Jon & Kate Plus 8 preview – Jon looks high, they’re still glossing over problems

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The new trailer is out for the upcoming season of Jon & Kate Plus 8, TLC’s reality show about a family living with sextuplets and twins. Jon and Kate have received plenty of tabloid attention over the past few weeks for alleged affairs on both sides and rumors about Kate’s controlling nature. More damning allegations were made by Kate’s bother and sister-in-law, who alleged that Kate and Jon were faking a relationship for the cameras to keep the money flowing. Kate’s brother claimed that Kate drew up a contract six months ago allowing both of them to see other people as long as Jon showed up for tapings.

In the trailer, Jon talks in general terms about the problems in his relationship, but it’s all kind of vague. Access Hollywood also points out that Kate and Jon are doing the reflection interviews separately, as opposed to previous seasons when they used to sit together. They show scenes from the fifth birthday party for the sextuplets, which just took place last Sunday so the footage is recent. Jon either seems high, hung over, or a little buzzed as he talks in a monotone. He seems pretty out of it. Kate is focused and all business as usual:

Access Hollywood got an advance clip of the impending season of “Jon & Kate Plus 8.”

Amid stories of marital strife, numerous magazine covers and reports of affairs, the once cozy couple is now filming their episodes separately, instead of side-by-side as they have every season previously.

Jon somewhat cryptically tell the cameras “Kate and I have obviously been going through some stuff. Discussing what’s best for kids.”

After an awkward scene from their sextuplets recent birthday party is shown, “Access” then played a clip from their own set last year, when the family was visiting and the parents snapping at each other.

[From Huffington Post]

You can watch the entire clip of the season preview on TLC’s website. It’s likely that Jon and Kate will try to push through this final season and then go their separate ways. Would they have stayed together if the cameras weren’t around? It’s hard to tell, but they would have had problems with Kate being bossy and Jon acting passive aggressive even if there wasn’t anyone around documenting it. All the added pressure of being in the spotlight couldn’t have helped, though. The show airs on Monday, May 25 at 9pm.

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41 Responses to “Jon & Kate Plus 8 preview – Jon looks high, they’re still glossing over problems”

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  1. alecto says:

    i would so much rather the hug and kiss than my husband unloading the dish washer. i can’t ever get enough hugs and kisses from him.

  2. Sunnyjyl says:

    Ack! It’s a trainwreck that I can’t seem to turn away from . . .

  3. Lori says:

    WOW. She is a freak.

  4. UrbanRube says:

    What a mess and a tragedy for those poor kids.

  5. Liv says:

    That show is a turn off. I hate the way they try to make him out to be the bad guy when she is guilty of the same things plus being greedy. I can’t stand that chick now. For the sake of saving their family they should have pulled the plug long time ago.
    I will never watch it again.

  6. Ggirl says:

    In previous shows, she is bossy and demanding with Everyone, not just Jon. Whoever ends up with Kate better have a thick skin because they are going to need it.

  7. photo jojo says:

    alecto: Totally agree!! How sad for them: they literally sold their souls.

  8. bros says:

    its obvious in several of the last photos that have come out of them, the birthday party, etc. that he is drunk drunk drunk. he has bad asian glow going on and is probably drinking to cope with all of this.

  9. Darya says:

    It seems pretty obvious this marriage is over. They’re not doing a very good job of hiding it so they’re obviously not going to go out in a amicable way…If they want to keep the money coming in they should act like adults and get on with the show. It’s not really deceiving the viewers as everyone knows things aren’t great anyway.

  10. Cinderella says:

    What a sad state of affairs.

  11. Ali says:

    I believe Kate care more about becoming a star more than those kids, so sad for them.

  12. lway says:

    zzzzzzzzzzzzz these 2 bore me to death

  13. Ali says:

    I would take to drinking rather than dealing with that brutal women. Poor poor babies who will save them.

  14. Jill says:

    Why would anyone still watch this show? People must like to be lied to and deceived.

  15. guest says:

    it’s the absolute fakery that is just so wrong & so absolutely transparent. she just needs to stop it. tlc should cancel this. he’s out period.

  16. Too sad to watch (even for the few times I was surfing and found it).

  17. brenast says:

    It’s pretty bad when women aren’t even condeming Jon for an affair. Usually we ladies stick together, calling the husband everything we can think of. In this case, we don’t blame him. I wonder if he went out acting like a fool with the purpose of bringing this whole situation to a turning point. I just hope he is smart enough to run while he can.

  18. alecto says:

    U know I kinda think he did. It was obvious with the season finally that he didn’t want to come back but she did. I’ve read where he was perfectly happy with twins and didn’t want anymore kids but she did. Seems like what she wants she gets. This was probably the only way he could get the hell out of there. Even as it is she’s trying desperately to hold on. This must be killing her control freak that she is.

  19. Mommy stl says:

    What I want to know is … why the sweet picture of Jon And Kate (On the TLC website) isn’t being shown they are both at the same time issing one of their sweet little girls at the same time.. Gee I guess it doesnt sell when you see a true picture of their love for their children… Look for your self it is a sweet picture.

  20. Iggles says:

    “Access Hollywood also points out that Kate and Jon are doing the reflection interviews separately, as opposed to previous seasons when they used to sit together.”

    That says it all. They are done.

  21. From a Female says:

    brenast I believe she had an affair to. I believe they have some kind of agreement to see other people and they are faking like they are together for the show.
    As a viewer I don’t like to be tricked. Seems Jon don’t like being in that roll either. I think that what most females see. Females have a very good eye so I think we caught on quickly.

  22. Fan of none... says:

    Soooo, a hug and a kiss THEN unloading the dishwahser, or vice versa, is too much in one day?

    She has issues that have nothing to do with Jon.
    They run far, and they run deep.

  23. FLO says:

    I just read on another site that they will be going to counceling.
    Reports say that Kate was initially totally against the idea of a counselor and only agreed to it in order to keep their TLC show on the air.

    The new season of the show is slated for next week and Kate is looking to sign on for at least two more seasons.

  24. texasmom says:

    Well, I think she is super-difficult, but I could still see snarking at him for infidelity. My divorce included this lovely element, so I’ve thought about this a lot. I think fidelity is mandatory, and if one person in the marriage can’t honor that, then that person should take responsibility and end the marriage. Even with all this “agreement” business, I’d say, be a grown-up, admit to yourself that the marriage has failed, and get started on all the painful, hard work of closing it down. Do NOT go out and have an affair, you have more important stuff to take care of first: your kids’ well-being.

    But even with all these opinions, I have to say I would fault Jon more for going along with this sham marriage thing than for the affair. The ick part of an affair is the dishonesty, and there’s so much dishonesty in this story, on all fronts, that it is hard to know where to begin!

  25. gimmeABreak says:

    I used to love that show but got so tired of watching her push him around.

  26. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    They’re both pretty messed up people, but if John had married someone without such severe issues, he might have been happy, I think. In other words, I don’t think his personal issues are quite as bad as hers, but he’s become pretty messed up from being with her for years AND the pressure of the show, the eight kids, the money, the public spotlight.

    I boycott TLC completely. Between all the freakishly large shows and the regular freak shows (man who turned into a tree, etc), it’s just a channel to stare at freaks, basically. It used to be a decent network.

    This family is a sham, though. They aren’t an intact family and shouldn’t pretend to be. Furthermore I don’t think they have been for a while. Even back when they did interviews together, you could cut the air with a knife. Extremely uncomfortable and tension-filled. Neither one of them wanted to be there, sitting next to the other.

    The other night, I was channel surfing and caught a few minutes (breaking my boycott, I know) of the episode where they all got to meet the Harlem Globetrotters and when Kate was summing it up, she was so flat. “Yeah. It was exciting.” She said it like she was bored to DEATH. Ho hum, we met the Globetrotters, big whoop. Amazing.

  27. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    I watched the video above and I think he just seems flat, depressed, not necessarily high. Whew. That was bad.

  28. JSH says:

    From what we see on camera, she appears to be controlling and a nag. What man would want that ? Can you imagine what she is really like off camera and living with her 24/7 ?

  29. Ana says:

    It’s obvious Jon has already checked out of the relationship. Well I say obvious but it’s just my opinion.
    She is going to havce to give a LOT in order to get this relationship back on track but I don’t see it happening. Which is sad, because relationships are supposed to be 50/50. Even if they’re not always, a couple is supposed to work together to make sure each one is happy. Again, my opinion.

  30. aleach says:

    jeez. thats really sad that she says she doesnt need a hug or a kiss but rather jon empties the dishwasher?
    i hate to commit a “girl-on-girl crime” here, but kate is an a-hole.

  31. Commander PopTart says:

    Good riddance to rubbish. She’s a caniving beatch – he’s spineless. TLC is capitalizing on this event for ratings.

    I could care less about this dribble – I just feel bad for the kids.

  32. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    These two fame-wh0res make me miss Octo-Crazy.

    Where is she these days? Hasn’t she done anything to be berated for this week?

  33. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    You know what I hate? When a woman can be totally controlling, selfish, manipulative, and verbally abusive and that’s ok, but if a guy acts that way, people freak out.

    Sorry, but it’s wrong either way. Respect goes both directions.

  34. Jag says:

    I can’t watch the show because she’s so horrid.

    As for staying in the show, though, I think they should ride the gravy train for as long as it runs; it’s making money for the kids’ future, hopefully.

  35. Ana says:

    I think they already have college funds.

  36. jennifer says:

    May 22nd, 2009 at 9:57 am

    It’s pretty bad when women aren’t even condeming Jon for an affair. Usually we ladies stick together, calling the husband everything we can think of.

    You must be new to this site… 😛

  37. Magsy says:

    They’ve had their run, made lots of money and now they need to retire and spend time raising all those kids. It’s not a circus act, it’s a family. Kate needs to stop being so greedy.

  38. Maritza says:

    I don’t blame the guy, he’s a really nice guy to have put up with her nagging him and always putting him down. The man was her slave, he was the one that always dressed the kids, changed them and did the hard work. She would always complain of how tired she was. I’ve seen their show and she is very controlling and bitchy, maybe if she had been sweeter with him he wouldn’t have strayed.

  39. czarina says:

    Well, I think everyone has jumped on a bandwagon here, and blown all of this “Kate is so bossy and mean” nonesense all out of proportion!!
    Good heavens.
    I have seen this show a LOT. (my kid loves it…go figure). And I have never found Kate horrible or mean. Yeah, she’s bossy and she definately has a Type A personality–she wants order and control. So what? A lot of people (usually successful people) are like that. I have no doubt she was like that from the time she was married.
    How does that make her a bad person?
    Meanwhile her husband is a useless, lazy, drunken, adulterous sack of sh*t but everyone is sympathetic????
    You know, if he wanted out of the marriage, he could have left it.
    If he didn’t want cameras in his house, he didn’t have to sign the contract.
    How brilliant is Jon at the whole passive aggressive manipulation that he has so many people believing Kate rules him?? That if they are on the show it is because she–what? Forced him? How?
    How did she MAKE him agree to the show?
    Why is SHE the greedy one, when everything they have made or been given has been for BOTH of them?
    He has benefitted equally, but, oh, poor Jon is such a nice guy (when he’s not screwing his girlfriend or getting his in-laws to smear his wife to the press or drinking and partying at bars until all hours).
    I think Kate should boot his butt out the door.
    Being a single mother of 8 couldn’t be that much different from what she is doing now.

  40. gg says:

    Boy, I sure am glad these two wastes of space have eight children. Reminds me of Octoskank. Let’s just pump out babies for the hell of it, shall we?

  41. Megan says:

    I think that it is BullSh*t they get all this free stuff.. like spa’s and vacations.. I can understand food bigger house.. and stuff invovlving the kids.. but Why her?? Why should the people paying taxes pay for her to get her nails and stuff done.. and go on fancy vacations that we work so hard to do for free… That is unbelieveable. I can’t stand that crap. Let her work like the rest of us do!!! That’s really teaching your kids something.. It sure isn;t teaching them the real life.. earning for yourself.. its teaching them if their bitchy you get want you want for free. stupid!!