Is Bigly Boy Donald Trump trying to push out Speaker Paul Ryan?

Bigly Boy Donald Trump is so mad, you guys. Bigly just flails around, crying and whining and screaming with toddler rage all day long, in between five-hour golf-related outings (of course). On Friday, the Republican Party failed to dismantle the ACA, also known as Obamacare. Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the bill because he knew he didn’t have the votes. Bigly Trump was so mad! And for 72 hours, Bigly Trump has been criticized and mocked for being a sh-tty dealmaker. So Bigly Boy wants to scream “NUH-UH!” whilst shaking his baby fists.

While I know Bigly is just trying to avoid blame, I actually think he stumbled upon an interesting point, which is: the ultra-conservative Republicans have a vested interest in keeping the status quo on certain things – like the ACA and a woman’s right to choose – because that’s how they raise money, that’s how they get elected, and those are the promises they make: if you give us money, if you elect us, we will fight against women’s autonomy over their bodies. We will fight against accessible healthcare for millions. When it comes time to actually cast a vote that matters to destroy those things? Suddenly, those ultra-conservatives are in the wind.

Meanwhile, Poor Bigly is trying to get Speaker Ryan fired. The Drudge Report ran a bunch of stories about Ryan and how he should resign. Bigly also tweeted this on Saturday: “Watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.” What did Judge Jeanine have to say?

The Fox News host kicked off her show, Justice With Judge Jeanine, with her “Opening Statement” segment, which called for Ryan to step down after the GOP’s health care bill failed to gain enough votes to continue.

“Paul Ryan needs to step down as speaker of the House,” said Pirro, beginning her show. “The reason? He failed to deliver the votes on his health care bill, the one trumpeted to repeal and replace Obamacare. The one that he had seven years to work on. The one he hid under lock and key in the basement of Congress. The one that had to be pulled to prevent the embarrassment of not having enough votes to pass. But this bill didn’t just fail. It failed when Republicans had the House, the Senate, the White House.”

The network host assured viewers that she hasn’t spoken with Trump on the subject, but it seemed as though the president knew she would cover the issue on her show when Trump tweeted earlier in the day to “watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.”

“Americans elected the one man they believed could do it: a complete outsider beholden to no one but them,” said Pirro on her show. “And Speaker Ryan, you come in with all your swagger and experience, and you sell them a bill of goods, which ends up a complete and total failure, and you allow our president, in his first 100 days, to come out of the box like that? I want to be clear. This is not on President Trump. No one expected a businessman to completely understand the nuances, the complicated ins and outs of Washington and its legislative process. How would he know which individuals upon whom he would be able to rely?”

[From THR]

Yeah, Bigly is coming after Paul Ryan. More than that though – Steve Bannon is coming after Paul Ryan. Ryan is incompetent and a fake-policy-wonk and a cruel moron, but I shudder to think about who would replace him as speaker, because I suspect the replacement would be even worse. And you know who’s looking good these days? John Boehner. While I loathed the man when he was speaker, I have to give him some credit: he knew when to get the hell out of Dodge. Pour me another drink, Boehner!

Also: a majority of Americans want an independent commission to investigate Bigly’s Russian ties. I love my senator, Mark Warner, who is the Vice Chairman on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and I believe in the work he’s doing and the facts he’s laying out. But I also think there needs to be an independent commission too.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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126 Responses to “Is Bigly Boy Donald Trump trying to push out Speaker Paul Ryan?”

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  1. QQ says:

    God I hope the GOP AS A WHOLE, House and Senate just crumble, all these sycopanthic skin wearing craven trashbags deserve to Roman Plot tf out of one another or get all gone in a wave of collateral damage when Pumpkin Molesting Spice gets his impeachment and subsequent high treason trial

    • Anon says:

      Can I just say:
      1) I love you
      2) nothing else needs to be said on this thread.

    • INeedANap says:

      This quote from the show: “No one expected a businessman to completely understand the nuances, the complicated ins and outs of Washington and its legislative process.”

      WHAT IS THAT NONSENSE. Why did America vote for someone they apparently KNEW was unqualified? Why vote for someone you know doesn’t have a clue how to do the job?

      I’m with you QQ. I hope they all get tossed into a fiery pit for daring to foist this wrinkled sack of rotting orange flesh onto us.

      • Rachel says:

        EXACTLY?? So she’s admitting he has NO IDEA how to do his job. They elected someone unqualified. Maybe she should playback her segment and think about that.

        Also… “a complete outsider beholden to no one but them.” Umm no. Trump is beholden to no one but himself. He doesn’t give a sh*t about the American public. It’s all about him and his ego.

      • Megan says:

        Apparently Ryan also has no idea how to do the job. Second in line in the house and Ryan’s likely replacement is Kevin McCarthy, who has to be one of the dumbest people ever to hold office.

        On one hand, McCarthy will be a complete tool for Trump, on the other, he will be as ineffective as Ryan. So, basically, it’s status quo if Ryan goes.

        As for Mark Warner, please ask him why he voted affirmative to confirm Rex Tillerson. I’m pretty sure it was for the enormous sums his 2014 campaign accepted from the oil and gas industry. At the end of the day, Warner is just like the rest of them.

    • Giddy says:

      QQ, you are a Celebitchy treasure!

      I’ve never watched Pirro before, but saw this, and she was practically foaming at the mouth. Maybe she always acts that crazed, but i thought “Judge Jeanine” looked drunk.

    • senna says:

      Can I just say I really love your rhetorical style, and at this moment I wish Celebitchy comments were read live like a poetry slam?

    • PunkyMomma says:

      QQ Please write for us a full-on op-ed piece everyday until we are relieved of Carrot-Peen Cheeto Mussolini. 🥕

      You’re priceless!

      • eggyweggs says:


      • Nancy says:

        @QQ… are a delight – de light in the sea of darkness Joffrey has put us in, but right now I can’t get Rihanna’s Birthday Cake out of my mind….and it’s not even my birthday…..Lol

    • Olenna says:

      QQ, your comment is pure genius!

    • tegteg says:

      Pumpkin Molesting Spice!!! I’m dying. I also think he’s going to be tried for high treason in the long run… the question is, will the next president pardon him?

    • lizzie says:

      i’ve been saying for months now that paul ryan and mitch mcconnell need to go back and watch the end of every damn movie ever and read the end of every book ever written. raiders of the lost ark – plotting nazi bad guys heads melt off. manchurian candidate – plotting bad guys get heads blown off. shakespeare everything – plotting bad guys get poisoned/stabbed/torn apart by mob/baked into pie and eaten by own mothers…etc. like – the plotting bad guys ALWAYS GET IT. always and so will they.

      • Christin says:

        I would add Face in the Crowd (1958 movie) to that list. Con artists (even folksy ones) eventually get unmasked to their trusting, if not gullible, public.

    • Sadezilla says:

      I don’t know how you come up with your words, but I love them. 😻

  2. lisa says:

    this will an interesting wrestling match

    ryan is much more competent evil than dumpster

    so i guess the question is who is the more competent evil betw ryan and bannon

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t know if competence even matters anymore in this administration. As for who is more evil, I’d go with Bannon. He seems to have no problem literally destroying the country, whereas I think Ryan has a bit more interest in salvaging at least a shred of civil society.

      • Nicole says:

        Eh that line is razor thin. Ryan wants a civil society for people like HIM, white male and rich. And maybe their wives can come along. Bannon wants to destroy the Republic outright because he’s a Leninist. But for me, Ryan won’t preserve my life (or livelihood) either so they both suck. Cause what’s the point of the Republic if it sets us back 100 years.

        So sure. If trump could push out Ryan before he’s impeached I won’t be mad at it.

      • Esmom says:

        I hear you, agree that it’s a very fine line. I’d love to see both of them far, far away from Washington.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I see nothing indicating an interest in civility or humanity is Paul Ryan.

    • bleu_moon says:

      Rumor is the administration want Trey “Benghazi!” Gowdy to take Ryan’s place.

      • Giddy says:

        OMG, not the Conehead!

      • Belle Epoch says:

        OMG OMG OMG the idea of Trey Slytherin taking over just hit me in the solar plexus. All of these guys are pure evil. How do they get elected in the first place? There were just enough intelligent people to create a majority for Hillary. As the nation gets dumber (by design), the masses are going to elect more troglodytes.

    • Melly says:

      I don’t think Trump wants Ryan out. Bannon wants Ryan out in a BIG way; the Alt-Right haaaaaates Ryan with a passion. Trump has no real reason to want Ryan gone, he’s a good scapegoat in situations (like the healthcare bill) where Trump can’t get legislation passed.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        I completely agree with this @Melly! Bannon is threatened by Ryan.

      • Nancy says:

        Be close to your friends and closer to your enemies says fat ass on the golf course. He is public praising Ryan, yet he tweets his minions to watch Janine’s show where the first thing out of her loud mouth was that Ryan had to step down. I believe not one word of what comes out of his mouth or that his pudgy fingers post.

      • Melly says:

        I don’t know if Bannon is threatened by Ryan. On the spectrum of conservatism, they are polar opposites. Bannon wants to destroy the institutions, Ryan is the institution.
        I commented below that explains why I think Trump tweeted about the show. The show was supposed to air a segment about how Trump could be right about the wiretapping. There was a countdown clock on Fox for that segment all day.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @Melly – I agree – Ryan is the only thing standing between Bannon and his dreams. But Bannon tried to bully the Freedom Caucus, and they basically laughed in his face. It’s my belief that if Ryan and Bannon go head to head, Bannon loses. Bannon is clueless as to how government works in D. C., so I give Ryan that edge.

  3. Beth says:

    Definitely sounds like it’s not a coincidence. Has Trump ever told people to watch the show before?

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t think so. Just another example of how they lie about anything and everything! Everything!

    • Lightpurple says:

      Not that particular show but Trump has been doing heavy PR work for Fox News for weeks now, almost as if he were on the payroll.

      • Nancy says:

        The only ones that watch Fox are his supporters anyway. Jeanine is loud mouth talking head. BTW I left you a message on Friday’s Joffrey thread. I think you are one strong woman and I stand with, by and for you and others fighting the same battle. You’re a rock star to me.

    • Melly says:

      There was a countdown clock to the show all day on Fox because there was supposed to be a story about how Trump might not be wrong about the wiretapping. From what I can tell, they didn’t run that story. I would say they didn’t run it because it’s not true, but we all know Fox plays fast and loose with the truth. My money is on the producers of the show seeing Trump’s tweet and changing the segments they chose to air knowing the Ryan story would get major coverage.

  4. boredblond says:

    The only thing I like about ryan is that he’s pissing trump off..gotta appreciate that.

  5. Bri W. says:

    I think Ryan is a policy wonk….for whatever fits his agenda. I am interested to see what he does with tax reform as that is “his baby.”

    • Esmom says:

      The thing is real policy wonks know Ryan is not. He’s just positioned himself that way, which wasn’t too hard considering the parade of buffoons and incompetents he’s surrounded with.

      • bleu_moon says:

        Yeah, I don’t think he’s ever proposed or passed major legislation either. He’s just better looking than the average republican and good at marketing himself. Plus just having to say “No” for 8 years didn’t prepare him for anything.

      • Christin says:

        He didn’t seem able to comprehend the basics of insurance and the outcomes for anyone other than possibly the biggest insurers.

        Seems to be a wonky wonk wannabe.

      • Nicole says:

        I almost fell out when he basically alluded to the fact that they cannot govern because they are used to just saying no and calling it a day. Meanwhile the Dems have been drafting policies and meeting with people on both sides of the aisle to get things done. Now that the Dems are basically taking on the defense and sitting back the GOP is a bunch of fumbling idiots. Its hilarious (in a horrifying way).

    • Prettykrazee says:

      Ryan isn’t a policy work. If he was, he would have been able to get the AHCA passed. He’s Speaker and he wrote the bill and still couldn’t get it passed. The supposed advantage of having the Speaker write a bill is the bill is supposed to include language to appease all of the caucuses. If not, then the negotiations begin. And he couldn’t even do that! He’s an evil fraud. And he has been exposed.

    • Rhiley says:

      Grab your popcorn for tax reform because Bannon and Paul “Dude, Wan’t to Do a Few Kegstands and Drunk Talk About Medicaid Reform” Ryan are all about some border taxes. Trump supporters, not so much.

    • Green Valley says:

      Tomorrow the House votes to repeal of broadband privacy and let ISPs sell your info.

      Call your reps to tell them to vote against this!

      Indivisible has the details:

      • JennaQ says:

        Can’t we just have one day where we don’t have to fight tooth and nail to keep something? This administration has been so exhausting!

  6. Jenns says:

    I love all of this. This past weekend was the best weekend I’ve had since Orange Julius Caesar was elected. Watching the healthcare repeal crash and burn, especially after Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to fix it, was just pure joy. Trump couldn’t close the deal. Bannon tried to bully republicans and was told to STFU. And Ryan suffered massive public humiliation. It’s a thing of beauty.

    • bleu_moon says:

      I’m loving the “you can’t expect a business man to understand government” line. Wait, you mean electing an utterly unqualified reality TV show star “outsider” might not work out?

      Yeah, it was a good weekend…

      • V4Real says:

        That’s the part of her statement that stood out most to me. We can’t expect a business man to understand government. But we expect a business man to run the country serving as President of the United States. That was a dumb statement by Pirro.

      • kNY says:

        That makes me so livid! If you can’t expect a business man to understand the government, then he needs to NOT be the president. JESUS CHRIST. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

  7. Ninks says:

    Look at Pence in the bottom photograph. He’s figuring out how to adjust the chair, for when it’s his.

    • B n A fn says:

      I don’t know who I hate more, DT, Pence, Bannon, Ryan, Miller, Ivanka, Jerard, the list goes on. I pray everyday is the day I see all of them in handcuffs, and leg irons , trying to get into the corrections van at the same time going to jail.

    • V4Real says:

      Oh gosh Ninks, he sure is. That’s hella funny.

    • Andrea says:

      Just remember, he gets rid of Ryan, then whoever is new House Speaker will be VP.

  8. Luca76 says:

    They can’t replace Ryan. Remember he didn’t want to be the Speaker and they had to beg him to take over because they couldn’t agree on anyone else . So yes I’d love it if they kick him out and are in chaos trying to pick someone. I really am loving this whole debacle/implosion. I was listening to Slate Political Gabfest and one of the most salient points they made is that the Republican House has no one (or very few) that even have the ability to write laws. They are just (in my opinion) a collection of psychotic ideologues with no ability or desire to actually do something. The Republican Party through gerrymandering has actually caused its own ironic deconstruction by making the only worst of the worst electable.

    • Lightpurple says:

      And it is full of Tea Party people who never bothered to learn what the Constitution actually says.

      • SusanneToo says:

        They only know the 2nd Amendment and they misinterpret it.

      • KWM says:

        Tea Party is the number one reason Boehner left. He said they are impossible to work with, will never compromise and prefer no government over not getting their way. So basically the Tea Party solution to governing is that of a 3 year old. If you don;t give me what I want I will throw myself on the floor and refuse to move.

      • graymatters says:

        Shame they don’t go the “I’ll hold my breath until I die and then you’ll be sorry” route. But even most toddlers have more sense than that.

    • bleu_moon says:

      It’s almost like being anti-intellectual might not be working out for the republicans. /s

    • Christin says:

      Talkers versus doers. Show ponies versus workhorses.

    • Disco Dancer says:

      And yet the idiot public keeps electing these totally incompetent Republican morons!

  9. Lightpurple says:

    None of them want Ryan’s job. Trump can try to push him out but to do so, the House GOP would have to come to a consensus on whom they hate more.

    I bet Ryan is really regretting that he didn’t stage a Rules Revolt prior to the GOP convention, as he was rumored to be doing but feared riots from Trump supporters and decided that he would be able to control the moron.

    • bleu_moon says:

      My husband is convinced that all the anti-Ryan leaks this weekend are because Trump just realized he can’t fire Ryan. There was something about Ryan getting down on one knee to “beg” a congressperson to vote for the legislation.

  10. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Aww poor baby Ryan – he didn’t get his mega orgasm on Friday!!! Guess its back to his fantasies with Pam and her 5 friends.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He did look very deflated Friday afternoon, didn’t he, after two months of not even hiding that he was sexually aroused whenever he talked about gutting the ACA

      • someone says:

        This is just insanity. Why not assume that maybe Ryan thinks the ACA will not work? Why attribute such mean, nasty thoughts and motives to someone, you haven’t even met.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I have met him. And he is a mean, nasty man with mean, nasty motives.

      • graymatters says:

        The ACA is not perfect. It does an adequate job of providing more medical coverage for more people but by itself cannot address the essential inconsistencies of the American health care system. That said, the Republican response to this has been one defined by greed and cruelty in which they wish to reward the rich and penalize the sick. Ryan speaks for those values.

  11. OSTONE says:

    I can see Paul Ryan stepping down, what I cannot see, and this is something I struggle with daily, is Trump getting impeached. With everything we have learned of his campaign, the corruption, the MEDDLING of a foreign nation into our elections, the fact he hasn’t been impeached yet (with a Republican Congress) makes me feel uneasy and skeptical that he could be removed from office before his first term is up.

    • AreYouForReal? says:

      I’m hopeful that the democrats are getting their ducks in a row and biding their time after the mid-terms. I really hope Orange Anus’s incompetence has mobilized the democratic base to get out and vote in 2018.

      • Luca76 says:

        Biggest problem is gerrymandering the House will only vote for impeachment when their hands are tied. There will have to be indictments first and I believe it’s coming.

    • Melly says:

      Before you lose hope, wait for the FBI findings. I also think we’re getting closer to an independent investigation, which would be able to look into any and everything.

      • someone says:

        What is the FBI going to find out? Most candidates are in contact with representatives of foreign governments.. Candidate Obama campaiged in Germany. Hillary Clinton received campaign funds from donors closely associated with the Saudi and Chinese governments. The Clinton campaign was also in touch with the same Russian diplomats.. So, what’s the story here, besides maligning someone?

      • Melly says:

        @Someone The story is collusion and lying (at BEST not disclosing/following protocol)
        The FBI will likely find collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. All other candidates in our modern history have DISCLOSED their meetings with foreign governments/leaders/etc. Obama and Clinton made their campaign contacts/funds known to the public, that’s why you know about it. The Trump campaign people have consistently lied about their contacts with Russian officials. That’s why Flynn was fired. Also, that’s why Sessions had to recuse himself from anything related to Trump. That’s why the WH is trying to distance themselves from Manafort.

      • Lightpurple says:

        @someone, did you miss the part where the FBI said it had evidence that Putin tampered and had a clear preference for candidate Trump?

  12. IlsaLund says:

    I hope they all get their comeuppance. The entire lot need to go.

    But no matter what Trump does, his supporters will believe him:

    “I think he’s just being misinformed about a lot of this,” she said two days before the bill failed. “I really do. Once I think he finds more out about what all the Medicaid takes care of for people that are low-income, in poverty, he won’t touch it.”

    Donald Trump voters: We like the president’s lies

    • vauvert says:

      That’s The Star. Pandering to our own homegrown Canadian bigots who think Trump is doing a good job(?????) and who want that idiot O’Leary to become the Con leader. I wouldn’t put that rag in the kitty litter box…

      • IlsaLund says:

        No, not pandering….I realize the bigotry & crazy of the Star. But the articles point out the lunacy of Trump supporters.

      • Lady D says:

        “Pandering to our own homegrown Canadian bigots” …and aren’t they the most special bunch? I cannot believe some of the idiots posting on that site.

    • noodle says:

      read that 2nd article yesterday.
      I hope those guys who love his lies realise that he lies to everyone..including them. he has no interest in saving your sorry unemployed ass

  13. B n A fn says:

    Thank God that “S” stew did not pass. The bill had 17% approval. How could anyone in their right mind decides to vote yes to a bill that would take 24million people off of health care, and give the money they save to the rich. DT is a disgrace and the people still supporting him are, Imo, evil just as he is. Obama Care needs fixing but you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. We have to keep very focus and not let our guards down.

    • I'mScaredAsHell says:

      I agree with Sanders and other progressives….now is the time to ramp up the pressure and make an issue of single payer. The goal being to raise everyone’s consciousness about the possibility and hopefully make this an issue in 2018,

      Bernie Sanders, Top Progressives Announce New Medicare-For-All Push

      • Luca76 says:

        Here’s the thing I want single payer but I don’t want to repeal Obamacare it always made me nervous when he mentioned it. I also always wondered what happens to the insurance industry. I’m not worried about the corporation but all of those people that would lose their jobs. I think Single payer is the way too goo but I think it has to happen in phases. Expand Medicaid I think that’s the first step.

      • Lightpurple says:

        @Luca76, if we went single payer, most of those people would get jobs administering the single payer program. As it is now, Medicare contracts out to private sector insurance companies to administer the claims and reimbursements. More people on the program would mean more needed to administrate more claims. Those people would pretty much stay right where they are. Also, there are supplemental and wrap policies and Medicare managed care plans to handle what Medicare doesn’t cover and Medicare cost-sharing. Those would still exist with more demand for them.

      • JulP says:

        @Luca76, the solution is easy, and Bernie even mentioned it over the weekend: keep the ACA, and in the meantime, lower the age eligibility to get onto Medicare. Eventually, everyone will be eligible for Medicare and private insurers will have to adapt to the new market (they could sell supplemental insurance programs, which are already available to Medicare recipients, to cover costs Medicare doesn’t cover, or they could sell “Cadillac” plans that provide better coverage, etc.).

        I also think progressives should stop using the term “single payer,” because that scares off ignorant folks who think it’s akin to communism, and just talk about expanding Medicare. Medicare is a hugely popular program, Americans are already familiar with it, and most don’t seem to realize that it’s a socialist program.

    • Melly says:

      I kinda wish it would have passed in the house! It would have been killed in the senate anyways. If it passed in the house that would have been great material for the Dems to use in attacks in 2018.

      • Andrea says:

        Single payer was on the table with the CLINTONS and everyone decided to fear monger people into hating the idea of it. The US is long overdue for single payer.

  14. Jem says:

    Trump wants to distance himself from the whole mess and move in to something else; it’s HARD and he can’t take the criticism, and he never promised to do it anyway (!?) – so of course he’s going to say ‘well I tried and it’s not my fault’ while tossing Ryan under the bus. This is how he’s going to deal with everything.

  15. AfricanBoy says:

    I think if the GOP has to sacrifice one of them, it won’t be Paul Ryan.

    • Melly says:

      I agree. Republicans love Ryan, the alt-right hates him. This will be interesting to see how much sway the alt right has on the republican party. Will the conservative establishment offer up Ryan as a sacrifice to appease the alt right? If Ryan goes, what would that do to the legitimacy of the republican party? Who the F would want to take Ryan’s place?!?

  16. Maya says:

    Trump truly is one of the dumbest presidents ever.

    If he fires Ryan then he has lost the House and the Senate. Ryan knows every single Republican’s skeletons and won’t hesitate to use them as weapon.

    But I sincerely hope Trump does become an enemy of Ryan who will then in turn take Trump down with the Russian treason…

    • Disco Dancer says:

      @Maya, I agree. I wanna see these people fight like snarling, hungry dogs over a bone and take each other down.

  17. grabbyhands says:

    It gives me a great deal of pleasure to think of Paul Ryan squirming in worry about losing face and power because Babyfists is looking for someone to dump on about his healthcare loss. Just a few minutes of seeing him without his usual smug face is worth it.

    But honestly, what worries me isn’t 45 (I mean, he DOES, but…). We know what is coming next and the pattern is fairly well established at this point. It will be something short sighted and cruel, beneficial only to to the wealthy. What worries me is how the Democrats respond. They need to keep coming back hard and vocal and visible and that hasn’t always been their strong suit. Too many times they have settled or seem to have hoped that something isn’t going to happen just because they think it shouldn’t. The party needs a lot of strength and bravery.

    • Christin says:

      The Dems need to focus on working for the people, not just ‘winning’ and being smug/insulting when they have a victory.

      I think they also need to focus on how the other party may seem protective of a fetus, but don’t seem willing to do a darn thing once that child is born, if it isn’t in a financially well-off family. That may not be a big issue in all parts of the country, but in some locations it’s one of the top reasons people vote GOP.

      • mom2two says:

        The Dems need to hit hard on those who claim to be pro-life but could care less what happens when the child is born and as it grows into person. Call them out for the hypocrites they are.

      • Christin says:

        Exactly. Call it out for what it is, loudly. I truly think there are people who genuinely do not realize the utter hypocrisy.

  18. Tig says:

    Dear God- is this woman trying to position herself as the next Megan Kelly? “No one expected him to understand the nuances of government, blah blah blah”. Well, here’s a tidbit- if you don’t know, don’t fire/antagonize the folks who DO. And Trey Gowdy as the next Speaker??? There won’t ever be a bill that get out of committee.

    • Melly says:

      They excused Trumps lack of experience during the campaign by saying he’d bring change to DC and hire “the best people”. Because he’s a hotshot businessman who can attract the real talent. I think we see how that worked out.

  19. Eric says:

    Ryan isn’t going anywhere. He’s got the power, which I’m sure he explained to Emperor Zero, to kick Nunes off the House Intel Committee, which is what a ton of people are calling for. Not only can everyone see that Nunes is trying to buy Diaper Bigly time, but Ryan also knows that Nunes is compromised because he met with Flynn at a breakfast mtg while Turkish interlopers were present.

    Be sure to follow/read Seth Abramson’s assorted MegaThreads on twitter. Fascinating stuff!

    The walls close in…

  20. smee says:

    I can’t help take pleasure in seeing Ryan getting attacked. Anyone who says one of his favorite Ayn Rynd books is “The Virtues of Selfishness” should not be in our government.

    • Disco Dancer says:

      Anyone who’s a fan of that sociopath Ayn Rand shouldn’t be in public service and dedicate lives to you know….public good!

  21. Shambles says:

    Trump is playing a dangerous game. Ryan is the one with the power to impeach. So yes, keep going after Ryan, you idiot. Is there a way we can still get Ryan out after he brings articles of impeachment against the incompetent one?

    • Eric says:


      Let’s hope so!!
      Down with Pol Pot-belly then with Eddie Munster!

    • JulP says:

      Yeah, luckily for us (I hope!), Trump is too goddamn stupid to realize he’s vulnerable. The Republicans could begin impeachment proceedings right now if they wanted to, but as long as he’s useful to them (i.e., as long as he makes nice and signs every bill that comes across his desk), they won’t do anything. If he stops playing ball or starts attacking members of the party, then I have no doubt that they’ll get rid of him. And, since his approval rating is hovering around 33%, there’s really no reason for them to put up with his antics.

    • LA Elle says:

      Ryan isn’t going to impeach. He should, but my gut says his hands are not clean in the Russia stuff, and if he moves to impeach, Trump starts talking to save his own skin and implicates Ryan in, at best, complicity to treason in the name of party politics.

  22. HK9 says:

    Only a fool would promise to fix one of the most complex issues first without a plan. The first rule of customer service in business “Under-promise & over-deliver” . So, much for Trump’s business acumen.

    While Trump likes to go about firing and replacing people, firing Ryan will be much more complicated. Why, nothing in politics/government is as easy as it seems which is one of the many reasons you can’t run it like a business. Sometimes you have to play the long game in politics something which Trump and his “administration” don’t get.

  23. Franny says:

    Isn’t this judge supposed to be tough? Why would she give a grown man an out to pass blame to other people? What happened to the “buck stops here?”

    He is president. Rather than using his time to learn about the legislative process, he is taking 3-day weekends and golfing.

    He might not know what the legislative branch is, but he sure has an instinct for pointing the finger. That sounds like business as usual in DC.

    • LA Elle says:

      She’s conservative “tough” – meaning it’s all bark, no bite, and very limited reasoning. And a huge helping of hypocrisy.

  24. adastraperaspera says:

    If Paul Ryan gets destroyed by Tr*mp/Bannon, I’m sorry but I will cheer. Ryan is an Ayn Rand sociopath. I would like them to keep knocking each other off until they are all gone.

    • LA Elle says:

      How about having an all-expenses paid trip for the GOP leadership (Ryan, Trump, McConnell, et al) to a tropical island. Upon arriving, they are informed they’re part of a reality TV show that’s a mix of Lord of the Rings and the Hunger Games. This way, we can all watch them destroy each other without worrying they’re going to take the federal government with them.

      Someone needs to pitch this to the networks. Just think of the ratings.

  25. Rapunzel says:

    I don’t care if Trump wants to smear Ryan. Ryan’s got it coming anyway.

    I’m more concerned about how Trump is fradulently taking credit for illegal border crossings being down.

    His latest tweet:
    “General Kelly is doing a great job at the border. Numbers are way down. Many are not even trying to come in anymore.”

    Not only is this a lie because Kelly hasn’t been in charge enough to make a difference and numbers were down under Obama, but what in the hell kind of President brags about people not wanting to come in to his country? I swear, he gets dumber every day.

  26. Disco Dancer says:

    I’m so happy that Obama is vacationing and writing his memoir, knowing that his legacy on health care is secured. When Trump on the platform of destroying Obama’s work, I felt like crying for The Obamas.

    And the hilarious train wreck failure of “Pol Pot Belly Care”, shows even more the competence of Obama and his team in getting the biggest piece of social welfare legislation in the last 50yrs passed into law, despite opposition from these moronic Republicans. I hope that Obamacare is not used as an insult anymore but as a reminder of the hard work, the good intentions and the competence and the negotiation skills that were required to bring this health care legislation into law.

  27. Eric says:

    Seth Abramson’s just announced he’s working on a new TrumpRussia Mega Thread. His first two were absolutely epic.

    • LA Elle says:

      Thanks for the tip! The one last Friday was amazing – can’t believe it didn’t get more press.

      Why is no newspaper / online sit publishing these as articles? Because, yes, they’re a lot of assumptions at this point, but they would make pretty amazing op ed pieces.

  28. Jaded says:

    It’s like a giant dike is holding back a million tons of sh*t and T-Rump and his gang of fart-catchers are all running around madly sticking their fingers into all the leaks but any day now….mark my words…ANY DAY NOW…that dike is going to break and a sh*tload of sludge is going to swamp them ALL. That vision in my head is what keeps me from having to day drink.

    • Eric says:

      Totally agree.
      Note: teaser on the Seth Abramson mega thread is the pee tape.

      🎶 Jaaaaared!🎵

  29. HappyMom says:

    Oh my god-I had heard of her but never seen her in action before. Jesus Christ on a cracker: SHE is the definition of shrill. Who in their right mind actually wants to listen to her??

  30. LA Elle says:

    So during the election, I remembering an interview (can’t find it now) with a guy who knew Trump from New York real estate. And this guy pretty much said: Trump’s a loose cannon who only cares about himself and has no concept of loyalty. And when he doesn’t get his way, he will destroy whatever or whoever he decides is to blame, regardless of the consequences.

    And I seem to remember the article coming around and saying that Ryan and the Republicans needed to take the short-term loss of the White House and work behind the scenes for his defeat, because otherwise they’d eventually find themselves with a loose cannon who would eventually decide to take them out or start supporting liberal policies not because he believes in them but because it would make the GOP angry.

    Trump going after Ryan made me think of this interview and how if that interview was right, the Republican Party is about to erupt in Civil War, because Trump and Ryan are both nasty pieces of work with God complexes, along with more enemies and fewer allies than they realize.

  31. TheOtherSam says:

    The real fight brewing isn’t between Ryan and Trump or Bannon. It’s between the god-awful Freedom Caucus, led by Mark Meadows, and the moderate Repubs loosely led by Charlie Dent. It was the break between these two groups that led to the collapse of Trump Care and the vote being pulled last week.

    The chasm is wide and getting wider. Neither side seems to agree on many issues and neither was willing for example to budge on healthcare: the moderates wanted to keep the basic aspects and work with Democrats to modify the ACA; the “Freedom” folks didn’t feel Trump’s changes went far enough and wouldn’t budge until it was nearly fully gutted and all regulations dropped. That’s a pretty big gap.

    Next up, next test: tax reform. This will be interesting.

  32. Belle Epoch says:

    Last comment – just wanted to thank Kaiser and Celebitchy for covering these issues! This is a great forum for smart discussion and I am VERY GRATEFUL that the articles are not all about the Kardashians.