Donald Trump tweet-storms about Jeff Sessions, fake news, leaks & HRC

On Saturday, Donald Trump attended a commissioning ceremony for the USS Gerald Ford, a next-gen aircraft carrier. He was in Norfolk, VA, which is how he ended up seated to the Democratic governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe. I can only imagine the terrible comments made from Trump to the governor. Ugh. Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld were there too, looking ghoulish. On Saturday, Trump also went on a tweet-storm. I had been getting that vibe for a few days, honestly – it had been a while since Trump rage-tweeted about fake news, Hillary and Russia, so we were due. Keep in mind that all of these tweets are official statements from the #NotMyPresident.

Trump is referring to this story about how ol’ Jeff Sessions lied his bloomers off when he claimed that he and the Russian ambassador only discussed Senate stuff. Sessions only claimed that after he was caught in his first lie, which is that he didn’t have any meetings with any Russians. WaPo says that Sessions did talk about campaign issues with the Russian ambassador last year. Mr. Mueller is on the phone for you, Jeffy.

I’m not sure what this is about other than sources at the Pentagon insisted that al-Baghdadi was probably dead, only now they’re saying he’s probably still alive.

Leaks are not the same thing as fake news. Either someone is leaking or someone is lying, it can’t be both. Nevermind, I wouldn’t expect him to understand that.

I imagine the “so many people” are the same people who were talking about John Podesta at the G20 conference. Meaning, no one besides the voices in Bigly’s head.

Don Jr. only released his emails (on Twitter, not to the Independent Counsel) because the New York Times had the story and he thought he was “proving” that the story was wrong. He incriminated himself because he thought he was screwing over the NYT. Also: Bigly is still so obsessed with Hillary.


Last thing: please enjoy this story about Trump’s right-hand gal Hope Hicks, who looks like a younger version of Melania. Remember that old episode of The West Wing where they were like “Let Bartlett Be Bartlett”? That’s what Hope Hicks does. She’s all Let Bigly Be Bigly.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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101 Responses to “Donald Trump tweet-storms about Jeff Sessions, fake news, leaks & HRC”

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  1. Birdie says:

    As a German, I honestly feel for you Americans. Having a person leading your country with bad intentions, who has not the personality or intelligence to be a president and feeling disrespected by your own president as a woman, minority race or anyone not agreeing with him, I can only guess the frustration you must feel. German history is dark, but I feel like we learned in that way to choose a chancelor/leader that is capable and not be persuaded by the extreme right or left, even though they gain strength. I hope this is America’s opportunity to see that voting for a person like that won’t bring what you thought it would bring. You get exactly what you pay for. The whole world is embarrassed by him, the german news coverage treats him like a joke: what has he done/tweeted today. He disrespected Angela Merkel, she is so done with his shit. Thank god, the French voted for Macron. EU would have been done otherwise.

    • Crowdhood says:

      While our dementia suffering leader is concerning, I’m more worried about the fact that not enough Americans agree. There are still WAY too many people here that are all for his bullshit. I feel like we are 6 months away from Brawndo status.

    • Beth says:

      It’s so embarrassing and frustrating to know that his supporters still cheer for him and believe all his shit while the world is laughing at us. It’s impossible to get Trumpsters to admit or realize what a huge mistake they’re making. Hillary, Obama, fake news, butthurt libt*rds are the only things they say when someone tries to show them facts against their hero, Don the Con

      • Trillion says:

        …oh and don’t forget the other stupid, meaningless catchphrase, “snowflake”. The right is much better at name calling and winning elections than they are leading our country.

    • AnotherDirtyMartini says:

      Thank you, Birdie. I appreciate your kindness & sympathy. This is such a nightmare. If & when we get rid of him, we have a bunch of other monsters to clear out of government. It’s extremely demoralizing.

    • CareerLoathing says:

      @Birdie. I’m hoping you’re aware of the subtleties involved in trump having been hired as “US president”. First off, America shares Germany’s dark past- called xenophobic blaming, or racism. The pockets of these ‘mericans were pummeled by the Russian propaganda cyber war. The mother lode of xenophobics live in less densely populated areas. Per our election process, less densely populated areas have equal voting power to more educated urban areas. So the Russian cyber attack brain washed these small town xenophobics to hail trump and demonize Hillary Clinton. That’s why trump actually lost by over 3 million votes – he is the POTEC- president of the electoral college. He doesn’t represent the educated American. You may know this, but please don’t think this was a normal American election. Now our intelligence is revealing trump and his campaign colluded w Russia, mainly to lift sanctions against Russian oil development. It’s more dire than having a person in office who loathes most Americans – we are in a coup detat via the Russian mob!

      • jwoolman says:

        More precisely, voters in the sparser rural areas actually count more than voters in more densely populated urban areas in assigning the electoral votes. It’s a strange system. The electoral votes make the difference, not the actual number of votes (otherwise Hillary Clinton would be President).

      • Birdie says:

        @Careerloathing: Sorry, maybe my post was too general. I was referring to those “rural” Americans and they get what they pay for. But they seem to love it anyway. That whole election system is very strange to me. In the popular vote Clinton got more than Trump, but this electoral college thing ruins everything. How is this democratic, if the majority votes for someone, but because of the this weird system, you only have win the important states.

  2. Eric says:

    Note in the third tweet posted by Kaiser above it says “…crime so far…” Errrr, what?

    Just FYI Emperor Zero:
    1) the consensus is that a pres can’t pardon himself

    2) pardons are an implication of guilt

    3) there are no special immunity clauses for testimony for those you pardon

    4) state crimes are not pardonable
    Hello, NY State!

    5) a sitting prez can be indicted

    Thanks to being a very smart man, Mr Mueller has everything planned if you decide to fire him (through firing Sessions and hiring a new AG not recused).

    Not drip drip any more. It’s tick tock.

    • Nicole says:

      Yea NY state can nail him even if he pardons himself. However most lawyers and scholars seem to agree he cannot. One by one the dominos are falling. Whether he takes the country with it has yet to be seen. Although I read an article about how in a few years (depedning on how long this fiasco goes) the US will no longer be an undisputed superpower. So that is fun.

    • ELX says:

      Clarification: Acceptance of a pardon is an explicit admission of guilt as to the federal crime covered by the pardon. The 5th amendment cannot, therefore, be claimed to avoid testifying guilt has been admitted no pardoned. Can you imagine the parade of witnesses having to describe their crimes in detail on national TV? There may be state charges as well and I imagine the Manhattan DA would be on them like stink on sh!t.

  3. Brown says:

    Jesus Christ.

  4. Tanguerita says:

    in the tweet about failing NYT the orange a—hole refers to the story brought to us courtesy of (what else) Fox and friends. Apparently in 2015 American forces came “particularly close” to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but the lead was leaked to NYT, was reported about and it consequently went dead.

    • Esmom says:

      Thanks for the info. It’s funny/sad that he’s slamming the NYT again after sitting down with them so eager to impress in that recent interview. He’s so needy and transparent and pathetic. I’m now pretty much in a constant state of rage. Thanks, Bigly.

      • nicole says:

        I also like the way he refers to the Amazon Washington post, he is probable so jealous of Jeff Bezos because he is a multi-billionaire who owns his own newspaper, and is also a democrat.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        @Esmon. He really is twisting in the wind, isn’t he? His tweets are like a punch-drunk weary fighter who is flailing in every direction.

        Good catch regarding his misspelling of the word counsel.

    • jwoolman says:

      Except the Fox News story was false, as detailed well in a followup by the New York Times (which wants a public apology from Fox News).

      President Tweeter tweeted the lie less than half an hour after Fox News bleeted it. It’s the same old story, Trump gets his information from Fox News and InfoWars and actually believes it all, without bothering to use the immense resources at his disposal to check it out. He’s even still lying about Hillary’s emails! Honestly, the FBI knows she was telling the truth because 1) she had lawyers look them over before deletion to make sure they weren’t work-related and 2) the FBI undoubtedly could recover enough of the deleted files to confirm (deletion only allows the computer to re-use the space and the data can be recovered from storage media using the proper software tools unless very tedious measures are take to prevent it – at that point, someone would just destroy the storage media as a simpler and more reliable way). President Tweeter doesn’t even use email, so he has no idea how easy it is to accumulate 30,000 messages that can be trashed with no loss (every few months for me). The Bush Administration trashed many millions of messages that actually should have been archived.

      There was no leak that hampered the anti-terrorist efforts, it was all public knowledge weeks before and the NYT story in particular came directly from a government official who knew it would be published. Nobody in the military or government complained about the story then or later simply because there was nothing to complain about.

      The major newspapers hold on to stories that actually would jeopardize such missions or investigations. An example is how they have reported on the Russia investigations. They don’t publish anything that they are told will jeopardize the investigation. They hold the stories and wait until they have the go-ahead from the proper people.

  5. Kayleigh says:

    At what point can Hillary Clinton sue this guy? I mean, if he was saying my name constantly, being a civilian, us citizen, like he is here, I’d probably be getting hate mail to the point where I’d need to take legal action.

    Is it legal to keep doing what he’s doing by making statements with no basis?

    He really seems untouchable and I am just awestruck that no one has the cojones to say “Sir, that’s enough. You’re embarrassing the role of the president, please stop. ” NO ONE?! I feel so helpless watching my country’s most respected position being turned into a WWE SmackDown match on pay-per-view.

    • Jerusha says:

      No one close to Idiot-in-Chief can say anything. He is completely surrounded by butt kissers. Check out the now deleted, but screensaved tweets of Scaramucci, who was liberal, anti-trump, but now has his nose so far up Fatso’s ass I don’t know how he can breathe.

      • Kayleigh says:

        I can’t understand how no one has just a little influence on him, like, “Hey, Donny, buddy, pal, slow it down a bit, you know? ” or something? He really must go around stomping “I AM KING! I AM THE RULER! I AM GOD! YOU ARE MY MINIONS WHO WILL BE REWARDED!” when history writes about him (if we survive) would they really want to be a part of this sh*t storm story?

      • Emma33 says:

        I have a close family member who has a kind of personality disorder similar to Trumps. If you try to give her advice or push her in a certain direction all that will happen is that she will double-down, even when it is clearly not in her best interests!

        It is kind of incredible to watch her shoot herself in the foot and basically destroy her own life just to prove that she can do whatever she wants. I have tried to point out that anyone can “do what they want” in the moment, but that every action has consequences, but to no avail.

        I think that trying to manage Trump must be similar…just a frustrating, impossible task. He is clearly contributing to his own political demise, but because he won’t be told what to do, he can’t stop the downward spiral.

      • nicole says:

        I just watched him being interviewed by Jake Tapper on State of the union on CNN, and he is such an blowhard who is like a chip of his new bosses block, came out with a load of bull****, they will get on great if he keeps praising him to the hilt which is all he is doing, and we know Trump loves that.

    • Sami says:

      The problem with Hillary suing is that it would divert attention from all the Russian stuff coming out. That and her deposition will be a big pile of humiliation because I guarantee they will drag in Bills affairs and claim it goes to challenging her credibility.

    • magnoliarose says:

      That would only fuel his insanity and reignite the anti HRC crowd and they aren’t all that small. The Republicans have spent 25 years bashing her every single chance they can get and right wing radio has trained the right to hear her name and respond with immediate revulsion. He would gain followers simply based on that. It is beginning to sound unhinged even to some Republicans so I say keep him going.

      • jwoolman says:

        It just goes to show that if you repeat a lie often enough, people forget who started it and begin to assume that it’s common knowledge and therefore true. If people were smarter, they wouldn’t be so easily fooled by chronic liars.

        Sometimes when there’s a lot of smoke, there is no fire – just somebody who keeps tossing smoke bombs.

        It’s really very unfair but Hillary is very used to it. It’s the price she pays for actually being competent and persistent and giving a damn about other people. She is perceived as a threat to some very big profits, in particular her decades-long work on health care issues that really started the attacks. The sad thing is that the people who are fooled by the lies are also people suffering from the awful health insurance situation in this country.

    • ELX says:

      Since she’s a public person, Clinton would have to prove actual malice, but I have to say that psycho is getting there. He’s not smart enough to be effectively deceptive.

  6. Christin says:

    Have not had a chance to watch, but Terry Mc (VA gov) appeared on Trevor’s show this week. I heard that Terry confirmed that he got in Orange’s face recently and told him what a bigly disaster his policies were causing his state, financial impact wise.

    Orange probably used yesterday’s event to try to charm Terry, before he eventually tweets insults about him. That seems his pattern.

  7. Maya says:

    Ladies and gentlemen, we are watching a live public mental breakdown from a person who could not be more deserving.

    I only pray for those poor souls who didn’t vote for him. As the famous saying – this too shall pass. Keep fighting for your rights and the world is ready to help you in any way we can.

    If there is justice then Trump, his supporters, Republicans will all see the true meaning of karma and that too in this lifetime.

  8. grabbyhands says:

    As satisfying as it is to see him throw another tantrum, it also makes me nervous. He’s a spiteful, spoiled overgrown infant, and like one will do something stupid to take revenge when he believes he is being thwarted.

    I’m kind of numb to outrage now and I have long since stopped believing that anything serious in terms of consequences will happen to him or any of his cronies but it was nice for a moment to believe that he could hoist by the GOP petard when the Ken Starr “sitting presidents can be indicted” information came out. It would be sweet to see that used against them.

  9. Justine says:

    There’s a small, but growing, group of conservatives on Twitter that believe Hope Hicks is leaking stuff and trying to take down bigly and his administration. Look at Erick Erickson’s Twitter.

    • Alexandria says:

      Then hopefully she lives up to her name.

    • CariBean says:

      It’s always comforting to see that not all republicans are up Trump’s ass.

    • Christin says:

      Maybe she’s trying to cover her own tail? A little history study would have showed her that Tricky Dick didn’t go to prison, but a whole bunch of his employees did.

  10. Beth says:

    Why does he say the “failing New York Times? ” He does interviews with them, so why would he call them “failing?” Trump really came across as clueless when he confused life insurance with health insurance during the last interview. Him thinking people have always paid only $12 a year for health insurance, had the world laughing their asses off.

    He is so fucking stupid and so embarrassing

    • Esmom says:

      It’s the one genius thing Trump has done, serve up these memorable, sound bite-y monikers for his supporters to latch onto. See also Crooked Hillary and Lyin’ Ted. So even ad he craves the approval of the NYT he and the deplorables have that and “fake news” in their back pockets to distract from anything unfavorable they may say. It’s so gross.

      And yes his ignorance is appalling. Note he also said “council” instead of “counsel” in one of his tantrums. Our POTUS.

    • Alix says:

      Cheeto’s go-to insult for any publication is “failing”. For TV shows, it’s “low-rated”.

  11. nemera34 says:

    It is obvious he is scared to death for what Mueller may dig up. It is eating away at him and he can’t focus on anything else. But again you see news outlets interview his supporters and some of them are even dumber than he is. Hard to believe but it’s true

    • AnnaKist says:

      Oh, good – I was thinking the same thing, nemera 34. The best thing he could’ve done was to keep his ugly gob shut, but it’s too late now, and I’m glad about that.💧💧 ⏰⏰

    • vava says:

      Yes. He’s obsessed about the investigation and is freaked out. Bring it on, Mueller!

    • Jennie Hix says:

      It has occurred to me that only a person less intelligent than Trump could possibly see him as, like, a really smart guy. I want to know how much Daddy-o paid for Trump’s degree, because he is in no way educated.

    • MC2 says:

      I agree & I don’t think he committed the beginning of these crimes thinking he would actually be president & therefore accountable so he’s sweating balls.

  12. RBC says:

    I wish Hillary(and Barack Obama)would go on Twitter and say ” Look donald, you “won” the election, you are now in the White House. You wanted to become president, so stop bringing up my name and blaming others. Show some respect for the American people and our allies. ” Of course Hillary would never say something like that, she is probably too busy watching this dumpster fire of a administration. It is like House of Cards with a case of rabies

  13. Honey says:

    Would he say that a leak that’s good about him was fake news and illegal ?

    • Alexandria says:

      I’m beginning to think you should release news or investigations about him like this, so that he internally combusts trying to tweet which part is fake.

      Allegedly, DT is a handsome man and his campaign has extensive links to Russia.

      Allegedly, DT is a great lover, and his family are using taxpayer funds to aggressively campaign against Mueller’s team.

      • Jerusha says:

        Allegedly, DT has a massive d1ck, and laundered billions of dollars for Russian mobsters.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Allegedly, DT is highly intellectual and a charming raconteur and is continuing to run his businesses on the sly.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        Allegedly, DT has a six pack and runs 20 miles a day and is continuing to blab other countries secrets to the Russians.

    • Esmom says:

      Ha, I’m curious what a “good” leak about him might be. But I think we all know the answer to your question. Good = real. Bad = fake. Sigh.

  14. Rapunzel says:

    Isn’t Hope Hicks the one Bigly was rumored to be having an affair with?

    • Div says:

      Yes. There was definitely some subtext in the Politico article, too. I think Bigly is a disgusting, racist, sexist, POS so I tried to figure out “why” someone young and attractive like Hope would be attracted to him. My first thought was money, but her family has a ton of it apparently. So she’s either an amoral POS with a thing for incompetent, so called powerful man with tiny hands or an insane, amoral POS with no self-esteem.

      Some people think she’s trying to take him down from the inside since some of the leaks seem to be coming from her, but she also is the one behind many of the Dear Leader style press releases so I doubt it.

      *Also, I’m truly starting to believe that in addition to being evil that he has dementia. Some of his recent comments are incomprehensible even for him.

      • jwoolman says:

        Or maybe the rumors of her affair with Tweeter are completely baseless. Happens a lot with women who work with men, there are still many people who leap to soap opera conclusions. I’ve been on the receiving end of such baseless falsehoods myself. It’s a clear sign to me that we are nowhere near true equality.

    • CynicalAnn says:

      No. She was rumored to be having an affair with the very married Corey Lewandowski.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Someone upthread mentioned the rumor that she was the main leaker. But if that were true, saying she was his mistress could be a way to “poison the messenger” (to mix metaphors), effectively silencing her and turning any leaks into “fake news.”

      Again, all rumors so proverbial grain of salt and all that. But I couldn’t imagine anything close to this level of salaciousness when Obama was President. Sigh….

  15. Indiana Joanna says:

    baby fists is verifiably guilty of collusion. He’s desperately flinging the same old accusations to deflect. Very Roy Cohn of him, his evil, self hating mentor.

    Did anyone read comments from Scaramucci, the new communications director? Another bizarre slavish homage with tired sports and arbitrage metaphors to prop up drump. Scaramucci is a showboater whoaccepted the job to increase his own profile and eventually clash with the baby fist tender ego. The sports reference brought up a lot of photos of drump looking hideous when playing sports. baby fists playing tennis. baby fists’ lumbering efforts to hit the ball while his enormous ass is swathed in very short tennis shorts that clearly show his underpants is hilarious. His hulking silhouette sloppily swinging a golf club with smug satisfaction predictably awful and graceless.

    No Scaramucci, your message that drump’s athletic prowess reflects his greatness is simple a@@ kissing. Just the way baby fists wants it.

    • Beth says:

      Scaramoocci is on CNN right now saying how Trump is politically smart, has fenominal instincts, is super focused on his responsibilities, going be super tough on the ridiculous Russia thing and we need to give Trump a chance . I want to punch this newest ass kissing swamp monster right in the face. The Trump team makes me sick and disgusted

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        Beth, Scaramucci is just as delusional and bombastic as baby fists. He took the communications job for the same reason baby fists ran for president. Both are malignant narcissists who need public adoration.

        For a laugh check out Deadspin’s article in response to Scaramucci’s claim baby fists is a phenom athlete and thereby great president. It shows how lacking baby fists is in tennis prowess. The pics will sear your eyes because his tiny tennis shorts and underpants are on display but there is a curious lack of any genitalia outline.

      • Guest says:

        @Beth – I just turned to CNN and saw a little of mucci interview. He’s just like trump, I was disgusted watching him.

      • Honey says:

        A minute after he started talking, I muted it and left the room. His motor mouth didn’t stop and he kept interrupting Jake Tapper with BS lies. Trumps people are so obnoxiously rude and arrogant. These have been the longest 6 months of my life

      • Guest says:

        @Honey, I turned it to another channel. I couldn’t watch anymore. Whenever trump or his people are on talking I can’t listen for long.

      • magnoliarose says:

        I look forward to seeing his seething anger and frustration in a few weeks. A couple of tongue lashings and belittling sessions may wipe that smug expression off of his critter face. I hope he invested in an arsenal of chapstick to keep his lips supple after kissing Tangerine’s ass several hundred times a day.

      • Christin says:

        If I didn’t know about Orange’s long-standing tabloid persona and kids by three marriages, I’d think Mooch was his slicker-talking spawn.

      • jwoolman says:

        There must be a lot of money in it for him, since he is now completely contradicting things he said earlier about Trump and Trump’s ideas. Just deleting your old Tweets won’t erase them from human memory, darlin’. Look up the word “screenshots”.

  16. Rapunzel says:

    He is obsessed with HRC cause the only thing he knows how to successfully do is campaign against her. And he even lost at that.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Let’s hope that obsession continues to be an aggressive, malignant growth in his guts – one that qickly poisons his insides to the point where he’s rendered a drooling, incoherently-babbling lump that needs to be scraped up and tossed in a bucket.

    • CariBean says:

      Can you picture him in the asylum in his straight jacket rocking back and forth repeating “BUT HER EMAILS!”?

  17. Beas says:

    I’m always here for a West Wing reference

  18. Swak says:

    DM has an article stating that Trump was asked to make a “dummy run” to England this year to make sure he doesn’t embarrass the Queen when he does a state visit next year. I hope there are massive protests of this “dummy run” (how ironic to name it this) when/if it happens.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Can they do that when May already made the State visit invite? I’d think protocol would demand a state visit. Maybe Sixer or LAK can comment on this since they’re our Brit experts?

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        They want a trial run before the more hallowed state visit.

        Thank you all Britishears for your outrage if this happens. We in the U.S. are exhausted at the moment. But will rally.

      • Swak says:

        Am hoping some of our British CBers will chime in

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        Depends – if its part of a group visit with other countries then he could get away with a ‘dummy run’ to test the waters or it could be ‘unofficial’ in some way. Am sure they can easily spin an excuse. or he could visit his golf course in Scotland.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Ha! If the real visit ever happens, the orange barge arse will be wearing the XXXL Dpends when he meets QEII. He’ll be wetting himself to be in the presence of an actual monarch – what he wants and pretends to be – and it’s a woman! She’ll be gracious and professional, he’ll be a blithering, sycophantic tool. Maybe they’ll medicate him that day. Then will come the tweets about what a nice lady HM is and what a yuge honour it was to meet her. What a tosser.

  19. Jerusha says:

    And beloved SIL apparently has creeping dementia also, as he can’t remember billions of dollars.

  20. Insomniac says:

    Oh dear. My poor governor looks like he’s in hell in that top photo.

    • Chaine says:

      Terry McAuliffe is all of us, still in dazed disbelief that this is really happening as we stare blindly into the abyss.

  21. JRenee says:

    This new “leak” is perfect excuse for trump to remove Sessions, another diversion. Wouldn’t surprise me if he ordered the leak to set motion in place to remove Session. Next AG would have to pledge loyalty to him, smh.

    • Melly says:

      The next AG also wouldn’t have to recuse themselves from the Russia investigation & could fire Mueller. The downside for Trump is that would leave Sessions able & motivated to talk to Mueller. What does Sessions know? What does Sessions have on Trump & Co?

  22. BJ says:

    Mental Illness is Real

  23. magnoliarose says:

    Don’t lose hope everyone at least we can entertain ourselves watching Lil Mucci die inside.
    Oh shame look he is just a tiny empty husk of a man now.
    And word on the street is Tangerine is mainlining bacon grease and hydrating with saturated fat energy drinks so the end is neigh my friends.

  24. Jerusha says:

    Scar is on FTN now. He has WORDS! “trump is the most effective legislative liaison there is!” I have WORDS, too. Horseshit! Cow plop! Batshit crazy!

  25. MellyMel says:

    Every time I see a picture of Hope Hick, I get confused cause she reminds me so much of the model Hilary Rhoda.

  26. Beth says:

    With all of these leaks, maybe it’s time for someone to change Donnies diaper

  27. Honey says:

    Kellyann is fibbing, spinning stories,and blaming CNN on TV now. She doesn’t look as exhausted and wasted as she usually does. Did her health insurance pay for a face lift or did she just change her makeup?

  28. themummy says:

    He actually doesn’t know the difference between a council and counsel. Fuckin’ moron,

    I really wish he’d stop this thing he does where he add a ridiculous adjective in front of the name of anyone he doesn’t like. He thinks it’s effective somehow, but it’s just puerile.

    • AnnaKist says:

      It’s exactly what his supporters like and understand – another nasty, childish catch phrase, just as Esmom stated above, in response to Beth, #10.

  29. Gwen says:

    Here’s an interesting tweet Trump made on 8 Nov 2013….. ‘Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible”.

    • Beth says:

      Another dumbass tweet coming back to haunt him and bite him in his ginormous orange ass. He should actually think twice before hitting “send “

  30. Erbs says:

    Trump supporters won’t bail on him until Fox Does. Hopefully, Rupert Murdoch gets a clue and does something about it.

  31. Betsy says:

    Kaiser: I’m taking a sort of break from the Trump posts, or at least commenting, but I wanted to let you know: please keep writing them! I just need to recharge and work through some stresses in my real life. Thanks for them.

  32. why? says:

    Scaramucci’s ego boosting lies about The King of Lies and Fake News is disgusting. He doesn’t even sound like he believes what he is saying. You get the impression that he is being paid a lot of money to make The King of Lies and Fake News feel better about himself. Since the press wouldn’t say nice things about The King of Lies and Fake News, he decided to hire Scaramucci to do it. Mueller should look at who is paying Scaramucci. Scaramucci says that he hasn’t met with the Russians, but considering all the lies he has told about The King of Lies and Fake News in just 3 days(because his one and only job is to make The King of Lies and Fake News feel good about himself), that is probably a lie. Just as predicted, Scaramucci goes on these shows and overtalks the hosts and they just sit there and let him.

    Why is the King of Lies and Fakes News talking about leaking when Jared and Ivanka keep leaking stuff about Sessions and Flynn to WaPo and The King of Lies and Fake News has direct contact with WaPo via Robert Costa?

    I’m not surprised that The King of Lies and Fake News is verbally attacking NYT. I don’t feel sorry for NYT. They should have never attempted to normalize The King of Lies and Fake News and babied him during the interview.

  33. Jezza says:

    Read the article on Hope Hicks and Bigly Cheetolini calls her Hopester?!?! Ruin my fucking nickname, why don’t you!! God, that guy is the fucking worst!!!

  34. robyn says:

    The media gave Trump far too much attention in the beginning because of ratings and so like many factors played a role in getting unfit so-called president pu*ssygrabber Trump elected. Now mainstream media are trying to hold Trump and his supporters/enablers accountable but getting at the truth is like trying to grasp water. Trumpsters are BS experts and normal media have a real battle on their hands. This is how the authoritarians do it … its fascinating and frightening to see interviewers have to fight so hard to get a serious answer that isn’t a lie.

    Trump and his (new) spokesman, to this day, won’t fully admit Russia tampered with the election. These tactics are a form of obstruction of justice. Their hope: if you pretend there is/was no crime, you can’t be charged for a crime. If that doesn’t work then there’s pardons.

  35. why? says:

    Scaramucci reminds me of O’Brien from 1984.

    You can always tell what polls the Russians are hacking. According to one of the Quinnepac polls, 56% of people think that The King of Lies and Fake News is intelligent. Absolutely no one thinks that The King of Lies and Fake News is intelligent, especially after the comments he made about Frederick Douglass, The Civil War, Andrew Jackson, Napoleon, Russia and Hitler, and Abraham Lincoln and Republicans.

    The King of Lies and Fake News whines about how the GOP are not supporting him(and after he “helped” them win), yet the GOP keep standing in the way and defending his bad behavior. The GOP refused to take away Jared’s security clearance. Grassley “postponed” Manafort and Donald Jr’s testimony so that he could pursue a case against the dossier. Devin Nunes hijacked the HIC’s Trump Russian investigation by turning into a case of unmasking against Susan Rice, Brennan, and another woman. Then you have Paul Ryan, removing amendments that seek to decrease The King of Lies and Fake News’ power. On July 17, Paul Ryan removed Barbara Lee’s amendment without consulting the rest of committee.

    Jared is testifying before one of the committees today, but it’s private and not on the record. This isn’t right. Jared’s testimony should have been public. Why is everyone going out of their way to protect The King of Lies and Fake News and his family?