wasn’t me my account was totes hacked”.

  2. OTHER RENEE says:

    Why is she blabbing about this to the entire world IN DETAIL? Need attention much?

    • grumpy bird says:

      Right? I’m wondering if there’s some sort of lawsuit and they’re trying to get ahead of it.

      • Laura says:

        Right? I don’t believe the nanny was soliciting or sexting. There is nothing seductive or flirtatious in that text. It was a mistake. This woman is princessy, entitled, and jealous-natured. She is looking for attention. I’m sure the nanny was horrifically humiliated, and now she is rubb8ng her face in it. This as happened twice – in short succession. AND she needs to tell the whole world? Something is off here. Also, she’s going to take her earrings out and fight her? Seriousy? Oh, she grew up in Brooklyn? Please. She grew up in gentrified nyc,not on the streets.

      • Erin says:

        @Laura It is a pretty inappropriate thing to write about your married boss and to send to your friend. The nanny is wrong on a lot of levels here.

    • Katenotkatie says:

      I wasted seven minutes reading the original blog entry- it really did not sound as OMG CRAZY as she’s trying to make it out to be. As if she caught the nanny greeting her husband at the door wearing nothing but Saran Wrap. It reads as a ploy for attention and sympathy from the narcissistic child of a movie star (who doesn’t understand the concept proper nouns). It honestly reads more like a parody of a rich lady dilemma- firing TWO nannies in ONE month?! The horror.

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        Word. First World Problems.

      • JFresh says:

        +1 I am so glad other people see through this too. I think it’s just a way of getting on our radar. What’s next…a goop-like lifestyle newsletter? Something like that mark my word…

      • Susan says:

        I’m not a millennial nor an “over sharer” so maybe I just don’t get it. If this happened to me I could see myself telling my close friend(s), mother, sister, etc., but not a public blog post. G

        Then again I’m not on Facebook either which i guess is the non-famous equivalent of a blog?!

      • cd3 says:

        “It honestly reads more like a parody of a rich lady dilemma- firing TWO nannies in ONE month?! The horror.”

        … I disagree. Finding reliable childcare is hugely problematic. Not everyone who uses a nanny is loaded. We have two kids in daycare but many families in our neighborhood have nannies. They aren’t loaded, spoiled, rich housewives who laze about eating bon bons. They are families with two ordinary working parents that need jobs to support their families, that don’t have extended family or other child care support. Besides, having a nanny can be a very affordable childcare option, esp with 2+ kids it can be cheaper than daycare.

        I am really shocked by the level of judgment in these comments against working parents.

    • mj says:

      She is Susan Sarandon’s daughter. It doesn’t seem like she’s particularly trying to get into acting–yeah, she’s had a few roles, but she doesn’t tote that as her thing. I would really like to think that she would shut it down if he really did commit a heinous offense. I don’t think she’s desperate for him. Just doesn’t read that way to me.

      • KB says:

        She was a full on actress, I think she’s just doing the lifestyle thing because everyone thinks it’s their lot in life.

    • lucy2 says:

      I know! This is not something that needed to be made public at all, and especially not in so much detail. It’s weird.

    • GoLightly says:

      I know a lot of people, who aren’t famous at all, who detail every bloody thing that happens to them in their blogs, Facebook pages, and more recently, Snapchat. So is the line of thinking here that Eva can’t be doing that too because she’s kind of famous?

    • antigone says:

      Yeah, I don’t understand why she felt the need to publically share this story. I think it’s weird. Talk about it with your friends, your family, etc. but no need to put it out there on a blog.

  3. aims says:

    If you can’t trust your man with the nanny, then you’re in trouble. I’ve heard horror stories about nannies.

    • tealily says:

      That sounds more like you’ve heard horror stories about men.

      • Susan says:


      • Denise says:

        I’ve heard first-hand stories from friends of a friend about the young ladies coming from Eastern Europe that made my head spin. One would run to the door to open it when the husband came home, in a thong. Try on sexy and revealing outfits for going out and ask him which he preferred. She got tossed, but others had similar stories and I can’t fathom why these girls were invited into the family home in the first place. Insane.

    • Eyedunno says:

      Take the nanny out of the equation and raise your own children, how about that instead of complaining about having to worry about the nanny?

      • Illyra says:

        Good idea.

      • Bridget says:

        That’s right, how dare they work!

      • Illyra says:

        How come raising children is only considered “work” when a nanny does it? That’s something I’ve never understood.

      • CynicalCeleste says:

        @Illyra – interesting point

      • Ange says:

        Illyria because then it’s paid employment rather than something a parent does for their own children voluntarily. Seems pretty simple to me, not worth politicising.

      • underdog says:

        I am pretty sure Bridget meant work outside the home. Unless your English reading comprehension is poor, you knew that, too. Don’t troll.

  4. Pinky says:

    Well, if Affleck is anything like Schwarzenegger…and he is….we’d be well on our way to watching the next reality show, The Secret Second Families of Hollywood Royalty.


  5. Moxie Remon says:

    I love Eva, she’s so gorgeous, omg.

    • Denise says:

      She looks a bit nuts in the header photo. Which seems to match the publicising of this situation.

  6. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    THIS was some DRAMA.

    I have to give the man credit. Sadly I think the Nanny was operating under the basic idea that you float the idea of cheating and see if little by little the man will come around. Many do (obviously) because the idea ANY woman would want them is more appealing than being faithful and boring.

    But I do have to say not all men are like that. I worked in a computer lab for a while and my poor ordinary older boss started getting hit on aggressively by a young college student. This man was no prize physically: balding with a gut (which is why I agree with Eva, some girls are so broken when they turn to being the other woman serially) but he was funny, kind, and a complete gentleman.

    Apparently he didn’t notice the flirting in the beginning, ignored it towards the end, but when she made an offer via an email he knew he had to shut it down. He was 100% professional, fired her, told her she was really hurting her career and personal life, and the warned her not to use him for a reference if she didn’t want him to bring up the sexual harassment claim he’d filed in HR against her.

  7. Zaytabogota says:

    If you are having drama with multiple unrelated people then it is likely that you are the one creating it. I never trust attention seekers as they often exaggerate or outright lie for the reaction they want. This piece sounds off. She talks about how the nanny was seen in the bedroom therefore she must have been smelling his underwear!!!!! Without anybody seeing her doing that but Eva imagined that must be the reason, therefore it is!!!!! People who look for attention and make things up in their head which they believe to be facts because they thought it are not credible. I would like to hear what the ex nannies have to say. They probably both have very similar stories.

    • Wellsie says:

      Yeah, something is up here for sure.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I know right. Because when we women have a crush on a guy, the first thing we do is try to smell his underwear on the sly. I have only ever heard of this as a male fetish – not female. That’s not to say there aren’t any in the world that might have that fetish, but what are the odds?

      • elle says:

        hahaha… that was a false note, wasn’t it? I don’t think anybody ever wants to smell a man’s underwear!

      • Kitten says:

        I don’t know about you but nothing turns me on more than skid marks, ball cheese, and dingleberries.

      • Susan says:

        Lmao love your comment – and I wholeheartedly agree, never in my many many years of dating, heartbreak, crushes, marriage, etc., have I ever ever toyed with the idea of smelling a mans underwear.

  8. Snowflake says:

    I don’t understand all the negative reactions to her sharing that crazy story.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Me neither, maybe I’m not up on whatever’s going on with her outside this situation.

    • mj says:

      + Snowflake same

    • Farhi says:

      Me neither. If a nanny is sending inappropriate texts to one’s husband she has to go as she can’t be trusted. Clearly she is a selfish individual who cares only about herself, not the kids in her charge.

    • Asiyah says:

      Same. I mean I can understand why some people would consider this her seeking attention but maybe she’s sharing this as a warning? Considering everything that’s been happening lately with nannies, I wouldn’t blame her if that was her intention. I’m an extremely cynical person but even I didn’t take react negatively to her sharing this story lol

    • LisaH says:

      Agreed, it’s very strange. Do people think it’s feminist to support this nanny or something? I don’t get it.

    • grumpy bird says:

      I don’t think anyone is supporting the nanny or side-eyeing their decision to fire her, rather the decision to make it public. It just seems like a personal thing to share and I don’t see what they gain from it – other than attention.

    • Kitten says:

      I mean…I sort of agree with others that this is a bit of an overshare but it’s her blog, you know? A lot of blogs are basically like personal journals so it’s not that unusual to see sensitive, private stuff…

    • Magnoliarose says:

      I don’t either since it’s a weird situation and her blog so it is something out of the ordinary to share. Maybe it’s a warning too since this seems to be a problem sometimes.

  9. Lurksey says:

    How about raising your own children instead of outsourcing parenthood??? Problem solved.

    • mj says:

      Well when the only thing you know how to do is act, show at at places, and be famous, I can see where it could be a drastic shift to being a full-time mother. Hollywood is a different place, also.

      • Valois says:

        “Full-time mother” is such a stupid term. Dou’re not a half-time mother cause you dare to work.

    • Farhi says:

      Children love company and additional adults to socialize with. In the past people lived closer to their families and there were more adults and kids to interact with. These days, especially in the US, it can be very lonely for kids.
      I had 2 au-pairs ( young college students) from my home country, they spoke our language to the kids. And it was an absolutely win-win for all of us. Loved both of them and they went on to have successful professional lives, we are still in touch.
      In the end it comes to the integrity of all people involved.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      How about raising your child as you see fit and not judging other people for their choices?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Wow, Judgy McJudgerson!

    • Jane.fr says:

      Right, lets get all women back at home where they belong.

      • Lurksey says:

        You are completely blowing my comment out of proportion. I in no way meant or said women should stay at home. I said parents should raise their children not hire someone else to do the job full time. Don’t get it twisted.

      • Anon says:

        I don’t see her saying that this person is raising her daughter full time? Realistically, if a parent wants or needs to work, they need to be away from their child for periods of time. This child is too young for school, and I don’t see how a parent who works can avoid hiring someone to help raise their children. It takes a village.

      • Josephine says:

        @ Luksey – So moms aren’t supposed to hire nannies but that doesn’t mean they can’t have jobs? I’m confused. Parents who have nannies are raising their kids. You have no idea how many hours the nanny worked. You do realize that the nanny allows dad to work, too, right? Isn’t he outsourcing his duties?

      • Bridget says:

        @Lurksey: so exactly how would that work? Are you proposing that people need to bring their children to work with them instead of “outsourcing parenthood” – ie childcare?

    • vauvert says:

      Not sure how you can be at work and at home with your kids at the same time. When my son was one and I went back to work, my husband was traveling for work and I was putting in nine- ten hours a day at the office. I preferred in- home care (our paediatrician agreed that for kids under three, if you can afford it, being at home with one person is the best option). We had a nanny and it worked out great. You may think I was outsourcing care, I see it as making the best choice for all parties. After spending a fortune on our masters degree and paying two loans and one mortgage, there was no way to live on one salary, even a really good one. That’s assuming I was willing to give up my career, which I didn’t. But I will be glad to listen to what you think would have been a different option???

    • Eyedunno says:

      Knodding with you arms akimbo

    • HappyMom says:

      And how would they care for their child if they work?

    • Gatita says:

      Oh for chrissakes. I had a nanny and I very much raised my own kid. The nanny was another trusted adult who lovingly cared for my child and allowed me and my husband to continue our careers and balance work-family responsibilities. She’s still working for us as a babysitter and my son has a close relationship with her and her sons. Meanwhile, I’m still the parent who takes my kid to doctor’s appointments, meets with his teachers at school, helps him with his homework, and comforts him when he’s upset. Having a nanny doesn’t mean you’ve washed your hands of every responsibility of parenthood. This is such complete garbage. Do you have similarly negative things to say about people whose kids are in preschool?

      As for this particular situation, I find it weird that these wealthy people seem incapable of finding an experienced, trustworthy nanny. We hired ours through an agency that required references and a background check. Why hire a 20-something with no experience? There are plenty of older women out there who are fantastic caregivers.

      • Magnoliarose says:

        Very true. My parents and my ex’s parents hired older experienced women not young know nothings. We still have contact with some and only have fond memories. So judges please feel free to join us in the real world and not some 50’s TV show. Just to let you know the actresses playing super Mommies were working and many times had children. Do you think they strapped the kids in a high chair and left them all alone to fend for themselves?

  10. annaloo. says:

    I would have so much trouble trusting someone else with my family. That story yesterday of that crazy woman beheading that poor child in Russia to any given story of a nanny that goes after a woman’s husband.. .I know there are amazing nannies out there, but somehow, introducing someone to get that close to my kids and taking on the risk of his or her possible (and very human) failings does not appeal to me in the slightest. If I had to bring help on, my immigrant background would sooner bring my retired mother (or even mother-in-law) into the home permanently to help with the kids before I would hire a nanny, provided they were willing. If not, one of us is staying home.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Now THAT story was horrifying, more than the sex starved nanny I’m terrified of the mentally ill and dangerous nanny. There was also a horror story years ago in NY about a nanny murdering her employee’s kids. I can’t even imagine how one would feel.

      Just a scary world sometimes. I had a full time nanny as a child but it was a different culture and she was essentially a teen/young adult to help my mother while she was there. I don’t know if I’d be able to simply leave my child unless it was with family/friends/a very very very trusted source.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I agree. But then I have trust issues and I’m a horrible cynic. I can’t see me being comfortable with anybody I don’t know well, in my home and parenting my child.

    • SloaneY says:

      My kid is 7 and we still only let him be babysat by certain family and friends.

    • annaloo. says:

      My brother and his wife had a nanny– she was an alright enough person, but her influence on the children wasn’t good and she was with them from sunrise to sundown when my brother and wife got home. Nannies have to walk a delicate line of not superceding the parents in influence, yet being close enough that the children trust and follow them… This nanny instilled a lot of habits into my nieces that just straight up go against my personal values and culture (eg – she taught the 7 year old how to “shake her booty”– my sister in law thought it was funny and as the kids’ mothers has the final word, but I was fuming inside- that isn’t acceptable. She also invited the girls over for sleepovers, which I felt was crossing a line — I think I am just more conservative and overprotective). Again, taking the chance of the influence, as well as the risk of it being negative, on my kids.. just no way. No way, I couldn’t do a nanny, and I understand why many families do, but no way.

      • Ange says:

        Why get so het up about it if your brother and his wife were fine with it? It’s not having the nanny that’s the issue, it’s that you couldn’t tolerate them doing things differently to you.

  11. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    While I agree that you should be able to trust your husband and if you can’t, you have bigger issues than nannies, I’m still thoroughly disgusted by this woman and all women like her. How can you work for someone, take care of their child and look them in the face while you’re trying to destroy their relationship with their husband? While it’s just a fling for you, you’re trying to break up a family and truly hurt someone who’s big offense was to give you a chance. I hope she never gets another job as a nanny. She clearly cares nothing for the children she cares for.

    • tealily says:

      I sounds like her husband told her about the text, so trust doesn’t seem to be the problem here. I would fire an employee acting so completely unprofessionally too!

    • lucy2 says:

      I don’t understand that either. I can’t imagine ever trying to break up a family, especially one with young children, but this was also her JOB! I’m assuming she needed the job, why do anything to risk that, and future employment too?

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Agreed. I’m not much in favor about that quote about a special place in hell for women who betray other women but Geez, what a dagger to the heart.

      I think it’s the idea that not only is it your job but you’re clearly aware of a need/struggle in this family. Women have it very hard with feeling like we have to fulfill all roles and general insecurity about our desirability to our husband. For another woman to come in and see that weakness and exploit it is beyond cold.

    • What's inside says:

      They used to have a word for this type of woman — homewrecker. Lowest of the low.

  12. RF says:

    Speaking as someone who has been a nanny for years, there is definitely a level of professionalism that has to be upheld. I would never ever put myself out there sexually (or even talk about sexual topics) with either of the parents. And if I ever had a problem with my employer hitting on me I would probably resign. Nanny’s are supposed to be an extension of the family, not a sexual object. I don’t find Eva’s blog article that strange as even though it gives nannies a bad name I can totally see something like this happening (and especially more so within that lifestyle because of certain factors). To my way of thinking I think she sent him the text on purpose and hoped it would lead to something more (and maybe that was the reason she was around his bedroom). Either way she got called out on it and I’m glad she did. You have to have standards when it comes to your marriage and family.

    • vauvert says:

      Thank you RF. I employed a nanny for three years, and I placed nannies too. I never had any situations like this. It gives nannies a bad name, but just like in any environment there are bad apples everywhere. It is so unfair to paint all nannies with this brush, or to assume all husbands would be on the prowl. It is a professional relationship; any sexual overtones are wrong, just like they would be in an office of any kind.

  13. Lambda says:

    Yup, fire that hussy! And then burn those mom jeans!

  14. Boston Green Eyes says:

    My favorite line of the story: “As I was thinking about this, I also realized something bone chilling: I no longer had childcare.” I had to LOL at that one. Think of all the women working low-paying jobs who have to do all sorts of shape-shifting if they are without their childcare (sometimes called school).

  15. lile says:

    Sadly, he is in the mere 15-20% of husbands that would respond the way he did. Even more sadly is that just because he responded this way, does not mean he will respond that way again the next time.

    • Liesl says:

      Where do you get those figures? Most of the husbands I know are good, faithful men. What would be the point of being in a relationship with a man if the majority are dirtbags?

    • Denise says:

      Playing devil’s advocate here….we don’t know what she looked like.

  16. Suzanne says:

    Crazy idea: parent your own children.

    • Josephine says:

      I agree – her husband should definitely quit that job and stay home where he belongs.

    • Tourmaline says:

      Oh for goodness sakes. So anyone who has a nanny, child care provider, daycare, au pair, etc. is not parenting their own children. Right, got it.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Welcome back 1950s! I’ve missed you! And don’t forget to put on fresh lipstick, brush your hair and freshen up the your children right before Daddy comes home! A man deserves a well-groomed wife and spotless children after a long, hard day at work! Hope you have that tasty dinner at the ready, too!

      Let me tell you something, Suzanne. I was there. Women fought long and hard for the right to work and you want to go back there where a woman was judged for having any interest in anything besides her family? Well you go right ahead, but don’t expect anyone with any sense to follow you.

      • Mimz says:

        I love you for this ! haha!
        People are completely and utterly CLUELESS

      • Susan says:

        Thank you GNAT. it’s always appalling to me that some of the most sexist misogynist attacks come from other women. Blasphemy.

  17. word says:

    The nanny doesn’t have to be hot. Look at Maria and Arnold’s nanny…and he got her pregnant. The men who cheat with nannies are probably men who would would have cheated on their wives (and probably have) with ANY woman, nanny or not. It’s just easier with the nanny because she’s around when the wife is not. I don’t understand why some of these celebs need nannies. I know some celebs are super busy and have huge careers, but is Eva Amurri one of them?

    • Farhi says:

      Driving kids to activities is a full time job. Where I live in the US there is no public transportation. And they can’t take it until they are 12 anyway.

      It is very different from how I grew up.
      We rode a public bus to school and after school activities since we were 7 y.o. in USSR.
      Both parents worked full time as it was illegal not to work in the USSR. Everyone worked, and everyone pitched in raising kids, it was more of a “takes a village” approach. I think it is healthier than expecting the mother to provide 100% of childcare.

      • word says:

        I definitely don’t think childcare is something only mothers should provide. Sadly, in our society, women are the ones who are expected to take on that role more than fathers. I think both parents should be responsible. I’m not sure what Eva’s husband does for a living or how much he is around, so I wasn’t able to comment on him. I’m just questioning how busy Eva is as I rarely see her acting in anything. Perhaps she has another career I am not aware of.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Exactly. I also think you can see that in the way the nanny tried to flirt with him. A lot of men do have a weakness for compliments and someone finding them attractive. I’m thinking of John Exwards and that army general who had an affair with his interviewer.

      A weak person is a weak person and some people would basically what anything that smiled at them twice.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      There had been rumors for years about Arnold’s behavior toward extras on the set so when this broke about the nanny it wasn’t a shock really. The only one was that she wasn’t the type you think of when thinking of an enticing woman.

  18. Donna Martin says:

    I don’t know something is a but fishy about her post. If it’s nothing and just noting a good man that’s great. But my gossip senses are tingling

  19. Kate says:

    Fire them both

  20. Jess says:

    I’ve read one of her blog entries before and she’s actually pretty funny and seems down to earth, she was brutally honest about their sex life post baby, and it wasn’t a bragging piece. I’m surprised to see so many negative comments here, I like her!

  21. siri says:

    I red the story on her blog, thanks to the link above. Eva seems to enjoy this drama somehow, and her writing is full of silly accusation (like that of the nannny wanting to smell his underwear) .It all comes over a bit exagerrated. Sorry, but these two are probably financially rather solid, so it shouldn’t be too diffficult to find a qualified nanny. “As I was thinking about this, I also realized something bone chilling: I no longer had childcare.” Bone chilling, yeah.

  22. mp says:

    I don’t think it was appropriate for this woman to write about this on her blog. If it was her servant, would she have written about it? Her chef? her butler? Her driver? I’ve never had “staff” before but I presume that whether you hire for your own business or a house, sometimes you get great people, and sometimes you don’t. You don’t shame them like this -That’s where references come into play. IDK, maybe I’m overreacting.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I get where you’re coming from but we do have things like Yelp, Angie’s List, and Home Adviser where you can rate and review people you hire and how well they worked.

      If I can put the guy who delivers my Chinese Food on blast and the company that screwed up my roof it doesn’t seem like too far of a leap for an employer who pays you well to be able to really critique/put you on blast.

      If she is intentionally trying to have an affair of the Father of the family that hired her she’s really destroying her own work reputation and ability to continue in that career.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Do you think its “appropriate” for a nanny to try to sleep with the father of the children she’s supposed to care for? I don’t have a problem with making this public and shaming her. What she did was terrible.

    • mp says:

      Ok, I read the blog post, and yes, the nanny was crushing on the husband/very indecent. The husband definitely did the right thing by firing her (and recording the convo).

      But putting a cat among the pigeons – if things are really so bad that you can’t trust the (young and female) nanny around the husband, why not hire young men to be nannies? Why are nannies almost always women? I know that’s a whole other conversation, I’m just curious as I don’t know anyone who had a nanny growing up, and only one of my friends had a SAHF.

  23. JenniferJustice says:

    He looks like Harry Hamlin…..well, like Harry Hamlin used to look.

  24. Amelie says:

    My mom used nannies when I was young. After one of them got arrested for having a gun in her car and never showed up that day to pick my sister and me from school, my parents decided to do it on their own. But it was REALLY hard. My mom could not stay at home because she made (and still makes) more money than my dad. I later found out my dad would have been a stay at home dad had his company not let him work early hours at the office–6 am-2 pm (so he could pick me and my sister up at school) versus 9-5. They were understanding but many companies are not like that.

  25. Angela says:

    I am not sure I’d brag that he turned the nanny down. The text suggests that the nanny is a larger woman and that the husband is not attracted to that body type. I wonder if he would have told his wife about the text if the nanny had been his “type.”

    • maria says:

      If she looked liked Salma Hayek or Adrianna Lima you know this would have had a much different outcome!

  26. Bridget says:

    This thread is depressing.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      …and eye opening.

      • Bridget says:

        “Raise your own kid” is not an acceptable thing to say to someone who uses a nanny. You don’t take your children to work with you, do you? The fact that people think it’s an acceptable response is appalling.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        I think a lot of people just want a world where you only have a few people parenting because everyone else isn’t good enough.

        No adoption, artificial insemination, nannies, daycare, jobs or anything interfering with your duty to be a total slave to your child for 18 years.

        Need to work? Should have thought about that before you had a baby.

        Find pleasure in having an identity separate from your child? What kind of monster are you?

        Seriously…eye opening thoughts.

  27. Jess says:

    I am shocked that in 2016 women (parents) are being censured for hiring part, or even full-time, child care. Not only do many women have to work, but many women WANT to work! Furthermore, it is incredibly naive to think that the nannies are all completely innocent. I am sure some are, but many, many of them set their sights on the husband as a gravy train/payout source at the very least. The men who fall for it are pigs, of course, but some of these nannies know EXACTLY what they are doing.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      It wouldn’t be cliche if it wasn’t partly true. Having a nanny often ends in affairs, not always, many women/men take their job seriously as a child care giver and don’t overstep boundaries but…

      It wouldn’t be a clich if it wasn’t partly true.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yeah, who are these throwbacks? I really feel like I’m back forty years ago when a woman’s place was in the home and if she didn’t like it there was something wrong with her.

  28. nellie says:

    Finally… poor, dear Eva gets the publicity she so desperately wanted. It’s gotta be hard when your mother is Susan Sarandan. Ya know? Bless her heart…

    • Anon says:

      For god sake the fact that she’s Susan Sarandon’s daughter has nothing to do with all this. I’m baffled by the stupidity of this thread.

  29. Andrea says:

    You could be sexual propositioned in any profession…just saying. I have heard many a office romances/sleeping with the married boss etc (one of my friends did it recently!)

  30. Snowpea says:

    I have a FB friend who I went to school with about 25 years ago and let’s just say, after three kids, the years have not been kind. Overweight, unfashionable glasses, straggly hair. Not that I have a problem with that but girlfriend puts up pics all the time with her kids hanging out with the nanny, in the garden, at the park and by the pool.

    Well said nanny is a total Swedish showstopper! Long honey brown limbs, waist length naturally blonde hair, just an absolutely beautiful, natural young girl.

    I absolutely love and trust my hubby but hell would freeze over before I hired a nanny that hot ha ha

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Lol, thank you for sharing. I can’t remember where it came from but I always remember a quote in these instances where a woman said something about how the nanny she hired would be 70 yrs old with bad skin, one eye and incredibly overweight.

      Tale as old as time, lol.

    • CynicalCeleste says:

      Perhaps your FB friend is on to something… if you can’t find a not-hot-nanny, choose a nanny so hot she is far beyond your partner’s league. 😉

      • perplexed says:

        This might be sort of true since Arnold Schwarzenneger (sp?) slept with the really homely looking maid. Sometimes I wonder if men care as much about looks as the men’s magazines claim.

      • Snowpea says:

        You’re hilarious Cynical 👍

  31. Kristen says:

    What’s more depressing: the comments bending over backwards to pat this guy on the back for doing what any decent, upstanding human being would do (would we do the same if a woman chose not to cheat on her husband? Doubtful), or the comments about how she should be “raising her own child?”

    Sexism. Alive and well.

  32. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Is she no longer acting? Her website describes her as a “Blogger” which I find disingenuous if she is still in fact a paid freaking actress. That just annoys me, sorry. Her acting annoys me too, and yes I definitely think nepotism gave her a career. It sounds like rather than let a private jokey message that they weren’t meant to see blow over, these two made a big old drama out of it. Ok if it made them uncomfortable enough to fire her, but as employers with a public persona airing a private, no doubt embarassing to her now message that their employee wrote, is pretty crappy imo. They had to humiliate her on top of firing her? It’s not like she actually tried to seduce the guy. I think she has grounds to sue personally, this will affect her getting employment elsewhere, pretty dumb move on their part for some cheap blog traffic.

  33. Spiderpig says:

    The wife just seems so desperately, desperately eager to make fetch (ie her stupid blog) happen. It’s like she was thrilled the nanny hit on her husband just to have something to pimp online. She’s supposedly been gunning hard for a reality show or to be on Real Housewives.

  34. perplexed says:

    I don’t really know if it was necessary to share this story (even if she is running a lifestyle blog and certainly not because I care anything whatsoever about the nanny), but Susan Sarandon’s daughter is really unique looking and pretty.

  35. drnotknowitall says:

    I may be in the minority here. I think the nanny was just gossiping with her friends about how hot Eva’s husband is. I would be.

    He was on her brain, so she sent the text to him by accident. I have done this before (to a non-married man). The reason she did not say anything is that she was embarrassed and honestly, what can one possibly say? Just pretend nothing happened and hope it goes away. That is how I handled my mistake because I was just so embarrassed at the initial meeting after the mistake.

    Do I think she was actively hitting on Eva’s husband? I’m not sure this is evidence of that. She should have been fired because the mistake she made still created an inappropriate situation. I also commend the husband for handling it so well. But I don’t want to rush out and label her the equivalent of Ben’s nannyho.

    And my goodness is that blog terribly written. This is her business? Wow.

  36. Sarah says:

    With all the disgusting men in showbiz it’s refreshing to see one who is loyal to his wife so I’m not sure why he is being called names. As for her sharing the details, they probably wanted to beat the nanny to it so she can’t cash in from her gross behavior.

    Just wow on all of the judgement on working moms. I run my own business and work from home with two toddlers and have a part time nanny not because I don’t love my kids but because having my own career and identity outside of being a mom makes me a better mother to them.

  37. girlretro says:

    why she want to tell the whole world about this?

  38. serena says:

    These young girls think they can become famous or at least rich by banging their employer.. it’s awful and I don’t blame Eva for firing her. It’s just wrong and unprofessional, you can’t become a nanny hoping to marry/bang/get money from the kids’ father (or mom depending on the situation ).

  39. Jezza says:

    Wow. She’s punching above her weight!. He’s really yummy. She…well – and to put it more nicely – has none of her mother’s beauty, wit or cleaveage.

  40. Moi says:

    The problem is definitely the nanny. I don’t understand why people who are looking for a nanny don’t hire retired or soon to be retired pediatric nurses. Totally serious. Higher ethical standards and if there’s a medical emergency, it’s all good.