Miss California doesn’t think people are born gay, thinks it’s a choice

Miss Californias show off their beauty

Miss California is still relishing her fifteen minutes of fame. To celebrate her Miss USA runner-up status, and to promote her pride in being anti-gay marriage, she sat down for a radio interview with Rex Wockner. I had never heard of Wockner, but I looked him up and he’s some big-time gay journalist with a blog and a radio show and he has “reported news for gay media for 25 years in 300+ publications in 38 countries.” He’s also been called “the one-man gay Associated Press”, which is a pretty great compliment.

It’s actually a pretty long interview, so I edited it down a little. If you want to read what Miss California said about California’s Proposition 8 or President Obama (not much), you should read the whole thing. I actually went searching for the entire interview because I thought there was a chance Carrie Prejean’s quotes were being taken out of context on other blogs, but as it turns out, she actually said some moronic stuff:

Rex Wockner: Clearly, nobody would ever get up there (at the Miss USA pageant) and say, “I don’t think black people should be able to marry white people” or something like that. Or nobody would get up there and say something sexist. And people are wondering if maybe we’ve gotten to a moment in American culture where you can’t really say something that’s interpreted as anti-gay anymore, like you might have been able to five years ago. Do you think maybe that’s what could have happened, or, if not, what do you think happened in Vegas that led to all this media stuff?

Carrie Prejean: I think the key thing is tolerance, and I think Perez Hilton had, obviously, a hidden agenda, because of the reaction immediately after the pageant. He didn’t agree with what I said, therefore he wanted to go out there and bash me and say things that were very hurtful. So, I think that this wouldn’t be happening right now had he not have done that. So, it would have just been me saying my own opinions, which I’m entitled to, just as you are, and I think it would have been over with. But the fact that he went out there and attacked me, you know, verbally, that’s why this is all happening right now.

Rex: Do you think that same-sex marriage is just a matter of time, that clearly society is evolving in that direction, and that we’re going to look back on these days as the way we look back on days when white and black people couldn’t get married to each other, or do you think it’s going to be a very long fight to try to get Americans to accept that?

Carrie: I definitely think it’s going to be a very long fight. As you can see in California, you know, we had already ruled that, you know, with Proposition 8, that was already discussed that marriage is between a man and a woman. We voted on it. Um, so, I think that it maybe will be a matter of time, but I don’t see that coming anytime soon.

Rex: And, I guess, last question: What would be so wrong with two women who love each other getting married?

Carrie: What would be so wrong with two women that love each other?

Rex: What would be so wrong with that? Yeah.

Carrie: What don’t you see wrong with that?

Rex: I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Carrie: Why?

Rex: Uh, why don’t — oh, this is fun — why don’t I see anything wrong with it? Uh, because they’re in love with each other, and they want to spend their lives together, and marriage is kind of the way that our society recognizes that two people love each other and want to spend their lives together and make commitment and be financially intertwined and be faithful and, you know, permanent. So, why should that be something that gay people can’t do? There’s gay people all around us all the time.

Carrie: Exactly, and this is nothing against gay people. I have a lot of friends that are gay. This is not a verbal attack on gay people. It’s just a matter of opinion, and the way that I was raised, the way that I was brought up, that was not an option. I knew I was going to marry a man growing up. And so, for me, it’s a biblical thing, it’s something that I was raised believing, um, that a marriage, you know, is between a man and a woman. Barack Obama even supports that. The majority of the people in our nation support that. The secretary of state supports that. So, I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Rex: I understand that you were raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and I understand that you grew up knowing that you were always going to marry a guy, but you’re heterosexual. Um, some people are born gay, maybe, you think?

Carrie: No, I don’t think so.

Rex: OK, so now we’re getting somewhere.

Carrie: I think it’s a behavior that develops over time.

Rex: Why would someone choose it, given that if you choose that, you get discriminated against?

Carrie: Um, because obviously Perez Hilton doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong with it.

Rex: No, but if being gay is a choice, rather than something you’re born with, why would you choose something that’s going to lead to your being discriminated against? What would be the motivation?

Carrie: I’m not sure what the motivation would be.

Rex: OK. Me either.

[Transcript from Rex Wockner’s Blog]

Ah, yes. Being gay is a choice. Everybody knows that, Gay Journalist! Here’s my question: Even though Miss California doesn’t want the gays to get married, and she thinks it’s their own fault for choosing to be gay, is she really homophobic? Does she really hate gay people, or does she only subscribe to anti-gay politics? Because US Weekly has a story up about how Carrie was partying with famous transsexual and “gay icon” Amanda Lepore. Apparently, the gays are good enough to get drunk with.

In added twist, Keith Lewis, one of the state directors of the Miss California pageant has blasted Carrie. Lewis released this statement: “Given the fact that Carrie Prejean’s first act upon returning to California was to headline five services at a church that promotes homosexuality as both unnatural and abnormal, we stand by our concern for her individual image and look forward to a time in the near future when she can put down her personal agenda and assume the responsibilities associated with being MISS CALIFORNIA USA, including promoting our official platform, ‘The Beauty of California,’ which sole purpose (sic) is to embrace diversity.” Ouch.

Miss Californias show off their beauty

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107 Responses to “Miss California doesn’t think people are born gay, thinks it’s a choice”

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  1. Wonder Woman says:

    Sad to say she isnt the only moron who believes this, such a dumb fuck, im happy she didnt win. I’m happy they are using her as an example as to how narrow minded some people still are. Yea lady keep talking

  2. ash says:

    She’s 21?! 21?!!! She looks much older for some reason.

  3. Wench. says:

    I’m bisexual and so champion equal rights and while I don’t agree with her, I can muster an understanding for the varying view points.

    However, I think her ignorance on this matter hit a new high with both this quote and something I read earlier where she stated she felt paedophilia is central to the “gay lifestyle”. One of the scariest things I’ve come to read.

  4. Jess says:

    Ignorance is bliss.

  5. Annie says:

    Anyone out there who’s been saying she’s entitled to her opinion and that oh, she’s the voice of the majority and that she’s not homophobic. Sit down.

    After reading this article and watching her actions over the past week…if you STILL believe that stuff, I’m inclined to think that YOU’RE secretly homophobic yourself.

    This girl needs to disappear, I’m sick of her and her discriminatory agenda.

  6. eternalcanadian says:

    lol, now that gives new meaning to intellectually challenged blonde. then again she likely isn’t a natural one so don’t know what that makes her. 😛

  7. bdthomp says:

    Um, what do her gay friends think of the radio interview?

  8. Anna says:

    Man, that ignorant airhead (I’m being polite) must really love snacking on her feet. Why can’t she just stop now and shut her ugly trap? Anyone with a bit more smarts than her would know this is not helping her career now, nor in the future. This woman makes me so mad. On the other hand, maybe she’ll be so hated that she’ll never work again when this has finally died down and we will never again have to endure her stupid and insulting remarks.

  9. Carolyn J. says:

    She looks like she’s had Botox in that top picture. She’s trying to smile but her forehead isn’t moving.

  10. BOGART4017 says:

    I’m beginning to think she digs the publicity (controversy). Its about time her adoring public give her the big STFU.

  11. Kayleigh says:

    I like how Keith Lewis pretty much just told her to shut up and look pretty. And he’s right.
    I’m sure there’s a bunch of really smart, articulate, not so great looking women who could run for Miss USA. And why don’t they ever run? Because they aren’t that great looking.
    She needs to learn her role. Pretty and silent.

  12. Melanie says:

    How can someone even think people choose to be gay? Did she choose to be straight? If she knew people were choosing to be gay, I would have to assume she has homosexual feelings and CHOSE NOT to act on them.

  13. geronimo says:

    OFFS. Why is she even getting attention? Who honestly gives a crap what she thinks about anything? It’s not like she’s spent years studying the subject and is coming at things from an informed place. There’s absolutely NOTHING to be gained by debating any gay-related issue with her and this Wockner guy is just pandering to the anti-Prejean/pro-gay rights masses and wasting his and everyone else’s time. Please, make this stop!!

  14. Mairead says:

    Carrie: Exactly, and this is nothing against gay people. I have a lot of friends that are gay.

    Of COURSE you do precious… that guy who does your hair; you think he’s gay – that counts right? 🙄

    Does anyone think that nobody is born with the idiocy-spouting-gene or is it a behaviour that is developed over time. I’d have a damned sight more respect for “her opinions” if they were indeed her opinions and she took responsibility for them, rather than hiding behind the “My Mommy and Daddy told me to believe this” nonsense 👿

    I would be a high-up in the bloody Nazi party if I believed and went along with some of the utter crap my family, former friends and acquaintences came out with.

  15. lisa says:

    Why people grant her a platform to spew her crap is beyond me. All she is doing is promoting intolerance.

  16. Bren says:

    It’s a beauty pagent. These girls are not admired for their intelligence – and let’s face it they all look like plastic copies of each other.

  17. Codzilla says:

    I bet she can’t even spell “choice.” Or “gay” for that matter.

  18. Sauronsarmy says:

    Thank God shes pretty.

  19. MaiGirl says:

    Seriously, Bren. These kinds of comments prove what an outdated social construct these pageants are. She quite clearly sees all this kerfuffle as a launching point to a greater career. She is deluded enough to think that she has more to offer than her beauty. I don’t even see her as anything that special, looks-wise.

    However, I do want her shoes in the photo here. I have a weakness for slightly slutty shoes. 🙂

  20. Kaiser says:

    @Wench – CB & I actually chatted about that story, and we both decided it was inappropriate for coverage. The real story is that Carrie belongs to a church that has a preacher making sermons about how homosexuals are all basically pedophiles – Carrie didn’t say it herself. No matter what I think of her politics, I’m only going to bash her for the dumb sh*t that comes out of HER mouth.

  21. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Whenever anyone has said to me that being gay is a choice, I ask them to honestly, HONESTLY tell me when they chose to be straight. When was the moment they remember deciding on their sexuality?

    Sometimes they try to say that no, hetero is the sort of default position, so you don’t HAVE to choose to be hetero and I say HEY you just made my point for me!

    If your sexuality as being hetero is just inborn (the default position) then why in the world wouldn’t you think any other type of sexuality is inborn, as well?

    In other words, if you can be born straight, why can’t you be born gay? Or born bi?

    They never have an answer for that. And they never have an answer for when they chose to be straight, because no one chooses their sexuality.

    Oh sure, you can force yourself to engage in any number of things. But your actual, real-deal, inside true-blue sexuality? You can’t change that.

    Of course certain people would rather argue that it’s a choice because then it wouldn’t be bigoted to say “no you can’t get married.”

    But you can’t choose your skin color, you can’t choose your sexuality, you can’t choose your ethnicity. If you discriminate against people for things they can’t do anything about, you are a bigot and you are wrong for doing it.

  22. Obvious says:

    Thank you Miss California. I have seen the light. All of your blustering and blithering idiocy has finally come home to rest. I now know that everything I have fought for, for my friends, family and the millions of American’s out there who are being discriminated against is unnatural. Thank you so much.

    *rolls eyes*

  23. Embee says:

    She is a perfect example of someone who does not think for herself, and whose “convictions” are merely a regurgitation of what she has been taught. She has clearly NOT thought about her position because she gives no rationale for it. And she clearly did NOT know what Prop 8 was, other than it addressed the gay marriage issue. You can practically hear the gears slipping in her feeble brain when she discusses it (“Was Prop 8 the good one? Or the bad? I like pink!!!”)

    Scratch the surface of the Internet (or, Heaven forbid, visit a library) and you can find piles of research showing why homosexuality is “acquired” and just as much to say it is genetic. I can’t stand her because she is ill-informed and spewing her divisionist agenda on a very public forum.

  24. Lori says:

    OMG! I hate this bitch.

  25. Trillion says:

    I don’t know where to start.
    Believing something because you were “brought up that way” is an absolute crap reason to hold that belief once you’ve left childhood.
    “I knew I was going to marry a man growing up”. Exactly. That’s because you didn’t choose your sexual orientation. You were born that way.
    “This is not a verbal attack on gay people”. Then what is it exactly? Gays don’t deserve equal rights, but hey, no offense you guys!
    “The majority of people in our nation supports that”
    If your guideline for beliefs is set by what the majority of people believe, you’re the laziest thinker ever. The majority of human beings once believed the earth was flat and women didn’t have souls. The majority of people in our nation once believed enslaving dark skinned people was a god-given right.
    This girl is out of her depth but unfortunately, this won’t stop her from becoming a representative for the right. Maybe she can get a job as a “journalist” on Fox or move to Alaska and run for office. Brainwashed, bigoted, backwards with lots of make-up and loves cameras and microphones. That’ll do!

  26. Prissa says:

    She’s not all that pretty to me. Something about that grimace/smile that’s just off… *shrug*

    Oh – wonderful comments anastasiabea!

  27. bitttt says:

    Where did she say being gay was a choice?

  28. daisyfly says:

    I really, really, REALLY despise the copout answer of “it was how I was raised”.

    You’re an adult now, with the ability to make logical deductions based on fact and not just rhetorical religious teachings that may or may not be correct, both biblically and morally.

  29. David says:

    I am a moron. I do not agree wih the homosexual life style and this is my opinon and I have a right to have it. None of my best friends are queer; its easy to say you agree with them, and 97% say they agree out of fear of being labeled some kind of a bigot. The other 3% are homosexuals. Ask someone who supports this perversion if they are homosexual and see how fast they denigh it. They are queer and they are here, if they want to marry who cares, they should not be discriminated against, but you don’t have to agree with them. Stop and picture in your mind how they have sex and if you think that is right you’re the moron.

  30. Polkasox says:

    Yeah, people choose to be discriminated against, risk violence against themselves, and choose a difficult lifestyle, cause what the hell, sounds like a good time!

    Someone should tell that nutjob to google “gay brain differences” – there are valid studies out that show scientifically that homosexuals have different brain structures – “choosing” a lifestyle doesn’t change the physiology of your brain. You don’t have to agree with homosexuality, but how can you still think it’s a choice?? Crawl out from that rock you’re living under Miss Cali, and get a grip.

  31. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Seriously. I was raised that God is an angry, punishing god and that if you do anything even remotely wrong, and then something bad happens to you later, that’s a punishment for the other thing. Or maybe it’s a punishment for something you don’t even know about. Maybe you’re just a bad person and God is punishing you.

    That’s how I was taught, how I was raised, and I no longer believe that. The god I believe in is a loving god who doesn’t seek to punish and who isn’t irrational and constantly angry. When I let that go, I was a MUCH happier, healthier person without all the neurosis of “OMG WHAT AM I BEING PUNISHED FOR, I’M A BAD PERSON!”

    Sometimes? Your parents are wrong.

  32. sarcra says:

    @geronimo I totally agree.

    I almost can’t believe how blown out of proportion this has gotten. Almost. I am confused why we’re still supposed to care about this story.

  33. anon says:

    why are they both dressed like contestants on “Rock of Love”?

  34. anon says:

    oh, and I’m not listening to an argument from someone who spells “deny” as “denigh”.

    reminds me of…


  35. OXA says:

    Impeach this stupid cow and get one with a brain.

  36. Codzilla says:

    Sigh. David, the word is “deny.” If you’re going to rant and rave, at least learn to spell, first. Why is this such a difficult concept for some people?

  37. Annie says:

    Stop and picture in your mind how they have sex and if you think that is right you’re the moron.

    @David – Listen, the thought of YOU having sex PERIOD is far more revolting. And what is WRONG with you that you sit and think about how two people behave in their private lives? You’re disgusting. Get out of their bedroom pervert.

    Do you imagine your parents doing it too?

  38. Kaiser says:

    Denigh = the sound a closeted gay horse makes.

  39. Rosanna says:

    I don’t agree with CP’s idea that homosexuality is a choice. I am bisexual and I definitely did not chose it.

    However, I don’t agree with all the bleeding hearts who *assume* that every LGBT person on Earth is in favor of same sex marriage. I definitely am NOT, and I know other LGBT people who think as I do.

    So stop pigeonholing all LGBT as in favor of same sex marriage, please. It’s like saying that sexual orientation determines your political inclination *rolling eyes*

  40. Annie says:

    Uh. What does same sex marriage have to do with political inclination?

    Further, can you give me your reasonings behind this? Because I have tons of LGBT friends myself, and let me tell you, they all went out to stop H8. So I’m curious if you actually are what you say you are, instead of perhaps someone who’s trying to subvert the fight for equal rights for everyone.

  41. cakes says:

    At first I was proud of her for standing by what she believes in….now she needs to stfu.
    What a jackass. Its been proven that you are born with your sexuality.
    When people say stuff like this I get so angry.
    I say equal rights for EVERYONE!!! Regardless of who you love or what your faith is or what you look like.
    Carrie-youre a jackass! Just sit there look pretty and shut your stupid mouth!

  42. HashBrowns says:

    Like so many others have said, what bothers me about her isn’t that she doesn’t believe in gay marriage and it really isn’t that she thinks being gay is a choice; it’s that she has ZERO reason to think this way beside “my mom and dad and church told me so”.

    A 3 year old uses “my mom told me so”. You’re 21 years old. Get a mind of your own. And if she gets that mind of her own and still believes those things, then it is her opinion and she is entitled to it regardless of whether or not I agree with her. But she came off really really dumb in this interview and I am very glad that Keith Lewis came out and said something against her nonsense.

  43. anon says:

    yeah, Rosanna, I’m confused…

    if you’re really bi, why wouldn’t you want people in your situation to be able to have the same rights as heteros? even if YOU personally don’t want to get married (me neither!), why wouldn’t you want that right for anyone, regardless of which gender they choose to marry?

    it comes off as sounding like you’re a self-hater who thinks that gay or bi folks aren’t worthy of the same rights as heteros.

  44. Mairead says:

    Spend a lot of time stopping and thinking about how “they” have s€x do you David dear?

    How you get your jollies is your own affair, but please don’t try and pass of your sordid fantasies as considered socio-political (hark at the fancy term) commentary.

    EDIT – personally I wouldn’t want my children to watch heteros slobber all over each other in public either – or clambering into and out of bushes for a bit of how’s your father in the middle of the afternoon, getting carried away on the top deck of double decker buses etc. etc….. You’re right, ALL grown ups should know better.

  45. c says:

    Well, geez, I was brought up that all blacks should stay or go back to Africa, that women should stay home after having babies (and they should have babies if they’re married), that banks are evil (I may have to concur with this one), and on and on. At some point, you have to engage in critical thinking. Not that that is a skill that is taught, much less accepted, in society as a whole, North America in particular. And criticizing doesn’t count as critical thinking. So, if this woman is a role model, I choose to disregard that and find my own role models. Very sad that she is representative of a significant portion of the population that believes as she does. But we’re not going to get anywhere by calling people stupid and ignorant, etc. You have to call them out logically and calmly, or if necessarily, disengage from people that will never open their minds, especially if they’re surrounded by like-minded people.

  46. Gracie says:

    As a follow-up to my above statement, yes, there are some recent studies out there, but it is still inconclusive. I’m quite sure the research will continue.

  47. ChristinaT says:

    can we stop giving credence to every dumb blonde’s opinion?

  48. Annie says:

    I couldn’t have said it better myself Mairead. 🙂 Especially the edit.

  49. Obvious says:

    I honestly believe that everyone should have the right to marry whom they love. If you personally don’t want to get married does that mean you don’t want others to get married?

    And the thing that bothers me the most is that we will allow Britney Spears (she’s just a damn good example) get drunk, married and divorced (annulled) 55 hours later, but two people who love each other and have been together for year can’t make the same commitment?

    To me it’s not about same sex marriages as it is about the discrimination and my hate (yes it is hate at this pint) to those who are trying to force their religious and moral beliefs (you get most of your morals from your religion folks) on the rest of us.

    There is a separation between church and state. I believe that if a church is going to get involved with politics they should pay taxes, if they are going to preach about it they should pay. I stopped going to church because I hate the way the propaganda is used.

    In one breath my pastor preached tolerance and love for all, and in the next he went on and on about the blasphemy of homosexual marriage.

    P.S> Marriage is no longer a religious institution people. It’s a government one. Your church marriage won’t hold up without filing paper work with the government, and people don’t necessarily want to be married in churches.

  50. neelyo says:

    Well David, I agree with your first sentence, you’re a moron.

    Or was that just your poor spelling again and that was supposed to be ‘mormon’?

  51. Hieronymus Grexx says:

    Momma always said, stupid is as stupid does.

    And this probably won’t a popular addendum but i’ll toss it out there- Not all gays want to marry and have kids; they see that as being like an Uncle Tom. You don’t spend years fighting the good fight to get your toe in the door of social acceptance so you can turn around and start acting like the heteros do. It reminds me of those stories of Native American men and women in the early days who abandoned their culture and started dressing, talking, and acting like their white oppressors- and still never fit in.

  52. Thuyen says:

    “Believing something because you were “brought up that way” is an absolute crap reason to hold that belief once you’ve left childhood.”

    Then use that argument on those who supposedly preach tolerance and diversity as well, whenever they do (and they do use it alot themselves) that they are raised to tolerate and respect other people.

    She did not give that as an excuse anymore when liberals do it. It is honoring one’s parents for holding to the values one hold dear, whether it is a conservative doing or whether a liberal doing it. Drop the hypocrisy.

    “Exactly. That’s because you didn’t choose your sexual orientation. You were born that way.”

    It does not follow.

    People are born with inclinations towards certain sins, and in the Christian tradition, are born sinners. That does not mean one is born with some sexual orientation. That is just question begging.

    “Then what is it exactly? Gays don’t deserve equal rights, but hey, no offense you guys!”

    They deserve equal rights when it comes to right to vote, own property, even date as they wish (as much as we have right to say it is morally wrong to be in that lifestyle). But don’t change an age-old tradition of marriage that binds society. People object becasue it is an attempt to redefine age old definition of marriage, family, and society.

    “If your guideline for beliefs is set by what the majority of people believe, you’re the laziest thinker ever.”

    No, it makes the judges look foolish that she is supposed to represent America and particularly California, when the majority of people in either are on her side, not theirs. How can you represent all people of a state or nation by espousing a view that disagreed with the majority?

    “The majority of human beings once believed the earth was flat and women didn’t have souls. The majority of people in our nation once believed enslaving dark skinned people was a god-given right.”

    Actually, there was never a majority of people when this country was founded that believe slavery was ok. Many of the founding fathers were abolitionists themselves, including some in slave state Virginia. They themselves got slavery abolish in the Northern states, which were the majority of the states. The problem was they could not get it done by Constitution because the slave states, SC, NC, and Georgia would have refused to ratify and go their seperate ways.

    And when did the majority of people did not believe women did not have souls? They may be wrong back then (and I agree they were wrong) that women did not have equal rights with men when it comes to right to vote, job pay, etc., but no souls? Get your facts right before you attack someone as lazy thinker and stupid.

    “This girl is out of her depth but unfortunately, this won’t stop her from becoming a representative for the right.”

    And you are out of your depth when you make comments about history that are way off based.

    “Maybe she can get a job as a “journalist” on Fox or move to Alaska and run for office. Brainwashed, bigoted, backwards with lots of make-up and loves cameras and microphones. That’ll do!”

    You are what you hate.

    Calling me stupid and brainwashed for holding to views different from you on what is moral and what is not reveals your own bigotry.

    Rather than attack her, where is your anger reserved for Obama, the Clintons, and Biden, all of whom reject gay marriage?

    Why not call Obama stupid, bigoted, moronic, brainwashed, etc., since the reason he give for being against gay marriage is precisely the same as what Carrie give- that is based on what he saw as morally right and wrong based on his Christian upbringing?

    So why all this hate for someone who holds to a view dear to many Americans, liberal or conservative, when it comes to sacredness of marriage as between man and woman, who has no real power to make law, but a pass all of you give to Obama?

  53. Thuyen says:

    “Calling me stupid and brainwashed for holding to views different from you on what is moral and what is not reveals your own bigotry.”

    I mean caling people stupid and brainwashed, not me since I am not Carrie. Typo.

  54. Trillion says:

    I totally stand behind my statements.
    Believing something simply because you were raised that way is NOT a valid reason to believe it. If it’s something you’ve decided to agree with, using your own critical thinking, then naturally it’s reasonable. To accept something at face value because our ancestors did is an affront to our ability to use reason and learn from past mistakes. What that particular belief happens to be has no bearing whatsoever on this logic.
    Ask any gay person, they will tell you they did not make a decision to become gay, just like you never had a moment when you decided you were straight.
    Obviously, if lots and lots of people believe something, that does not make that belief correct. It simply makes that belief popular at that time, and even the briefest review of history is overflowing with examples. If you don’t like my examples that has no bearing on the veracity of my statement.
    I have not expressed any iota of what you call “hatred” towards this beauty pageant girl. You are putting that there, not me.
    And finally, you have no idea whatsoever how I feel about Obama, Clinton and Biden. None. Zero.

  55. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    David you are a nob and you too Thuyen. Do please take your bigoted prejudice elsewhere. Closeted gays really are the most objectionable people and you two prove that.

    I’m in agreement with some of the comments above – whether you are straight, bi, gay, whatever you should have the presence of mind to understand that EVERYONE deserves the same privileges in life regardless of their religion, sexuality, skin colour or nationality. It’s outdated and embarrassing that there are still people in 2009 who fail to grasp this incredibly basic concept.

    It makes no odds if you want to get married, not get married, have children, buy the house, vote – whatever, many other people DO want to – we should ALL be allowed to do these things and that CHOICE should be safeguarded for us within the formal laws of our countries. It’s very very simple basic human rights.

  56. Thuyen says:

    “There is a separation between church and state. I believe that if a church is going to get involved with politics they should pay taxes, if they are going to preach about it they should pay. I stopped going to church because I hate the way the propaganda is used.”

    Care to know what the person who coined seperation of church and state, Thomas Jefferson, as well as the founders, think about this issue? Or for that matter religion and morality?

    Do you even know the word God, Lord, Trinity, religion, morality, etc., are in just about all of us our founding documents?

    Those guys would be extremists compared to Christian conservatives today.

  57. Trillion says:

    You may want to check out the Constitution sometime…

  58. HashBrowns says:

    They are all dead now as well.

    Marriage is not a religious institution in this country. Period. Case closed.

    Your church can perform religious ceremonies until the cows come home but you have to file papers with your state in order to have your marriage recognized by the state and by the federal government.

    If marriage were a religious institution, that step wouldn’t be necessary.

    If marriage were a religious institution, there would be no such thing as marrying in front of a judge or getting married at city hall.

    I’m sorry, Thuyen, but you’re wrong. Wrong as the day is long. Religious institutions in this country are not supposed to be in politics or effect the tide of political change.

    We are not all Christian. We are not all Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Wiccan, whatever.

    I don’t follow your religion’s rules for a reason. It’s because I live in America and I have the freedom not to. I also have the freedom to not get married in a Christian church or have my marriage validated by a Christian church. That is why gays should have the right to get married. Marriage in this country may be “traditionally” between a man and a woman, but not so long ago we traditionally couldn’t marry other races. We could “traditionally” not allow women or minorities to vote.

    Marriage is as much a civil right as voting is in this country. Stop trying to spread lies and nonsense that you know are lies and nonsense.

  59. Thuyen says:

    “You may want to check out the Constitution sometime…”

    I have.

    You might like to read it, too. It never used the word “seperation of church and state.” It was coined in a letter by Jefferson in a letter to the Baptists to assure them the federal governemnt won’t intrude into their affairs.

    None of the founders saw gay lifestyle as a right. In fact, Jefferson was for castration for that, polygamy, and adultery in writing his law for Virginia.

  60. Thuyen says:

    “I totally stand behind my statements.
    Believing something simply because you were raised that way is NOT a valid reason to believe it. If it’s something you’ve decided to agree with, using your own critical thinking, then naturally it’s reasonable.”

    I didn’t say one believes something because one is raised makes it right. I was pointing out your side of the debate used it, too, for one, when convenient. And secondly, I am pointing out if one believes one is raised right and comes to embrace that and states such, there is no need for demeaning attacks on that person for such. You assume anyone on the Christian side who says I believe in the faith of our parents don’t think for themselves when you make statements like that in regards to what someone like Carrie says, and that’s unfair.

    “To accept something at face value because our ancestors did is an affront to our ability to use reason and learn from past mistakes. What that particular belief happens to be has no bearing whatsoever on this logic.”

    No one said it did. But it does influence us, whether we like it or not.

    “Ask any gay person, they will tell you they did not make a decision to become gay, just like you never had a moment when you decided you were straight.”

    I find ironic the very reason who demand right to choose things say things are chosen for who they are already and they cannot help it. That is contradictory in terms especially when they believe rights from ourselves, not any Creator.

    I know gays use that argument. But it does not wash.

    It is just doing what you accuse others of doing- parroting the partyline.

    I know some in my life, given one was a roommate of mine back in my college days.

    What ruin the argument being gay is like a gender or race is the fact there are straights that go gay, gays that go straight, and some that go both at the same time.

    I never said people have no inclinations towards certain things when they are born. But having inclinations towards certain things or people do not make it right.

    Claiming one has certain attraction for something does not justify acting out on it or claiming one is born as such that there is no other choice. There is.

    Otherwise, polygamists, adulterers, pedophiles, thiefs, etc., would use the same argument, saying they cannot help, but they are born that way to be attracted to however they are attracted and whatever they are attracted to.

    Before you all are up in arms, I am in no way saying being gay makes one any of those things, since straights have more than their share of adulterers, polygamists, and pedophiles (maybe more so, and they are just as wrong.

    Nor do I consider falling into gay lifestyle a worse sin than any other sin in regards to seperation ourselves from God.

    ALL OF US are sinners and we are born with sinful nature that goes against God’s will for how we live our lives morally.

    “Obviously, if lots and lots of people believe something, that does not make that belief correct.”

    Then Moakler and the other judges should not have ridiculously argue that a MISS USA should speak for all Americans on an issue, where if one takes side, one is either in the majority or minority, but not all Americans.

    “It simply makes that belief popular at that time, and even the briefest review of history is overflowing with examples. If you don’t like my examples that has no bearing on the veracity of my statement.”

    No, it is not that I don’t like your statements, but your statements are way off the mark about this country. And this is coming from a BA degreed student in history from a secular college.

    “I have not expressed any iota of what you call “hatred” towards this beauty pageant girl. You are putting that there, not me.”

    Namecalling a person this or that in the most demeaning terms is taken as such in any other context.

    “And finally, you have no idea whatsoever how I feel about Obama, Clinton and Biden. None. Zero.”

    Precisely the point. Hardly anyone who attacks her ever attack Obama, Biden, or the Clintons over this.

  61. daisyfly says:

    Thuyen: “Then use that argument on those who supposedly preach tolerance and diversity as well, whenever they do (and they do use it alot themselves) that they are raised to tolerate and respect other people.”

    Okay – if your parents taught you about tolerance and diversity, you shouldn’t use that as your reasoning for practicing tolerance and accepting diversity. You should do it because it’s the right thing to do.

    Thuyen: “She did not give that as an excuse anymore when liberals do it. It is honoring one’s parents for holding to the values one hold dear, whether it is a conservative doing or whether a liberal doing it. Drop the hypocrisy.”

    1. Yes she did give that as an excuse, otherwise it wouldn’t have been said. Period.

    2. It is not hypocritical to state that saying that you were raised that way is wrong. I was raised to hate everyone who wasn’t Asian. Am I supposed to hate Asian people out of respect and deference to my mother?

    Thuyen: “People are born with inclinations towards certain sins, and in the Christian tradition, are born sinners. That does not mean one is born with some sexual orientation. That is just question begging.”

    And yet when asked if one chose to be heterosexual, the answer is always “No”.

    Thuyen: “They deserve equal rights when it comes to right to vote, own property, even date as they wish (as much as we have right to say it is morally wrong to be in that lifestyle).”

    How magnanimous of you to say what rights they can and can’t have because of their sexual orientation.

    Thuyen: “But don’t change an age-old tradition of marriage that binds society. People object becasue it is an attempt to redefine age old definition of marriage, family, and society.”

    Let’s talk about the definition of marriage, in its traditional sense, shall we?

    1. Marriage was a business contract between two families. The family of the girl would pay the family of the boy to take the girl off of the family’s hands. The joining of said boy and girl united the families and ended wars. The girls were nothing more than objects to be bartered and pawned for the spoils of men and their ridiculous pissing in the weeds contests that have raged since the beginning of time.

    2. Marriages in the bible were often polygamous and adulterous (Jacob, anyone?), yet too many PC (Pick and Choose) Christians forget that when they announce that they are against polygamy and polyandry. Are we whitewashing biblical history here just to push forth an agenda here? I think so.

    Thuyen: “No, it makes the judges look foolish that she is supposed to represent America and particularly California, when the majority of people in either are on her side, not theirs. How can you represent all people of a state or nation by espousing a view that disagreed with the majority?”

    The push on Prop-8 in California was a farce. When you tell people that if they support gay marriage that they’re supporting pedophiles, bestiality, and so on, it’s fearmongering and morally and ethically wrong – EVEN BIBLICALLY. The campaign against gay marriage in California and elsewhere never argued facts, merely fear based opinion.

    Thuyen: “Rather than attack her, where is your anger reserved for Obama, the Clintons, and Biden, all of whom reject gay marriage?

    Why not call Obama stupid, bigoted, moronic, brainwashed, etc., since the reason he give for being against gay marriage is precisely the same as what Carrie give- that is based on what he saw as morally right and wrong based on his Christian upbringing?

    So why all this hate for someone who holds to a view dear to many Americans, liberal or conservative, when it comes to sacredness of marriage as between man and woman, who has no real power to make law, but a pass all of you give to Obama?”

    There’s a distinct difference between them and the conservatives who pushed for a ban. Obama doesn’t support gay marriage, but he supports it being the individual states’ right to hold votes, while conservatives believe that a national ban should be placed outright, without a vote.

  62. Thuyen says:

    “I’m sorry, Thuyen, but you’re wrong. Wrong as the day is long. Religious institutions in this country are not supposed to be in politics or effect the tide of political change.”

    Tell that to the founding fathers who themselves whatever rights we have come from our Creator, per the Declaration.

    Some examples of founding documents:

    Declaration of Independence:


    When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    Treaty of Paris:


    In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.

    It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America, to forget all past misunderstandings and differences

    Articles of Confederation:


    And Whereas it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in Congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union. Know Ye that we the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do by these presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, and all and singular the matters and things therein contained: And we do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions, which by the said Confederation are submitted to them. And that the Articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the States we respectively represent, and that the Union shall be perpetual.

    Northwest Ordinance:


    Art. 3. Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.

  63. Thuyen says:

    “Okay – if your parents taught you about tolerance and diversity, you shouldn’t use that as your reasoning for practicing tolerance and accepting diversity. You should do it because it’s the right thing to do.”

    Me: And folks like Carrie choose the faith of their parents because they feel it is right thing to do. So why begrudge them that right on that basis?

    I didn’t say it is used as reason against tolerance and diversity on basis if parents raised one that way and one honor the parents by saying so.

    I am simply pointing how asinine it is to blast Carrie for honoring her parents for raising her how she feels is correct, when those on your side would have no problem doing so.

    “1. Yes she did give that as an excuse, otherwise it wouldn’t have been said. Period.”

    Then you are showing double standards then. By your logic, liberals would be given an excuse for their version of tolerance and diversity by saying their folks raise them that way and they grow up to embrace it. NO difference.

    “2. It is not hypocritical to state that saying that you were raised that way is wrong. I was raised to hate everyone who wasn’t Asian. Am I supposed to hate Asian people out of respect and deference to my mother?”

    No, but if you grow up and embrace what you believe is right, it is not wrong either to honor your parents by giving them due credit for that. That goes for any side of any issue, be it your side or mine.

    That’s precisely why I see the attacks on Carrie over this as idiotic.

    If it is idiotic for her case, then do it for every liberal (and there are no shortage of them) using the same point about their parents and how they are raised.

    I don’t object to liberals doing that either BTW. It is called honoring parents, which I RESPECT them for doing so.

    “And yet when asked if one chose to be heterosexual, the answer is always “No”.”

    Wrong. You really don’t know what conservative Christians think there, when you claim that.

    SIN is always choice out of our own hearts. If one chooses to commit adultery, whether by being straight or gay, it is still a choice made. Likewise, fornication. Likwise choosing who we love and marry.

    “How magnanimous of you to say what rights they can and can’t have because of their sexual orientation.”

    And how magnanimous folks can tell most of the country it needs to redefine marriage, family, and society for the minority few.

    Let’s talk about the definition of marriage, in its traditional sense, shall we?

    “1. Marriage was a business contract between two families. The family of the girl would pay the family of the boy to take the girl off of the family’s hands. The joining of said boy and girl united the families and ended wars. The girls were nothing more than objects to be bartered and pawned for the spoils of men and their ridiculous pissing in the weeds contests that have raged since the beginning of time.”

    Me: The Bible is against that definition of marriage.

    “2. Marriages in the bible were often polygamous and adulterous (Jacob, anyone?), yet too many PC (Pick and Choose) Christians forget that when they announce that they are against polygamy and polyandry. Are we whitewashing biblical history here just to push forth an agenda here? I think so.”

    Me: I don’t pick and choose. The Bible does record SINS of even the most godliest of men. David, the so-called man who seeks after God’s own heart, committed adultery AND murder. The Bible does NOT whitewash sins of those who were called to serve God. Even Isaiah confessed before God he was a man of FOUL lips.

    “The push on Prop-8 in California was a farce. When you tell people that if they support gay marriage that they’re supporting pedophiles, bestiality, and so on, it’s fearmongering and morally and ethically wrong – EVEN BIBLICALLY.”

    We AGREE there. Lies and slanders have no place for Christians. And if Christians resort to that SHAME ON THEM.

  64. ChristinaT says:

    while her previous statement about gay marriage may have had the remote, slim and infitesimal chance of being passed as a personal opinion, this statement doesn’t even stand a chance. it’s scientifically inaccurate and unfounded. you’d have to be a dumbass living in a cave to believe this, or a beauty pageant contestant apparently… they haven’t exactly had the greatest track record of exhibiting intelligence.

  65. Tia says:

    Thuyen????????? How do you feel about millions of americans not liking Asians?? They make fun of them and call them names?? However, you were born Asian right, and can’t change that… see how stupid that sounds for someone to dislike you for being WHO YOU ARE.. same with gay people. Get out of the ignaramous dark ages … ggeeezzzzz!!

  66. Thuyen says:

    “There’s a distinct difference between them and the conservatives who pushed for a ban. Obama doesn’t support gay marriage, but he supports it being the individual states’ right to hold votes, while conservatives believe that a national ban should be placed outright, without a vote.”

    That’s rather weak given you and others blast Carrie. What Carrie said on gay marriage IS ZERO DIFFERENCE in definition from Obama, Biden, and the Clintons.

    And given Obama said the SAME THING that his justification for holding to marriage is between man and woman is because of his own Christian upbringing.

    If Carrie is made out to be stupid and cannot think for herself, then by that logic, Obama should be branded the same way.

    You cannot have it both ways.

    And you badly misrepresented and lumped conservatives on this.

    There are paleo-conservatives and there are neo-conservatives.

    I am in between but closer to the paleos who believe in states’ rights and TIRE of neo-conservatives (including Christians) running to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to solve our problems.

    We see neo-cons and liberals as TWO SIDES of the SAME COIN- they are first to use the federal government for their own end to override the will of the people in different states.

  67. breederina says:

    that ms. prejean is smart as a bag of premium hammers.

  68. Annie says:

    Damn Daisyfly!

    I was ready to jump in on this, but you seem to have it covered :). Well said!

    Also, let’s add to it and mention that people were told that granting gays the right to legal marriage would force churches to marry them.


    There are tons of HETERO couples who never get married in churches, but get married by the state and are 100% legal. In fact, again, let’s note that you have to have a legal marriage certificate to be considered married, not just the church wedding. Many couples get the certificate weeks before the actual ceremony. And that’s all it is, a ceremony, not a legal binding contract.

  69. Annie says:

    If Carrie is made out to be stupid and cannot think for herself, then by that logic, Obama should be branded the same way.

    Except you’re forgetting to mention that: Obama believes that all couples should have the right to adopt. And that although he did say that (Marriage defined as Man+Woman) he did vote against a Federal Marriage Amendment and opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions. These rights and benefits include the right to assist a loved one in times of emergency, the right to equal health insurance and other employment benefits, and property rights.

    Please get the full story.

    Miss Prejean thinks that homosexuals are choosing to be “heathens” and does not advocate any rights for them.

  70. Thuyen says:

    A large part of the US Constitution itself has its roots in either biblical law and/or Christian tradition.

    For example, the right to life, liberty, and property clause in the fifth amendment read almost like word for word from the Puritan Mass. colonial document Body of Liberties. And it also followed the ideas expressed by Locke in his treatises on civil government, where he said these rights come from our Creator who wrote the law of nature, from which these rights come from, into our hearts, citing Romans 2:14-15.

    The federalist aspects of the Constitution in turns mirror the federalist aspects of the Connecticut colonial Fundamental Order, which in turn mirrored the federalist system Moses set up in, as suggested by his father-in-law.

    The Bible proscribed no one can ever receive death penalty for crimes unless there are two or more witnesses (I am against most forms of the death penalty by the way). The Constitution mirrored that by proscribing at least two witnesses when determining guilt of person in regards to treason.

    The term “we the people…do ordain” is derived from the Reformed/Calvnist covenant understanding of the Bible, where God offers a covenant to the people, and the people in one voice do accept the covenant, with God as witness. Or the people made the covenant themselves in one voice with God as witness. Either way, such covenant was binding on them and their posterity.

    Both the Bible and the Constitution spoke of one’s crimes is imputed to self and not one’s relatives.

    The Constitution also have a rest day for Sunday, a custom that follows what Christians at the time largely believe being that Sunday was the sabbath (a view I reject by the way).

    There is much that is indeed based on either Judeo-Christian and/or biblical morality, law, and tradition. You just have to know where to find it and know what the Bible teaches to know where to find it.

  71. Thuyen says:

    Annie: Also, let’s add to it and mention that people were told that granting gays the right to legal marriage would force churches to marry them.


    Me: I agree with you, that is an INVALID argument to make against gay marriage.

  72. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Go Miss Daisyfly!

    (oh btw LOVE the tokidoki avatar!)

  73. Kayleigh says:

    Isn’t it unchristian to judge? Isn’t that Gods job? Stop with the H8!

  74. Thuyen says:

    “Isn’t it unchristian to judge? Isn’t that Gods job? Stop with the H8!”

    It works both ways. If not judging means one cannot say a lifestyle is wrong or anything is wrong, then guess what? It goes for you, too. You cannot say someone is wrong to hold a view because by your own definition, you would be judging, too!

    And, no, it is not unchristian to judge.

    Christ was against judging hypocritically, not judging at all. He said judge not lest you be judge in context of remove speck from own eyes before we do it to others.

    He had no problem also telling His disciples to judge, as in the case where He spoke of how to deal with someone who is unwilling to reconcile.

    He Himself did alot of judging. He judged whole cities for failing to repent of their sins after all the miracles He did. He judged Jerusalem for its leaders being hypocritical and refusing to believe.

    His apostle Paul told Christians are to judge each other, in calling for them to expel the blatantly immoral person from the church. He casted out folks who denied the resurrection out of the church.

    Judging what is wrong is not unchristian. Doing so in unloving manner or doing so hypocritically is unchristian.

  75. Annabelle says:

    Umm bitch, did you choose to be attracted to men?? Or did it just happen naturally?

    Jeez she makes me angry. But, in the end, I suppose you can only feel sorry for her. She’s not capable of having intelligent thought!

  76. Annie says:

    Very true. Many churches spread that lie, mine included.

    Also. Can someone unmod me 🙁

    Quit throwing your Christianity at me. It’s making me nauseous.

    We’re not talking about religion, we’re talking about legal rights. AGAIN. Get off your high horse. Thanks. And stop deluding yourself into thinking that allowing gay marriage subverts the “sanctity of marriage” the 40 minute marriages do that, the 50+% divorce rate, does that, etc.

  77. Tia says:

    Thuyen, give it a break already.. OMG !! wtf?? Shouldn’t you be at church right now, or giving your money to some pastor who can buy a rolls with your money.. Bottom line if two consenting adults have a loving healthy relationship.. who the hell are you to decide what they should or can’t do.. give me a break.. laughable.. it appears as though this is a PATHETIC attempt to make yourself feel better in a world you obviously feel inferior in.. again, give us all a break.. several people have said they don’t want to hear it..

  78. HashBrowns says:


    On the original definition of marriage: “Me: The Bible is against that definition of marriage.”

    Your Bible isn’t the only moral compass in the world. And not only that, but just because your Bible says it’s wrong, doesn’t mean it never occurred and still never occurs.

    On whether or not heterosexual people choose to be that way: “SIN is always choice out of our own hearts. If one chooses to commit adultery, whether by being straight or gay, it is still a choice made. Likewise, fornication. Likwise choosing who we love and marry.”

    Choosing who you marry is not the same as “choosing” a sexuality. Choosing who you have sex with is not the same as choosing to commit adultery. That would be like equating my body’s predisposition to have cancer to choosing to smoke and getting cancer. I didn’t choose for 4 of my close family members to have cancer and thus up my chances of having cancer. But if I choose to smoke, my chances go up.

    Being gay, by all signs that I’ve personally seen and knowing all the gay people I know, seems to be something we are either predisposed to be or born with. You can choose to participate in gay sex, but that does not make you a gay person. It makes you a heterosexual person who participates in gay sex.

    Thuyen, judging someone for being gay in a “loving” or non-hypocritical way doesn’t change the fact that the person has judged the other person for being gay. It just doesn’t.

    “Loving” the sinner and hating the sin is BS. All it does is make it ok for Christians to be judgmental without fear of their God saying “Dude, that’s my job when they die and get to heaven.”

    Let me ask you this question: If there were gay people living next door to you, would you know? If they lived down the street and were married and had two adopted children, what would you do? TP their house? Tell them they are going to hell? Tell them that they need to “find Jesus”?

    While I was in college I worked at a local Berkeley eatery that saw tons of lesbian and gay male couples with their children come in and sit down and enjoy their day. Gay couples are not doing a damn thing wrong. They are living their lives like everyone else. And they deserve the same CIVIL rights as everyone else.

  79. Tia says:

    HashBrowns, beautifully said my friend. I too, know so many gay couples who have children and are happy, healthy families. People need to understand anyone who has children and a family LOVES their family very much and wants to protect them and take care of them. Gay families want marriage so the laws can be intact to protect assets, wills, children etc. How can any human being with any decency and heart, not understand this?? Oh right, the bible thumping freaks.. They have no real argument and grab at any lame brained foolishness and superstition as a back up.

  80. Annie says:

    *applause for HashBrowns* 🙂 Well said.

  81. Ana says:

    “Before you point fingers make sure your hands are clean.”
    She dresses like a slut. I guess that’s not against her values?
    And I agree she does look way older than 21.
    Quit giving her attention! This is the last post I’ll be reading about her.

  82. daisyfly says:

    Thuyen: “And folks like Carrie choose the faith of their parents because they feel it is right thing to do. So why begrudge them that right on that basis?”

    Who says I’m begrudging her – or anyone, for that matter – the right to honor and choose the faith of their parents? She has that right, as does everyone else. This has nothing to do with her rights to faith. It has everything to do with her using it as an excuse.

    Thuyen: “I didn’t say it is used as reason against tolerance and diversity on basis if parents raised one that way and one honor the parents by saying so.

    I am simply pointing how asinine it is to blast Carrie for honoring her parents for raising her how she feels is correct, when those on your side would have no problem doing so.”

    There are those on my side that would also advocate parents marrying children just as there are those on your side that would advocate lynching every single homosexual person on the planet. Does either aberration invalidate either of our points? No.

    Thuyen: “Then you are showing double standards then. By your logic, liberals would be given an excuse for their version of tolerance and diversity by saying their folks raise them that way and they grow up to embrace it. NO difference.”

    Actually, I made it quite clear in the previous reply that it was far better to choose your road on your own. Scroll up. WAY up.

    Thuyen: “No, but if you grow up and embrace what you believe is right, it is not wrong either to honor your parents by giving them due credit for that…”

    There’s a difference between honoring the honorable and honoring because it’s expected. The bible speaks about honoring thy father and mother but it’s not a wholly inclusive expectation. You have to honor them if they are honorable people. Teaching a child to hate isn’t honorable. Teaching a child to lie isn’t honorable. Teaching a child to steal isn’t honorable. It doesn’t matter which side of the coin the parents come from.

    Also, honoring a parent’s religion isn’t the same as honoring them. One can be raised by Jewish parents and be Christian, can they not?

    Thuyen: “Wrong. You really don’t know what conservative Christians think there, when you claim that.

    SIN is always choice out of our own hearts. If one chooses to commit adultery, whether by being straight or gay, it is still a choice made. Likewise, fornication. Likwise choosing who we love and marry.”

    No, you’re wrong there. If SIN were a choice, then we wouldn’t be born with it in our hearts for we’d have to first accept to allow it in, and since we are incapable of making said choice as infants – that whole pro-life argument about ‘they didn’t ask to be born’ line comes into play here – to state that we’re choosing to sin by being born heterosexual or gay is a flat-out lie.

    Thuyen: “And how magnanimous folks can tell most of the country it needs to redefine marriage, family, and society for the minority few.”

    You mean like how the government’s done time and time again over the past few centuries and decades? The Catholic Church has done this quite often as well. It seems that marriage can be changed at will on the whims of whomever is in power, which runs contradictory to your statement.

    Thuyen: “The Bible is against that definition of marriage.”

    Sorry. I’ve read several different versions of the bible and marriage at its core is nothing more than a business contract.

    Thuyen: “I don’t pick and choose. The Bible does record SINS of even the most godliest of men. David, the so-called man who seeks after God’s own heart, committed adultery AND murder. The Bible does NOT whitewash sins of those who were called to serve God. Even Isaiah confessed before God he was a man of FOUL lips.”

    The Bible records the sins of man, but his followers (US) fail to recognize them, and in fact ignore them (whitewashing) to suit our needs. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Unless you’re Jacob. Then it’s between one man, two sisters and a handmaid.

  83. nerdo says:

    to be honest gayzzzzzzzzzzzzz is sin and this shows how weak christians are in the bible it is written man and woman not the reversal but instead you lash out at the muslim for their teachings when we are the ones commiting the greater sin my advice is
    for every to repent and denouce all those babric habits and stop juding the muslims even if they have their lows finally the end time is near so most of this comment that are made is not suprising pls reconsider and stand up agaist evil i pray we all go to heaven thanks

  84. Thuyen says:

    Hashbrown: Your Bible isn’t the only moral compass in the world. And not only that, but just because your Bible says it’s wrong, doesn’t mean it never occurred and still never occurs

    Me: I didn’t say it never occur. I was responding to someone I debated making a point or two about the Bible. The fact the Bible condemns certain things is precise proof in fact such things exist. The Bible does condemn treating wives like property by the way. Husbands are to love their wives as themselves.

  85. Thuyen says:

    “Let me ask you this question: If there were gay people living next door to you, would you know? If they lived down the street and were married and had two adopted children, what would you do? TP their house? Tell them they are going to hell? Tell them that they need to “find Jesus”?”

    What would I do? Depends. Same with any other person. If I get along with them, good. If not, move on.

    As to the issue of needing to find Jesus, it is for all of us. Not limited to straights or gays. Male or female. White, black, red, or whatever skin.

    My view of Jesus is this: while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, to show God’s love for us.

    My sins are not any worse than any gay person. They are all nailed on Christ at the cross.

    He died to redeem us from hell and rose again to offer us life- through faith in Him.

    That is what I would say when ask or given the opportunity to do so. I won’t shove it down their throats.

  86. Thuyen says:

    “Please get the full story.”

    I did. That still does not change the fact he still said marriage is between man and woman, and that he sees it that way because he was raised that way as a Christian. No different from what Carrie said.

    And where did Carrie said gays have no rights whatsoever?

  87. Thuyen says:

    Annie: Quit throwing your Christianity at me. It’s making me nauseous.

    Me: I was responding to folks making claims about it in regards to the Bible and claims the founding fathers opposed to laws being derived from religion and morality. I cited their own words to disprove that notion.

    Annie: We’re not talking about religion, we’re talking about legal rights. AGAIN. Get off your high horse. Thanks. And stop deluding yourself into thinking that allowing gay marriage subverts the “sanctity of marriage” the 40 minute marriages do that, the 50+% divorce rate, does that, etc.

    Me: I didn’t say redefining marriage to have it between man and man or woman and woman would alone subvert marriage. I stated that it would redefine marriage. It would make things worse for marriage then already is.

    Nor have I ever stated gays are the reason marriage is such a mess in this country.

    Sin, whether done straight or gay, is the reason why it is a mess. Divorce and other things you mention are valid points I AGREE WITH.

  88. Tia says:

    nerdo…omg !! wtf are you talking about?? are you on drugs?? seriously.. and oh yeah.. um grammar check sweetie.. LOL.. how creepy

  89. Thuyen says:

    Hashbrown: “Loving” the sinner and hating the sin is BS. All it does is make it ok for Christians to be judgmental without fear of their God saying “Dude, that’s my job when they die and get to heaven.”

    Me: Except that God’s word that we go by don’t say that. You might reject that, but then don’t claim ever that we are being unchristian, when it is in fact reflecting what Christ did and said!

    I can turn around and say you judge Christians as wrong for this and that.

    It works both ways again. If Christians cannot judge something as wrong, then you cannot judge them as wrong either.

    Saying Christians are wrong for this or that is by your own definition judging them.

    Not that I am opposed to judging, even Christians (they did enough in history like Inquisition) to get judged for their individual actions back then and now.

    But I am saying you are caught in your own self-contradictions.

  90. Thuyen says:

    “Being gay, by all signs that I’ve personally seen and knowing all the gay people I know, seems to be something we are either predisposed to be or born with.”

    I believe in original sin, meaning we are all born sinners. Meaning we are predisposed to sin in general, and specific sins also, since each of us are individuals, be it being a drunk, pornography, etc. All of us are guilty of many sins, but some worse than others. Me no different.

    Got to go. Busy schedule. Regardless of what you think of me or other Christians, I do hope you all are happy no matter what, and take care. God bless!

  91. Thuyen says:

    “Thuyen, give it a break already.. OMG !! wtf?? Shouldn’t you be at church right now, or giving your money to some pastor who can buy a rolls with your money..”

    I have a life outside of church: it is called work, watching NCIS, listening to Godspeed on the Devil’s Thunder or any other heavy metal music, or lifting weights.

  92. Trillion says:

    Thuyen you’re still scoring a big zero but using a lot of words to do it. I’m not impressed with your ideas or your degree that you think is so special.. Shall I flaunt my credentials too? Jeez. This post is about a beauty queen and her bigotry. It’s not about ancient Jewish law or what people think of Barack Obama. You’re all over the map and going nowhere dude. And yes, you’re shoving your superstition down our throats while saying you’re not.

  93. daisyfly says:

    Thuyen: “The fact the Bible condemns certain things is precise proof in fact such things exist. The Bible does condemn treating wives like property by the way. Husbands are to love their wives as themselves.”

    The bible condemns a lot of things. There are two whole books set for that purpose alone. But how many of them do you abide by? Most Christians barely follow the laws that are listed in the bible as it is because it’s inconvenient, it’s too difficult, they don’t like it, and so on.

    Jesus never condemned homosexuality, never spoke against homosexual marriage, and would probably find the entire argument puerile considering all of the other issues that truly plague the Church and this world.

    Thuyen: “I believe in original sin, meaning we are all born sinners. Meaning we are predisposed to sin in general, and specific sins also, since each of us are individuals, be it being a drunk, pornography, etc. All of us are guilty of many sins, but some worse than others. Me no different.”

    Jesus died for that.

  94. suede says:

    Do people really care what this girl thinks? In less than 30 days no one will remember her name, she will be “that one” that “Miss California” that said “such and such” and in a few years people will have to google “anti-gay miss california” to even get a hit on her.

    I would let this child take up rent in your brain or your heart.

  95. HashBrowns says:

    Thuyen, even though you’ve gone for the day I do need to get this out.

    I never contradicted myself. Sorry to say.

    “I can turn around and say you judge Christians as wrong for this and that.
    It works both ways again. If Christians cannot judge something as wrong, then you cannot judge them as wrong either.”

    Except I don’t claim to be a part of a religion that claims not to judge people. I judge people a lot. I never claimed not to do so. And not only that, but seeing as I’m not a Christian, nor do I say that I don’t judge people, I can judge them as wrong all I want. It’s a free country, and I don’t have a religion, so it’s a free judging for me.

    Deal with it.

  96. kate says:

    This woman is an bigot. And repeating her comments is validating an idea that what she has to say should be taken seriously. This woman isn’t a politician, activist, or spokesperson. She is a bigot who happens to be pretty.

  97. Jocelina says:

    @ Thuyen

    Well, it’s only natural that one would see the influence of Judaism/Christianity on the Constitution and the United States’ other founding documents. The people who wrote them were Christian.

    It’s also worth noticing that they did not specify anywhere that Christianity ought to be our national religion. They may not have envisioned the incredible diversity of belief/non-belief that our society displays today, but the documents that they created still apply chiefly because they created a state which did not mandate or endorse any particular set of religious beliefs.

  98. Armand says:

    A straight person is not qualified to declare whether being gay is a ‘choice’ or not.
    I was never exposed to anything gay, never heard anything about it, didn’t even know it existed and yet I found myself attracted to boys in an undeniable way around the 7th grade. Looking back, I was always gay and ‘attracted’ to boys and men from as far back as I can remember. As a child, it wasn’t sexual, just an attraction and interest. I’ve never been attracted to women. My question for Ms. Uninformed is “How could I choose something I didn’t even know existed?”

  99. Danielle says:

    I’ve said something about it before. What the hell is the big deal? If she doesn’t hold a seat in congress, why is this woman treated as such a threat? Just let her be. She is who she is. Nobody’s going to change that.


  100. Orangejulius says:

    Thuyen, please go away. You are getting very tiresome and I’m getting a headache from trying to decipher your absymal grammar and ridiculous nonsense. Also, (I apologize for jumping to the end in case someone else said this, the reason bestiality and pedophilia are NOT in the same league as same-sex marriage is very simple. When same-sex people marry, there is NO VICTIM.

  101. Zoe says:

    Ms California sounds like a real b!tch to me, plain and simple. Beauty pageants have always been exploitative, but at least previous winners had more class.

  102. JK says:


  103. Jenna says:

    This is the only site in which I’ll come on to in order to read anything about this whole ordeal. Perez is just becoming so trite and ridiculus.

  104. Mairead says:

    JK it is very ill-mannered to write in Block Caps – it makes your comment impossible to read for a kick-off.

    Actually, although I couldn’t read through all of them, I found Thuyen’s posts generally interesting (I still fundamentally disagree with his stance) and made for a good debate.

    But I’ll briefly go back to my original criticism of Miss California, while I would still disagree with her stance that gay people should not be allowed to have a civil marriage, it’s the way she’s presenting her beliefs that I have a problem with. She used her upbringing as a blanket excuse rather than a contributing factor in her belief and there is a difference between the two.

    I’d like to point out that it’s not just Christians and Conservatives who have a problem with homosexuality in general; even those who avoid religion like the plaque have been known to come out with the vilest hate-strewn crap imaginable.

  105. megan says:

    O my Goshh….How many comments….
    so, I support gay people, absolutely…I have no comment about this miss california, because I’ve already said my thoughts..but I’m wondering, how could it possibly be that in ancient Greek, the most of the men around were all gay…and this takes me to a conclusion… I think that gay people are born gay, and they don’t chose this “social status”, but I also think this matter is influenced by society….

  106. Annie says:

    Mairead, don’t forget, that she then proceeded to go to all these big churches and do these interviews where she pretty much says “They choose to be sinners”

    The original answer was poorly said, she just sounded ridiculous, but what really got me was all the subsequent interviews she’s done.

    As a Christian, I’m embarrassed someone like that is a representative. As a person, I’m disgusted and saddened by her and Thuyen and anyone else who thinks it’s wrong. It’s ridiculous to see how far we’ve come and yet how far we have yet to go.

    I think it can be argued that religion hinders our progress and evolution as better people.

  107. Annie says:

    Oh! This is fabulous:

    If anyone STILL believes she just “has an opinion” and isn’t advocating H8.
