The Walking Dead season seven trailer premiered at Comic-Con

Spoilers for Walking Dead, which are shown in the trailer, follow:
The Walking Dead dropped a new trailer for season seven at Comic-Con on Friday. I’m glad there are comic fans unpacking it for us because otherwise I would have only a fraction of an understanding about what’s going on in the new scenes. It starts with a hazy montage of clips which looks amateurish and like it was fan made. Many redditors are saying that they didn’t believe this was an official trailer at first due to how poorly it opens and I agree. The transition effects look straight from the early 2000s and the clips are of the most schmaltzy moments with the core cast. It’s like two different trailers mashed into one though because after that it includes brief glimpses from this upcoming season. We still have that cliffhanger from the end of last season, and as if to highlight again what a piss poor decision that was none of the major characters from that scene appear in the new scenes in this trailer, except Negan and maybe a couple people in the background, it’s hard to tell. So we don’t know who met the wrong end of Lucille, although we get to see that bat with blood dripping off it.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the new scenes in the trailer, which start at 1:31 above. Thanks to Ronny Haze/Make a Path Presents for this, I’m basing this analysis on his YouTube video analyzing each of the scenes. Warning: links have major spoilers from the comics, which may or may not apply to the show. Note: I’m not doing this in order of the scenes in the trailer but by topic.

We’re introduced to King Ezekial and The Kingdom
– First scene is Morgan and Carol with horses heading to The Kingdom, another compound which is in the comics. Carol is probably slumped over a horse. We hear Morgan say “I’m not going to let you die out there.”
– Carol seems to have recovered and Morgan is also fine. We see him fighting walkers and wheeling Carol around The Kingdom, which has a farm and horses.
– 2:20 Carol looks really crazy. This may be the scene where she meets Ezekial and his giant tiger. She says “I don’t know what the hell’s going on in the most wonderful way.”
– We also see trucks with wooden cages built around the back. These are thought to be from The Kingdom and in one scene Ezekial is seen in the background on a run for supplies with his people.
– Also, that giant CGI tiger is everything.

We see inside The Sanctuary, The Saviors’ Base which Negan runs
– Second scene is inside The Sanctuary, The Saviors’ Base. The walker is probably a security measure.
– 1:43 Many people are excited about this scene with Negan, when everyone kneels when he walks by. Apparently there’s a parallel scene in the comics except Carl is with him.
– Spencer says “we should have made a deal with them when we could have.” In his analysis video Haze states that this is a reference to something that happens in the comics with Negan.
– Negan is shown knocking at the gate in Alexandria, he’s probably there for supplies

The Hilltop gets attacked
There are two scenes which show The Hilltop getting attacked, at around 2:10 and again at 2:30 with Gregory looking out a window.

Dwight is wearing Daryl’s vest
– 2:00 Dwight is looking up and there are splattered walkers all around him. Apparently there is a scene in the comics where Jesus throws a walker off an overpass as a distraction. They may be doing that here on a larger scale.
– 2:08 Dwight, who is shooting at someone, is wearing Daryl’s vest apparently.
Sidenote: the woman saying “whatever he’s done to you, there’s always war” is thought to be Sherry, one of Negan’s wives. She’s probably speaking to Dwight. Given how much we’re seeing Dwight, he’s going to have a bigger role this season.

Tara probably has a capsule episode
There are scenes with Tara at the end of the trailer where she’s shown hiding in a ditch and presumably smashing someone in the face with the end of her gun. She seems to be in some kind of woods-based encampment which is camouflaged. (The actress who plays Tara, Alanna Masterson, just had a baby in November.)

[Most wording is mine and based on video from Make a Path Presents]

Also: Enid is alive and well, Jesus is doing his thing and there’s of course so much speculation as to whom Negan killed. Some people see Rosita in the background of those scenes, but it’s unclear if it’s her and if it is, what that means about whom Negan picked. (He could have moved the person to the middle first, meaning that if that was Rosita we can’t assume that she was right next to the victim in the lineup.)

I’m excited for The Walking Dead, but that’s a full three months away and we still have the dog days of summer to get through. There’s something awesome about The Walking Dead premiering right before Halloween, it helps fans like me get into the mood for the season.

Here are some photos from the panel at Comic-Con! It really seems like all these guys are good friends and love working together, that’s pretty much what every actor says about TWD.

photos credit: FameFlynet and Getty

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27 Responses to “The Walking Dead season seven trailer premiered at Comic-Con”

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  1. Crowdhood says:

    Whoa. I find Rick to be really annoying but Andrew Lincoln silver fox beard game has me swooning over my egg whites

  2. LannisterForever says:

    Damn, I’m gonna have to watch this because of Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s hotness. And I haven’t watched since season 2… Maybe I should try ctaching up?

    • Camille says:

      I’ve been hate watching this show for so long now (honestly you haven’t missed much so don’t bother catching up), but I have to admit I’m actually kind of looking forward to this season. Casting JDM was the perfect choice.

  3. Nancy says:

    Going to be so different this season with one of the regulars gone and all these new people. My husband insists it will be Daryl as I scream nooooo. If they follow the comic books, Glenn is a dead man walking, but then again Daryl isn’t even in the comics. Three months is a long wait…..

    • mayamae says:

      You may have to adjust to losing two regulars. I’m reading speculation that Lucille may claim two when one of the gang attempts to intervene.

  4. Monie says:

    At first glance I thought that was Wayne Campbell. “Excellent!” Lol

  5. cyn says:

    I love Kevin Smith. That is all.

  6. Tiffany27 says:

    I read somewhere Negan actually kills 2 people during the lineup. One of them I don’t really care about, the other will break my heart. 🙁

    • Nancy says:

      What did you hear Tiffany? Who and who. Not Daryl ok. I’m just a tad obsessed with him. Do tell please!

      • Ginger Gal says:

        i have heard glenn and maggie. but who knows?

      • Tiffany27 says:


        I read it’s going to be Glenn and Abraham. Not 100% positive obviously, but they provided some legitimate receipts.

      • Celebitchy says:

        Thanks for the warning Tiffany. Two people though?! I thought it would just be Abraham. I know it’s G in the comics but I thought they would switch it up after everyone freaked out when they thought Glenn was killed earlier in the season.

      • HeatherAnn says:

        I agree with Tiffany27.

    • Nancy says:

      I’d love to know where you heard this. I’ve gone back and forth, and Abraham seems like a logical choice, he’s relevant enough to be missed but not like Daryl or Rick. Same for Glenn, he’s been dead before! Plus that’s what happened in the comics. Guess we just have to wait and see.

      • ell says:

        if you google it there are a bunch of forums that offer spoilers. that said, most people worked it out by keeping tabs on who’s filming and when. 2 of them haven’t filmed since episode 1 of this season.

      • Tiffany27 says:

        Yeah like I said I have no legitimate evidence, but I’ve read a couple places about who has and hasn’t been to work lately. My boyfriend is a member of one of the forums that AMC has actually threatened to sue and they say the same thing. It could all just be a trick to fool the audience, but it seems like it’s these two.

      • greenmonster says:

        That’s what I read too. It would be awful though. Most people would freak out over Glenn’s death, Abraham would just be collateral damage as in “Oh my god, they really killed off Glenn… oh and Abraham, but GLENN!”

        I think, Negan will kill Abraham first and then (when the audience thinks it’s over) turn to Glenn

    • mayamae says:



      I’ve read the same. That Negan gets Abraham first, Daryl attempts to intervene, and Glenn is killed in punishment. It would be a fake out to the comic fans who are relieved that Glenn is protected. I’m going to be heartbroken. I adore Glenn, and Abraham has somehow wormed his way to my favorite list. Poor Sasha. Poor Maggie.

      Also, cast lists have been obtained for the first half of the season. Glenn and Abraham (supposedly) only appear in episode one.

  7. Pamela says:

    I am thinking it isn’t Daryl. Ok, I’m HOPING it isn’t Daryl. I also think the fact that Dwight is wearing Daryl’s vest is a trick. There is probably some logical, non-death-related reason for it, but they made sure to show it in the trailer to throw fans off and get them all riled up.

    SPOILER (sort of) I see that people are speculating that Negan kills 2 in the line up. I am betting that he kills one and then the second gets killed for trying to stop him. I know in the comics it is Glen. I am so bummed.

    • Nancy says:

      Pamela, I followed the advice of those up thread and hit the spoil the dead sites, and they are convinced it’s Glenn and when Abraham intercedes, he gets killed as well. These sites are religious when it comes to stalking the sites, but WD is aware of it and can be bluffing as well. I think they’re right tho…….

      • Pamela says:

        Thank you.

        I don’t relish the idea that it is Glen…at all. But I have heard the theories on him since the finale aired, so I am more prepared. And I *really* didn’t want it to be Daryl.

        I am *really* curious as to how they put Dwight in Daryl’s vest. It will be interesting to see if that happens for some silly reason–meaning they orchestrated it just so they could trick us with the trailers, or if it is a valid plot point.

        Not thrilled that Abraham might bite it either. He wasn’t my favorite, I’d sacrifice him for so many others– but I don’t really want ANY of them to die. Especially not that way. 🙁

    • greenmonster says:

      I don’t know if it is considered a SPOILER since it’s just a fan theory, but SPOILER

      I read someone’s theory that Dwight shot Daryl in the shoulder deliberately. I think it was something in the line of, he wants Daryl to help him (Dwight) to take down Negan. When Dwight shot Daryl he said something like “Don’t worry, you’ll be alright”. According to the theory, Dwight knew of course that Negan would kill someone from the Grimes Gang, but Negan wouldn’t go for a wounded person – less fun, I guess. Dwight would have saved Daryl’s life by wounding him.

      • Pamela says:


      • mayamae says:

        Daryl used to be in my top three, but between the Mary Sue direction his character has gone, and separation from the characters he has the strongest chemistry with (Carol and Rick), I’m more than willing to have Daryl meet Lucille. Otherwise I prefer it to be Rosalie or Aaron. I don’t dislike any of these three, but I have stronger connections to the others. Regardless, Rick is going to be screwed up for a while. He knows his arrogance triggered this situation.

    • isabelle says:

      He has been filming on set. It’s not Daryl.

  8. Zuzus Girl says:

    I predict Glenn will be Lucille’s victim.