Amber Rose: Taylor Swift does not need to ‘let her p-ssy rest’ after a breakup


As we discussed last week, Amber Rose has a new VH1 talk show, and she’s been making the media rounds to promote it. To give people a preview of all of the sh-t talk that’s going to go down, Amber has been answering questions about Kanye and the Kardashians. And now she’s answering questions about Kanye Kardashian’s nemesis, Taylor Swift. I should mention that I’m actually interested in Amber’s talk show, which is being produced by Dr. Phil, mostly because I want to see how Amber’s sex-positive/anti-shaming branding works in the context of a talk show. But Amber is going for it: she wants to encourage sex-positivity around the Tiddlesbanging. Amber wants you to know that Taylor doesn’t have to give her biscuit a rest. From the Daily Beast:

I asked Rose about the recent Nicholas Sparks-ish photographs depicting Swift and Tom Hiddleston canoodling on some rocks by the water (Swift recently split from the Scottish DJ Calvin Harris).

“I did see that and I think she’s f–king awesome,” Rose said of Swift. “I mean, I don’t know if it’s staged—but that’s how it is! I was on a private beach in Maui—you literally had to drive three hours from the airport to get to this beach—and paparazzi still caught me. I saw it on TMZ the next day and I couldn’t even believe it. I thought that was a safe place, and it was not. I can’t go anywhere in the world. It’s ridiculous.”

The author of How to Be a Bad Bitch also feels there’s a silly double standard employed when it comes to Swift. If she were, say, an uber-famous male musician, there wouldn’t be so much judgment when it comes to her rebound flings—or, for that matter, her famous lovers period.

“I love Taylor, for sure. Absolutely. And I feel like guys do that all the time—they break up and the next day they’re with another girl and nobody really says anything. But with Taylor it’s, you know what, I’m done with Calvin [Harris] and it didn’t work out, so on to the next. It is because it’s unheard of, and she’s acting very ‘slutty’ and for some reason needs time to ‘let her p-ssy rest.’ That’s how people look at it, and it’s just like, hell no! If I’m done, why do I have to sit in the house and be lonely?”

[From The Daily Beast]

I agree with Amber almost completely. I would nitpick and say that we do throw shade on men who move on very quickly, or men and women who have jumpoffs waiting in the wings. Like, I’ll always think Adam Levine is a douchebag for the way his romantic life played out with Nina Agdal, Behati (who became his wife) and Anne V. As for Taylor moving on with Tom Hiddleston so quickly, I thought it was such a baller move, the perfect way for Taylor to tell the world that she was moving on and that Calvin Harris is a sucky baby. Women don’t need to “give their p-ssy a rest” although… I do think we, as a society, judge men and women who jump from relationship to relationship with the speed of light. We judge people who can’t be alone. But that’s not Taylor – she did the “alone” thing as part of her branding around the album release of 1989. I can’t wait to see how she brands herself for the next album. “I’m Getting Mine” or “Taylor the Player,” maybe?


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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82 Responses to “Amber Rose: Taylor Swift does not need to ‘let her p-ssy rest’ after a breakup”

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  1. Sunny says:

    It’s hilarious to me that Tom Hiddleston is now on someone like Amber Rose’s radar. (I don’t mean that in a shady way towards Amber in case it sounds like it.)

  2. Froggy says:

    That headline. Literal Lol. I needed that this morning.

  3. NewWester says:

    I would not be surprised if Taylor Swift is in the running to write or even sing the theme song for the next James Bond film. This pairing of Taylor and Tom Hiddleston( who is rumoured to be considered for the next James Bond) may not be so random.

    • doofus says:

      wow, good theory!

    • EEV says:

      Ha! And she’s probably still reeling from Adele’s Golden Globes Skyfall win, so she’s angling for a win herself. 😉

    • detritus says:

      Oh I like this. A chance meeting at the Met Gala turns to discussion of James Bond and swing dancing? Taylor sees a way to combine her three favorite thingss – boys, business and revenge.

      I wish I had Taylor’s life, waistline and closet. Or money, that might give me all three.

    • Josefina says:

      But would Swifty really help Hiddles in that regard? I know he became three times more famous as soon as those pictures came out, but when it comes to famewhoring, Daniel Craig and Hiddles are polar opposites. I’m not a huge fan of the franchise so I’m not all that familiar with it, but I get the feeling Bond actors are supposed to be manly and mysterious, and that’s not exactly the image Tom is pushing by becoming Taylor Swift’s latest boy toy.

  4. lilacflowers says:

    Next album title: “Not Letting My P***y Rest”

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      “Pussies gonna rest, rest, rest, rest, rest…” to the tune of “Haters gonna hate…”

      and look at what I just did to my head for the rest of the day.

    • helena says:


  5. Jezz says:

    Next album title: All Day Erryday (Is How Players Play).

  6. erni says:


    • Shelleycon says:

      She had me at ‘you mad am not around to play in your a-hole anymore’ 😂 Respect.

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I agree in theory, although I think she could have put it in a less aggressively vulgar way. I’m no fan of Dr. Phil, but I’m surprised he would fund her. Of course, I was surprised when he sold out to that dating website, too, but she doesn’t seem like his type.

    • Colette says:

      Dr Phil’s son Jay is probably also an executive producer.He produces a lot of Dr.Phil’s specials.Jay married a Playboy model so I am not surprised he is a fan of Amber.

    • Wren says:

      Honestly I think the vulgarity is part of her point. We say things that sound like they’re about emotional health and whatnot, but a lot of the time it IS about the sex aspect. Why exactly do we judge people for moving from one relationship to another? Do we really care about their mental and emotional health? No, we don’t. And besides, isn’t moving on supposed to be a good thing?

      Amber is just putting it in a way that’s impossible to ignore. We dance around saying, “she should take time to be alone” and part of it is “she shouldn’t be banging someone else so soon”. Why not?

      • says:


      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I see your point, I suppose. Vulgarity just isn’t really my thing. I think you can make the same point without talking like a 14 year old boy. It’s nothing against Amber.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        “We say things that sound like they’re about emotional health and whatnot, but a lot of the time it IS about the sex aspect.”

        This! In so many areas.

  8. savu says:

    Totally with you – I mean, if you want to disagree with or side-eye people jumping from person to person, that’s fine. But don’t hold us to different standards. If she’s skanky, he’s a d-bag. And you should view both of those as on the same level.

    Also now I want to read Amber’s book. Actually, had I thought of it first, I want to WRITE Amber’s book.

  9. Jane says:

    Running the risk of sounding uncouth, I wonder how much of a workout her (ahem) got in the first place, and if it really needed any rest.

    • Christin says:

      My thoughts exactly. The mystery of it all.

    • V4Real says:

      I keep saying I think the men are bearding for her.

    • Shelleycon says:

      Maybe it’s just me but she comes of as almost asexual in her image, I am not saying this is altogether a bad thing, in the world full of kardashians overt exploitative sexuality maybe this is even good for everyone…but from a relationship perspective I just can’t see her being wildly sexual…and tiring her P-SSY out (😂Thank you for this Amber now we can’t stop!)

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        I think she’s read as ‘asexual’ because she’s one of those people who’s pretty (in an average sort of way) without having sex appeal, combined with the image she, the media, and her fans have crafted for her over the years. That doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t get any or isn’t a sexual being, we just don’t see that as a part of her or find her sexy. She’s like Ariana Grande.

      • Wren says:

        It’s not just you. I think a good part of it is the carefully crafted image. Absolutely nothing about Public Taylor is sexual, and it has a marked effect on how we see her. Romance without sex, like a Disney movie or a children’s story, is her shtick.

        Cats, girl squad, baking, antique shops, 50’s style clothing, the “aw shucks” personality, everything. None of it suggests sex in the slightest and that’s completely on purpose. It makes her safe and accessible, allowing her to write about failed love and heartbreak without seeming worldly.

  10. Keaton says:

    Nah. Still don’t see how she’s a baller. Just someone who stuck it to her assy ex. Good for her but that doesn’t make her a baller. IMO she looks as juvenile and petty as Calvin and twice as manipulative and calculating. Tbh, I don’t think she even looked all that into Hiddles in those beach pics.

    I’ve always been neutral about Taylor but the try hard “Taylor is such a Baller” stuff is making me nauseous. Also I still can’t see her as a sexual being so everytime I read Tiddlesbanging I throw up in my mouth a little bit. But these Tiddles threads have been gold so I guess I have to be thankful for the Tiddlesbanging (ew) for that! lol

    • Hejhej says:

      ITA. I really don’t understand how Taylor is such a baller, when everywhere I read people are commenting of how obvious the PR is, how obsessed she is with her image and how they think less of Tom for taking part of it. What kind of game is that?

      I don’t think it’s about the number of relationships she has had either. It about her SELLING every relationship as if it’s the greatest romance EVER. At some point that gets very old. Why does she need to sell her private life so much?

      • Keaton says:

        Exactly my thoughts. @Hejhej She doesn’t have game. This is classic Tay Tay. The only thing new in this scenario is that she has a mouthy ex for the first time. For all we know Calvin’s need to get it out there that HE did the dumping spawned the rushed intro of Tiddles

      • Josefina says:

        I agree. Everyone always talks about how amazing Taylor’s PR team is, but isn’t the whole point of PR that people don’t know you’re putting up an image? Swifty’s PR games are very transparent.

        But well, she is one of the best selling pop acts of the moment, while I’m just a random woman saying things in the internet. Odds are she knows this game better than me.

    • Shelleycon says:

      Hear hear for Tiddlesbanging as someone else said on here the world needed this light relief right now.

      • Keaton says:

        YES! All Hail the Tiddlesbanging! I don’t think I’ve been this amused by a celeb gossip story since another Tom jumped Oprah’s couch! It’s the gossip gift that just keeps giving.

  11. Meee4 says:

    While I agree with Amber to a point, I also think she spoke out to gain a valuable ally in her own neverending Kanye feud. Enemy of my enemy.

    • Colette says:

      I don’t agree Amber speaks out about any woman being slut shamed.Taylor is not the only famous woman she has defended.

    • Eleonor says:

      To be fair to Amber it’s Kanye who continues to brag about her and Swifty all the time.

    • Meee4 says:

      I’m very aware that she does, but I just feel like this one naturally has a little extra, given their history.

  12. dala says:

    I don’t care if someone jumps from a relationship to another in general, i mean whatever it’s their life. It’s just Taylor specifically has always dated famous guy and some including this current one looks as organic as Kim’s face and that’s why i’m throwing a side eye on her.

    • Keaton says:

      IKR? I think that’s how most of us see it. The only one really “slut-shaming” her is Calvin whose butthurt because his male ego got bruised.

  13. Moxie Remon says:

    She doesn’t need her coochie to rest, she needs to rest her emotions and conceal them, I think.

    • Anastasiia says:

      Exactly! Can she just have sex, fun and some other haircut without unnecessary feelings and childish songs about it?

      • Shambles says:

        This is my favorite comment in the history of comments

      • One2 says:

        I agree too. I dont care who shes sleeping with, thats none of my buissness. But if you were with someone for a year and then broke up and moved on within two weeks maybe she needs to take a minute. If she moves on quick then fine but for me i think its to quick.

  14. Mira says:

    Somehow this misses the point. People weren’t side eyeing Taylor for ” not letting her pussy rest”. They were side eyeing her for the PR stunt. Its the aggressive marketing of each new relationship that has been the talking point.

    • kai says:

      I made the mistake of reading the comments at the Daily Mail and was SHOCKED how many people there slammed her for being a “slut” or “village bike” or whatever. Not sure how representative of the world the DM’s comment section is (I hope not at all, because otherwise I might just have to find another planet)

      • Lynnie says:

        The Daily Mail comment section is representative of the lowest common denominator. They’re usually the ones with the loudest voices, but there might not necessarily be a lot of them

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Yeah. The side-eying HERE is mostly about relationships as publicity stunts, but elsewhere, it’s trendy for the usual comments to start up the minute a famous woman has been with more than 2 guys in Hollywood or the minute she dares to date or have sex with date one guy shortly after another relationship has been called off. So that’s probably what Amber Rose is aware of.

  15. CornyBlue says:

    When I was younger I used to play all these dress up games online and when choosing hair colours I used to wonder who wanted hair the colour of fermenting hay. Well I guess I need not wonder anymore.

  16. iseepinkelefants says:

    Maybe she’s finally learning how to play men at their own game? It sucks to habe to go through so much heartbreak to get to that point but it happens. Currently there now. And I gladly use them. Play on playa.

    • Lynnie says:

      ? That’s not healthy. I’m all for casual sex, but maybe be comfortable in your own emotions and with yourself first?

    • MarcelMarcel says:

      I totally agree. Once I realised there’s fleeting lust, casual flings as well as romantic love it made interacting with attractive people a lot easier to nagivate. I stopped hurting others who cared more than I did by confusing my lust with love. I also stopped wasting energy on people who were obviously never going to love me like I loved them.
      I do think Taylor Swift’s constant publicly asexual romantic pursuits are kinda off putting because it implies a Puritan attitude about sex. That said helps her music be accessible to teenage girls so I understand it from a PR pov
      @Lynnie it’s a bit OTT to infer so much about iseepinkelefant’s life from a throw away comment. For all we know she considers playing the game successful because a healthy sex life helps her enjoy her already fabulous life or she’s too busy being fulfilled by other amazing things to care about romance right now or she’s happily married to a kind hearted man and they have adorable twins.

  17. KittenFarts says:

    Why does she have to be so crude??? She is truly the epitome of uneducated. I worry girls will look up to that type of voice. There’s better ways to go about the things she’s trying to accomplish. I don’t even disagree with her at times. But she’s so inappropriate. She knows it’s the only way she can get attention.

    • Marty says:

      So a woman has to be a Rhodes Scholar to talk about social issues? Give me a f-ing break.

      I’m not even going to touch the causal racism in your comment.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      Don’t worry. Thankfully, not all women and girls are worrying about messages they admire, respect, agree with, and want out there coming from other women who don’t come in an Audrey Hepburn package, and aren’t so delicate that we’ll faint If we hear a little crudeness/profanity, It doesn’t seem like stupidity is the problem, it’s just a matter of language some people aren’t used to and don’t care for being used.

  18. Christin says:

    I still think this has been much ado about so little. They were not engaged or married. Dating often runs its course and fizzles out.

    The ‘fizzling’ can be happening just as one party finds a spark elsewhere and just moves on.

  19. QQ says:

    LOL Oh I love Amber! but hey she is right!, I believe my aunt told me once Girl Do whatever you do, That thing doesnt have an Odometer!!! ( Yeah my aunts aint Sh*t, this was told in front of my then late 80s y.o meemaw who cackled , of course)

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Good advice, in all seriousness. Looking back I don’t wish I had been really wild with one night stands, because that’s not me. But I wish I hadn’t been so hung up on sex = love or you’re a tramp. I wish I had given myself permission to have relationships that were just about sex without trying to turn them into something they would never be, confusing both myself and my partners to equal degree. Sometimes it’s just fun and there’s nothing wrong with that.
      Your female relatives sound awesome and explain a lot about how you are so fabulous.

      • says:

        My mother told me that. And I started being grateful at 20, when I saw some friends getting in bad relationships, because, of course, they couldn’t fall in lust and move on, no, it had to be looove. And since it was love they had to stick to it.
        At 45, I even more grateful.

      • Snowflake says:

        I Was that way too, when I was single. Sucked.

  20. Chelsea says:

    Dunno why people think there’s lots of action between them. Taylor didn’t “bang” Harry from 1D at all in their 2 month relationship. That is why he dumped her. As if she would bang that guy after like a week or two.

    • Lynnie says:

      Taylor’s a “baller” now though, so of course she’s being wild!!1!!!

      Lol, can’t believe I graduated away from people like her two weeks ago

    • Bethany says:

      Why do you think they didn’t sleep together? He was photographed multiple times bringing a bag off his stuff over to her place and staying overnight.

  21. ann says:

    You can date without having sex, just saying
    Some of us just want to be romanced without the extra

  22. Madpoe says:

    but if she dates all these guys back to back to back how will I know which song is for whom?

  23. kri says:

    That line should be sung along to “New York,NewYork”..I want to wake up in a p-ssy that never sleeeps…”

  24. Marta says:

    I get such a strong asexual vibe from Taylor Swift….

  25. LILE says:

    UGH AMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO unnecessary! I am going to pretend she is talking about Meredith!