Chris Pratt’s MTV acceptance speech: enthusiastic or enough already?

Chris Pratt attended the MTV Movie Awards in this grey t-shirt, blue leather jacket, jeans and brown oxfords. Pratt doesn’t always do it for me but he is here. As we know, when Pratt isn’t erecting giant crosses for Easter, he is usually saving the universe from some cinematic adversary. For his efforts, MTV awarded him Best Action Performance for his role in Jurassic World. He was up against Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Lawrence, John Boyega, Ryan Reynolds and Vin Diesel. Given that competition, I can understand why he was thrilled to win. So excited, in fact, he used the majority of his speech to thank all action heroes who have come before him.

After skipping last year’s MTV Movie Awards to crush a Half Ironman triathlon — that’s 70.3 miles of swimming, biking, and running (NBD) — Chris Pratt returned to the Movie Awards stage with a Golden Popcorn in tow.

Pratt took home the award for Best Action Performance for last summer’s Jurassic World. As raptor trainer Owen, Pratt faced off against terrifying franken-dino Indominus Rex and lived to tell the tale. Between Jurassic World and Guardians of the Galaxy, Pratt has proved that he’s just as capable as any other leading man of anchoring a major action franchise — Thanos and dinosaurs be damned.

He also proved that he’s damn good at delivering memorable acceptance speeches.

Pratt called the honor “a freakin’ dream come true” before paying homage to the action hero greats that came before him, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Chan, Jason Statham, Liam Neeson, Harrison Ford, Eric Roberts, Anthony Mackie, and God. Oh, and MTV Movie Awards co-host Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. And Pratt’s personal hero, his wife Anna Faris. “Our son was destined to be tough,” he said, “But thanks to you, he’s going to be smart too.” Awww!


I love that most articles are quick to point out that Pratt couldn’t make last year’s awards because he was competing in a half Ironman; as if that is further proof he deserved this award. Unfortunately, he was also up for Best Male Performance but lost that award to Leonardo DiCaprio for The Revenant. I say unfortunately not because I think Pratt should have won it but because I would have loved to have seen Leo’s face when he found out, ‘wait, I lost what to whom?’ Pratt’s loss makes sense, though – Leo was willing to be compromised by a bear and Pratt had velociraptors at his disposal. Where’s your commitment, Pratt?!

In other Pratt news, he has recently joined Snapchat. Pratt is generally entertaining on social media and good about using it for charity and inspiration. However, given Pratt’s admission that he thinks getting naked is funny, I imagine his Snapchat may become one to watch.



Photo credit: Getty Images and WENN Photos

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37 Responses to “Chris Pratt’s MTV acceptance speech: enthusiastic or enough already?”

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  1. lisa2 says:

    I like Chris and am glad for his success.. ON some levels he reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence. Like two sides of a coin that are the same and yet different.

    Can’t explain it

    • Kate says:

      Exactly. I think they can both be wildly entertaining and refreshing but they can also be insanely annoying once you’ve had enough of their antics.
      Either way, I too like him.

    • Jen43 says:

      I agree. He has an ‘average guy’ appeal in the same way JLaw has ‘good friend’ appeal. I also think it helps that he is attractive, but not wildly so.

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      I like him since Everwood & then Parks & Rec, idk I have a soft spot for Pratt & how he talks about his family specifically his kid it’s adorable. I can see how he can be a little bit annoying sometimes.

  2. Runcmc says:

    I had no idea he did a half iron!! I’m training for my second one and this makes me like him more! Now to look up his time…

    Edit: 7:04 and I’m faster than him! Lol I’m a brat, I know 🙂

  3. T from Sydney says:

    He was good in JW but where was the nomination for Bryce D Howard?! She was running in heels for most of the movie and she lured out T Rex!!

  4. SM says:

    He looks really hot here.

    • tegteg says:

      I think he looks like a Ken Doll here…. and usually I find him attractive. I must be having an off day.

      • Esther says:

        i was about to say the same thing, very much like Ken.

      • Rhiley says:

        Agree… the hair is odd. I am sure it is for an upcoming part, but it looks like a helmet. Those side burns and Sun-In are ridic.

      • Miss M says:

        I don’t like the Ken doll look either. The blonde and the tan do him no favors. But he still handsome in a Ken doll way…

      • Anne tommy says:

        Those are definitely Starlord sideburns…I prefer him with a bit more facial scruff but he still looks great.

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      @Rhiley it’s for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, the whole look is for the movie. The blonde hair is definitely not my favorite.

  5. Hadleyb says:

    So sick of this guy. Its not his religion that make me dislike him but other things — the whole he “loves” family and people but has no care for animals, likes to hunt for their beauty?

    Go away already. I don’t find him funny and he’s getting a punchable face.

  6. teacakes says:

    I never thought I’d find him appealing and if you’d told me two years ago that I would adore a guy who’s in a gang with a tree and a talking raccoon, I’d have said Marvel was just drunk on its own power and it was never going to happen.

    And now look at me…..

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    That outfit makes me so upset.

  8. larelyn says:

    Oh geez, that outfit, the sideburns, the exaggerated expressions… getting major Burt Reynolds vibes, and not in a good way.

    • Neelyo says:

      Burt Reynolds, yes!!! And he needs to stop with the hair plugs, he’s heading into Affleck territory.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t think Burt Reynolds vibes are ever good, are they? 🙂

      I think the comparison works, ick.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I have a leather jacket pretty much like that except better looking, so his whole outfit just screams 59 year old woman to me. Except I do it better. I hope.

  9. BearcatLawyer says:

    I’m sorry, but ever since I saw Jurassic World, all I can think about when I see his face is how incompetent he was at clicker training the raptors. Seriously…I saw the movie with a fellow dog club member, and during the first clicker training scene, she whispered to me, “If those raptors were real, he would have been eaten by now. Or at least injured.” Which was exactly what I had been thinking!

    Yes, I am extremely weird. Carry on.

    • Algernon says:

      “The clicker training of the velociraptors was unrealistic” is my favorite review of Jurrasic World, or any movie, ever. I mean this sincerely.

  10. mom2two says:

    He’s wearing too much make up here. I like him, he seems harmless enough. I like the fact that his stardom did not happen overnight. That being said, I’d like not to see him in every movie either.

  11. Danny says:

    Enough already. Can’t wait for his time to be up.

  12. serena says:

    Chris Pratt is never enough!

  13. InvaderTak says:

    Eh, it was MTV awards. Over the top-ness gets a pass at these.

  14. Catelina says:

    He’s filming guardians of the Galaxy 2 now, which explains the weird hair

    The parks and rec fan in me is very willing to forgive any and all extra-ness after seeing thag picture of him and Amy P. Miss that show like crazy and Pratt was seriously wonderful on it (as was the whole cast)

    • Anne tommy says:

      Agree totally, it was a travesty that the P&R cast never won – or maybe was not even nominated for? – the comedy ensemble awards, they were outstanding individually and collectively. There’s only so much Big Bloody BangTheory one can take.

  15. INeedANap says:

    I love that pic of him with Amy Poehler. It seems the Parks and Rec cast is still fond of each other, they’ve regularly attended each other’s premiers.

    • lucy2 says:

      I love it too! I think they were a very close cast and crew, and it’s wonderful that they’re still supportive friends.

      I also loved that he did add Sigourney Weaver to the list too.

  16. kathy says:

    Too much botox. Too much makeup. Too many hair plugs.