Lena Dunham’s pro-Hillary ‘Funny or Die’ video isn’t half as clever as she hopes


For days/weeks now, cable news has been obsessed with the idea/reality that black-voter turnout is really weak this year. Several explanations have been given, like the fact that black turnout was especially, historically high in 2008 and 2012 because President Obama was on the ticket and that of course Hillary Clinton wasn’t going to match those numbers. But at this point, I have to also admit that there’s another reason why African-American turnout might be lower than people were expecting: because Hillary Clinton has been cozying up to the worst of white feminism this year. Just in the past few months, we’ve seen non-intersectional white feminists like Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham (I would include Chloe Moretz too, she even had a prime speaking position at the DNC) use their voices to promote Hillary Clinton. And while that’s Amy’s right and Lena’s right, I do have to wonder… are they doing more harm than good? Are they actually turning off people who want to support HRC? Does HRC’s alliance with Schumer and Dunham say something about her priorities?

I asked myself those same questions while I watched Lena Dunham’s new Funny or Die video for getting out the vote, or getting people to vote for Hillary. And… honestly, this is just bad. Just watch it.

The “joke” is that Lena Dunham is an oblivious white feminist who decides to culturally appropriate rap to make a video supporting Hillary Clinton. Like, Lena Dunham is self-aware so she’s making the joke that she’s oblivious. It’s very “meta,” or that’s what she hopes. In reality, it just feels like she’s not even half as self-aware as she pretends to be because she still made the damn video! In reality, the joke she’s making is “hahaha, isn’t it funny that I’m such a clueless white feminist and I’m still using black people as props in my fake music video?” As Spin wrote last night:

But you have to wonder who MC Pantsuit’s audience is. If we’re really trying to be pro-Hillary, perhaps the most pro-Hillary thing to do here would’ve been to go silent for the next week. Dunham’s attempts at using black culture as comedic backdrop renders it as an exotic plaything. Like Clinton’s pro-establishment image, it’s alienating. This is one of the least pro-Hillary things you can do in an election where black voter turnout, one of this election’s deciding factors, has decreased.

…White feminism has had a long history of excluding the black American experience: The suffragettes who’ve been constantly referenced before and during this election campaign also thought that African-Americans—former slaves—having voting rights before them was absurd. It’s a stretch to pin Schumer and Dunham as this blatantly racist, but their misfires are another reminder of how dominant white cultural influencers—the so-called good ones—can still minimize and misunderstand black culture. Democrats are understandably stressing on galvanizing African-Americans to vote, and if Trump does in fact win, black people will very likely be marked as scapegoats. Either way, their culture will remain a joke to the people in charge.

[From Spin]

That whole Spin piece is worth a read, just FYI.

Lena also posted this short video, which angered the MRAs, because of course. Like… Lena, you’re not helping. You’re speaking to the already converted and you’re alienating potential allies. If you really believe in these things and you’re not just doing this because you’re an attention-deprived a—hole with special snowflake syndrome, maybe STFU for a week? Please?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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35 Responses to “Lena Dunham’s pro-Hillary ‘Funny or Die’ video isn’t half as clever as she hopes”

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  1. Barrett says:

    I can’t w her! Will she ever learn?

    Too privileged and out of touch due to her artsy wealthy parents. And her high school education w open curriculum at st Ann’s in Brooklyn.

    Living in a false reality like goop.

    • Megan says:

      I find her and Amy Shumer incredibly annoying. That said, I don’t think white feminism is the issue with African American turn out. I think discriminatory voter ID laws, reduced polling stations, promises from Trump supporters to harass voters, etc. is the bigger problem.

      • chn says:

        I have spoken to a few African American friends of mine and they feel that obama didn’t do enough for them and they don’t want another 4 or 8 years of obama basically.
        They felt ignored and pushed aside and now say they will either vote third party, not at all, or trump. Some already have.
        I don’t judge or try to convince them of anything. I listen, respect their decisions and try to be understanding.

    • Nicole says:

      She and Amy need to be cancelled forever. I’m over their BS feminism. Just stop

    • ctgirl says:

      Lena isn’t ever half as clever as she thinks she is. Her “cleverness” may play well at a cocktail party among the “intelligentsia” of Brooklyn and its environs but overall she’s just another Millenium who was raised to think that her every thought is precious, that her character flaws (such as racism and fear of anyone else who isn’t white and upper-class) don’t need to be examined/changed because they have made her the special little snowflake that she is and who who thinks that everyone wants to see her tits. She isn’t empowering anyone. She is exhibiting her own laziness in regards to bettering herself and understanding the world outside the one in which she grew up.

      • vespernite says:

        +1,000,0000,0000,00000,000….there aren’t enough zeros to support your statement.

      • OhDear says:

        +[infinity] She’s not untalented, and she’s comparatively self-aware, but she’s too self-involved to make it work.

  2. noname says:

    I only made it 1:50 in and I can’t handle anymore.

  3. MI6 says:

    Yeah, both Lena and Amy need to STFU not for a week, but for a good, long time.
    Take several seats, Girls.

  4. paolanqar says:

    Give it a rest Lena.
    You are not funny. So not funny.
    Stacey dash kind of not- funny. And most of all: put your clothes on and NEVER ever take them off in public again.

  5. Shell says:

    Such an unflattering pic of her. She needs to go away.

  6. jerkface says:

    She dresses like a deranged middle schooler. Dawn Weiner would have put together a better ensemble on her worst day. I’m not being very mature myself at the moment but I also don’t have a news letter claiming to be a smarty pants enlightened social guru ding dong.

  7. Pandora says:

    That was kinda stupid, but blaming white millennial feminists for reduced black voter turnout is equally basic.

    • Honey bear says:

      Thank you. Yes, blacks aren’t participating in the political system because of whites. Smh. When will it end?

  8. Pedro45 says:

    Shorter headline: “Lena Dunham isn’t half as clever as she thinks”

  9. Anna says:

    I think a decrease in black voter turnout is primarily caused by all the anti voter fraud (complete bullshit) laws that have been put into place the last four years.

    I remember when Girls first came out, I think I watched 2 episodes and wanted to vomit. I did not see the appeal at all. And I was probably her target audience with that.

  10. Jesie says:

    Plenty of black people remember ‘super-predators’ and the explosion of racism that came from her people in 08 when things got desperate for her campaign.

    Bill Clinton’s legacy of creating mass-incarceration as we know it is also an issue, and his ‘I’m the first black President’ bit hasn’t aged well either.

  11. Brittney B. says:

    She’ll be here in Denver tomorrow with America Ferrera.

    Driving to Colorado Springs to see Bernie instead.

  12. QueenB says:

    she is right about white men though

  13. Sam says:

    This is why I don’t get upset when certain celebrities (think Taylor Swift) do not open their mouth about politics. And it has nothing to do with which party they are voting for (i totally believe Swift is voting for Clinton, for various reasons) but for instances like this, where more harm than good is done. But I also think it’s important for folks to decide for themselves on why they want to vote for…who they feel is the best candidate. I believe that was Taylor’s reasoning as to why she doesn’t speak about politics (or religion). Which is why again I don’t get upset when celebrities don’t talk about politics. Maybe Lena can take a page out of her friend’s book and just shut her trap….preferably forever.

  14. LilyT says:

    SHE’s not half as clever as she hopes.

  15. Jen says:

    Someone close to her really needs to take her aside and tell her to disappear for a bit.

  16. Jenn4037 says:

    I’m absolutely shocked Tony winner Cynthia Erivo participated in this. Also, she’s British – not helping.

  17. Chaine says:

    She’s so dreadful. Why does she labor under the delusion that she is the voice of a generation that everyone wants to hear? Why does she not understand that her endorsement of HRC is more likely to cause her to lose votes than gain votes?

  18. lexx says:

    black voter turnout is low because her and bill are responsible for some of the worst polices that affected black people, she was racist in 08, and we rightfully don’t trust her.
    Also https://theintercept.com/2016/06/09/hillary-clintons-state-department-gave-south-sudans-military-a-pass-for-its-child-soldiers/

    So yeah.

  19. lemonbow says:

    What on earth is going on with her eyebrows? For the longest time she didn’t have any and now it looks like she drunkenly drew them on with a brown sharpie marker! I hate to criticize someone’s appearance but this isn’t about the genetics she was given, it is like she is constantly actively trying to do things that make her look as horrendous as possible. The clothes, the makeup, the hair! She is daring people to criticize her so she can play the feminism card.

  20. Sequinedheart says:

    I watched an episode or 2 of girls and I found it f–king boring. The pp who stated she is in her bubble of artsy upperclass Brooklyn is dead-on.
    She’s a f–kwit and I can’t stand her self absorbed bullshit. I did not watch the video.

  21. Cam says:

    And yet another pointless shot at Chloe Moretz. She doesn’t even fit the definition of “white feminist” used in the link provided. I would be more than entertained to hear what horrors she has committed to continue to be smeared.