Donald Trump tweets: he revealed classified material for ‘humanitarian reasons’

Last night, the Washington Post published an explosive report stating that Donald Trump has leaked highly classified intelligence to the Russians in the Oval Office last week. The story dropped like a bomb in the newscycle. It’s sort of hard to believe that we’re not even one full week past the firing of James Comey, but here we are. After WaPo published their story, other outlets got their own confirmations – Buzzfeed, CNN, the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal and other outlets all backed up WaPo’s information. But that didn’t stop National Security Adviser McMaster from doing an impromptu press conference – except he didn’t take any questions – denying the story without really denying the story. McMaster told media outlets that the WaPo’s story “as reported” is “false.” He said Trump never revealed “intelligence sources or methods” which… WaPo didn’t claim that Trump revealed sources or methods.

Reportedly, the White House Communications staff and senior staff were in panic mode soon after the story came out. Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Steve Bannon rushed into a meeting room and they were overheard by reporters “yelling” at each other. Then someone turned the TVs on “super loud” to drown out the sounds of Trump staffers screaming at each other. After that, Sanders came out of the room and told reporters that they would not be issuing any additional statements. You know why? Because they tried to do damage control last week on the Comey firing and the Emperor made them all look like liars and fools. My guess is that the White House Communications staff, at this point, is perfectly fine with letting Trump do his own communications. Which is what he’s doing this morning on Twitter:

First of all, there is zero chance that Trump wrote these tweets himself. Second of all, a president should not just unilaterally decide to reveal code-word sensitive intelligence to a non-ally country in the midst of an Oval Office meeting with un-vetted personnel in the room. Even if everyone in the room had been properly vetted and they had all had the highest clearance available, that doesn’t change the fact that by revealing this incredibly sensitive intelligence, Trump has ended up closing off a source of intelligence – because why will these sources trust the American government anymore? – and risking American lives.

Also: Trump once again cut the legs out from under his spokespeople. Last night, the White House spokesperson said: “This story is false. The president only discussed the common threats both countries faced.” Now Trump is telling a different story.

And if you need to get depressed about everything this morning, just know that Trump is due to leave Washington in a few days and make his first international trip. He’s stopping by Brussels to meet with NATO leaders and reportedly, NATO leaders are making preparations which sound like they’re going to meet with a belligerent five-year-old. One source told Foreign Police (via VF): “It’s kind of ridiculous how they are preparing to deal with Trump. It’s like they’re preparing to deal with a child—someone with a short attention span and mood who has no knowledge of NATO, no interest in in-depth policy issues, nothing.” I hope our NATO allies aren’t planning on giving Trump any classified briefings.

Update: he’s still tweeting. This time about “leakers.” Bitch, YOU ARE THE LEAKER.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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129 Responses to “Donald Trump tweets: he revealed classified material for ‘humanitarian reasons’”

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  1. Jenns says:

    I said this in the other thread, but McMaster should resign immediately. He is the only one in that cesspool administration that had a shred of credibility.

    And if I were a foreign leader who was expecting a visit from this orange nightmare, I would just put him in a room with access to US cable news and two scoops of ice cream.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      And a special pie. Like the special pie from “The Help”. I am sure he would enjoy it.

    • Kitten says:

      I completely agree, Jenns. McMaster needs to permanently distance himself from this shit sandwich if he wants to maintain a shred of dignity. Sad because he’s by all accounts a very smart and fair guy, a man of integrity. He never should have accepted a position with 45’s swiftly derailing train.

      • Esmom says:

        “He never should have accepted a position with 45′s swiftly derailing train.”

        Such a conundrum, though. I think we thought we wanted reasonable, qualified people in the administration. As if somehow they could temper Trump or bolster the massive holes in competence. But it looks like the only result is those previously reasonable people are flushing their own credibility and careers down the toilet. See also Rod Rosenstein.

      • Kitten says:

        Oh COMPLETELY, Esmom. I was one of those people championing McMaster and Matthis as two reasonable guys who might be able to reel in Orange Menace.

        However, it is now clear that he cannot be contained, even by two seasoned generals.

        And you’re right in that they might have also thought that they could help the American people from the inside, but I’m sure all hopes have been dashed at this point.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I think his defense of Trump’s disclosure to the Russians has already tainted him. That was a bold move and it won’t be forgotten.

        We need people to step up. Anyone who doesn’t, and instead HELPS the Trump administration continue with their corruption and incompetence is committing seriously harmful acts.

    • Olenna says:

      Resign? He’s already compromised his integrity and after that bullshit denial, his worth even as a military leader has gone right down the shitter. F him and drumpf.

    • ELX says:

      Doors are going to start closing all over the world. They’ll be polite to Cheeto for the cameras, but the working relationships will be gone or on hold.

      • Imqrious2 says:

        And they’d be completely justified….and we’re going to be totally isolated and f@cked. Isis and Al Qaida are probably celebrating this morning; were becoming an isolated target, without trusted allies to share intelligence.

  2. ArchieGoodwin says:

    Can agencies choose to withhold information from the president? especially in light of this?

    like, just tell the WH that because of what he did they aren’t sharing info anymore, to protect their sources?

    • PunkyMomma says:

      During the final days of the Nixon administration, there were a number of noble-minded Americans who took steps to ensure Nixon wouldn’t place the country in danger. Of course, Nixon, while certainly off the rails, was not a mentally ill narcissist who couldn’t tell the difference between sensitive, classified material and faux Time covers.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        Mentally ill narcissist. Spot on. Is there any way to declare that he is not mentally fit for the job and a danger to US national interest? Because that’s pretty much clear. What authority is mandated to do that? The Congress? That would be a hopeless venue. If they don’t do it, then who?

      • Rachel says:

        25th Amendment. What do you think of the odds of the cronies he’s appointed to high ranking cabinet positions will actually sign a letter stating he’s unfit to hold office???

      • Deeanna says:

        Nixon was drinking heavily and making late night calls to cronies and lamenting his “enemies” in slurred speech. (See Kissinger’s book) And yes, certain higher ups (Alexander Haig for one) were keeping a close eye on the red button at that time.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Other countries that share intel with us can stop doing so. This intel was from another country and was not Trump’s to disclose.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        I can bet that serious reassessments are going on within the intelligence community.

      • LA Elle says:

        Saw reports this morning that several European intel agencies are debating no longer sharing information with the US.

        Tell me again about how the GOP is all about protecting Americans …

    • FLORC says:

      Yes they can and do. They all operate in their own self-interest. Even if there’s an agreement for sharing.

      Sounds like Trump has rightfully worried our allies to a high degree. I expect internally and externally many decisions will be made around Trump in the interest of homeland security.

    • LaBlah says:

      Intelligence agencies have withheld information from the ostensible leaders of their countries since before the days they were called intelligence agencies. They’ve gone quite a bit further than that too. People think that’s just in dictatorships and banana republics but in reality they’re usually more pliable in those countries than they are in democracies.

    • Nic919 says:

      They already are keeping information from this idiot. They are trying to protect the country from this jackass before it’s too late. Already they are going to get less info for other countries because of him and it may be info to prevent a domestic terrorist attack.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        Just shows that you shouldn’t diss the intelligence community, ever. Comey’s firing was the last straw and the beginning of baby fists’ unravelling.

        baby fists has been contemptuous and dismissive of the intelligence community from the beginning. And those members will be the undoing of this scum bag of a president.

  3. Clare says:

    Strictly speaking, it is within his remit to declassify any information he deems appropriate – I know with this buffoon in charge, that seems insane. But he can, and he did. He didn’t break any laws.

    I know it is completely insane…but…here we are.

    • INeedANap says:

      What he did may not be illegal but will have serious repercussions. Our actual allies (Russia is not included in that list) will likely freeze us out while Mango Mussolini is in charge, and who knows how much we’ve compromised our own people for his sake.

      And yet his deplorables are still screaming FAKE NEWS.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, this is what still keeps me up at night. When all this was blowing up on Twitter last night, it was disgusting to see so many people making comments like “Eff you, he won, keep crying your liberal tears, Hillary’s worse, MAGA, blah blah blah…”

      • JennyJenny says:

        @INeedANap ~ “Mango Mussolini”
        I seriously laughed out loud to that!
        Thank you for the morning chuckle : )

      • Pandy says:

        Mango Mussolini is my new favourite!!!

      • Disco Dancer says:

        Mangoes are amazing fruits! They’re the King of Fruits actually- please don’t insult mangoes by saying Mango Mussolini :p

    • Lilly says:

      Nobody is saying otherwise. The point is not that he didn’t break the law, it’s that he leaked classified information to another country without permission from the source and thereby put intelligence relationships and actually lives at risk. Because he is a stupid, immature, boasting child monster who doesn’t know any better.

      • Clare says:

        Agree with all of the above – but my point is, he was acting very much within his remit, which includes declassifying sensitive info on a whim. There are lots of people shouting Treason! Prison! etc, here and elsewhere.

        What he did was insane/stupid/dangerous, but not illegal. I’m not sure that is made entirely clear in this post, or in several others that I have been following. That is all.

      • Mia4s says:

        May not have everything they need to imprison him (yet) but creeping closer to impeachment. That will be fine too.

      • Lilly says:

        I just can’t express enough how frustrating it is that we have to argue whether what he did was legal. How low is the bar that his defence is he didn’t technically break the law? He could give the Russians the nuclear codes without technically breaking the law!

        I am so tired (was up until 3 glued to CNN) and irritated that his actions continue to have no consequences. What happened to checks and balances?

      • Nic919 says:

        This shows how much power was given to the president. To grant absolute power to declassify to an utter fool is now showing how restrictions are needed on the presidential power. Up until now it was not needed because they weren’t mentally ill buffoons.

      • Aren says:

        Thank you for putting it so clearly.
        Most people are arguing that he had the right to do that, but they don’t seem to understand the basic premise that ‘just because you can doesn’t mean you should’.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        ” he was acting very much within his remit, which includes declassifying sensitive info on a whim.”

        I’m not so sure. He released ANOTHER country’s code-word sensitive information, which was not his to reveal.

        Additionally, impeachment doesn’t require that an “illegal” act took place. It is up to Congress to determine what “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” means to them in that given time. In the 70s Gerald Ford said, “An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”

  4. Alix says:

    Can we please arrest him now???

  5. Swak says:

    What the heck! Surely the photographers from TASS were not vetted and should not have heard any of what Trump said. Also, how suspicous does it look that he did not allow any American press in the meeting. There is no way they were “tricked” by Russia and if they were, heaven help us.

  6. Jamie42 says:

    High crimes and misdemeanors.–compromising national security by blabbing to the Russians.
    Obstruction of justice.–firing Comey.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Yes, and…
      Obstruction of justice – Asking Comey to stop the investigation into Flynn.

      (CNN is now reporting that Comey drafted memos from Feb. 14 when Trump asked him to end the investigation into Flynn. Comey apparently made many memos detailing his conversations with Trump immediately after they occurred. He distributed them to top FBI officials).

  7. Veronica says:

    This is a man who has never had the face the repercussions of his actions on any appreciable level, so it’s not surprising that he lacks the depth to understand the implications of his behavior in office. What infuriates me is that this is bound to cause a rift between the executive office and intelligence communities, which means a greater threat of an international incident occurring. Which, of course, would provide perfect fodder for the warhawks amongst the government to jump all over.

    • FLORC says:

      He’s had to face mistakes. He just lacks the self awareness, intellectual capacity to grasp this.
      I’d say he’s a prime example of a cognitive decline, but freefall from rock bottom seems more accurate.

      • Veronica says:

        He’s had to face mistakes, sure, but his wealth and privilege have protected him from serious life consequences (except that he may have overplayed his hand with the presidency). This is part of why the upper classes are so detached from reality in general – they literally aren’t beholden to it the way the rest of us are.

      • FLORC says:

        I agree with you. I just want to add that Trump isn’t just detached because of wealthy, white privilege. He’s got total lunacy happening as well.

  8. MunichGirl says:

    This guy is a fu*king traitor!

    • HK9 says:

      Yes he is. Him, his administration and his family.

      • Imqrious2 says:

        I’m surprise Princess Nagini hasn’t been posting pics of her kids this morning for distraction, as she usually does. She and her husband have been pretty quiet lately.

      • Abbess Tansy says:

        I’ve been wondering about Ivanka too. I think they’re hiding until some of this blows over.

  9. Nicole says:

    We wouldn’t reveal this shit to our allies. Russia is NOT an ALLY of the United States of America

  10. SusanneToo says:

    Note to Allies – Freeze us out, don’t share anything while this monstrosity sh1ts all over every norm for a President.

    • Margo S. says:

      If the allies freeze you out, the USA people are completely effed. You won’t be safe. Countries can’t just protect themselves which is why you have allies and shouldn’t be a traitor by telling RUSSIA THEIR PLANS!!!! WHY ISN’T HE IMPEACHED YET?!

      • SusanneToo says:

        Allies would be fools to share sensitive information while this moronic shithead is in office. They’ll definitely and wisely be cautious. I can’t imagine MI6 or Mossad are too happy right now. Even putin may be experiencing a bit of caveat emptor regret.
        And we are already completely effed since January 20, 2017.

      • Nicole says:

        I’m American and I support other intelligence agencies lying to us. I’m not going to be mad that country’s are protecting themselves from our idiocy. I’m mad that our Congress isn’t protecting us now

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        I’ve Just read on Twitter that Israel might be the source of the info shared by Drumpf. They will NOT be happy.

      • AnnaKist says:

        I’m not American. When this detestable, amoral halfwit was elected, I was in utter shock, but thought that after the inauguration, I’d have reached the stage of acceptance, and things wouldn’t be so bad for the American people and the world. It’s like the nag that was destined for pasture somehow winning the Melbourne Cup. How did this happen? I’m still gobsmacked. We’ve all encountered that person who can’t keep his/her mouth shut, divulging information that we’d rather not have been spilled. We give them a wide berth when we discover their treachery. But this…is the President of the United States of America, FFS. God, what next? He really is the weakest link.

      • Trashaddict says:

        AnnaKist, I keep finding myself apologizing to posters from around the world, women, minorities, immigrants, people with a modicum of intelligence – and I didn’t even vote for the SOB! We can only hope to power on until he digs a deep hole, takes a dump in it, and steps right in. That still leaves us with trying to figure out the folks who actually did vote for him.

    • Clare says:

      Man, I hope not. The last thing we need is for the US to be in this insane admin’s clutches AND isolated from the rest of the world.

      Best we can hope for, I think, is that agencies withhold information from the Executive Branch,,,but I suspect there may be legal issues with that – given he is the commander in chief.

  11. Melissa says:

    Can we impeach him already? How about now? Where are his daughter and son in law? Funny how low key they’ve been this past week. everyone is trying to stay out of sight with this mess. My guess is the bushes at the white house are at full capacity right now.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      Full capacity at the bushes and the special ingredient for many, many special pies runs galore. They are “the help” after all. Serve him right. And they too can have a piece.

  12. boredblond says:

    No republican will admit how unhinged he is..and democrats are unwilling to confront the issue face-on…but it’s been painfully evident for over a year. The checks and balances everyone keeps talking about aren’t working, and that’s a true crisis.

    • Prairiegirl says:

      GOP = Greed Over People / Greed Over Patriotism take your pick

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “and democrats are unwilling to confront the issue face-on”

      What? Many democrats have already called for impeachment. They are calling for special prosecutors. They are calling him out, but as minority party, they have little power.

  13. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    F-cling moron. So now in his tweet he’s revealed even more information: no one knew this was related to airline safety. Foreign intel should just cut off the Americans until this fool & his regime is removed from office. We are laughing stocks of the world.

  14. PunkyMomma says:

    It wouldn’t take much for the Russians to reverse-engineer the info Cheeto shared. That immediately after this meeting, WH staffers were contacting the heads of the CIA and other itelligence communities attests to the critical nature of this reveal. Lives were on the line.

    Treason, murder — where are the Republicans? Grow a f*cking spine and get this idiot out of office ASAP!

    • Lightpurple says:

      They are too busy trying to eliminate the Food Stamp program to deal with this.

      • Zan says:

        Yep. Rs want their massive tax breaks, private prisons, school vouchers and more, so they are willing to see how much of that they can get out of this lunatic. How patriotic!

    • mee says:

      I have a question – not that I oppose leaking to the papers about the idiocy and threat that the man in the WH is but – how much sensitive info should a paper publish about what he revealed? Also was the fact that laptops may be used as bombs already out there – wasn’t it something banned in the travel ban? I’m very torn because although i love that we have patriots who are letting the press know how dangerous and stupid the orange buffoon is, I’m wondering (i) whether this info was already somewhat known; (ii) if not known, did the press reveal more than it needed to here (i.e., could they have simply said he revealed classified info related to ISIS terror threats and left it at that)? Not condemning the leaks at all – the more the better for impeachment – just wondering whether, if lives are on the line w/this reveal, it would have been better to be more vague in the press account.

      • Lightpurple says:

        He himself tweeted what he gave them.

      • mee says:

        But only after it was published in the papers. anyway I’m assuming that the newspaper accounts didn’t reveal anything too specific. He’s definitely on a mission to top one stupid act after another.

      • jwoolman says:

        WaPo deliberately withheld a lot of details, and their sources probably did likewise. Laptop bans have been discussed openly for a while. But people closer to it seem very worried that the source is now at more risk. So Trump spilled enough so people could trace back to the original source.

        Trump probably couldn’t have said anything about sources or methods because he doesn’t remember them well enough.

      • Christin says:

        WaPo staff said that they met most of yesterday to discuss exactly what to reveal. Clearly they had more but realized restraint was in order.

      • LA Elle says:

        I have no idea if it’s somewhere online, but the reporters who broke the Edward Snowden story did additional pieces on how they assembled the story, dealt with classified information, etc. It was an interesting read.

        This is what people don’t understand about journalism: Good reporters build relationships with their sources and can be trusted to withhold information in exchange for long-term goals. It can get too cozy (which I think we saw to some extent before November 2016), but good reporters are first and foremost good networkers and able to keep secrets.

      • Trashaddict says:

        The media have taken one too many insults and now they have their gloves off. If only that were the case BEFORE the election-

  15. Pumpkin Pie says:

    There are NO humanitarian reasons for a war. NEVER. Wars serve the political, geopolitical, and economic INTERESTS of very few.

    • Becky says:

      Yep. Humanitarian reasons? Utter bollocks.

    • Clare says:

      Did you guys see that comment that’s going around online (can’t remember which newspaper), which basically says ‘thank god the Syrians didn’t bomb us for poisoning kids in Flint and using gas on Water Protectors in North Dakota’.

      I’m getting the exact wording wrong, but boy, did it hit home.

    • LA Elle says:

      Maybe the humanitarian reason was providing enough ammunition to impeach him and wipe out his entire administration? Getting rid of them would certainly be humanitarian …

  16. Rice says:

    Rumblings of impeachment are getting louder. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to be coming from Repubs. Unless they’re plotting in secret. Exxxcellent!

  17. prissa says:

    This is an absolute $hit storm – no a $hit tornado! WTF??? And that pic with his “hair” blown back is absolutely PERFECT!

  18. Lindy79 says:

    Airline safety…ironic when you think of Russia’s involvement in the shooting down of MH17.

    This is frightening, even more so that no one seems to be doing anything about him.

    • Sam says:

      I went to a catholic private school that still had nuns living there in interacting with us. There was one sister was always joined us for choir practice and events and she was a wonderful person, she was unfortunately on that flight.
      As an Australian and with a personal link with the Russian and terrorism, what he had done is infuriating and terrifying.
      When will your Republicans act to do something?? When they lose money or are affect someway in a tragedy??
      They have been all talk it is time for action.
      people are going to be in danger from this.

    • cindy says:

      “BITCH, you are the leaker”
      Well said. I don’t even know how to comment further. Why why why aren’t the republicans impeaching him??? Is it because the collusion with Russia goes so far up the chain of command, that they would not get Pence as president? I really want to know why. What can possibly be in it for them at this point. I know they want their agenda passed, but aren’t we a little beyond that now?? My god, who besides the trailer park crowds are supporting him? This Cretan holds the key to the nuclear codes. Is he gonna leak those too? F*ing republicans, YOU HORRIBLE COWARDS. Gah!!!

  19. Lindy79 says:

    Jezebel have a list of tweets from all the people who were calling for Hilary’s head over her server. The same people who are ignoring this and everything associated with Trump and most who are supporting him even now.

    They make me sick to my stomach

    • Esmom says:

      I didn’t see that but I saw a different, similar compilation. It is utterly sickening.

  20. Lightpurple says:

    And now, he’s attacking Comey again.

  21. Jem says:

    All the Russians need to do is kiss his massive butt and he spills the beans happily – in the Oval Office, no less!!! Look at him smiling in those pictures. He’s so happy!!

    Jaysus…When this is all over we need to hang this moron and all his cronies too

  22. FLORC says:

    So… ok. This went from Trump being a joke. To Trump making us laugh nervously. To omfg Trump is leaking sensitive info to Russia this cutting off a source within a terrorist cell possibly. Putting those lives in immediate danger. And making our nation look like we can’t be trusted with anything. Because, we cant. Our nation’s leader is highly incompetent.

    You guys ever watch those funny spy movies where 1 spy tricks someone into revealing secrets? Only there’s no trickery onvolved. No clever interrogation techniques. Just friendly challenging an ego to inflate itself. Yea. Our president fell for that. *slow, sarcastic clap*

    • Lightpurple says:

      I just watched Miss Sloane this weekend and I was thinking of the damage she could inflict so easily on someone like Trump.

  23. grabbyhands says:

    I just…I can’t. I can’t anymore.

    Humanitarian reason MY ASS. When, in his entire life has he done ANYTHING for a humanitarian reason?? The very fact that he’s on Twitter bright and early (still using his own private Twitter handle) to defensively whine about how it was okay for him to do what he did in a meeting that the US press was barred from speaks volumes about how f**king shady it was.

    And the most infuriating part is, nothing will be done. Nothing.

  24. Eric says:

    Olbermann lays out the case that Emperor Zero committed 17 impeachable acts last week ALONE!
    Worth the watch for sure.

  25. Kaye says:

    I would like “Bitch, YOU ARE THE LEAKER.” cross-stitched on a pillow.

  26. Jenns says:

    I would love to know who leaked this. Was it someone in that room? Because obviously someone wanted the public to know how truly clueless and dangerous this man is.

    • Louisa says:

      I was curious about that too. There seemed to be very few people in the room (and no other Americans??)

    • Esmom says:

      The most plausible guess to me on Twitter last night was that it was Pence.

    • swak says:

      Theory – the Russians leaked it so that our allies would mistrust Trump and America.

      • LA Elle says:

        I actually thought that too. My college advisor worked for the CIA during the Cold War before he went into academia, and even then, he talked about how complex US-Russian relations were within the intelligence community.

        There’s even the possibility a Russian source leaked because they also view Trump as a threat (and he’s no longer of use to them).

  27. robyn says:

    There really are two Universes and when you go to Fox News you will find the other one. They are busy first bringing up Hillary and now the DNC man who was shot a while back who they say might have communicated with WikiLeaks. As Trump and the GOP continue to try and pin everything on the Democrats, Republicans say tepid things like “disturbing” over Trump’s latest news but continue to defend, distract and excuse Trump. If I didn’t think it was too far-fetched I would think all GOP are in cahoots with a money laundering scheme associated with Russia, along with Trump.

  28. Lightpurple says:

    Ryan’s office is taking messages! 1-202-225-3031. He usually has it blocked so take advantage and let him know what you want.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Just left a message. I restrained myself and was polite, but forceful. “We have a president who is on the verge of insanity. We are all in danger. I want a Special Prosecutor appointed. Impeach, impeach, impeach. History will judge and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of history. Thank you.”
      I didn’t swear even once!

  29. Eric says:

    I think that when our allies stop giving us vital intel would be an excellent time for Russia to strike in a more conventional manner. You know, bombs…

  30. Zaratustra says:

    Both US military forces as well as Russian military forces are currently present in Syria and trying to combat Al-Nusra which is the syrian branch of ISIS.
    The US had tried to kick Assad out which didn’t work so far. Nor does it seem desirable any more because once Assad is gone it would be ISIS who take over. As the US had formerly tried to support “moderate” rebels who turned out to be not moderate but ISIS indeed … now there is a bit of confusion about the US strategy. Still trying to kick out Assad and hand over Syria to ISIS e.g. “moderate” rebels?

    A certain amount of cooperation and coordination between Russia and the USA is simply necessary else there might be the danger that they accidentally kill each other.

    • cr says:

      “A certain amount of cooperation and coordination between Russia and the USA is simply necessary else there might be the danger that they accidentally kill each other.”
      This is true, and has been. And this wasn’t cooperation, even if Trump wants to paint it that way.

  31. Eric says:

    Oh and by the way, don’t forget to tell Turkey’s President Recep all our secrets today!

  32. Betsy says:

    Kaiser, you buried the lede! He still think Comey is director? How bad is his dementia that he doesn’t remember he fired him?!

    • PunkyMomma says:

      I saw that too. He’s f*cking insane.

      To all those Republicans worried about getting their agenda passed before the sh!t hits the fan: don’t you realize you will be a hero in the eyes of Americans for putting country over party? The heroic GOP congress member who finally makes the call to end 45’s reign of terror is the one who will be guaranteed re-election. The country will remember how this went down. History will record who stood for country, and who fed their own personal greed.

  33. Aerohead21 says:

    First let me say I’m and American who has not yet identified with a political party, however I am in the heart of God’s Country with the reddest of the reds here…my personal opinion, anyone associated with Trump at this point (and prior to his administration – I have paid attention to this guy since the beginning of The Apprentice) has ZERO credibility. Also, the people around me are in some deep denial guys…they firmly believe he’s a good president and they twist everything he does into something amazing and positive.

    • LA Elle says:

      I now live in a very blue area but grew up in a red area, and I feel like the past 20 years has shown the cost of cutting public education and demonizing teachers, etc. People no longer have the skills for critical thinking.

  34. Onemoretime says:

    “Bitch YOU ARE THE LEAKER”. Bravo Kaiser!!Bravo!!

  35. FLORC says:

    Amyone else think trump saying he’s been asked to find the leakers is like the murderer saying hes going to find the real killers?

  36. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    He is wilfully and deliberately making the US the international pariah who’s only bestest and truest friend is Russia. He wants to turn the US into a dictatorship and declare himself Emperor. Putin has Trump, his administration and GOP in his pocket. Putin also hated Obama so am sure he is encouraging Trump to destroy everything he did.

  37. trollontheloose says:

    one day he will tweet the Atomic Bomb codes and say it’s the lottery ones. And his apologists will still say Thank You our führer and go after any Snowflakes. When you see the virus that hacked thousands of big companies and it took one guy to take it down, you know that hackers are having a field day.. 45 doesn’t grab the magnitude of his doings. He “leads” as a business guy and not as a commander in chief. Had it been Obama he would have been hanged and lynched and branded a Muslim traitor/terrorist.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Yes and that Ransomware came from North Korea based on those Wikileaks of the CIA’s techniques. And guess who is a big backer of Assange and Wikileaks – yes thats right, Putin!?!?!

  38. trollontheloose says:

    and Putin will hand over every info about everyone to 45 who will threat to release info/tapes. That’s Fahrenheit 45 right there. it’s a nightmare. never in my entire life was I a conspiracy theorist but this admin can turn anyone paranoid when there is absolutely no rules, no guidelines and just mess after mess with a president that is basically in his own bubble and none of his plebes up there with him will reason him. Too scared to lose their job. I bet you he know everyone’s private life.

  39. Aren says:

    If you talk to people who still support Trump, all they care about is patriotism and the superiority of the white men, use those in your arguments.

    I’ve already read that: “Trump is a traitor to the Americans who are risking their lives for our freedom”, “Trump sold us to the Russians”, “The Russians helped him win the election in exchange for information and deals to expand their own power”.
    Trump supporters can try to bring Hillary into the debate, but they cannot contradict that.

    • LA Elle says:

      The few Trump supporters I know make me both angry and sad – sad because they seem to think they’re these big manly men who think they’re some pinnacle of American manliness (or women who embrace this construct) when in reality they’re easy-to-manipulate pawns who don’t even realize they’re being used. And angry because there is no reasoning with them, and somehow hunkering down and casting their lot with this total loser makes them firm in their convictions or something equally asinine.

  40. Abbess Tansy says:

    Thanks to all the commenters who have inspired me to contact my members of Congress. I have contacted my senators and representatives about this and other issues. I don’t know if it will have an effect but I’m glad I did it.

  41. rottenflower says:

    To be impeached does not mean that Anus Mouth will be removed from office.

    So yay… we can get started with removal via impeachment, but they are not one in the same.

  42. why? says:

    The scariest part of this entire incident is how Trump and the people defending his actions seem to think that Trump can do whatever he wants, without any consequences for his actions, because he is President. That is not how our system works. What Trump and his defenders are describing is how dictatorships operate.

    It’s safe to assume that just about every GOP member is compromised. Remember the Russians hacked the RNC too and they must have gotten some great dirt on the GOP because none of them are willing to stop Trump.

    They are saying that the Ransomware came from NK, but how do we know that it didn’t come from Russia?

    Mcmaster has lost any credibility he had. He is just like Nunes, Spicer, Rosenstein, and McCabe. How long are they going to go along with Trump before they grow a backbone.

  43. Disco Dancer says:

    At this rate, Trump will hand over the US nuke codes over a friendly phone conversation with Kim Jong-Un while dick swaggering and measuring.

  44. Trashaddict says:

    His mouth leaks, his brain leaks, his diaper leaks…..

  45. Deeanna says:

    The only reason a whole lot of the Republican legislators supported Trump is that he captured the nomination of their party. After that they were more or less stuck with him.

    At this point they are looking to their “leaders” (Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell) to see which way the wind is blowing. I think the Repubs didn’t like Trump but thought they could control him enough to get their agenda through. Little did they know how bat-shit crazy Trump actually is.

    Well, now it is in front of them, along with all the rest of us. In fact, if anything the members of Congress are more knowledgeable than we are as to how badly the things Trump has done have hurt our country.

    Each of them must now weigh that knowledge. There is something very, very wrong with our President. What is Congress going to do about it? Trump is not going to go away until they make him go away.