Taylor Swift’s latest moves probably mean she’s releasing an album soon-ish


I think we’ve all been anxiously awaiting Taylor Swift’s next big move. Tom Hiddleston, in particular, is probably sweating bullets right about now. When will Taylor release her next album? How many blind-item songs will there be? What kind of promotional tour will she do? What will those interviews sound like? Yes, it’s going to be crazy. I theorized at some point that Taylor is breaking her cycle of releasing a new album every two years, always in October or November – my theory is that she’ll release a new album next spring. Well, it might be sooner than that! Because Tay-Tay is making moves to dominate next February. She’s just signed on to perform at the big pre-Super Bowl event in Houston.

Time to shake it off! Taylor Swift will headline an AT&T DIRECTV pre–Super Bowl show the night before the big game in Houston, Texas, on Saturday, February 4, the company announced on Tuesday, October 4. Whether she will debut new music is yet to be determined! The performance is in conjunction with an exclusive multi-year deal that Swift, 26, just signed with AT&T. A custom 64,000-square-foot venue is being built just for the star, and fans will have a chance to get tickets throughout a variety of AT&T promotions and campaigns.

“We’re thrilled to reach a deal to bring Taylor and her unique talents to her fans and our customers in new and exclusive ways,” AT&T CEO John Stankey said in a statement on the company’s website. “We’re excited to get event tickets into the hands of Taylor’s fans and exclusive content from the event to our customers and celebrate the combination of one of the world’s biggest artists with one of the world’s biggest sporting events.”

Swift already has major sponsorship deals with Apple Music and Diet Coke. She became a brand ambassador for the Coca-Cola company in 2013. Its arch rival, Pepsi, has sponsored the Super Bowl halftime show for years. This is Swift’s first big music announcement since ending her 1989 world tour in December 2015.

[From Us Weekly]

Her brand-ambassadorship with Coke has long been the “excuse” for why Taylor has never been invited to do the Pepsi-sponsored Super Bowl Half-Time show, although there are many theories floating around that Taylor has actually shown some interest but the NFL didn’t want her. Just like there are theories that Taylor offered a song for the Olympics but NBC went with Katy Perry instead. I have no idea if any of that is true. Anyway, the bigger story here is that Taylor scored another lucrative endorsement deal, and that she’s making the kinds of moves that would seem to indicate that she’s going to release a new album… soon. Maybe January/February? Which means that Taylor might appear on January magazine covers, which come out in December. Swiftmas!!!


Photos courtesy of PCN, Fame/Flynet.

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27 Responses to “Taylor Swift’s latest moves probably mean she’s releasing an album soon-ish”

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  1. alexis says:

    Ugh, it was so peaceful without her awful music and shenanigans

  2. Shay says:

    I know we’re all supposed to hate Tay because she’s a snake or whatever, but I don’t even care. I love her music and I’m pumped as hell for these blind item songs. Petty? Sure. But damn entertaining!

    • Millennial says:

      Ditto. I know we are supposed to hate her but I like her music too. But I’m white ans “basic” so perhaps that explains it, haha.

  3. AlleyCat says:

    This is such a poor consolation prize for her. You KNOW she wanted a Super Bowl performance. There have been rumors for years that she has been interested. Who even knew they had a pre super bowl party. Can people even watch on tv? Isn’t it too late for the songs to be about Tom if the album comes out soon? So many questions. Also, just because I’m nosy, I’m so curious as to how much she got from this deal.

    • lightpurple says:

      It usually isn’t televised but the pre-Super Bowl party is a big deal. I think Beyonce has performed at several of them (Houston? New York?) Celebrities and athletes get to hang out and mingle.

    • Secret squirrel says:

      Maybe Tom broke up with her when he caught her writing shade songs about Calvin all day every day and nothing about her true love romance with him.

      She probably has break up songs written in advance and then just add in the guy’s name/a specific reference to make it “personal”. The country music industry was built on heartbreak songs so there is nothing new in the formula she uses.

      That whole second paragraph sounds snarky, but it wasn’t intended that way. Trying to say she can write love/heartbreak songs without being in love/heartbroken at the time.

  4. Jess says:

    She has the Formula 1 concert in less than 3 weeks so we’ll be seeing more of her soon.

    What I find very funny is that she’s getting millions for this contract with AT&T (and if she did the Super Bowl she would get nothing)

  5. Red says:

    Stupid move. It will invite comparisons with Gagas live performance from that same weekend. Two live acts you never want to that with; Gaga and Beyonce. Especially when you are Taylor and can neither sing nor dance and have zero sex appeal.

  6. MI6 says:

    She’s too boring for Superbowl halftime.
    If this is true, her new album will coincide with SI promotion… how perfect.

    • Little Darling says:

      My thoughts exactly. Perhaps if she had saved the whole squad stage spectacle but…

    • Little Darling says:

      Can’t wait for the new songs on the album; “I’ve got Adam’s Apple” , “Hiding Behind Your Wifes behind” “3 Months” and “Kisses on Island of Rhode”.

      When all else fails make up some Swifty titles.

    • Nicole says:

      I agree. She just doesn’t have it to appeal to the Supervowl crowd. They are expecting dancing, good staging and solid live vocals. Taylor is good at only one of these things (staging) and compared to artists like Gaga or Bey she’s weak at that too.

  7. L says:

    Cant wait for “Swiftmas”. Blow it up Gurrl. lol I love it. Bring on the drama and shenanigans. Gives me something to read up on at work.

  8. Jess says:

    I think she got the better deal actually.
    The SuperBowl performance is a one time thing, right? And the artist doesn’t get paid for it. It’s good for the exposure.
    But Swift’s contract with AT&T is a multi-year deal. She gets paid. A venue is being constructed specifically for her event there.

    She’s not in the best moment to perform at the SuperBowl anyway. Her contract with Diet Coke wouldn’t allow her either.
    I don’t know, I think she got a pretty perfect deal

  9. Cool Character says:

    Looking forward to new music.

  10. lizzie says:

    she needs to massage those implants…

  11. Max says:

    Why is this still a thing? Go away, Taylor and take your “music”. Let us all forget how truly dreary and talent-less you are. Or continue to be a self-absorbed Fame Whore, go with your one and only strength.

    • Evil Queen says:

      I’m with you. I don’t get the music. It’s the most homogenized saccharine crap. Nothing deep, dark, edgy, new…just regurgitated, recycled teenage drama soundtracks. I have stepped in deeper puddles.

      Most of it should come with a warning: causes diabetes.

      • Dara says:

        @Evil Queen, I am going to use the hell out of, “I’ve stepped in deeper puddles.”
        Nice one.

  12. Erica_V says:

    YES so excited for this!! Make your $$$$$ Tay!!

  13. pleaseicu says:

    What happened to her declarations that she was going to fade and be out of the public spotlight for a year once the 1989 tour ended because she knew she was on the verge of being overexposed?

    I feel like she’s been in constant self-promo mode since the 1989 tour ended either through her relationships, her squad, her daily pap strolls, etc. She never goes away. Which is new for her. I feel like she used to do a better job of being able to disconnect from Taylor Inc. and the fame/celebrity machine and disappear for awhile.