Meghan McCain says she’s being followed on Twitter by Karl Rove


I can imagine few things scarier than being followed by Karl Rove. Pack of rabid dogs? Nothing. Militant cannibalistic survivalists who haven’t eating in weeks? That’s fine. A herd of angry elephants on skateboards (you know, so they’re really fast)? Still better. So I can’t help but feel for Meghan McCain, who says she’s being followed by Karl Rove. Crazy stalker. Okay she’s being followed on her Twitter, but still… it’s unsettling at best.

Karl Rove is giving Meghan McCain the creeps. Ewww. “Karl Rove follows me on Twitter. That’s creepy,” wrote McCain, 24, on the DailyBeast website… McCain wrote she joined Twitter a few months ago because it allowed her to share the “less serious” and “humorously uncensored moments” of her life. Twitter, the wildly popular microblogging platform, constrains messaging to 140 characters or less.

“But there’s also been a downside: I am now being followed by Karl Rove, and my local sheriff, and God knows how many other political pundits,” McCain wrote. “We need to take Twitter back from the creepy people.” McCain said she’s intrigued by Rove’s Twitter feeds because at the White House Rove was viewed as this “inaccessible man-behind-the-curtain figure,” and, now, he’s sending out these public messages numerous times a day.

But “to be honest, I find Rove’s Tweets boring,” McCain wrote. “Sometimes he takes questions; other times he talks about his appearances on cable news and other shows. But he doesn’t say anything substantive.” McCain wrote she suspected Rove has a “ghost Twitterer,” meaning she believes an assistant is updating his feeds instead of Rove doing it himself personally. While McCain acknowledged that Rove’s Tweets seem to reveal a “softer side” to him, she believes he’s being “disingenuous” about his real self… M cCain praised Twitter as a means of communication. Still, she wrote, “I can’t shake the fact that Karl Rove is following me-it can be creepy. So watch out.”

[From the NY Daily News]

I love that even Republicans find Karl Rove to be creepy. Meghan’s being sort of immature in her response, but at least she’s candid and honest, and that’s nice. In related news, on Saturday she delivered a speech to the Log Cabin Republicans (an organization for gay Republicans) on the ways she thinks the GOP needs to change.

Speaking to an affectionate crowd of Log Cabin Republicans on Saturday evening, Meghan McCain ridiculed the party her father headed this past election, declaring that “old school Republicans” were “scared shitless” of the changing landscape. The Senator’s daughter, who has quickly become something of an iconic figure in the gay conservative community since the end of the election, took repeated shots at the GOP for its antiquated mores.

“I feel too many Republicans want to cling to past successes,” said McCain. “There are those who think we can win the White House and Congress back by being ‘more’ conservative. Worse, there are those who think we can win by changing nothing at all about what our party has become. They just want to wait for the other side to be perceived as worse than us. I think we’re seeing a war brewing in the Republican Party. But it is not between us and Democrats. It is not between us and liberals. It is between the future and the past.”

Later, she called out those officials in the Republican tent who insist that tactical improvements, technology and brass-knuckle politicking are the path back to relevance.

“Simply embracing technology isn’t going to fix our problem,” she said. “Republicans using Twitter and Facebook isn’t going to miraculously make people think we’re cool again. Breaking free from obsolete positions and providing real solutions that don’t divide our nation further will. That’s why some in our party are scared. They sense the world around them is changing and they are unable to take the risk to jump free of what’s keeping our party down.”

[From the Huffington Post]

Meghan also called out Ann Coulter for being “overly partisan and divisive.” She’s obviously a more moderate Republican – and she did declare herself a proud member of the GOP. You can read more of McCain’s comments on the Huffington Post link above. It seems that – when taken in total – she’s asking for some dramatically sweeping changes within the party. It’ll be interesting to see if that comes over time or all at once. Or at all.

Here’s Meghan in July. Images thanks to Pacific Coast News.

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16 Responses to “Meghan McCain says she’s being followed on Twitter by Karl Rove”

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  1. Judi says:

    I really wish she would stop referring to herself as a republican. She’s not the new face of conservatives. She’s someone trying to capitalize on her dad’s fame. Nobody cares about her except democrats. Every time I see she has written something new I prepare for a big cringe.

  2. Kaiser says:

    I go back and forth about whether I should feel bad for her or I should just think she’s a total moron. Can I do both?

    And I doubt Rove has a ghost Twitterer – he’s suprisingly adept at “new media” stuff.

  3. HEB says:

    Yeah it was dumb to basically insinuate that all old people are creepy and shouldn’t use twitter.

    Hopefully Rove took the hint and deleted her from his list. I’m sure his stooge only added her in the first place because she’s a republican.

  4. Tess says:

    The only “substantive” thing Meghan McCain knows about with any specificity are her boobies.

    She brings Rove’s name up for obvious reasons: it gets her press attention.

  5. tigerlille says:

    She seems to be a bit narcissistic.

  6. sissoucat says:

    Rove is creepy and it has nothing to do with his age.

    If he has nothing more important to do nowadays than twitter, boy has his star fallen.

  7. Annie says:

    Creepy doesn’t even begin to cover Karl Rove.

    As for Meghan. I like her, we don’t agree on some things, but she’s not screaming at me and then saying I must disagree because I’m a baby killer. (Thanks Ms. Coulter.)

  8. the original kate says:

    … “to be honest, I find Rove’s Tweets boring,” McCain wrote. “Sometimes he takes questions; other times he talks about his appearances on cable news and other shows. But he doesn’t say anything substantive.”

    that megan mc cain doesn’t see the irony in this is awesome.

  9. MeowMeow says:

    I completely agree with Judi. Meghan McCain isn’t a Republican. She voted Democrat in the 2000 and 2004 elections. How does that make her a Republican? Hell, who knows if she even voted for her DAD?

    And yes, the Dems love her because they think she’s a turncoat. Thing is, she was never a conservative in the first place.

  10. TaylorB says:

    I agree with Sissoucat, Mr Roves age has nothing to do with his ramped up ‘creepy’ factor. Creepy is ageless, gender free, and non-partisan, for instance Heidi and Spencer, Pheobe Price, Carrot Top, Octo-mom, or that ‘ShamWow’ guy all qualify as ‘creepy’ and they are not ‘old’; granted in Carrot Tops case he may in fact be quite old but with all the plastic surgery he has had we would probably have to take a core sample and count the Botox rings to determine his actual age.

  11. Annie says:

    Speidi =SUPER CREEPY.

  12. j. ferber says:

    Great post, TaylorB. Even if you’re not a lawyer, you should be one. I agree with JayBird, except for one point. Who says Rove isn’t a rabid dog? But if I had my choice of foes, I’d take the herd, too, since Rove is far more cunning and malicious than a beast.

  13. Bodhi says:

    I’m a leftie & I don’t think Meghan is a “turncoat” at all. She is a young adult who knows about American politcs & sees the reality of changing times. I’m sure she is far more conservative than I am, but I’ve never had a nitty gritty policy conversation with her.

    She is 100% right: the GOP has to change with the times & Karl Rove is a creepy mother fucker

  14. commonsense says:

    Just curious, how do you know she voted democrat in the 2000 elections? If she really is twenty-four she would have been only about 15 in 2000 (if my math is correct). I am not trying to nit pick, I am actually curious. Hearing she voted against “her party” is dismaying, have people forgotten what it means to be a member of a certain political party??

  15. Bob says:

    The whole “left hating the right” and “right hating the left” thing is destroying America. It’s not a wrestling grudge match, both sides have to listen to the other if we’re going to survive.

    The whole “anyone who slightly disagrees with my talking points is stupid and evil” thing is getting old really fast. On both sides.

  16. Imara219 says:

    I think it’s funny that people think she’s not a Republican b/c she voted Democrat a couple of times. Big deal. There were plenty of Dems who voted for Bush in the 2004 elections and I know a couple of Republicans who voted for Obama in 2008. That does not mean they are not affiliated with their party, it just means that during those years they went with the other candidate. I’m a Dem and during the 2000 primaries I liked McCain. I didn’t know you were supposed to blindly follow your party line no matter what they say or do. How sad.