Brandi Glanville deleted her offensive & sacrilegious photo of a nativity scene

Brandi Glanville posted this photo on her Instagram, then deleted it a short time later after she got yelled at by practically everyone. My first interpretation was that Brandi was “joking” by placing herself as the Virgin Mary and giving birth to that plastic baby Jesus in the nativity scene. Considering her initial caption was “never forget the reason for the season,” that’s the interpretation I’m going with: she was making a visual “joke” about the birth of Jesus and herself as the Virgin Mary.

Obviously, she offended everyone. My guess is that was the point. She wanted people to be outraged and pay attention to her, so then she could tell everybody off on Twitter. After she deleted the photo, she tweeted this: “People need to chill the f–k out and take a joke.” Okay, but if you’re standing by your joke, why not leave the photo up? By taking the photo down, that’s like a tacit admission that you know you’ve offended people and you’re almost sorry about it.

Also, last week, Brandi tweeted something that was directed at LeAnn Rimes, although Brandi did not tag her in the tweet. The backstory is the same as ever: LeAnn posted something online where she referred to her stepsons as “my” or “our.” Brandi tweeted this:

Ah, you always know the holiday season is upon us when LeAnn and Brandi start bitching at each other. Christmas is just around the corner!


Photos courtesy of Brandi’s deleted Instagram, WENN.

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63 Responses to “Brandi Glanville deleted her offensive & sacrilegious photo of a nativity scene”

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  1. RussianBlueCat says:

    So why did Brandi put herself in the photo? Was it really to remember the true reason behind the season or was it because since she left RHOBH the public is forgetting Brandi exists?

  2. Alix says:

    That was exactly my interpretation of the photo, too. (What the heck IS that red thing she’s gesturing to?) Extremely offensive, and I’m not offended by much. And yeah, if it’s a joke, why not stand by it and leave it up? Thirsty freakin’ woman.

  3. Swak says:

    First of all I know many families that have children from a previous marriage where they refer to my/our children. Second, how could she not know that photo would not be offensive? Grow up.

    • LAK says:

      I think it’s the history of LeAnn vs Brandi vis a vis the boys. If LeAnn hadn’t spent years turning it into a sore spot to be poked whenever she wanted to hurt Brandi, it wouldn’t be a sore spot at all.

      It appears to be the only weapon they can use against each other these days.

    • pinetree13 says:

      I agree swak, I actually find it off-putting when step-parents constantly refer to their partner’s children as “their spouse’s” kids. My nephew has a mean step-mom who just had a baby and she will say “our son” and “his son” in the same breath and it’s just repulsive to me. Like she should just say, “our kids blah blah blah” but she always makes the distinction with disdain like her step-son is inferior. He’s a sweet little boy but she is so cold towards him and when it’s just them she ignores him completely and only talks to her son. It’s made me hate her even though she’s only ever been nice to me.

      Sorry some projection there. My point is, that I think Brandi should not complain about that. If anything, most parents WANT the step-parent of their ex-spouse to care about their children. Is Leah annoying about it? Yeah but pick your battles Brandi.


  4. Layla says:

    Now she’s done it. I hearby issue a Fatwa. Oh wait Christians don’t do that. *shugs*. Carry on.

  5. Rice says:

    Brandi Catville needs to have a hard seat.

  6. ShinyGrenade says:

    Should she not be happy her sons has a step-mum that love them like her own? That they can have both a birth mother and a step-mum and have a nice relationship with both?
    Seem like that is more healthy for the kids that pseudo freud.
    I feel for the poor kids stuck in the cat fight.

    • LAK says:

      If LeAnn hadn’t set out to use the boys as a weapon against Brandi, i doubt this would be an issue all these years later. LeAnn was mean and cruel. It will always be a sore spot between them.

      • Birdix says:

        But does it have to be a public sore spot, where the kids can read it? I guess so if your main purpose to get attention. I don’t understand how anyone can identify with either of these two women.

      • LAK says:

        Birdix: pointing out a truth as it pertains to these women doesn’t mean I identify or approve or disapprove.

        It is what it is. This is how they choose to deal with it. *shrug*

    • jenn12 says:

      It’s not love when their stepmother entered the picture in an ugly way, and has spent years trying to push their own mom out of the picture. It’s not love when she consistently oversteps boundaries. Love is doing what’s hard: respecting their mom and the situation.

  7. Sixer says:


    I think it’s perfectly fine to satirise organised religion.

    I think it’s horrible to mock individual faith.

    This looks like the latter to me. With an added dollop of trashy, classless behaviour.

    • susiecue says:


    • Otaku Fairy says:

      To me it looks more like the former, because she’s not promoting discrimination against Christians or attacking an individual for being a Christian. She’s just trivializing something that’s held up as sacred (for attention of course.) I think that’s a fair compromise with religion: Religious people being free to believe and worship as they please without being threatened, harmed, or discriminated against and while still having the same rights and representation as everyone else in society, but people also being just as free to mock, question, and criticize religion just as freely as we’re able to mock, question, and criticize political movements, beliefs, and stances. It keeps things balanced and doesn’t feed into any one group/movement/leader’s insistence that they or their doctrines be put on some pedestal just because they view something as sacred.

  8. greenmonster says:

    I don’t like Brandi Glanville or LeAnn Rimes…but they should be very thankful for being in each others lives. If they wouldn’t be fighting, no one would know they still exist.

  9. Patricia says:

    I’m not one drop Christian but I would never ever think this is acceptable. She just wanted attention of any kind. She’s the most immature person I’ve ever seen. For heavens sake my two year old is learning to seek positive instead of negative attention better than this B!

    And about the “ours” thing… like it or not her son’s ARE Leanne’s step sons. I know Leanne is insufferable but I swear this is more of Brandi needing attention at the moment. What is Leanne supposed to say… “had a nice day with their boys.” Wouldn’t even make sense.
    How insecure is she as a mother that she thinks it even matters? Those boys are her sons and nothing can change that. Leanne using normal launguage to refer to her stepsons is not a threat.

    • Kitten says:

      Exactly this.

      • Nick says:

        I think it’s more that BG got upset that LR used “love bug” to describe the kids. A phrase which BG uses and used in her book. Another stalking/SWFing moment by Leann. She must be so frustrating to be around.

      • Bonbons says:

        Brandi hardly coined the phrase love bug as a term of endearment. Pretty common. Regardless……that dribble BG posted slicing LAR for loving and embracing the kids…..shows how petty she continues to be. Plenty of reasons to trash LAR, but this shouldn’t be one of them. GTFU.

      • Nick says:

        Yeah, sure – just a coincidence from someone who constantly copies BG. You are being naive if you think that this is not creepy. But you keep on defending LR.

  10. KittenFarts says:

    She is beyond crude! I’ve always thought she was trashy but everyone always gave her a pass because her husband publicly cheated.
    She just keeps crossing the line to stay relevant.

  11. CharlotteCharlotte says:

    I think it would be hilarious as a joke between friends that you know well and know will appreciate it. On social media, I think it’s a crass cry for attention. But that’s what she does, so meh. Try not to feed the beast. Ditto regarding MeAnn too; she’s just giving her what she wants. I don’t know why she still plays into it, other than she must genuinely get somehhung out of it. It’s sad.

  12. poppy says:

    not even her crèche smh

  13. Jess says:

    This isn’t offensive to me because I’m not religious at all, but I guess I can see how it might bother people? I completely respect people who have faith in religion, as long as it’s not pushed onto me, but I don’t believe most of the stories in the Bible so to me this is kind of funny.

    • jenn12 says:

      You have to be able to poke fun at religion and government. It’s the basis of freedom, and you have to be able to laugh. With that said, she does herself no favors at all.

      • Jess says:

        I agree with everything you said, Brandi doesn’t know when to stop sometimes.

        I was also thinking about how the story of Mary would go over today, since everyone is so upset by this, and decided she would be most likely be called a liar who just wanted attention. Someone claiming to be a virgin and pregnant just doesn’t add up, she’d be locked in a psych ward if she claimed to be carrying the son of god. For some reason these things amuse me…

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Agreed. Even when it’s a thirsty, messy person doing it, I’m always going to stand by peoples’ right to be mocking, questioning, and critical of religion (just like political groups and the government) unless they’re promoting discrimination against the religious people themselves. But I agree that she should have stood by it though.

      • jenn12 says:

        It was dumb and tacky, and not a smart move from someone who owns a business. But it’s not as offensive as everyone is making it out to be. Other religions are mocked everywhere, and no one gets this upset. I’m more offended by what was done to Native Americans in the name of the church (see: residential schools) than by some silly woman who thinks she’s funny. People dress up as pregnant nuns or lecherous priests or religious Jews for Halloween, and it’s in that same vein. Dumb and tacky, but nothing to lose your mind over. I believe that religions and governments should be able to be mocked.

  14. Kate says:

    She’s an idiot and it’s a stupid joke, but I’m not sure why it’s considered so offensive. People regularly dress up as the nativity characters, including Mary, for re-enactments and plays, and especially in schools there’s a lot of people taking part who aren’t Christians or at least not active Christians. I know my schools attempts weren’t exactly done with great reverance, it was just another crappy play we had to do, and all sorts of liberties were taken. I’m pretty sure I remember a birth scene one year.

    I mean, sure, its crude, but we all know how childbirth works. I thought it was going to be something like she kicked the baby Jesus or climbed on top of Joseph.

    • TrixC says:

      I think people are going over the top getting offended by this, it just seems like a bit of silliness.

  15. Atheist says:

    Nothing offensive about her picture.

    • JFresh says:

      I agree. Actually I <3 it

      It's performance art. She should be proud of it. It's a powerful image.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        It’s an image of a woman not getting enough attention doing something attention seeking. I don’t consider that art. And I’m not even a practicing Christian.

      • Anon33 says:

        Performance art my ass. She’s a gross-ass fameho and had no thought beyond stirring the pot. You’re attributing far more intelligence to her than she has.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      Nothing offensive to you. To others, it is offensive. I personally find it in to be more in poor taste than offensive. But that’s my opinion..

    • Fault hudson says:

      You can’t make a statement for everyone

  16. M.A.F. says:

    What is lying in the crib? It looks like a piece of meat or a red Sour Patch Kid.

  17. Nick says:

    No mention of the fact that Leann referred to the boys as dimpled love bugs which is the exact phrase Brandi uses in her book? LR’s stalking is so pathetic and frightening. She truly is nuts.

    • K Williams says:

      yeah, it wasn’t so much the “our” that upset Brandi. It was the fact that Leann used Brandi’s pet name for the boys. Thats crossing a line, so I think Brandi has a right to be upset.

  18. Kimble says:

    Interesting how the participants in this place have changed. What happened to the Brandi bots who were willing to be taken to court in their support of her? She’s always been trashy, nothing new here.

  19. Jess says:

    Isn’t LeAnn stalking her again though? Like her usual copying of exact phrases? I don’t blame her for lashing out. I’m also seeing on twitter that LeAnn got busted using a fake account, but I haven’t seen proof yet so who knows. I have no doubt LeAnn has a miserable life spent worrying about her loser husband and trying to be better than Brandi, it’s sad really.

    • Christin says:

      I’ve mostly tuned out of this saga, but happened to catch a few tweets from the latest alleged alter ego account. I hoped it would go awhile longer, because whoever was tweeting had the same syntax and emoticon usage pattern as she does.

      With B dating a rich guy and Ed looking mighty happy at work, it’s probably a tense world in her head right now.

      • Jess says:

        I hope someone took screenshots, that would be amazing gossip! We all know she does it but nobody has been able to prove it.

    • Maude says:

      How is it stalking? Maybe its a term both Eddie and Brandi use for their kids and Leanne picked it up from Eddie.

      • Jess says:

        If she hadn’t copied things from Brandi’s life hundreds of times over the years I could believe it was just something she picked up from hearing them say it, but I think she was trying to taunt Brandi again.

  20. Wren33 says:

    Hmmm, I’m Christian, although very liberal, and I find it funny. It is not even contradicting theology, just being graphic. However, she obviously should have known it would create a shitstorm online.

  21. Bonbons says:

    Uggghhh. She’s disgusting. Always has been. Why is she still around?

    Please go away.

  22. Shambles says:

    Lmao. I thought Leann and Brandi had “made up”?

    I wish I could creep on Leann’s Instagram to see the photo in question, but she blocked me.

  23. Maude says:

    I don’t get what Brandi’s problem is. Leanne is obviously someone who loves those boys very dearly which in my opinion is an all round plus. People keep saying that Leanne is stalking Brandi when it could just be that Leanne is “being” the woman that Eddie likes, just like Brandi has been moulded during the marriage to the woman that Eddie liked. It happens in some relationships where women tend to change themselves for the man, e.g. get thinner, blonder, bigger breasted, wear red lipstick more, less make-up etc.

    Leanne could possibly only be doing for Eddie what Brandi once did for Eddie also and as such, they begin to mirror each other. Also as I said earlier, the term Leanne used to describe her boys could be a term used by Eddie and Brandi which Leanne picked up from Eddie, and not Brandi.

    With all the negativity spewing, I think that Brandi would be worse off if Leanne divorced Eddie as we all know she is footing most of the ÂŁÂŁÂŁ….

  24. nicegirl says:

    I find it in poor taste

  25. Radley says:

    Eddie Cibrian sure can pick ’em! I’m side-eyeing him hard now. Neither Brandi nor Leann seem like winners. Mega issues, both of them.

    • jenn12 says:

      Come on, like Eddie Cibrian is anything other than a slut and a tool? He refused for years to work to support his kids, he allowed his mistress to publicly abuse his ex, he cheated on every woman he’s been with, he is sexually inappropriate around his sons, he allowed his sons to watch him being intimate with another woman when he and their mom had just separated, and you’re saying the WOMEN have issues? And I can’t stand Leann and am pretty neutral re Brandi. EDDIE can pick them? He’s lucky anyone picks HIM.

      • Deanne says:

        Seriously. He’s disgusting. You’re right. He’s cheated on every woman he’s ever been with, including his pregnant wife. He’s happily paid the minimum amount of child support allowed for years, letting his second wife foot the bill for a lifestyle he’s done nothing to earn. He did a tv show where he did nothing but insult and disrespect the Mother of his two sons. He’s allowed his new wife to interfere with co-parenting in a major way as well. Meanwhile, LeAnn and Brandi are the ones being scrutinized and criticized. What makes him so above reproach? I honestly think he’s an emotionally abusive person, who likes having LeAnn and Brandi at odds.

      • jenn12 says:

        I can’t believe the reason you’d side eye Eddie Cibrian is over the women he married. You don’t side eye him for treating his ex like garbage, refusing to work so he can support his sons, sleeping around while in relationships, or being hypersexual in front of his kids? You don’t side-eye him for trashing his children’s mother on his show? I dislike Leann, but HE is the one who fathered those kids.

      • Christin says:

        When his kids are older and fully understand what was done to their mother and family unit, he may finally see a big price for his selfish actions (frosty relationship with his sons).

        He thought he would have an easy, lazy life. He’s gone from splashy vacations to digging up their scraggly yard. He’s not been photographed in NYC on his annual shopping excursion, either. Give this another year or two, and he may be driving that Bronco to a modest rental in the suburbs.

  26. Spiderpig says:

    It’s trashy, but not offensive.

  27. TJ says:

    She is awful.