“Take advice from Maxine Waters and reclaim your time” links

“Reclaiming my time” is the new gospel, courtesy of Maxine Waters. [OMG Blog]
Steven Soderbergh is back and more mainstream than ever? [LaineyGossip]
Jocelyn Wildenstein got engaged and her ring is 32 carats. [Dlisted]
Elisabeth Moss wore an unflattering floral dress. [Go Fug Yourself]
Feminist bro takes a sexist bro to school on Twitter. [Pajiba]
Was Lolita based a story written by Salvador Dali? [Jezebel]
Now Harry Styles is dating a model names Camille Rowe. [Wonderwall]
Someone named Megan McKenzie is in a bikini. [Celebslam]
Cash Me Ousside Girl isn’t going to jail. [The Blemish]
LOL: Cynthia Bailey’s candle line is called “No Shade.” [Reality Tea]
Everyone’s obsessing over the Call Me By Your Name trailer. [Buzzfeed]

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31 Responses to ““Take advice from Maxine Waters and reclaim your time” links”

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  1. robyn says:

    I love Maxine Waters when she takes no guff.

    Trump enablers, base and supporters often sidestep answering uncomfortable questions because Trump himself is a proven liar. Most recently, Trump claimed to get phone calls from Mexico and the Boy Scouts that apparently didn’t actually happen.

    It’s more than ironic that Trump’s steadfast “base” who no doubt teach their kids to be truth tellers are perfectly fine with a so-called president who thinks lying is no big deal and/or a joke! Trump’s “base” who also claim to be ultra-patriotic don’t seem to care Russia has successfully muddled the election and democracy in America! ZERO respect for Trump’s base. Tons of respect for Maxine Waters!

  2. Incognita says:

    Maxine Waters reminds me of my own aunts – the same ones who are quick to put you in your place if you engage in conduct displeasing to them. When I was a child, all my aunts had to do was look at me with a particular stern gaze that would get me “all the way together” whenever I misbehaved. I used to pray that they didn’t follow up with a stern lecturing. Heck, they still have that power to this day! When I watched the clip, I couldn’t help but exclaim, “Get ’em Auntie Maxine!”

    • RBC says:

      Maxine Waters reminds me of my mother. If we were getting out of hand she would give us kids “the look”. My uncle would say ” storm warning” and we would immediately settle down.
      I am over 50 and if my mother gives “the look” I feel like I am a child all over again! Lol
      Never perfected it with my own children though! Lol

      • Vizia says:

        My mother was a 3rd grade teacher, now 87 and retired, and to this day if we run into a 50 year old adult who was in her class they stand up straight and say “Hello Mrs Traylor” and wait for her reply. She had em trained!

    • Rue says:

      Unpopular opinion but I really hate how the democratic party uses black women as guard dogs who take all the hits. There for the fight but not for the celebration. Always trotted out when times are bad or they want a “no nonsense” figurehead to act as a stereotypical sapphire.
      I’m so over it. I wonder if Maxine knows she is being used.

      • CityGirl says:


      • Iknowwhatboyslike says:

        Sigh… Yes. +1000000. Black women are the Democratic base, yet we do not get the attention when we’re running for office. Look at Nina Turner in Ohio, who was a state senator. She did not get the kind of support from the DNC when she ran for Secretary of State in Ohio.

      • Anna says:

        truth x 1000000000

      • Sarah says:

        I don’t think anyone is using Maxine, and I think it is condescending to say that she is able to be used, as if she is too stupid to know that.
        Maxine is smart, tough, assertive. The Dem party may “use” black women because they are actually tought and stronger than their counterparts?

      • Rue says:

        Black women aren’t any tougher or stronger than anyone else, quite the opposite.
        We are vulnerable because we do not have the protection of patriarchy or white supremacy. If anything we are incredibly weak.
        We are unprotected and frequently the punching bag of every group there is because we do not have hollywood – a billion dollar industry – to defend our collective image or men to defend our honor.
        We cannot afford to be on the front lines and Cape crusaders of every disenfranchised group.
        White women, if anyone, should be out there because they can afford to.
        Maxine waters is nearly 80 years old for gods sakes but leave it to white women to cheer her on while she takes verbal punches left and right.
        Girl power, right? But crickets when it comes to actually helping her out or defending her….sorry got flashbacks to michelle obama being left out in the dust by her feminist sisters, not that I expected anything else.
        Curious you don’t mention once what you can do to actually offer Mrs Waters a helping hand. She can handle it, right?
        Black Women know and agree with me because they get it because they live it everyday.
        Maxine is definitely being used and I dont like seeing her exhausted coming up with witty oneliners and having to be assertive and defensive while her blood pressure rises.
        What for? A pat on the back? What does the democratic party actually offer black women?
        Anyway, this is not the appropriate place to have this discussion but I wanted to reply to the two black women. This was a reply originally meant for them.
        Will not be commenting here again. Take care.

      • Badoosh2678 says:

        Boom!! 100% agree

      • Coconut says:

        Thank you, Rue.

      • Honey says:

        I disagree. Black women aren’t necessarily weak but we are sometimes very vulnerable because our systems of support are weak.

        On a different note, Maxine Waters also reminds me of my grandmother too with that “enough of the bullsh*t” look and tone.

      • Mariel says:


        I don’t know if my opinion is popular or not, and don’t care, but I ‘really hate,’ how Black people when we unify around something and empower ourselves (be it BLM, or Congresswoman Walter’s direct relentless questioning of a deceptive obfuscating Trump appointee) we are beset upon all sides by those who wish to either destroy/fracture us, or further insult us by implying we are tools of some other entity – an entity controlling our thoughts, and words and expressions.

        So it should be no surprise to learn that those that so it most often are our ideological opponents on the far right (composed of racists of all stripes both domestic and foreign) and in a recent contemporary development we’ve even learned that it was part of the Russian cyber cultural war to have liberal and progressive factions fighting amongst themselves. The DNC hack was a brilliant way to divert our focus from keeping a mad man armed with an oppressive extreme right agenda out of the white house.

        So it really depresses me when I see the same tactics used even in message board discussions.

        Why would you demean an 80yo proud powerful Black democratic Congresswoman by saying she’s the puppet of someone else and is being “trotted out?” By who? It’s Black people lauding Maxine, it’s Black people who were proud of how she got Mnuchin to admit he didn’t respond and had only left a msg the day before which still didn’t address the committee’s May 23rd letter.

        Black people ARE The Democrats, and we welcome you (and other ‘indie’ Bernie bros and gals, Jill ‘Moscow’ Stein Greens, etc.) to join our fight, instead of denigrating us and destroying our autonomy, much to the DELIGHT of the far right, the alt-reich wing, along with their Russian cyber ‘American culture war’ instigators.

  3. CynicalAnn says:

    I guess because I have teens-but that movie grosses me out because of the age difference.

    • zeynep says:

      It doesn’t help that Armie Hammer looks older than his age and Timothee Chalamet looks younger than his age. I think in the book the ages of the leads is 17/24, but the casting on this is weird. It’s getting great reviews though.

  4. kay says:

    if i wasn’t already married, i would be halfway in love with that dude on the pajiba article. omg. that is the best, funniest, COOL AND COLLECTED response to a broseph that i have seen in a long time. omg. omg. the titles he came up with will glow and spark through my brain all day while i laugh over and over again.
    sarcastic but not shitty.
    on point with low insults (other than the repeated bro-synonyms).
    and he really was trying to get the point across.
    love it.

  5. L says:

    Maxine Waters reclaims her time like no other!!! 🙌🏼

  6. her highness says:

    Thank you Maxine, thank you a 100000000 million zillion times.
    I am woman hear me ROAR

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Her strength is so inspiring. I am sure so many people, especially women, will be using her phrase from here on out. It is empowering. Thank you, Maxine, for showing us how it is done.

  7. magnoliarose says:

    I am looking for ways to say Reclaiming my Time in a daily scenario. It is hilarious how flustered the men look. lol

  8. Psu Doh Nihm says:

    Did anyone else ever watch Cinemax’s “The Knick”?
    Stephen Soderberg directed it and man, what a brilliant show! After 2 seasons however, Cinemax “canceled it to get back to their high octaine programming”

    But The Knick was SO good. Critics loved it, even the head of HBO said it was one of his favorite shows.
    If you have never seen it I totally suggest it.

    It’s follows ground breaking surgeons at the knickerbocker hospital in New York City during the turn of the century.

    • Stacey Dresden says:

      I thought it was an excellent show! Warning that it is very violent.

      • Iknowwhatboyslike says:

        I agree. It was one of the most underrated and unseen shows. No one I knew watched it. The acting, direction, cinematography was excellent.

    • Tanguerita says:

      It was brilliant. I also vaguely remember that it was Soderbergh’s decision to make two seasons and two seasons only. Cinemax might have considered going on, but only half-heartedly, seeing as it was Soderbergh’s brainchild.

    • Coconut says:

      Not to mention CLIVE…OWEN…albeit with a mustache. Alas, I couldn’t watch it though due to the violence and gore.

  9. Tiffany says:

    Can your hard even hold 32 carets, let alone your finger.

  10. why? says:

    The WH reporters need to start saying “reclaiming my time” every time Sarah Huckabee tells a lie or like today when Stephen Miller has a meltdown and twists their words.

  11. robyn says:

    I agree with Sarah’s above comment: Maxine is not someone to be used. She is an independent smart woman who doesn’t mind being useful when it comes to promoting causes that will build a better America for all. She’s tough and honest … unlike you-know-who.