Hillary Clinton concedes election: ‘This is painful, and it will be for a long time’

Hillary Clinton was supposed to speak and finally concede on-camera at 9:30 a.m. We were still waiting for her at 11:30. Is that rude? Like, I voted for her and genuinely wanted her to be president, but I think she should have conceded on camera early this morning, right after she conceded to Donald Trump on the phone. Instead, John Podesta came out and told all of the Clinton supporters to go home in the wee hours of the morning and Hillary didn’t appear on camera until hours after she was scheduled to speak. And so now here we are.

Don’t get me wrong: this was difficult. I know her heart is broken. I know she had to come to terms within a matter of a few hours that her political career is over, that she will never be president of the United States and that the voters’ lack of engagement and lack of enthusiasm with her and for her is one of the big reasons why an orange fascist was just elected president. So I don’t begrudge her the fact that she needed a moment. So, here’s the speech (you’ll need to skip ahead to the 10-minute mark to see Time Kaine’s intro).

Tim Kaine’s voice was already breaking when he introduced Hillary, but she kept it together. I started to lose it when she said, “This is painful, and it’ll be for a long time.” Then I was full-on crying when she was talking directly to the young women who worked for her campaign, and the women of America: “This loss hurts. But please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it. To all the women…who put their faith in this campaign and in me…nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. To all the little girls watching…never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world.” She also acknowledges that it’s the end of the road for her, but that maybe her journey will make it easier for the next woman: “We have still have not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling. But some day, someone will.”

Meanwhile, you know how Trump said during the second debate that Hillary “would be in jail” if he was president? You know how people were chanting “Lock Her Up!” at his rallies? Yeah. Guess what? It might happen. In just two and a half months, Donald Trump is going to have his own Attorney General… and probably a new FBI Director, considering James Comey is on the way out no matter what, either Pres. Obama will fire him or Pres. Trump will. So Trump could conceivably have an investigation opened up into Hillary. The Washington Post has a new article which theorizes the reasons why Trump may and may not do that. It’s also possible that Pres. Obama would give Hillary a blanket pardon for everything. Ugh.

So, yeah. I’m probably going to get blitzed on wine coolers tonight.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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287 Responses to “Hillary Clinton concedes election: ‘This is painful, and it will be for a long time’”

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  1. swak says:

    I say this to Trump, it’s over, you win, now move on to something more important that will impact the nation in a positive manner and stop obsessing about jailing Hillary.

    • MyHiddles says:

      He doesn’t give a damn about putting Hillary in jail. He was only saying those things to rile up his base and keep them frothing at the mouth and raring to vote.

      • Esmom says:

        My thoughts exactly. He said a lot of things that i’m sure he is either incapable and/or uninterested in following through on.

      • PowerToThePeaceful says:

        Don’t get me started. He manipulated the uneducated masses. I’d like to invent manipulation-o-meter for any human in a shady coercive situation. If it starts beeping the undue influence police arrive and tell everyone to move along.

      • Tan says:

        I agree too

        These are just tactics to court and winthe votes.

        Once in office it is not that easy to do whatever one wants to do. Even if the one is Donald Trump.

        I think for all the ruckus created, Trump Presidency will be a boring inconsequential one. Nothing better would happen probably, but the status quo that has been going on will also not alter.

      • Jag says:

        While I agree that he was trying to rouse his followers, he will have a Congress that is also Republican and who hates Clinton. So it might be that he does actually follow through on that threat.

        As for the status quo continuing, that would be wonderful but I don’t see it happening. The Republican Legislators have been waiting a long time to be able to get rid of the EPA and to do other horrible things.

      • Dani says:

        Exactly. After everything is said and done, he got what he wanted and that’s more than enough for him.

    • jwoolman says:

      Hard to say how serious he is about anything. But he might remember that more people voted for her than for him, and he might not want to get those people riled up too soon. He might find himself surrounded day after day by people who make him quite uncomfortable without a gun in sight.

    • Fiorella says:

      Kellyanne addrssed this this morning. Can’t remember the network but they pushed her several times. She didn’t want to say “nah he was just saying that to get votes” but it was strongly implied that he wasn’t going to do it. “Working together” etc…

  2. sun says:

    she’s so strong

    • LiterallyaShambles says:

      An amazingly graceful woman. She’s genuine, warm, and an inspiring leader. We f*cked up letting this one go.

      What has really moved me watching this is seeing Bill behind her. You can see that he’s devastated for her, and that he so proud of her. I know he’s a dog, but she obviously inspires a lot of loyalty among the people who love her. I will forever be a nasty woman. Crying again.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        That’s what got me as well, Bill looked terrible. I think he always knew what he owed her and I want to believe that they will just have a lovely retirement, working as much or as little for the foundation as they want. Nobody deserved what she got during this election and to see her not lose it once is inspiring even though I believe women should lose it once in a while, especially in the face of f*cking fascism.

    • Melly says:

      Stronger than I am. She’s such a class act. How were we this stupid? This country deserves what we’re about to get. I’m still crying like a baby. I’m amazed that I still have any tears left.
      I’m a Nasty Woman for life

      • JudyK says:

        She’s SO strong, so damned smart, such a lady, and the embodiment of PURE CLASS. I can’t stop crying, either. I admire her so much. I am heartbroken.

      • Nancy says:

        Right Melly. This was her life. He is a 70 year old game show host who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any of us and has NO EXPERIENCE, nada. I won’t start up again. She got duped by the FBI, the Russian wiki leaks. Looking back now, she never had a chance. I remember when good won over evil. Everything will change and I am not being a drama queen. Not today or tomorrow, but as I read on twitter 9/11 – 11/9. Devastated.

      • Kitten says:

        There you are, Melly.

        Me too. My brother is getting married tomorrow (celebration this weekend) and I’m so sad that this had to happen right before we all come together to celebrate their union on Saturday. Still, we’ll all be commiserating together because our families both voted Blue.

      • Georgia says:

        She was amazing delivering this speech. I couldn’t help but cry

      • Greeneyes says:

        Right there with you Melly & Kitten. God help our country. I hope he was full of empty promises.. idk, if Giuliani fecomes Attorney General though we may be really screwed. Both Trump & Rudy are vindictive people. I could see them w/ a list. 🙁

    • LadyMTL says:

      She is indeed, moreso than I could ever be. I really feel for her, I hope that she can one days soon get away and relax, enjoy her grandchildren and be happy that she doesn’t have to deal with the day-to-day bullsh*t that is politics.

      • Melly says:

        The funny (not funny) thing is, I truly thinks she LOVES the daily grind of politics. She wouldn’t have survived and endured the 30 year shit storm the republicans created if she wasn’t passionate about what she was doing. I think relaxing is stressful to her! She’s a work horse who would have given 110% to being a great president.

      • Cel2495 says:

        I’m devastated. Cried like a giro that lost her mother early this morning. I love USA very much and feel that we just shot ourselves in the foot electing Trump as our president. I voted for Clinton and I will be forever with her! Let’s pray that Trump doesn’t screw the country so much the next 4 years.

    • Lindsay says:

      Yes, she really is. In yet another shocking turn of events the coverage of her speech was incredibly sexist (/s) They really wanted her to cry because she is a woman. This article talks about it and also talks about how when she was running against Obama a woman in a diner at a campaign stop asked her how she did it and she misted up while giving her response which led to an article titled “Will Hillary Cry Her Way Into the White House?” Plus, Tim Kaine was also emotional and that also was not commented on.


      It sucks that she won the popular vote and not the election 🙁

      • JudyK says:

        What is COMPLETELY ironic about that is that Trump said it SHOULD BE the popular vote early on and he was going to work to change it, because the Electoral Vote was a “rigged” system, and, yet, it was the Electoral Vote that got him elected. Had he had “his way,” Hillary would be our President.

      • PowerToThePeaceful says:

        Going up against a monied sociopathic borderline is no easy task. I was the David to this type of Goliath for 5 years. You can’t turn your back. You can’t lose your cool you’ve got to be unbreakable 24/7. Its warrior time and I’m not giving up on what I believe in- he may have won the battle but let’s not curl up and lose he war. I’m a fighter. I’m still IN.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      I still haven’t watched the concession speech because I know I’ll bawl like a baby. I know her heart is broken and mine is, too.
      …as for timing, the 11.30 ET start time is more inclusive for those of us in the West.

  3. Don't kill me I'm French says:


    • FLORC says:

      I think we all are. Or have. Or will at some point. This is all madness.

    • BritAfrica says:

      From Twitter:

      Britain: Nothing can be more embarrassing than Brexit…..!
      Philippines: Challenge accepted.
      USA: Hold my beer……

      Thought it might make you smile DKMIF. Cheer up, it’s time to fight. French elections next year – battle to keep Le Pen out!

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        Brexit has inspired the ‘forgotton’ voters or those with grievances against their gov and people who are not like ‘them’ to act, the US and Philippines won’t be the last. The French people that I know have all said that Le Pen is more popular than people want to believe – particularly in rural areas/small towns. All the terrorist attacks on French soil have made them afraid and she’s playing to it and getting their support in return.

      • Cee says:

        If Le Pen wins I’m moving to Antarctica.

      • Dinah says:

        First the UK, then America. All baby steps toward the third world war. After the fall, come the nukes. Trump mocks a reporter who had a stroke, yet doesn’t mock Kellyanne Conway’s wonky eye that droops and sticks on her lopsided face? Thank God something deep inside always told me to never bring children into this world, not in this lifetime. RIP USA.

  4. bros says:

    This thing about her failing to energize is driving me crazy

    give me a break @voters who always need to be EXCITED and energized and find perfect unicorns of fulfillment to actually do anything! get off your asses and just go vote, regardless of whether clinton is orgasmic or charismatic or whatever. turn out was SO low for her compared to 2012 for obama because obama is inspiring and magical etc (while largely performing exactly like a neolib clinton in office) but didnt get off their tuffs to go vote for hillary because she didn’t light their fire, or worse, vote for gary f’ing johnson who is basically a baked potato in human form. great, thanks, now we have trump.

    I live in philadelphia. in 2012 Obama got 3.2 million votes to Romney’s 2.6m and this year Clinton got 2.8 to Trump’s 2.9. that’s 500,000 FEWER people who turned out to vote for what was billed as essentially obama’s 3rd term and because lazy people werent jazzed up, we ended up with a tiny margin by which she was beat in this state. it’s infuriating.

    • Sesame says:

      Yes to all you just wrote, Bros!

    • Juls says:

      No, she did not get the same turnout as Obama. That being said, as of right now, with 92% of votes in, it appears she DID win the popular vote. How sad. And all of those Trump supporters that up until yesterday were screaming that if Trump won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college, where is your outrage now? *crickets*

      • DeniseMich says:

        Yeah. i am sad and pissed off.

      • bros says:

        doesn’t matter that she won the popular vote-her popular vote will be probably orders of magnitude smaller than obama’s popular vote numbers. just a guess.

        this american idea of having to be completely fucking high on a candidate’s fumes in order to get off their asses and vote is just ridiculous. no one else’s campaigns last this long with all this hoopla and stagecraft and cult of personality shit. they get like 2 months period to make their cases and no one has to be a cult leader to get elected. americans are grotesquely (obviously not all) selfish and lazy memememmememememme people who cant be bothered to do much of anything civic unless they are literally in the throes of some sort of epic fandom. pathetic.

      • hmmm says:

        I really like your style, @bros. And you actually made me smile.

      • liz_bee says:

        I wonder if the polls showing that she would win made people complacent. They decided to stay at home because they thought she didn’t need their votes, and she wasn’t the perfect dream candidate they wanted anyway. I am so angry at people who didn’t vote. SO ANGRY. It is YOUR FAULT this happened if you could have gone to the polls but instead you decided you’d rather sit this one out.

      • mellie says:

        I’m even more mad at her over confident campaign advisors who decided to sit out campaigning in Ohio and Michigan…that was mentioned multiple times last night. What the crap?!

      • wolfpup says:

        hmmm- I am so so P*sst. To think that we have an electoral so swayed by Hate – perhaps Hillary played this wrong, but how to play a bully and Big Man? She did Great! We have an ignorant white male populace with pernicious beliefs (along with the women who love their ass*es). That’s how it Be! Our people do not know how to vote in their own best interests…a democracy needs an educated public.

        Bernie and Hillary were right, about the need to extend higher education. They call Us, elitist, for that small mercy. It is word salad!!

        The consequences of this election seem too hard to bear tonight.

    • HH says:

      THIS. ALL DAY.

    • Kco says:

      My writing partner and close friend FLEW BACK TO PHILLY to cast her vote.

      To anyone who didn’t vote, you’ve lost your right to bitch and moan over these next 4 years. Wear it. You helped create it.

      Sidenote, I am SO grateful for the love around me. As a black woman, I need to remember to fear not. To be strong. To stay on path. To love. Hopefully through these acts, they may be reciprocated.

      I love you all.

      • Melanie says:

        @kco thank you for your words. I’m clinging to them right now. I hope I find the strength to fear not, and to motivate and fight. But right now I’m still crying, and cycling through all the stages of grief.

        I’m in fear, and my anger is actually scaring me. There are members of my family that I no longer want to speak to again. Ever. May your strength help to rise me up. I’m ashamed to be an American today, a white American at that. I feel like I’ve been lied to my whole life, and I’ve just been drinking the kook-aid.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Yes … what is the matter with people that they could not, with all the opportunities to have their say and all the danger posed by a Trump dictatorship, find the time to vote and vote for someone as distinguished as Clinton.

      • Lorelai says:


        We VASTLY overestimated our fellow Americans. I never in a million years thought they would actually do this.

    • Timbuktu says:

      We don’t expect to be hired for being fun and outgoing, we expect to be hired for being competent and experienced, or eager to learn. Then why do we have different expectations of our presidents?

    • LinaLamont says:


      +1 trillion
      I’m numb, speechless and in a fog. Thank you for being so cogent and

    • Lorelai says:

      @ Bros,
      My god, yes, you articulated so much of my fury.

      Shame on all of the asses who didn’t bother to vote. May they live with the repercussions of this monstrous decision on their consciences for the rest of their sorry, scared lives.

      And I for one *was* excited about Hillary, none of that “holding my nose” nonsense, but I can’t think about her too much more right now 💔

      Our moronic country deserves what they get at this point. I’m so tired of the ignorance.

      • Jag says:

        It wasn’t just the people who didn’t vote; it was the people who voted third party as well. Had one half of Johnson’s and all of Stein’s votes gone to Clinton, she would have won Florida, for instance. Both the non-voters and the third party voters had a hand in this.

  5. Nene's Wig says:

    I’m trying to hold back my tears and anger this morning…I feel crushed. And as a woman, terrified for my future.

    • EM says:

      I went to bed sad but by the time I was driving to work I was bloody furious. Seriously may you all enjoy your 12% student loan interest rate, no health insurance and everything else bad that’s coming. Enjoy.

  6. me says:

    It is sad that she has worked so long for this and it didn’t happen, while Trump just decided on a whim to run and got elected. I hate how this world works. RIP America.

    • Jess says:

      Me, I keep repeating those words in almost every comment I’ve made. How fkng perfect for this election that was built around women’s rights to have a man who has never worked in this field going against a woman who has spent her entire life preparing for this job, and he wins. It blows my mind, and brings up all the memories of times I was passed over for a job so an under qualified white man could get it. I’m sick over this, sick.

      • Lolamd says:

        So true Jess. I am despondent over this.

      • LiterallyaShambles says:

        When you put it that way… It’s crushing. Misogyny is a real and painful reality. It is honestly devastating to be a woman in my early 20s, starting my life out in the world, to see that the world is so against us. I’m so heartbroken.

      • OldLadiesForHillary says:

        Yes, ma’am; Jess, you’re absolutely correct. I come from the Old Times before Roe v. Wade and I can remember when that happened, we were (the women) all so THRILLED and relieved that our right to choose was at last legal. Our control at least somewhat over OUR OWN BODIES was finally legal. Not to even mention the civil rights wars in which people died and the regular old Murica life today where people are still dying because of the color of their skin. I despair. And, I am very very angry. I will have trouble even talking to a white male, particularly one of my generation, ever again. The very best thing my generation can do is to die off; I think much of the impetus for these horrific abuses is coming from my generation, and my only hope is for the younger people who are more grounded in a tougher reality. Not much to go on.

      • me says:

        @ Jess

        I can so relate ! I have had many supervisors be less educated and less qualified for the job than I am…yet they are MY boss ! How is that right? It’s not fair, and this election just showed how unfair it is to be a woman. If you’re a woman of color, as I am, it’s even more difficult. I hate this world. Working hard and being educated is not enough now a days…you need a penis…and white skin helps too.

      • liz_bee says:

        If HRC had been a man, she would have won in a landslide. She is QUALIFIED. I can’t think of anyone else, man or woman, who was more qualified for the presidency. It makes me so sick that she lost to an idiot, asshole, douchebag who has no idea what he’s doing. It is so personally insulting to me. Sexism is so real. America hates women. America hates me. I feel hopeless.

      • Maire3 says:

        @Jess “It blows my mind, and brings up all the memories of times I was passed over for a job so an under qualified white man could get it.”

        And How. Many. Times. I’ve worked in the corporate sector with women who have had had to clean up after some of these half witted clueless men. For the privilege of $0.77 on the dollar.

        Some memorable dialogue from the play (&movie) ‘The History Boys’
        Mrs Lintott: Can you for a moment imagine how depressing it is to teach five centuries of masculine ineptitude? … I’ll tell you why. Because history’s not such a frolic for women as it is for men. Why should it be? They never get round the conference table. In 1919 for instance, they just arranged the flowers …then gracefully retired. History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. What is history? History is women following behind …with a bucket.

      • Bubbles says:

        A man who has never worked on behalf of other human beings; just a self serving Con Artist, Fascist who’ll remove the most precious rights we’ve worked so hard for.
        My heart is aching for all us good people, for the relentless valiant battle POTUS fought against GOP and for the great lady, Hillary. I’m still with her & so is the majority, who have spoken.

      • Pastis says:

        the world is not against you…..I promise. stop seeing it that way. I’m a guy…..(sorry for that). we have; the Second female British PM. Australia has had a female PM. Condalezza. Hillary – Sec of State. etc. Relax…its gonna happen. A narrow margin of voters were sick of the Clinton Dynasty. Thats all. Take a breath…….Pence will do Trumps “real” work


      • Cat 'n' Corgi Lover says:

        @ Pastis: I’m all for optimism, but I don’t see it. SO MANY people voted for a man who openly admitted to sexually harrassing and assaulting women, over an actual, hugely qualified, woman. That is scary AF. It’s not just about the glass ceiling. It is about everyday sexism; it is about the message this sends to men and women everywhere; it is about how this presidency is going to affect the lives of women everywhere: “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with sexual assault, even the American president said so!”

        I don’t feel safe. I am scared as a woman, because almost half the people who bothered to actually vote, either actively cheered on the notion of sexual assault on women, or were indifferent to it as in: “not a big deal”. Both are horrible options.

        This is the world that we women live in. Please don’t tell us to relax and take a breath. That is demeaning. That is actually, like it or not, part of what we as women are fighting: we’re not being taken seriously. Our concerns, our fears, our pain, the way misogyny affects our lives, are not being taken seriously. We understand this better than you. We live it. We know it.
        Either take our concerns seriously, or if you can’t, concede that you don’t understand what it means to be woman in a world where an unqualified man who openly admitted to sexually assaulting women, was chosen as American president over a very qualified woman. I repeat: It is scary AF. I repeat: We understand this better than you. We live it.

      • Jag says:

        @ Pastis – Pence actively hates women’s rights and those who are LGBTQ. He would be no better than Trump, unfortunately.

    • Flora says:

      This!! I actually cried and I have never shed a tear in my life about politics or politicians. I’m absolutely gutted for her. All that hard work and dedication and then to lose to someone like Trump. The betrayal must cut like a knife.

    • Asiyah says:

      Precisely what gets to me, and I wasn’t with Hilary at all (didn’t vote for Trump or a 3rd party. She won in my state by a huge margin). She worked her butt off for this and Trump just comes on a whim one day and says “oh I want to!” and he wins. So unfair.

    • Lorelai says:

      And she would have been a fantastic president. She would have worked her ass off for us. Stupidity won today.

  7. BonnieJean says:

    Trump was very gracious to HRC in his acceptance speech. I don’t think he will go after her at this point.

    • zinjojo says:

      But Rudy will. His base wants red meat served up, and that nasty old man will gladly deliver. I am not optimistic.

      • BonnieJean says:

        I am not so sure about that. I guess we will have to wait & see.

      • Dani says:

        If Rudy wants to come with Trump anywhere near the white house, he’ll listen and not object to not going after HRC. Trump will more than likely work with her to make it easier for everyone. He’s crazy, but he’s not stupid, and he knows in order to placate everyone he needs her.

    • Kat says:

      Of course he will. He’s going to need to give his loonbag supporters something once he realises that he can’t do the merest fraction of what he led them to imagine he might.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Bread and circuses. He’ll keep “entertaining” – and distracting from the real issues.

    • EM says:

      I tend to agree. I think he will going after the Obamas and Elizabeth Warren before Hillary. What a pathetic nation we are.

  8. BritAfrica says:

    Well Done Hillary.

    You fought a good fight but it wasn’t to be. You did your best and that’s all anyone can ask of any of us. Hopefully you will find some joy in your retirement. Good Luck!

  9. Say What says:

    The only thing a President can do is legally ask for an official investigation into her emails. He does not have the power or right to lock up anybody he wishes. But I bet he won’t, because he does not know what he got himself into. He is going to be so busy peeling the layers off of how our government works, he wont have time for little things like Hillary Clinton. Not only that I wouldn’t be surprised in the next few years if he is inundated with law suits from all the wrong decisions he is going to make. The Democrats are going to put him under a microscope and one wrong move ask for his impeachment. He will not be able to keep his business separate from his Presidential duties. The next four years will be about Donald Trump. Sorry I am in a real funk this morning.

    • zinjojo says:

      The Democrats will be in a minority position in the house and senate, and that means the Republicans can block anything they want — for the next two years at least. I’m deeply depressed today too.

      • Say What says:

        Republicans have the house and senate, but Trump has alienated half of the established Republicans, so many of them won’t work want to work with him. In Illinois, we have a Republican governor, Democratic state government and no budget for a year now. This is what I see on the national level. There is going to be a lot of locked horns.

      • Erika says:

        “…but Trump has alienated half of the established Republicans, so many of them won’t work want to work with him.”

        Now that Trump has won, 100% of Republicans will happily fall in line behind him. Bank on it.

      • Kitten says:

        Wow I actually agree with Erika for once.

    • lizzie says:

      totally agree. there is no chance he won’t be tempted to mix his personal business with the presidency and be brought up on charges. there are dems who will be watching him like a hawk and he will spend the rest of his life under investigation – just like the clintons. he will reap what he sows, 4 years will be up, interest rates will be down and we can elect a sane person.

    • OldLadiesForHillary says:

      You do not want a Trump impeachment because that leaves Pence in charge. If you read up on his views and his record in Indiana, he’s scarier than The Cheeto King… But, I do think Donald will be tired of playing Prez pretty quickly and then there’s no telling who will really be paying attention to anything at all…

      • Shelly says:

        Yes, this exactly. As bad as the cheeto king is I would rather have him than Pence.
        Trump is a buffoon, Pence is evil and clever

    • Jag says:

      There’s a University who has already theorized how Trump could be impeached just as he takes office, due to the “racketeering” charges that are possibly pending against him.

      Pence is scarier to me than Trump because he truly hates women and those who are LGBTQ.

      I hope the electoral college flips and gives us Clinton instead. There is a slim hope they might.

  10. LinaLamont says:

    “…they kilt us but they ain’t whupped us yit,…”

    “ You can’t beat women anyhow and that if you are wise or dislike trouble and uproar you don’t even try to.”

    -William Faulkner

  11. Cheryl says:

    I am gutted.

    Class even in defeat.

    You would’ve made a wonderful Madame President, mrs. Clinton.

    We will continute to fight. But today, I grieve.

    • Ailing suffragette says:

      After our woefull Brexit decision.. I’m sitting in disbelief and genuine sadness for the future..not only for our allies across the pond but for my girls aged 8 and 10 they have been shocked and saddened by today’s result
      As a family we truly believed that a strong women ( self not her husband ) who campaigned for everyone’s rights and choices has been humiliated by what can only be described as a man whose belief systems have shown the world and young women alike that ‘we are things’ is an appalling blueprint for future generations
      I have my nieces over horse dinner.. I have just shown them Hilary speech. . In particular the shout out to young women .. never,ever give up standing up for what is right… iv never commented before and just feel so so sad for the next generation .. I won’t stop believing though

      • wolfpup says:

        I don’t want to watch the news for the fext four years – because it will be an extension of the last two…this election has been so emotionally exploitive. Thanks to Russia, (and their helper, Assange; for posting constant leaks, in an attempt to question Clinton’s integrity), and our own FBI – Coney should be drawn and quartered. White men!!! Women have fought so long to be represented! – We need a Boston Tea Party, of some kind, once more!!! Trump only needed the votes of the deplorables among us, like the KKK. Patriarchal women ( who believe Bible stories), are those who have benefited so much personally by the women’s movement, and are the first deserters of the truth of women.

        Why do some folks want to impose their beliefs? We are good, with them having their own ideas – but why force the rest of us to follow their defunct religions? All the world believes that global warming is occurring, other than the Republican party in America. I am so disappointed.

  12. yipyop says:

    I think America is fairly ready for a female president. But hillary clinton was going to br that person. I think a lot of people were put off by the whole DNC leaks and her crooked ways. Im gonna be honest and admit i voted independent. Now im just regretting because i went in genuinely thinking that hillary was gonna win anyways.

    • Jayna says:

      Hillary is beyond qualified and would have probably made a “great” president. She knows how to work across the aisle and what is able to be accomplished and not promise the world.

      So Russia won, leaking only things that could upset Hillary’s run for president, not Trump’s. People fell for it. Great. Putin was the first foreign leader to congratulate Trump. That says it all, a puppet for Putin. All he has to do is stroke Orangie’s huge ego.

      America is fairly ready for a female president? Hah. We had a misogynistic blowhard running against her and the white men were coming out in droves for him and women, also. What he tapped into in the Republican Party base shows us where we are as a country right now, and it’s not pretty.

    • perplexed says:

      I wonder if anybody else would be as determined as she was to be the first female President. You have to give up a lot to get there.

      Someone like Michelle Obama would make a great President based on her qualifications and charisma, but she also doesn’t want it. Someone like Hillary did, and I don’t know how many have that kind of love for politics to endure (i.e cheating husband, constant scrutiny, constant investigation, pejorative remarks hurled at her, etc) what she had to to get as far as she did. The level of determination and focus from a woman candidate clearly has to be high (obviously the standards are lower for a man as evidenced by Trump’s win), and her level of determination, from either a man or a woman, seems a bit rare to me.

      • wolfpup says:

        I sought a degree in Women’s Studies, after my third divorce. Yes, I am pretty, and could get lots of guys, but it wasn’t working for for me – I was 42, and needed to learn how women view my situation (rather than the man view, which is dominantly hierarchical and patriarchal), because Obviously, It wasn’t working for me – like, do I need to be a married woman? At the University of Utah, in their Women’s Study department, there is perennially, a group of of women who are dumb-struck by the vitriol, that women are called to pass thru. It hit every one of us, who were studying in the program, and we felt we needed counseling, for simply being female. There is great betrayal – that occurs throughout our life cycle. It affects men, in their coding, which is dehumanizing for them, also.

        I call for Women’s History Month – but I don’t see anyone going to bat for women. Trump puts us in our place, as playthings, and followers of the code.

  13. Jayna says:

    I don’t begrudge Hillary anything, waiting until this morning. I cried throughout her whole speech. I felt her pain and marveled at her dignity and her statesmanship. I felt the heartache of those on stage with her and out in the audience. What could have been stays in my mind and won’t leave.

    I can’t get through this day. I’m working at home so I can be left alone. One of our friends has refused to talk to anyone today. She helped campaign here in town and helped get out the vote. She just texted back saying she hasn’t taken anyone’s calls. She said she can’t talk about it yet.

    • original kay says:


    • DIrty Martini says:

      Don’t be, Stats show a good number of independent 3rd party votes leaned toward him anyway. All you can do is vote your belief of what is best……

    • Veronica says:

      My friend hasn’t gotten out of bed today. Her children are both special needs with a third on the way that just got diagnosed with a severe heart defect. They’re in the direct path of the wreckage if the ACA is repealed – even with a husband who works in government. Her husband is just heartbroken and at a loss because he was so sure Hillary would win. Leave it to a man to underestimate how hard the world really is for women when it matters.

  14. DIrty Martini says:

    It was a lovely speech. Truly.

  15. TwistBarbie says:

    I hope she knows she was the world’s choice. Canada was #withher, and I think many other countries were as well. She’s tough and beautiful and I hope she knows that.

    • Kelly says:

      My first call this morning was from someone who lives in Canada. He said he is terrified too…the first thing he asked was if I was all right. I almost started crying again. This is a nightmare

      • wolfpup says:

        Yes, this scenario is true – may I add my voice?

        I am horrified, really. Young immigrant men (illegal) are forced to do work without the proper equipment to protect their lungs. Because I used the word, racist, for this “business decision”, the company stopped work on my home for 3 weeks, leaving it in disarray. The Mexican American, who lives just on the other side of town, cleaned it up, with proper gear, and we talked… he told me that I would be hated for this small act of resistance, costing $$$, but that I had made the right decision to insist on health (honestly ladies, this “illegaL” was suffocating, and he was so cute, but powerless, looking like the father of two darling children). Yet the Big Boss (mixed race), told me that he was so proud of one of his filipino grandfathers, who fought in WWII, and his own business success, that he did not feel any empathy for immigrants, that I had made a big mistake by using the term, racist, and that he was voting for Drumph.

    • ria says:

      The Problem for Clinton WAS that she was the WORLD CHOICE by majority.

      Not the American choice by majority.

      My husband has a good friend from his University days, of Turkish origin like my husband himself ,currently living in Silikon Valley, married to a smart and tough Woman, daughter of illegal Workers from San Salvador.

      My hubby asked him today if he would tell us how he and his wife voted, out of curiosity.
      They told us.
      He voted Trump, she voted Trump, her whole family, citizens for barely 10 years now, voted Trump.

      And no one of them is what could be called “white ”

      We did not know how to respond to that.

      • hmmm says:

        Do they think he would not come for them?

      • ria says:


        I have no idea.
        He and She are making lots of Money, maybe they believe themselves safe.
        Her family are now citizens and don’t want new Immigrants.

      • pinetree13 says:

        So they came over as immigrants, achieved the American dream and are now rich, but don’t want others to have the same opportunities they did? Wow they sound like jerks!
        The hypocrisy is amazing.

      • ria says:


        They don’t want to loose what they gained and they said the new Immigrants, that will come if they have the Chance to, might take away some of their higher wages and be cheaper.

        That is their believe.

      • Flora says:

        So they’re selfish scum! It was ok for them to get the opportunity to improve their lives, but not for anyone else. If they are Turkish, they are most likely Muslim. So they are far from safe with an Islamophobe for a president Trump.

      • wolfpup says:

        Yes, this scenario is true – may I add my voice?

        I am horrified, really. Young immigrant men (illegal) are forced to do work without the proper equipment to protect their lungs. Because I used the word, racist, for this “business decision”, the company stopped work on my home for 3 weeks, leaving it in disarray. The Mexican American, who lives just on the other side of town, cleaned it up, with proper gear, and we talked… he told me that I would be hated for this small act of resistance, costing $$$, but that I had made the right decision to insist on health (honestly ladies, this “illegaL” was suffocating, and he was so cute, but powerless, looking like the father of two darling children). Yet the Big Boss (mixed race), told me that he was so proud of one of his filipino grandfathers, who fought in WWII, and his own business success, that he did not feel any empathy for immigrants, that I had made a big mistake by using the term, racist, and that he was voting for Drumph.

  16. original kay says:

    Obama just finished his speech, and it was a classy and gracious as ever.

    I can’t believe he is passing the baton to trump. it just won’t sink in.

    • Timbuktu says:

      I kinda wish he wouldn’t. No, I’m not saying she should refuse to hand over authority, but I wish she’d refuse to pass the symbolic baton. Just ignore the inauguration. I know it’s not what we supposedly want, but after everything Republicans did to him, and with their intention to undo everything he managed to do, why would he honor the symbolism?

      • Erika says:

        “…why would he honor the symbolism?”

        Because they won fair and square. Sometimes it’s good to not behave like a crybaby.

      • Fluff says:

        hahhahahha Erika honey. You are so entertaining tonigth. Love your hustle. Especially the grown up shit part. Didnt you call Trump evil monster few comments down? Troll on honey. Troll on

      • BabyJane says:

        Who is “she” in this scenario, Timbuktu?

    • Melly says:

      I’m currently drafting a letter of thanks to Obama. I’m sure he’ll never read it but I feel like i need to do it. The first time I could vote in a presidential election was 2008 and he made me love politics. He inspired me in so many ways. He made me realize that to make a difference you had to be smart and hardworking. Even when I disagreed with something he was doing, I believed in his integrity. I believed in him. trump can try to destroy Obama’s legacy but he never will be able to. Obama inspired, and that inspiration is bulletproof.

    • JFresh says:

      I’m having a hard time fathoming what a downgrade we’re getting.

      And picturing Michelle Obama having to interact w/ — much less train or tutor or anything like that– Melania is simply mind-stopping.

  17. Kat says:

    I’m not American so I hope you will forgive me butting in, but she was robbed. She is a good woman. She’s a strong, able and hardworking person who has dedicated her working life to public service. She speaks clearly and in sentences, using actual words that exist. She should not have lost to a buffoon.

    Also, on a personal level, I like her. But then, I don’t have a weird and unreasonable suspicion of women. Anyway, we’ll done on winning the popular vote, Mrs Clinton.

    • BabyJane says:

      To say she was robbed kind of insinuates she “deserved” it, and no one “deserves” an elected position, I’m afraid. And that’s one major misstep of her campaign- there was an air of entitlement that really isolated angry, misguided (and yes many racist, under-educated) white voters in this country. You see, there are these large groups of Americans, men and women, who can’t see past their own situations. So they are working long hours in tough jobs with diminishing benefits, and they feel as though they deserve better. DT exemplified that attitude in his campaign- he was in places like Minnesota even very recently, nose-to-the-gridnstone. Now, what he said and did in Minnesota is abominable, and at no point is there justification for marginalizing Muslims, Hispanics, or any cohort frankly. But among MANY tactical errors by HRC and the DNC was this approach that she had paid some proverbial political dues. Voters acknowledged her experience- it was just largely NEGATIVE experience in their eyes. Ok, so she was SOS… as America was further entangled in its neo-imperial interventionism that was largely an unsupported relic of the Bush years. Even her facial expressions- rolled eyes, tilted head, smirks- gave the impression that she was “better than.” And YES almost anyone is “better than” a huffing and puffing, ambiguous, aggressive cocksmear like DT, but unfortunately I think voters expected at least a semblance of humility in someone who was working so hard for their vote (HRC).

      • wolfpup says:

        Oh my God – our next American president is called, Trump! And Melania, our first lady?! I can’t believe it!!!

        I’d like to thank all foreign enemy governments, our own American and British media that gave Trump free attention (add you, Piers Morgan), with all of his deplorable statements; along with all those who did not care for the welfare of American citizens, nor the world – they care for their religion, foremost. What kind of religion is that?!! Fight ON – because science Will endure.

      • Tara says:

        Perfectly stated Baby Jane. Even in our caucuses the “she deserves it” talking point came up. Like the presidency was a consolation prize.

  18. dawnchild says:

    Saw my husband in tears for the first time (since our daughter was born 18 years ago). I cried my eyes out, and so did my daughter…her first vote.

    After a certain interval for wine and cake,…time to get to work.
    And no, I can’t be as gracious as Hillary, I hope Drumpf’s presidency (ugh) is the worst one since 1776. Short of nuclear war. I hope the people who voted for him and and those who threw away their vote on fucking Stein and Johnson learn a terrible lesson. 2018 we take back Congress to put a spoke in his wheel. Assuming he survives till then.

    I hope the chemo of his presidency drives out the cancer in our society. We’ll have to put up with a few immune-suppressed illnesses meanwhile, but maybe come out stronger and better.

    • bros says:

      they won’t learn Dawnchild. It seems many are completely self righteous about their low information idealism and half baked impression that they are taking a stand and doing SOMETHING (and what is that something?) and some of them are lamenting that this wasn’t bernie (as if the KKK Koalition would be happy with a jewish socialist for president and somehow would have prevailed against trump, but hey at least he was a man so all the giant geyser of misogyny Clinton’s candidacy unleashed wouldnt have befallen him) .

      • dawnchild says:

        yes…to the misogyny for sure. It was “too much” to go from a black president to a woman president?! What next, a Muslim president…
        But I know I didn’t work hard enough this time around and there are things I could do differently. And I will. For starters, getting my citizenship (living in solid blue NY didn’t compel it before), and we’re thinking of moving to Philadelphia.
        Goin’ to turn that red state blue

      • Tara says:

        Well at least you know everything Bros. that’s some consolation.

    • Liane says:

      “I hope the chemo of his presidency drives out the cancer in our society. We’ll have to put up with a few immune-suppressed illnesses meanwhile, but maybe come out stronger and better.”

      I LOVE how you’ve put this. It’s the first kind of positive spin I’ve been able to comprehend all day.

    • hmmm says:

      Yes, I hope those who voted for him or declined to vote for her feel the consequences deeply. Let it hit them where they live and they can finally feel the terror engulfing so many of us.

      • Erika says:

        God, you’re sore losers.

      • Kitten says:

        LOL Because you’re such a gracious “winner”, Erika.

      • Fluff says:

        hahahhaha Erika strikes again!

      • BabyJane says:

        Maybe… some of the blame for her loss… should be ON HER OWN SHOULDERS? A lot of people around here blame the HRC loss on literally ANYONE and ANYTHING except her. However, when the same is addressed re: Bernie Sanders in the primary, blaming stats, polls, policy, media, voter intelligence and awareness, etc. is immediately slammed and Bernie himself is the cause of his own destruction. It’s inconsistent and reeks of immaturity. She lost because the country did not support her, her policy, her voting record, her social justice record, her campaign tactics, her approach to public relations, her air of entitlement, and so on.

      • wolfpup says:

        hmmm – you are bitter! and may you live on! – because you notice most clearly, the sickness that hides the crazy. I’ve been loving you, for years, so you know this isn’t just fan mail, nor is my comment merely off the wall, but from wolfpup!

      • wolfpup says:

        I am bitter too, hmmm…so now I am a Snaggle-Tooth!!!

      • PimmsCupInAPimpCup says:

        I know kids have to grow up, and learn how to take knocks, but I really Hated! That my young nieces’ and cousins’ candidate got knocked out of the primary. I’ve voted for as long as I was able, and was happy that they were excited, too.
        About the Bernie situation, I was telling them that it’s not always this, but they felt a little cheated. They didn’t protest vote, they voted.

  19. Grant says:

    I feel dead inside.

    • JudyK says:

      Yes, that’s it, that’s it exactly.

      • wolfpup says:

        Ladies, please, Hillary is old, and can’t do anymore, that is the feeling of real deadness – perhaps, that is the sadness of all the work, that she has done for women…

        Can’t we make a Woman’s History Month, about our achievements, together, and her grit?!!

    • Lama Bean says:

      Yup. Been crying for the entire day.

  20. Tiffany27 says:

    This is the only online place I’ve been at. I literally can’t face any social media today and I’m trying to stay mentally strong/healthy, but it’s so hard.

    • lucy2 says:

      After seeing 2 of my female friends trying to justify their Trump vote, I deleted FB off my phone. I can’t. They don’t get it, and I am too sad and too angry to witness their ignorance, and to be reminded that even people you like and respect can reveal themselves to be so wrong and disappointing.

      • Stacy Dresden says:

        Same. Deleted the app. I couldn’t look at Facebook for another second!

      • pinetree13 says:

        I’m always torn by trying to educate the idiots in my Facebook Feed (because once and a while it works) or just delete it. I HAD NO IDEA there were so many trump supports on my FB. Like the idiotic comments on my Feed are making me SO SO ANGRY. “This is what KILLARY gets for being a murderer” and “she belongs in jail”

        But the WORST is the EDUCATED people in my FB saying “They were both equally bad options”
        ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! !?!?!? EQUALLY BAD!?!?!?!? RAGE

      • Grant says:

        I deactivated my Facebook completely. I can’t take any political posts anymore. My heart is broken and having to resist the urge to strangle “friends” and family members when I see them rejoicing over their win is just too much for me.

    • Sunnydaze says:

      This is me too. I’m hone with my 1 month old son almost wishing I was at work (a very liberal nonprofit geared toward social justice) so I could be around other people to mourn. Instead I’m trying not to cry snd just hugging my son. Had to delete fb and instagram…I can’t handle knowing how many people I used to respect voted for him. This election told me everything I need to know about someone’s character and I don’t have it in me to play nice when people are out to systematically destroy everything that makes our country beautiful.

  21. ClassyCrowley says:

    As a republican I voted for her in secrect because my work place, and family are republicans. I stand by my choice. and I am proud. Though I will hate today and the next days to come keeping apperances will be hard.

    • LinaLamont says:

      This is supposed to be America. No-one should have be afraid of supporting their candidate. JFC, how fucked-up is it that a Clinton supporter has to be afraid/ashamed, but, a Trump supporter (KKK) doesn’t?
      Not yelling at you, @ClassyCrowley. Howling at the wind.

  22. Nimbolicious says:

    Oh my God. What have we done…..

  23. vava says:

    Hillary put in a great effort on this campaign, in fact she won the popular vote. When will this country finally abolish the electoral college? It’s so antiquated for this day and age. Elected officials should be put in place via the popular vote. This is the second time this has happened!!!

    The Donald is in for a rude awakening. He’s not going to be able to do all the shit he spewed about on the campaign trail. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. I’d be surprised if he went after Hillary. He won. Move forward. I hope he has more sense than to give Guilani any sort of position in his administration.

    Well done, Hillary! Enjoy your well-deserved retirement. Life is too short not to.

    • Erika says:

      “He’s not going to be able to do all the shit he spewed about on the campaign trail.”

      In the other words, he’s going to be just like Obama.

      • jetlagged says:

        Obama spent eight years fighting a Republican House and/or Senate, whose only mission was blocking him at every turn – no matter the issue. None of them remember how to actually do their jobs instead of just preventing their sworn enemy from doing his or hers. I fear what god-awful legislation will come from a Republican House, Republican Senate and Republican President.

      • Fluff says:

        Erika scooooores again. Into the empty post but yet the crowd cheers and shouts – we win we win! hahahahha this is lot of fun Erika!

      • wolfpup says:

        Erika, we are in true mourning – can you possibly apply yourself into understanding why? – You might have nearly a free education!

  24. nicegirl says:

    I am so sad.

    • wolfpup says:

      Just breathe…find some cookies and a hug – sleep well – – –

      We will finish later, another time. Meanwhile, love to Secretary Clinton!

  25. Onerous says:

    She was magnificent and I am crushed. Just heartbroken. I don’t know how this is happening.

    On the other hand – did anyone else get the “Oh, Shit!” vibe from Trump’s speech? He looked like he just realized what he’d done. I still don’t think he ever really wanted to be president. UGGGGHHHH… This sucks!

    • bluerunning says:

      OMG! Yes! This!! I kind of felt the same way as the election got closer. Like, I think he had to put on a good show of blustering and being a candidate, but at the end of the day- did he really want the job?

      • Delta Juliet says:

        Honestly, I think he’s so focused on “winning” he forgot what the contest was.

        I’m depressed and terrified.

    • pinetree13 says:

      I totally agree! I think he’s realizing he doesn’t really want this job.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      I just thought “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if within the next two months he got cold feet and decided he didn’t want the presidency after all?” But then remembered Pence.

  26. Ellie says:

    Can’t blame the electorate. Hillary needs to take the blame for a bad campaign.

    • bros says:

      ellie, see my comment above. A candidate running against trump should be able to be a bone dry piece of cardboard or a houseplant. a houseplant should have gotten people up off their asses to vote. it should not incumbent on a candidate to have to brew up this sustained cult of personality and have people devote their loyalty and fealty to them and feel so full of the lord’s spirit or whatever it is that moves people to the voter’s box, just to win. hillary didn’t run a bad campaign. she ran a very good campaign that should have been sufficient for any logical american to get up and go vote. that some people didnt feel ‘inspired’ enough by boring old curmudgeon hillary to go vote, or were just not 100% ok with her for whatever nitpicky reason, well, trump’s on them. shame. you shouldnt need to feel enthralled to your candidate in order to vote for a logical choice against a demagogue.

      • Erika says:

        “a houseplant should have gotten people up off their asses to vote.”

        A houseplant has more charisma than Clinton.

      • Fluff says:

        And houseplant also looks more like Trump too so we agree! Happy fam 🙂

      • Esmom says:

        Erika, OK, so charisma is what you want from a candidate/your President. How about basic decency? Intellectual curiosity? Knowledge of government, history and world affairs? Empathy? Integrity?

      • wolfpup says:

        Erika! You are still adding troubles upon trouble?! Be respectful, Go away for awhile.

    • Veronica says:

      They made some mistakes, but given the fact that we had Russian hackers and Assange’s Wikileaks targeting the Clinton campaign for most of the year, a media that refused to take Trump seriously until it was too late, and a highly contentious primary that ended with the other guy dragging out his concession, I’m not entirely sure it was all failed strategy on their. The white, male backlash has been brewing for awhile. It just came to a head in this election.

      • wolfpup says:

        Disgusting, as all get-out, yet, how could a woman predict this kind of vile? We are niceness and tenderness, Itself!

        Women are confused about themselves.

  27. Elle R says:

    So this isn’t fair, but I don’t really care about Hillary this morning. Yes, this has to hurt for her personally, but she and her loved ones are going to be fine. She has the money and resources to be insulated from a Trump presidency. But for millions of her supporters without those resources and connections? Life is very scary right now.

    She and the Democratic Party let down America. If the Democrats actually had the courage of their supposed convictions, I doubt this is where America would be this morning.

    Everyone thought 2016 marked the end of the Republican Party. Turns out it was the Democratic Party. Maybe now the party of FDR will finally rediscover its moral center.

    • Timbuktu says:

      I don’t think we lost the moral center. If we have, then who found it?
      Republicans did not win because they had higher moral ground!
      Being right does not always equal winning, alas.

      • Esmom says:

        “Being right does not always equal winning, alas.” THIS.

        I would add, an acquaintance said something about how the good guys don’t always win and another acquaintance, a Trump supporter, said the people have spoken and the good guy is Trump. Um, no they didn’t. And no he’s not.

      • Elle R says:

        The people did speak. A majority voted for Clinton. And how very 2016: she won the popular vote … but oh wait, Trump’s taking the White House.

        I don’t think either side has the moral center (although the Republicans less so than the Democrats by a long shot), but I do think Democrats have lost their way in recent years.

      • Lama Bean says:

        Yes, women voted for Trump, but this election was not won fairly. Flawed as Hillary may be, this loss is not totally her fault. This loss was baked in since the Voting Rights act was gutted in 2013. With that WI, Pa, OH, and NH all had new voter id laws. The worked to deny proper identification to minorities and seniors, purged voter rolls, turned away voters at the polls, reduced the number of polling locations. Fewer minorities and elderly people, smaller denominator, higher percentage of Republican votes, win electoral vote.

      • wolfpup says:

        Lama Bean; sobbing…

    • Tara says:

      Elle R: Yes, yes and yes.

  28. SunnyD1122 says:

    I was blitzed at 9:30am, after a sleepless night, 9:30 and the bloody Mary’s started. I watched the speech and sobbed. I know she wasn’t perfect, but she would have lead our country in a respectful, hateless, democratic way. She’s been the most qualified candidate we’ve had for years, but it all seems to come back to women having to do twice as much to deserve half the credit; it seems proven true in this case. I’m sad because there are so many hateful people in this country, I suppose I thought there were less than there actually were. I’m scared at the decades of repercussions this will have: healthcare, laws enacted, laws repealed, Supreme Court, and I cry again.

    On a much more personal note, I’ve decided to apply to law school. I would like to specialize in constitutional law and get involved into my local politics. I was previously a K-12 tutor with my own business but am now even more inspired to help our future generations by breaking any glass ceiling I can.

  29. Mp says:

    Do you guys think that if it was actually Bill the one running for president, would he have had more chances of winning?

    • me says:

      Yup. I think if Bernie ran against Trump, Bernie would have won. There are A LOT of men and women out there who dodn’t want a female president.

      • BlueToast says:

        My opinion will be unpopular, but I can no longer passively read so many comments I believe to be inaccurate without speaking up.

        There are a lot of men and women out there who did not want Hillary. So tired of reading over and over that it is about not electing a woman. I would have voted for Michelle Obama (whom I love) or Condoleeza Rice, but NOT Hillary. Some people do not like Hillary. That is not a crime. There are many things to admire about her, but some of us just think she is dirty politically and guess what, we have a right to our opinion. That does not make us bad Americans and it does not mean we are misogynists or horrible people. There are plenty of stories out there that show Hillary to not be the saint that this site and its readers are making her out to be and also indicate that not even the Obamas actually like her.

        Trump is certainly not a saint either (didn’t vote for him), but people have a right to make their choice in the US. In a democracy, we are supposed to respect that and move on, continuing to fight for what we believe in, while at the same time accepting election results and being grateful that in our country, the people have the right to vote again in four years if they are unhappy. When Obama won (whom I voted for) we expected republicans (many whom were extremely unhappy) to accept that, now we should extend the same grace to republicans and other Trump supporters.

        By the way, no matter how hard the strike, it was completely classless that Hillary waited so long to give her concession speech. She should have given it before Trump’s speech as is normally the case. She gave off an impression of entitlement and being a sore loser. Her speech was polite, but again it presented the idea that people choose not to elect her because she was a woman, when that was not the case for many, many people that voted against her.

        Agree that the election system is unfair in regards to the popular vote, but that is the system under which Hillary ran and she knew that, so did we. Also, she is not the first candidate that this has happened to. If we care enough about that, we should work to change that before the next election.

        Finally, this ridiculous idea that the only voters that voted for Trump were uneducated white men from rural communities is just a plain lie (and why does the fact that they are uneducated and white make them less human and less worthy of a vote?). I know many highly-educated people that voted (not all are white) for Trump.
        Most of these people support minorities and women themselves, but we should always remember that the catch phrase, “it’s the economy, stupid” is almost always what it comes down to. Hillary’s support of the free trade agreements that actually harm American workers did not get her elected.

        Finally, Trump said a lot of atrocious things in his campaign, but if he really believed all that, would he have married an immigrant? I doubt it. Does anyone else not find it a very cool first, that we will have a naturalized American as our First Lady? I am not saying Melania is someone I admire yet, but I think it is a great message that even a Naturalized American can make it to the White House, even as a spouse.

        Rant over.

      • esha shrestha says:

        Bravo. Agree with everything you said.

      • pagirl says:

        BlueToast: you are spot on. I know tons of people whose vote against Hillary had nothing to do with the fact that she’s a woman, and everything to do with the Clinton family’s strongly substantiated ties to corruption.

    • Mildred Fierce says:

      Biden could have easily won this election.

  30. Rhiley says:

    Know what I find kind of amazing about Republicans right now is that for them it is suddenly all about the economy. At least in my FB feed. So called moderate Republicans are telling me Trump’s win isn’t about hate. Sorry, Moderate Republicans. You have to own that yours is the party of White Nationalists. Neo Nazis. The KKK. Embrace it. You hid behind the rhetoric going on two years and now the party has truly come home. When the economy was great under a former president Clinton, Republicans, both moderate and otherwise, said they needed to restore morals to the country. It was all about morals and family values (whatever the hell those are). Good luck finding a job under President Trump because Trump isn’t going to be giving jobs to people. They are going to robots whether you want to believe it or not. Manufacturing jobs are not coming back to this country, especially not with a 8 dollar minimum wage or whatever pathetic number it is. Those jobs are going to continue to go to robots. So this vote very much was about hatred and anger. Now own it Republicans. I am now at the angry level of the seven stages of grief.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      @Rhiley: I hear you. I mentioned this on another thread, but I got into it on FB with my sister today. She claims she voted for “jobs, national security & small businesses.” Where in the hell did you get the idea Trump was going to give you any of that?? She also tried use the “I have a gay daughter (which my sister actually claims is just a ‘phase’) so I’m totally sensitive” argument. Trump has spent decades screwing over small businesses. He’s spent decades having his products made in sweat shops in China. And he thinks more countries should have nuclear weapons. Jobs?? National security?? My response was, “You know who else promised those things while also promoting racism? Hitler.”

    • Kitten says:

      YES, Rhiley!

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      “Sorry, Moderate Republicans. You have to own that yours is the party of White Nationalists. Neo Nazis. The KKK. Embrace it.”

      THIS. The logical gymnastics that some of the pathetic Trump accomplices here are going through to try to evade that fact and #WellActually their way out of what they’ve enabled, who they’ve empowered, and what kinds of things they’re going to be accountable for within the next four years would be funny if they’re racist, hate-movement-endorsed sex offender hadn’t actually won.

      • wolfpup says:

        Can you believe that Putin wants to be friends with Us now that Drumph is president?

        He’s a snake; a monster, interfering in the US elections, for personal gain, and exploitation of Russian checkmate in world politics. Perhaps that is the weakness that he is exploiting in Drumph; Trump’s love of personal gain.

        I bet Putin is having a party tonight – Drumph doesn’t know yet, that he is not only the toast, but dinner!!! Yummy!

  31. Miss M says:

    I have been crying for 12 hours straight. What a strong woman. Look America the strong and most prepared leader you let it go…
    My heart aches right now.

  32. Rivkah says:

    Devastating, but history will be kind to her.

  33. Amy says:

    I am so proud of Hillary. You could see the pain and heartbreak in her eyes. And yet she stood there with such poise and dignity. She was so full of class and grace. I cried from beginning to end. I saw her fighting back the tears, I don’t know how she did it. I know I wouldn’t have been able to. Hilary deserved better. We all do. No matter what she has planned next, #I’m STILL with her.

  34. Zoe Stacey says:

    I’m English so have viewed events from across the pond in an almost detached way, that it wouldn’t actually happen, he wouldn’t ACTUALLY win and to wake up this morning and to find out that he actually had one, and hadn’t scraped in but had won by a significant extent was horrifying. As you know our PM is a woman and we’ve had a strong female PM in the past, and I’m sitting here reading your comments and thinking about things that you’ve all been through today, makes me feel so grateful that I’m here. Please don’t get me wrong, America is an amazing country and I know we have blatant sexism here too, but Hillary was battling far more then just Trump, she was battling against all of the sexist men that wouldn’t vote for her simply because she was female too. I’m not sure I’m getting this out right but I’m having a glass of wine right with you all xx

  35. SMD says:

    Oh I love y’all and appreciate this site more and more. When I arrived at work this am 3 young white women in the office congratulating each other on Trumps win and this country getting back to ‘nornal” values. Smh. “My babies, your brain be broke.” Unbelievable.

    • bros says:

      disgusting. im sorry you have to deal with that. here in philadelphia it is african americans and white people and latinos all consoling and commiserating with one another at my office, but I can tell you walking down the street i am suspicious and pissed off at everyone because I suspect so many of them did not vote. I’ve had to hold myself back from asking people if they did or not.

      • JESS82 says:

        i just read that of eligible voters, 25.5% voted for cheeto mussolini, 25.6% for HRC, 1.9% for johnson and 46.9% DIDN’T VOTE…WTF?!?!

    • Delta Juliet says:

      I’m the sole woman in an office full of men, and I’m also the sole Clinton supporter. Today has been BRUTAL.

    • LinaLamont says:

      In Manhattan, the majority of people (those of us who live here) are devastated…women and men, all races, all backgrounds. Of course, there’s a handful of hateful, misogynistic idiots.
      I have friends around the country and abroad who are, also, bewildered, scared and devastated.

  36. laprincesita says:

    Dear Ms. Clinton, you’re a class act! I’m a nasty woman forever!

  37. perplexed says:

    She’s terribly as terrified of a Trump presidency as the rest of us are. I think it makes sense in this instance that she needed time before giving her speech.

    • perplexed says:

      Sorry I mean to say: “She’s probably as terrified of a Trump presidency as the rest of us are.” Her tears were not for herself alone.

      • jwoolman says:

        I’m sure she is terrified. She knows the damage he can do. She said something to Ellen on tv about feeling a big responsibility because so much was at stake.

        I hope after a rest she still finds ways to help us deal with the Trumpster and his crew. It’s going to be a very rough ride. He and/or the Republicans who think they can control him are going to be very busy dismantling so much that has helped so many. They will get rid of ACA first, since that’s why the insurance companies have been pushing against Hillary all these years – she has been threatening their profits since the 1990s. I don’t know how much the Democrats in Congress can do, but I sure hope they try. We need to figure out how we can help in this and other issues where Trump & Co. are going to go wild.

        The Rs will certainly try to again propose privatizing Social Security and Medicare, although their own voters might keep them from going too far on that. There are Republicans who have greatly benefitted from ACA also, the people with problems with ACA are generally those caught in the middle between not being poor enough to get subsidies but not being rich enough for that not to matter when the greedy insurers push up the premiums. ACA was a good start, but we need regulation of the industry so they can’t pull such stunts as huge leaps upward in premiums and deductibles and narrowing networks so policies essentially become catastrophic only. Hillary would have worked on it, but no Republicans in Congress today want to even try.

        Lather, rinse, repeat with so many other helpful programs about to go down the tubes.

        I hope Obama really will take the nuclear codes with him when he leaves, as one wag suggested…. Or that he at least is having serious talks with the military about how to protect the planet from Trump.

        We also need to work against voter suppression tactics and also ensuring the integrity of those damned machines. With those particular Republicans in control, it will be difficult, but there are other Republicans who are worried about the same things. I really hope machine tampering wasn’t involved in this peculiar election, but it’s a very complicated issue to make sure they are not. It’s rather baffling- Trump avoided anything like Hillary’s campaign efforts on the ground. Her offices in every district were busy with enthusiastic volunteers while his seemed to be few and practically or actually empty. It really seemed that he didn’t want to win. Did the Republicans have more going on in that respect than it seemed? Or was it just that the orange demagogue’s awful message resonated so much that the voters didn’t need any encouragement? Or did the Republicans know they didn’t need to work at it for other more unsettling reasons? Trump himself seemed rather surprised that he won.

  38. Erica_V says:

    These words “To all the little girls watching…never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world.”

    All of the tears.

  39. mm says:

    21:20. What is Bill mouthing in the back. Is it “Thats my girl?”
    I know they’ve had a tumultuous marriage, but it warms my heart to see the love she has from her family.

    • Rhiley says:

      Yeah, their union has always been an interesting one for me because I think that there really is genuine love there. Bill has problems no doubt, but I think there is a strong intellectual connection between them. My belief is is that Bill Clinton thinks Hillary Rodham is the smartest woman he has ever met, hands down, and Hillary probably feels the same about him.

      • hmmm says:

        Trust me- after 70 and heart attacks, Bill *had* problems. I totally agree- there is a connection there stronger than what we imagine. I’m rather fascinated by this because I would have kicked him to the curb decades ago. And yet they are here, genuinely united and supportive of each other.

  40. Timbuktu says:

    Amazing: they won everything, yet FB is still filled with trolls spewing hate onto anyone who’s anti-Trump in any way.
    If Hillary had won, I’d be so euphoric, I would ignore and laugh at all the haters. Why aren’t they feeling that?
    It literally feels like they don’t want to win, they just want to hate.

  41. MellyMel says:

    This woman is so strong and graceful and a class act! I don’t blame her for taking a minute for herself. I would be balling in a corner if I were her. She’s beyond qualified for this job so the pain of her loss isn’t gonna go away easily. I only wish good things for her and hope we do elect the first female president soon. Maybe 2020? ❤️

    • EM says:

      Yes, I wish her the best. While she really wanted this position it worked out this way for a reason and I sincerely think she will be better off without the position.

      For those that voted for him, I’m practicing ‘I told you so’ in multiple languages.

  42. SMD says:

    Timbuktu, it seems to be at their core the hate, reviling others and what they “don’t want.” Unfortunately I find that type of person is almost never satisfied. I predict many of Drumpfs supporters will turn on him very quickly if he doesn’t deliver all those crazy promises the first 100 days..

  43. Republican J says:

    There’s a good reason she lost. Get over it. America is going to flourish now.

    Just wait and see. President Elect Trump is going to do a much better job than Hillary could ever hope to do.

    • jetlagged says:

      Which America? If you mean the America that is afraid of progress, afraid of anyone or looks or sounds different than the person they see in the mirror, then yeah – I’m terrified that America will actually flourish.

    • Rita says:

      REP J, I HONESTLY hope you’re right. Apparently you have more to gain than most of us here.

    • hmmm says:

      Wow. So ludicrous and tone deaf, troll. I guess you like to hurt people. What a shame.

  44. poppy says:

    never was a fan of hers, proudly voted for her, and think if she needed more time to prepare she deserved it. this was her life’s ambition. from day one as an adult, she has never stopped working towards being elected potus. my heart breaks for her (all of us as well). the consummate professional, she needed to assess the situation, prepare inspired words, and wanted to end it all on a high note and not as a blubbering mess.

    what i think is going on (because i still can’t fathom how this happened) is FACEBOOK has ruined legitimate news and found its sheeple.
    so many people get their “news” that way and their feeds are full of total BS. add to the false news their peers reactionary comments and ignorance. instead of thinking for themselves, they get cozy thinking poorly of other groups (always easier to lay blame and do nothing) and you certainly can find someone out there to erase any doubtfulness you might feel when you have impulsive feelings you know aren’t upstanding.

    it is still relatively new and look at the damage done. it has eroded common sense and created a severe hive mentality.
    just because one other person ignorantly agrees with you does not make it a fact. it just means there are 2 of you idiots.

    i jumped off facebook years ago. i have a collection of diverse (all creeds and colors), intelligent friends there and was astounded at the herd mentality facebook fostered in people i thought could see through the bs and think for themselves. it felt creepy and false and i didn’t want to feel coercion into either agreeing with what i don’t agree with or being ostracized and exhausted from having to respond to all the ignorance.
    that was before facebook went public and started selling whatever information they could to look profitable.
    i am now convicted facebook is pure evil.
    the posing and posturing alone is disgusting but more insidiously facebook feels no responsibility towards truth and integrity, just got to make a dollar at any cost.
    i never thought my address book would be pure evil but there it is, non taxpaying, hate lies and ignorance spewing monster that nightmares are made of.

    • hmmm says:

      Oh, so well said, poppy, My heart breaks for her, too. She had the goods in awesome abundance but a lot did not care. Isn’t that the story of women’s lives? Why would it not take time to process that, here, at the peak of possibility? That glass ceiling remains in tact.

      As for Facebook- the poison is uncontrollable, a great medium for propaganda. People readily buy it. How does one combat that? Great points!

    • tiepin says:

      poppy, I could not agree more with everything you’ve written. Facebook truly has become toxic over the last couple of years and certainly since their “news ticker” kicked into gear. It seems like they’ll allow anything and everything to be a headline for ten minutes. It really has become a meme-ified world along with soundbite news. Perfect for those with short attention spans and for something to point at to bolster their “truth”.

      When I think about all the minute details of what his election means, down to the gross optics of it, it makes me lurch with disgust. I feel like I won’t be able to read or watch the news for the next four years; I don’t want to see or hear a shred of this mob family and his henchmen, and yet there’s so many people and so many things that are vulnerable and at stake in America right now. I keep landing on the environment and climate change at the end of it all and I have to find some distraction, it’s just a pit of despair.

      I watched Obama’s incredibly gracious speech and then Tim Kaine and Hillary’s speeches and just sobbed my heart out the entire time. What they all delivered was from sheer intelligence and heart, not to mention knowledge and genuine respect for the country and its people. Trump will be attempting to speak similarly from teleprompters and notecards throughout his presidency, words written by others (not unlike Bush), and never connect personally with what he’s saying. How ironic that he called Hillary a puppet. He’s the puppet now, the front for the Republican party to use at their will with the barest of opposition to stop them. His voters will never get everything they want from him, it’s impossible, he’s incapable, but the party will exact what they want. It’s going to be a very ugly, shameful, dangerous four years and they’ll start by undoing all the progress Obama has made. Anyone thinking Trump is for the people, the little guy is dreaming. Sure, Washington will be different but not for the better, not for the common man or woman.

      As Hillary often said, America is good, and it is. I love it and I’m one of millions who do. (I’m Canadian) I know that the country has been upended and sold out to sea by an angry, disillusioned mob – racists, anarchists, people who protested and voted third party (ugh, don’t get me started), people who didn’t vote at all, people who just wanted change and didn’t care if this was the right time or not. I’ll never believe that the majority of Americans want peril for their country or the world, but the closeness of this election says it all. Ugly and uninformed wins. I lived through a populist mayor of Toronto who became a national and later international joke, but his core “Ford Nation” loved him until his death. It was unbelievable to see. The rest of us just had to get through it. Time marches forward and we can only hope it’s a fast four years.

  45. j says:

    Look, poor white people…I’m really sorry that you never left your hometown. That you became a coal miner or auto plant worker or oil rigger because your daddy and his daddy and his daddy all did. Those industries are dead. I’m sorry you got conned by the lie that they aren’t. I’m sorry you’ve lost your station in life because of your obsession with tradition; that you never lifted your head, took a look around, and realized that you were part of an old world order. I’m sorry equality feels like persecution to you. I’m sorry you elected Trump, because as you will quickly learn, your life will not improve because of him.

    • Erika says:

      It’s this kind of hatred that made those working class people feel that only Trump was listening to them. Donald Trump is a Frankenstein monster YOU created. Enjoy.

    • Dirty Martini says:

      Uggggh. Patronize much? Attitudes and judgments like this contribute to the polarization and do nothing to better understand. So let’s get this on the table? If POC vote for trump, then they didn’t vote in their best interests and are to be pitied and judged. If whites vote for trump, then they are privileged assholes who don’t care about others and are to be hated and judged.

      Incomprehensible Double standard much?

      Some people believe in philosophies so strongly that they vote on those philosophies even if they trump (forgive the pun) their race or gender or religion. Wasn’t it pres Obama who said this am “we are Americans, we are patriots before we are republicans or democrats?”

      Look I wince at the though of Pres Trump but I don’t believe that only racists, sexists, homophobes or KKK loving cretins voted for him …….any more than I believed that those screeching and delirious “obama is giving us free houses and food” ignoramuses on video on election night in 2008 represented the typical Obama supporter.

      He’s president elect, And because people want change to their lives. some of her loss is sexism. But not all of it. And you can hate trump and believe that he thinks women and either vaginas or ugly. Do you really believe he’s that atypical in his treatment of women? Unfortunately the reality is that he’s not, No excuse and I don’t like it. But if your husband, boyfriend or brother pretends he’s different when hanging with his friends the chances are he’s lying and you are hoodwinked, As a HR exec I can tell you that it happens more than you realize. From men of all colors, religions and political affiliations.

      I can’t stand tump. I also can’t stand hypocrisy, double standards and naïveté.

      Want a different outcome? Get involved at a local level because typewriter warrioring on a 1-sided and myopic website may feel good in the moment …..but where you decide to go from here and what you do with new takeaways is what is important,

      • virginfangirl says:

        I feel sorry for you. That your family is full of men who talk about touching women without their consent. I worked in an all male field of blue color workers for 20 yrs, and now a male field of college educated men. And I’ve heard a lot of “locker room talk”. Some men say a woman’s hot, or she has a nice *ss, or they would like to **** her, but they never say they grab women in the … without their consent or use their power to sexually molest women. That’s rape mentality – you know – the mentality we frown upon because being touched without consent is a horrible, life changing experience. The one man who did talk like this ended up with child porn on his home computer and got arrested. Most men are kind and decent. Too bad you’ve been exposed to the worse of the worst and that’s what you use as your measuring stick for a good man.

      • wolfpup says:

        virginfangirl – How Dare You be so contemptuous of Another?!

        What are You – Special, beyond reproach and humanity?

      • virginfangirl says:

        Wolfpup – the question was asked in the post “So you really think he’s that atypical in his treatment of women?” “you are hoodwinked.” So I answered.

      • mm says:

        To me the problem is, no. I do not think he is atypical. And this election proves this a little.

        And that breaks my heart.

      • J-Who says:

        damn good post!

    • siri says:

      Have you forgotten that Obama won Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan twice, which he could not have done without reasonable support from ‘poor white’ people? Exit polls show Trump getting higher margins than Romney among every ethnic minority, even Latinos, and white women as well. In this election, 54% of college educated white men also voted against her. So it seems your explanation for Hillary’s defeat is not just derogatory, but also wrong.

  46. Rita says:

    The only one who seems more depressed than most people here about Trumps election, is his WIFE. Who wants to bet Ivanka will be doing most of the White House hostess duties, while Melanie spends more time in NYC with her son who’s “at school.” I sensed she was tired of it all with Donald, a few years back when she was on the “Apprentice” briefly in the intro episode,holding baby Barren. The look of her face……..not good.
    Remember Bess Truman spend more time in Missouri than at the White House with her husband Harry. She hated being first lady. As far as his election all I have to say is “Mr.Trump, don’t bungle it up! Remember Richard Nixon. The American people can put you in The White House are the same American people can put you out! Including the ones that voted for you!”

  47. RepublicanRocks says:

    Buh Bye Hilz. Go sit down now.

    • Hashtagwhat says:


      I have to reply to your comment because I suspect you have never been a part of a losing campaign so you are simply too graceless for the moment you’ve been given.

      My husband worked on Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, and like thousands of other staffers we uprooted our lives with a short-term move (to Boston) in support of a long-shot goal. Politics affects everyone personally and locally, but only those who have sweated it out for a campaign, in close quarters, know what it is like to watch that massive map at party headquarters turn blue or red on election night, your way or theirs. Only these people know what it is like to have your candidate come out with the palpable crush of the room’s disappointment *visibly* weighing him or her down and fight back emotion as they say, essentially, I’m sorry I wasn’t enough. There is losing and then there is loss, and you simply cannot grasp the latter unless you’ve been there.

      I tip my hat to Secretary Clinton, and to every single soul who got in the ring with her. It did not go your way (or mine for that matter) but you are better for the fight.

      RepublicanRocks, please do not ever tell a woman who has served her country to go sit down.

      • hmmm says:

        “…please do not ever tell a woman who has served her country to go sit down.”

        I am stealing that lovely and trenchant line. It’s wasted on trolls though.

      • Hashtagwhat says:

        Steal away! And yet still, it had to be said.

      • virginfangirl says:

        Hillary has always handled herself with dignity and grace, as she did this time as well.

      • wolfpup says:

        We are Not Done, because a Troll has come into office!

      • EM says:

        You’re right wolfpup. I think the majority that voted for her and against him understand true democracy better and must now be vigilant on behalf of the country. I am also very proud of all those taking to the streets to say he is not my America.

      • Tara says:

        Lovely message hashtagwhat.

  48. Cath B. says:

    Long-time CB follower, first-time poster. Thank goodness for places like CB, where I’m finding some solace today. I feel absolutely gutted and heartbroken. Crying so much. I cried through Pres. Obama’s remarks and just haven’t been able to watch HRC’s (though was crying while reading some of it). My husband has been trying to be rational and as positive as you can be, like hoping that Trump will swing center and not be crazy in office. But…I just can’t believe that. I don’t know how to believe that. I read some stats earlier that of the approx. 231M eligible voters, about 25.6% voted HRC, 25% voted Trump, and 46% didn’t vote at all.

    • hmmm says:

      Our tears commingle.

      Trump will do whatever is advantageous to him. He doesn’t care about America, he doesn’t care about Russia, he doesn’t care about the world. He only cares about him. A sociopath takes the White House. There is no upside and if there is evidence of some, know that it’s all manipulation.

  49. Christine says:

    I’m all for a woman president, but it shouldn’t have been her. And that’s why America voted the way they did.

    • virginfangirl says:

      I am a woman but would never vote according to gender. I don’t think woman voted for her because she was a woman – we are smarter than that.

    • wolfpup says:

      Already, virginfangirl – you have told Us that you do not vote with your P*ssy. Why not apply yourself to a basic civic’s course? Why not an education in HerStory (and history)?

  50. jinglebellsmell says:

    Much of New Jersey is in shock regarding how most of the country voted. I have no more words.

  51. surferrosa says:

    She won the popular vote, which makes this even more devastating. This is the second time in less than 20 years democrats win the popular vote but loose tge electoral college. We have to get rid of it.

    • DavidBowie says:

      I’m with you.

    • J-Who says:

      you are crazy! that’s how all of the people are represented in the elections. Do you realize that only 33% of americans even voted? If you let only the larger cities like LA, NY, Houston, et al. decide who the president is going to be, that is a horrible thing for all of the smaller towns and cities that will be ignored by the candidates in favor of the large metrpoli! The electoral college keeps that from happening and ensures that ALL of the people are represented, they ALL get a voice. Find out how the EC works before you try to get rid of it. Good Lord.

  52. Hazel says:

    I only just got brave enough to watch that. Cried throughout.

  53. Sparkles says:

    I can’t watch her speech. I am absolutely gutted. I am afraid. I am a Hispanic Muslim with a 1 year old son. How do I bear and cope with the knowledge that we are not wanted or welcome here? I was born in the US and never had I felt like such an alien in my own land. I feel displaced and I feel unsafe. I. Am. Gutted.

    • Hashtagwhat says:


      You are welcome here. You are welcome here. You are welcome here.

      The loudest and the vilest, they do not speak for me or nearly everyone on this thread. They do not speak for the whole country.

      I’m as white as I can be and this country is just as much yours as it is mine.

      You are welcome here. You are welcome here. You are welcome here.

      Make sure your son knows.

    • virginfangirl says:

      I am reading your post with tears in my eyes and a knot in my throat. I am also white and please know our family is saddened by what Trump stands for and the fact that about half the people who voted supported him. Know that there is the other half, the sane ones, who know he is an awful human being.

  54. hmmm says:

    I can’t bear to watch it but what stands out for me is that she says it is painful. Waiting for some ballsy guy to say the same thing. In my dreams. I love her for this. because it is painful for a lot of us.

  55. Shannon says:

    As a proud member of #pantsuitnation, I couldn’t stand to watch. But I went out to my all-male, all-Trump real estate office where I work determined to kick ass. Hillary didn’t deserve this, and all to lose. My heart breaks for her. I take solace in the popular vote numbers, and I hope for a happy, enjoyable retirement for her and Bill. She is made of steel – I admire her greatly and always will. My 21-year-old son called me during the election, and he was almost crying. His first time voting in a presidential election turned out to be pretty traumatic. Now we need to keep a close watch on this lunatic. But first, wine coolers ftw. Sigh.

  56. MPT0723 says:

    Manila is #stillwithher. Much love from Filipinas.

  57. Nina says:

    She derseved better than this. She derseved retiring in a tropical island, drinking cocktails and playing with her grandchildren. And let America sort out this mess. And if Trump ever uttered a word about jailing her, I’ll hope people will stand up against him and tell him (and his stupid, racist supporters) to fuck off.

  58. yas says:

    Just so you know, the video you embedded of her speech is from a company called Russia Today, a Russian government funded news organization whose main function is acting as a propaganda machine for the Kremlin. Please don’t give them clicks. Please don’t give them views or ad revenue via YouTube.

  59. Minxx says:

    I don’t even know what to say except that life must go on, we must get up, take care of our children, our families, work, see friends and try to make the world around us a bit better. I feel really bad for Hillary, I feel bad for women everywhere in the world. Americans, a nation so many people in the world look up to, decided that blatant misogyny, vulgar sexism, rasism and making fun of handicapped is OK. That there is no need to be qualified for the highest office in the land, to work hard for it. Trump is a psychopath, he cares for noone buy himself. Power and money are his two goals and he doesn’t care two figs about anything or anyone else. The most qualified female cannot win with the least qualified male because of society’s inherent disregard for women. I feel very old right now. And I hope that America needed it for some reason – maybe to reach the lowest of the low, to see its ugliest incarnation in order to reinvent itself. I have to believe it. There must be a reason behind this insanity.

    • wolfpup says:

      Let’s not go there – so many religions think of the end of the world, but let Us continue, one foot in front of the other; sometimes two steps back,…as ever before.

  60. Baltimom says:

    Does this mean we don’t have to pay our taxes anymore? I will when he does.

  61. Jayna says:

    I’m so disappointed in my party. They ended up not turning out for Hillary in the all-important swing states where every single vote is crucial. The voter turnout was lower than Obama’s elections. Democrats knew the frightening alternative, someone unfit for office who ran on fear-mongering and exclusion, on and on. Well, that apathy put Trump in the Oval Office. Those Democrats that sat home on Election Day don’t get to complain about the next four years. They, in effect, elected him.

    • Kate says:

      Hillary was never going to get Obama numbers. Obama’s voter turnout was extremely high. He ran a campaign that inspired and excited a lot of people, including many people politicians never usually attract. People were so pumped to vote for him, and they wanted to be included, to be part of the moment. On Election Day the joy and hope was palpable.

      Clinton’s campaign was about fear and about not voting for the other guy. End of the day, fear is a terrible motivator. Most people just drown it out so they aren’t paralysed by it.

      Passion will get people to the polls. There was so little passion about Clinton as a candidate. There was a lot of passion about not electing Trump, but a plank of wood looks more Presidential, so the opposing candidate never mattered in that regard. And that was the problem. Clinton let herself become defined by Trump. Her campaign stopped being about her, and became all about him. She ended up just being ‘not-Trump’.

  62. Tiny Martian says:

    I fully understand and sympathize with all of the sadness and disappointment expressed on this board. As for myself, I felt disillusioned and numb this morning. However, what this election has done for me is to reveal just how many problems the US really has. I honestly had no idea that such a large number of people were so deeply invested in xenophobia, racism, misogyny and jingoism, I always assumed that these people were in the minority. But realizing the truth has motivated me:

    I am personally vowing to be more politically aware and active than I ever have been before. Trump has won the election, but I for one am not going to simply lie down and accept his policies. Instead, I’m rolling up my sleeves. There is work to be done!

  63. Greentea says:

    She got the tone just right and the speech was very well written. Still can’t forget the DNC leaks though. Polls back earlier in the year suggested Sanders had a better chance at beating Trump but DNC were biased against Sanders, which is a breach of its charter.

  64. maryquitecontrary says:

    Heartsick and saddened. SHE had a vision for the Nation. An inclusive one. A strong economic plan. A way to pay for it, if Congress could have been shepherded along.

    The America SHE stands for is mine. Ours. Everyones.

    And now…now…I am fearful for the Nation. For the uncertainty of a Presidency under full sail with a broken rudder.

    But that being said, the only way forward is through. We will get through this. I have to believe that.

  65. Marieeeee says:

    I had bought a nice bottle of champagne for me and my husband to share when we were officially graced with our Madame President. Went to bed about 11:30 west coast in tears. I decided tonight to enjoy that bottle to myself in honor of what should have been, and what will inevitably come. Hillary didn’t win this battle, for many ridiculous reasons, but I believe that the message is imprinted on the women of this country. And that we will have our Madame President very soon. Just hoping that this fascist asshole doesn’t ruin the country in the meantime. I’m afraid for us all

  66. Rina says:

    Hillary did not lose! We, Americans, lost because of fear, hate, racists, sexists, bigotry, scare tactics, and worse. 🙁

    We will survive! As Hillary said, we are “stronger together.”


  67. Kassie says:

    Virtual hugs everyone
    Just want to offer a different perspective, historically third term re-election has not been kind to either parties. I’m from a minority group, middle class, some issues leaning to the right, others leaning left. We generally vote for the contrary party every two terms.
    People I spoke to felt that especially recently Hillary appeared to be frail (there was the fainting incident, and she was not too visible to the public eye) and not as vibrant as Trump and his family. Most were of the opinion that Hillary was older, when in fact, Trump is older. At the end of the day, she just wasn’t enough to convince the older male generation to elect Democrats for a third term, for them, its less about what they personally think about the candidate, but more about check and balance.
    She had the female vote.

    • Kassie says:

      Further comment, people wouldn’t have voted for Bernie either, as he is already 75 years old, not the vibrant individual they want to represent their country. Ideally, there would be a candidate with an acceptable platform, charisma, and in their mid-50’s.

  68. Catherine says:

    We have to be strong. As bad as I/we feel now (can’t quit crying, woke up with shortness of breath)…..this is likely as good as we are going to feel for next several years. Once he starts appointing judges who will reverse Roe v Wade and will make gay marriage illegal through the courts …. when he starts passing Pence conversion therapy….. when he drops bombs and ignites nuclear war….stop and frisks for all people of color and non-christians. And! Shuts down sites like this for being “unpatriotic”…..

    So. I guess this is as good as we are going to feel for many years. Possibly a generation. It was fun believing in the constitution. But that dream will only remain for a few more month.

    Damn. I really need some alone time with Beyoncé right now

  69. virginfangirl says:

    29% of liberals are not registered to vote while 17% of conservatives are not registered to vote. So lots of liberals are not represented in the choice for president. Wish more people would exercise their right to vote.

  70. J-Who says:

    Good! I’m glad this is painful for her. However, It’s not near as painful to her as the pain she has caused the families of the 50 or so people she’s had murdered! Thank God this witch is gone!