Ivanka Trump’s label has given up on trying to be a luxury brand

U.S. President Donald Trump lands at Fiumicino Airport on Air Force One for the first official visit to Italy

During the election, Ivanka Trump wore several articles of clothing and several pieces of jewelry from her own brand of clothing and accessories. The problem at the time was that she was making campaign appearances and blatantly promoting her line, which was a harbinger of unethical behavior to come. I remembered thinking at the time that Ivanka’s clothing line and jewelry line weren’t all that special, especially not for the expensive price tag. What professional woman of means really wants to buy Ivanka-branded stuff anyway? It’s always been said about Donald Trump: he’s the poor man’s idea of a rich man. Well, Ivanka is the poor woman’s idea of a sophisticate. Ivanka isn’t hawking her crap to her wealthy peers, she’s selling aspirational, overpriced bulls–t to Walmart shoppers who think her label represents gold-gilded “class.” Bloomberg did a lengthy article about the evolution of Ivanka’s brand, from where it started as a niche label for wealthy women to where it is now, a standard of TJ Maxx and Walmart.

When she began selling her brand as a fine jewelry label, she looked to Tiffany & Co.’s robin egg-blue box and Christian Louboutin Ltd.’s red-soled pumps for inspiration. She placed Trump wares in the same realm as such storied couture names as Harry Winston Inc. and Van Cleef & Arpels. She even opened an opulent boutique on Manhattan’s Madison Avenue. Somewhere along the way, though, Ivanka Trump went downmarket. Her label now represents a much more modest image, perhaps recognizing exactly where on the retail continuum her products truly reside. At its heart, Ivanka Trump is a celebrity brand, not a designer fashion house, industry analysts say. It’s the messy discount rack, not the gleaming glass jewelry case. Her company’s moves over the past few years reflect that. And as it turns out, targeting the masses has worked.

“Celebrities, as a branding tool, appeal more to the mass than luxury,” said Allen Adamson, the New York-based founder of consulting firm BrandSimple. “The further downmarket she goes, the more horsepower her brand potentially has.”

The pivot began in late 2010, when Trump started her footwear and clothing businesses. She chose to go after a much-less-glossy group of people, discarding four-digit pricetags in favor of numbers more on par with the broader market. U.S. President Donald Trump’s election last year accelerated that shift. After losing her most glamorous retail partners amid the controversies and boycotts that have marked her father’s tempest-tossed administration, she halted production of the diamond jewelry that was her only remaining fashion business.

Her executives decided to nix the Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Collection in March in order to create a more cohesive brand. Gem-laden necklaces at $10,000 didn’t make a whole lot of sense for a brand that also peddles discount heels at DSW–a low-price shoe warehouse. In its place is a “fashion jewelry” collection sold at Lord & Taylor stores and online. There’s no solid gold or diamonds: Some items are available on sale for as little as $11.

[From Bloomberg]

There’s a lot more at Bloomberg and if you’re interested in the history of celebrity-branded fashion, it’s a fascinating read. People like Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Simpson have mass-market brands which are really popular, and the fact that their brands are “downmarket” doesn’t affect their celebrity images at all (plus, I really like J.Lo’s Kohl’s line). What’s interesting here is how Ivanka’s idea of her label has changed so significantly – she really wanted it to be a luxury label, and over the years she’s had to go downmarket… and it’s worked. While Ivanka’s label has been pulled from many department stores, it’s still being sold online and it’s doing very well. And do you know why it’s worked this year in particular? It’s because the Deplorables are rallying around their precious princess and buying her sh-t to support Emperor Bigly. These are people who won’t be able to afford healthcare next year, but they’re gonna buy up all of the $11 Ivanka earrings, by God.

U.S. President Donald Trump meets with Pope Francis

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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28 Responses to “Ivanka Trump’s label has given up on trying to be a luxury brand”

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  1. Clare says:

    Is that top picture of them coming off a plane on govt business? If yes, why are they holding hands – given they are both white house employees, isn’t that incredibly unprofessional? (Would regular married employees hold paws at work? Doubt it).

    • Birdix says:

      It’s Camelot, don’t you know? Magical. And you too can buy a piece of the magic at Kohl’s or Walmart (made in China).

      • lassie says:

        Or perhaps Princess Grace? I get that ice queen of the people vibe.

        Also, in the deplaneing pic, sausage curls. Very 1977.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Yes, they’re working and yes, we paid for that.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      You know, I’ve kind of been wondering if that was the reason Melania swatted Trump’s hand away recently. Heads of state don’t hold hands with their spouses on official state visits, and unlike Cheetolini, Melania knows how to present herself correctly.

  2. LinaLamont says:

    She’s still raking it in and destroying our country.

  3. minx says:

    These two grifters are as loathsome as her father. I despise them all.

    • rty says:

      The Guardian had a nice headline last week, “​Ivanka doesn’t moderate Trump; she sells him to moderates”

      • Betsy says:

        Ivanka, probably, “oh, isn’t that what that means? who can define words?”

      • lightpurple says:

        And The Guardian had it right. I’m getting so tired of people thinking that she tries to be a moderating force with him when absolutely nothing supports that position. There is more evidence that she laundered money for Putin than there is of her doing anything to empower women or protect children or the world and I’ve decided to take claims that she tried behind the scenes as nothing more than her protecting her brand.

  4. Caroline says:

    She is her father’s daughter. Throw her sh*tty name on garbage and sell it to fools. Who would’ve expected otherwise?

  5. stinky says:

    … … she dialed it down just in time for KellyAnne to go on national tv and shill it – when the masses could finally afford it. gross regardless. if ‘budget uptight ice queen’ is the look you wanna project tho, more power to ya. she gives me the uber-creeps.

  6. Beth says:

    On Memorial day, she tweeted “make champagne Popsicles.” Everyone nailed her for that. Champagne Popsicles would be definitely more luxurious than regular ones

    • jwoolman says:

      And since when is champagne associated with Memorial Day? Beer, maybe.

      • Beth says:

        That’s what everyone was saying . Ivanka didn’t have any family ever in the military. She was tweeting about it being a 3 day weekend when summer starts. Absolutely a spoiled clueless woman

    • lightpurple says:

      Yes, and dress all in white from head to toe. Nothing on her “to do” list had anything remotely to do with going to a cemetery to place flowers or a flag on the graves of fallen warriors.

  7. Lightpurple says:

    For Halloween, I will be wearing dressed as “Princess Nagini, Bride of Betelgeuse, insults Pope “no more veils!” Francis. My boyfriend will be Pope Francis. His mom has offered to make my Bride of Betelgeuse veil

  8. Lightpurple says:

    For Halloween, I will be wearing dressed as “Princess Nagini, Bride of Betelgeuse, insults Pope “no more veils!” Francis. My boyfriend will be Pope Francis. His mom has offered to make my Bride of Betelgeuse veil

    • jwoolman says:

      You know how I first read “my boyfriend will be Pope Francis”… Not to worry, I figured it out.

  9. littlemissnaughty says:

    Has another brand ever done this? It’s quite fascinating.

  10. Who ARE these people? says:

    Her getup for the plane looked idiotic, but not much more idiotic than her Vatican cosplay. And you know she spends half her time working on these outfits.

  11. Katie says:

    It was never really a luxury jewellery brand. It was a step above chain jewelery stores, but it was trying to appeal to the same market that buys Tiffany’s entry level pieces. Not the people who spend millions at Harry Winston. The marketing and store were just the usual Trump facade. Tacky displays of wealth disguising a very mediocre, mid-level product.

    Same thing with her fashion. It was for the Michael Kors bags, Tory Burch flats, status symbols on a budget crowd, not the Hermes and Chanel crowd. She never got the marketing quite right, so it drifted downwards.

  12. Sorry but anything MADE IN CHINA is NOT luxury.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Well…it can be. China manufactures a bewildering assortment of goods, from the cheap and shoddy to the expensive and well-crafted.

  13. ElleC says:

    I’m going to make a shameful confession – I once bought an Ivanka dress before the campaign/election, and although I haven’t worn it since, I’m sad because it’s super cute. I humbly accept my penance to be the “poor woman” to Ivanka’s “sophisticate.” :S

  14. porcupette says:

    A certain duchess is mad jealous Ivanka got to that hideous dress before her

  15. lizzie says:

    i noticed there were hundreds of ivanka trump brand dresses and shoes at ross dress for less when i was there two weeks ago. $19.99, $16.99….i gleefully giggled and skipped right past them.