Singer Jason Mraz talks about his “dark side”

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He looks like a happy-go-lucky, upbeat kind of guy. But singer Jason Mraz says he has gone through dark times, including struggles with drugs. Now, though, he is all about organic food and pure living- but he says there may be a time in the future when his dark side will come out again.

US singer JASON MRAZ admits he’ll always be vulnerable to the lure of drugs – despite promoting the benefits of a pure lifestyle.

The organic food-munching I’m Yours troubadour has had dalliances with debauchery in the past, and he refuses to rule out a return to the dark side.

Tragic actor RIVER PHOENIX shocked Hollywood with his sudden overdose death in 1993 – having spent much of his brief lifetime campaigning against drugs – but Mraz insists he won’t make the same mistake of pretending to be someone he’s not.

He told The Sun: “I’m only human, you know. I’ve certainly had dark periods in my life, and I could probably again.

“But, at the moment, I really get off on the purity thing.”

Mraz’s popularity in the US has grown steadily over the course of three albums, but the success of love-it-or-hate-it hit I’m Yours has sent sales of his latest LP We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things soaring across the world.

With increasing fame comes a greater impetus on touring – something that the San Diego-based homebody hardly cherishes.

“I would be very happy to stay in one place, but I’ve learned how to tour and I’m ok with it,” he said.

“There are little things you see out the corner of your eye or out the van window that you appreciate. Life becomes cinematic.

“But, believe me, life is just as cinematic sitting on my back deck and never leaving home.”

Mraz, 31, hasn’t even got the distraction of controversial rock ‘n’ roll antics to keep him entertained on the road.

He said: “Sometimes it’s a little too hassle-free, a little too smooth.

“We need someone to date a model and then beat her up.”


Aside from the upheaval of travelling from one place to the next, Mraz also admits he doesn’t get the same thrill out of performing to an arena crowd of 5,000 as he does to singing down the local café.

“I like the arenas cause I can bring the full band – we can make a big stink in there,” he said.

“But I also like being a storyteller, sitting in a small café with no set list, just talking with the audience.

“That to me has always been the most rewarding way to perform.”

Mraz avoids celeb parties at all costs – unless he has no choice but to attend – adding to his growing reputation as Mr Anti-Showbiz.

The singer can’t stand the way musicians are treated like royalty, and he is determined to stay grounded amidst all the absurdity.

“Fame has certainly got its perks but sometimes the way you’re treated is a bit over the top,” he said.

“People don’t treat you like a peer – they put you in a different place. I think that’s kinda weird.

“But I’m doing my best to stay grounded and high-five people and just be myself through this whole process.

“It’s not gonna last forever, so I’m certainly not gonna act like a big shot and then five years later have to come down off my horse and apologise to a million people.”

[From The Sun]

You would never know from his sunny, island-inspired music that Mraz has demons, but I suppose he’s no different than anyone else in that regard. His music is kinda catchy, and I like his point of view. He’s kind of the anti-John Mayer, if you think about it. When was the last time you saw Mraz in a tabloid or dating some celebutante, or Twittering his every move? He’s all about the music, and not the fame. You don’t see that too much anymore.

Here’s Jason Mraz performing live at Campo Pequeno in Lisbon on March 19th. Images thanks to .

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12 Responses to “Singer Jason Mraz talks about his “dark side””

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  1. BOGART4017 says:

    I wouldnt try dating a model and beating her up these days. Liable to be a naomi campbell…

  2. Wonder Woman says:

    I love his music

  3. rbsesq says:

    I absolutely LOVE Jason Mraz. Atlanta used to have this kind of music in the park thing called Music Midtown and I saw him perform there several years ago. He became my favorite male vocalist that day. It was just him playing an acoustic guitar and a guy playing bongos, and it was THE BEST concert I’ve ever seen/heard. He can quite literally turn a phone number into a song that makes you want to run out and buy the CD.

    If you listen to the songs that don’t make it to radio (check out his second CD especially), you can tell that he’s not really the upbeat, catchy-tune kind of guy that the singles released on the radio would suggest. Some of them are certainly very upbeat, but others are very … poetic and introspective.

    Love him. Can’t say it enough.

  4. Ana says:

    I love him. His music always makes me happy. My husband always says “It’s that depressing song again!”

  5. maritza says:

    I like his songs very much, they are happy and sweet.

  6. nony says:

    I love Jason Mraz, he’s so musically and lyrically gifted. I imagine that he and I could have fantastic conversations, and never run out of interesting things to chat about.

    I also agree that he is the anti-mayer, and I respect that. He plays because he loves to play, not because of the attention garnered because of it.

  7. Meg says:

    I’m so in love with Jason’s music. He such a sweet down to earth person. I so thought of the John Mayer thing to, Jason is so not like John Mayer who is a complete douche bag using his fame because he thinks he is a God. I felt like he meant John Mayer who dated Jennifer Aniston just to get more attention in Hollywood. Mayer is such a undeserving jerk compared to Jason.
    Jason has grown so much over his career.
    I will forever buy a Jason Mraz Cd and will never ever touch any of John Mayer’s garbage again.

  8. lrm says:

    Mraz sometimes plays here in san diego at twigs cafe-a small cafe that anyone could be in,any morning of the week in university heights…he has a loyal [semi obsessed]following in his hometown. I’m not one of them,but I do agree that he’s talented. I like his stuff,just not waaaaaaaaay into it. AND,he definitely has more going on than the catchy pop tunes playing on the radio will show you. His live music is wonderful;google him and see something live in a small venue. He’s good. Someone I know had her young son attend one of his cafe events;her niece had begged to take him. well,mraz evidently didnt know there was a child in the house-his cursing was non stop,part of his yo yo semi hip hop act. hilarious-b/c the mom showed up later,and during a break,she went up to him and pointed out her son in the audience. he was a great sport about it-apologized and cleaned things up for the next set.
    Okay,only at a small cafe in san diego-which is the quintessential city that’s like a big town.

  9. Ugh, he’s so freaking hot it’s crazy. Where are guys like these? I’m dying here.

  10. BriT says:

    I have enjoyed his music for years now. He seem so well toned these days. What an awesome personality. He must be very pleasant to be around.

  11. MonicaBee says:

    I love his music. It is very catchy & fun. Some of the stuff on the We Sing album is pretty sexy too.

    I wouldn’t toss him outta bed, that is for sure.

  12. minnie says:

    I love Jason Mraz and his music. I find it a bit disconcerting that he’s talking about his dark side. I wish him well.