Amber Rose: Supermodels ‘represent 5% or 3% of women in the world’


It feels like Amber Rose is all over the place these days. She went to the VMAs, she’s going to compete on Dancing with the Stars, she’s got her VH1 talk show, and now she’s got a beauty collaboration with Estee Lauder. For real! Amber chatted with NY Mag about the collaboration called Flirt, and even Amber seems surprised to find herself working with such a big-time beauty company. Amber also chats about beauty in general, politics, feminism and more. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

How she paired up with Estee Lauder: “[Estée Lauder] came to my house to have a meeting, and I’ve always looked at them as a conservative company. But they came for a full meeting and were like, Amber, we love you, we love your SlutWalk, your tattoos, and your bald head. I was like, What? Are you sure? They just loved my look and my feminism, my Amber Rose foundation, and my tattoos. I’ve been waiting for a company to get me, and they got me. We came out with the last applicator and hopefully a few more things.”

The beauty myth: “People have to realize that the supermodels we see represent 5 percent or 3 percent of women in the world. It’s not realistic. It’s very realistic to have cellulite and saggy boobs — it’s part of just being a human. It’s something I try to put out with my SlutWalk. There’s no body-shaming. And it really is very difficult. When you see these images, you think I don’t look like that. Embrace the skin that you are in. If you really do want to change, put your mind to it. Try to work out and eat better. I love cheeseburgers and tacos. Those are my two favorite things. I’ll probably never have the perfect body and I’m okay with that. As a celebrity now, I embrace it and I embrace my curves. I have a platform to help other women embrace it as well.

Feminism & her thoughts on the quote “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women”: “Well, I think that’s a bit extreme. Everything comes with education. As a society, we’ve been programmed not to be feminist and put the man first — stay at home, cook, clean, and be the girl that society told us to be. You have to talk to women and they have to do whatever makes them happy. If it is that, then that’s fine as well. I mean, there are so many girls and celebrity women that won’t help me with SlutWalk. It’s a simple google to figure out what it is, but they don’t want to take the time to do it. I think it’s because their husbands or boyfriends will think they’re crazy. How could you not want to help me? But I know that inevitably, hopefully, they’ll come around and understand what they are doing. It’s not the end. It’s all about learning.

On Trump saying only ‘non-hot celebrities’ support Hillary Clinton: “He’s a f–king idiot. He’s just such an idiot. He’s so weird. I really hope he’s not president.”

Whether she would really move to Canada if Trump won: “I doubt it. I’m just stuck here. I got my baby here. Canada is way too cold. I love living in L.A.”

[From NY Mag]

Yep. I find myself in the strange position of cosigning almost everything Amber Rose says these days. Strange because… I never thought that Amber Rose would be so vital and relevant these days, I guess. But she is. And she’s saying all of the right things. She’s right about feminism and education and choices. She’s right about body-acceptance and realistic body goals. She’s right about Donald Trump being a f—king idiot. I’ll say it: we need more Amber Roses in the world.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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79 Responses to “Amber Rose: Supermodels ‘represent 5% or 3% of women in the world’”

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  1. lilacflowers says:

    Her math is a bit off, super models are fewer than 1 %, but otherwise, she’s making perfect sense. More power to her.

    • detritus says:

      Im with you, the meaning is correct, but the math is way off. My eye twitched at 3-5%, that’s the percentage of ‘super models’ at the Taymerica weekend TS had, not in the world at large.

      Other than that though, spot on Muva.

      Super models may be 3% of the ppl she sees at the places she frequents in LA, but they are more like 1% of the less than 1% that makes up regular models.

    • erni says:

      I forgive her… for the math

    • Fiorella says:

      I think she means women who are tall, slim, small boned, “good” proportions, no cellulite… And in this case 3-5% does sound about right. I have a cousin like this. (And friends) . My cousins body used to be more like mine but now that she is wanting to work in show business she got really slim. I don’t know her well or I’d be curious how. Likely just good diet, regular exercise, her mom diets though not slim. One of my friends with a supermodel body actually works hard to maintain it. Eats chocolate and drinks wine but also She does things like grind up quinoa or almonds instead of using flour, and rarely takes a piece of kids bday cake. So some ppl you see looking like supermodels .. They do try

      • Betsy says:

        This. At first I thought she had even worse math skills than I, but I think she just means that there are about that many women with perfect bodies.

      • perplexed says:

        Yeah, I thought she was counting regular non-famous women who look like supermodels. Once in a while, you’ll see one on the subway and wonder if they have an interest in going into show business.

    • MC2 says:

      When I saw the headline I got worried but, like you said, all her ideas are on point. I was just telling my husband that I have a person that I am really glad is out there & an influence on our society (or pop culture at least) and I never thought it would be the woman who showed up in the see through outfit at the VMAs while Kanye was being a drunk fool…..I am so glad for her and am happy to hear her outlook on things since she has had many, many, many experiences that I will never have. When I first heard of slutwalk I rolled my eyes back in my head so far they stuck for a while and I am happily eating my words. I.Love.Her.

    • kate says:

      Her geography is pretty off too. Summers in Montreal high 90s. They don’t live in igloos people.

      • Ange says:

        I’m seeing summer averages in the 70s and winter at 16. I imagine that’s way too cold for most people still.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      I like her, and what she said, but I must admit I had a snicker at that fifth grade math oopsie.

  2. Who ARE these people? says:

    Cosign, Lilac. Ideas better than her math. Maybe 3 to 5 % of the women SHE knows are supermodels.

    • AlleyCat says:

      I read it as 3-5% of women LOOK like supermodels. You know, perfect body, no visible imperfections. The rest of us have different shapes and sizes and flaws.

  3. Anastasiia says:

    I’ve been ashamed a lot for belonging to those 3-5%. So bodyshaming is not about some concrete type, it’s about luck of tolerance in general.

    • Betsy says:

      Must be rough.

      • Myrna says:

        @Betsy – your reply made me LOL!

      • anonymous says:

        I feel you anastasia I love how some people think your life is supposed to be easy since you are part of that 3-5%.
        Being called insect or anorexic or “not a real women” on a daily basis while you eat twice more than the average person.
        And at the end of the day being called names because of your body type hurts whether you are skinny or curvy ! Specially since no one choose their Body type ! And we ALL have our insecurities and we all deserve respect.

      • Anastasiia says:

        Yes, it’s rough. Being taller than most of the girls, being not curvy enough in school made me the first aim of rude jokes. As a result I’m still very insecure about myself. By the way, I’m not that high, I’m 5″8. But most of clothes producers do not make clothes for me. There are always short sleeves or pants. Is this not a bodyshaming? Like I’m not a normal, like I have to be shorter and fuller to find smth that fits good. Even sport brands make cloth with length depending on size. It pretty vocal, whose measures have more influence.
        About cellulite… I work out a lot, like a crazy to have proportional body cause God didn’t give me much of boobs. So yeah, it’s must be rough to give somebody appraisal without knowing the facts.

      • Betsy says:

        Yeah, must be rough.

      • Naya says:


        Try and ignore the hostility. It’s funny because growing up I don’t remember the GIRLS bullying or ostracizing the average girl. It was always the tall slender girl or the girl with a tiny waist and big boobs. The media may suggest that these girls have it easier because they are considered attractive but that doesn’t factor in the passive aggressive jealousy they face from peers. Or how their bullying is dismissed just because some guys find them hot.

        I detest these stupid Olympics of suffering as if it costs us anything to acknowledge that ALL women suffer for how they look in some way or other.

      • Shelleycon says:

        Lol yeah that’s really most honest response you gonna get about complaining to be too beautiful 😹
        And the last comment has also a good point I am 5’10 slim and considered attractive and yes I was bullied as a teenager but also I’d still prefer to be attractive and I don’t complain about it.

      • nn says:

        I don’t know where you grew up but it was not popular to be the tall girl. To this day, unless you are a supermodel, if you are tall you get called all kinds of names like trani and men usually want women shorter than them and if you dont have long legs (yes tall people can have short legs) and are tall you apparently do not have the right proportions and thus you get called even more names. Being thin and tall is a lot different in real life unless you are that 1% of supermodels which most aren’t obviously.

      • Izzy says:

        Wow, Betsy, way to be an a-hole and prove her point.

      • qwerty says:

        The majority of women are not your size/height. So it makes perfect sense that the majority of clothing will not be made for that size. Just like you’re not gonna easily find shoes in a super big size, or men’s suit for a very short height. It’s a decision based on economics, no one’s refusing to make clothes for you out of spite. I have a very small waist and 90% of jeans that fit well around my hips are way too big around my stomach. But it’s not surprising since my body measurements are uncommon. Making pants for my body shape in every available style would not be profitable.

      • Anastasiia says:

        I see your point. But size charts of most clothes companies show that impact of model-type bodies is much less than we usually say. That’s the case when majority of non-model body types have won.

      • Betsy says:

        Hi Izzy.

        No, I’m not an “a-hole.” I don’t body shame. I made two comments. But a tall, thin, beautiful person complaining about the difficulties of being so is a little like a white person complaining about the difficulties of going through life as a white person to a black person. Do white people have difficulties, too? Of course. But being tall, thin, and pretty in our society is not like being short, fat, and plain.

    • Laura says:

      What I say to that, is one of Amber’s points, no matter what you look like, love your body! Don’t listen to what others think your body shoud look like, or should be like because of society’s norms, be comfortable in your own skin. If you are 5′ 10″ & 130 lbs naturally? Love your body! If you are like me & 5′ 4″ & 145lbs, love your body! Now granted, I can say that now at 33 much easier than I could say it at 21 or so, but the point remains, accepting yourself is one of the best things anyone can do for your mental health. Love yourself & you will feel better than ever.

    • Anastasiia says:

      For me being in those 3-5% mean that only in my 30 I could embrace myself. In school, university I was bullied hard for my height and being pale blond without big enough boobs. Boys avoided me. How I wished to be shorter, to have dark hair and darker type of skin! I’ve dated with such awful men because I was assured by society that’s my only chance.
      Now I know how to make most of the men want me, how to sell my beauty type right. But deep inside I’m still very insecure and it takes a lot of courage even to wear a red lipstick as I feel not good enough to be so bright.

      • We Are All Made Of Stars says:

        It sounds like you look like a Swede but were raised in a place with a Latin sort of a beauty standard. In and of itself it’s an interesting comment because it shows the subjectivity of beauty standards and how it really is a big dice roll whether you’re admired for your looks or looked down upon for those same looks in a less accepting environment.

      • Anastasiia says:

        I live in Ukraine, in its eastern part. I can understand why boys avoided me: dark-haired with bronze tan girls, who can wear heels are bright and naturally attractive. They look healthy and comfortable to be with.

      • perplexed says:

        This sounds more like a geography issue where beauty standards might be different rather than being shamed for fitting into some coveted category.

        I’m not suggesting you move, but if you lived in L.A or a place where being thin and tall is held in high esteem, most likely you’d have a lot of people paying attention to you.

        I guess there is a name for something like this, but I’m not sure “shamed” is quite the right word. Different places covet different beauty standards, but it sounds like you fit the media representation of beauty, which is why the word “shamed” doesn’t necessarily sound right to me. I think at some point all of us get criticized for not looking a certain way (I got this a lot in high school because I wore glasses, looked fairly nerdy, loved sweaters rather than trendy clothes, and had bad hair even though I was a regular standard of not fat — I wasn’t model slim but was the same size as everyone else), but I’d be hesitant to say that I’ve been “shamed” by the entire world even though I’m short, have less muscle tone even when I exercise, and my hair frizzes like nobody’s business in high humidity. I was teased a lot, but I’m not sure how much of that was just simply the function of being in high school with rude people rather than being shamed by society in general. Admittedly, it has had some effect on me in that I try to make myself look better and I kind of wish I had looked better in high school, but I don’t necessarily think all of society is going out of their way to mock me either. Guys are not that much into me compared to other girls, but again I’d feel a little weird saying I’ve been shamed just because I’m not that popular with boys in a romantic sense (they seem to always like me as their best friend or sister or someone to hang out with in a friendly, platonic sense). I figure my personality factors in too — I’m more of the shy, reserved (i.e. boring), retiring type. This personality type is simply not that popular with people, especially men.

  4. Nic919 says:

    The one thing missing is that she should have mentioned how all the images are photoshopped as well. Even the supermodels don’t look like that in real life.

    • Laura says:

      YEEEESSSSSSS! After marrying a graphic artist, he has opened my eyes to all of the photo manipulation there is EVERYWHERE. No image in a magazine is what it started out to be. NOT ONE.

    • Naddie says:

      Thank you. Plus, they work extra hard to look like that, which is a shame since they’re beautiful already. Women just can’t win. If one day I have a tall, slim and pretty daughter I’d advice her to not become a model, because it seems they make them pay extra attention to each and every flaw they have.

  5. LAK says:

    It is amazing that Estee Lauder picked her up. And she didn’t compromise herself for that.

  6. Alix says:

    I still can’t believe she’s only 32!

  7. Shambles says:

    Amber is a boss. She’s genuine, and she doesn’t care if you like it. I love her. Honk for Muva.

  8. qwerty says:

    ” It’s not realistic. It’s very realistic to have cellulite and saggy boobs — it’s part of just being a human (…) I’ll probably never have the perfect body and I’m okay with that. As a celebrity now, I embrace it and I embrace my curves. I have a platform to help other women embrace it as well.”

    Um, except we’ve seen her candid bikini pics and the ones photoshopped to oblivion on her insta…

    • Egla says:

      Well sister has to eat. She has to sell and trust me cellulite doesn’t sell so photo shopped pictures are a must to preserve her image. She is a brand after all.

      • qwerty says:

        “And it really is very difficult. When you see these images, you think I don’t look like that. ”

        Well she’s part of the same exact problem she’s describing here which makes her a hypocrite.

      • We Are All Made Of Stars says:

        Perhaps, but at least unlike everyone else over there in Plastic City, she’s brazenly honest about the fact that it’s being done. I’d rather see a celebrity who’s honest about the mechanisms of celebrity than one who does the usual and lies about it.

  9. Lucky jane says:

    I don’t normally like her for whatever reason but she doesn’t sound bad here. Not really digging what she said about other women that don’t want to do this “slut walk” thing… The part about their husbands or boyfriends thinking they were crazy. When will women realize that there are other women that just don’t think the same as them and it isn’t because a man is telling them what to do? Just like some women really want to stay home and raise their babies… Because it’s what they want… Not because someone told them they needed to. I don’t think she meant anything by it. I know it’s hard to word everything just right because everyone is examining it.

    • Bridget says:

      The whole point isn’t about women making the same decisions, but about having the CHOICE.

      • Lucky jane says:

        Maybe I didn’t word that right? I was commenting on what she said about the women that don’t want to be involved in her slut walk. She says that she thinks it is because they haven’t googled it or their husbands or boyfriends will think they are crazy. I thought it was weird that she made it sound like anyone that wasn’t wanting to be involved either didn’t know what it was or they were worried what the men in their lives would say.

  10. Artemis says:

    Most models are on some restrictive diet or do high-impact workouts (boxing and ropeskipping is pretty in right now). Only the teenagers to early 20s seem to eat crap but then when you read of all the ones that don’t eat, that ‘naturally extreme thin look’ seems to be a myth. Especially the models that had babies are in super shape so if people want to attain that body, they would have to deprive themselves. Cellulite is easy to get rid of with non-invasive treatment.
    It’s not unrealistic but you have to pay great attention to everything concerning your look and since being a model is a job, there’s no point for non-models to to be this extreme.

    There’s realism in putting a lot of time, money and effort in creating a body that is toned and lean and there is realism is living with a body that is naturally softer as people have sitting jobs and eat meals for convenience and speed.

    • RedOnTheHead says:

      I don’t think that the natural, very thin body type is exactly a myth per se. I was like that for decades. A walking pencil. Could, and did, eat any and everything I wanted. I didn’t grow boobs until my 20s. Over the last half of my 20s and into my 40s I was still rail thin. And then….bam! Menopause. That’s when everything changed. But my early years body was strictly genetic. My father was rail thin until he died. But just because I was naturally that thin didn’t mean I was model material. And I’m willing to bet that there are a whole lot of girls and women with that body type that we just don’t see on a daily basis. Because they’re not model material or they don’t want to be.

      I see a lot of comments on this site about how very thin women must be starving themselves to be that way and I just don’t think that’s true, or very fair. A lot of us are, or were, that way naturally. You just never saw us all over Instagram or whatever.

      • Betsy says:

        But Artemis was speaking directly about the models who generally do seem to be able to eat whatever when they’re young and still keep the hanger-thin body currently favored by designers, and then in their twenties – like you – their body type changes somewhat. And in their profession, they need to start working hard and eating right to maintain. I think if we are not ourselves naturally thin we all have friends who are, but we have more who do have somewhat disordered eating.

        But again, Artemis seems to have been talking about models.

      • Artemis says:


        I believe there are naturally lean, lender, thin and super thin women. Of course they exist! What I was trying to say about models in particular is that I’m not sure we need to buy what they’re selling. Most models get scouted at age 15 and even younger and only have a few good years ahead of them in that business as a lot of them grow hips or other curves and cannot handle the pressure/abuse the agencies give them to lose another 10lbs for the next fashion week.

        Then there are the ones that are naturally thin at an older age (18-22) and STILL get told to lose more before they can get to work. Some ex-models have blogged and even written books about it…I recommend the 3-apples-a-day model who was tiny before her diet and after a short work period had to ‘retire’ due to being depressed with an eating disorder.

        Then there’s the plethora of evidence of models eating only salad on a shoot, taking drugs or eating cotton or other eating disorders like bulimia. The industry is filled with these girls by the accounts of ex-employees, (ex) models, talent scouters or people on shoots. It’s so common I would like to hear from these ‘naturally thin’ models who aren’t making themselves ill to fit in a sample size or to walk at fashion week because the industry sure can use some positive remarks.

        Then the older established models (Gisele, Naomi, Adriana etc…) used to admit they don’t really watch their diet. Especially Gisele ate what she wanted when still in her 20s and now she’s a fitness freak with more definition (muscles) and a strict diet regime. Naomi never dieted, she lived a bad lifestyle (drugs and cigarettes) and she admitted she barely eats now and works out every day despite ditching her vices like alcohol. Same for the Brazilian models, they ALL toned up and do various hardcore sports and drinking only liquids to prepare for a VS show. And most of these models had children which automatically changes your shape and maybe their metabolism I don’t know. Even my Dutch fave Doutzen Kroes who used to be soft and curvy got ripped after the birth of her son. The younger established models (Candice, Karlie) are practically ballet dancers (very hard sport). If they are so naturally thin, why all this effort to stay thin and toned? It’s not just about being thin it’s also about having some tone so I doubt it’s effortless.

        Then you have Kendall and Gigi claiming they eat pizza, maybe so but they also drink this detox tea which is basically a laxative. you can eat 3 slices a pizza and eat nothing else for the rest of the day and then use your tea and voila, you stay skinny.

        Thinking about all these things, how much can we believe when a model says she’s ‘naturally thin’? We have no clue what goes on in their private life and it’s better to sell the ‘I’m healthy’ picture than the ‘I suffer for my job’ picture.

      • Bridget says:

        Not to mention, model thin nowadays goes way beyond what we see with most naturally thin women. I know a lot of naturally thin women. I know a lot of women that work to stay thin. Even then, they’re nowhere near where models are supposed to be.

        Consider it this way: even Adrianna Lima has to go on a juice fast to get ready for the Victoria’s Secret show.

    • HereAgain says:

      @ Artemis–
      I am 34 years old and am a mom to a 3 and 5 year old. I’m 5’10, and around 130 pounds. This is not by limiting myself or watching everything I put in my mouth. No stretch marks or cellulite either, and I am not a member of a gym. Everyone has a different metabolism and body type. My grandma was built the same way, my mom is built the same way, and now I am built the same way. I am honestly really happy with myself as a person and my body, but I just wanted to chime in to say that not every tall, slim woman is on a diet and following a strict workout routine.

  11. Lucy says:

    If she’s doing and saying all this for attention, then so be it. She’s absolutely right. And I don’t think she was trying to shame supermodels, or women who look like they could be so.

  12. Jean Grey says:


  13. Jean Grey says:

    She may say she won’t ever have the perfect body, but my goodness she sure had the perfect body imo when the world was introduced to her as Kanye’s girlfriend. Her body was a thing of magnificence. To this day, I still have it on my “goals” list when I work out.
    I have a love-hate thing with Amber going on, because sometimes she says things that really irk me, but I can’t find anything wrong with what she is saying here so the love is back on for now.

  14. Tiffany :) says:

    “He’s a f–king idiot. He’s just such an idiot. He’s so weird. I really hope he’s not president.”

    Perfectly stated.

    Also…that lipstick and her teeth are a match made in heaven. Her smile looks so amazing.

  15. Priscilla says:

    I would argue half of 1% of women in the world can be supermodels. You need height – 5ft 8 or taller, perfect skin, to be slim, and have a photogenic face. And to be a supermodel as opposed to just a model, you need a beautiful face too. Hardly any women fit the bill….

    • LAK says:

      Actually, beauty is not top of the list in modelling though it helps. Facial symmetry and being photogenic are top of the list. And having the best body stats to be an all rounder.

      Many of the world’s top models are odd looking in real life because a perfectly symetrical face is very odd in reality. Photographed, the face looks amazing. Look at Linda and Christy. Perfectly symetrical faces.

      The majority of the world has asymmetrical faces and do not photograph well even though in reality they are beautiful.

      • Naddie says:

        This is something I noticed some years ago. Some people are really striking, but not exactly beautiful, yet it’s hard to take our eyes away. I always say that modelling is in the bones, literally.

  16. Nancy says:

    I guess the quote that amused me most was “as a celebrity now……..!” lol

  17. kri says:

    Go Amber! (Just stay away from the Kartrashians as much as possible)

  18. Alana says:

    I went to around 6 all girls schools growing up. Only two girls out of the approximately 5000 girls I saw looked close to a supermodel. One would look average compared to a girl you would look at in a vogue magazine and the other was pretty (Clare venema) google her if you wish. But not a supermodel. So I guess 3% is way too high. As a makeup artist I also know a girls potential to resemble someone you would see in a magazine. I get that lots of girls have potential. Only two girls I knew came close to looking like supermodels. Yeah… 3% is way too high. These schools were also located in high socio economic areas where they had access to plastic surgery due to rich parents. Many girls were also daughters of models with wealthy husbands. Money to pay for surgery in their teens etc.

    • Goldie says:

      I got the sense that Amber was referring to body type when she said that. I could buy that around 3% of very young women have the height and proportions to model, although it would be less than 1% when you include the facial requirements.

      • Alana says:

        Yes, I understand body type. Still, very few fit into that. Over 173cm naturally skinny type. Less than 0.5%

      • Alana says:

        Out of the 200 girls in my grade 12 year level, maybe 1 had the height and body proportions. Plenty were tall but weren’t thin enough. Or their bone structure was too wide. Face wise they wouldn’t make it. Not that they weren’t attractive. Didn’t have that unusual model face OR conventionally attractive face.

  19. QQ says:

    Get your money Amber! I’ve been on to her becoming a pretty important voice in the feminist conversation, because I’ve seen her become that in the black/urban communities, like it or not the way she’s packaged appeals to men, they are listening to her in their lingo put the notions that girls can do sex in their own terms and I’m seeing hood dudes starting the past few years evolve in this, not that she is the only one but you get the gist and hey! For Equality?? I’m all for all hands on deck and by Any Means necessary! Some of ya’ll might not like it but *kanyeshrug* we dont all want to hear Annie Lennox or Patricia Arquette tut-tting, some of us want Nicki Minaj and Trina saying GET MONEY!

  20. Garbage Kitty says:

    Blind leading the blind.

    • sunny says:

      Agreed. She’s gross and I wouldnt want to be involved with anything she had to do with. It’s just funny how the same old trite and tired bs is trotted out as new and unique and nobody ever seems to notice. Yawn. Oh and “muva” is just the dumbest sounding nonsense ever. Her walking around with those men that wear those shirts is so stupid. Get over yourself already.

  21. OTHER RENEE says:

    I love this woman. She’s a breath of fresh air. Cellulite is genetic. My 20+ daughter has it and she’s been an athlete of national standing for years and athletics had been a huge part of her life for years, maybe even the biggest part. I was surprised to see it but it doesn’t bother her at all.

  22. Winterberry says:

    She’s ok.

  23. what's inside says:

    1% of women are supermodel potential. 3-5% are wannabes.

  24. Kate says:

    Estée Lauder owns MAC, Tom Ford etc. Their own line is very tame as are some of the others they own (Bobbi Brown, Clinique) but as a whole they take some risks.