“Jude Law looked rumpled but pretty at the Venice Film Festival” links


Jude Law’s hair at the Venice Film Festival was… funny? [Go Fug Yourself]
I don’t want to talk about Minka Kelly & Wilmer Valderrama. [LaineyGossip]
Diddy’s wig game is on point. [Dlisted]
Donald Trump “gets away” with so much more than Hillary Clinton. [Pajiba]
Madonna & Guy Ritchie settled their custody issue for baby Rocco. [TMZ]
Seriously, why isn’t this Donald Trump story everywhere? [Jezebel]
Idris Elba & Chris Hemsworth were cute with Tom Hiddleston. [JustJared]
Rihanna works an ensemble like only Rihanna can. [Moe Jackson]
Drake is going to open a strip club in Houston? [The Blemish]
Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan reunited on GMA. [Wonderwall]
Here are the best burns on Ann Coulter at Rob Lowe’s roast. [OMG Blog]


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28 Responses to ““Jude Law looked rumpled but pretty at the Venice Film Festival” links”

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  1. NYer says:

    Jude Law, styled by Bob’s Big Boy.

  2. minx says:

    I actually like the rumpled Jude. He’s losing his hair, getting wrinkles…looks like a guy his age.

    • tealily says:

      Still so pretty, but in a more human way.

    • Aussieboy says:

      Where’s the “rumpled-ness”? Some very expensive jackets (Dior, Lanvin) are designed this way. I know because….I’m a classy dude. It Looks ‘louche’ to me. Not Rumpled. You guys like a painstakingly neat guy huh.

  3. Jayna says:

    Pretty babies can be made with this man.

  4. Zut alors! says:

    So Jude Law is getting hairstyling tips from Tintin?

    • What was that says:

      Where’s Snowy??..He’s my favourite!!!!!

    • Canadian Becks says:

      I love Tintin, too.
      First read them as a child, In English. Introduced the series to my own child, in French. I will still pick up Tintin even now,
      Tintin is a true classic.

  5. PaschaP says:

    Jude Law serving up some Lollipop Guild realness…

  6. Pandy says:

    Drake keeping it klassy! Way to represent.

  7. What was that says:

    I am glad you have the TV choice clip…I had seen it on the BBC website and I think it shows that “The Lad’s” would be likely to be ” taking the piss” out of HIddles for the TS T -shirt especially Idris as he was well aware of how that was going down in the UK as he was given a ❤️ shirt himself in a TV interview!
    I can imagine they are gently mocking him all day!!..I am sure once he was in Aus with them the bubble burst and the reality set in!!!
    I hope he can find a suitable stunning lovely lady to take to the Emmys rather than His Mum ….just to answer those “pap strolls” ..
    For once I feel sorry and embarrassed for him…I know most feel he was just as thirsty …
    It’s a summer thing that you wish you never got involved with..!!!!

  8. Margo S. says:

    Jude law is aging horribly… that’s what constant booze will do to you.

    • lunchcoma says:

      Really? Aside from the hair loss, I think he looks pretty good for a 43-year-old. He’s got some eye wrinkles, but so do most people around that age who haven’t had botox.

  9. dee says:

    Love Jude Law I can’t wait to see him in The Young Pope!

  10. Oatmeal says:

    He’s morphing into Terence Stamp

  11. mkyarwood says:

    kewpie swirl!!!

  12. Beau Kitty says:

    Bless Jude’s heart. He looks like a propane gas flame or onion bulb. But he’s cute.

    And the Ann Coulter at Rob Lowe’s roast. Wow…

  13. Canadian Becks says:

    “There’s something about Mary” about Jude.